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>go to club
>see girl eyeing me
>approach her
>we dance and drink and end up going back to her hotel room
>we get into bed
>she tells me I can take my clothes off (in a non-sexual way imo)
>I do
>we cuddle and go to sleep
>she ghosts me the next day

Was the sex supposed to happen then? I didn’t get any indicators she wanted to fuck. We didn’t even kiss much. we made out for a bit at the club but she pulled away after a few seconds each time.
We were both drunk and very tired when we got to her hotel. It didn’t seem like she wanted to fuck.

I wanted to meet her then next day and have sex then but like I said she ghosted.
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>both drunk
you dodged a false rape case buddy boy, consider yourself lucky
I don’t think so. We both live in different cities.
You’re making it very difficult to give you any sort of advice because you’re contradicting yourself every time you post.
>Go clubbing and meet intoxicated woman who brought you to her hotel room at 6am
>Wanting to date that kind of person
You don’t shit where you eat
You do realize a clubgirl is no different from a library or a church girl? In fact they’re all the same thing.
You don't know anything about girls though, you have literally zero woman or even life experience. So shut the fuck up retard.
Not even that anon btw.

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hey guys i don't know what to do, what should i do?
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Just put kefir, sugar, lemon, and water in a container, and let it sit in the sun. Once the taste is good, just filter the kefir, pour the liquid into bottles, and cool it down in the fridge.
>i don't have any problems
not even philosophical problems? I'm starting to doubt you are even real or human.
Nope. Only I get to fuck my sister
You need to get outside and hunt some birds/mice. We're not made to have our food served to us on a platter, you will go insane.
smoke more bredren

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I know it's bad and I shouldn't think about it, but unfortunately I enjoy these thoughts even if it's wrong. One second I'm so horny while thinking about it, the next second I feel ashamed, disgusting and I deserve death.

I never did and I never want to hurt anyone. But I still feel like a bad person for having these thoughts. Unfortunately this is what really turns me on.
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Your only recourse against me was to lie and say I watch gore lmao you are very very sick and I hope you get some help cuz clearly you’re used to any communication being vitriolic. No wonder you wanna diddle kids
Your type is always the type of fag to watch gore and torture videos for fun. Go fuck yourself pal. I know you’re like that.
In addition to this topic: I'm jerking my gherkin to solo and lesbo lolis, but I never wanted and never thought about doing any sexual stuff with kids nor I am attracted to them. Am I safe here, or is it a problem, considering that I'm still attracted to real and 2D adult women as well?
>they let people out of prison that touched kids
I hate this world so much.
Prison should be reserved for actual crimes yknow

Lately I have been having lots of issues with black guys calling me, "White Boy." The best response I have ever had was to call them, "Black Boy." It's guaranteed to piss them off, and show how racist they really are.
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Are you in high school? Be honest
I'm glad some noticers still exist on this site.
don't do that
he might do something uncivilized
There is a picture on /pol/ occasionally which shows how terms like "racist" grew exponentially in mass media when the occupy wallstreet thing happened.
Odd coincidence, huh?
To be fair. You can be realistic about the fucked up banking system while not having to pretend that a demographic group with an average IQ of 80 is equally functional as normal people.

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She left two small kids behind ages 4 and 6 she was around 28. I heard it was due to mental breakdown. She got a divorce last year because of domestic abuse.
Her mom and brothers were there when it happened. She was pacing the room when she suddenly opened up the balcony door and jumped, her brother tried to catch her but he didn't manage to. I was told they were at a psychiatrist that day they gave her some medicine and were told to call an ambulance(free) in case something happens, I guess they underestimated how dire the situation was. A cousin of hers was called to the scene when it happened regrettably, He raised charges on her ex-husband that evening.
There are so many "what ifs" and I know that's not what is important but what happened that day feels like a bad decision after bad decision from the doctor not telling them how serious her condition is, the choice of an apartment, and the family underestimating her condition. I usually say that you realize that it's too a month after it was too late. But man I don't know what to think so many ifs that it seems like any one of them would be better. I can't imagine the regret
>causes domestic abuse
>still plays the victim
She sounds like a worthless whore to leave her kids behind just like that. Good riddance. Just make sure that her kids are being raised properly now. That is the only thing relevant there. Everything else is adult children playing worthless drama.
At least the kids are safe now.
Is a psychiatrist ever liable in these circumstances?

