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I'm a guy in my late 30s who's had a shitty life, only 1 gf and a handful of sexual encounters, and I've had this shit happen multiple times in my life: young and really fucking pretty women, practically the images of angels on earth, give me looks and even get close to me, clearly expecting me to start talking to them, and I'm unable to do shit because I'm too insecure. this has happened not only with pretty women though (and I gotta admit that I'm picky with women (which is why I don't have much experience...) and it does not happen often, but the fact that these pretty women in particular leaves me wondering wtf I am doing with my life.
but situations like this make me really insecure, to the point of thinking that they confuse me for something I am not. to elaborate:
- people in my country discriminate by economic class, and you can usually guess someone is upper class simply by their looks and skin color, and I think I look like a rich guy, even though I was born poor as rats
- also, people might confuse me as someone from a neighboring country, which have a fame of having nice personalities and stuff... while I was born to a foreigner, personality is something I don't really share with them. I am a reclusive, shy, boring nerd and a bitter person in general. I can pretend to be nice for quite a while but only until I get tired of everything.
beyond my insecurities I have some traumas and fears.

what the fuck should I do? should I really just stop giving a shit about everything and start pretending to be what I am not? should I start doing drugs and shit, and just forget all my beliefs about ?
maybe I should have used pic related instead
I don't understand women, btw. that's a big thing for me because I end up destroying my relationships with them, either because I talk too much or because I am not able (or allowed) to talk and I become resentful to the point of no return.

I'm in my 30s too and there is a building feeling that I can best describe as "I missed the boat to live a normal life so why the fuck would I go on pretending to be normal?" I haven't given up on life overall, but I feel like there's no reason to try to live among polite society. As time goes on I find myself feeling more aloof, having less patience for people who take petty emotional bullshit out on me or make me deal with bureaucratic nonsense, and generally not caring about the social consequences of anything I say or do. It feels like aging in reverse because I was very timid into my early 20s and I feel like most guys my age have become more mellow and subdued over time while I feel more emboldened to not give a fuck. And the thing is, it's going well. More people like and respect me than in the past even though a lot more people dislike me too. IDK what the answer is for you anon, I wouldn't become a drug addict but recreational drugs can be fun. You're sure as hell not in the position to be living a low variance lifestyle.
It sounds like the only thing holding you back at this point is you. I'm in a similar situation, 30 years old and only had one relationship that didn't last long. The first thing you need to do is change your mindset about yourself, stopping insecurity starts with observing how people around you treat you. Once you stop giving a fuck and just try to have fun you'll be golden.

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I kissed a girl some days ago, and my dick couldn't get hard because I was too much worried about doing things right
Stop caring if you fuck it up. There is always another girl.
It's not that simple, I already tried that, I can't just stop caring for some reason
the key to overcoming ED. once you quit giving a fuck about her pleasure, you've won. just take her and do your stuff. they love it anyway
I was just kissing her though

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Attractiveness (Face, Smile, Eyes, Hair, Skin)
Healthy (Not overweight)
Athleticism (Fast, Strong, Coordinated)
Good Dancer / Rhythm
Good in bed (giving, lots of stamina)

- Plans dates and activities
- Can fix things
- Manages Finances, budget, taxes
- Thinks long-term

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It's the complete opposite, retard. Women have no respect for a man they can control.
wrong. and you're missing a big one, drugs.
i believe women would love trump if he were younger and looked like chad. even as he wants to enslave and take rights away they'd fawn for him like they do serial killers and chris brown. he embodies all the things they say they dont want but really do
>the most confident men are usually manipulators and narcissists
You just tripped the Loser Alarm
1 Thing Men Want:
Pussy (here and there)
This, many women like older men as long as they look young and can relate to them. When women say "I don't like older men" they mean "I don't like fat balding loser", but once they meet older man with full head of hair and handsome face suddenly their mind changes.

