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I'm a lesbian, and I've been friends with guys all my life. They've always been respectful and never tried to make a move or anything.

I had a rough breakup recently and went to drink and watch stuff with a guy friend I'd known since I was in 4th grade. He was having a rough time too, we were both feeling better hanging out together.

A bad idea of "maybe we should fuck" came up, and we were both too drunk to see it was a bad idea. We had sex, and everything's different since.

We haven't had sex again, but he's entirely stopped trying to find a gf. He just tries to hang out with me as much as he can. He's been really helpful with a bunch of stuff I'd been having problems with, like my car, and I'm grateful but I feel like he's doing it for the wrong reasons and I feel guilty for having put him in this position.

I haven't had much luck dating since either, its like everyone can tell I had straight sex or something and its a red flag.

I want to get things back to normal for both of us. I think getting him out there and dating again might help. What can I do to get him to try moving on?
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If you wanted to have him as a friend you should not have fucking fucked him retard
What OP believed:
The reality:
Why am I the retard and not him?
Lol you literally fell for a guys "ill stick around until she fucks me" routine
I just do not feel like I'm bi. I enjoyed the sex itself, but I can't imagine any scenario where I'd go for any other guy.

What's the point of curing my gaming addiction?
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I invest in some stuff and wait and my money grows
Well assuming you got your life figured out otherwise and gaming is just how you spend all your free time, then there's not really much point.
Like if you have a job. You're earning enough money to survive and everything. Your health both physical and mental is okay enough. Your hygiene is also okay enough. And then you just simply spend all your free time gaming, no shame in that. A lot of people spend that same free time watching TV and no one chews them out for it.
If you don't have a job or anything...well do that or you won't be able to survive for very long.
what's the worst thing that can happen to a poor person in 2025? work is a joke
>what's the worst thing that can happen to a poor person in 2025?
Getting sick, injured or otherwise being prevented from making it to work
most people work to consooooooom
just learn basic survival skills

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I have a massive crush on my literature teacher and I want to get to spend more time with him, maybe even to develop some sort of close relationship with him, even if it's not romantic in nature (though I would obviously prefer a romantic relationship).

Potentially important details:
>He's 60 years old, so he has oldfag tastes
>I am in high school but I'm a legal adult so it wouldn't be illegal to do anything with me, just probably frowned upon
>He isn't openly gay or anything (I'm male), but he has never been married to a woman and his subject often includes discussions of homosexuality that he doesn't shy away from
>He has a YouTube playlist that he uploads with music every day (so I can use this to my advantage maybe)
>I already know of his Instagram account and I live in a country where sharing your number with your students isn't seen as weird
>He once said I'm smart for my age
>He knows who I am because I've been hanging around class lately in order to talk to him (I just like to hear him talk)

Is there anything I can to do try and attract him in any way? I want to spend more time with him, maybe even do something sexual or romantic with him...
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I don't have daddy issues either, I have a great relationship with my dad. Some random guy on Grindr wouldn't be good, because I have a crush on one specific oldfag, not an attraction for oldfags as a group.
I should've pretended that he was a woman to make this thread because you niggers would probably find it completely acceptable in that case.
I'm probably just going to do something like mail him an anonymous typed out letter with no return address and hope he addresses it in class
>>He isn't openly gay or anything (I'm male)
How do I even go about "dropping" a crush? I didn't choose to be attracted to my literature teacher, I know it's a crush that'll just make life harder for me considering the circumstances that surround my interactions with him.
>I should've pretended that he was a woman to make this thread because you niggers would probably find it completely acceptable in that case.
yeah it is more acceptable that a biological female would feel attracted to a patriarch with authority
a young man has no explicable or explainable reason to want old man cock up his shitpipe
>>I should've pretended that HE was a woman
Young men post about having crushes on older women all the time and the most common response is along the lines of "wow I remember being a young horny lad" despite the fact that said crushed are often biologically counterintuitive due to older women having a harder time producing healthy offspring.
You keep saying that I have a crush on him purely because I want to get fucked in the ass, which is retarded, because I've said several times that it's certainly not entirely sexual. If it was an entirely sexual desire for old man cock, I would just go on Grindr. Can you really not fathom that someone would genuinely enjoy a connection with someone else without sex as the primary goal?
You have to be 18 to post here.

