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Should I put in my tinder biography that I'm scared of women?
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but it's true. Maybe someone will pity me and talk to me if I say it
Trust me the only sorts of women that are going to want to talk to you after seeing that are not going to be good for your life. Normal women do not find pity attractive.
That is probably the most honest thing you can write.
do you think you are cool? if not, why will a woman??? focus on changing yourself till you think you a sexy beast
if you want pretty women without any baggage or mental illness, then you need to look what pickme guy behaviour is and change that. your bio is the biggest pickme guy cliche

Whenever I see an attractive person I get uncontrollably angry. I have to look away or step away from the phone/computer and go cool off. Sometimes it gets to the point of shaking with rage and/or crying.
It’s made it impossible for me to look at real porn anymore. Even some drawings trigger me.

I can’t fucking live like this. My envy is consuming me
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I don't feel any envy when I see a beautiful woman, just a stunned awe and the lingering ache of something being forever out of reach. When I see a conventionally handsome man I do get kind of angry sometimes. Today I passed this tall handsome white dude who's dick was so big you could see it swinging around in his pants ( no homo ). Like you couldn't not notice it. I imagined for a moment how it would be going through life like him. I imagine he dances on clouds
Become better looking or stop doing that thing that hurts.

>My job requires me to not have mental health issues
Retirement calls.
Lose weight fatass
Oddly enough as a decent looking man, I feel the same. I generally treat the ugly/overweight/disabled with a lot of respect and kindness, and any good looking people I am brief/short and to the point with.

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Are there men out there who exist that can be multi orgasmic in terms of both wet and dry types without losing their erection each time?

I know women are multi orgasmic, but I'm talking about the men here.
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I can coom 3 times in a row before my dick hurts way more than any pleasure I get from it and I quit. Maybe I can do more if I get some painkiller but I don't feel like trying that out.
i can get a prostate orgasm and then keep it hard for a normal penis orgasm within a few minutes but I always go soft after a penis orgasm
It hurts because there's an explosion, literally, on a microscopic level, in the flesh of your penis, each time you ejaculate, because of the extreme force of the pelvic floor muscles.

In order for it to not hurt, you will need to experience more explosions for a very long time. Years? Basically, you need to toughen up, in that regard. Your flesh, I'm saying. Eventually it won't hurt at all.

>but I always go soft after a penis orgasm
You're triggering your refractory period. You have to find a way to not trigger it.
I don't know
Well, you need to know. It's required.

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>move to new country
>coworker is my "ideal" idea of what a romantic partner should be
>crush hard but never say anything besides small talk
>Go back home and oftentimes think of her knowing very well we'll not even see each other ever again
How do you come to terms with regret from not taking a chance?
commit to yourself to do it differently next time. if you are serious, you will be at peace with yourself.

Is dating a scandinavian woman really worth all this?
>getting a degree in a field that I hate but pays well
>learning a third language from absolute zero
>leaving my home country (my home hemisphere, for that matter)
>leaving everyone I know behind (except my mother, if possible)
>adapting to a completely different climate
>adapting to a completely different culture
>be buried half a planet away from my grandparents' graves
Also, before anyone asks: I'm white.
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I'm gonna ask the important questions here, what type of hat is that?
>the classic nordic: ERM LETS UNPACK THIS
>meanwhile in the nordic classroom: LETS TALK ABOUT HOW BROWN PEOPLE ARE OPRESSED
relax dude, its his opinion. Maybe stop letting in so many immigrants if you take such offense with them disagreeing with you?
>"expertise of the professors"
Do the locals not socialize with foreigners?
Same story with me but in Bulgaria. I am extroverted and great at conversing, not knowing Bulgarian and not doing jackshit about it is lowkey mental torture and destroys my ability to socialize. I can pick it up fast if I put in the effort. I know Russian. People are not open at all but you can have funny moments with them. Thank God I made a few Bulgarian friends. Dating here is shit though. Even Germany was better for that.

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My pastor told me about church discipline today and it made me a bit scared. The only sin I really do is jack off to porn so can I get in trouble for that? I'm in the Presbyterian Church of Brazil.
ueah you can. but not if you are actively repentant and working to fix it. if you are at peace with sin, that is when church discipline applies.

