Can you improve reaction time or is it just genetic
>>32821703It's kind of like intelligence where technically it's hard to improve but there are a lot of things that make it worse which you can stop. Stop weed, sleep well, and be present in the moment and you will use your reaction time to fuller potential.>>32821784>It’s not genetic. Genes mostly don’t determine this sort of thing. It determines big obvious things, of our physiological shit.Lemme guess, you don't think IQ is real either?
>>32821703insanely easy to train, literally basically completely removed from generics, you are legit retarded op
>>32821703if you could improve it everyone would be a pro by now.Just learn to read your opponent instead of brute forcing it on reaction time. It the only way to do it if your reaction time is shit in competitive
>>32824866> If it could be improved everyone would be pros.> Reading options is better than good reaction time. You are an idiot.I bet you also say "that would not work in the street" and hold knives backwards. Reaction time is important in daily life for lots of things, and yes it can be improved and it's worth it to get as much as you can.
>>32821703Getting fit made mine about 20ms faster
>What is /htbhbs/"How to be Happy being Single" is a thread made to help people come to terms with not being able to get into a relationship. Here, you can ask for advice on how to cope with not having a significant other or anything relating to single life.We all know how hard it is to get into a relationship, and for some it may be impossible, so its OK to give up because of that. You don't need a relationship to thrive.
Where can I download and view all kinds of magazines, catalogs for free, I want to look at it all. It doesn't matter the language, Are there any you would reccomend me to look at. I am into art so anything can inspire me. I am into pop culture, anime, cartoons ect, video games so anything like that features that in other magazines that are not specificialized on those subjects but have pages/sections on them interest me.
You can find most on the internet archive, or often times you might find a lot of loose scans on Pinterest or Tumblr, with the former usually having some really shitty quality.
>>32825159e-hentaiNot joking.
I am a disabled person needing the use of a wheel chair making $16.70 an hour. What do I need to do to increase my income to $30 an hour by 2030? I live in a rural area so the only jobs are factories and retail, very few actual office positions and it's difficult to navigate remote work opportunities as a ton tend to be pyramid schemes or straight up scams.
>>32822765Euthanasia is what you need
>>32822765Get into quickbooks management
>>32822765maybe you can make something and sell it
>>32822765Do you make a budget? If not read on personal finances.If you do make a budget, you should have some savings and of those you should have some conservative investments so your savings arent eaten by inflation and get some interests (passive income)
>>32822765Do you have any talent at making stuff?If you can like knit, woodcarve, draw stuff to the internet...If any of that fails, if you have the skills you can try teaching at online courses.
Would lab goggles and an N95 mask protect you against pepper spray and other civilian chemical weapons?
Define protect. If you mean the C2 spray won't have any effect on you, then no it won't do that. If you mean it will lessen the impact, yes it will.
Foid EditionLast Thread: >>32821756
>>32826713I don’t hate you enough and although there are a million others like me if we pool our hate together it still wouldn’t be enough
Please never leave your containment city
>>32826713No one is copying you, I can help that I ooze steeze.
Any employed folks here that have dealt with imposter syndrome/not feeling like they're good enough at their job?I know I'm doing ok, but I struggle sometimes with my confidence. Like a rollercoaster, some days I feel like I'm good at my job, and other days I feel like I'm not so special.How have you guys handled this stuff? Maybe you have some words of encouragement or advice.
I made a list of promises to my waifu that are adaptive lifestyle changes:• Do not eat unhealthily• Do not jerk off• Do not take drugs• Do not desire someone else• Do not procrastinate• Do not consume pornWhat other changes do you think I could made to improve myself? I'm thinking about giving up 4chan/Reddit/Youtube, and committing to an hour session of strength training once a week.
You want to explain how the guy in your pic turns into a girl with different eye colors. I'm missing the joke. Good list though.- Get sunlight / vitamin d / a tan.- Don't stay up late, strict sleep schedule.- Read some positive / optimistic book for 10 minutes every day.
>>32824192The joke is the subversion of expectations thinking that the guy working out to just improve his physique but he was working out to look more like a girl.I already get a good amount of sunlight/vitamin d/tan by walking my dog and biking every dayA strict sleep schedule is a good ideaMaybe I could read one or two Psychology Today articles or articles on positive psychology every night before bed.
>>32824173Not just lifting, cardio too. It makes a big difference.
