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by abuse i mean i take 1 or 2 extra pills a day. i do it because it's really the only thing that actually makes me happy and enthusiatic anymore. i also take risperidone (anger-related) and abilify.
it's not that bad at the moment but i'm worried i'll spiral down into a drug addict or something. it's really scary to me.
Just stop. No excuses. Have some fucking self control and take responsibility for your actions.
Move onto snorting street speed tabs that you get from your druggie neighbours.
Never got so much work done while also taking time to stimfap at my leisure. Life is good.
that actually kinda worked. i only took half a tablet a few minutes ago as opposed to a full one.
thank you lol
i needed someone to tell me that

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So I did it guys, I matched with someone on a dating app, we exchanged instagram accounts and are now talking about a date and what we want from a relationship.

However after seeing her Instagram, I don't really think she looks as good as she was on her dating profile. She looked like a solid 7-8 on the dating app, but looks more like a 6 on her Instagram.
Now, the messaging phase is fucking awesome, she never had a relationship and overshares everything, she literally spams 20-30 messages, it's insanely easy to talk to her and she sounds very nice every time we talk, got a nice personality. Even told her about my more unsexy hobbies like gaming etc. and she really respects them.

However, if I ask myself if I would go for her or my college crush who looks like a solid 11/10 with a basic white girl personality, I feel like my stupid fucking brain would go for the 11/20 and I don't think this thought in the back of my mind is fair for the 6/10.
Should I just go for a date and have some nice friendly fun to see what she's like irl AND EXPERIENCE DATING or should I already just cut the connection early on?

I am also kind of a broke college dude and idk if it's worth spending my money on a 6/10 although she literally told me she was okay with splitting the bill and even meeting at a location that's in the middle of our living locations, so I really like that she's not a pretentious bitch that thinks she deserves the world, she's very humble and real with me.
After all of this I feel like I am a superficial, narcissist cunt that thinks he deserves better, but can't really change these ideas.
I even started thinking if I wanted a girlfriend or just the confirmation that I COULD get one due to my huge insecurities and I think it was the second one...

New college semester is also about to start and I'm thinking that it might be better to just try and get someone from my college instead maybe? 6/10 lives like an hour away from me and has already started working too
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> Getting someone you feel is attractive enough
Idk she looks very cute on some picture and very ugly on the others, idk how tf that works. Her eyes are beautiful tho.

Maybe it's just the fucking camera and I'll get a proper idea when I see her irl, that's what matters the most anyways.
Yeah see her IRL. Of course if you don't feel attracted at all after that then forcing it would be a bad idea. Just ask yourself "would I be able to feel good banging her?". Good luck anon.
>very cute on some picture and very ugly
It means she's ugly, but on some pictures she's used more filters/angles/makeup to disguise this.
>would I be able to feel good banging her
There's always the trusty paper bag (for her) and alcohol (for you) combo.
> It means she's ugly
I think you might be right, but hope you're wrong anon
Yea, I broke this off. The more I looked at her instagram the less I found her appealing, I really cannot do this. I told her that I was bipolar. Fuck me man...

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kek ok. I have straight, brown hair that I part slightly to the side of the middle, and it typically looks a bit messy while resting near the outer edges of my eyes because I have no idea how to style hair. I'm 5'10".
I'm not going to answer because you're that anon who posts those revolting nsfw pics and webms, aren't you?
LOL TY and yw :3
YOu sound cute yes
>what did nuclear look like and how is it different to now?
Nuclear was me totally deleting my Facebook account a dozen times, deleting my discord, stuff like that. As of now, it's more like I just get somber and figure that if I reach out to anyone it'll be a waste of time. I had a friend reach out Sunday, and my initial reaction was to get mad. Like "NOW you want to talk?" But I slapped myself for that one and got over myself.
>is he just trying to make this a game or test me out of his own insecurity? why?
No, in my case, it's more that I feel I can't trust people so I just start 'purging' them. I think he left that lifeline open by accident.
>a few anons aid it was a cute/sweet gesture if I did mail him.
It is, but it might also lead to pain. For both of you.

>I'm very spiritually inclined and love nature like her, so I see piece of her flowers and fruit tree she planted many years ago when she lived at the old house i'm still at.
That is incredibly sweet.
>did yours pass away too?
Yeah, years ago. Incidentally a week before I met my ex irl for the first time. She wasn't the best mom, I had a pretty terrifying childhood at points, but it still hurts.
>thank you for reaching out about my mom too :')
You're welcome.

