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I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?
Stop being weak minded. Refuse to accept allergies from felines.
bump for better advice
theres gotta be something

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I don't have any concept left of who I am as a person.
Starting from my teens, I've spent so long desperately vying for the validation and respect of others out of a dire lack of self-esteem that I can hardly remember who I was and what I like; what I can recall that I like is hard for me to be interested in anymore because I'm so obsessed with this validation that it's all I can focus on, and the memories of the personality I can remember having are flimsy at best.
I don't know what I want to do each day when I'm not at work, what I want out of life, what my personality is like, and even small things like what I want to wear. The concept of who I am as a person vastly changes depending on who I am with and what I am invested in at that moment.
Is there any way out of this? I'm really desperate and I can't afford another therapist, my first was kind but not suited to what I am going through. I'm going to be in my twenties by the end of the year and don't want to live another decade like this. Please help me.
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>Though I suppose the next question is, how can I fix this? If I was able to become confident enough to not worry about the thoughts of others, then I would've gotten out of this situation long ago.
Well, maybe see it in a neutral light rather a bad one. Maybe your brain knew what you had needed and only looked to others so much because you felt that they could tell you who you are. Like using the audience (people you meet) as a mirror for you to try and piece the puzzle together. Only the puzzle always had a missing piece, right? Something always felt missing, bit like a void? That missing piece is (you) shaped. You are your own missing piece. That is you.

So with that in mind, the next logical step is: be good to yourself. Understand where you’ve been, what you’ve gone through, and what you are facing today and treat yourself with the same kindness you’ve been giving to others. That’s how OP.
I only skimmed the previous answers so sorry if I'm repeating something that's already been said, but this topic hits home. I spent a good chunk of my life so depressed that I can't even recall most of it. I did get proper medication to help me with my mental health issues after I reached a breaking point, but my personality at that point was basically shit and shallow.

What helped me the most was embracing and accepting that I'm starting from complete zero. Like a complete overhaul of everything I've known about myself up til then. I picked up random hobbies, and dropped them quickly if I didn't like them. I started trying out food left and right, I listened to a wide range of music, I went to shopping centres just to try on tons of different clothes. This also helped me figure out things I hated, which is an equally important part of a personality. It took me a few years to get a better grasp of "myself", but I think I'm getting there.

I also got into philosophy a bit to help me define my thoughts and values about the world, since my worldview before that was shaped by pain and thoughts I didn't experience anymore.

I also learned to interact with people from complete zero by reading books and guides. I can hold a conversation with strangers and friends now where both sides enjoy it.
And by talking to different people, I figured out what kind of person I want to and don't want to be.

Also, there is no "true" self per se. You are perceived differently by every single person that ever meets you, and if they described you back to you, you might not even recognize yourself. You might think of yourself as uninteresting and shallow, but to someone whose background is completely different, you might be incredibly interesting. Even the things you like and dislike might change over time, so there's no point to stressing over it too much.

What I'm trying to get at is basically this: trying to replicate a "you" from the past isn't all that helpful, focus on the "you" that you can be now. Things you don't need/want can be left in the past, and that will make room for new things you want now. The "you" that you are right now is things you do, want, and need now.

How about you try some non social hobbies to develop, like: reading, writing, puzzles, building models, etc. choose them on a whim and commit to them for a while in order see if you like them or not; change them if you want after a while. that way you will learn what you like and don't like. however, to avoid the problem of your undefined personality, make the vow of not talking about them or displaying the activity or its results in any way. I mean complete secrecy about them, not even a commentary to a co-worker or family member.
nta but to someone who went through the same thing, thanks this helps a ton.

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Is it ever wise for a man to shit test his gf? If so how should he do it?
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>so isolated and such a loser he thinks shit tests are real
You will never have a gf
shit tests are real and women do them til 30 because they have the advatage, dating even out then til like 40 at which point men get the advantage and date younger or shit test women their age
Well now I don't know what to believe
it's just something people with options do to reduce their options unironically, young me shittest women if half their generation dies in a war
young men* shittest

