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How do I make peace with losing my avoidant ex fling who was 99% probably the most attractive girl I’ll be with in my whole life?

Near the end it felt like I could do nothing right. She has since broke up with me and she went on seeking and I have no idea what she’s doing now. I am kind of a shallow person. How do I make peace with knowing I very likely can’t do better than her, physically?

Before anyone says anything, I am ugly as hell
Youth is fleeting. You and her will never be as physically attractive as you were 5 or 10 years ago
That's life
Stop thinking about this in terms of Being a 6 with an 8 or a 5 with a 7. Think of it as a young person who is getting older every day

First time on /adv/ plz no bully. Anyone have experience with the mesh thing? Pros/cons for going through with surgery? Doctors always tell me it’s not a big deal until it’s a big dea but I’m worried because its been getting bigger. I’ve got a lump larger than a golf ball right above my junk. Tnx in advance.
Chlorine dioxide (MMS, CDS) helped people recover from hernia.
Go get it fixed, it's a same day discharge surgery. They open up, stick the mesh and close. Done in 15 minutes.
If you do anything physical in your life, you should get the surgery. I’m. It sure what other options there are besides the mesh, but that’s what I my dad had, and he had a full recovery.
Thanks so much for the replies. I’ll get it stitched up, post haste!

I spent a lot of time with my oneitis and eventually chose to confess. I was completely preparing myself for a full on "no" and to get made fun of but then she told me a "maybe" She pretty much said that she doesn't want to think about relationships right now since it gave her lots of anxiety in the last one she was in, but I want to know is what does "maybe" mean. Did she just reject me nicely or is there a potential future.
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Why did she break up with him?
She liked him, it wasn't like a forced thing, it was the beginning started out like that with him being pushy, then he reformed himself which she liked however she felt long term they couldn't be together and chose to break things off. She would try multiple times but got deflected until one day she put her foot down and did it.
Yea this why the hell would you want her if she doesn't even like you?
First off, gratz on the courage to say something. I wouldn’t count on this, best to move on and look elsewhere. Limbo sounds like another way of saying waste of time and energy.
Keep being a go-getter and good things will come
(I just experienced the same situation, so this could be a massive cope but isn’t it all about the perspective we take?)

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There's this girl I've never spoke to in college but I think she likes me. She's really pretty.
I'm a massive sperg but I'm trying to improve and be better.
I reserved two tickets to a play tomorrow night and was going to try and ask her to go.
I figure if she says yes we can go to the play and she'll enjoy it (it's a comedy) and then at least I won't regret not ever trying. I am a massive sperg and really struggle to talk to people tho.

I might not get a chance to ask her even and she might say no, which I'd almost prefer she did so I didn't have to endure my own shame and disappointment at being a sperg which I'm sure will be the result. btw im not american

Good idea or bad idea?
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Bro, I’m not >>31127509, but if you’re normally alone and feel lonely the easiest way to change that is to start a hobby or new social activity. Anon just offered to try you out as a friend in a free activity (Rising Storm 2 has a free multiplayer version iirc) and introduce you to another anon. Go once to see if it slays that itch, don’t just say “no video games” cause continually saying no is how you stay lonely. Take it from a fellow spergling, saying yes to social environments where you don’t really care about how bad you flub the awkwardness because you’ve got no investment in it if these people turn out to be awful is the quickest and easiest way learn/practice social skills. I went from being afraid to talk to people to reliably chatting up random strangers at bus stops or on the street and getting good results. You can too if you practice enough.
fair enough anon, youre right
i didnt actually realise it was a free game

id be willing to play it then actually
my mood changes so much a few hours ago i could have easily asked her out all charismatic like but now i dont think i could
How was the play?
she didn't come in so I couldn't ask her, and she didn't come in today either so I couldn't ask for her number, but I don't really mind for some reason

maybe if I see her after an exam in a couple of weeks I'll ask you her, feel like that'll be too late but I don't really care anymore either

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Is anyone here really knowledgable about this stuff?

