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The world is so shitty now, I can't imagine growing up in this decade.
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I don't think anyone should be having kids. Reproduction seems immoral to me.
I won't read kike propaganda intended to promote White genocide.
Turn that around - who is going to improve the world other than your kids?
My children will make the world a better place.
> The world is so shitty now
It is more important that you have children than it is for people who think that everything is fine.
no, shit's grim

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How do I cope with the knowledge that I'll never get to do everything I want to do in life because the world is too big and life is too short?
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redditor type of statement.
>never get to do everything I want to do in life because the world is too big and life is too short
yea nigga everyone's realized this shit since they were 12 y/o

maybe stress over real shit like paying bills, retirement, jobs, etc..fuck nigga

People suffer all the time and it is a privilege to be in a comfortable enough position as you just to panic yourself with pseudointellectual faggotry like this.
I had a friend just like OP and it made me want to rope.
>DUDE i took shrooms once and now i feel so smart, time is linear and shit duuuuude, space and shit dude. wow duuuude life so short world so big
These. Life is about experiences OP. Not achievements. The musuem a person makes for themselves is built from what is valuable to them. Just make sure the things you find are not detrimental to yourself.
You don't need to stop feling bad, but you shouldn't only feel bad. Find joy in things that you can do and accomplish.
The amount of things you might be less likely to be disappointed in actually doing is probably less.
I won't read how do I cope threads.

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why do i lust for other women if my gf is objectively prettier?

No idea. Why do you? It's your mind, surely you know.
>why do i lust for other women if my gf is objectively prettier?
the mind yearns for novel experiences. Ask your girlfriend to wear new exciting outfits and reciprocate if she asks the same of you. signed, happily married for 10+ years
Because you're an insufferable moron.

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>be me 30m
>have first gf, going on 8 months
>meet another girl through a friend
>she is pretty
>she obviously likes me (probably the first time I've been confident I could ask a girl out successfully)
>start falling for her
>brain spends the next few days going into overdrive trying to work out how I can make it work with this new girl

This has happened before and I find that I can get over it after a few days. But is this the curse of being a man? Is this what it's like being hitched? It's extremely painful and will cause nothing but trouble.

This girl in particular seems attainable and my imagination is telling me she would be a great match for me, and thinking of the qualities she has that I like, that my gf doesn't.
And then my current gf, I mean I like her enough but the excitement has faded. I'm often fighting with a desire to leave; I have a few misgivings about her and the relationship but I think it's just as much a fear of commitment and a desire to see what else I could get, now that I have some confidence that I can actually get a girl.
I think the biggest reason I haven't and don't is because I almost feel trapped. Not in any nefarious way but just because she likes me so much - she's chinese and they seem to be like as soon as you're dating it's super serious and you're getting ready for marriage. I've met all her family and friends and she talks excitedly as if getting married and having kids is a foregone conclusion. I think breaking up would break her.

In this particular situation I know I can't just kick my current gf to the curb because another girl has taken my fancy. It's a matter of honor and integrity.

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Yep. They always come at once. You either get all, or none, never just the one.
Be loyal to the one that gave you a chance to begin with unless she gives you reason not to be
Not OP but similar boat, I asked my almost 10 year younger roomate if she wants to drink wine before she moves away next month, she said yes immediately, and I can tell her interest has been piqued since I got a girlfriend… what gives??
In your case she might just want free booze. It is possible to drink with a friend and not have sex with them.
Its possible but see

then again even if she’s down ill probably fumble

I want to looksmaxx my girlfriend, how?
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give her tons of positive reinforcement whenever you see her doing something you like. if a pair of pants is slightly tighter, act like it's the greatest thing ever. no negative reinforcement when she wears something loose, just positive "you look beautiful / whatever" when she does something you like
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I think positive reinforcement is probably a good idea, but it depends on how much, also you can only really looksmax yourself. It's like losing weight, the person has to decide themselves. You can give her all the tips, advice, etc. But if she doesn't want to, it's not happening. Had personnel experience with ex that came down to this. She wouldn't lose weight even when I tried to positive reinforce, get active together, etc.

Yeah, at first I was feeling it, but it became worse as the fp anon kept talking. Also, the part about having her dress up and flaunt herself is kind of weird. Just the tone of it. And the roadblock section gives me, what woman call, the ick.
Just do yoga and reach 5'8,5'9 or 174-175 cm nigger
After that work out and you got the mad max build.
make her eat raw meat this will make her beautiful
As if you have the choice.

