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Is it worth getting therapy if I know what I need to do with myself, but don't feel like it's even remotely possible to do?
I also tried getting therapy for sexual PTSD that I have and I was basically told I hate myself too much to even consider working through it. So I guess I need to work on myself first.
"I don't know how to overcome the negative parts of me" -> Yes, therapy
"The negative parts of me are correct and I can never change them" -> No, unfixable.
>Is it worth getting therapy if I know what I need to do
no, because they are going to tell you to do that thing that you already know
> I was basically told I hate myself too much to even consider working through it.
This means you need to work with a therapist to first work through your selfhatred before you can work through your PTSD. It’s not possible to do much work on yourself if you don’t think you are worth working on. So I ask you, are you worth working on?
ye its good to have someone else's opinion so you are not just stuck in a loop. You can do it once a month and not every week or something
yes therapy would help in your case. In my opinion, you shouldn't even start with your PTSD but working through why you dont want to. That would probably be a journey in itself
For instance, when you try simply not having the thoughts or feels associated with PTSD, and when you deliberately try to be calm or normal when PTSD is trying to happen to you, what happens?
Is the PTSD too strong, too seductive, too tiring to fight it?
How do you get rid of self-hatred? I hate myself with a passion, think I'm inferior to everyone so I don't leave my house or talk to people, and I think about suicide every day

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