I've entered college about two months ago and absolutely failed at connecting with anybody with my classmates (a group of about 20) beyond occasional small-talk level. Because I spend roughly 4-5 hours every day being around them, watching them, listen to them talk and even live with them in the same dorms, I somehow came to regard them as people very close to me, which is ridiculous, because some don't even greet me on their own without me initiating. I understand that this might be the result of me being completely alone in my life and a bit desperate, which has probably confused my brain, but it's honestly terrible and makes me feel deranged even more than I already am. It's even made worse by the fact that those people likely think quite badly of me as I've puzzled together.
>>32409668I don’t think anyone thinks badly of me. At best, the people I almost consider my friends I think maybe would describe me as nice.
>>32409668Nothing wrong with it, just dont ever tell anyone or let your one-sided familiarity ever slip out. In order to be confident around others, we need to feel loved and respected by our peers, even if that respect is an illusion.Repeat, DON'T let anyone find out. But it's perfectly okay if you do.
So I walk home from work everyday (kinda by choice, I find it meditative), and every so often on Friday nights women (usually different each time) will pull up beside or in front of me and say hi. I've had bad experiences with bullying, some trust issues and it seems condescending and disingenuous to me. I'm usually taken aback that I kinda just ignore them. This typically leads to them giggling and driving away.I do still have self esteem problems but I'm more secure in who i am than I used to be, so I'm wondering what the hell is up with that? I'm not attractive but I'm not super ugly, is it just some weird game? I usually have a milsurp backpack and good walking boots on so I tend to resemble something between a backpacker and a scary hobo. I'm tempted to be mean but I don't wanna ruin someone's night if I'm just being paranoid and they're not trying to be aholes.What's your take on this? Am I right or am I just being paranoid?pic is just the pack i have because idk what else to use lol
>>32407478They are flirting with you, dumbass
>>32408352They dont have any reason to though, it doesnt make sense why they would do that? I cant see it as anything but insincere.
>>32409320unless they are hypersexual whores i doubt it was sincere - women don't approach men even in very safe environments. honestly your story sounds like bullshit and everyone on this thread seems retarded. maybe they are legit whores - but other than that i doubt it unless you are like the most attractive man ever.
>>32407478didn't read thread but how do you like the backpack?
>>32407478>what the hell is up with that?They're prostitutes and you look like a John.
Tldr what it says on the tin. Trying really hard to be more attractive, if you remember me im makeup anon from a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, I think im hindered long term as a result of my shit short hair, jewy nose, etc etc. How do I cope with bad rng? I might be able to become good enough for a relationship with him at some point, but it’ll take months of time and a lot of money. He seems to like spending time with me (even despite me sperging out constantly) so I see him all the time. He’s genuinely the most attractive person I have met and he has a great personality and lots of talents and interests, but I feel so insecure around him it’s preventing me from enjoying our friendship.
>>32409990Men don't work like women. Women have the ability to fall in love over time, if a man is going to fall in love with a woman though, he will do so within seven seconds of meeting her. Here's what advice I can give you though: if you're overweight in any capacity, lose weight. If you're not, give up the thought of a relationship with the guy and move on to someone who's actually attracted to you as you are. Going from fat to a healthy weight is really the only thing that might make a significant enough change to get the guy to act differently.
I'm new to this board, so consider that.I'm a 7/10 dude married to a 9/10 housewife. I'm thin, long hair, healthy, active, good teeth, financial provider & labor at home. she is thin, yoga goddess, smart, educated (BA), white, blue eyes, long hair.I had my shit together when we met. we both owned houses via mortgage. we both had jobs. I'm a skilled trade worker. she was unskilled office, eventually a retail owner. I was always primary earner, now sole income, she wifes the house & homestead, farm & garden.show him your ability to contribute. show him you can take care of his home front... house, pets, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc... eventually, show him you can/would provide sexy time. you mention ugly. how is your body? a 2/10 butterface with a 10/10 bangin' body can be a solid 6 or 7. add to that housewife skills and sex? you are approaching 8 territory.be a friend, but look for a moment to move for more. dudes get horny. don't be easy. don't give the goods away. make the case, close the deal when you see it's going in your favor. make him wife you. don't fuck him until the home stretch, after engagement and planning.
