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>iPhone 8
>won’t go past iOS 15 so can’t post
I’m on desktop now, is there anyway past this or does the new captcha prevent it?
It worked for years until a few days ago so I’m not sure if there’s been a recent Cloudflare update
Is there anyway I can get past this without updating browser ?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Using safari btw
Wow that’s weird, thanks maybe it’s some weird bug on my end
works for me on 7
itoddler bto

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>get bullied at work
>either ignore them and have it manifest as trauma
>or lash out and get charged for assault
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can you report them to management for harassment?
>Trauma is a choice, have a different emotional response.
Nietzsche was right about stoics.
Wait what does Neetsche say about Stoics? Also what books do you recommend from him I've seen his name a lot around here.
>Wait what does Neetsche say about Stoics
basically that you're denying yourself emotion and life and that you're turning yourself into a robot
>or lash out and get charged for assault
There are several levels of escalation before violence, you know? Sounds like you suffer from a mental illness that prevents you from thinking rationally. Or maybe you just want to vent and don't want any advice. In that case post cute girls at least

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how often do people tend to full force scream and cry? its like a daily thing for me but others say it happens less often so whats the average
Are you male or female?
I'm male and I only cry maybe 2 or 3 times a year
male, why do you ask? so.....you just DONT randomly scream and cry about being alive? why not? how?
I've never once done either of those things because I am too afraid of drawing the attention of other people.
sounds like you have bpd
When things go wrong I break down and essentially throw tantrums

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How do I get a top 1% OF gf?
ask someone to introduce you into the pimping business, I gues
Be a top 1% male.
I doubt you're willing to put any effort in to getting the kind of gf you want. If you couldn't even write more than a sentence, with no context, information, or details, you're not going to try anything that requires even half a minute of work.

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How hard is it to land an 18 year old girl if you're a 40 year old man?
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so much bad advice on this thread lol.

Yes it's not hard to pick them up, yes it's not hard to have a relationship with them, like a third of all women prefer older guys so I don't know what the fag anon is squawking about up above.

I'm 40 and my wife is 25. Her 19 year old sister is fucking a 50 year old. It's really not that hard, you just have to have some game, that's the reason they want to fuck an older guy to begin with, guys their own age are usually dweebs.
it's not hard if you have money but the ones that like you are kinda crazy and the ones that are sane and hot are there just for the money
in the end while having fun with 18yo is tons of fun and I'm having a hard time leaving it behind I think I'll marry someone around 25 because while I don't doubt a normal 18 yo who will date a 40 yo exists I'm pretty sure I'll be 46 by the time I find her and then that's another matter entirely.
How to get game, where to find them? I am not eve n that old 28 but I feel sidelined from access. How does a 50yo meat a 25yo?
not that anon but you gotta socialize, I can't trace back to the first person but I for sure have a lot of young girls as friends/flirtatious counterparts/aquaintances
broaden your social network
grim, I am travelling a lot for work

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Any good resizer online to adjust this to 4chan's retarded 4mb limit?
not any free ones. it's easier to just put the file in Avidemux and reencode it with two pass to 3.9mb
You can do it in the browser so you don't even need to download software. Just google it; there's many.
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dont rember if it works with WEBM's but 4chan supports mp4 now right?
I would ffmpeg it

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>be me
>autismo fembot
>try to make friends with other women online
>join female oriented servers
>say hello, how are you today, ask for fashion advice, post pics of clothes
>everyone gets mad, they say i type like a man, accuse me of being a femboy or tranny
>make fun of my fashion taste
>kick me out
>rejoin to ask what i did wrong, plan on voice verifying
>say hello in chat
>get banned
how do i make friends with girls? are there any other fembots here that would like to be friends? i like to draw and play guitar
Public discords are full of maladjusted retards.
You have no problem.
You entered a location with people who are asshurt at themselves and desperate for a scapegoat to defer to. You are that scapegoat.
Your mistake is assuming that the way other people act towards you is your problem rather than theirs. Hopefully you are now aware that this is not the case, and other people's failure to be civil with you is because they fail to be civil in general.
If you're still looking for human contact, seek mental health or rehabilitation services in your local area. Such people are less likely to be maladjusted in personality, and more likely to connect you with trustworthy people.
autistic femanon as well. i have a similar problem. i always feel out of place when i join discord servers and so on. the people ignore me, and i feel they find me annoying. that, or they're just too weird and crazy. it makes me sad. i have desired a nice normal friend for a long time.
what kind of fashion do you like?
>>everyone gets mad, they say i type like a man, accuse me of being a femboy or tranny
Well they're certainly right, or not because this is a made up story with the exception that you are indeed a faggot tranny and I know that because females don't browse 4chan. You will never be a real woman, kill yourself.
Its probably a sign that you should date me <3

Do autistic girls have feet?
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>another femboy tranny thread

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About 35% of women report being violently raped, beaten, and harrassed by their sexual partners (Source: World Health Organization). Despite this they still willingly continue to have intimate relationships with these violent men.

My success in courtship, despite being a law abiding peaceful citizen who has never committed such acts, is zero percent.

What sense am I supposed to make of these statistics?
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>I was Chad in school.
Where did it all go wrong?
Several things fucked me up. Its a CRAZY Downfall.
Got oneitis for a particular girl and neglected my big social circle.
Got forced to move to a completely different school where I knew nobody, further isolating me.
At this time I developed bad social anxiety because of an abusive stepfather who was jealous of me (I would be too, poor idiot was dating a single mother while I was getting prime pussy). This made me basically speak to no-one.
Developed an easting disorder due to the shitty situation and became rail thin which fucked up my final stage of puberty and left me with a weedy manlet face/physique, where previously it was very good for me age.
Oneitis left me due to my smv dropping way below hers.