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No bars or dating apps, and no fuckboy/pua advice.
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I won't read htgw threads See the general.
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Fair enough, I don't necessary disagree with you, but in what little context we have, my advice still stands. Which is seek to become better morally. Your thoughts?
anywhere, you see a girl in public out and about by herself, but especially if it is some event where she is alone or with a group of girls, there is a good likelihood she is single. If she had a bf, he would likely to be there.
HOWEVER, most girls do have 'boyfriends'. The ugly truth is that, sometimes, you need to steal women away out of weak relationships.
hell to the fuck no.
Let me continue. If you're out and about, say you're at some concert, or town event, and you see a girl just walking around solo. She is perfect to approach with some light conversation. Then, (a trick I read from this website) if she seems receptive, push forward and dismantle any objections. As a man, you must make the woman feel wanted, and you must create the plans and the path forward.
I suppose if you're a 9/10 you can get away with sitting next to a stranger at mcdonalds, but realistically, people are on their phones and have food in their mouth. You need to have some SERIOUS game if you want to approach someone if the'yre occupied like this. This may work better at a coffee shop.
>help anons, how do i do this?
>well OP have you tried doing it this way? it has always worked for me.
>absolutely not, i refuse to do that and my circumstances are too unique and special for your advice to apply to me!

every fucking /adv/ thread, i swear
coffee shops around noon, you find some reason to talk to them.

if it happens to be true, you can probably just say something like "you are the prettiest damn girl i've seen, can we talk / phone number" etc.

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hi i just turned 19 my name is julcia im a polish girl and my life is literally over, im not even joking anymore. im 100% sure that my adult life ended before it even started and theres so much things shouting this sentence to my face every second of my life. every thing that i touch is starting to collapse. i cand stand how i look and I lie to myself that im worth something. even when someone is complimenting me i truly believe that theyre making fun of me. please just tell me something that will make my life better, it could be literally anything. my pic below im open to any comments ig
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This will be hard for you to believe, but any honest person over 30 will tell you that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you feel about life or yourself at age 19 is accurate.
do a flip next thyme
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You must fully turn to God for aid and read Jewish psychology to understand your traumata better. You already live in Catholic Poland, find an SSPX chapel and give a full confession of your life's sins. A priest doesn't have in-depth knowledge about the psyche but will provide some good advice for general problems. Read the books of Alexander Lowen to identify your issues on a deep level, from there you will slowly heal. Give or take 12 months and you will notice radical change within and without.

Stop with the gay dress-up also.

Dominus vobiscum.
I agree with the guy who told you to become a mother

Best of luck to you

How the fuck does Facebook friend suggestions suddenly show me people that I've met once, live hundreds of kilometers away and have no friends in common with me?
Also how the fuck does it suggests a guy that just recently become my roommate but I have otherwise no connection at all with? No shared wifi either.
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I won't read app-addled threads.
Now that would make much more sense. At the same time is rather scary the amount of data those kikes collect.
Well and you gay fucktard are just giving it out willingly. Don't complain if you're acting like a shabbos goy
>my phone was close to the phones of hundreds of big tiddy goth girls
>I just added a bunch of whores and they're friends with other whores
i mean, both scenarios aren't mutually exclusive. how do you think "find my iphone" works? it uses other iphones in the area to track yours.

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What are some good conversation starters for classmates? My go-to is just mildly complaining and I feel like I need to stop
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Remember that movie "Bridge to Tarabithia"? Man, that was good.
joke. if you can learn to not care but still talk, it'll help you until you end up like a joker/jester persona. Don't do that.
>let's have sex
something like "what do you think of candy and car rides with strangers?"
Depends. How old are you?

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How do I get interested in programming again? I've dabbled in C, C++, Python, Java, C#, JS, without ever really sticking to one.

Now I have an actual job as a developer using PL SQL, but I feel my actual programming knowledge is withering.

But I really stuggle to do personal projects, it all feels like a pointless waste of time making like say Pong in Java... what's the point?

Game dev at least has some artistic aspirations but I wouldn't even know where to start.

Is Automate The Boring Stuff With Python a good book for reminding me what the point even is of programming
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I mean I have done small stuff like that. Making tik tak toe. Making my own website. Making a CRUD app. solving leetcodes. I do have a job as a developer and a comp sci degree. It's just I don't have any interest in doing that stuff when I don't especially enjoy it and it leads nowhere. Also I've heard the except opposite advice of people who only get into things by jumping headfirst into a huge project, like actors where they're first role straight off the street is a major picture
You need to learn the whole language before you can build something you will be proud of imo, I made something with only tkinter and it was fun but the actual program is pretty shit. You should have career goals if you want to program, so specialize in a specific langauge based on that and find a niche you want to do.

How did you land a job?
I spammed 800 applications, and finally got a job at a place that pays little but was willing to train me, I guess cause they use a more obscure langauge (pl sql) they were expecting to have to train someone
>pl sql
That's not obscure at all, Oracle is an extremely popular database. But congratulations on finding a job.
I dunno try, something different? I've revitalized my programming interest by using OpenGL and GLSL, programming Vulkan shaders in Rust, learning ASM, etc. Usually something completely new and challenging will motivate you again.