>>32410077correction: i can't help you if I lie to you and myself.I'm a 6/10main things I've got going: hazel eyes, healthy hair, hygene, healthy teeth, not fat but NOT muscular. it's my willingness to work and drive to succeed and provide. it's evident. you can smell it on me. I have confidence.
My mom has been married to him for over a decade at this point. There's a bit of an age gap between them and I have heard that they think she married him for the money. So anyway, his buissness isn't doing as well so my mother is stepping in to help and I have been working there part time since before this all happened. My mother was going to ask her sister in law some question and she did a 180 and just walked away. That same night her mother in law yelled at an employee for doing something my mom told her to do. She told her that she's nobody and to not listen to her. Mind you that my mom has been working since 6 in the morning and this happened at like 5 PM. I feel bad for her and I do not know what to do.
>>32408234I don't think there is much you can do other than support your Mom while she deals with this BS.
>>32408234fixed your trash picrel faggot
i dont get whats wrong with me, why are white women always so aloof and standoffish when first meeting? is it just hoeflation?
>>32409593except i know for a fact most of those women are single and often complain about "no good men"
>>32409742Idk then, perhaps most women just feel more relaxed around other women
>>32402487i feel inferior to her even though i know im smarter and stronger. i want her to dominate me
>>32402487I've been with an ass like that. Smelled incredible. Very strong smell. Big cheeks. Very fertile. I lament the loss every day.
>>32409890hers is small
Especially when from her perspective, everything is going fine and there's no doubt that I love her? And don't tell me>Just do it bro, rip the bandaid>Just sit down with her and explain it to her broBecause on top of feeling horrible for hurting her feelings, I'm going to feel like a fucking schizo for doing it out of the blue. She really doesn't suspect a thing, and she's been sleeping at my house for most of the days for the past few months. Just give me a step by step process.>But why?I crave solitude. I started dating her because she was the first woman who showed interest in me, but I just can't force myself to actually love her, no matter how much I've faked doing it for the past few months.
>>32408511I'm already miserable and bitter, I've just been pretending that I'm happy for the past few months. Because it's easier that way and I'm used to it. And I'm also supposed to or something.
>>32408444I had to do this too. I dated a girl for a year and then decided that I no longer loved her, but she was still extremely in love with me. There is no easy way. There is no way to do it in steps. You just have to do it ASAP. The longer you stay in the relationship, the more you entrench yourself and make it harder to leave. Just trust me when I say this: You need to just take the plunge
>>32408552>ASAPDoes this mean I should just wake her up one day and hit her with the information? I was thinking of doing it after coming back from my parent's house, which she wouldn't be following me to. Because it would seem less sudden that way.
>>32408570Not literally ASAP, but as in "whenever the chance comes." When I was in that situation, I had a ton of chances but still didn't do it because I felt bad for her. You shouldn't make the same mistake that I did
>>32408444It isn't the solitude you miss
How do I accept that there is some people in life you just can't help? In this case I have a cousin who I've been close with for years, but slowly I've seen him continually self sabotage his own life, both because of factors in and out of his control. He grew up very roughly compared to me, both parents left him to the social services (mom was an utter psycho, dad was an alcoholic waster), and his foster family beat him and kicked him out of the house before he was 18. My family took him in for a few years until he started doing drugs and got kicked out. Since then, I've gotten him a job through my Dad as a carpenter, but he couldn't even hold that down and got fired a month into the job because he kept coming in late. I feel like I'm watching a car crash in slow motion, unable to do anything to help. It would be so much easier if he were a bad person but I fucking know he isn't, he cares about me and that's what makes it so much worse. It's like he just is willing to give up and fall into a life of misery and I can't take looking at him do this to himself. What the fuck do I doPic unrelated
