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What's the least sucky dating app/site to use (as a 20-something NEET with no social skills)?

besides the obvious honeypot (duolicious)
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no, theres events and groups you can go to that are meant to be social, society has become really unwilling to meet people randomly on the street
looking up stuff in your area is a good idea, even if only to make friends, meeting a partner through a friend group is the best way to go about it imo
K, will try to get out of my shell and try some local events. TY for the advice.
You need to use the one with actual market share in your region otherwise you're paying for access to virtually no dates. Just look up which has the most users in your country. If I'm not mistaken, Tinder and Facebook dating are free, so it costs you nothing but your pride to use them.

The other big one in the US is Bumble I think. Bumble is one of those apps that has a special procedure which favors women, hoping to create an overall better experience that results in more relationships. Dunno how well it works and you have to pay, I think.

There are some niche ones that don't apply to most people's purposes and I don't want to name drop it around cretins.
>Tinder dating is free
OP here, yeah I'm in the US. Haven't used Bumble in years but I'm gonna try again soon. Hopefully it isn't monetized to shit now. Used to be on OKCupid too but it felt like a lot of effort, like people would have 2 page long resumes on their profile and I didn't do that.

If by "niche ones" you mean Seeking Arrangements, I'm not there yet financially. Although I did see a girl bragging about her 70$ date w a sugar daddy so who knows.

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Anon I've found myself in a tough situation...
I have a good job, all the possibilities in the world to create a good life for myself but I just can't be arsed. I must be clinically depressed but I couldn't care less to go get checked. The magic of life has run through my fingers long ago. There are some problems within the family, self hate and self seething. Terrible siblings that wants to see me dead. I'm ugly, my entire family is, both inside and out.

Every single time I paint a picture in my head of things I could do for the future I instantly get met by "What does it matter in the end? fk it" and I don't pursue anything. I feel like my time here is limited. In my mid 30s. I feel nothing. I look at other people and wonder what the fuck is going on. What drives them. I simply don't get it and I know what's coming for me because this cannot sustain for much longer, and that's fine.

Anyone recognize themselves? Any advice?
This life is weird and I could do without it
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Stop painting pictures in your head. Life is always now. Anything else is a projection/fantasy.
Watch Eckhart Tolle and don't believe so much in thoughts.

get ifs therapy
There are anons who post here every day asking for advice but what they really want to hear is vindication for their own mistakes and misery, not that things can be better. Do you want to change and feel different? If the answer is anything other than an emphatic yes then the bast advice in the world won't help you because you prefer your visions of doom rather than visions of prosperity.
Specific parts of the family, yes. Some are okay but the worst part is our horrible genetics. I will never be able to come to terms with it and it hits you like a truck when you realize one day that you are that ugly fucker of the group. I now realize why I never got female attention. I thought they all used to be stupid, not knowing I was the problem. This has been the toughest part. I am getting older and it will only get worse.

I guess you're somewhat right. Honestly I don't see myself getting better, it's almost decided. I am so empty. It is soothing in a way though to finally know the timer is coming to an end in due time.

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my brother has become a white supremacist over the years and i am tired of dealing with him in any way. you can barely talk to him anymore about anything without him making it political. e.g. i would suggest we watch some shitty movie (rebel moon) for fun and he says that he cant watch anything where white people are portrayed in a bad way. the white people he talks about are literally space nazis. this escalates to him saying that i just gobble up whatever "mr. goldstein's" propaganda machine feeds me.

it's like most interactions with him are unpleasant, he mostly reacts negatively towards anything. he would constantly bring up politics, especially jews and trump and woke culture and trans people and lqbtqi+ people. he acts like i am some stereotype of a liberal just because i dont tolerate his bigotry. not too mention that he actually dated a guy a few years ago and now completely rejects that part of himself.

i have tried on several occassions to break off all contact to him but then eventually we would have to have at least some contact because we are still visiting our parents together and stuff and it ended every single time with him being all whiney about how i make it difficult for him to contact me, how it inconveniences him, and how i should add him on a messenger app. i did eventually add him on the condition that he acts nice towards me and stops sending me political youtube links or memes and stops talking about politics. he agreed. that was a few months ago.

today i told him that if he doesnt stop spewing this culture war bullshit i will break off contact to him again. his answer was to accuse me of my ego being hurt.

for those in similiar situations: how do you deal with this bullshit?
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Pretty butthurt little Nazis we got here
>you'd understand that having a harder time to get scholarships and get hired at jobs is more than enough reason to feel oppressed.
Man, you people are either willfully evil or just hopelessly lost.