I've been fucking this Millennial chick for a few years now, My friend said shes probably got some major issues if shes still single and doesn't have any kids. She seems fine, just a bit of a recluse, she doesn't have the best hygiene but always hops in the shower whenever I go by her place without warning. Is there something wrong with her? She doesn't show any signs of stalking me, and I don't see like, a lot of guys leaving their stuff at her place... she smokes a bit more weed than is probably normal and where she plays VR is clearly set up like a goon cave. How could she be single this late in life and not have a bunch of baby daddies?
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I haven't been nuked yet no. I would simply rather avoid it. I have no need to ruin or inconvenience someone's day. Don't like it. I think i know my own emotions currently. And honestly speaking I am still waiting for a woman to abuse me emotionally. How come that hasn't happened to me yet,
>I guess the real problem then is there are a lot of women who are staggeringly bigoted and treat men worse than they would want to be treated.
It’s women who weren’t taught by the mother how to handle men on an emotional level. Father isn’t gonna talk to daughter about how he feels. Father isn’t strong protector man. So it’s up to mom. And if mom didnt talk to daughter about gossip, didnt braid her hair as a kid, didnt teach her how womanhood and being graceful is handled, then the girl is gonna never learn that her emotions carry immense weight, like a big giant hammer. No one tells her that on the emotional side of the game, women have guns. Men are still shooting from a bow. No one tells the woman that playing emotional games with a man fucks him up to the core, cuz he doesnt know it’s a game. This is how much larger and imposing women are than us men, emotionally. In their playing ground, we’re the tiny little thing to play with. And if they werent taught this, they will fuck men up. Some by accident, others the rare psycho cunts, on purpose.
>you have no idea what men been dealing with
Btw I’m not a woman. I’m a dude just speaking womanese to other men to help them get it. And it must be good womanese - you thought I was a woman.
>And honestly speaking I am still waiting for a woman to abuse me emotionally. How come that hasn't happened to me yet

Better question: Why do you avoid women to avoid getting nuked? Where did that desire to avoid come from? If you reverse engineer it through an emotional filter, translation says: “You got nuked before, or saw someone you cared about get nuked. You became afraid of it, So now you are in hiding.”
Humans dont fear being burned only until they put their hand in a fire. Same is true for the heart. Means there was a fire somewhere, bro.

Women again already know this shit instantly, its why their first go-to quip when you contend with them is: “Who hurt you?”. They instantly know.
>Father isn’t strong protector man
Meant to type : Father IS strong protector man, or tries to be**
I again haven't gotten nuked. And no friends of mine that I know of has gotten nuked. In fact the friends I have all have easy relationships with women. They get approached by women for their looks and have a generally easy time with them. They could say whatever to them and still be liked by them.

Simple its pointless. No need to approach a woman with my presence just for a possible nuke. I simply don't wanna play with fire to get burned type of mentality. Why should I? I already know the outcome. Even if it's not a nuke it'll be a simple rejection or she will lie out of fear of me since imma dude or something. It's a losing situation

>women know
I don't think they do. It's always this whole "women know thing" that makes no sense. Not because i am not a woman but because somehow it works on duded who have been hurt but not on dudes who wanna hurt them. And also cause let's be honest it's a weak rebuttal anyways. Not every dude who contends with a woman was hurt in the past. Many of the dudes who wanna hurt women haven't been hurt by one a lot of the times. They simply see from afar and come to a conclusion. Many dudes cheat on women cause they assume they will cheat anyways for example. Those types of dudes have either been cheated on or haven't and have seen it happen too many times

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i got laid off 2 years ago but i have a couple co-workers that still work at the company keep reaching out to me, just asking how i’m doing. they were weirdly competitive with me, even though i was polite and kept my distance from them because i just wanted to go home at the end of the day with my paycheck. whenever i was asked to lead or assist them because they frankly sucked at their job, they always resisted, had excuses and i had to deal with their egos and it was exhausting. so anyways, i barely had a relationship beyond what i was asked to do.

why would they do this? there aren’t job openings, and from the preview snippets of their messages, it’s not like they’re suggesting anything useful. so they’re just trying to get in touch for social reasons and i’ve been ignoring them for over two years now on linkedin. are they doing this to rub salt or what? i don’t understand their insistence.

i’m still unemployed btw.
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Probably not. The senior could either be malicious, or just a jackass. The junior sounds frustrated and somewhat righteously so. I mean she did shut up after she saw your work, so that's at least one thing in her favor. I don't know, but it's hard to say without knowing them or knowing you. You know?
yeah. i was never outwardly rude or blunt to them. just ignored their retardedness and worked around it, because i didn’t care to stir drama.

the junior might be ok but she honestly sucked at drawing, so a lot of her ego was talking. she was so difficult to work with and made the other junior (who was actually cool, also got laid off) miserable.

yet now they’re both reaching out to me several times through the 2 years. seems really weird how persistent they are given their displayed nature. my instinct was to ignore them because i didn’t think anything good would come out of talking with them.
They might have a job opportunity for you or just hope you have one for them.
They are nice people.