I'm gonna be 100% honest and try and e a brief as possible, after this Im gonna stop thinking about her ( I already am desu)Be 20M, very insecure about looks unsure if ugly or somewhat good looking only had at least less than 5 girls have some sort of interest and me but only made the approach through older construction buddies helping me out never really led to anything but social xp, never kissed or had a gf ( had sex with hookers twice)Ok now lets get to the story, I arrive at a new construction site and one day decide to buy a coffee notice that the cashier is giving me the eye , don't take it to serious because I doubted a girl would ever want anything to do with me, one day she doesn't charge me for the coffee, thought it was an accident ( happened x3) the one day she doesn't charge me for doughnuts, older construction friend tells me to go talk to her and not be a bitch, I decided to go back start with small talk and thank her for the coffee and tell her I'd invite her to a dinner, SHE gives me her number, then later she texts me first gives me her full name and says it was a pleasure to meet you, OK on that same day she calls me and we talk for 2-3 hours and this went on for about a whole week says shes a church girl and doesn't like going to dances or bars, ok I that's cool I don't either, shes also 24 but I lied to her and told her I was 22
>>32408930Yeah the problem Is I can't even speak or see her, I mean I know where she lives and works but that would be creepy. She hasn't answered my calls and gives me vague answers like the last text she sent,She hasn't blocked me on anything and she still follows me on Instagram, I have a gut feeling that shes gonna respond. Cause If she wanted to end things she would have told me right?On one end I also feel disrespected because she hasn't kept her promise about calling me back and keeps playing these dumb games, so I really don't feel like trying to call or text her until she does. I honestly thought she was the one, and yep I even prayed to god to bring us back together many times. I think I could have the chance to fix things If I get to see her In person. I really liked this chick, and I met her by pure luck. I'm so confused by the whole situation.
>>32409161>i really liked this chickliked? or like? theres a difference. i wouldnt be the one to say right away text her back but you are the man you can do that and pursue if you have those feelings. i skimmed but now i read she last texted wednesday, would suck if she really ghosts you like that, but you wont know unless you communicate. sacrifices would have to be made because of the distance. of course dont be desperate, but theres a difference in that and pursuing for her. if she breaks it off then thats okay like you said, but might as well see what happens anon. last piece of advice is keep your eyes open, dont confuse yourself but be realistic and never loose that ability to pray because if she aint the one then God will(with his time) show you somebody else perhaps.
>>32409537sorry you're right, I like this girl and I want a future with her, But I feel If I keep on pursuing and she keeps ignoring me I'll look like the biggest fucking loser and a desperate fool. The balls already in her court and she said she would call me back.... I can't understand how she could switch up so fast after being so In love. This whole thing is so confusing I can't stop anticipating an answer.
>>32409631>I'll look like the biggest losersays who? ourselves when we fail? dont be afraid if this relationship goes south, the loser aint you if you played your chips rightousely. >she said she would call me backclearly didnt happen, so yeah thats the tricky part of all this. maybe she is disinterested, or maybe she is as confused like you. only difference is that it seems most women wont say anything to begin with. >i cant believe she could switch up so fast.maybe it wasnt fast and there are tell tale signs in the past encounters that support whatever is going on right now. you know her parents right? perhaps reach out to them and ask if shes okay, although who knows how she even feels about anything at all. stay strong anon, whether its ment to be or not, you hang in there.
Bro, stop thinking so much. You have way too much free time on your hands if you're getting all twisted up over a woman. I've been there before. You just need to occupy yourself with work and focus on improving yourself. Stop thinking about her and about your relationship that you waltzed into with no effort on your part. You know she would be at church on a Sunday. If she hasn't spoken to you in a week you ask her what she's doing tomorrow and go meet up for a date. Don't bring up the past week. Just ask what she's doing. No dramatic plans. Just be spontaneous. Be a man and not a scared boy. Life is too short to sweat so much. You're only 20, get a grip.
