most girls are wierded out when ive told them i enjoy watching them stomp on helpless insects
People really need to start being ashamed of their degeneracy again
>>32627851Yes. Unfortunately your real fetish is making this thread over and over again, and no woman can accept that
>>32628763okay i will go :(
>>32629125Lol, btfo'd in his own thread
What's the best club in uni to join where I can meet Asian girls? I have a year left I need an Asian gf asap.
ok fine, any girl.
>>32626704Rock climbing or something athletic so you can work your body while meeting people. Learn how to socialize within the group before instantly asking out every girl you see
>>32629237"How do I get a gf" is the most common topic posted here. Search the 4plebs /adv/ archive for literally thousands of threads with discussion and advice on the topic.
Why do artists get angry when I make a profit out of traced artworks?Like, I mostly just trace the pose and yes sometimes even the body countour, but I do the rest (which is 80% of the work btw) myself.Like, some people get seriously mad about this. However, if the customer is happy with their purchase, who fucking cares, right? Who cares about those crying butthurt artists and their "integrity"? Are they just envious? How do I deal with this? I don't even copy everything 1 to 1 lol. I'm asking here and not on /ic/ because the people there are seemingly irrational and toxic.Thank you.
>>32629038>Not a single great thing was based on the tracing of anotherOh nonononono HAHAHAHA>You can pretend [headcanon]
>>32629138Who???? This “Mark Tucker” isn’t even the most notable person with that name
>>32629061>why even make this post?Because I had to share my inner thoughts with someone human. >the truthAnd what is the truth here? That I copied some poses that aren't trademarked nor copyrighted?>The fact that you didn't ask this on /ic/ only supports this.I mean sure, I can post it over there too but the people are there are kinda looney>NOOOO, you can't make money with your low skillsAh, so that's what the crying artists are saying
>>32629154>Ad hominem
>>32629003Yeah haha, now I get it, thank you :)
>Extremely controlling childhood>Constant guilt trips to stop video games and do what they want me to do>Build inauthentic personality in line with my parents want>Lose my mind, finally find myself backpacking and keep going on and off for 10 years>Life becomes infinitely better when their voices aren't in my head>Return to home country, tried to get closer to them, they still have problems with how I spend my time, try me to get to see a psychologist and start trying to control my life again>Lolwat, just keep them at a distance again>They are obviously heart broken, still can't help but feel bad for them but still pissed at themI'm 34 now btw. Sure I'm a part time a degenerate who is quite introverted, drinks a a bit, smokes a lot of weed and plays lots of video games. They know this and desperately want me to 'grow up', even though I am now one of the country's top earning wage slaves (about 150k dollerydoos a year) and even got a mortgage.I literally cannot talk to them about this, we are a very nonconfrontational family and this has remained unspoken our whole life. They made this way, I have learnt to like me but fuck they still see something that needs to be 'fixed'. What do?
>>32629005Don't forgive parents.But alsoDon't continue being asshurt and retarded with how you feel. Improve your mental.
>>32629018The fact they are trying to constantly trying to be involved my life inevitably brings up the asshurt. I plan to move on with my life, I want to have a family and I don't plan to be a bitter old man holding onto the grievances.I don't want them directly in my life, one of the reasons I bought land where I did is that it's on an island and it's a hassle to get to. Funny thing my sister has also bought even further away from home than I did, we aren't close but I can't help to feel there are similar reasons why.Do I just need to start owning it?
i cant deal with my emotions and all the ususall advice just isnt working for me. Therapy, meds, excersise, meditation, it goes on and on, its not helped, its not helping, i just keep ending up angry and sad and i don know what im going to do
>>32629115Talk with your doctor/therapist.
anybody here schizoid who managed to find meaning and purpose and live withthe fact that you have no self or ego and can enver be fully committed or attached to something?
>>32628500i have diagnosed obessive compulsive disorder and havent left the house in 2 months. you just gave a meaningless statement with nothing to ground it
I don't think any shitzoid has ever achieved this, it's a central feature
>>32626098rope fucking faggot. youre a schizo not a schizoid learn the fucking difference
>>32629060maybe you should learn the difference retard
I'm 27 and I want to buy a prostate massager at my local pharmacy but there is no self service check out and there's a woman who looks my age at the checkout. How do I buy this? I'm worried I'll be judged or she'll laugh and tell other people.
>>32628646How do you know?
order it online? hello?
>>32628653because I've seen them? what sort of a question is that
>>32628797No I mean how do you know she won't laugh?
>>32628930oh, like who cares. she won't, she's sold this stuff before
I've experienced rejection and unrequited love 35 times, I'm going to be 30 and nothing to show for it. Am I destined for isolation?
lmao 35 times in 20 years? i was triple digits before high school was even over. get back out on that grind, you haven't seen shit yet
>>32628873Please for the love of god stop counting the amount of times that is insane self harm. Also, I believe anyone has lived a long enough life to be truly in love with 30 different people
>>32628873I'm 35 and I've only been with 3 people, each of whom were long term relationships. Lived with one of them for 6 years. What I've found is that there are worse things than being a lonely. Another person can make you feel much lonelier than isolation ever will.
