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I LITERALLY CANNOT DO IT. The conversation turns super dry after like 5 mins max and it's me just sitting there saying absolutely nothing, same with them. That's with my "close" friends.
Like what the fuck am I meant to speak about? I can talk for 2 mins about what happened in class, then another 2 minutes about some other bullshit, then a minute of something else and then it's over.
There's nothing to say. Absolutely fucking nothing.
I have nothing in common with ANYONE!

Is this what happens when you grow up bullied and with very few friends? You literally just do not develop an ability to socialize?
I admit there is nothing to me. In my free time I mainly just refresh image boards after scrolling to the bottom of the page, but it's not like normies talk about super interesting topics either. It's mostly about games or sports or foids or maybe drugs. I can't even do that.

Some normies think i'm some mysterious smegma male at first, but quickly learn that i'm just a socially stunted, autistic, spaghetti-spilling retard.

Now what I mentioned above is what happens with males. Imagine what i'm like with vaginoids. Our lives diverged completely almost right out of the womb.
I'm never going to have a girlfriend. I'm going to die alone. It's so fucking over, fuck. FUCK!
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Consume goyslop, consume mediaslop.
You'll feel like a soulless husk because you're trying to keep up with things you don't care about, but you want friends don't you?
Some got it some don't you dont
THE PUMPKIN!!!!!1!1!11
I'm an extrovert and always had many friends also I'm very strange but in a charismatic way my gf says. Anyway I only made a few friends in college but we are like brothers. I'd hang out with a lot of people but we didn't stay in touch since we weren't best friends material to each other. You sound like a prick though so this message is for anyone other than OP

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>be early 20s male
>get a lot of attention from women who seem 'desperate'
>old, single mothers, fat, etc
>get rejected by everyone else
how do i stop attracting low-tier women?
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Imagine ignoring the pussy that gets thrown at you. Get your dick wet. Just don't stay with them longer-term.
kys degenerate
This is 4chan. We use women here sir. We don't see them as people here sir.
Yeah, sir.

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I'm a white guy dating a muslim girl.
She has no sexual experience and very religious.
She can't have sex before marriage.
But she doesn't have family around to control her.
We already kissed (her first kiss), did some dry humping and stuff like that, but it's clear she is hesitant about going further.
It's also clear she is into me.
How to convince her to try at least touching, handjobs, oral if not go all the way?
It's a big no-no to have sex before marriage in Islam.
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But she got with him because he's white so fuck them both.
why are you pressed? she's in a white majority country. so if she's gonna go for a guy, chances is he's gonna be white.

plus, you say that like if you had an opportunity to date a blonde you'd say no. stop coping muzzie kek
Big cuddle sessions where you just kiss, hold hands, touch, rub, light dry humping, etc... Will slowly get her more comfortable. Gonna have to do this a lot, going a little further every time. All this in combination with dating, treating her great, having her become attached to you.

You need to find ways to explain how much you want it, and how it's very important for you, but you can't get married yet. She will come to the conclusion she will have to risk losing you or having premarital sex.

All of this probably isn't worth it, and you might end up making her hate you.
sneed muhammad
>"I'm a tall hot fitmaxxed chad"
>Is posting to 4chan asking for advice to pressure a girl into abandoning her religion to have sex with you

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I've posted my face on this website several times in the past (and on various boards) and admittedly I enjoy the attention I get from it. In real life I don't get a crumb of that, in fact during high school people would almost avoid me entirely.
If I had to guess it's probably related to my (mild) autism. I don't smell bad, I wear normal and clean clothes, I shave my face often, etc. My personality is more on the mellow side and I usually keep to myself in order to be polite.

What should I do in this situation? Do I have to fake it till I make it? Definitely not model-tier but it's weird how online vs. IRL is so different.
Am a 19yo dude by the way.
It's inhibition, people are happy to share their opinions online because it doesn't cost them anything. In real life they have to worry about what you may think of them, what other people will think if they say something about you, etc. We're all too busy worrying about what everyone is thinking.

If you look decent and want attention then go date, if romance is what you're after. Looking decently attractive doesn't get you attention, it just doesn't get in the way of you trying to get attention for other things, like being funny or confident. Which are absolutely fake it til you make it characteristics you can work on.
I miss the days when saying that you were young in 4chan would result in shadow ban.
why dont you have kids by now?

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How to deal with fear of the unknown?
Face it head on, but one small step at a time.
This is the way. You've already noticed your fear(s), now you must use that resolve to willingly go out of your comfort zone, little-by-little. It can be speaking to someone you're interested in, or doing something scary but rewarding, or just living another day.

