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Should I work out in the city streets as a salesperson trying to get them to donate to for a good cause like WWF and stuff? I really need the money and they'll pay me 200 bucks per day, standing arounf for 8 hours a day. I have to at least work 20 days there.
I'm kind of "autistic" and am not salesy, but if I need the money I can become whatever I need to be, right? Even if it means being humiliated and rejected out in the streets. As long as I do my best and I get the money, it doesn't matter, right?
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You can get paid for just being attractive and friendly? Unless you're a female model that poses with cars at auto shows, I don't believe you.
I said it helps, I still have to approach the people...
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If you need money then yes
Great bump, thanks moron
Great bump, thanks bro

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I get really obsessed with fictional characters. Is that weird? At least they’re not sonic.
It's not weird if you stand alone in your obsessions. Nobody will know
Generic posts get generic replies.
You're allowed to spend more than ten seconds on a post.
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I liek caitlyn she is so strong and beautiful

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Whenever I call her she basically almost always tries to quickly end the conversation.

She often gets mad at me when I want to talk for longer than a few minutes. Last time we spoke for 20 minutes. Our Convo was interrupted in the middle cause she got a phone call and didn't tell me (bad with technology). So I had to wait like 10 mins.

So afterwards she yelled at me for taking up too much of her time with the 20 min phone call and said I was wasting her time.

She didn't even ask me how I am really, desu.

I'm her only child.

She OCCASIONALLY tells me she misses me, usually when I just stop contacting her for weeks. Then we talk for like 30 mins and she gets annoyed.

Err any advice? Like .. idk I just feel like she likes her other family more than me desu

Like her sister and my cousin...
Maybe you should limit how often you get in touch with her. It's amazing how things feel turn around when a person feels like they don't have control any more.

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what do i say in an email to a postsecondary counselor i haven't seen in nearly a year and how should i format it? when i saw him last it was about wanting to go to college but i kept putting off seeing him. i haven't done much of value in the meantime, although i have decided on a list of careers i'd be interested in.
Are you even entitled to their help any more?

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Have any of you experienced derealization? How have you managed to overcome it? I've experienced it occasionally since I was about 15, but now at 23, it has become a daily issue. It got significantly worse last spring when studies, work/job hunting completely consumed my free time and caused a lot of stress.

The symptoms are a feeling of unreality and like I don't have control over my own body, as if everything happens on "autopilot." It's like I'm a fly on the wall watching myself. This feeling is often accompanied by intense restlessness, especially when sitting still, and "compulsive movements" like tapping my fingers on the table or my thigh help alleviate it a little bit. Resting my head on my hand also helps. It feels a bit like dizziness, though I can still engage in high-level sports (tennis e.g.) while feeling this way, so it’s not true vertigo. My ability to concentrate drops significantly during these episodes, which is especially frustrating during lectures. Talking face-to-face with others also feels uncomfortable when I have the feeling.

The symptoms occur in very different situations: while exercising, walking alone, talking to others, or sitting in lectures, for example. They often intensify when I'm still, such as when sitting. On the other hand, they often weaken when I'm actively doing something. For example, while driving on a mountainous road abroad and needing to focus intensely, I didn’t feel any issues, but as soon as I got out of the car, the symptoms returned. Similarly, while lifting heavy weights at the gym, I feel fine, but between sets, the symptoms reappear.

I’ve undergone tests ranging from blood work to brain MRIs, and nothing has been found. I’m now waiting for the results of an EEG, but apparently, it’s unlikely to show anything since the MRI was clear.
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Forgot to mention the obvious thing. DP/DR is not a diagnosis, OP. It is a symptom. A symptom of what? Most likely post-traumatic stress related disorders is what. Dp/Dr is the flagship symptom for something like cPTSD. Though I think other disorders can produce the symptom of dp/dr.

And you’d be surprised how common this can happen in humans. I think estimation of 1 in 11 people. So you’re not crazy or anything Op. Just really really really fuckin stressed presumably lol. Thats why the mind goes to dissociation daydream world. It numbs the emotional pain from stress and grief. Its the brains defense measure for your sanity.

It can go into remission and things return to normal, so dont be too concerned
thank you anon.
>Thats what dp/dr is in my opinion. Its where reality and daydream blend and blur together after a prolonged time of excessive rumination and daydreaming
This resonates with me, I have always been a daydreamer, not only to escape reality but also because I like it and I like to analyze things in my mind, I am very analytical.

