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Is it appropriate to send pink sympathy flowers?
Fucking dog cunts. Where's my help?

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I would bang her brains out but i wouldnt post her as an example of peak mixed beauty
men make me feel warm inside
that is what i call my left tit and right tit respecively
Trump won so I'm just going for Trump hair
Please let me believe some women like us :(
They say left is usually bigger

>top 4 posts
>3 can be answered with finding a therapist
Can people with mental issues seek help in the legitimate way instead of on 4chan?
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That requires money. Also, getting insight from people that think like you but have had different life experiences is worthwhile. 4chan attracts a certain type of character.
Like, the only people I can confide some of my shit are full blown normies that will just give me NPC advice.
therapists don't fix shit
No, they help you fix your shit.
I think I sometimes might have asked shit for attention/validaiton, but most of the time it was because I legit had no clue about how to find a good fucking psychologist, and I still don't know (as in I have no enough experience for that), though I did get some advice from some anon that I still remember and consider (to look for older, more experienced therapists that have good credentials and do the kind of therapies I think I need)
me in bottom left! and hey i do got a theapist and they dont help

My gf dissed me and I called her out to not disrespect me, she responded by saying i shouldnt be so sensitive and a big fight ensued. I was always told to NEVER let your gf / wife disrespect you but on the otherhand would feigning indifference (stoicism) have been better? How can i standup for myself without looking like a little bitch?
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it's banter when it's meant to be funny and disrespect when it's meant to be hurtful
banter generally isn't sincere, ie you can call a handsome guy ugly as banter but if you called a deformed guy ugly it would be disrespect
fat femoid hand typed this
Just punch her. Gently. Until she learns the lesson.
I've read advice that a lion doesn't need to roar to let others know he's a lion.
At the same time, I have not always followed it
You should leave.

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Got indirectly rejected by a girl. Should I try again, or would I look even more stupid? Curious.
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She showed zero interest in you in this interaction. You know this.
I know, I simply wanted the confirmation by strangers from the internet.

Well, off to hang myself.

I still don't understand why she acted so interested at the beginning of our conversation, She asked me what faculty and class I go to.
It hurts, but it is what it is. Not every woman in the world is gonna like you. Start talking to girls more and then make a thread about it. At least entertain us a bit.
well I fucked up. Isn't it fun enough.
>I still don't understand why she acted so interested at the beginning of our conversation, She asked me what faculty and class I go to.
Women are more conditioned than men to be friendly, not to mention a lot of women just lead very boring lives so the stimulation of male attention keeps them occupied for at least a few minutes even if they're not attracted to the g>>32338535

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>One year
>Countless /adv/ threads later
>Conclude it was an episode of real event OCD, nothing else
I knew it was in my head, but I had no idea it was OCD. I thought I had "trauma" or PTSD issues. Little did I know, it was one giant episode of OCD.

I've spent one year obsessing about a problem every moment of every day, every hour. I burst into tears when I realized.

Do you guys know how exhausting that is? Imagine if I told you you couldonly think about one problem, trying to solve it, every day from now on until November 2025. On March 2025 you will think about this problem, April 2025 think about this problem. June 2025 think about this problem. Through September, think about this problem.

I saw 4 shrinks. I struggled, every day. Countless ChatGPT sessions. Countless "breakthroughs" only to relapse later (will I relapse again?)

The problem was nothing other than OCD. And if I didn't "solve it", I would've spent my life living with the shame associated with that event. It was life altering. I already spent a year, and I refused to accept I would spend the rest of my life with it, because I knew I did not do anything really wrong.

First time in my life, I cried literal rivers. It's been 4 hours, and my face is still crusty with dried tears.

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I don't think I have this but I would always wonder how my friends rolled off mistakes and embarrassment so much easier than me. I have to accept im a retard and just move on usually
You don't if it doesn't cause an identity crisis and a compulsion to "fix" your mistake, however benign it was

I was stuck on a woman, wondering why I was obsessed with her when I didn't want her, never was interested in her, STILL didn't want her. I was still obsessed. Why? She wanted me, not the other way around, yet I spent 365 days trying to fix my mistake. I didn't know it was OCD, just a realization that if I didn't "fix" the mistake, I'd forever be identified as a fuck up, and I knew I wasn't a fuck up, I literally didn't do anything wrong. I literally, actually, didn't do anything wrong. I got resentful, bitter, upset I became like that when I literally did nothing wrong. It almost ruined my life. Fixing it made me realize it was just OCD and that freaked me out. Realizing just how unreal my struggle for an entire year was, was scary

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How do I acclimate myself to being around normal people in regard to conversation and presence? The only thing holding me back in life is that I just feel so out of place in public. I don't like to be around normal people I find the conversations they have to be dull and repetitive. Not that I'm some special anime protagonist I'm a bitter isolated guy but being in the same general area as normal people. Having to overhear their conversations either puts me to sleep or just annoys me. Also just being around them gives off a general vibe of fakeness that I find contemptible.