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Is it true women wear makeup for themselves and not for men or is thst just a way for women to cope?
>Is it true women wear makeup for themselves and not for men?
Yes and no. Women/girls get told by men and other women/girls they'd look good with make up but it isn't true for all women/girls. As women they need to keep their skin well by staying out of the sun for too long, wearing sunscreen, moisturizer, chapstick and good night sleep.
> or is thst just a way for women to cope?
It's both
Either way, it's not for you. So what's the point of your question, kek?
How you look effects how you feel on the inside. Women like feeling like they look good, like they look like the best version of themselves. Men who aren't losers know how to cultivate that feeling too, although they tend to be more private about it.
Women in Saudi Arabia who aren't allowed to go outside love to have parties where they dress up and its just them girls. It's a form of artistic expression. Not everyone is depressed retarded faggot like you who is only motivated by "cope" and doesn't know how to enjoy things for their own sake. Not everything is about humiliation and shame and trying get one over on other people.
You sound like a woman.

More women should use less makeup. Makeup is ugly and fuck up your skin and make you look older than you are

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What is the best way to hide baldness?
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Move to Russia where it's always cold and socially acceptable to wear beanies 247
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by not caring
Get muscles so big that no one looks at your head.
Don't. Just go bald. But remember to take care of your head.
Holy shit, he thinks he's a cartoon character on Southpark. Mr. Hat was the handpuppet you're not supposed to try to be him dim fool.

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My mother is cheating on my father with his brother.

I am going out with my father tomorrow in the car, and I am 99.9% sure my mother and uncle will sleep together when we do. I want my father to discover them, so my idea is to let us get about 15 minutes on the road, then tell him I don't feel well and we need to go back. I want him to catch them in the act otherwise he will be in denial.

There are lots of stones on our driveway so my mother and uncle will hear us when we pull up.

How can I get my father inside quietly enough, after enough time has passed, and to his bedroom, without telling him outright?
Dunno. Just go for it. Also careful your dad could kill your mom and uncle fyi.
Never happened, never will

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I need to make a website using only HTML and I don't know how to code at all as I have profound mental retardation.

Is there some tool that a brainlet can use to make a website which will then shit it all out as HTML which I can just copy and paste?

Can one of these new fancy jewish AI things help? If so, what? And how?

Is there another way?

For what it's worth, the website needs to be kinda like a blog or something, like the old days of tumblr I guess
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There are WordPress plug-ins that can
>Can one of these new fancy jewish AI things help?
Sorry, but thwe only guy named Al I know is Catholic.
when making a website, there's 2 (3) languages you need to know
html creates the elements, the text, the images etc.
css is the one that controls how things look.
it's honestly piss easy, go to w3schools.com to learn them
if there's a specific website you like, you can right click and choose 'inspect' to see the source code of the site, and copy it

do this, blog with free hosting.
any questions about how to do it just as an llm
I always used blogger/blogspot to make sites. You can use a readymade template to get 90% there then modify the html/CSS to your liking then buy a url to get rid of the blogspot domain. It allows you to view and copy/paste the code. The editor is extremely flexible as well, you can do pretty much anything if you can figure it out. There are widgets and stock stuff and a code editor for fine tuning. I’m a novice too, but I got results just experimenting and googling tips if I ran into an issue.

How the fuck do people honestly get girlfriends? Like I know I'm fat, but I'm not morbidly obese either, 5'9 at 220 pounds and yet I still never had a girlfriend at the age of 23. Is it really just all about looks and if you don't have it then you're fucked no matter what you do?
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that's cause women don't like lanky incels
tall guys have the opportunity to have more charisma, ultimately it's charisma you're lacking which you can only develop before you're aware of it.
you know what
Im just going to kms
it's so fucking over
fuck this
Kek are you me? 6'0 also, nobody goes outside anymore yet they keep saying "DUDE JUST GO OUTSIDE DUDE"
I know it's fucking bullshit. I go to bars and clubs and places every fucking week and I never see anyone under the age of 30 there. Zoomers are so fucked. Then zoomers will complain that there are no third spaces while every bar and club goes out of business because they dont go there
fucking idiots
OK I just decided now that I'm just going to hit on every single girl I find attractive that I see until I get a girlfriend.
Idk how to hit on women and this will inevitably result in failure for the first 100 times or so, maybe even every time, but it will make these dumb bitches have their confidence lowered by seeing a non Chad ask them out

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there’s a mentally challenged guy at our class that keeps going after my hair???
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or smells good
smelling good is still a smell
its not necessarily a bad thing
i feel mean but apparently even glaring at him encourages him? if i don’t look at him he’ll try to sneak behind me i’ll try to find something, maybe deepening my voice will work??
noi’m stinky </33
i started deepening my voice omg i sound so scawy>:(
it didn’t work i’m sick & tiered….