If it really is just stress related, I am pretty optimistic just sleeping 2 hours more everyday alone could help me fix it. I'll do that for a couple of weeks and see the results, also try to take it very easy and not stress about small things like getting a little worse grade from a course than before. After that I'll probably consult psychiatrist, I'm a little hesitant on therapy as I don't have any trauma or problem that I am aware of, although surely the therapist could help me first find what is stressing my sub concious and then help me alleviate it.
Sounds good. Once identified, if anything is identified, all it takes is either a bit of exposure therapy to whatever crossed your wires, or, if its something like still being around stressors, 3 months away from the source of stress helps a ton too.
After moving away from my bickering and dysfunctional family, within a few months I made massive clarity gains.

Good luck brotha
what the fuck is dpdr
Depersonalization-derealization disorder.

Basically imagine the feeling you get when you play a first-person video game. How you have meta awareness that you are viewing a game world in first person. Now imagine that same feeling, but for real life. You become a disembodied and detached observer of your own life, constantly.

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Hey /adv/ a little green text to be quick about my worries
>be me, nurse student

>almost done with the degree

>at the end of each semester, they send you to an actual hospital to apply what you learned

>It's just 1 week for each subject

>This semester for me was working with babies and kids with special needs and urgency, idk how you would call it in the states, but it's everything from a gun shot, to a car crash, strokes, stuff like that
I have never been someone who speaks about his feelings, but the last 2 weeks i saw 2 people die, one just as she was put on the stretcher, and i had to clean her up right after she died, and a middle-aged man who died from a heart attack after we tried rcp for like an hour after having pulse a few times. And honestly, i feel that it doesn't affect me that much as of right now, but today i saw how a baby of like a year fell from his cradle, and it is a big ass cradle, since it's made so babies can't climb it up, didn't work, and it was in an instant, i saw him sleeping like 10 seconds before and wasn't even able to react to it, the nurse who was with me was closer but turned her back too.

Idk, seeing that baby fall like a big potato to the floor was something that i didn't expect to affect me that much, thankfully the baby didn't hurt himself at first glance, but it puked, which isn't a good sign.

At the moment, i haven't spoken a word about this with anybody, and im not sure if i should, they say that it's bad to bring the nursery work to home, but at the same time they say that you should talk about stuff to relief yourself, but i haven't experienced that. What would you do in my position?
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Don't they offer couselling, either in your school or in the hospital? Doctors and nurses witness the most terrible things. They may develop a hard shell but at least at the start the need help in protecting themselves.
You should talk about it. Do you have anyone irl you can do that with? Like a parent/sibling/friend? Those things take a toll and if it affects you, then you have to process it or it will become an issue.
In the school they do, but it's not for nurses only, so it's your regular school psychologist, so a pretty bad one or so i've heard. idk about the hospital, since im not an actual employee of it

I have a couple friends that i could talk about it, but that's it, some people i feel that if i talk about it with them they will worry more than they should, not many like to think about death.

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The perfect women does not exist and it will never exist.
We only had a glimpse of that, in 2d form
How do you cope with the fact that you will never find a woman like Lum?
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That's because women think they are perfect, no wonder the majority of them rate themselves as a 10/10. And by trying to "perfect" the man, they just end up corrupting them to be as imperfect as them.
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>How do you cope with the fact that you will never find a woman like Lum?
Patchouli is the perfect woman, but that's besides the point. I have completely given up. I've sacrificed so much time and energy for these bitches only to get fucked around and treated like a dog. I'm donezo.
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cunts mad
This thread is based. I want a woman to push me to perfection, but sadly that won't happen...
Lum is perfect ngl
that's why I can't even watch the anime
because it makes me sad she does not exist

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I (19M) took a lot of personality tests and all of them gave me results with worryingly high levels of neuroticism.
As we all know, it is very common for women to be highly neurotic, but not for men. Did any other guy here go through a similar situation? How to deal with it?
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>it is very common for women to be highly neurotic, but not for men.

Against strong competition, that wins the award as stupidest comment on 4chan today.
It's only an exaggeration of something pretty well established in scientific literature. Not nearly the worst post on /adv/ alone today.


Women self-report as more neurotic than men, but magnitude varies across culture.
>Women self-report as more neurotic than men
That's just because the men are too insecure in their macho self-image to admit it.
this sounds like some faggot low test shit.
just find a woman and fuck her and pop children in her.
I'm highly neurotic. I have no control over my emotions, anxious all the time, have suicidal depression, isolated, paranoid. I also have intense anger and think about killing people constantly. I have no friends and never had sex and I'm in my 30s.

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Well, I really need your help here.

So, there is a girl at gym who is really gentle, beautiful and kind. We get along very well and she is a college student at the same university as me. She's always with her mother, and though her mother is also a sweet person to me, I feel kinda embarrassed to talk with her when she is around, but I think she probably would like her daughter dating another student like me.
Sometimes we talk about our college life, lifting etc, but that's not enough. She so marvelous. I want her. I really do.

