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I feel like everyone else outside I know is so much more openminded and indifferent rather than judgemental towards lgbt folk (part from a few older family members) . I just want to get rid of it cos it serves me no purpose.
you came here to ask that
Stop talking about it/thinking about it/engaging with it every fucking day. That really is it.
maybe try to meet a gay person irl
Just be yourself.

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I still believe in God, my life hasn’t been that terrible that I’ve lost faith in him or Jesus, but for some reason every night before bed, I lose all hope for tomorrow. I don’t believe in myself at all and I’m starting to consider just ending my life, I have a good life, it’s just that my mental standards are super duper high or unrealistic or are focused on all my mistakes like losing my friends or family and I don’t want to go and be happy, I am keeping myself in society and life hoping I get the juice back to go again but I’m not, I am getting more and more aware of how I suck and really my birth hasn’t helped anyone at all, In fact it separated a lot of people from each other. I feel bad about that. And my own wrongdoings. 20 yrs old and I feel like I my life doesn’t have any value, all the people who’ve come before me have achieved all the world needs. Are any new generations needed? Are we genuinely skillful, do we have souls? I don’t have a soul, I sapped it out of myself and destroyed it trying to be something that wasn’t real. That’s my fault, I just see so many people who are sapping their souls up, who wants to be in that world, a world I helped make because I sapped my soul up and destroyed authenticity in myself.

I don think about this stuff at all til bedtime, it’s not really worth thinking about but it hits me. I have felt like changing my looks on my face so I can be disguised and maybe that will spark me to be happy again, new face where the people I wronged can’t recognise me, the police won’t recognise me, and the people I’m afraid of won’t recognise me. Disclaimer: I haven’t broken the law, and I didn’t hurt my ex friends but rather took some jokes badly and my mother forced me to leave the friend group after I showed her what they were saying (pretty normal teenage stuff like you would hear from high schoolers but I a pussy about it eventually). Seeing the people I had to leave scares my mind and body
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This desu.
You think like this too. I was raised to believe in God; and one time I said I didn’t (it was a rare lapse in faith for me) and my mother felt very sad, don’t your parents care about you having faith and comfort from God? I believe in God, it was just that one bleak moment that I didn’t that made me believe again.
I'm not reading that ramble. Ask clearly for advice next time.
Faith is belief without evidence. You have it if you decide to. Maybe you doubt your faith but, it’s there. We may not have souls but it feels like we do so I’m not sure what difference it makes if we do not. Religion is more slippery than faith. It makes more sense to me to try to make the best of this world while we can and not leave it all up to a deity. Even book literalists ought to agree that we art the fruit of knowledge and are here to fend for ourselves for the time being. I don’t believe that your predecessors have done much other than to give your generation the fundamental luxuries and mediocre political systems. It can get better or worse from here and the oldfags have no say so in the direction it goes.
Understood will do.

Ok I understand. I’ll try to be better

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I have no emotions, no desires, no sex drive, nothing. I quit all my hobbies because they weren't filling the void in my empty life anymore. I also quit all of my online communities for the same reason.

I don't want to be like this. I want to laugh, to smile, to enjoy things, to want things again. But I feel nothing anymore. I've tried therapy, medication, new hobbies, a new job, but none of it made any difference.

I don't see myself lasting much longer at this rate. I'm constantly in pain and can't even sleep without medicine. I really don't want to kill myself, but I see no other way out if this nightmare.
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You can't quit the internet. It's a mandatory utility in the modern world. You need it to get a job, do banking, pay bills, etc
There is nothing in the material world that I give a shit about.
Nofap is a fucking joke, it just made me feel worse.

Dopamine detox is also a meme
>it just made me feel worse.
Let me guess, you failed to reach the 90 day point?
you are so ready to farm the items for the blades of darkmoon covenant

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The power went out 2 hours ago in my apartment complex. My laptop has 30 minutes of battery left, phones already dead. What advice can you give my dying soul before Im forced to go touch grass and leave this plane forever?
look closely at some stuff you've only ever glanced at
what in the matrix fuck do you mean by this?

I'm a female who is highly attracted to 2D anthro cartoon males because they are objectively more attractive than IRL 3DPD men. And i think they're fucking ugly for me. Recently I can't even sleep due to these thoughts i am having. sometimes it occurs to me to jerking off stimulately while thinking over it or It mades me want to watch the shows of my husbandos they originally came from and then I lay on my bed, masturbating over his movements and gestures that I find sexy, because of his appearance and expressions or his voice. How the fuck can i stop this shit? Should i seek a sex therapist right now? Should i tell my parents about this secret? Do i have a unhealthy cartoon fetish?
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Wow, you are quite disturbed. What an interesting specimen. My advice is to go try to feel the touch of a real man (or real women), not some pixel autism.
I already touched a irl man before, and it smells like shit
sorry anon
Anon from >>31585082
Good taste, too. I'm more of a Dedede, Ren and Flippy fan over Lumpy, Stimpy and Escargoon but you have some unique and underrated choices. Don't change.
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get outside
go walking
go camping
do something to cause new neural pathways to form
get off your ass and force yourself into a new environment that requires you do DO something else aside from wear yourself into a rut of mental orgasmatic stupidity.