I'm 25 now and have never been employed lol. I have not interacted flirtatiously with a female at all since losing that one girl at 18 either. Life over. Shame I can't start over after ruining the run. Not living in a country with easy access to firearms has defintely saved my life so far.
not a chad, but I can date no problem and I just suck the tits of a girl by force the other day and she kept messaging me and we're seeing each other tomorrow again
sometimes I wonder if I was wrong for being so soft with girls in my early 20s and I needed a little bit more assertiveness
I picked her up and brought her back to my room after were were done fooling around and we were ready to leave my apartment too
I don't understand that girl, she keeps wanting to see me but when we meet I have to do all the job and she keeps lightly pushing me away , it's just like in my cave paintings
thr biggest turn off for a girl ever is if you pussyfoot in bed. they want to be manhandled and acted on. it's much easier to get away with in school. among adults you are always one bad date away from getting nuked
>Despite this they still willingly continue to have intimate relationships with these violent men.
you're dumb as fuck if you think most of them "stay" with them and don't run for their lives

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I'm a porn addict and a sexual deviant. I recently met a girl who is the sweetest and it's making me want to become a better man. But I don't know if I can think about marrying her (or anyone) because I'm unable to have an erection without thinking about my paraphilia.
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This is exactly what I thought. They never mention what it is either. Tell me what it is or shut up and love the site. Hate these people.
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It isn't possible to becomd addicted to porn, that is not a rral thing. Take responsibility for yourself. Get a life and you won't be so habitual

Your article doesn't say what you think it does.
What are your paraphilias?
You post this a lot, like every thread that even hints are porn addiction, but like everything in psychology it is a debate and people like yourself don't ever place it in a context of a debate. There are numerous conditions in the DSM that are completely made up bullshit whilst there are other conditions with a fair degree of research not considered worthy of addition. There is a big blind spot when it comes to technology and its accessibility in how it influences vulnerable people. Not enough people are researching it combined with a liberal idea that this stuff is essentially freedom of expression and many people use porn freely with no harm. But you could say this about alcohol or anything else which people can and do abuse.

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Girl I was supposed to go out with tonight just cancelled on me at the last minute, should I just hit up my ex?
not on valentine's day bro, she's gonna get the wrong message
or worse, the right message
no one likes being the sloppy seconds and if you appear out of nowhere with a plan for valentines that very same day she's gonna know what's up
save it for another day if you wanna keep her as a fuck buddy or something
I still love this ex, I haven't talked to her in half a year tho cuz I've been in no contact.

But I'm getting real tired of dealing with other women.
Just hold the L with dignity.

No point stressing over a hallmark holiday.
she's still getting a wrong message out of you doing this then, if you love her don't make her feel like a consolation prize
also it does seem like you don't love her lol, you're just mad you can't get someone else
don't get her into your personal problems

Where do I find women with savior complexes who will let me live with them? I want to escape my terrible home life ASAP. I'm conventionally attractive but terribly shy and wracked with a lot of baggage. To illustrate, I've come across a lot of women who found me attractive and would confess affection but I'd always avoided them out of fear of being vulnerable and not living up to whatever expectations they have of me.
Do some crimes and go to jail. Put your mug shot on your tinder profile.

I work at a job that gives everyone one "special day off" per month to be used however they want, but it doesn't roll over to the next month, and if it's not used in the same month, it's just paid out at 8 hours. I also have the option to split it as 4 hours off two shifts.

I work part time, some weeks I do 20 hours and some weeks I do 40. Should I take advantage of the 8 hours and get an extra day off every month, or should I keep working my normal hours and get it paid out as free money? What's more beneficial? One day off or one day's pay? I don't get any vacation days (I get paid 4% per paycheck extra instead) so it would be nice to actually get a day off instead of trading shifts with other co-workers, but I don't know if it's worth using a day off if its a slow month for shifts
>Should I take advantage of the 8 hours and get an extra day off every month, or should I keep working my normal hours and get it paid out as free money? What's more beneficial? One day off or one day's pay?
This is a subjective question to which only you have the answer to. What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve? Are they better spent on a day off or getting more money?

why the fuck do all tinder women look EXACTLY the same???
for reference I'm 20 year old so I guess the app only shows me girls ages 18 to about 25 and 95% of them have the exact fucking same look. coloured fake blonde hair and a picture with an iphone in front of a mirror.

the rest 5% are sub - 5 mr hamoudi blackpill syria but as female.

honestly I got one match but just because I I fucked up and taught I'm rejecting this girl but I accepted instead lmao.

seriously this app is so garbage
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NTA, but dating apps are pretty much the only place to meet women if you don't have friends.
If you're ugly, autistic or have no money, you're not going to get a girlfriend, period.
But fucking Tinder, anon? That’s far from the only dating app or website out there.
I said Tinder, specifically, was for losers.
And how is anyone supposed to know that?
Tinder is advertised, those others are not.
>why the fuck do all tinder women look EXACTLY the same???
mr hamoudi blackpill syria is the funniest guy. so sad he died.

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If I pray hard enough will my penis get bigger?
No. Dumbass.
Pray for your enemies' dicks to get smaller

Are there any edgy/alt-right Youtubers? I'm trying to find channels to sub to that have that 2016 not giving a fuck type of humor. Small or big it doesn't matter.
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I agree with this statement you on this that Zoomers are making edgy content now. Yeah I wouldn't say its "alt-right" to be edgy but I'm looking for people who make alt-right type jokes.
salty cracker on rumble. don't support jewtube.
That’s nice yah terminally online tranny lover.
Leafy is going to come back in a big way. He did it in 2023, he'll do it again

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