How do you get a YouTube channel off the ground? I make mostly memes and animations, but it takes a lot of time and money that I don't have at the moment. About $1,000 in the red. Currently only 522 subs.
What is your end goal with this channel?

For example, if you want to make money, 522 subs who are passionate fans of your content and/or willing to pay for high-ticket products can be much more valuable than 20,000 random subs that are only mildly interested about you, won't pay for anything, etc. So try to find your "superfans" first.

For more general advice about making good videos, just google the "How to succeed in MrBeast production" PDF that got recently leaked. Plenty of good stuff there.

>it takes a lot of time
Yeah lol, you literally need to work thousands of hours if you want to be good at anything (not just at YouTube, but also if you wanted to become a lawyer, a pastry chef, a professional gamer, etc.). Thousands of hours of work is actually the MINIMUM if you aim to be competent. So work on your thumbnails. Work on your sound effects. Work on your titles. Work on your social media presence and engagement with fans. Work on your ideas for new videos. Work on your logo or profile picture. Work on your animations. Work on many other things until your content is irresistible at first sight. You won't succeed if you don't approach this professionally. You're competing against actual professionals with large budgets plus a lot of know-how and manpower, so the least you can do is be as professional as them in your attitude and work ethic (and doubly so if your content is "just mindless fun").

Good luck!

I want a boyfriend; I really need some affection from another person, whether male or female, but I don’t want someone who’s unfaithful or a potential abuser. Damn world, where will I find a good man? (个_个)
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You won't find a good man here. Try church maybe.
All I wanted was some good advice and to vent, but I'm still resentful.
Although I think that men in the church are more often abusers and pedophiles.
>where will I find a good man
The sad truth is, they are everywhere, you just don't notice them. And I'm not talking about the weirdos nobody talks to, I'm talking about your average-looking dude, so average your brain acts like he doesn't exist.

There's tons of good people in this worlds. Don't feel too discouraged.
is this image yours, OP? Let me use it, just say yes.

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Is this woman right?


That women are perfectly happy with a 3 inch penis?

And here I am wishing I had an 8 inch penis.
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I dunno. Maybe.

Me? Personally? If she's cute and nice, I'd still get with her.

A female is a female, ya know?
Home slice?
She's right. The clitoris is outside the vagina and the g-spot is only 2 inches in. It's what you need to have an orgasm with penetration.

Something bigger than average will be painful. I have a regular-ass 6-incher and was told the size was too painful. But everybody (and every body) is different.
>It's what you need to have an orgasm with penetration.
my gf cums very easily with just penetration
Ask in the JAV thread on >>>/jp/

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my gf is with my because she's very lonely and i'm with my gf because i want pussy
is this sustainable?
believe it or not, for a lifetime
What will she do when another guy comes along, and what will you do if another pussy gets thrown at you?
This. Also, what is sustainable for you? 1 year? 2? A lifetime?

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In my short 2 decades on this earth, I've been mugged, assaulted, gone homeless (for a couple months) and nearly got prison time. I imagine most people would view that as a lot of stuff
Despite that, I'm still extremely sensitive to people's words. Just recently, a colleague at my work called me a fucking idiot, and I almost cried after I clocked out.
Why am I such a pussy for tiny things? Can anyone relate to me / give an explanation or am I alone on this one
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not helpful, you stupid fucking idiot
Ey anon, i think you're kinda tough enough to still be here even after all of that. It's notable really, and don't brush my words off either way, some people can get really triggered by those experiences, you been through it but that doesnt mean you escaped unscratched, yes?
Tough ≠ insensible (in my eyes).
Stay sensitive, it'll allow people like MEee to stay in charge. Muahahahahahahahahah fucking idiot
My point is, just maybe your problem is you don't spend enough time thinking about your actions and decisions and their logical consequences, and too much time navel gazing about your delicate fee fees. Many such cases, nothing personal. Textbook BPD.
You probably have autism and therefor an underdeveloped amygdala so you’re more sensitive to people upset at you and assuming theyre upset when they’re really not. 12% of autistic people have been homeless and you sound gullible which is why I’m assuming you got it

When you have nothing but "alone time", it stops being comforting, it becomes suffocating. For normies, what makes alone time great is the contrast from the rest of their time. It's how they unwind and recharge.