How to avoid the friendzone?
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Be more assertive from the getgo. Be upfront with what you want. Don't use signals or hope for an outcome. If you want something, make it clear as early as possible. You'll spare her time too, not only yours.
>By progressing the relationship. Don’t be that guy who’s supportive and nice but doesn’t make any actual moves.

this is me , it absolutely eats me alive inside because I can't decide who I want to be. Wait till marriage guy or go for the kill guy.
The only person who can put you in the friendzone is you. Being "put" in the friendzone implies that you're in a place you can't get out of. That doesn't exist. No one is forcing you to settle for a friendship with anybody you don't want to be friends with. Getting put in the friendzone is just called getting rejected. If I apply to a business and they say "No thanks we don't want to hire you but you're still welcome to come shop here" I didn't get "shopperzoned" I got turned down. Period. If you want to be romantic with a woman tell her that you have romantic interest in her. If she says no then feel free to fuck off. The only person that can force you to stay around and pretend to be friends with her is you.
>Wait till marriage guy
You think marriage will come to you if you wait?
Be a sociopath. You'll thank me later.

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21m no job,no resources going to be homeless within days , have 40 dollars to my name and live in the tri state area . do not have a car. pretty hopeless and running out of ideas.
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you're going to be fine--hell you'll probably end up a friggin millionaire when you decide to do whatever you need to (legally) in order to never let this happen again.

Seemed to work for other people.
why not just join??? Im going to check out the army in a month or so and im about to be 19. Job market is kinda shit right now but that doesn't really matter. You can pretty much learn a trade through the military, the only downside is that you're pretty much serving for Israel and not your country.
I won't read threads that start out so unpromisingly. Clearly, there is an underlying issue, and almost as clearly, OP will never acknowledge it nor act upon an advice given.

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any chance to catch bitches or should i kill myself?
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I've seen way worse. I've also seen cute girls with uglier boyfriends than you. You're on the clear as far as physicality goes, now, as for character and specially self-esteem I don't know. I understand your doubts but as long as you are a pleasant person to be around you'll be fine.
eat raw meat man it will clear up your face and fix your dark eye circles.
Sure, muttoid untermensch phenotype should get you some muttoid bitches in filthy muttoid land.
Nah bro, That fucking outfit is fire you look sharp as fuck, No way you ain't getting pussy, I mean i've seen 8/10 being lonely as fuck.

Having a girlfriend nowadays is just pure luck and never depends on how you look like trust me

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37M. This is not just another "why nobody fuck me" post.

Like, I get it, I already have the answer. Poorer men than me get sex, fatter men than me get sex, less manly men than me get sex, uglier men than me get sex. It's really because I'm broken inside and I know it shows just by looking at me in the eyes.

I'm actually an escortcel, at some point I decided paying was better than nothing and entered that rabbit hole. In my location -not US- it's fairly regulated, accessible and arguably safer than picking random chicks in a bar. It's not impersonal, we chat a bit about life etc. They aren't mere cum dumps to me. Haven't fell in love with any either. It's the half-life I chose and I'm not proud of it, but it's better than nothing. Of course that's not the same as a fulfilling relationship, and sometimes that empty feeling kicks, like in this exact moment. (In case you're wondering I was already broken before I started doing this)

The question is, how do I unfuck myself? Am I too far gone for a normal life? Is my fate to stay browsing escort websites, fulfill the physical need and then feel miserable later?

I already quit escorts for long periods. Didn't work.
I have my hobbies. They give that bit of dopamine but then it goes away.
I have lots of hobby buddies but no truly close friend or confident. I'm like a shell that won't open.
I already tried therapists. Didn't work. Heck, escorts do a better job in this department
I have a nice job, but as I sink into depression I'm slacking more and more and sooner than later I'll run out of excuses and everything will crumble.