I am struggling so much.
All I want is to offer a payment system on my site using crypto. I already have a wallet. The problem is that I have no payment processor and having spent hours upon hours trying to use open source scripts to downloading programs which all failed, I am lost and frustrated.

Sure I could post a receiving link but if everyone can see it then people can claim the payment was from them, and how am I going to know who ordered what? Another issue is that it would largely waste my time to ask people to contact me with orders and then provide an address, because it's too troublesome for them isn't it? And I could miss their message.

I am repeatedly having a bit of a mental break down because my site is all ready to go but I cannot even launch it because there is no way to pay. I won't use cards and payment processors because scammers, and I can't use bank transfers because my personal information would be out and I don't even have a bank account. This is also not really a business, just a hobby. My content is also unrated so using other sites is impossible because corporations want propoganda family friendly censored rules.

More info:

Can't figure out BTCPay Server.
Monero Gui isn't installing.
Github SoftwareVerde POS Cash is not accepting any of my addresses

All I managed to do successfully is install Electrum Wallet.
Honestly wtf does this even mean?

>SSH into the VM...


>Run the following commands

Where? How??


What the fucking shit is this?
And I STILL can't post in /g/
Idk man.
nerd alert

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>Be me
>Security guard
>My job is to let people in if they have a worker badge
>Maintenance man comes in mid-shift
>Says he forgot his badge inside
>I tell him to go to the Visitor's Center (on-site) and get a temporary badge
>He yells at me
>Later he comes back with his supervisor
>I think he's going to apologize to me
>Instead his supervisor is angry and says I should have let him in, because it could have been an emergency
>I tell him I can't let anyone in who doesn't have a badge
>Supervisor says he will call my supervisor and get me "retrained in how to do my job properly"
>His supervisor also says I'm arrogant, for some reason
Wtf was I supposed to do?
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>Wtf was I supposed to do?
Exactly what you did. Good job anon.
Your job is not the maintenance guys job.
What are the badges for if they're not enforced? Good job OP, keep it up.
You did great man, no fault on your side. Don't worry. You should report this incident to your supervisor, boss, superior whatever though, and confirm if you did things right, and if not, what you should have done instead.
Report his ass for being a shit supervisor. That’s your job too. Cocksucker needs retraining. You mill become more boss.
On another note, ask your boss what to do in an emergency, or if someone claims there is an emergency.

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i think i have the potential to have a fulfilling, productive life but all i can do is shut myself inside my room, waste time online and curl up in bed. thats all i can manage to do despite having decent social skills, the ability to learn new things quickly and enjoying my studies. besides i have no need to break my back wageslaving, i live with my family and have money saved up from working all summer
what gives? i have every opportunity to bloom, yet im stagnating. how do i get over this strange invisible barrier?
pic related i wish i was a toad or a thoughtless creature of some kind
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i dont think so. if i dont work, i study, and if i dont study, i work. i simply been feeling less and less disposition towards doing anything as of late
in any case, if laziness was to blame, what then?
>an accomplishment that led to an increase in self-belief
may i ask what exactly?
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my diet is good but i should probably start exercising again
but i havent been crying or anything like that
i didnt ask for attention either
yeah me too but i dont make adv posts about it beccause be honest anon, you know what you need to do. just work on something. big or small, do something to move yourself forward

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Friend of my got a new job working at a college. I was happy for him as it pays the same as his last but with less hours.

Although he's working in the section that handles all the hard nuts and "trouble makers" and he's starting to pick up bad habits.
Like the kind and respectful behaviour he had before has sorted of turned into a loud mouth asshole. Getting into all the gossip and foolish behaviour of these literal teenagers And the dudes in his early 20s. I told him your picking up bad habits from being around these delinquent (soon to be in prison) type kids. But he just brushed it off.

Am I just gonna have to distance myself from him. Cus he's becoming intolerable to be around and it he basically isn't the person he used to be
He might be stressed out, and maybe he doesn't even realize he's changing. Talk with him about it. If you were gonna distance yourself otherwise, then you have nothing to lose by trying.
You naturally pick up habits from the people you're around. Why do you think all cops turn into assholes, even the good-natured rookies? Constantly being around shitheads drags them down until they succumb.