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Just for reference, my gf and I have been together for years and I fully trust her. A few weeks ago she was talking about nudes and how her friends don’t really send their bfs any. Then she asked if I’d ever shown her nudes to any of my friends, and I said no (actually haven’t), and she kinda was just like “hmmm”. Then, she kinda randomly started spitballing and was like “if someone were to secretly record me naked in a changing room or hotel or something, I wouldn’t really mind. If they’re willing to go that far to see me naked, they kinda deserve desu haha.” She keeps saying stuff like this and I wonder what she’s getting at. Is this normal girl behavior?
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I live in a country where public transit is pretty big so we did a lot of stuff in trains. Things like me fingering her to completion in a train car that wasn't too busy, or fucking in the toilet right before a busy stop so the moment we came out together all the people sitting near pretty much knew what just happened but couldn't do much about it. We did a lot of stuff out in nature like having a romantic picnic in a field and then fucking up against a tree in a high-traffic area just off the trail. I would also regularly make her wear skirts without panties when we went out in public. One thing we never did but always wanted to do was getting one of those remote control vibrators so we could use it on her in public. We also did some stuff a couple times behind closed doors but with friends present in the room, like me fingering her under a blanket while we were watching a movie, or very quietly having sex while friends were sleeping in the same room. Though I will say that is an easy way to lose friendships. That said, all of that stuff turned her on like you wouldn't believe, but she was very submissive so I'd always have to suggest it and make the first move. If your girl is as you've described her she'd probably be into a lot of the same stuff if you suggest it to her. You're in for the time of your life, anon.

I don't understand why brunettes are always dying their hair different colours like picrel. Can they not just be comfortable in their own skin? Red doesn't suit.
Ok that’s really exciting to hear haha, yeah I recently told my gf that we should try out some new stuff, like maybe stepping up our public sex game, and she was like “YESSS FINALLY!!” (cuz in the last I haven’t been as into it as she has been). Ideally, somewhere down the line, I’d love for her to start posting on GoneWild and stuff like that, cuz I know she’d be a massive hit
godspeed anon.
Thanks bro, nervous but excited

Can anon give me advice on how to stop ruminating on guilt for ruining something and not being given a chance to correct it (I could've)? It ending like this, from a misunderstanding and an inability to just simply correct it, has bothered me for 10 months. It has been so long, it is way past and I need to move on, but I have this cloud hanging over me, constantly thinking about the girl, and if I can just get rid of this feeling I will stop thinking about her completely.

How can I do it?

>inb4 distract yourself
It's been 10 months. I've distracted myself. She is on my mind constantly. I'm OCD about guilt and such.
>inb4 therapy
I'm in the system, trying to find someone who can help.

Can anon give me good, tailored advice? I would be eternally grateful because it's been 10 months already and there is no end in sight.
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This is what I'm doing. I can't figure it out. I need a framing that makes me stop thinking about it like a loser. Help me anons?
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The same advice (>>31695365) applies to you.
I try but I can't. My rumination is based on reality and I see the person every week. They know. I know. For meditation to work, I need to become somewhat schizophrenic and I don't want to do that. My life is good. I just need help not ruminating. I was fine for so long before this kvldjfalnsojKFNALKVSCX,
I was referring to the rumination when I wrote about letting it go.A chain of thoughts and feelings leads from the cue of seeing or thinking of the person and the guilt. The breath meditation (in my experience) makes one consciously aware of such chains as like a row of upright dominos tipping against one another. The non-meditator typically doesn't have that experience but instead they are fully involved with the thoughts and feelings. Becoming consciously aware of them as objects made me more able to let them go.

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>Be me
>Practice tantric sex, sexual meditation, Edging, and pursuing more and more intense orgasms
>Can usually have a deep meditative orgasm that lasts like 2 1/2 minutes where my muscles contract and is sheer immense pleasure
>Other day I'm with my partner, I edge for like an hour
>Feel my orgasm coming and it's time to release
>Most intense nut of my life, feels like I'm ascending to heaven. Shooting thick ropes of cum everywhere
>Suddenly sharp, scary pain shoots up through my gooch, groin, and lower abdomen
>Worst pain I've ever felt
>It goes on for a solid minute or so
>She gets up and calls ambulance
>Turns out, I came so hard that I tore the orgasming muscles of my "Pelvic floor"
>Doctor gives me meds and says I can't fap, fuck, or do cardio exercises like running, jogging, etc (Nothing that involves the legs.)

It's been a few days now and my groin and abdomen feel better, but I can't fap. I shouldn't even want to but I'm starting to get in that stage where my penis is getting hard for basically no reason. How do I distract myself?
Huh. You're my type of idiot.
kek. Well Ig never goon

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Pushup Episode
Last Episode: >>31691566
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I hope you are doing well. Apologies for my late response; I was not feeling well for the past few days due to the recent storm.