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I had a girlfriend over 10 years ago and that’s it, I don’t know why I’ve never gotten anyone else, I’m 29 now and I need people to be brutally honest on my looks so I know where I’m going wrong
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I look worse than OP.
Yet, stealing your dream girl is no effort.
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So, how is it going with her?
Calories in, calories out
I'm like 1/3rd of that, and still consider myself fat. I think it's more useful to think health-wise instead of comparing with high percentiles -- both in the context of general health and attractiveness, since they're much more important in your situation.

Does anyone know any good telegram groups?
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how do I find telegram groups?
Depends on the kind of porn/anti-west propaganda you're into
You can literally search for them in Telegram.
A lot of small Poland flags on pic

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Forgive me if this is a trite or over-asked question, but while I've done some sexual stuff in the past (I've lost my virginity, but only had sex once; then there have been some other stuff), I don't really feel like I *get* the mechanics of female pleasure really well.
Like, there's a g-spot, and it's somewhere in the vagina? And you press it, or tickle it, or...? And then what function does penetration play in that?
Like, I'm completely lost. I know what makes me feel good, but I'm not interested in that. I want to make a woman feel good. Help me understand?
Women vary but in my experience
>gotta have finger game
most "fingering" is external
>take your time and do your kegels
>g-spot is in front a few inches deep
>front of vag responds to motion, back to pressure
putting her legs on your shoulders to go balls deep and hit the fornix (behind her cervix) is where I've had the most success
>most "fingering" is external
What does this mean?
>take your time and do your kegels
How do I do this?
>g-spot is in front a few inches deep
Say I were looking at my finger... about how many joins deep from the tip?
>front of vag responds to motion, back to pressure
Front being the labia, clit, etc? Or inside?
And by "back" do we mean g-spot? Is it at all worth it to bother with the rest of the inside of the vagina?
>front of vag responds to motion, back to pressure
I have *never* heard of this before. Could you describe more?

I'll be 24 soon and I have 0 dating and relationship experience except 2 failed dates with girls from my friend group who asked me out. I also never had unpaid sex.

At my age, I feel like all the single women are single for a reason. They're the leftovers that no one wants. They've been through absolute mountains of cocks while I haven never had a girl willingly have sex with me.
How am I meant to cope with that? What's the way forward here?

>Inb4 muh men age like fine 30yo boomer redpill cope

No. Realistically, I can pull 18yos for another few years but as I get older the access I have to young women who haven't been ran through is rapidly diminishing.
Soon i'll be 25 and I will be able to (at best) get 20yo sluts.

I swear i'm bordering insanity from the hopelessness and sexlessness I feel from being a completely undesirable subhuman.
I will never forgive foids for what they've put me through.
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Statistically incels are the ones more likely to troon out.
>ridicule them for not trying, for sitting at home wasting away
how the fuck am I supposed to do anything social related without someone to assist me? I don't have friends.
Zoomers are so cooked.
22 is a fucking baby
it's called "being a normal, well functioning person"
its like exact opposite of being a sperg like you.
Then you're not meeting them in a church but in a school you retard. you posted a whole fucking article about how there's no dances or ways to meet women in churches and there are only in schools.
youre just lying
age doesnt even matter there since there's no option to speak to anyone
age does not factor into anything. women dont magically break into mens homes to fuck them when they're the same age.
people who get to 30 as virgins wont magically have their age matter suddenly. only speaking inside of schools or social circles matters.
the only thing to do at 30 is to quit your job and come back to school. you can be 22 or 28 or 60 it makes no difference, outside of school you are dead. simmiliarily inside of schools 30 or 37 or 40 also doesnt matter
Kys schooler

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Strategic updates like saboteurs of state treason considered technical faults are such big geopolitical games as long-term and precisely tactical orders as insidious directives and guidelines artistic and scandalous actions with premises that seem to be substantive as for decades the events in the capital and metadata leaking abroad have been favorable to these traitors which are like networks of very numerous groups passing through the detectors of secret offices like ceramic cartridges and from the night shift in each tribunal council supreme court it has become notorious and in the security board committee and partnership these practical maneuvers have become leading thousands of people to weaknesses that cause critical states serial events with tragic consequences and important decisions taken become pathetic hidden for years like genetic defects nurtured like a sociopathic mental distortion
Tak było

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>be 19
>failed at highschool
>currently in tech and failing too
>overall a bad person
>no particular set of skills
>have a heavy stutter
>out of shape
>ugly with a beta ass jawline
>only had one gf and she got back with her ex
>masturbated several times at the thought of them having sex

I give up bros, i don’t know what to do, what’s the more painless way to kms?
Don't kys, hang on to Jesus Christ, He died for your sins and rose from the dead
start eating raw meat this will make you muscular and fix your health, also it will make you happy.
Maybe you could try changing your life to be better instead

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There used to be a general here where people just talked about their lives.
How's yours?