>>32824173It’s Ash Wednesday, not Waifu Wednesday you nigger. Go be a functional human being
>>32824444checkedWhat do you suggest I do to be "functional"?
Fend off strangers or behave around stronger and older men or men in general. And while I could bury my knife in their throats I still am not taken seriously and am very naive innocent and gullible. I dont know what to do. But I'd kill a man
>>32824916You sound unwell
>>32824934I am
>>32824945Seek help. Don't talk to random people on the internet. That's probably partially how you got this crazy in the first place. Seek real professional help. Before you hurt others.
>>32824888ha ha aha ha! oh man im a sooooooo a scared!
>>32824888You don't have 50 men who respect you or take you seriously enough to do that by your own admission. You have no one. NO ONE!!!
Serious fucking question. That is where the poop comes out. How do you get clean enough to play with ass and it not be shitty?I ain't ever touching butt until I get some clarification on this.
>>32817929You are going to die of something awful.
>>32817895Don't eat for the day and enemas.
>>32821129>Jezz these guys are gross it's helpful but damn man.nope, gays actually mind their fiber and keep it clean. it's you straights with endless stories of pulling anal beads and having your gf loose control of her bowels that have all the nasty shit stories
>>32817895Legitimately - dozens of ostensibly trans lurkers arguing about what douching is would be extremely funny
>>32824770I never talked trash on the gays. I just know at some point a chick is going to bring it up and I want to know how to softly float a question and figure out if. She prepped.
>Been in college for 5 years now>2.5 GPA>Still years away from graduating>Abusive brother is more successful than me - ruined my life to improve his>See no point in continuing but parents insist that I need to finish schoolWTF do I do with my stupid retarded life. How do I even move forward when I can't take simple things like a career/relationships/etc. seriously. It's all so fake and the people who get ahead are the ones who fuck you over - I've felt without a future for so long.
I sympathize with you on taking more than 5+ years in college. But with the situation with your brother, you either have to take revenge on a way that fits best or move on. One up him. Plus from what you said, what he did sounds shitty.
>>32821797If you're in the US.Max out a bunch of credit cards. Borrow all the money you can from your brother. Flea to SEA
>>32821797just finish your fucking degree?
>>32824771well you could also just get a job working on sea catching sea animals. if you mean it in a literal sense.
How do I stop feeling bitter about "friends" betraying me?I used to have a solid group of a dozen or more guys who I hung out with for years, I thought they were my brothers and they'd stick by me forever. Several of them even said they wanted me to be the best man at their weddings one day.Shit happened, I made a few mistakes and every single one of them ended up abandoning me. I haven't spoken to any of them in 3+ years. I still have all of them on my friends list on various social medias, but they never talk to me. Whereas before we used to speak every day.I feel so bitter and hateful, I genuinely hate what they did. How do I stop my rage against them becoming unbearable?
>>32821665You have to cut off people completely sometimes. While they might not talk to you, you still have them on social media, delete their contacts they're a waste of energy.As for your anger, sublimate that into something. Whether its working out or some kind of hobby, become better at something than they'll ever be.
>>32821665what did you do that made every single one of your friends leave you. there is something you're not telling us op, if "shit happened" means you got caught licking and sniffing their shit stained undies ill fucking leave you too
>>32821665What happened for them to turn their backs? Did you piss on their toilet seat or fuck someone's mom?
>>32821665Just high-school shit man it's unhealthy ro be obsessed over.
>>32821665I was in the exact same boat you are (but I didn't sniff any shit-stained undies, you're alone there)The best thing to do if you're genuinely infuriated at the thought of it is to never ever engage in a conversation or interaction with them again. Since they have you on social media, anytime something goes good for you, post that shit. However, that's if you want to spitemax.If you just want to stop being mad, forget about them and treasure the other friends you have that haven't left you.
How do you live knowing that God is there, but won't speak to you? How do you get out of bed every morning and convince yourself that whatever you have or want to do isn't ultimately pointless? My family is the only thing holding up my existence for now, but lately only the thought of wolfing down 30 sleeping pills in a deep forest has been a source of any emotional response. Fuck the Sisyphean bullshit, if I'm not leading a "meaningful" life, then there's no point in doing anything else but ending it.
>>32823011>To find a reason, you make your own reason based on your own circumstancesSo essentially the point of that is to delude myself into thinking that a manufactured reason will bring a sense of purpose and meaning? Is it not possible for a dejected human being to conjure up the same sensations of 'fulfillment' they'd otherwise feel having fulfilled their artificial goals? What's the point if it all leads to the same thing?