I have decided to withdraw my application due to some personal commitments I have made with my family. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,

What do you guys and gals think? Is it too much? It feels like I'm breaking up with someone kek
No worries! Do you have weather proofing for windows and doors?
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening.
Helic- dammit, this is a sex joke, isn't it?
Women why cant you pass a mirror without posing in front of it?

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I'm at Dream con right now with my girlfriends and friend

I trained my ass off for months In smash bros ultimate, tool Ls and some Ws aplenty at a local venue we went to.

It was all for the dream con smash tournament (with a 10k prize to boot, but i really wanted to do it to PROVE myself)

And now I get told pretty flatly br the TOs that the spots are filled up and I can't even replace someone who doesn't show up (Boss's rules apparently)

Despite the fun and people I met from training in smash, my mind feels frustrated almost as though I wasted a couple months of my life (just turned 26) grinding this game only to not play it at dreamcon.


What the fuck do I do now???
>also want to note girlfriend is in mario kart tournament and we both trained in the house for our respective games and encouraged each other, it was fun and honestly romantic. However my gf wanted me not to mope about this
With girlfriend*

I'm not a dog

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This is a serious question. I've been waging for a few months and I have received paychecks digitally but I don't know how to transfer them to my bank account. I suck at administrative shit and my parents never bothered preparing me for adulthood so I have no clue what I'm doing here. How do I access my pay?
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except those are photos of physical checks. His checks are digitally sent to him
Clearly he isn't, whatever his calendar age.
>none of the douchebags in my life want to help me
Once you hit 18 nobody else has any responsibility towards you, you are on your own. So stop being a fucking child and start adulting, dumbass.
>zoomie doesn't know how to set up direct deposit
fucking GRIM lmao
Hey all, OP here. Just wanted to say I made a few phone calls and got everything sorted out.

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Mom tried making me 4 of those did she try to kill me

lone_wanderer37 disc
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She was really worried and scared cause my temp wasn't going down
Take care of yourself then.
Keep In touch on disc was it that dangerous
Aren't you on youtube?

I feel dirty, I'm worse than a whore than a thousand bodycount. I have been masturbating my cat because I thought he was feeling pleasure, but I got to the worst point where I licked his penis, it was like 5 seconds. I'm a virgin girl but I'm worse than a whore. I'm going to hell. I don't feel any attraction to animals, I just did it without thinking about it. I also haven't watched porn for two years. Do I have salvation or am I going to hell?
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kek. castrate that lil beast, if not he could get aggressive. Also, u better brush ur teeth
I honestly hope this is fake.
Youre not evil, youre just mentally ill like all women.
This is a troll post

and gay
fuck off either way

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What can I do with my life that will give me the easiest life possible?
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If you're tall and handsome. They find you.
If they don't find you. You're not tall and handsome.
short answer: Nothing
>but romantically, they'll almost guaranteed be alone

cope. if its a neet chad he wont

>they will never own anything of value, always being at the mercy of others

same goes for basically everyone and especially business owners. they dont really own anything, it's someone else who controls the territory (the government and army) and has the final say. only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
>A trust fund rich boy has all money needs taken care of, but usually find their lives spiritually bankrupt and emotionally dissatisfying surrounded by hanger-ons and vipers ready to jump in and take everything from them at the first sign of weakness. Many drink or drug themselves to death to escape the very real misery of that life.

that is a cope too in my opinion, in fact, from what i've seen, rich kids tend to believe that they deserve what they have and have no advantage over most people, because they overcame some challenge their parents gave them (which is why I think it's a horrible idea for the parents to do that), for example his dad may say "i will not give you the money for your business, i will lend it to you and you have to pay it back like anyone else". obviously it's not the same, but then the kid may think anyone haves it as easy as him

i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
>if its a neet chad he wont
Doesn't happen. If you're a chad, you don't need to be a NEET for free money, people funnel you towards do-nothing high-paying jobs at big firms like "marketing secondary team lead of sales" where your job is just being charismatic and presenting your underling's work once every two weeks on a dashboard, before everyone goes out for drinks and strippers.

This kind of easy work is highly available for someone who's a chad, and it strictly outcompetes government bennies in terms of pay, prestige, and ease of getting laid.

