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File: lonely-man-2.jpg (41 KB, 640x427)
41 KB
I've experienced rejection and unrequited love 35 times, I'm going to be 30 and nothing to show for it. Am I destined for isolation?
lmao 35 times in 20 years? i was triple digits before high school was even over. get back out on that grind, you haven't seen shit yet
Please for the love of god stop counting the amount of times that is insane self harm. Also, I believe anyone has lived a long enough life to be truly in love with 30 different people
I'm 35 and I've only been with 3 people, each of whom were long term relationships. Lived with one of them for 6 years. What I've found is that there are worse things than being a lonely. Another person can make you feel much lonelier than isolation ever will.
Lol only 35, baby tier. Keep going, think I hit about 200 before finding someone I got along with.

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