I’m 24 years old and I’m doing everything I can to achieve wealth. I want to be able to afford a house and car in my 30s and have a family. So far my situation:>Have 121k>Split between fixed income, S&P500 Equities, and Vanguard global diversified fund. I also have 4% devoted to individual stocks like Microsoft>Work a big four auditing job. Didn’t get into investment banking or private equity so that kind of destroyed my whole plan to build wealth>doing my best to corproatemax, working on weekends, etc>Stopped going out unless it’s genuinely to network>Only order water and fries when out networking to save money>Dont drink alcohol anymore, can’t take the hit to my bank account and paycheck>Eat rice and beans, some cheap boiled chicken for protein. Do everything I can to save on food costs. >Have lottery ticket winning parents (unironically) who pay my rent so I pay zero rent>Dont go on any vacations or trips, even if friends beg>Trying to get CFA to careermaxI’m trying to think of other ways to get richer but it’s not working. I’m not getting rich at a fast enough rate to afford these things. Houses are extremely expensive now. I was thinking of starting a business, becoming a part time bartender, but both of those have drawbacks (time, capital, sacrificing career)
>>32409494This.>>32409480Don't be a faggot.
People like you disgust me. The only advice you're worth is "kill yourself".
>>32409480>>Dont go on any vacations or trips, even if friends begI encourage you to actually take those trips. You're only going to be young and travel capable for a limited fraction of your life if you plan on having children, move, lose touch with your friends, or otherwise get busy with other matters, so it behooves you to actually engage with a little travel, especially if you've got friends to go with.Most trips, even international "zero expenses spared" luxury trips, won't cost you more than 5k, and if you're traveling cheap, it's going to typically be closer to 1-2k, against a 121k budget, taking 3 of those before you turn 30 doesn't even take you below 106k and you'll feel a whole lot better knowing that you had a few experiences and got your fill of them, before 40-50 years from now when statistically speaking, they're gonna put you in the ground forever. You make the money to enjoy the finer things, don't make the mistake of just playing for high score.>I’m trying to think of other ways to get richer Split strategy. >Pay off all debts to get percentage returns equivalent to their APR>Max out company 401k, and match>Save or spend 10% of your annual gains on improving yourself as a unit of human capital to get better higher paying work>Put 5-10% on exotics that COULD pop off: shitcoins and crypto, individual company stock options, long shot investments, meme stocks, and "I don't expect this to pay off, but if it did, I'm rich" bets on the universe like "I bet there's gonna be another pandemic in the next 10 years, gonna dump money into any company that does research on genetic disease cures">Put like 50% into ETFs>Put the rest into diversified "mostly safe bets" (bonds, deposit towards real estate, physical assets like gold, etc.)Starting a company is a big gamble, but it's derisked a lot if someone's paying your rent.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>32409605You're even dumber than OP...He clearly isn't asking for advice, he's bragging.At the rate he's going hell he retired in his 30s.You can still take kids on vacation, and he's nowhere near old to take vacations (he's 24, not 93)And if you ever made so much money you didn't have to work you'd neck yourself in a year if you didn't get busy. You need work. Whether you like it or not. Which is why most multimillionaires still work, and you shouldn't be shocked nor discouraging OP, if he isn't trolling, would like to work a cool fun social job like bartending once he no longer has to work.
>>32409714>He clearly isn't asking for advice, he's bragging.WDYM, did you not read the thread topic?>How do become Wealthy in Middle Age?Him saying what kind of fiscal resources he has access to, to accomplish this goal, actually is really important, because you need money to make money. >Which is why most multimillionaires still workNow it's my turn to brag - speaking as one, most multimillionaires still work because as anyone without a job for a hot minute would know, society is built for you to work an 8 hour days - and because you do it for love of the game. After the first 2-3 million, basically all your object level needs are handled, you're making money because you wanna make a good life for your kids, or you wanna have a house that makes your old friends in high school jealous, or you wanna do shit like travel, but instead of once every 3 years, maybe multiple times a year. All that costs money.
What should i do
>>32409438No, why?
There’s no point. I can tell that this last break was different. I’m never going to be normal again and it’s all because I like to say dumb stuff on the internet.I hate my state so much and if I was born in a 3rd world country My life would’ve been better.
The government is trying to make everyone kill themselves, if you've been paying attention at all; you're not special.
You can say whatever you want in america unless it’s something i dont like >:(
Become immortal.
What's the best free VPN?What's the best paid VPN?What's a difference between paid and free VPN?