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I'll try to keep this as concise as possible
>Had a lot of mental health issues growing up due to growing up in a dysfunctional family
>Tried jobs/college did not succeed due to shitty mental health/social issues
>spent ages 21-27 as a NEET did not leave the house, watched anime and browsed /r9k/
>2020 covid first time I ever felt normal because everyone was in a similar situation to me
>Get my first real job, WFH customer service/sales
>Have disposable income for the first time in my life, feel a sense of pride for the first time in my life
>2022 Alcoholic brother beats the shit out of me and then my mother takes his side and kicks me out of the house due to weird trauma bond/Oedipus complex they have together. I don't know I'm not a psychotherapist
>Move out rent a place
>Feels good, do things I always wanted to do but feel very lonely start drinking heavily
>Now 29 get first real girlfriend, I love her but also very dysfunctional and also drinks heavily
>Get made redundant April 2023 cash out with 12K never had this much money before
>Spend the rest of the year drinking and doing everything with her, I really loved her despite her issues
>Drinking gets really bad, I'm drunk by 1pm everyday
>September 2023 run out of money

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in order of green text:

forget about your family and go hug them and tell them you love them.

study something else if you want to, I'm sure you can handle it now

atleast now you have a powerfully imagination and had more fun than the people throwing up at clubs and don't even remember their youth

I missed COVID due to a skitzo perioud

nice, I still don't have a job that pays, working for free to get something behind my name. burdening my parents.


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forgot something:

move somewhere nice.

now you can think about how you want to spend the rest of your youth.

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>Be me some years ago, 17 years old
>Have been bullied in the past, was always peaceful and forgiving, didn't like to escalate conflict at all.
>Decide that it's wrong to let it happen, that I should fight back and defend myself if it happens again.
>Normal day during school, was having a testosterone peak
>Student one year older than me who annoyed me in the past pushes me out of nowhere.
>I tell him to stop this, that I don't like this shit at all.
>He says "fuck off, nobody cares".
>Punch him in the face with all my strenght
>He looks at me scared, confused. Was not expecting it
>I throw 3 more punches
>I thought his friends would try to beat me which I didn't give a fuck about, but when I looked at them they all had scared expressions in their faces instead.
>One of them gently told me stop, so I that's what I did
>The student who took the beat down started crying

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You should train in kickboxing to learn self-control.
As you do sparring with gym bros you will learn to limit your strength and contain the fury.
You did the right thing, fuck that faggot. Way to many people are comfortable acting like complete cunts without getting their bell rung for it.

Stuff about relationships falling apart, or missing past relationships. How over is it?
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Have you asked her? Did you strike up a conversation with this bitch and actually ask her? If you haven't, maybe start there rather than asking us spergs on 4chan.
>But if you come to me
>In my home with my three kids
>If you asked me to leave
>To be with you and split
>Well I'd at least
>Have to think about it
women are brutal
only some. don't blackpill
I'd break up with my girlfriend if she listened to shit like that, the fuck?
dump her and move to thaai land.

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I’m 20 and stand at a pretty short 5’6.5”. I’m essentially the shortest person I know; everyone is taller than me and even my shorter friends are taller than me by an inch or two. The feeling of being shorter is emasculating. There was a taller guy talking to the girl preparing my food, and the girl placed it on the counter and the guy moved it to the side for me to get so he could continue talking to her, like I was a child or something. It made me want to kill myself, honestly.

Is there any way I can get taller? If not, how to cope with being an absolute manlet?
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>I'm essentially the shortest person I know
Low quality bait written by a larping lanklet virgin.
why do you keep coming back to this board dude

is it some kind of propaganda?
attempt at a psyop?
some sort of cope?
are you actually tall and want to make short people feel like shit?
are you actually short and hate yourself and want other short people to "feel your pain?"