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today I had my last driving lesson, I never had any major problems while driving around the city, but today I've committed an extremely serious error while driving. serious to the point the instructor yelled at me, threatened to finish my lesson halfway through it, and spent the rest of the lesson in total silence, and only replying to my questions in irony and anger. The error I did was purely by lack of attention to the traffic, and put us both in danger. all other errors I did were also exclusively by lack of attention, not for bad technique or something. is it too dangerous for someone like me to drive? I never know when I'll lose attention. I'll have my last driving license exam tomorrow, I'll do it regardless of how safe it is for me to drive, but I don't know if I'll effectively drive after that.
Rope yourself for posting the same shit with the same tranime as your last thread.
>the same shit with the same tranime as your last thread.
what? I've never posted anything like this. didn't even see a thread like this here
it isn't safe for anyone to drive.
It's not really about if people with ADHD are safe to drive and more about if you personally are safe to drive. You had several failures that could have been disastrous. You sound unsure of yourself and like you've lost trust in yourself. You should really avoid driving until you've got a better grasp on this.

I personally have had some attentional issues with driving too. Not to your extreme. But I take steps to be careful about it. It shows up the most in new areas. With lots of new information coming in, I don't know what's important to look at like how I do in my familiar roads. In my roads I know when to expect the stop lights, the side walks, the hidden driveways. I also am not referencing directions.

I try to avoid driving in new places if I can get someone else to drive. Especially if there are multiple people in the car that are talking. For one person, once I get off the highway and onto roads I have to make turns through I'll ask them to quiet down, I'll turn off the music, and I'll lean forward. I also try to review the directions ahead of.

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bros how tf do you even get girls on tinder, I'm decent/good looking and I even get matches, but then most dont ever reply to the first message, and of the ones that do, half ghost me midway through, the others even agree to meet and go out for a drink, and then ghost me while were working out the details, what the fuck
I even try to send some personalized openers based on their fucking profile and bio and pics etc, with some the combo rolls better with others it gets bogged down, I'm not a giga charming chad but I'm not that bad at chatting.
idk I lost faith in tinder, guess I need to meet actual people, which I'd do happily but I have 2 friends of which one is now in another cunt, no friend group at all and very little if any acquaintances.
I'm not in the us btw so idk maybe in other cunts the culture is different or whatever
I'm straight btw. As OP is typically a faggot, I felt like I needed to mention that
Dating apps exist only to make money from lonely and desperate men.
they're succeeding for now then, as I've bought gold for 3 months now, but I'm considering canning after this month ends

btw I've talked with a sizable amount of guys that believe the bullshit incel story of "muh cant talk to girls / approach them bc they'll reject you and say you molested them" as if they've even ever tried lol, at least I know that the reason is 1 I dont have friends almost, so I rarelyndind myself in social situations 2 I'm a bit scared of cold approaching, but can talk to girls if introduced in other ways
don't give them any more money, anon. they string you along with promises of all these matches but everythings just out of reach unless you pay again or pay more. but they cant magic up girls that will date you. they will just take your money.
>I'm not a giga charming chad but I'm not that bad at chatting.
You don't have IT. These women swiped right on you because they thought you might be fun. Turns out you're not. Learn to take a hint.

Dating apps are for hookups only. No sane person believes they're going to find a partner there.

I have been a neet for a long time, because I can't get any job using my math degree, the best I every got was data entry. What should I do now?
start working on a github portfolio of projects related to quantitative finance and apply for internships as a quantitative researcher
start with watching Hudson and Thames advanced pairs trading series and make an implementation of all the techniques
"Would you like fries with that?"

