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I'm 24 soon.
This isn't right.
I don't believe you people are serious when you say you're permavirgins like me.

Everyone I know is able to get pussy with ease, i'm the only exception.

I don't believe any of you are real. I need real help.
I can't take this suffering anymore. I just want a girlfriend to do stuff with.
Why can't I?
As someone who won his war against his demons with medication, therapy, and the internet, I can tell you the way you do is you imagine yourself like a rabbit to it all.
>AM I the only one here who can't get a girlfriend/ sex?
Well guys, he figured it out, we might as well come clean. Yep, everyone here's is a well adjusted and sexually active individual. Except for you OP.
He's okay. Leave him be anon. Don't pick on the weak and vulnerable. Everyone who supports that on this site is lucky someone has not done it to them.
Cmon, I'm just telling him, that he obviously isn't alone on his predicament in a sarcastic manner.
I've received my fair share of kys(s), this is nothing.
I believe the "waaaaaah i'm so le lonely" crowd are teenage fags that will ascend by the time they're 20.
I'M 24 SOON.

This is so inhumane.
They marry fat girls in shotgun weddings and live horrible lives working construction in trailer park homes. You're better than all of that.
You can check out the 30+ general on r9k. Or visit wizchan, that's where many of the older robots went.
Yes, you are the only person on 4chan who can't get laid.
33 year old virgin here
hi I hope this reply thing works but seriously there’s a lot of people on this earth you just have to put yourself out there and make sure you are well groomed. i think you should also go on dating apps or something along those linesss
Why do YOU think you can't get laid, anon? It's true, (normal) people usually don't have a hard time socializing. However, you got the short end of the genetic stick, and got cursed with autism. Now, what can you realistically do about it?

Stop moping, for one. You are still extremely young. Start exercising and start picking up on body language when you go to the gym. How do normal people behave? How can you mimic them? Practice this in the mirror. Record yourself talking and relisten to it. Take notes on your vocal tones specially.

Start having interesting hobbies. Read, pick up art, study politics, anything that isn't anime or videogames.
When you are start getting confident in your social skills, look better, and feel like you are an interesting person to talk to, start going to bars, and having fun. Do not go to these places with the intention of picking up girls or getting laid, that will get you nowhere.

Most importantly, if you do decide to approach a girl, go for the ones that you can realistically have. If you only approach 10/10 Stacies you will get frustrated that they are not reciprocating.

Lastly, sex isn't that important. Start focusing on yourself, and the pussy will come naturally. Girls like money, so focus on your career.

Good luck Anon. If I could do it, anyone can.
Kek I'm about to turn 27 and in the same boat as you, pal. Buckle up.
If you want to have normal experiences, spend time with the normies, think normal thoughts and do normal things

Or at least learn how to pretend. You cant self isolate every day from graduating high school and have a normal socialization. That said, 24 year olds is late, but it’s not a freakishly old age to be a virgin
What's freakishly old?
If you’re still a virgin at 28 you’re probably a freak. It’s so much that being a virgin is shameful. It’s more like the thing keeping you a virgin that late is the same thing that makes you a freak.

Being weird is ok, but it is what it is
It’s not so much**
Where does being a 33 year old bisexual virgin put me on the freak scale?
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Bisexual virgin oh man…. When is the last time you made a new friend? Or did your hobby outside with a stranger?
12 years ago maybe. I don't have any real hobbies. I never go outside. I get everything delivered including groceries. I work remotely
Is that by choice? Or did something happen 12 years ago?
I don't know, I was in a psych ward a few times not long after that. I've always had mental issues. I guess it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. Trying to get help went nowhere
I hope you dont give up on finding new kinds of help from old and new places. It’s never too late for things to change drastically. Most of your life is still unlived. Hope you have a peaceful night tonight
Checked, unfortunately. I'm 28 and last/longest relationship was over a year ago and lasted a little over two months. Hardly breached handholding stage when she "like a brother"ed me. Granted, I like my solo hobbies like bowling, bicycling, and working out, but I still did/do social things like cultural dancing and seeing my friends play live with their bands.
Just seems like women my age these days just want to smoke weed, travel to nat parks or big name concerts, sit on the couch reading or watching sports/sitcom reruns, or "hike". Oh, and brunch. Gotta have a fucking sunday brunch with bottomless mimosas or some shit after church. In some ways, moving to night shift after 9 relatively uneventful years of 9-5 is a blessing.
>Why can't I?
You probably lack some fundamental social skill that allows you to read and connect with others. I do fine with women because I just kind of know what they're thinking, what they want to hear, don't want to hear, what they're implying etc., It isn't difficult if you spend enough time around people and have the necessary parts of your brain developed to do it. If you don't have the right part in your brain and develop them to socialize with other humans then you're fucked, unfortunately.
To me it feels like things are getting worse and I'll just reach a point where I kill myself. It doesn't always get better. It can just get worse
don't know if you're indirectly asking for advice or just trying to get some attention for venting (which isn't necessarily wrong but you're not the only one in your situation by far. As you'll realize by browsing this thread long enough.