In all of these scenarios, you're a massive faggot.
Do you have family members that stand taller than you like brothers? Try working out legs, drinking milk, hanging every day, to try and unlock any height you still can. Just MAYBE throughout your 20's you may continue to grow some, and just work on your rizz and talk to girls shorter than you.
What a rude asshole. I'm sorry op, I accidentally did this to a tall woman once.
go get your limbs lengthened. i would, theres no shame in it and you don't have to tell everyone, or tell them as you mog.

this person is a huge piece of shit. a parasite, low life piece of garbage who exaggerates issues and makes you out to be "the worst" over anything they deem as a misplacement of trust. she claims to be black, "non binary", and a believer in standing by truth, but yet will target people for race (especially whites), criticize people based on their preference in online material, slander you behind your back over things she exaggerates (mountains out of molehills type shit) and will continually slander and rip you down to her lowlife scum level. she's flip flopped between being a SJW and not, based on whatever is convenient for her argument, and has been caught herself in plenty of lies about her preference in things, only to say she never felt that way and criticize other people for not matching her preferences of what a human being should be.

knew her for years. it's been unbearable being around her, and many have stopped going around her and her "friends" (some tolerate her) over her shit. would pull the victim card and claim mental health, yet do all of above

everything that ive said has been confirmed and witnessed by dozens of people. her argument per person was "im a whistleblower, no one doesn't see how evil you are because only i am the barer of truth!" im tired of so many people falling victim to this cunt.

shes mentally ill and i truly believe someone like this doesn't belong in a community trying to keep the peace. how do i go about getting their socials (twitter, mostly) eradicated so no one else has to suffer this cur's wrath? any tools out there to help get her gone?

on a parallel note, ive been going through grief with this toxic cunt for a while. i dont feel secure in my future making products online because i fear she's going to try to "cancel culture" me once i start going balls to the wall with working on myself. she is that type. how do i combat the possibility of this?
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a lot of pent up rage of trying to tolerate this person. i agree that this is what i gotta do, but fuck man i dont know how to move on.
they terrorize a bunch of people, hold a bunch of friends as social prisoners because they want to twist arms and "cancel" other people. i would love to move on, but there's a lot of potential of them resurfacing their ugly face and trying to rip down the reputation of not only myself but my friends. i dont want to "cancel" them or make a deal out of it, i simply just wish that their socials no longer existed so the possibility of them spreading malice was zero
Block her?
>trying to tolerate this person
Nigga just close your eyes. Get off the internet you weirdo shut in.

I’m sure there’s lots of retards I don’t like on the internet. The good news is you literally don’t have to interact with any of them unless you choose to.
Do you know them through school or something? Unfortunately this sort of thing is usually very hard to police if indeed it is a type of bullying. By redirecting your anger you may be doing just as wrongly or worse, not that I'm saying that I think that should matter to you. It's how the world deals with this kind of thing. It's an ongoing issue with on real solution, so in making something like this of it instead of moving on, you're making an answer to something that has had no one answer in situations like this. If anything, I don't know that this is the best place to find an answer about this. Maybe go to /b/
would be great. blocking is only indicating that theres some issue. she'll end up turning it on me that i blocked her for some obscene reason and make herself the victim. its crazy mental gymnastics w her.
other people tolerate her because she surrounds herself with really likeable people.
>get off the internet
most of my business is on the internet. cant really.

and yeah, i havent interracted with her in months, i just see my friends suffering trying to be kind and its insufferable.

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Something a little less glum for /adv/ today.

My womans birthday is on Saturday, I have a dinner booked at her favorite restaurant that we haven't been to in years, a nice card with a thoughtful message, I'm making her a kickass breakfast and getting her favorite cake but I'm lost on what gift to get her.

She says she doesn't want anything, we kind of just buy what we want when we want it, but every year I manage to think of something she loves for her birthday... No luck this year unfortunately. I was thinking maybe a new desk but that's about all I could come up with. We've been together for 6 years, lived together for 3 and have everything we really want or need so I'm at a loss. She's turning 26 and is pretty introverted but likes events if that helps.