>>32628873Lol only 35, baby tier. Keep going, think I hit about 200 before finding someone I got along with.
Is it worth getting therapy if I know what I need to do with myself, but don't feel like it's even remotely possible to do?I also tried getting therapy for sexual PTSD that I have and I was basically told I hate myself too much to even consider working through it. So I guess I need to work on myself first.
>>32628638>Is it worth getting therapy if I know what I need to dono, because they are going to tell you to do that thing that you already know
>>32628638> I was basically told I hate myself too much to even consider working through it.This means you need to work with a therapist to first work through your selfhatred before you can work through your PTSD. It’s not possible to do much work on yourself if you don’t think you are worth working on. So I ask you, are you worth working on?
>>32628638ye its good to have someone else's opinion so you are not just stuck in a loop. You can do it once a month and not every week or something
>>32628638yes therapy would help in your case. In my opinion, you shouldn't even start with your PTSD but working through why you dont want to. That would probably be a journey in itself
>>32628638For instance, when you try simply not having the thoughts or feels associated with PTSD, and when you deliberately try to be calm or normal when PTSD is trying to happen to you, what happens?Is the PTSD too strong, too seductive, too tiring to fight it?
How do I signal to men that I'm available on the dating marketplace despite being a hijabiI haven't been muslim for years but still wear hijab due to living with my parents, and obviously I feel like men are too scared to approach me because they think I'm religiousI have about 2.5 years left in my degree and I need to find a husband stat, otherwise I fear I will be single forever and my parents will arrange a marriage for me with some religious nutcase guy from the middle east
>>32626551Wear a looser one and tell people why you still wear it.My gf literally told me she just wears it for her parents when we were getting coffee.
>>32626551Dumb larp.If your parents would freak out over not wearing a hijab, they'd also freak out about you dating. I know arabs whose parents are basically irreligious, and they STILL get bent out of shape if their kids--especially daughters--date.
>>32627656It's easier to hide the fact that you're dating someone instead of not wearing hijab
>>32626887>I live with my religious parentsthen take it off when they aren't around????
>>32626551Take off the hijab on campus. I had a classmate who did that.
Are mentally ill or bpd demons worth dating for the simple fact that they love you deeper, despite the obvious crazy drawback?
>>32605068What facial expression is this?
>>32626916soulless clout chaser
>>32605068Hello. I'm late to this thread but please read me. I have dated a girl with BPD for almost 6 years now. I fell head over heels for her, I had never loved anyone in my life more than when i started dating her. Don't do it. Do not do it. Look at me, motherfucker. Do. NOT. Fucking. Do. It. I fell out of love with her 3 years ago. I tried to break up with her. Nothing. She won't let me. I know that sounds stupid, but I'm serious. She just won't let me. Its been 3 years now of me trying to break up with her and her dragging me kicking and screaming back in. I'm scared of her. I know I could physically overpower her, but Im scared of what she would do to my family and myself (if she got a weapon) or even herself if i just blocked her on everything.I used to dream about having kids. But I would be so sad to see a child raised by this person. She is the most emotionally unstable, rude, belligerant person i've had the misfortune of meeting in my fucking life. If someone offered me a million dollars or the choice to go back and tell myself to ignore this bitch, I would go back in a heartbeat. She will love you to death. But she will literally love you to death. Don't do it. It's not worth it. No matter how hot she is.
>>32605068In my experience, mentally ill chicks are more apt to keep you at arms length and never commit. They don't love bomb at all. The girls who lovebomb you are just neurotypical dummies who've been raised on romcoms and think that relationships are all important even if they suck.
>>32625866You still sound like a codependent. I used to be, too. We mirrored them and they mirrored us. Your defense being "well I was shallow too"...yeah, and? It doesn't matter.
So my wife just said she loves me but isn’t “in” love with me whatever the fuck that means. Let’s skip all she shit about why I’ll be happier without her, etc. I don’t want any of that, I just want her.I’m looking for any advice or tricks to make her stay. She already relies on me financially but that isn’t enough for her to stay I guess. No kids.I have no issues with putting things in her food or drink so anything you guys recommend? If this is the wrong place I’ll take advice on the right place to ask instead. Thanks.
>>32628311>whatever the fuck that meansIt means she likes your wallet but not you. Fortunately for her, she can divorce you and get your wallet and lose you, so it's a win/win.