I'm an international student from a 3rd world country, I work so hard to get scholarships after paying over 3x a citizen does. And you're saying something like this, it's really disheartening.
report him to the police
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it's refreshing to see some posts from non-nazis after having to deal with so much nazi scum since yesterday. thank you for that! i know that 4chan and /pol/ is not representative of the world but still.

anyway, as far as i am concerned this thread can run its course.
> rehabiliation is not in the interest of the US government.

Rehabilitation programs are a myth created by delusional nerds like yourself. Just look at the murderous and raping shitskins in Western Europe. Once they served their short jail time they’ll go back into being a degenerate criminal because there is no real consequence for their actions. I think you’re just a trolling Redditor at this point.
Sorry that your brother is obsessed but you should listen to him

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I just want to stop finding femboys attractive guys, I just wanna to move past this and forget about it for the rest of my life but I can't shake the porn habit. I'm only romantically attracted to girls but femboy porn turns me on more than anything else.
I tried femdom, femboy pegging and such but it doesn't give me the same high even though it's more wholesome and attainable with my goals. I think it's forbidden fruit. Do I just have to stop thinking about sex for the rest of my life or what?
I don't even care if I'm bisexual, I'm past self hate, I just want to put this in my rearview mirror but I just keep falling back.
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Every time I look at femboy or tranny porn I always find myself wishing they had a pussy then go wack off to a Becky with small tits.
Fuck one and get over it.
Like legit sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and fuck a guy I'm a dress.
Why do literally ALL right-wingers have fetishes for the things they hate?

I guarantee OP is homophobic + transphobic in his public life, despite getting horny over "femboys".
Nah honestly it's just me. Also I don't hate femboys, and I've only ever judged people for having gay sex, not being attracted to it. Yeah I'll admit I'm a hypocrite for watching porn and judging sex workers. That's why I need to quit it
Porn is a crutch. Stop being homophobic and stop consuming porn. Try to be with women. Problem completely solved.

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How do I kill off the part of me that desires a relationship with women? I just want to make a ton of money and contribute to the development of robotic girlfriends and partners. But the desire and inability to get women keeps making me sad and unfocused.
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Whoever actually industrializes this will be the first trillionaire
i'm too lazy to kill myself, anon.
so long as i have 4chan and lousy time management skills, i think i can avoid self-harm.
no, you dont get it at all
you know those trust fund kids who have no clue how easy shit is for them? thats your ideal? the human mind adapts to its circumstances, perfect is synonymous with boring, you will never be satisfied until you learn how to appreciate the world around you as it is
The desire and inability to get women should focus your life force into the development of robotic girlfriends and partners. Maybe move to where those enterprises are like china and you will be more focused
No way, I don't want to live in China

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I honestly am starting to think that being mentally ill (depression, OCD, anxiety, BPD) or being autistic/adhd is worse for you if you want to have sex or a gf,
than if you were 3/10 face-wise, 5'4", had bad skin, crooked yellow teeth but were socially dynamic, good in looking in the eyes, holding conversations etc.
The stats I read about say 80% of autistic men are sexless, pic somewhat related. Is there a workaround for this problem or is it basically over?
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>How do is expel the constant doomsaying and pessimism though?
Get off any social media sites. That shit is meant to make you think negatively about life. Of course, if every other thread on 4chan talks about how mean women or people generally are, how badly they want your money (which is arguably kind of true) and how much life just sucks because of this or that manufactured controversy, then all you will ever feel is pessimism.