Thanks in advance :)
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Concerts, fairs; there are a few coming up where I am that she's expressed interest in going to a while back; if all else fails I'll end up getting us 2 tickets to something or other.
>I would buy something thoughtful; food will disappear but something physical that will last a while would be good.
I agree with your line of thinking, hence why I struggle to be happy with just taking her to dinner. That being said, she cooked for me on my birthday and it was so good it almost brought me to tears, food is a big part of our love language.

>Try looking back at your past text messages or remembering conversations and see if she ever mentioned something. It doesn't even have to be something that she explicitly said that she wanted, but something that would show that you remembered a detail from something she said and that you saw something which reminded you of her.
This is typically what I do but we've kind of hit the point where we have all the things we need and are just kind of collecting 'stuff'. I'm playing a difficult game of finding something frivolous and fun that's also going to be used daily or utilitarian and boring that I'll need to put a spin on to make fun.

>I wouldn't just get her some useless thing though; you as a man should also show that you are able to be a provider so you want to be pragmatic about what you buy. Something that would benefit her and not just collect dust on a shelf, as cute as it may be. The breakfast thing is cute too because it's her day but you should give a little gift and a card too.
Got the card covered in spades, I know the goal is small but as far as the little things are concerned I don't have any options that come to mind... I'm circling back to getting her a new desk, she has one now but it's not suitable for what she needs. Maybe a nicer chair and a lamp to really tie it together.

>Don't give a gift card. You are her man not her father.
I almost caved and got her a gift card, thanks for steadying my resolve anon lol
Update; I spent $200 on a cool little side desk and a clip on lamp so she'll have more space for her hobbies/schooling but doesn'tbreak the bank.

Thanks for the advice gentlemen!
Why haven’t you gotten married yet?
Honestly just finances, we're in a good spot now and I'm planning to propose in the summer or early autumn.

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Where can I buy effective THC vape juice? Can't smoke cannabis. Tried a variety of liquids from TOR markets and none offer what is promised

Bonus points if it's a store on the regular internet
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I dunno I live in Arizona there are dispensaries all over that sell that stuff here.
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Yeah I wish I lived in the USA where things are more lax, Aus poster here
I need a way to safely acquire psilocybin.
Probably gonna have to make it yourself. Doesn't sound like a very hard cook. Get working, anon. I know Australia has very good customs and THC is a very smelly product to ship.
Grow your own if you can, then make RSO out of it. A hydro setup is not that expensive or hard to accomplish.

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What can be the cause of eyebrow dandruff? I have dry, red flaky skin that itches all around my eyes.
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Is that common?

The name sounds scary.
What is stopping you from applying Head-n-Shoulders to it?
Literal bugs
No, I mean the dark circles beneath the eyes
No it's not a turn off. If you want you can always buy eye cream for that, under eye patches the rejuvenate it and if you really insecure there's always surgery but please don't

Woman in my 20s and just realized that all the good guys have been taken. How do I cope? I'd rather be single forever than settle.
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single people are funny
I feel for women like you. Hope is never truly lost until we give up, though.
>You were obviously trying to convince the poor femanon that incels like you are not only fixable but also worth the time and effort to fix.

So not only were you projecting about who I am as a person, but claim to know the innate worth of people you know nothing about beyond generalized stigma from it's worst offenders? I'm starting to think you've earned your solitude, a soul as dark and sour as yours is ill fit, not just for any good man but any fixer upper to boot. I sincerely hope you hold your high standards until you change as a person, as no one deserves to suffer being in your presence as you currently are.
Nta but why are you so defensive? She stated a fact you did try to convince them that fixing people is a valid option.

People need to fix themselves.
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.
Boomers and gen-x are throwing money at young pussy like never before, we are talking boat trips, exotic trips, paying their rent and bills, buying them gifts, trips to beauty salons, etc. Many of them have net worths in the millions. Just look at all those modelling agencies and realize how many pretty girls are being baited to fuck the rich and upper class.
Then there are chad millennials and chad zoomers who get their first pick at all the young pussy.
Then at the end of the line there is you anon, the average nobody with no money, no charisma, no looks, no social circle, no experiences and no toys.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

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There's nothing like doing a good lat workout. I want lats so big I can spread my arms and fly away. Why am I like this? How can I get lats as big as picrel? I can only workout twice a week.
Wide back is one of the biggest markers of male physic.

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