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should i wait another year to decide on college?
I left at 18, now im 19 and if i dont go now ill have to wait until next year when im nearly 21. Was gonna neet but now im regretting it and i dont want to be an old first year student.
Noone cares if you're 21 lol get a grip
i'm 24 and currently enrolling in freshman classes

you'll be fine
Get degree/trade/career/money-source now. Being a NEET means either working minimum wage jobs or living off of welfare which is almost impossible these days unless you can live with parents/grandparents/friends/other-family. Either way it means living off of ramen noodles and not being able to afford dental work. Not being able to save up money means you will be left with no way out. So act now.
>you can live with parents/grandparents/friends/other-family
i can do this

I’m a 21 year old weird autistic nerd man. What I wanted from life like nearly everyone is to be able to find love and create a family. This is looking more and more impossible.
My boomer dad tells me that I’m just at a bad time because 18-19 is too young for me and all the girls my age are dating older guys and girls don’t date younger guys. I’ve been given cope from boomers and people on here since I was a teenager. Just lame different excuses. I don’t think I’m the problem, look at all the people posting here who have the same issue. Are we fatter than the average American woman? No. Do we make less? No. Are we less successful? Not me. I’ve been on every single dating app since I turned 18, I haven’t been on a single date from one of them. The last time I had a girlfriend was in 2021, freshman year of Uni and I broke it off after a month when she told me she wants to be “non-binary”.
I go out and I see fats with cute girlfriends, I see drug riddled nasty zoomers with cute girlfriends, yet there are plenty of fit and handsome men that are incels.
I always wanted to be a surgeon but it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore. Why would I want to dedicate another 10 years of my life to training just to live alone?
I’m on vacation in Europe now and the women are so much better. They are actually feminine, unlike American women who try to act like men and defile their bodies with piercings and tattoos and dress in sweatpants.
None of the European girls would ever go out with me since I’m American and it wouldn’t even work if they wanted to. All the American women have tinder and even the ugliest fattest she cows can land a chad. What the fuck am I to do?
Pic related, me in 15 years assuming I don’t off myself by then
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>I’m a musician, I play organ and piano and accordion. I am a dancer (Schuhplattler). I also keep saltwater aquariums.
Just like the average alpine virgin with lot's of older (>50) women liking him and his very interesting hobbies.
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This paints such a vivid picture of OP
And then he wonders why "ZE AMERIKAN VIMAN" aren't interested.
>I am a dancer (Schuhplattler)

>my younger sister has a long term BF
Anon I have a solution for you would you like to read it

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How do I discourage strangers from asking me stupid questions that they would have found the answer to if they bothered to wait a few seconds to find out?

You know the shit I'm talking about?
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You're on 4chan, dude. I've got news for ya... you're an addict.
My brother do this, I just say I don't know even if I do and he just leaves
But he's family. He is your blood.
Is that you, Vin?

18m here, turning 19 in a month. girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 2 years ago. i know it’s been a long time but as my first gf ever and that amount of time, ive thought about her pretty much every day since. we still talk off and on to catch up, but the differences in our lifestyles are too great that any chance of winning her back is long gone. she’s at an ivy league school on track to become a doctor and i’m working full time as a line cook. i’m a fucking bum with a cocaine and heroin problem. she fucking parties and hangs out with her boyfriend and i go home to watch south park and shoot up everyday. my issue isn’t really about her, i never want to fucking think about her again and i just wish i could meet somebody new and pick myself off my feet. i don’t care for the chad lifestyle i just want to be a good guy to someone. i haven’t done anything wrong to have life throw so much crap in my face, any advice?
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thanks anon, yeah i have a hefty sum of money just on savings, total of 10 grand. been trying of ways lately to make a profit on investments but too scared to take a big risk. i know i don’t have to invest all of it, that would be stupid but yknow big risk comes big reward. mostly doing sides hustles and such but starting a business i think could be cool if only i could find a niche
is your life over?
the answer is no.
you're 18.
go continue to live your life.
>turning 19 in a month
>Girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 2 years ago
>19 - 2 = 17 years old at break up
>17 - 5 = 12 years old at the start of relationship
Anon. You were a child (and still are in many ways).
No relationship before the age of 20 is serious. You were bound to grow apart. It happens to everyone who gets into a relationship at such a young age unless there's some kind of outside social pressure (like religion or a kid) to keep you together. If you want to forget about her, you have to complete remove her from your life. Delete her number and get rid of any pictures you have of her or items that remind you of her. The reason you still talk to her is because you're holding on and it's unhealthy. When you're done doing that go get some help for your addiction. I've been through it myself and that shit will absolutely destroy your life if you don't get it under control. How do you think you're getting someone to 'be a good guy to' if you're shooting up all the time?
jesus christ your generation is so pathetic
>i'm 18 and done dumb shit. is my life over?
did you lose any fucking limbs or have brain damage, you fucking retard? you haven't even lived a quarter of a human lifespan and you already think it's over? you have more than enough time to get your shit together