>>32628311> I just want her.She’s gone bro, sorry> I have no issues with putting things in her food or drink so anything you guys recommend?If you do this I promise you will get a restraining order, then a crazy alimony bill
>>32628311Simply have her love you more.If this doesn't raise her happiness, have her be happier from sharing love with you.The easy solution is the best
>>3262833030 American, not saying city
>>32628311It means you're a man-child who she has to baby and she's sick of it. Women are NOT attracted to men they feel like they have to take care of. The housework needs to be split 50/50 at the very least and before you say you already do 50/50, no you don't. In a massive survey they polled men and women and while the men thought they were doing 50/50 the women thought they were doing 10/90 or 20/80 at best. There's a lot involved in running a household that men aren't even aware of because the woman just does it, but when they do this long term they lose attraction to their husbands because they see them more like their child than their husband. That's what she means when she says that she loves you but that she isn't IN love with you. How could she be? You're a man-child.
Real answers only.
>>32627058??? Look at her face man, she looks like Nick Cage fucked Megamind
>>32627041>Women like funny men.To add depth to my initial anecdotal evidence. I won't say I'm a fuckin Jim Carrey, but throughout my life, every girl I've ever met I've always managed to make her laugh the same way as the girl I talked about earlier at least once. I have countless of stories of me making up some funny bullshit on the spot and somehow make every girl around me laugh. I don't know how I did it it just happened. Yet, the only girl that ever approached me with sexual intent, was a girl that didn't find me funny in any way except maybe in a "laugh at me, not with me" kind of way. She used to tease me because I couldn't make her laugh. Yet that's the girl I ended up having sex an insurmountable amount of times. The main difference between her and the many girls I've ever made laugh is that she was slightly less attractive than the other ones.You can believe whatever bullshit you want hard to be reality to prevent your bubble from bursting, but my own personal experience and knowledge beats anything you make up about it, from my perspective.
>>32626102>I am an incel with no social skillsFTFY
>>32620878I met my fiancee in my late 20s through mutual friends at a Renaissance fair, tho. Something you guys tell these anons not to do
>>32622104vinyl is more popular than ever rn
I'm 24 soon. This isn't right. I don't believe you people are serious when you say you're permavirgins like me. Everyone I know is able to get pussy with ease, i'm the only exception. I don't believe any of you are real. I need real help. I can't take this suffering anymore. I just want a girlfriend to do stuff with. Why can't I?
>>32622321I think there have been eras of my life when it's easy and eras when it is hard, and it's mostly dumb luck and knowing a lot of people.
>>32622321>Everyone I know is able to get pussy with ease, i'm the only exception.>I'm 24The average 24 year old male is struggling with getting pussy and getting a gf right now bc zoomers in general are having less sex and aren't dating. You need to realize a lot of men LIE about their sex life or virgin status to avoid stigma or seem cool. In my friend group of 6 guys, only 2 of us aren't virgins and only one of us (me) has a gf and is having sex consistently. We're old zoomers (27-28 years old) and my friends struggle with sex and relationships gets worse the older we get. >tldr: you're not alone, there's plenty of men in your situation right now
>>32627162I have accused random subhumans of being virgins before. They all took out their phones and proved me wrong. I legit don't see this "le male loneliness epidemic" IRL, only on autism image boards like this. In real life everywhere I look I see a happy couple usually where the man is average or even a slob. I'm convinced i'm the only incel.
>>32622422>I'M 24 SOON.>TWENTY.>FUCKING.>FOUR.>This is so inhumane.Why do you care? I've never understood why someone would want a girlfriend. Women are annoying and mean. I don't want anything to do with them. 33yo virgin here. The difference is I've never tried to get a girlfriend because I don't want one. I've actually had a few girls interested in me over the years, which is astounding considering how infrequently I go out and interact with other people. I'd say I'm a Chad but I know that's not true because I'm fat as fuck.
>attracted to short girls with big tits and soft faces>don't want my possibly male children to be short so feel the need to procreate with someone similar to my height insteadI hate this, I don't know what to do
>>32627179Just have sex with them and not commit? Also make sure you give shortstacks a good dicking so they don't bite your ass years later.
>>32627796Good point, but I do want to end up in a marriage where I can look at my wife and consider her the most attractive woman on the planet. If I can't do that, I'd want to be able to fuck the woman I consider the woman I consider more attractive in the meantime, but I don't want to ruin my family by cheating and I doubt I'll be lucky enough to find a gorgeous tall wife that'll additionally have no issues with me fucking other women on the side.
>>32627179I used to think like this. Now, I just don't give a shit. Think about it like this: yes, your sons may be at a disadvantage if they're short, but your girls would be at an advantage with big boobies and short, so it evens off. Also, short mom doesn't guarantee short kids. I know a lady who is 4'11 and her husband is 5'6, and all the sons are 5'8 or taller.
>>32627897>girls would have an advantage Girls don't need an advantage, they're the selectors of the mating process either way. In no way does a tall woman have the same disadvantages as a short man, do not even try making weird gaslighting arguments on that note.>short mom doesn't guarantee short kidsIt increases the likelihood tho you moron, which is why incest is illegal for example.
>>32627752where is this "future"? you flaming homo