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I have and earn a good amount of money. How do I get women to know about this?
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That's the last thing you want them to know about you unless you have all your financial defenses on high alert. Guys look for a quick fuck, girls look for a quick buck. Flashing cash is the fastest way to get fleeced by gold diggers.
I remember a dentist in california who told his dates he worked in construction, until he vetted them for a few months.

The best first date is McDonald's. Only the real ones play.
how much are we talking
She is beautiful, that bald fuck is lucky.
>I have and earn a good amount of money
You shouldnt have to let them know, having your life sort it out should make you approach them with confidence and things fall in place from there

For women how much of a turn-off are the glow-in-the-dark dinosaur stickers on the roof above my bed?
And dinosaur stuff in my apartment in general (large dinosaur painting and a handful dinosaur figures on the bookshelf).
Are dinosarurs seen unconditionally as a thing for children?
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If you're attractive enough and have some normie interests to balance it out you can get away with it
I think that's really charming and cute but a lot of people would think of it as childish. You shouldn't let others ruin what you like just because they might not see it as entirely socially acceptable though.

Fuck the people who think it's childish. They're not your friends or girlfriends.

You do you. There is nobody else that will.
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if she already likes you, it'll be endearing. if she doesn't like you (idk why she would be in your bed if she didn't like you but some girls are like that), it's going to annoy her

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What are ways you guys make your money? What are some good side hustles to make money? Is making social media accounts that are monetized, a good way to make some money?(Youtube, Onlyfans etc)
Get a job. Seriously. That's the only guaranteed way you'll make money. For every person who can make money from online content, there's ten thousand people who waste their time and get nowhere with it.

are there any psychological underpinnings that would cause an obsession with eating ass?
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just a fetish then, it's pretty vanilla so whatever
Sexual perversion, perhaps. Too much sexual stimulus.
acute limerance leading to hyperactivation of the limbic system for Giganticus africanus
idk I go through phases where I eat the asses of the women I fuck (I live in asia where its normal)
some times I am obsessed with it sometimes I don't care
this leads me to believe there is a physiological explanation, not just a psychological one
maybe it has to do with parasite reproduction cycles and my intestinal parasites releasing chemicals which make me want to eat ass

either way, girl buttholes are cute and I like to play with them, but I only fuck their pussies

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How do you get into society as a NEET of 10+ years?
I've been a NEET since 18, I'm turning 30 soon. Was also a socially isolated shut-in for a big part of that period.
I'm basically unemployable so jobs aren't as easy to find.
What can I do?
Even if I get a job through a relative, I don't think I can keep up with it.
Overall I'm exactly what you'd expect, overweight lonely khv porn addict loser. Literally the past 10 years have been me sitting in my room all day playing video games or browsing the internet. Any activity outside of that is so boring that I start yawning within seconds.
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how were you able to survive for that long? How were you not bored?
10 year neets are disgusting. part of this was your parents enabling you but really it’s your fault
you have the internet, you can do whatever you want.

literally just find something you like to do and make a YouTube channel about it.
Fix your soul. Be Catholic. They're used to people who just "woke up."
Contact your local state/municipal unemployment office. The people there are paid to help you look for work.

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I'm trying to finish up my submission for a poetry contest, but I everytime I try to analyze what I've wrote for the past 4 years I feel like everything's wrong, yet I can't seem to get any ideas on how to improve or correct them. Deadline's due tomorrow, I'm halfway done (still have more poems of mine to review and curate, I guess), yet I feel mentally blocked and frustrated. How can I shake this discomfort off and refocus?
Take a short break to relax and rest.
Learn not to procrastinate for next time. Always keep working on your poems when you're in the mood. Then when there's a sudden deadline most of the work is already done. Use this as a learning experience.