I'm about to turn 27 and I've never had sex either. The only period in my life when I was somehow attracting women was in my childhood when I had a pedophile molest me for a long time and a bunch of close calls with some other ones.

I only realized that that had scarred me for life when I entered high school where males my age started to be outgoing towards female whereas I was simply anxiety ridden and socially inept to the point where I haven't been able to develop the social skills that actually make one attractive towards the opposite sex.

I have tried to kill myself 4 times total. 5th time is coming and will be the charm because too many things including logistical situation (about to be homeless) and abuse from family going for decades at this point. Don't really think on the daily about how somehow a girlfriend at one point or another could have fixed things.
23 and a hermit here so I'll probably die a virgin
It's the opposite with me i've gotten more and more content
Are you swearing off people entirely? I've tried it and it fucks you up bad. You need a bare minimum of interaction or you'll get deeply depressed. Even just talking to a cashier does wonders
Not OP, I'm a 31 years old virgin, but can you tell me more about going to bars? I've thought about it in the past, but didn't get how that would work. Like I go to the counter, then what, order beer? Is something like cola fine? I've never even tried beer before. So I'm sitting there and drinking beer, then what? Search for a woman nearby and try talking to her with the beer in my hand?
Get five dating apps and swipe yes on every girl.

If you are ugly put serious work into fixing your appearance. Even go so far as to get cosmetic surgery or hiring someone to help you change your style if you really are that damn ugly. If you aren't that ugly then there shouldn't be much in your way.

It is actually very easy if you just do the same thing everybody else is doing. I'm having a hard time because I'm trying to get an 8-10, but average and below average women aren't so hard.
There are millions of lonely, boring, ugly, and desperate women out there.

Don't give up anon, we are all rooting for you!
I think there have been eras of my life when it's easy and eras when it is hard, and it's mostly dumb luck and knowing a lot of people.
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>Everyone I know is able to get pussy with ease, i'm the only exception.
>I'm 24

The average 24 year old male is struggling with getting pussy and getting a gf right now bc zoomers in general are having less sex and aren't dating. You need to realize a lot of men LIE about their sex life or virgin status to avoid stigma or seem cool.

In my friend group of 6 guys, only 2 of us aren't virgins and only one of us (me) has a gf and is having sex consistently. We're old zoomers (27-28 years old) and my friends struggle with sex and relationships gets worse the older we get.

>tldr: you're not alone, there's plenty of men in your situation right now
I have accused random subhumans of being virgins before. They all took out their phones and proved me wrong.

I legit don't see this "le male loneliness epidemic" IRL, only on autism image boards like this.
In real life everywhere I look I see a happy couple usually where the man is average or even a slob. I'm convinced i'm the only incel.
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>I'M 24 SOON.
>This is so inhumane.
Why do you care? I've never understood why someone would want a girlfriend. Women are annoying and mean. I don't want anything to do with them. 33yo virgin here. The difference is I've never tried to get a girlfriend because I don't want one. I've actually had a few girls interested in me over the years, which is astounding considering how infrequently I go out and interact with other people. I'd say I'm a Chad but I know that's not true because I'm fat as fuck.

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