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anybody here schizoid who managed to find meaning and purpose and live withthe fact that you have no self or ego and can enver be fully committed or attached to something?
practice grace
Fowwow Jesus Chwist
elaborate. its hard for me to do when i dont care about much at all
>the fact that you have no self or ego and can enver be fully committed or attached to something?
You lucky bastard. Entire religions have strived for that. Buddhists are out there rn dressing in orange and shaving their heads to achieve what you have.
I'm fully committed and attached to knowledge and the pursuit of virtue.
Buddhists are self righteous faggots. the majority of homeless people are schizoid. its not a gift at all, theres a reason i specifically asked for schizoid answers. you dont know what its like,
are you schizoid? hows that wokring out for you? you have a job? a house? family?
Relax schizoid, I was merely joking.
its not funny man
Maybe avoidant but I fit the criteria for both, not diagnosed. I have a job and a house, no family of my own, a few online friends. I've pretty much tailored my life for comfy solitude so that I can focus on my interests in peace.
I don't know how to help you man, but there is this movie with peter dinklage called the station agent. He seems schizoid or avoidant and its a very comfy movie.
No worries, I'm not here for help just to discuss schizoid/solitary life. Thanks for the movie rec, I'll check it out sometime!
nobody appreciated this joke
i did but its not the right time
sorry :( i don't have advice but i hope things get better for you anon. rooting for you
you gotta hit the forest more often
Yes, because zero holds an infinite possibilities.

You're just going through the edgy angsty high school phase of your schizophrenia. Literal bottomless level of Hell. Try not to off yourself and it gets better from here on out.
And yes, we were all biorn from chaos, so don't be afraid next time it reers its head towards you. It's just a thing.
Op here what i failed to mention is the ocd i also have which makes the schizoid problem harder to navigate or come to peace with
>the fact that you have no self or ego and can enver be fully committed or attached to something?
Yes, none of that prevents or even slows down meaning or purpose.
Just have meaning and purpose in what you do. It's not hard.
No way, you guys wouldn't want so much wine and weed if you were schizOID, you fags are schizO
>the ocd
Oh, you're that faggot who categorically objects to and opposes all wellness and self esteem.
Problem is you.
you dont understand and wouldnt understand unless you experienced it. im not going to lie to myself, its impossible to do.i get no pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfaction from doing what normal people do.

the point is because i have no self i cannot grow or fully ive myself to something. i have to keep myself seperate from and not comitted to anything i do or else ill be entirely engulfed. doing shit does not grant me a self it just leaves me entirley open to abuse .
i have diagnosed obessive compulsive disorder and havent left the house in 2 months. you just gave a meaningless statement with nothing to ground it
I don't think any shitzoid has ever achieved this, it's a central feature
rope fucking faggot. youre a schizo not a schizoid learn the fucking difference
maybe you should learn the difference retard
Taking care of animals. I stay away from people as much as possible but animals give me purpose

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