Get with the flow. Interact with people by entering a conversation on their conditions, by talking about their interests, their life etc. More importantly: Don't expect these people to turn into friends. They're not. People you work with, for example, aren't your friends, yet you should still be on friendly terms with them. Just because you're frustrated with them, that doesn't give you a free pass to ignore them, speak sternly to them etc. That shit is 1. obvious and 2. does not come across as either mature or appropriate if you don't happen to be the CEO where you're allowed to act like an asshole (in my experience).

If you're concerned about creeping out people, remember that by not initiating social interaction, not showing pro-social conduct, not talking to or looking at people when you're standing right next to them, you will creep them out. With girlfriends, it (kind of) works similarly, except if you belong to the faction which believes in unconditional love (and I don't believe in that). Shit ton of people I know have girlfriends who cheated on them, who are verbally and sometimes physically abusive etc.
NTA but even though I would like to change my position too, I don't know where to start even.
I was going out a lot in my life, I was DOING THINGS but none of it got me close to having a gf.
I only did get some friends in school and that's it. Otherwise - nada.
I just know my problems are unfixable. It's like when girls get the ick. I give myself the ick.
>I honestly am starting to think that being mentally ill (depression, OCD, anxiety, BPD) or being autistic/adhd is worse for you if you want to have sex or a gf,
Ground-shattering revelation. Nobody has ever realized this one before

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Does tall height for men really make dating easier?
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Lookup mike sky in YouTube he has a squished in deformed face and women let him suck on their toes
That actually explains why being too tall is a disadvantage. Much like women with grotesquely huge tits become a turn off.
that guy is not just tall, he's good looking and dresses well.
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200cm here
I was already very tall as a middle schooler, back then I went to a dance class one time, when I tried approaching girls, they just shook their heads before I got close. Had to dance with the instructor
Now khv in my mid 30s
This guy looks like a twink, is that really attractive for women?

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Can it work? Or am I just guaranteed to get cucked?
Libido mismatch is always going to increase the chance of cuckery.
it can work as long as she understands that you have low libido and accepts you the way you are without wanting you to be different. you have to make sure that she REALLY knows what she's signing up for. also, don't force yourself to have sex, don't put pressure on yourself to match up to her, don't waste energy trying to be something you're not.
Hilariously, you're probably less likely to be cucked.
Even still, I would suggest going outside and eating 6+ eggs a day to increase your testosterone level
Yep, you are fucked. Best case scenario the relationship ends after months or a year if she dont needs you as her comfort pet/cuck who let's her live in his house and buys shit

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Ghosting, friendzoning, flaking, being emotionally unavailable, having zero interest in me or relationships in general.
This is my experience for years now, using tinder and badoo and meeting over 60 women (mostly just 1 or 2 dates).
Only 2 gfs that I had and met online were met in 2012. Since then I only had 1 gf and I met her by cold approach (we broke up last december).

Is it me, is it the general population being this trash or women who are online? And it's not like I'm only going for one type of women.
I tried with tall, short, younger, older, shy, outgoing, literally all flavours and the results are the same.
I was being the same way I am now with my exes and they all were happy to at least start a relationship with me.

WHAT'S WRONG? I literally don't know how men who look worse than me or have shittier/boring personality get sex or relationships nowadays.
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They don't mind busting inside less.
I'm still here anon. If you have more insight please share, I'll appreciate it.
Huh? What do you mean?
this anon nailed it.
>guys give me advice
>gets advice
>no not like that confirm my idiotic thinking please
I'll just throw in my own experience, which of course is limited but...

Since about 2015 I was talking a lot on a therapy website to random people of both genders (but primarily women) from around the world and most of them were pretty awesome to talk to, including American women, etc.

However around 2019-2020 something seemed to shift, maybe to some degree this was personal, but there's definitely a very real objective component where I'd find people 'disappearing' during a conversation, trailing off in interest, or literally being unable to even START the conversation going in the first place. I really think something major shifted around then, and I've talked to plenty of other people online since then who sort of agree that people are harder to "connect with" online now.

I think there's sort of a massive "generalised population-wide ADHD" going on, think about all the dopamine all of us waste daily on highly colourful screens. So it's harder to connect, people are less 'solid'.