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I fucked up with the first girl that ever gave me a chance. How the fuck do I cope man.
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This is why people with big egos don't have successful LTRs
If I can't be vulnerable with a girl then what the fuck's the point of an LTR. I'm just gonna fuck hookers for the rest of my life if that's the case.
... With what?
You have literally no problem.
>The first time I tried something, it didn't go my way!
Yes. ... How is your that a problem?
You can be vulnerable, you just can't have any vulnerabilities that you could easily fix, because that's weak. For instance, if you aren't happy with failure, that's all in your head so you can fix it easily
You want another mommy or a therapist. You're not a man.

I've posted a few times before so the issue might sound familiar
>be me, 21, male
>high functioning autism and ADHD according to my doc's guesses, but OCD-esque symptoms
>Can not imagine dating anyone that doesn't 100% fit my requirements
>literally rationalize why these traits make them perfect to the extent of winning debates on it with a 140 IQ friend
>Hitting most of these requirements is easy, but the core issue is that the age range requirement is 16-17 (legal here)
I'll be 22 in 9 months, and with each year added, it's gonna get harder to find someone of that age range. I technically have a younger brother in that age range, but using him as leverage into finding someone seems hard considering he's not too social. Any advice on how to proceed?
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>just stayed in touch with her
OHHH, yeah my bad then
>their money isn't your money
Yeah and I'm honestly happy to just have a basic middle class to upper middle class job in the IT industry once I'm done studying, but inheriting a ton of property and what not by my parents is a nice reassurance
>mentally ill
Even if that's the case, this is the life I've wanted for myself since I was 14. I'm not kidding, almost all my passwords and account names that I've been using since then are direct references to this exact thread's topic. I'm somewhat of a narcissist and I refuse to be anything but my future partner's first and only choice in life. There is no therapy out of this, as it'd just feel like conditioning myself to eat worse food for no good reason.
>adores us for who we are
Yesn't, it doesn't necessarily have to just be my personality like a lot of people with wishful thinking say, I'm absolutely fine with her drooling over my long hair or shoulders or abs or whatever, I just don't want to be an ATM machine.
>you're so close to wasting it
Yeah I'll do my best not to. The casual sex isn't out of me being horny either, it's just that some girls I spent time with to see if they matched my standards told me that they'd prefer if I had more experience, so that's what I'm doing while still looking for the one single woman to spend the rest of my life with. I swear to God I don't have bad intentions.
>be upfront
Yk what, sure, I'll explain to her my idea of love and future plans on the first date if I ever meet a girl that matches my preferences, I promise to be 100% open and honest.
Actually have a friend who did this too, just stayed in contact with a younger girl for a longer time until she was legal. I don't even think he had much of a reason to care about her age or purity, God just made him lucky.
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I remember you. I replied to another thread you made, and told you that you've cemented your autistic waifu list through self-repetition. Every time you think a thought, that thought becomes more cemented in your head. It's neuroscience - the synaptic pathways associated with that thought literally become stronger the more you think it.

You've brainwashed yourself into believing that this requirement list is 100% necessary. Your worldview is not helpful to you - you would be happier with lower standards. You are rejecting the valid advice of "let it go dawg" and keep insisting on tips to help you find your nonexistent fucking unicorn. You are a retard who refuses to listen and refuses to change.
>You are a retard who refuses to listen and refuses to change.
You are a retard who refuses to listen and refuses to change.
>You are a retard who refuses to listen and refuses to change.
Listen. Change.

> I'm not kidding, almost all my passwords and account names that I've been using since then are direct references to this exact thread's topic.
>There is no therapy out of this, as it'd just feel like conditioning myself to eat worse food for no good reason.
Of COURSE there is fucking therapy to undo this delusion you've brainwashed yourself into believing. The first step is to say to yourself "okay, so I'm only attracted to this one specific type of person. I feel these urges and they're real and overpowering, but they're not making me happy. I would be happier if I could fall in love with a wider range of woman and truly be satisfied with them. This fixation is the result of my autism and repetition, not something I was born with or something that's core to my central being".