>freeionno, they're all pretty shit, but tunnelbear is alright>paidMullvad by a longshot. Any company that's autistic enough to make their own tor compatible browser and accept mail with cash in it as payment for their service has a decent chance of not being a fed front, but I doubt it. Regardless, they're servers are pretty fast.>What's a difference between paid and free VPN?functionally: 0. They all operate on trust, so it's always going to be a shot in the dark, but with free ones, if their incentive isn't financial, then who's paying for them? You or the data brokers?In either case, setting up your own proxy is the best option, because it requires 0 trust.
>Walk into random coffee shop>Order espresso to sip on when I drive home>Girl writes hearts and that I'm the best on the cup>Gives me cup and then looks down cleaning>Want to say thank you but get no eye contact anymoreI'm destroyed. I want to fucking marry her but she wasn't that attractiveWhat does this mean and is it common for baristas to do this? Any baristabros who can tell me? I've had this happen twice, but the first time was a girl taller than me so I thought it was just standard but this time it was late and I was the only guy there, and she didn't have to write so much on the cupI'm a bit attractive btwAdvice please?
>>32409380honestly they're just trying to get a tipmy tip to you? don't go to coffee placesthose places are only for dates, women, and homosexuals.Fags and women love wasting their money on trivial coffee shit. That's why you take women on dates to these places. But in reality no man should ever go near these shitholes. Seriously who does that, getting coffee at a coffee shop. Maybe Americans do that but Americans are genitally mutilated fat feminised homosexual consumerist cattle anyways so that kind of fits. They don't understand manhood.
>>32409489Jesus christ what is the matter with you? I like coffee and I needed a cup for my 1 hour drive home. It's a big brand store, like Starbucks, and I go to a different one once or twice a day for my coffee. I only once before got a message on the cup. The same girl who wrote it never wrote another message. She was taller than me, so I just took it as a nice gesture. This time was the first time I entered this particular store and the girl wrote a lot of encouraging words and hearts on my cup. When I tried making eye contact to say thank you, she looked down. Maybe she just wanted to write encouraging words at the end of her shift, idk. I won't go back. I don't care.
>>32409524>I won't go back. I don't care.so what advice do you want? Because it's obvious from your post that you do not have enough information to know whether or not she's interested and if you choose not to find out that's alright, but that really fits into my description of Americans as genitally mutilated fat feminised homosexual consumerist cattle so it's your choice but if you fit the shoe then it's yours buddy :)Have you tried not being a little bitch and going back there and saying hi in a friendly way and see how she responds?
>>32409546Other anon told me not to read into it so I'm not going back out of spite
As a Latin American 5’3 guy should I give up on dating?I’m nearly 26, virgin never had intimate shit etcI’m losing hope, lost 20lbs spent months gymmaxxing but I just look retarded getting bulky It just feels over. No woman is dating a 5’3 guy in 2025 but is there ANY hope?I just want to make it
>>32406523It's possible in 2024, just not very likely. I'm 5'9 and considered short in America.I've seen it before, though. Saw a 5'2 Asian guy with a 5'9 baddie.
>>32406523Try developing a personality
>>32406523>no womanThe most sexually active man I've ever known was a 5'5" fat ugly white guy. Talk to women you're interested in. That's it. Your height will not matter if you play the numbers game.
>>32406523I'v had sex with multiple, attractive women and I'm a 3.
>>32406523>As a Latin American 5’3 guy should I give up on dating?yes, see sunk cost fallacy
>have extremely loving supportive parents who still financially support me at 32 years old (I solo run one of their businesses which is a 60+ hour per week commitment, but they pay me extremely well)>find a gf (28) online who is equally loving and emotionally supportive who I bond with over 3 years after many irl meetings>she's never been with a guy before >she's also my first gf though I have had many experiences with escorts (she knows and still chooses to be with me)>we're pretty much joined at the hip at this point as she nor I have any friends>she's a bit autismo so she doesn't work or drive >my parents, especially my mom, are extremely disappointed (even grief stricken) that I chose to be with a girl that's not "normal">they constantly remind me that life with my gf will be miserable and will not accept that we will have a more traditional relationship >the business that I run for them recently sold so they have no reason to pay me anymore>they would still support me if I broke up with my gfThe money part doesn't really bother me as much as my parents being disappointed me after working tirelessly to make them proud.What would you guys do?