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Yesterday my gf of a year told me she used to sell "naughty content" online. When I asked her to elaborate she said it wasn't onlyfans but she used to sell lewds/nudes to guys on discord.
I am not happy with this, she said she hid it from me for so long to because she knew I wouldn't be happy. What should I do? Break up with her? I must admit it disgusts me
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>Looks at name of author
>Lana Hoch

Of course.
Every. Single. Time.
based. degenerates deserve the rope.
A century or so ago people used to parade their bloody bedsheets on the streets as proof of their bride's virginity.
You're probably too stupid to understand what this means

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Where is the best place to buy xs condoms? I'm only allowed to finish when wearing one and she says I'm too small for regular sizes. I need to find some for tonight, so ordering isn't an option

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im mad my gf doesnt want to do the sexual stuff she used to do with other men, is this behavior normal? im planning on doing the same to her, not licking her pussy, just vanilla shit until she dumps me
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That was my point. Maybe she doesn't realize how important those new experiences are to him. And if she does realize and isn't willing to compromise, he should dump her. That was what I meant.
That's a lot of assumptions to make about a total stranger lol. In case you haven't notice, this is /adv/. Nobody is obligated to take my advice. But OP did ask for it. So....
Just dump her lol. Spare yourself.

>> my gf doesn't want to do things she didn't like when she tried with other people before me
>> I'm resentful I don't get to try those things if I stay with her

Oh noes. Kek.

Grow up you spastic loser. Either accept being with your gf is worth not trying those things, or end the relationship.
Just dump her lol. Spare the poor girl.
If she doesn't want to do it because she tried it with other men then that's normal, I wouldn't get mad at her for something like that. Now if it is things she liked to do but just doesn't want to try with you then that's a different case, dump her if you're in the second scenario.

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I’m what some might describe as a stealth chud. I play music as a hobby and all the people I meet are normie lefty types. I don’t really care about politics, but a lot of them speak openly about socialism, gender stuff, feminism and shit like that which I honestly find cringe. I always keep my true feelings to myself and try to avoid talking about that stuff when it comes up. I’m mindful not to say gay or retarded, etc., but I have this feeling of guilt like I’m being dishonest or hiding my true self. I want to make friends with normal people and maybe get a gf but it feels like I’m incompatible unless I present a fake version of myself. Anybody else in this position? Should I give up trying to make friends or just keep hiding my chudistic tendencies?
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They wouldn't want to hurt you for having a diffrent opinion. As much as you didn't get those opinions to deliberately and specifically hurt them. They might want to argue with you, "educate" you, or make a distance with you but that doesn't necessarily have to devolve into blaming you, belittling you, or ignoring you. Or better, maybe they'll adjust their attitude to tolerate you and make you feel comfortable around them. You already conceal your thoughts with effort just for the friendship, so why wouldn't they try the same kind of effort? It really depends on you and your friends' choices, not on whether your opinion 'matches' with theirs.
just start confronting people and speaking your mind without even defending yourself from them. just allow them to be angry and stupid. you will become popular and worshipped by the sheep eventually just for being activated. they will see you as smarter than them and a threat which will either make them attack or worship
I’m not even racist, I could care less about that stuff. I’m just not interested in political shit. I just want to be a shithead and make jokes. I don’t know what to say when someone brings up Chile or the Armenian genocide. I’m just like “oh man, that’s crazy…”. It feels like there’s pressure to be invested in that kind of stuff because of how politicized everything this. Maybe I’m just a pussy. I don’t know.
I get your point. Maybe normie is the wrong term. It seems like normie shit to me because it’s all just acceptable opinions that most people my age agree on.

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I am an alcoholic, 9 months sober. I also used to smoke weed, do shrooms, and LSD. I had a TON of LSD that I just TOSSED. I know it was the right decision because I still kind of miss it and think about doing it even though it's gone.

How does one live sober again? After """elevating"""" my experiences it's hard for me to enjoy things without being high. Which I obviously could do before. How do I learn to enjoy life sober again?
you can unironically get "high" from natural experiences too. Try something exciting. Working out ( I know, sucks when you do it but feels great after ) driving cars or other fast sports for adrenaline, going to music events, etc.
Kasina meditation will give you the altered mental states you evidently wish for, but without abusing your chemistry and health. Indeed, it strengthens your concentration

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I make good money.
I came from a broken home.
I want to crash out.
However I know that feeling is temporary.

I feel like I'm watching sand fall through my fingers no matter how desperate reach out or cupping my hands.

How can I reduce this feeling? What is there to even do?
Just a loveless lowlife with little to live for looking for a reason to keep going.

Have you felt this way? What have you done to reduce this feeling?
I do more of my hobbies to distract me from the thought of working forever. Not coming from wealth, I constantly juggle the struggle between staying financially stable and pursuing what truly interests me.
I was born into poverty. True poverty.
White trash poverty.

The digits don't do it, whats success if you have nobody to enjoy it with..

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