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Last week I got a forehead reduction, Botox, neck and face liposuction, as well as a liposuction around my love handles. And I am in absolute pain, I come home from work yesterday (1AM) and I see that no supper has been made for me. I get so upset because I am in so much pain and I spent so much money and my wife is not doing anything to help me. I woke her up to let her know that this is wrong and I made sure she understood the pain that I am going through. I feel bad because she became emotional but I just don’t know how to handle these stressors
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I’m not that replier but OP are you seriously so low IQ that you can’t see the parallel/allegory between that replier’s greentext and what you said about your wife?
Yes I am a grown man, I’m 22 years old and my wife should know better, I’ve sacrificed everything and did everything a man has to do. She should be doing her role correctly
Oh, this was bait all along. Fucking faggot.
> She’s an adult
Don’t sound like it. You’re being outsmarted by a woman.
I felt that was pretty obvious from the start from the amount of detail he went into describing his procedure combined with the frog

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I'm a 21 year old guy living in the US. I was homeschooled through high school, and would consider myself fairly intelligent, at least slightly above average. However, I have up til now chosen not to go to college because of how expensive it is, a desire not to go into debt, and the fact that the fields I was interested in don't require a degree/value experience over formal education.

However, I'm starting to question this decision. I graduated in spring of 2022. That summer I worked at a summer camp, then when I returned home I got a wagie job at a deli. In November 2022 I started working freelance at an event production company. I stopped working the deli after nine months, it was just too soul crushing. In September 2023 I went on a nine month mission trip overseas. I came back in May. My point in all this is that up til now I've always had the next goal laid out in front of me. I was never at a loss for what to do next.

Right now, however, I don't have a clue what's next, other than acquiring a vehicle of my own. Right now everyone is asking "What are you going to do for your career?" "What's next for you?" etc. I just have no idea what the answer to that is, and it's kinda frustrating. I feel like I should be a lot further ahead than I am right now. Everyone's told me my whole life "Oh anon you're so smart. You could do anything you set your mind to." So it's frustrating that I don't seem to be fulfilling those expectations that others have put on me and that I've put on myself.
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This is encouraging. Thanks for the advice.
>Has had a successful career as a deli butcher
>"like I should be a lot further ahead than I am right now"
You're plenty ahead for your age bro chill.
Shouldnt have to take a financial risk to get a job that isnt backbreaking wageslave trash. These are young people trying to get jobs not start businesses. College should be free like europe
That won't happen until the USA collapses.
>I'm a 21 year old
>I feel like I should be a lot further ahead than I am right now. Everyone's told me my whole life "Oh anon you're so smart. You could do anything you set your mind to." So it's frustrating that I don't seem to be fulfilling those expectations that others have put on me and that I've put on myself.
I'm about ready to turn 40.
I got great grades in school, always at the top of the class. I failed my first attempt at college since I bit off more than I could chew, my father decided to cut support, and I've been working minimum wage shitjobs for the last 20 years. Finally saved up the money to go to community college and get an AS in Computer Science, started working for the college's tech department immediately after graduation since they were the only place I could find to do my internship and they really liked the quality of my work, only to lose it 5 months later when the college board decided to do budget cuts on the tech support department. I applied everywhere I could with my degree, 5 months paid experience, 6 months unpaid internship experience, and letters of recommendation from my team mates and supervisor, never heard back. Back to working at a fucking gas station now, getting screamed at by people who can't handle basic math. I have no debt, but I only have my 22 year old van, my computer, clothes, and about $3,000 in savings which are getting lower by the day. I have no family, no children, and I'm only getting more tired by the day.
My childhood best friend went on to live our childhood dream of making videogames. He's worked with major studios like Lucasfilm as well. My sister fucked around in school, worked as a waitress for years, then leeched off a string of boyfriends to put herself through medical school and became a nurse. I studied all the time and never went partying or to bars, scored higher on every test me and my childhood friend took, and I'm still on the bottom rung of society.
You have time OP.