I don't mind being alone most of the time. But I'm human just like anyone else. Sometimes, I am in the mood to spend time with others. But when that mood comes, I can't, because I don't have any close friends or family that I can spend time with. That's what makes loneliness so terrifying. It can strike out of nowhere, and when it does, there's often nothing you can do to alleviate it.

Most of the time, I'm fine, but when loneliness hits, it hits hard and it can last for weeks if not months. What can I do when it hits to make it go away?
Socialize to feel less lonely? However you want to? Go to a bar, play world of warcraft, pick your poison. Bored and lonely people are everywhere.
>Bored and lonely people are everywhere
But are they here? Are you one of them? Or are you just writing something you don't know shit about?
Just cope like I do.

You're not powerless or a victim. There's nothing stopping you from making acquaintances, even friends if you like.

You don't need close friends to have people to hang out with. Most people rarely hang out with people they're close with.

What you're craving here is tangibles. Real people, in real life, you can have EXPERIENCES with. So get involved in social activities and be social. If you have poor social skills, practice will sort that out.


You don't need to be a dog to know what a dog is. Don't be stupid
Nothing makes a lonely mf more lonely than someone whos not lonely saying to him the right thing to do. Believe in me.

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Does it make sense to spend your money to increase your quality of life or save/invest the money by living way below your means?
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You should do both. If you can't then do the former while you work on yourself until you can do the latter as well.
You're thinking too far ahead. You'll always be poor. Stop trying to cope.
shut up crab, crawl back in the bucket
Money isn't real
When yoh invest you later have more money to spend on more things.. it's delayed gratification for being able to live better later.

Also you have to retire one day, an unexpected injury or health issue could make that *a lot* sooner than later, and you need 10 times your annual income to be able to maintain your *current* quality of life. And the easiest (as in the only feasible) way to do that if you're middle class is by investing.

Don't be a short sighted retard.
Especially if younstart early you don't even have to invest that much to come out with a fuck of a lot of money later on in life.
If you're 19, investing $100/month would be over 1,000,000 by the time you retire. You could even stop that contribution and let it ride the rest of the way around 40 if you started early enough.

Should I keep doing this cold calling job for $12/hr for 4 hours per day (hours are not guaranteed) or should I just go back to doing food delivery?
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I am not.
Maybe but it's very spotty even with multiapping. Some nights all I get are $2-$4 pings for 12 miles while some days I get lucky with generous tips. I think what I'll do though is buy a small fan and camp out in my car full time while waiting for orders while I put in job applications and work on some courses.
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back to being your own boss

Why not both
this. most of these delivery jeets are talking loud as fuck on the phone while working all day
I could do both but it's kind of stressful(?) in a way. It's a temp work from home job where I call people up about the Election but lately the company bait and switched me to doing other surveys. I've been doing call center work for nearly half my 20s so I know how to navigate a script and I'm good at it but...

I guess I don't really have room to complain at this point, though.
I just got back from a 2 hour trip and made $29. I should have never taken the shop and deliver order that was $6 that took 55 minutes all because the lady wouldn't respond to my text or answer her door in the fucking rain. All trips were in the rain.

And I think the rain helped a little bit in earnings, otherwise it would be far less I bet.

Vent here. Its safe friends.
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You are correct. They are patients of the hospital. If I request a male to help me so I'm not alone with someone threatening me, I'm laughed at.
I'm still in college for my healthcare job, so I can't go anywhere else. I'd have to move to another state that offers this degree and even then I'll still be "at the bottom of the totem pole" as my teachers say. It comes from other healthcare staff, but mostly the patients. I tried to ask the chairperson of the program for help, but they said I have to just take it until I graduate because I'm at the bottom of the foodchain and I'm at the hospitals mercy
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I think we can all get along.
Just realized today my parents ruined my life. We lived in a nice house in a suburb, I attended a good school. Then they moved us across the country to a trailer in the middle of nowhere to join a cult. I could have had an idyllic normal life. Instead I had nothing and have not been happy since I was 7.
theres nothing more disgusting than a woman who uses 4chan

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We were told AI would help solve the "loneliness epidemic".

Well, I've been using AI for over a year now and it hasn't helped me at all. At no point have I ever felt like I was actually talking to a real person. It's like playing a multiplayer game against CPUs; a hollow imitation. I'd much rather talk to a real person than an AI.
Did you really believe anything these fucking tech bros said? The goal isn't to make you happy, it's to extort you of your money. Never trust private companies.
I've never spent any money on it.

It's dogshit, shallow as fuck. Only advantage is that you can talk about whatever you want whenever you want

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