No , this isnt sarcasm. You need to get up and move and get out. You dont need to see a therapist or talk to your parents. Just get out and DO something. dont half-measure it. Go. get out there and do things. Force yourself to do it

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It just takes one negative interaction to get me into throwing child tantrums, get 100% level depressed, become a recluse and make stupid impulse-driven decisions that I regret.
Today someone was rude to me, and on top of that I had a negative altercation with my parents and it made me want to break things, stay in bed all day, bang my head on the wall, etc.
How to self-cure this shit?
5 hours after the fact I am feeling much better, but I shouldn't reach such impulsive rage levels in the first place.
you are not self curing this shit, go to therapy for anger management. if you get help now, you might not beat your wife in the future!
Fades w time

You are reacting this way because either your parents or past relationships instilled some sort of shame or punitive system on you

That or you just are naturally self-flagellating. Or catholic.

Key? Radical acceptance. “Ok, that happened. It was awful. And i feel awful. Maybe i’ll sit with it for a bit, maybe I’ll take a walk. I won’t try to push it away forcefully.”

Then take a walk into a therapist’s office for your underlying issues.
Sounds like your parents have fucked you up pretty good. It happens to the best of us. Try and deal with it as long as you can and formulate a plan to move out. Trust me, you want to get out of there as soon as possible in order to start taking a hard look at yourself.

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Oh they are selective alright
When you get rejected just move on because you can't change a girl's mind
But when the girl gets rejected the logic goes out the window because she still won't change her mind and move on
She will act so hostile towards you because you rejected her
She will get her friends act so fucking hostile towards you for rejecting her
I remember being in group of who I thought were my friends only to then get hit with the "anon, x likes you do why don't you get with x?"
The audacity I am not attracted to her at all
Told them no not interested
And what happens?
I get ostracized from the group, never to speak them again and practically spent my last year of college alone with no friends.

They didn't respect my boundaries, what the fuck is wrong with the "selective gender"?
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Thats a shitty, superficial friend group. A lot of people get excited about shipping people in a friend group together, which is cringe, but retaliating for not accepting who they ship you with is super manipulative and fucked up.
You have shitty friends. My friend group used to ship me with some girl too. I just told em that I wasn't interested and that was it. Never seen the girl in our group again. This also >>31583761
A woman's ego is extremely fragile in that sense. For how much men are afraid of rejection, it's 10x worse for women for some reason. That's why men are supposed to approach, they can handle the fallout of a rejection without flipping their shit
Rules for thee but not for me.
women are animals, always act like they want equal rights but in reality they only do when it's convenient

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so i’m pretty good friends with this asian girl (this is important trust) and i also happen to have a crush on her. We’re somewhat close, we talk every day and we see each other occasionally. We know a lot about each other and we’re pretty gang. However, when i asked her out on a date, she said that she couldn’t date because she wanted to stay focused on school and her parents wouldn’t let her. She reassured me that i’m great and that it’s really not me but then again, i understand the difference in culture and the need of family approval since I myself am not asian. Is there anything i can do?
She's letting you down gently, ignoramus
Women move fucking heaven and earth for men they like, if she really liked you her family's opinion and school and shit wouldn't fucking factor in
>t. have dated several asian girls who were "good girls" and "focused on their studies" (of my big hispanic cock)

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Last year (2023) I went through a health crisis that lasted about 2 months. I couldn't work or do anything during this time. When I got out, all my drive seemed to be gone. Before my health crisis, I made more $$ during five months than during the whole year before (2022), was focused, organized, and was saving money so that I could move out of home.

In fact, prior to the end of November 2023, I was back on the wagon again. Not making much money but at least I had good habits and maintained a morning routine for a little over a month. However, I relapsed in health and ended up in the hospital once more. My doctors told me I couldn't drive for 6 months.

I still live in my parents's house since I lost a lot of money focusing on my health. Stayed busy working on a property my father owns and investing in it. After that last hospital visit, however, I've been lazy, distracted and unmotivated. I have a sales job and getting rejected has gotten me very dejected. I just want to get shit done, to have a direction. But right now it just feels like a very uphill battle. I have amazing friends, family a girlfriend... And yet I feel like I'm letting them down.

I need a clear direction, some plan. But I can't seem to get out of this bog. I sometimes feel like such a loser even if I know my health issues were a justifiable obstacle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, anons.

