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Are mentally ill or bpd demons worth dating for the simple fact that they love you deeper, despite the obvious crazy drawback?
Only if you are also mentally ill. It only works if the delusion is shared
no, ask anyone who actually dated them and had their life ruined.
no regrets
dive into the spice without hesitation and you will be granted access to higher planes of reality
of course edify yourself with the Bible first with the help an ordained minister
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crazymaking isn't love

rule breaker chan posted a children's book one time about how love is an action, it helped me see i wish i could share it with you

bpd "love" will leave you with a heavy, semipermanent retrospective doubt once you see how completely someone can slough you off after making the affectation of love and care
They don't actually love you deeper. They may act like they do, and may believe it themselves, but it's all (often unconscious) manipulation to get *you* to love *them* so deeply that it fills the black hole in their heart and soothes their fear of abandonment.
Well, they don't actually love you, they project heavily onto and idealize you. There's a huge difference, naive OP.
>Are mentally ill or bpd demons worth dating for the simple fact that they love you deeper, despite the obvious crazy drawback?

Depends on what type of mentally ill. But if you wanna focus on BPD, chances are you’re not gonna date one. They’re not common at all, 1% drop rate lol. 1 in 100 ppl. Everyone thinks they dated one tho, because people think the only people in the world who can cheat on them are bpds and thats it or something like that.

Anyway yeah BPD love is massive, they love in a massive way. But they also hate just as much. So you will get 999% love from them, but also 999% hate, and 999% irritation but 999% playfulness, 999% volume of every emotion basically. If life was a discord server, BPDs are the ones whose emotional mic sensitivity is fucking loud and set way too high up there. So imagine a flamethrower microphone quality of loudness but its not a microphone its a heart. That’s BPD my nigga
You just described an autist anon
>You just described an autist anon
I did? Oh wow remarkable similarity then. Let me try another BPDism then

They feel like they don’t know who they are, have a very low to non-existent self image, and their expression of identity changes frequently, often ‘mirroring’ or masking traits and characteristics of those around them in order to force a feeling of connection.
Oh and also a perpetual feeling of emptiness, like a void, constantly feeling hollow inside.
Are u sure it’s bpdism & not autism? You again described femautist I dated
damn thats 3 for 3.
Impulsive spending, bad with money, particularly when it comes to spree spending on specific niche interests that change like the seasons.

Lemme guess, autism right? Shit it’s almost as if personality disorders don’t actually exist and what’s actually been happening is normies dated an undiagnosed autist, couldn’t understand the fuck was going on, and they invented an entire made up disorder to try and describe autism
Yeah but autists are not evil, bpds are
nah not really
You sure? Because there’s loads of cases of autists doing evil shit, but they say autists don’t know it’s evil. Like when an autist accidentally gets into an affair because they couldn’t understand what flirting was or when they were being flirted with, they just kept mirroring what the sexually interested person was saying them to be ‘nice’ and to be a ‘friend’ to them but from the outside the femautist looked and sounded like a cheater. And then when confronted the femautist REEE’d and denied denied denied because they genuinely believed they weren’t cheating and then the person who they accidentally cheated on felt ‘gaslit’.
Short term and you both know it's short term then yes. Long term no. They're not people you want to see on you death bed at 80. They will make your life a living hell.
Man, you must hate them. What did they do to you?
Nah i dont hate em, I’m just warping optics because I’m bored and also because I kinda hate armchair psychology and the trend of spamming ‘bpd’. I deliberately compared it with autism to prove the point that it’s dumb to go BPD chasing cuz autists are their döpplegangers
Discussion of BPD is ridiculously overblown on this website. Only 5.6% of women have BPD, which is close to the 5.3% of males who are incels. BPD also isn't what the internet claims it to be.

Mental illness is a wide gambit with a wide variety of behaviours. Having a mental illness, or BPD, does not make someone "love you deeper".

Can such a relationship work? Well as with any relationship it depends on how each of you feel about the other. All people have flaws, if you're willing to put up with the flaws of the other and invest in them emotionally whilst respecting their boundaries, sure it can work.