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lol you are just a fag. like, a huge faggot.

having standards doesnt mean you need therapy, holy shit, what a faggot.

unless op has a list that is like, fingers must be this long, pussy flaps must be this thicc, must shit only once a day, eyelashes not too long, sounds to me like what dude wants is completely normal, and you are a faggot.
Idk if he's posted about it in this thread, but in the other one he made he said he had like a 17 point list that he obsessively fixates over. That when a good, decent woman, who he was in a relationship with for like a year, only met like 11 of them he dumped her. That 17 out of 17 is a pure requirement.

It's clearly not just "having a type", which would be normal. It's like this dude's autistic special interest fixation, like pokemon or sonic the hedgehog or some shit. 100% the product of a diseased mind.

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I got caught reading Evola in front of a friend and I think this is the reason why he's not talking to me. Is there anything I could do in this situation, or is it over? I'm not even right wing so I'm willing to completely renounce what I was doing
>I got caught reading Evola in front of a friend
Please expand on this, Anon, because someone like Evola is basically unknown to normalfags, and I think he isn't even well-known in the leftist spheres as well, so tell us why do (You) think this was the reason for him avoiding (You)
Sure. So basically what had happened was I was in the student center reading The Bow and the Club. He sees me and comes up to me (basically, we had run into each other) and we start talking. He asks me what I'm reading, and I show it to him, explain that Evola is a traditionalist philosopher.

I explain to him that Evola does have some views which I do not condone, but I'm still interested in his notions of aristocracy. The conversation moves forward.

A few days later I send him a message through Instagram which he never opens. I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid, but it's really the only reason I can think of. I'm sure if he actually bothered looking up Evola he'd probably be unnerved by some of the stuff which he talks about, and as such wouldn't be so keen on associating with a person who reads that kind of thing.

Our mutual friend who he talks to more than me doesn't seem offput at all when I ran into her the other day. I'm guessing he would have told her if he was truly bothered, so that's really the only piece of evidence I have against it.
If they can't handle you at your Chud, they don't deserve you at your antifajak
>be OP
>preemptively infodump virtue signal in order to avoid feeling judged for literally just reading
>still neurotically obsess over the possibility of being judged
I guess if you spazzed too much about what a super mega evil villain Evola is, you may have spooked him and made him think that what you are doing is weird. But that seems unlikely. In all likelihood he is just busy and/or doesn't care and you are just a neurotic ball of autismo.
Next time you meet him IRL just be normal and catch up and very casually say you couldn't get a hold on him earlier when you tried instagram. Then he'll probably explain what he was doing without the need for prompting. It does help if you have "something you needed/wanted to tell him", bonus points if it was cool, since it helps make the conversation flow more naturally.
Yeah that makes sense, maybe I'm being paranoid. Thanks

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>Try a hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring
>"You just like the idea of doing this hobby, and not actually doing it."
>Try another hobby
>Have difficulties
>Give up and stop caring

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Hey everyone, Howie made a new thread here: >>32736411
Be sure to shit that one up as much as this one.
thats not him
Yes it is
are you retarded?

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I've tried looking into this this online, but I never get the same answer twice and the programs and courses online are never clear exactly what certification you get, or whether they are necessary to get a job.
So I ask any fellow anons in the trades or HVAC field: What is the bare minimum and quickest way to get into the HVAC workforce. I've tried to contact facilities like Boces to take courses but they give me the runaround. I email them, they don't answer back. When I go in person, the person working there is on vacation.
Should I start walking into small businesses and asking if they're taking entry level apprentices? I'm kind of lost and I don't want to spend a year and 2-3 grand on a course that doesn't secure me a future career
>What is the bare minimum and quickest way to get into the HVAC workforce
And why should I increase competition for myself? In this economy? Get real.
I went and googled it, then also asked an AI assistant and they both gave me clear, concise answers with good starting points.

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Valentine's Wiener Fest Edition
previous >>32736053
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>implying men can't get pregnant and have children
Um, racist and sexist much?
Damn, this bitch wines and dines her prey
Lots of things, but let's be real
Bigger dick
No need to change anything about myself
Just need to fix women
I'm perfect

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