So I was thinking about asking her Instagram but well, it's still a girl at gym with her mother, so as I said before, kinda goofy. What do you think?
If you're already on speaking terms just give her your WhatsApp or whatever is the predominant messaging app in your location. It's then up to her if she wants to chat outside of the gym or not.
This. Just be natural about it.

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Is law a good choice of profession for someone with crippling anxiety? We spend out entire lives imagining possible scenarios that might go wrong. Sounds like an ideal mindset for lawyers.
Most lawyers never enter a courtroom in their entire lives. They work with paper, in the form of contracts, deeds, wills, divorces, etc. Their work has to be precise - and that might raise anxiety
Depends on what kind of anxiety. If it’s social anxiety you’re not gonna enjoy being a lawyer. If it’s any kind of anxiety then yeah, it would keep you on your toes mentally and could help you be a good lawyer.

Ideally what you want is hypervigilance + persuasion, Aka - manipulation. So that you can take anything and twist it around to win a case in the defense of a client or in the pursuit of prosecution. Basically become a narcissist and you’ll be a fantastic lawyer.
Are you going to engage with any of the replies, OP?
That sounds even better. You're relegated to dealing with paperwork over possible points of failure (something you do anyway) without having to deal with social bullshit.
Hypervigilance is a given but persuasion is not my strong suit.

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how do i make easy money
sell addictive drugs to addicts
99% of gamblers give up just before their big win. Never give up; never back down.
get really good at something and your job will be easy as pie.
Work the algorithm, generate some perfect woman AI tits and ass videos, put it on social media where you'll get paid for being a content creator. Collect money on views from lonely perverts.
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Ask /biz/

i swear i've run into far more manipulative woman than the actualy statistics say (1% of women vs 4% of men). I've never had a man really screw me over, yet i've had countless women lie, cheat and manipulate me while pretending to love me
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>1 Glibness/superficial charm
>Proneness to boredom/low frustration tolerance
>Pathological lying and deception
>Conning/lack of sincerity
>Lack of remorse or guilt
>Lack of affect and emotional depth

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works as well
This thread really brought the manipulative femcels/roasties out
And they say there's no women on the chans

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How do I make irl friends? I just moved in a new city and I have no fucking idea how to enter a social circle that's not into my autist interests
uuh, you‘re not supposed to move somewhere where you have no foot in the door already
work? neighbors? community activities? clubs?
What are your interests? What sorts of people might also have those interests? Where would such people be likely to hang out? Go there. Say hello.
How to make friends is one of the most common topics here. Search the 4plebs /adv/ archive for literally thousands of threads of discussions and advice.

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Hey, this is my first time going on 4chan and I want to do something other than doomscroll for the next 2 hours like every other day of my pointless life, any actually good ideas for things to do on my phone other than rot away?
Dual N-Back.
Put your phone down and read a book

Are non-autists a bunch of manipulators? I was reading for an exam on one of those new gay subjects Europeans like to create and it was talking about how to improve your social skills, a common topic on here but it told me to "adecuate" my gestures and mimick the other person so they can feel I'm "understanding" them, so basically, lie or play a role for them to be able to read what you want to infer, even if it's fake.

Feels odd even if right
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That’s natural. If people like you you will notice they mimic your posture.
Try resting your chin on your hand if you’re sitting down.
Often you will notice them do it, too, if they’re engaged.
*making them the manipulators
Those are like manuals to improve your social skills meant for normies, thoughsoever. Right or wrong I have never faked my emotions or gestures as far as I can tell
Look, a basic element of autism is that you have to learn to do what normies do instinctively. One way to learn is to watch others. One way to make it more instinctive is to start by imitating. There's nothing dishonest there
>Are non-autists a bunch of manipulators?
No. Not always anyway. Depends on the ‘non-autist’. If it’s a normie then no. If it’s another divergent type, like ADHD, then no. If it’s a psychopathy spectrum type of person then yeah it’ll be manipulation probably.

Anyway it is very important for you to understand non-autist gestures and subtle double-speak and all that shit so you can avoid being manipulated as an autist.

And as an autist you might be asking yourself:

>Why bother with all this weird indirect gesturing and indirect intentions buried under verbal idioms and sarcasm and double-speak?

>Why can’t the world just speak bluntly, plainly, directly, and always speak what they mean & mean what they speak?

I don’t know, autist. You’re gonna have to forgive us non-autists for that one. We’re kinda stupid. We enjoy pretending to mean offense as a way of social ‘play’. We delight in twisting face-value meanings around to reverse what we actually intend because idk, it’s fun and it’s how we express our personality types. We’re fucking weird I know.

Anyway thank you for learning this shit based autist. I know it mustn’t be easy.

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