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A girl is almost certainly into me and I can't handle it. This really stresses me out. She's not the love of my life or anything, I don't even have a crush on her, but she's definitely cool and attractive. I can't handle this shit bros women are scary.
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Sounds hot
Real helpful
Yeah sorry but I don't feel like describing her. I don't see the point if it and I avoid posting details like that to keep myself anonymous, I'm paranoid about being doxxed/recognised
Honesly dont think anyone really cares, but you do you.
If it wasn't obvious already, I'm very neurotic

Not sure if this is the right board or not to ask. But does anyone know where exactly should I sell couple of Servo motors + circuit control board?

Dad bought a couple for his personal project but didn't go anywhere with it, so I'm trying to find second hand buyer with his permission.

Local electronic store don't know what to do with them. And they won't take it off us without slashing the price a lot. It's Taiwan made top of the line stuff.

Never tried selling online before. Ebay?
give the stolen property back jamal

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How are you actually meant to clean behind an earlobe piercing? I fold the ear on itself to get a clear view of the back of the piercing and this also helps me to push the piercing through to give me space between the backpiece of the stud and the ear lobe to get the cotton bud.

However, one issue I have is that I end up turning the piercing while cleaning (since the bud is pushing between the earlobe the backpiece of the stud) - especially when I'm trying to clean the stud itself.

I use a saline spray which feels quite inefficient (most of it ends up on the floor/ my body as it squirts onto the earlobe and then falls down). I'm curious about little saline baths to soak the ear in (which would theoretically cover the space much better and also ensure that crusty bits fall off easily, even on the back of the piercing).

Has anyone used a saline batheing technique for ear piercings, or have advice related to the way I'm cleaning my ear piercings? It's a bit frustrating how vague the advice is everywhere given how awkward it is to clean them.
You could use a Q-tip for a more precise tool. I got my ears pierced when I was young, but I remember filling up a small bowl with just water and some salt and angling my head so that my earlobe was immersed in the water, for like 30 seconds.

I just recently got another ear piercing, and I just used a Q-tip dipped in saline spray for cleaning. I have a lot of piercings, but I only really dip them i a salt-water bath mixture when they're irritated. A Q-tip would also be useful for getting any crusty things off.
I use q-tips. The crusty parts need to be moist in order to more easily remove them, which is one of the reasons I'm looking at the bath solution atm. If I were to spray the q tip the crusty parts wouldn't be moist enough desu
Ahhhh, I see. Yeah, the bath solution and then Q-tip could be good. you can ask your piercer for advice on a specific salt/water mixture or saline to use too if you're not sure.

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Should a sexually-romantically inexperienced adult man hire a dating coach?
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Bump again
If there’s any profession where I think the professional hates their clientele, it’s probably this. Apart from prostitution of course.
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You know how when someone first goes onto 4chan they're often told to lurk? In the same way with human conversation sometimes it's best just to observe for a bit if you're highly inexperienced and nervous. Watch and see what the rules to the game are, interests, hobbies, teasing, flirting, how people bounce from one topic to another.

With that said, to please a woman is to complement her. To be able to confidently say "that bow is really pretty" , "your makeup looks great today" simple small things that pleases them.

Teasing is similar but let's say if they're shy to the complement and go rosy, you push it further and tease them, "well I doubt anyone else would look as good in a bow like that" and "push" it onto them.

Exciting them is very broad, are you doing things other than masturbating and playing video games? If you go on a date do you only go to the coffee shop and leave? These things are boring, where you seek adventure you will find reward.

Go to the gym, get other hobbies, make yourself interesting and exciting.

Making her laugh is simple humour, are you witty? Can you make a good joke? If not try to live your life with mirth and have them laugh with you.

Making her come back for more is all the above, it's having that confidence in being you, even if you're inexperienced it's that you're confident in trying, you're confident in yourself for dating, you're confident because you're happy and women find that incredibly attractive.