>>32408741if she is good don't get rid of her, keep it secret if you must. if you can teach her to be less retarded but an inexperienced good woman is one of the rarest things nowadays. autismo is fine so long as they fulfill you.don't take her for granted like 90 percent of bitches are fried nowadays
>>32408878How do I keep her a secret when I plan to marry and have kids with her? It tears me up inside that my parents who gave me the world basically don't want to associate with her.But you are right that she is a rare woman in that she is inexperienced and does fulfill me.
>>32408890If your skills are applicable elsewhere and you could get good employment elsewhere and even if not desu I would personally recommend staying with her. Good people are worth more than money, if this was 2000s or before you could try your luck finding another woman but like I said they are FRIED nowadays and solid women are extremely rare. due to dating apps soc media etc.you will have to move out eventually anyways may as well bite bullet. that said of course do not cut ties or burn bridge with parents smooth over as best you cangood luck
>>32408963Thanks for your well thought out advice. Yeah, both me and her are well aware of the situation with women nowadays. She goes on 4chan with me sometimes so she's definitely "in the loop."
>>32408998keep her dude hahaaand no problem
My Ma does stuff that frustrates my Pa and he tells me about it. I love them both, Pa stepped up for me when my own father left, Ma is always behind me, I have a stoic idea in my head that I shouldn't complain at all, however I think it's affecting me more than I realise and I am not sure if that is fair to say to them or think at all? I have sinned against them, harming them emotionally in my own past, and all I can say right now is that I don't want Ma to do things like she does that frustrate Pa and lead to him telling me (I support him and listen and when appropriate I try to defend Ma but I cannot even defend her anymore, as he doesn't agree with me) stuff that he feels is hurtful from her, that she should do, that frustrates Pa and so on. I'm 21, I'm not a big shot that is better than my own Pa and Ma, I would like to not be in the middle or at least feel like I am anymore, it's uncomfortable and I take responsibility for what I used to do in the past which was get between them defensively and take responsibility or sometimes chip in when it was more conversational and it would derail, to which Pa admits I don't do anymore when he was blaming me for harming their communication in the past (I've stayed well away from them when they argue these days and they've started it right in front of me, yelling and all when I am standing with them, Ma came home from work one day, I greet her, she says hi, Pa is behind me and she starts yelling at him, I guess you could say she has a temper but over the years I've been emotionally abusive at times to her and she is well within her rights to be angry or yell, she often starts arguments, once a week or a bit longer, more often when she's going through a rough spot, which is their business. When I am told things by Pa, everything feels more complicated at home, talking to Ma with Pa around, I guess you could say he is a judgemental person and I am a sinner, and Ma is my Ma. I don't know
>>32406901Makes sense I did spend a lot of time on here so it’s likely.I appreciate that a lot thank you.That makes sense, I guess I was yep.Sometimes I’ve been dragged in to corroborate something Pa wants me to if they are conflicting, however I most of the time, dad is talking to me while Ma is out of the house, if he has a thought about her that is frustrating, like something she has done, does, and or should do compared to what she does. I see his points and can no longer (without seeming bonebrained) defend or advocate in the conversations without seeming a little silly really. It’s no one’s fault; it’s just an unfortunate circumstance that there aren’t many supports outside of our family for Pa to talk to about stuff (he can’t really mention it to people because if Ma knew she’d be upset) so logically I’m the only one, being her son too I’m invested, but all in all, it’s difficult for us sometimes. Most of the time life is great and fine, sure Pa talks to me and they argue when I’m home (I’m home often) they can’t help that, but an argument or two ain’t bad. And I’m ok, and I’m the only witness so don’t take this as gospel.
>>32406324>Am I allowed to not want to hear thingsalways keep your peace
>>32409028I agree, but honestly I don't think it's fair of me to stifle them for my peace, I don't know.
>>32409069>I don't think it's fair of mesunk cost fallacy, always keep your peace
>>32409218Sure Pa puts me in the middle a little but I’m not gonna ruin everyone else’s day because of it. I can sit with my feelings.