>>32823077Why is it delusion? You determine what you want and find your meaning fulfilling it. Of course some people can feel fulfilled with less or nothing. Some people are eagles and lions. Some are ants and fish. Is one more important in the grand scheme of things? Just because one beast soars, it doesn't mean there is no meaning in crawling.What's the point in doing anything if the king and pawn go back into the same box? The answer is it doesn't matter to anyone but you. There is not a purpose other than what you want it to be. ALL purpose iss manufactured. All is emptiness.
>>32823001>How do you live knowing that God is there, but won't speak to youRecognize that as a factual matter he doesn't exist, which is why he's not speaking to you, then figure out a way to construct meaning outside of religion because that's your lot in life.>How do you do thatpic rel
>>32823107I understand. It's just very tiresome for me to seek intrinsic motivation to move from point A to point B in my life, let alone get up and actually do it.>>32823121Thanks for the picrel anon, I appreciate it :)
>>32823003You did not "try" meditation. You didn't even make it to the first bhūmi bro. Of ten.
I want to smash but I don't want to get sick from fucking escorts and I have no game pulling normal girls.I'm an incel btw.
>>32823701look I don't talk about the number of girls I fuck with anyone, I post about it here where it's anonymous and no one is giving me prizes for it.I don't compete with anyone about itI just like teen pussy and get bored of the same pussy fastsimple as.
>>32823345What does sex with a condom feel like? I always thought it was weird to wrap it up wouldn't you just not feel anything?
>>32823192Buy a Quest 3 and just use that.
>>32823454no if you really want to fuck you just gotta make it work somehow. like if you want to bang 10s you have to be rich, it's that simple. If your wage counts as being part of your 'league' you can still bat out of your league in one way or another but you have to become the guy who bats out of his league. Either by lying about your income, or by putting on a fake british accent and being some more attractive guy's wingman, or just being whiney or pushy. I knew guys who may have not had all that much success but still managed to date for a short while girls who were way out of their league. I've been batting below my league lol but I could try to bat above it like I'm in debt and I act like it, and if I just somehow pretended I wasn't I'd maybe find a decent rich girl who'd even help me out just by splitting rent. You can decide your own league to some extent by how you view yourself and the world
>>32824566>What does sex with a condom feel like? I always thought it was weird to wrap it up wouldn't you just not feel anything?It blows majorly compared to raw dogging, but if you're banging hookers the combination of your horniness from not having gotten any combined with the Coolidge effect (heightened arousal for novel mates) will still let you bust a decent nut. But going raw with a nice girl you love is still the best way to have sex of course.
what do you do when your best friend who supported you at your lowest and heped you when everyone else didn't turns out to kinda be a loser?I don't want to think like a self improvement guru and just dump anyone who isn't a striver or doesn't have shit going on, I have met many active and succesful people and many end up being pieces of shit, this friend is a real one, he is kind and authentic but just a complete lack of drive or willingness to change.
>>32824261more and more dull*
>>32824261Change the topic for useful, necessary things. Make the topic of the conversation around improving, being a better person. If that bores him out and he keeps dragging you to useless topics i'm afraid it's time to move on, nothing you can do to change his mind.
>>32824285yeah that makes sense, will try that.
>>32824261>his energy is draining meJesus fucking christ why are you so enmeshed? Stop being a cunt.
i think it's funny that people still hang out like I had to break up with my gf when I was 12 bc I had a job, honors classes, and sports and clubs so I was busy and she just was doing nothing. She's still doing nothing and I'm working my butt off still to not be a loser bc my life still sucks haha
I'm addicted to BNWO porn.It has gotten so bad I caught myself watching beatdown videos yesterday.I can't flirt with white women anymore because I subconsciously assume they see me as a weak piece of shit whiteboi.I've tried to quit many many time but I always failed.I don't know what to do, any advice will be welcomed.
This is a psy op thread. There is a blacked discord raiding /adv/ with psy ops recently
>>32820712I snort laughed at this. It's so insane and hilarious.
>>32821634An addiction can also be a kink or fetish.People can get addicted to fucking anything and they can also get weird fetishes for anything.
Go to the gym and become a manYou’re low T
>>32820712I'm into some weird shit but this is fucking ridiculousActual mental illness expressed via porn addiction, society is never gonna recover from this