>only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
Yeah but there's a stepwise difference between
>you can do essentially whatever you want with your money, and if you've got a passport and the cash for a ticket, you could be basically anywhere in the world you want within the next 24 hours
>you fucking pray the person evaluating your disability claims is the same guy, still thinks you're too retarded to work, and that you've got enough money saved up this month to buy some slightly better ramen instead of cheapo maruchan
in terms of "how much control you actually have over your own life".

>i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
Different wealth tiers probably, this is mostly at the 10-100m level of wealth.

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Is there a mentor on here that could mentor me in making lots of money?

I am based and redpilled I promise.
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I make a lot of money.
I got a STEM degree, graduated at almost the top of my class, and got a job at one of the highest paying companies in my industry.
Just do that.

I'm not good with math. I'm alright at science.

Idk. I don't think I could make it in STEM. I need something better than a goy job anyway. That's why I'm looking for a mentor.
Start learning a good paying trade, you need money to make a lot of money.
Like how much is a lot of money? If you just want to live a comfortable lifestyle and support a family you can do that by going to college/trade school and going into a career field that pays well.

If you want to be rich (like a millionaire) you need to find a way to turn money into more money, which is usually done through using debt in a way that makes enough money to pay off the interest. For example, using your house as collateral you get a million dollar loan from the bank, which you use to purchase a tour boat. You use this tour boat to sell tours to tourists, the profits of which allow you to pay off the loan and purchase an additional tour boat, allowing you to sell even more tours. You turned the value of your house (lets say ~200k) into 1 mil (the bank loan), which turned into several million (proceeds from business - business expenses - loan - loan interest).

The easiest method for you to make a lot of money would be to work for a small/medium sized business (like a tour company), learn about the industry while working, then open your own competing business in that industry/take over the business after the owner retires.

There really isn't a consistent way to make a lot of money, otherwise a lot more people would be rich. You'll need capital/collateral to get going and get loans from the bank, so start saving now and you can maybe be a millionaire in ~20 years.


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My parents yell and physically abuse me everyday for being unemployed. Everytime I step outside of my bedroom, they immediately tell me how much of a "retarded worthless shit stain" I am and slap me whenever I say something back. They force me to mow the lawn, cut the hedges and do yard work for them while pointing out my mistakes whenever I'm done. I tried to tell them that nobody wants to hire me for having zero experience but they don't care. Whenever I tell them, one of them will deck me in the face and say I'm not trying hard enough. What should I do? I can't stop crying alone in my bedroom every night.
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Sounds like parents nicely asked you to do some chores and mentioned that you need to get a job and you've exaggerated it to make it sound like they're beating you and abusing you...

i feel you bro that sucks. i hope you're not trolling bc i took it seriously and feel super bad about you. like no one deserves that. parents should be supportive

idk what to do in your specific situation, you're the one who knows all the circumstances, but my parents are abusive too, and I think the main thing you need to do here is to become self sufficient, leave, and, very important: once you leave, don't be visiting them, talking to them... and just pretending that they're ok parents like a cuck. none of that. cut them out of your life entirely

for as long as you're stuck with them, the go to strategy in this situation that psychologists seem to recommend is to just not react at all and not show emotion when they do this. apparently they do it to get a rise out of you and they'll stop. though tb h i think if i had to live my teen years again and be at my parents house again, i'd probably just try to make their lives hell too. like for example when my dad starts calling me a faggot and just humiliating me, i would call him a coward, a pussy or whatever hurts his ego the most, and when he gets violent pull out a knife. and with my mom i would pretend to go into autistic rage and be super annoying so that she just would not want to mess with me anymore because it just wouldnt be worth it.
yes definitely, everyone's parents are just like yours, if they're not they must be lying

i guess you vote democrat and when someone gets his shit stolen by a nigger you'll say he made it up because that doesn't happen in your middle class neighborhood
>What should I do?
Sounds like you should take their hints and get a job lol.
Yeah being unemployed is bad long term, you need to get a job if you want to escape your parents. Ask them if they know of any open jobs/ have any friends looking to hire someone. Use nepotism to increase your chances of getting a job. Try to find a way to get in your parents good graces so they stop being abusive to you.

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Has anyone had success in the past with reframing things to get over them?
Missed second sentence: Can you give me advice on how to do it?
More to the point: Give an example of something you want to get over and I'll give you a reframe to try.
didn’t work for me
This just sounds like cope or gaslighting with extra steps.
Give a concrete example (e.g. an issue from your life) so I can illustrate the steps you can take.

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