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And if you're wondering how to quickly build social confidence, I mean this sincerely and get lost somewhere and ask for directions.

The first few people will be nerve wracking but by the 9th or 10th knowing you are truly lost, watch the anxiety disappear, how direct you'll be able to talk, you'll be able to carry that confidence and work from that too. On top of all the other advice.

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>Continue of >>31652219
>Continuation of >>31666073

>OP message
I really need help! This is serious and could happen to anyone of you.

I suspect my neighbor broke in to my appartment a while back and always had a feeling I was watched. Now months later in a new nearby city in my new appartment it seems people in the surrounding area are now gossiping I'm gay due to a video circulating. I shortly thereafter went back to where I grew up for a family visit and people in that area who I knew from childhood, but lost contact but briefly again saw on the street started whispering to eachother of how suprised they were I was gay. Describing details of how I masturbate even which brand of creme I use in substitution to lotion, which no one should know.

Yet I am not gay!

My only conclusion is that the video(s) do(es) exist and I would like to find them.

Are they any anons here who might be able to help me in my search? If it is spreading that rapidly then it must be social media of some sorts. I have tried searching on twitter, instagram, google even use specific keywords that describe me to search through xhamster, pornhub, xnxx and other gay porn sites to see if I was uploaded without my consent.
Don't knwo how to index telegram or whatsapp. Not sure if its even possible.

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Its was always 1am in the morning but out of my view. I have though seen his friends who have hung around my place and recorded them speaking of me.
They were also carrying a night stick (here only allowed as carry on with a license) and talking about hurting me. How I knew it was me (due to the fact they were using the specific keyword to describe me. In their language it means "faggot").

Now instead of wasting time IF I AM ACTUALLY being gang stalked OR IF ITS JUST in my head lets discuss of digital tools that can help me in my search to finding this wide spread video of me!

Any ideas on social media tools/bots/sites with image/comment section indexing abilities?

FYI I am in central europe, so the language is german.

any alternatives of going into a trade? I had bad grades
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ahahhah boy you have a looong way ahead of you
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Go back and get good grades. There is a reason for the bad grades.

Firstly, stop all use of devices except for business and research. No sm. Then go through the checklist (picrel). Ask if you need more detail.
Here's more detail on steps 7, 8 and 9.
Furthermore, there is more to be said specifically on study of STEM, but I'll draw the line here for now.
Have the personality for it? Try sales, either retail or b2b

i am extremely ugly and im not white. i have always wanted to be loved and give love to someone else. im so tired of being blocked for showing my face or being told i cant be with someone because im brown. i know ill never be pretty without plastic surgery but im scared of being botched.
picrel is not me before you get confused
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I'm not op I'm someone else
Another brownoid here. Unless you wanna live in shitty conditions you aren’t going to be around other browns. Most people around you aren’t going to be your race. In my case my race makes up 13% of the population and a majority of those women are obese or extremely overweight. Not only that but depending on how you grew up there can be big cultural gap between you and other people of your race. It’s easier culturally for someone like myself to date white people but most white people obviously don’t find me attractive because we look nothing alike which is fine. I’m not an immigrant but op is probably. She should most likely go back to fix her problems.
My girlfriend is about 75% white i'd say mixed with some south american heritage. Appearance wise though she might as well be a full white european.

We connected mostly through shared interests and first (anime/manga) but grew to really appreciate eachother for our features and lines of thought. I think we also connected through our shared experience with unstable but supportive family units and such. I think alot of people just get bothered when they can't pin you down ethnicity wise, except for other mixed folks lol.
Cute. Wish the best for you two
Thanks anon and same to you :)

we've yet to meet in person but we've supported eachother for nearly a year now. Planning on visiting her later this yeaar if all goes well.