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Help me out anons. I need some ideas on what to give up for Lent. What are you guys doing?
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You can't give up anything that's inherently sinful already since you shouldn't be doing it in the first place, it has to be a sacrifice that brings you closer to the Lord
For instance you can't give up looking at swimsuit mags because that's a sin of lust o begin with, but you can give up going to public areas like pools and beaches where there are women in swimsuits that might inspire you to lust
No fap
No fastfood
Read at least one chapter of the bible daily
Work out at least 30 min in the gym daily.
It's not so much a giving up as it is turning over a new leaf.
give up 4chan
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this OP
I'm giving up religion

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how do i deal with my competitor hes a faggot fucking loser
1. hes fat as shit
2. his offer is garbage
yet his business is bigger than mine
how can I bring him to ruin
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Marketing is utter BS.

Just find the stats then file for fraud with the FCC and BBB it's that easy. Almost all small firms have next to no lead gen and get by on placebos. If you cant tank them, then pay family members and homeless people to rate his service as 1 star on smaller sites like Yelp or The Yellow Pages.
make sure your website comes before his in Google search. Send prostitutes and homeless people to his place of work.
Kill him (legally)
How about making your business (products or services) better?

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What do you do if, for no reason at all, you're just no longer "feeling" an otherwise great relationship? She's fine, she's attractive, she's good, nothing wrong, good jobs, fine place, good to me etc but for some reason I just don't want it anymore. Maybe I feel bored, maybe I feel like I can do better, maybe I just don't like being in a committed relationship, idk I can't pinpoint it, but I know the feelings are there and seem to persist no matter what. I dont really want to break up but should I be honest and tell my gf how i feel and risk her breaking up with me or just work on myself privately?

Part of me thinks "if she was the "one" I'd always feel happy and that's how I know things are right" but honestly that sounds like something that dumbfuck zoomer brownoid femoid tards say, so idk

Thoughts? What do when you feel this way in a relationship?
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No it's mot what you're saying. You said OP has instincts telling him to have kids.
I am telling you that's not a thing. We don't have that. We want to fuck. That causes kids.

Once the kid is born, bonding and oxytocin does the rest. You're not understanding a minor detail here and you're lumping things together that aren't together, and by the looks of it, you look unbelievably offended and upset you've been corrected and are in full blown defensive "i don't want ti learn anything new" mode.
I wasn't attacking you. I was sharing an interesting fact, which is relevant to the fact that no, likely OPs problem isn't some instinct to have kids
Have you heard of self control?
your fact is wrong, go suck off a peer reviewed study. im chill im eating lunch
Any long-term relationship will reach a point where it feels stagnant, for some it happens after the first year, for others after the 10th, but it will eventually happen. A three year long relationship is not something you want to throw away just because you "feel" something is off. My advice is to talk to her, maybe she feels the same way and maybe you both agree to do something about it. Do exciting things with her, have a shared hobby, a common goal, work towards something. Try to see if that reignites the spark but as a heads up, it will never be like the first couple of months/year. If after that you still feel the same way, then it might be time to end it but at least try to make it work first.

Every 2 years, I move somewhere else in my city I lived all my life. I get depressed all the time when I do this, even in places I never liked or have fond memories of.
Normal reaction.
Leaving a home triggers defeatist behaviour, it's that way with a lot of animals who are either forced to leave their den or have to due to lack of food.
As pre historic humans we experienced that a lot.
>Every 2 years, I move

Just trying to get some perspective here. Do you any of you have to deal with family, coworkers, or other associates who insist that you wear a mask around them/in public indoor spaces?

Some subset of evidence seems to suggest that N95-grade surgical masks reduce viral load and translate to real risk reduction, with only minor side effects for individuals with respiratory disorders--with these effects being mostly limited, themselves, to slightly less comfortable breathing and a transient increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

However, I'm also not convinced that these masks are really needed. Viral load can accumulate through other routes, such as the eyes. There are also several ways to mitigate risk without wearing
>a face diaper
Yet, mask advocates tend not to be swayed by any alternatives or dissenting arguments.
Will mask hysteria ever end? Is there any sort of alternative solution, beyond simply not associating with mask advocates?
Thanks for your time.
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Inhale chloride.
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Wake up sheeples.
we all know who's behind the chinese virus and they are not chinese.
It isn't. This is a bait thread.
Yes I know a few people who want masks. I don't care what their motivation is or whether it is legitimate. I just consider it a courtesy to do what they ask of me.

(I also know people who ask everyone to take off their shoes in their home. I think it's silly, but I do it because it is a simple courtesy to them.)
Get better friends. The mask shit was always bullshit but if your friends are still wearing masks and forcing it on you, then they need to fuck off.