>doing a master's (not american, so don't jump to conclusions about "paying for a master's")
>haven't made progress on my thesis in almost a year
>spent the year just playing a F2P gacha game every single day
>been making AI nude mods for it for 6 months
>have been feeling empty for 3 years and don't see myself bettering my life
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>driveway is all ripped up and they'll put a new one in later today
>had a bowel movement, which always makes me happy (don't have to worry for another 24 hrs)
>have a 'meeting' today at work which never goes anywhere (they could always be an e-mail, if that); it's just my former boss trying to sound important and, being a woman, she always manages to get away with it
>just waiting until i can start my morning routine; can't eat too early
>have been trying to avoid social media / pr0n and it's been mostly successful; you have no idea how much shit you can get done when you cut back your shitposting
i dunno; the older you get, the more you're just naturally depressed.
the next 4 years is absolutely going to suck (i know, i know... 4chan loves themselves some trump because "pwning the libs" is an olympic sport here) but take it from an Official Old Person that "be careful what you wish for" is a rule, not an exception.
anyway, time to start the rest of my day.
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Your goal should be moving out and away from your mother. In case it's not already clear to you, she doesn't care about you and she never did. Yeah she "did her best" or whatever but I'm sorry that trite shit it doesn't cut it if those efforts boiled down to abject neglect and failing to raise you and prepare you for adult life. She failed you and you cannot rely on her.

Some mothers will hobble their sons and quite happily extract every ounce of help, goodwill and money from you, long into adulthood so long as it serves the mother's own goals and whims.

You're 30 years old. Your mother should not be occupying this much space in your mind. You should not be spending your days thinking about your mother's hip bones or shopping habits or what she did or didn't do. She should be someone you call once a week, perhaps visit once a fortnight or once a month if you care to. To do this you must physically separate yourself from her. You must be separated from her by time and space; it is not enough to mentally cast her aside while you still live together.

You need to take a step back and realise that your mother has fucked you over. Separate the fact that she has provided you with a place to live; that should be a given from any mother to her son. You can spend a lifetime waiting for someone to act the way you think they should i.e waiting for them to wake up and provide the nurture, guidance and proper care that a parent should have provided for their son. You know this because you have already spent 10+ years too many waiting for it. Understand that this will never happen.

Via bux or getting a job, you need to get your own place away from her. This should be your only goal. Yes it will be harder for you than normal people because you are lacking in skills they have taken for granted because they had parents who did right by them. Regardless, you need to do this. The only way you will come into your own is by getting away from your mother. Good luck.
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I like my hobbies and my work but find socializing exhausting and have, as a result, alienated my friends over the years. I've also never had sex at 28. The past couple years I've been trying to get out more to mixed success. I had the opportunity to plapjak recently and I just couldn't do it. Fat women smell bad and her being fat was the least of her problems. I don't think I could handle being in an actual relationship, let alone the practice/plapjak ones some shill here. It is kinda funny how many of the friends I had in my teen years now struggle financially but have active social and romantic lives, while I am more than secure but have no bitches. I'm not particularly mad about it, at least not like I was when I was younger, but I still wonder what my life would be like if I was normal.
literally couldnt be worse

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Not an incel, however I have not had sex or even touched a woman in well over four years now. I am so touch deprived that I get really strong ASMR/body tingles from the lightest contact with another human being. A woman who works at a firm down the hall smiled at me in the hallway - that was enough to give me full body chills for like an hour. So even the slightest display of warmth from someone sets me off into a minor state of ecstasy because I am so touchless, friendless, isolated, and my life is void of any real meaningful connection with others. How the fuck do you guys live like this?

Oh I’m a broke wagie so I can’t afford massages, especially not the illegal kind.
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It's not even about career and money, in general they just have very high expectations. Don't want to put out until dating for a while, expect you to romance and wow them, if you're not the Chad they've been holding out a decade for they just string you along.
Those older women are just for fun anyway. If I had it my way I'd date a 19 year old when I'm looking for something serious
>19 year old
Why though? Aside obviously from looks and fertility, why the fuck would anyone want to spend time with a nineteen year old? Especially nowadays, they are straight up children mentally. She’s gonna fill you in on all the latest tik tok trends and what Billie Eilish has been up to?

Unless you literally just want a womb and no sort of emotional or spiritual connection. If that’s the case I respect it.
Hmm honestly I might give this a try. Definitely not even close to a body but it might be a somewhat effective cope
Dude have you spent time with 30 year old women lately? They talk about the same shit, they're just as obsessed with Billie Eilish and the Barbie movie and other bullshit too. Maturity in females isn't something they gain, it's an inherent personality trait. They don't develop mentally past age 18 they just change their expectations and get more blown out over time.
Not to mention I myself am pretty immature. If I found a 19 or 20 year old girl who was into anime and sci fi and robotics and shit we'd have a very long relationship with a lot in common.
Fair enough. I don’t interact with girls that young, but anytime I overhear them on public transportation and such I want to smash my head into a wall. I guess the old hags really aren’t much better.

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