Seriously, get a job. ANY job. Not because it will be your career, but just to get back into the world of work. It is MUCH easier to make career decisions if you're living a normal-ish life, following a regular schedule, being part of the working world and getting a small degree of self-respect back.
Learn some basic SQL and python and go into Data Science
like >>31127222 said you can easily become a "data scientist" just by learning python + the relevant libraries (pandas, numpy, matplotlib/seaborn, etc)
you already have data entry experience, this is the next step up
dont undersell yourself, you have a math degree and I assume you know basic statistics so once you learn basic python (which takes no time) just start applying to data science jobs
alternatively if you want something more mentally stimulating (and less of a meme than "data science") you could get actuarial certifications and work in insurance
they actually use some quite advanced statistics and its not nearly as boring as it sounds

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Long story short have been experiencing waves of down mood, apathy, self hate, acute sadness to the point of physical pain since I was 13. I can't seek help due to my professional licensing (trust me on this).

I haven't been doing well in college, I failed out of a scholarship program my first year and am about to fail out of classes this semester because I didn't turn any homework in. I've been bothered because last semester a close friend/classmate killed himself then the very next day I witnessed a vehicle accident death (volunteer first responder). I can't describe how horrible I was feeling so I decided to try a last ditch effort. Over two months I did DSM diagnosis questionnaires weekly and the ones that consistently were positive regardless of current mood were moderate-severe Depression, PTSD and sometimes light anxiety. I then reviewed the literature and came to the conclusion that cognitive behavioural therapy and prozac/flouxetine had the best evidence as a treatment for anxiety and depression used currently. So I signed myself up for anonymous messaging/worksheet therapy online using a burner debit card. I then bought generic Prozac off of a market on the darkweb. The meds are real and came from the same manufacturer that operates in the US and the pills/pill contents visually match up with pictures online.

I took my first dose (20MG capsule) yesterday and got anxiety/energy/sweats/bowel issues and those feelings continued today. Should I continue or is this mania? I ruled out bipolar in the diagnostics so I don't think that's the case. Could be a negative placebo. Regardless I have three options. 1. Stop cold turkey and not redose 2. Taper off slowly by making a solution out of the capsule and dosing via a syringe. 3. Keep taking once a day.
I am open to other ideas and I can provide more info if you need it, this is all pretty summarized.
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A. I can't see a psychiatrist because I don't have insurance and if I do I lose the ability to do what I love/ make money forever. I can't be placed on any meds officially, between the choice of continuing this or tapering or quitting cold turkey which is best?
I’m not a doctor I’ve just learned over the years how these things work. You’ll get side effects for a couple weeks then you’ll start to feel the full effect usually about a month. If you want to quit taking them, you can go cold turkey since you only took one dose since it’s not enough to withdraw from. It’s your choice if you want to stick it out and keep taking it or just stop completely.
ok, that makes sense, I mainly just wanted to make sure that I wouldnt need to taper off one dose, thanks anon.

I'll make the decision to take or not tonight before I go to bed
Healthcare in US is really this bad??
ryam godlink

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Why should I stop watching porn if I don’t have any women in my life and never will anyways?
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Don't know why you're so terrified of naked women
Did it work? Did you completely recovery?
>and never will anyways
Not with that attitude. And you wouldn't have made this thread if you didn't care.
Stop viewing porn as a substitute for real sex and women.

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my brother played brawlstars with some random guy for about a week but then something happened idk and that guy deleted him from friends and now he begs me to find that person somehow help
chicken skydiving

My friend gave me some weed for 420, never smoked before but been around people who have. The stuff is home grown and looks and smells especially dank. How much should I smoke? I don't even own a pipe or know how to roll a joint. Should I make edibles?
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"""friend""" gives op a free sample to get op hooked and dependent on it so he can start buying from him
Weed isn't meth you foreskin
Yeah I think this is the best answer
OP, you're gonna definitely be surprised by how lame weed is. I just recently tried it again after like a decade off of it and man it's lame
Just pop it in your mouth and gnaw it until it’s baby food and swallow it. If you get too high, don’t worry. You’ll be fine in a couple hours. Don’t eat goyslop or you’ll prolly puke. Dip it like tobacco, or a hamster, you know. Not a whole mouthful.

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