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Wether it be with the intention of talking to a cute girl, or trying to start a conversation to pass the time. I feel these days people are so paranoid that every stranger is a potential rapist or serial killer, that doing this has become a lost art. I just need some basics since I have come to the conclusion that my usual drinking buddy is terrible at breaking the ice for us, and might as well try it myself.
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ignore these dumbass virgins
Can nightclubs still work at 31?
last time I went to a nightclub I hardly saw anyone younger
The way to talk to strangers anywhere. Introduce a topic or make a humorous statement.
Go to bar with TV. Comment on what's on TV

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I'm curious about productivity. I have a list of things I want to accomplish and during my free time I use a random number generator to pick something off that list. Some days I play more games, some days I read more, and some days I practice my hobby more (knitting and learning a new language). Is this efficienct? Would it be better to create a structured schedule or will I still be able to achieve my goals this way? Thank you for any input.
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Well, I guess you are the top % in productivity. I cant give you any tips.
I really like this idea, Im gonna steal it
Post dat list I wanna steal it. Sounds like fun for day-offs instead of just doing whatever the hell
Rank your list

1. Things that have to be done right away or the world will end
2. Things that have to be done eventually or the world will end
3. Things that it would be nice to get done
4. Other things

And do them in that order

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A combination of nature and nurture made me cripplingly shy. Like the most quiet, awkward, shy person you've ever met. Someone once described me as the only person he couldn't have a conversation with.
I have an extreme level of social anxiety. I freeze up when I'm anxious. I don't know how to respond/react usually just smile and nod and struggle to say anything else.

So uh... what do?

I've been thinking about it a lot. I know I need to get used to talking to people because my life isn't going to get any easier not being able to talk to anyone. But... how?
just dont and see what happens
you wont do anything unless your back is against the wall
Slightly odd piece of advice but I'd recommend listening to a lot of audio or watching video with lots of very natural, real-world conversations and interactions.

The brain naturally absorbs any sort of social input and uses it as a framework for production later. I learn languages and a lot of language learning is just listening to tons of audio in the target language. I noticed that I will pick up and produce natural speech rhythms in the target language without having deliberately practiced them.

The exact same thing is happening in your native language all the time - you pick up and reproduce patterns from what you hear. What's likely happening is that you're getting a lot of 'toxic input' - the majority of language you encounter is material that is not useful for reproduction in real-world conversation (e.g the majority of content you encounter on the internet, including this website), so when you are I real world social situations you have no idea what to do since your brain has been trained on unnatural/non-useful patterns. If you just train your brain on useful patterns (real-world interaction or listening to recordings/content with lots of normal real world interaction) then you'll retrain your brain to those patterns and be able to communicate normally.

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Near 30, no real career. No Gf, no kids, no tangible skills. BOunced around between sales, office jobs, start up stuff.

Realized lack of direction was caused by depression a couple years a go, broke up with gf at the time and did some wokr on myself. Now, wondering what I can do next.

Rent a place near my childhood house with a couple roomies, pretty much got a working body and brain that I was held back from applying properly. WWYD if you were in my position? Any advice?
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Enroll in American College of Building Arts. Become a skilled craftsman.
Take out student loans.
Flea the country to a European country and make a comfy living working with your hands as a stone mason, expert carpenter or iron worker.
I meant what I said bitch

yes, some of my friends did this right out of high school. I didn't know about it until much later in life. there's also a lot of good seasonal gigs in Alaska
Nothing. Be content. Get on neetbux
This is very very solid advice.
go back to college and re-start your life, that's what I'm doing.

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How is someone who draws hentai meant to hide it from family? Should I just say that I'm doing "digital logo design" or something? There are multiple artists in my family (but not degens) so the moment I mention that ive been doing art they will keep prying for more of my drawings (99% of which is degen). What do?
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>'If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.' - Mark Twain

don't be a degenerate faggot especially if you're scared your OWN FAMILY might disown you over this shit
Long term, you don't, they'll find out eventually and send you the
>Did you draw this?
Text at some point, either once someone inevitably either doxxes you, or they get suspicious from your style.

You just give them the talk if it ever comes up IRL, to your personal taste and based on how raunchy what they're showing you is,
>"Yes, I drew that", or
>"I'm not confirming I drew that specifically, but speaking directly, I'm not generally picky about paid work when I can get it"
>I obviously do SFW work, but am not opposed to doing adult work if commissioned to do it, I've got bills to pay, same as you.
>Art's a tough industry, I hope you understand.

Then, if you want to set a healthy boundary,
>If you ever think you see any of my NSFW stuff, or NSFW stuff you think I might've drawn, that's fine, but I'd prefer we not talk about it together
The above gets you through this conversation with 99.99% of people and only fucks you if the counter-party is all three of

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this made me chuckle.
How degen? You draw people's fanfic pairings fucking, or like futanari shortstack goblin amputee inflation?
Big difference lmao.
draw non hentai and show them that

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