God I don't even know if I really want a relationship, I just don't want to feel empty and lonely. I know I can (and maybe should aim to) feel happy and fulfilled while alone, I'm simply unable to. Something is missing and it's probably not a gf. Purpose perhaps? How do I even build purpose out of thin air?
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>Guys, is there a way?
You have to want to turn things around. At 35 your ever decision is a vote cast for the type of future you want. If you decide to doomscroll 4chan every day, that's the future you want, and that's the future you'll have, you simply don't want to turn things around.
I also know why but i don't wanna undo it. 33yo and it's already too late in my opinion.
i have some form of chronic fatigue that i first noticed at 20 which doctors will never be able to figure out cause they're dumb.
There are so many wrong things in my life that having sex, a gf, wife, kids are the least of my worries. i hate the shit communist apartment building where i live, shit neighbors, shit is everywhere in this city and country, shit inflation and costs of living, even my parents were very big pieces of shit.
didn't even have a crush since 2019 or 2020.
no war, no forced mobilisation and I'll remain as happy as it's humanly possible. and a decent job with decent income is all i sneed
Honestly I'm a Schopenhauer fan and I might just NoFap forever.
>think of the world as hell, and try to make a little room away from the flames
I have to get money somehow, though. I'm fine with like rice and TV. I know I'll never be a beautiful person. A small life is fine at this point. Insulation from bullshit is what I want. Maybe trucking? But I don't want my body destroyed.
29M lost my virginity to an escort in the ghetto. Was afraid of getting an STD so I pulled out after I felt in my heart that I was not married or in love with this woman like the girls I used to have a crush on. I felt very upset I can't get this love story I've always dreamed of with women ever in my life. Everything just twists into a reprehension with women in my life.
I won't read maudlin rambles that go on forever. Get to the point next time.

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Not a suicide or killing myself thread. Quite the opposite. I got psyched out over the realization that one day I will die and I don't know what's next. It's a massive fear of mine that hasn't crept in a long time so now that it is it's interfering with my everyday life. I've tried distracting myself with media, going to a party, and indulging in spiritual reading (mainly Christian and NDE) which don't always help. I'm young and don't have any health issues that I know of and really do not need this sense of anxiety and stress over me as I finish the semester.
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Nah, obsess about it until it bores you.
Damn I miss fearing death instead of craving it. Lucky guy.
idk bro become a geneticist and cure aging i guess
Luckily for you, the way you deal with the fear of death is just like any other fear. You expose yourself to it, in this case it'd be exposing yourself to the thought of it, and feel the sensations of fear in the body without judgement. It really is that simple.
You're looking for the realization "Oh, these are just thoughts". It'll come eventually with enough acceptance and letting go
I won't read yet another anxiety about death thread. As I've said before, such subhumans are not fully alive is why they have so much time to worry about such things.

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how do i network? Like i want to literally do it right now how would i do it.
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Create a LinkedIn profile
Add people
Tell them about your resumé and ask them about theirs
Expand your network by adding more followers
t networked since LinkedIn came out
networking means having contacts. like actual contact info of a linked in friend who you can send messages to, an email address, or a phone number. and it only counts if you know them enough that they would respond to you. if you meet someone and can act normal enough for 20-30 mins to leave a good impression you networked

now if you excuse me, i am going to go network with your wife and connect her to my cock
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I won't read contextless threads.

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After thanksgiving break
I would only 2 weeks of my final semester
It will truly be over

t. Been going to college for 8 straight years.
get a job
I won't read microblogs on an advice board. That's what Xitter is for.

Anyone know the best place to buy prescription drugs without a prescription in the UK?
you made me blind with this post
>help me do crime

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Won't waste too much time with all the lore.

My 25f friend is in a toxic relationship where he has cheated on her in the past with 5+ women. He keeps roping her back in with false promises of change, and love bombing.

I have already tried talking to her, but she has BPD and has a trauma bond. Any ideas or pro gamer moves I can pull to break them up? I don't care about the morals at this point, I just want to see her realize how terrible he is.

My only thought so far is to have another girl reach out to her and say he cheated again. Thoughts?
Stop being friends with broken people, they are evil.
>verification not required
Its not that they are evil, it's their existence causes evil. They might even want to do evil nor do it directly, it can be simple as being the victim of evil
fpbp. get real friends who don’t have textbook mental illness
Don't get in their way. You getting in between them is just going to cause more heartbrake.

Help the guy get his shit together. You will loose your friend if you sabotage the relationship. Also what kind of friend are you If you don't care about ethics or morals?

That makes you the silly cunt with weird friend attachment issues in this story. Looks like you are the one obsessing on your friend.
It sounds like she's a lovely loyal sweetie and you're a Butt-in-ski. Mind your fucking business dweeb, you're probably just jealous a guy like that is hitting it with action on the side while you're jerking off in your room.

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For a few days now I've had what looks like dandruff in my underwear. What is it? I have the first date in months in just a few days so this is untimely.
It's either toilet paper residue or pinworm eggs.
Wash your asscrack tonight and see if it happens in the morning. It's either just some crusted shit (it happens, gross and all that but it happens), toilet paper fluff, or something else.
dat assdruff

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