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>be me
>be an artist, growing a decent following
>"caught" drawing lolis
>everything i worked for is instantly down the drain because now im a pedophile
>kys kys kys
>get this pedo trash off the internet

for clarification im a girl, dont draw lolis for any sexual gratification but because i was raped as a kid and the innocence sort of makes me feel better. what is the course of action here, do i just abandon ship? do i make a suck up thread apologizing? sharing my art makes me happy but i feel thats not going to be an option anymore.
but was your art even good? probably not if people stop following you after a small incident like that

Did you draw them sexually or just had kids fucking around playing shit?
share it somewhere you aren't gonna get witch hunted
You can't just block the trolls hassling you? There are plenty of artists who draw loli and do fine, even explicit stuff. Granted they're mostly japs but it proves that it can be done. I guarantee the vast majority of your actual fans don't care.
>do i make a suck up thread apologizing?
I would do this and bare everything about your experiences in the past, similar to what you told us. Since you have a public image people need to be reassured and explained to or they will continue making up stories in their head that become more foreign to who you really are.

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And why?
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My ex was like this. He always looks at my butt and slaps it outside and in bed, but he’s never given me anal. He’s only fingered my anus. Weird guy.
But also
Feet/Legs (I know)
I'm not a materialistic person but if I have to choose I will always choose boobs.
what is the advice you seek
Between the two I prefer boobs. My favorite thing is legs though. I love the way they're shaped and I want to kiss smooth yummy thighs

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my bf has a weak immune system and gets sick quite easily and always exhausted because of long work hours
how can I make him feel better?
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Disgusted but not surprised with all of the degenerate coomer responses.
dust carries a lot of bacteria and heavy metals, get a roomba
untreated caries, ingrown nails, allergens also overhelm immune system
for the hidden deficiencies, run blood tests
blackout curtains help with better sleep
quality sleep should start before 00:00
it also could be fenols from the flooring
My girlfriend’s boyfriend always is sick.

He’s a little bitch.
Most men like ops bf do.
Cuckolds many such cases

Can I get rid of these armpit folds without plastic surgery? They're very ugly
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Who said I want to be a woman? I don’t want people to think I’m fat.
I promise nobody else cares except the few girls who have been similarly brainwashed into the same insecurity. I used to nitpick other women's makeup so badly when I wore it regularly. Now that I've stopped wearing it for years, it doesn't even cross my mind to nitpick when I see other women wearing makeup. I remember thinking I was soooo fat as a teenager too but whenever I look at those same photos I used to tear apart, I can see now that I looked fine, on the skinny side if anything. It makes me sad that I spent so many of my teen years feeling bad about my body.
My best advice is to stop looking at whatever is giving you the idea that you need to "fix" X, Y, Z part of your body. Stop listening to and encouraging your friends to dissect your own bodies like this.
People, primarily men, profit from your insecurities and are highly invested in developing new insecurities in women and girls.
they are not ugly, the can actually be hot. It works like dimples around your mouth.
No dumb anon, you cannot remove your skin and adipose tissue without surgery or liposuction. Use your brain.
I don't think you need to get rid of them, just work on self acceptance.

Is it gay to love chocolate if you're a man?

Cause I mean, if I eat a bar of dark chocolate then fuck me, I am in fucking heaven, my body feels that damn good.
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fucking kek'd

"Studies have proven that, when we eat chocolate, our brain releases chemicals such as endorphins or serotonin, which are known to be associated with happiness and overall wellness."
It's gay to be afraid to like benign things because it might make you gay.
It's gay to think about being gay.
Nah, that’s not gay. Fucking and sucking and bending over for dudes is gay.

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>go to asian massage parlor
>not an addict or anything, i go every couple of months, never had any issues
>girl offers sex for reasonable $$$
>say yes, hear her shuffling around the room, i assume she is getting changed or something (this will be important later)
>finish, get up and go take a shower
>come back
>notice there's a pole thingy in the corner of the room where you can put your phone to record, that wasn't there when i walked in
>oh shit did she record me?
>ask her whats up with that thing
>"oh i'm getting ready for a stream, we do live cams sometimes"
>go home
>couple days later i get a message with a screencap, its me fucking the whore from the same angle where the pole thingy was
>they want money or they'll send copies to everyone i know
>note: I have a gf and a good job
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This doesn’t explain it still. If you have a girlfriend, why not just focus on your her only for all your sexual needs? Why go outside and cheat? Break up with the poor girl and go fuck hoes!
>Just do heroin once a week, that should satisfy your addiction!
It didn't explain anything because you don't understand how addiction works
>If you have a girlfriend, why not just focus on your her only for all your sexual needs? Why go outside and cheat? Break up with the poor girl and go fuck hoes!
Without even getting into how sex addiction works I want to say this is a very female line of thinking, making sex into a "product" that you're fine stocking up on at regular intervals like you're buying fucking bread or something. I don't care what your gender actually is, it's just a straight-up feminine attitude towards sex.
You still never explained thoroughly. I’d like to hear it. He could have multiple rounds of sex with a girlfriend. If he wants to have sex outside, why even have a girlfriend? Just settle for hoes! Leave the good girl alone!
You're pretty dumb if you can't understand
>sex is drug
>want more drug
>being in relationship + fucking around outside means more drug than just fucking around alone
There are reasons people want sex outside of just "I love my partner and want to orgasm with them." A lot of times insecurity, need for validation, and stunted mental and spiritual development play roles in acting out.
one of my friend did that, she got sued by the guy and had to pay him 20k

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