I'm a type a neutotypical normie. My wife has ADHD and extreme anxiety. Our marriage still works because we both invest in it and work at it. We don't have delusions that it will always be sunshine and rainbows, because it won't be. Sometimes we won't get along and that's ok. It's healthy and normal. What matters is that we work back to finding common ground, compromise and always hold the other in our hearts.
>My wife has ADHD and extreme anxiety
I’m a male with ADHD. Sorry, I wasn’t listening, can you repeat your post? I was just zoning out a bit. Also have you seen where I put the ‘post’ button? I had it five minutes ago and now it’s gone.
Geez. Are you in a relationship? Are they ok?
Yea I’m married. I was just making fun of ADHD cuz that’s what I am. I bet your wife must irritate the shit out of you with her disorder. I hear we are absolute pros at deflecting criticism or complaints during disagreements.
Yeah? And how is your marriage?
Pretty much exactly how you described here: >>32605295
Securely attached, mature expectations of love, some friction here and there but overall reconcilable easily and is peaceful as shit. I’m only my 2nd year into marriage tho.
I've dated two BPD girls. The first girl was constantly jealous of every single fucking girl that I walked past. She thought I was fucking everyone. I made a coworker laugh (an asian girl, she hated small asian girls so fucking much) and I had hear crying and screaming at me at the same time how I was fucking her. Meanwhile, I'm 99% sure she was cheating on me and was constantly projecting her jealousy because of that.

The second girl was ok for awhile but then she would just argue over every little thing and then at the day spend all night apologizing saying how she didn't mean it and she wished that she could stop herself. When she got a new job and moved to a new city (before I could move there with her, it was going to take a few months) I asked if her company was going to reimburse her for travel expenses. She lost her fucking mind, cursing at me saying that I thought she was poor and worthless and couldn't afford to move on her own. I was like "No, I was just wondering if they paid for it was all. None of the other things" but she still was pissed for days. She would do this shit all the time and then tell me shit like "I would be crazy to ever leave you. Please never let me go, even when I am acting like that. Promise me you will never let me go" and then she would break up with me an hour later.

It's not worth any of it.
I wouldn't
Yeah they'll lovebomb you and make you feel good for the short term but when things fall apart there's a large chance of them trying to fuck up your life
they don’t love you. they love loving you. theres a difference. they are literally addicted to the drug that is love and the toxic collapsing of relationships
when you're young and have no money to lose, yes
they do not love you deeper whatsoever. love from someone mentally ill like that is a fickle and fragile beast that will disappear at the drop of a dime. one moment you're literally the only thing that matters to her, the next you are blocked on everything and discarded without a word
If I had a gun that had a 20% chance of double damage, a 40% chance to make noise and not fire, and a 40% chance of shooting backwards into me, I wouldn't fire that gun.
That's not an autist, an autist doesn't do that emotions thing
It's the fucking opposite. These kinds of women like to pump and dump and will fuck you up mentally more ways than one if you try to enter a relationship with one
Hell no. The relationship with my ex, and the ensuing nosedive and emotional fallout were by far THE worst experience of my life.
They lie, cheat, steal, and actually enjoy hurting you. They're basically psychopaths without the violent tendencies.
t.4 year stint with a covert narcissist
Lol, this is a dumbass post. BPD relationships can not work because people with BPD fundamentally do not respect boundaries. The only time they adhere to boundaries (not respect them, adhere to) is when they have an intense fear of abandonment being triggered. So you can sort of keep a relationship with a BPD person "in check" by matching their push/pull dynamic. But that's literally just an abusive unstable relationship.

You can not compare BPD to "my wife has ADHD and we make it work" - ADHD is not anywhere near the league of a personality disorder. It's not just a touch of mental illness. They don't call it a "personality disorder" for no reason, it is a fundamentally disordered personality and there is currently no known cure for BPD, and DBT treatment has very little success.
This. People with BPD have a fundamentally distorted perception of reality. I would honestly compare it to schizophrenia, but instead of seeing and hearing hallucinations, imagine a BPD person has "hallucinogenic thoughts and emotions." They'll just get phantom rage that comes out of no where, and feels very real to them, or completely imagine scenarios that did not happen (like making up a story in their head that you are cheating on them) and 100% believe the story they made up. They can not tell the difference between these delusions and reality.
Good effort post but adhd is probably closer to schizophrenia than it is to bpd (they are all massively far apart but still). Attachment (or lack of) is the root of all suffering like this. I have had some awful luck with these kinds of women because im a high functioning bright spark guy with a good sense of humor, speech and big dick; i say this objectively as its usually these uptight, insecure and aggressively anxious women with attachment problems that are attracted to me, and in my own insecurity or F.O.M.O that i buy into it. Next minute, they're getting upset who my friends are (the ones who want to spend time doing things) and resort to parasuicidal threats or ultimatums. They've all been physically abusive too. I no longer like "strong independent women" because they're not. They aggressive, violent and single, huge difference.