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I'm constantly going out and doing stuff to meet people and make friends these days, but the turnout is absolutely terrible.

>I check Meetup.com, it's dead
>I check my city's events page, it's all business, gambling, and bingo shit
>Every public park is empty, not even homeless people hang out there
>The mall has been dead for years, there's nothing there anymore except the food court, nobody socializes, they just walk around with the people they already know or stare at their phones
>The hobby club across the street from the mall gets no business, I am always the only person there
>The gym is all boomers

All I want is a place outside of work where I can meet and interact with people my own age. That's not an unreasonable demand. But I cannot find that anywhere. So I'm stuck with no way to form a social circle.

It feels like most people are either hanging out at home/in private, or already have their friends and don't want/need any more. Does anyone know a good place to find people who are actually interested in making friends and putting in the effort to maintain said friendships?
If it has to be "my own age", honestly sign up for like one course at a community college. I've made good friends at bible study and volunteering, but they have all been considerably older
Yeah, "my own age" is a non-negotiable. I've been surrounded mostly by older people my entire life. At home and at work. I already have more than enough older people in my life.

I need peers.
find events that are happening and attend. Don't bother with meetup or trying to make friends online. If there's a street music festival, or an exhibition, or an art-fest, or a charity run, or whatever. Attend.

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Should I start a white student union qt my college?
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I was really thinking it would be a student-run culture-focused historical society so I'd be open to paganism. But really OP leaves in <2 years, best leave it flexible as a place for students to propose activities and bring snacks.
My problem with white culture is the lack of depth from conforming to whichever imperialist colony traditions, where immigrants weren't considered white for like 100 years and had to just blend in. This is an opportunity to learn and reseed some traditions, so maybe we have solstices and equinoxes, maybe a Krampus parade, beside Native Obliteration November and Slavery February
Honestly they could make it a welsh culture club, barely anyone talks about us. If you've got some welsh ancestory our culture is really fun to learn about. Black and asian and mexican students could also join to learn from you about your ancestors culture.
I have like one welsh ancesor and know nothing about welsh culture
Yeah I think you should have a group if you want. For a long time the Irish weren't even considered white because they've been essentially a British colony prototype since 1169.

Racism has made the erasure of origins too common. Some have the luxury of recorded family trees, but anyone outside of wannabe imperial dynasties have to struggle discovering dark truths because a lot of people essentially got trafficked to America. It's some heavy stuff and could do folks good to learn and share
Dude, maybe you could LEARN about welsh culture and make that part of your club! We celebrate loads of weird holidays and have a really interesting culture with a lot of ties to the romans paganism ect.

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Some weird bump has appeared in my groin, pretty much where pelvis meets left thigh (not on my genitals, at least from what I can see), it seems swollen and hurts everytime it comes in contact with something. Often happens when walking or sitting down. I think it might have grown since the first time I spotted it. Doesn't have any abnormalities noticeable other than being a bump; it's not red or anything. I know this is the sign of something freaky, but I want to know if it's something actually worth going to the hospital for or just a nothingburger lymph gland (which doesn't seem to be the case, none I've had were this uncomfortable). Not an STD because I don't have sex.
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Did you add any extra weight compared to usual?
Nope. I felt as I said quite soon after starting but had already felt oddly weary earlier.
I may have not expressed myself right; I felt tired after starting the plank, but had been doing stuff earlier.
Maybe you do have the flu or some kind of infection. Take it easy for a bit.
I don’t think it’s the flu but I don’t discard the infection. And yeah, I’m doing less exercise for now.

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I'm a white guy dating a muslim girl.
She has no sexual experience and very religious.
She can't have sex before marriage.
But she doesn't have family around to control her.
We already kissed (her first kiss), did some dry humping and stuff like that, but it's clear she is hesitant about going further.
It's also clear she is into me.
How to convince her to try at least touching, handjobs, oral if not go all the way?
It's a big no-no to have sex before marriage in Islam.
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No, you are just a larper in denial. If you are not following the above verses, you are omitting sections of the Bible for your own convenience.
No. You are misinterpreting bible quotes and using to your convenience to pretend to get away with being fake christian. Repent brother. Heaven and Hell are real. Just marry the girl but don’t have her lose a virtue out of your lust and selfishness. If you love her that much then marry her and then have sex. The sin of fornication is heavy on the soul…
Ask her if you can put it in her butt. I dated an Indian girl for a while that would let me do that but not her pussy
I can't hear you over the sound of larping.
So anal is okay?

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