Also in my experience dating sites and so on where women get TONNES of attention tend to develop this "ghosting" as normalised culture simply because of the amount of attention they get... create a female account on one of your dating apps and just see what it's like, it's insane.

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Aren’t we all in this together haha?
Who told you that? Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
What do you need help with OP?
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I need mental help ;~;
This is no laughing matter.
Nope. At the end of the day, all you really have is yourself. Nobody is coming to save you

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Primarily using drugs which can be bought without specific documents, ideally cheap. Location: Europe
Bro dont kill yourself. Take the neet pill instead. Or at least go out with a bang and take an Lpill when your surrounded.

Also potassium chloride will stop your heart and its available on ebay.

is pic attached legit? i know vargs shiz got taken down but did he turn to Jesus?

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Home owners/Rentoids pls tell me how you do it? What's your salary? What was the cost? How much do you pay?
How do I move out of my parents house?
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>How do I move out of my parents house?
save up, hunt for properties for a while, tour the ones you like and pick one before someone else does
Fuck you
Do you have a job already? You can probably live alone on as little as around $32,000 yearly, but it doesn't leave a lot of other things.
I moved out on my own when I was making $16/hr, but that was a decade ago. My apartment was pretty small (rent was $500) but I had everything I needed. I moved into a "luxury" apartment (rent at about $1400 a month) when I got a new job at $50,000 salary and supported myself and my girlfriend on that income and saved up enough to buy a house, which was about $280,000.
I'm looking at these nice condos near my work place. I make about 74k and have only 10k in savings but about 100-120k in my 401k/roth ira/indexfunds. Maybe I'm being picky but if I'm living somewhere I at least want it next to my work place in a good area with internet.
But the area list prices from 300k-1 mil+. It migh just be better to buy a fucking car and rent somewhere else.
what if i wanna live in LA

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I just want to be friends with my gf how should I proceed?
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show her your tiny orangutan penis
You seem to have pretty Neanderthal tastes. You should only fuck people instead of pretending you are actually dating them until your brain develops more.
I know this will sound weird but I dont really care about sex she likes it more
In any relationship, your first approach to a problem needs to be communicating it. Tell her you are exhausted of sex and want less volume.

Every person is imperfect so you don't just want to reroll relationships when they have problems.
I feel your pain. My gf and I have almost nothing in common and it sucks. I have a lot of hobbies and she barely has any, I tried to introduce her to activities that I like, but it never works because she never wants to try anything new. At this point, our relationship is just like a job.

I'm addicted to starting internet fights and writing bait threads...
I try to spend entire days without internet access, but the urge to provoke internet anger keeps me awake at night. I have started to argue with my family like I talk in internet fights, and it's turned my relationships for the worse.
I want to change, but I have no idea what this addiction can be replaced with. I might be mentally screwed beyond fixing.

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i bought a book on self building a house because I'm exploring the idea of buying a raw piece of land, and bought a book on building an underground shelter. just cause I thought it was cool and saw it mentioned on a thread once.

I also bought a military woods navigation book or was thinking of buying one because I'm starting to get into backwoods camping. I guess i didnt buy it.

the thing is the algorithm started recommending a bunch of insane prepper books and military hand books and clicked through a shitload of them including some REALLY sketchy ones that i was stupefied was on amazon just to see the sketchy reviews which I won't share. I didn't buy anything except the underground shelter book but I guess i got flagged(?) and that book got intercepted at customs and the packaging even got opened and the plastic around the book got ripped open. but non of the other stuff got opened. SO yeah

I sometimes vaguely post about how i don't like the government but I'm not looking for trouble ;_; i believe in legal law abiding forms of activism
like for example i also bought a bunch of books on farming and masonry and nothing happened but that was before the bombardment of sketchy books cause the algorithm
I’m bored what should i do
i'd ask for a job but i know they wouldn't give me one bc i'm disabled.
businesses talk a good game when it comes to "diversity" but they never seem to hire that way.
go figure.
I would demand they DNA print my husbando. I know they have the tech.

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