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How do I convince my gf to talk to me about problems she's having with me/the relationship? My previous ex never did despite the emphasis I put on us being open and honest with eachother. Apparently something was wrong and it built up and she came to resent me for it even though I didn't know anything was wrong. This all came to a head whenever she dumped me out of the blue for something very small I would've been able to fix easily
I have a new relationship now but how can I prevent a similar situation from happening with my new gf?
Tell her: "How do I convince you to talk to me about problems you might be having with me/the relationship? My previous ex never did despite the emphasis I put on us being open and honest with eachother. Apparently something was wrong and it built up and she came to resent me for it even though I didn't know anything was wrong. This all came to a head whenever she dumped me out of the blue for something very small I would've been able to fix easily. I love you and I don't want this to happen with us."
If someone can't communicate like a reasonable human being, especially after you reach out to them, dump them. It doesn't get better.
And I'm not trying to be glib. In that situation either your partner is an idiot or the relationship is fundamentally broken. I mean, I can understand not wanting to talk about problems. You shouldn't have to tell your partner to do basic things and be an adult. It's exhausting and humiliating. Especially women don't want a partner who is like a little boy who needs to be reminded over and over again to take out the trash and brush their teeth.
But a lot of people are petty and manipulative and that's why they don't want to talk about probems. So my point is if it's that hard then break up. You can't build a life with its ups and downs with someone you can't even talk to.

Just don’t, simple as. If you go looking for problems you will find them.
My partner and I have a deal, and we talked about this kinda the first time it made sense - If one of us does something that bugs the other person we have to either bring it up at the time, or let it go. At no point is it OK for either of us to ever bring up historical stuff as valid grievances if it wasn't discussed at the time.
This has worked really well for us for over a decade now. If something's not right, it gets mentioned and dealt with or it gets let go of. And I mean genuinely let go of. If either of us were to go back on this and start dragging old unsaid sit up in a way that suggests we've been doing any kind of 'keeping score', it'd be a really big deal and we'd hit a need to re-evaluate our relationship. Not because of the validity (or not) of that stuff that's been building up, but because of the walking back of the agreed line - Raise it at the time or let it go.
I wouldn't tolerate being with a partner that's not OK with this. Someone that needs to save things up, or needs those occasional shouting matches or any of that kind of soap opera shit... Simply not someone I'm compatible with. Getting that known early is important. Being able to walk away if it's not agreed upon is important.
Best advice itt

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My long term ex came to see me after 4 months since she dumped me. We just talked and cuddled for a bit never said she wanted to get back together. She has been depressed and lost a lot of weight from not eating. Is it ok to ask if she wants to hang out again? The uncertainty is just getting to me. Or do I just keep not contacting her.
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She's probably horny and discovered that the dating market out here is a complete terror.
we talked about that stuff she told me she didn’t and I believe her because she said she’s the type that needs to have feelings for someone to sleep with them and during our no contact she was always pining for me. Also she’s just not like that, she’s kinda autistic when it comes to all that. 4chan incels would never believe it but yes women like that exist
>how long was it before she contacted you again?

I contacted her. She’s really slow and gave indications of missing me but I knew that if I didn’t make a move she wouldn’t have either. So I wrote to her and she responded very eagerly and positively. We are now officially back together, gonna go see her today
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Man I wish my ex would come back...but also on the same time she dumped me and made me feel like shit. Do women ever change their mind? She's a bit of a nut, maybe even on the BPD spectrum to be honest. I miss her so much...we haven't spoken in one month and we used to talk all day long. I wish I could take back all the times we argued and just let it all go. I really believe we could make it work but she is convinced we just aren't compatible. This is a woman who a week before breaking up with me came to my house and was standing outside crying asking if I hated her because I was in the shower not responding to her calls. So much pain bros. I really love her so much
>we talked about that stuff she told me she didn’t and I believe her because she said she’s the type that needs to have feelings for someone to sleep with them and during our no contact she was always pining for me.
I believe her too, why not, especially if she came back to you
>Also she’s just not like that, she’s kinda autistic when it comes to all that. 4chan incels would never believe it but yes women like that exist
This is where you're wrong my friend. AWALT, and no this isn't me being a "4chan incel," this is from past experience. I thought my ex was this borderline asexual, autistic shy femcel. She was average looking and dressed in jeans and plaid shirts like a butch lesbian, didn't like going out to bars, barely had any friends, just liked hanging out with me. Probably a lot like your girl. When I broke up with her years ago, she waited months and came back to me. Then after years more of that relationship, she dumped me. A few months later, she started fucking one of her coworkers...who had asked her out when we were still together.
Make no mistake, she came back because you were the best option for her right now. You are far more likely to break up again than to stay together, probably because of the same issues, that's just how it is, and if she dumps you a second time I guarantee she'll have another guy lined up. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying it to warn you.

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