BPD = Best Pussy Disorder but anything positive stops there. A relationship with someone severe likeni mentioned is a life of going way over halfway in the relationship and getting burned to a crisp for not delivering. No amount of minority % will make the topic not worth discussing; they can be predators and should be discussed.
>can be predators
They ARE predators, I've read a thesis where they insist all cluster Bs are essentially the same illness, Persistent Predatory Disorder. Sociopaths kill, Narcissists, Histrionics, and Borderlines cheat for the thrill of it
its actual hell
>Good effort post but adhd is probably closer to schizophrenia than it is to bpd.
What? Nta but I’m adhd and this is a claim I’d love for you to explain. No I’m not looking to debate or whatever, I want to read some funny comparisons to Schizophrenia.

Anyway closest disorder to Schizophrenia that we know of is Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder commonly leads into a Schizophrenia diagnosis.
>They ARE predators, I've read a thesis where they insist all cluster Bs are essentially the same illness, Persistent Predatory Disorder. Sociopaths kill, Narcissists, Histrionics, and Borderlines cheat for the thrill of it.

Im nta but, That must be a shit thesis, or an outdated one or both. For loads of reasons too. Let’s lay those out:
- You are statistically more likely to be killed by someone who is not cluster B.
- You are statistically more likely to be cheated on by someone who isn’t cluster B.
This is because cluster B’s make up an estimate of 1 ~ 5% of a given population. Honestly the number changes depending on who you ask lol. Point is, you’re more likely to get killed/cheated by someone else than a cluster B, that’s just realism.

That said, proportionally speaking, are cluster B’s more likely to commit crime, perjury, infidelity? Yes. That’s indisputable. Does that mean all cluster B’s will? No. And you’d be a bit silly to believe they do.

Because those disorders are not determining a proclivity for crime/sin/evil. That isn’t how they are identified or diagnosed. They are known because of their poor impulse, poor emotional regulation, blunted or flat empathy, and their antisocial feelings towards the ‘other’. Other meaning, friends, family, lovers, etc. This ranges from feeling like everyone is stupid/beneath them, everyone abandons them, or everyone is sub-human, whatever that may be.

What they do with those feelings varies from cluster B to cluster B. Some will lash out at others, some will deceive or carelessly and severely be inconsiderate, others just straight up commit self harm instead, and take all the pent up feelings out on themselves.

This is why there is ‘typical’ BPD and ‘atypical’ BPD. The latter one is usually your suicidal self harmer, not likely to cheat, actually most likely to be cheated on and has a habit for dating narcissistic types often. A self abuser through and through.

You have zero clue what ADHD is, don't you?

Also no... the name "borderline" was coined literally because the researcher who coined it thought "its like they have schizophrenia but it's not quite schizophrenia".. it is by its very namesake as close to schizophrenia as you can get...

ADHD is an executive function regulation and neurochemical issue.. how you confuse "excess difficulty focusing on boring things and excess near obsessive focusing on sources of interest or crisis" with schizophrenia is beyond me. You're either a troll or filled to the absolute brim with shit.
Was it a thesis or was it a blog?
Also generally in the scientific field one standalone thesis with zero support from the rest of the field is meaningless. You really can't apply "that thing I read that one time" here..

So this idea that they are always [PREDATORS] is preposterous. And it stems from a time when Psychiatry wanted to move itself away from the concept of ‘Good & Evil’. They wanted to explain ‘Evilness’, and in their piss-poor attempts, contrived of the designations “Sociopathy” & “Psychopathy”. These are also outdated and no longer used as a diagnostic term, at all. Haven’t been clinically used for decades now. Why? Because they know it’s a bullshit and unfit for purpose way to define things.

So they broke it down to ‘Cluster B’, a big bubble of negative traits and socially contemptuous behaviours all fitting into it. From that imaginary box, the psychiatrist infers patterns, notices a group of patterns lining up a certain way and will say
“Narcissistic personality disorder”
Then if they see another person, who might have similar traits but not really the same, and has more of an abandonment complex behind it, they’ll call it “Borderline Personality disorder”.

If they look at someone who mostly exhibits neither egoism or fears of abandonment, yet holds contempt for law, authority, and has a cruel attitude towards other people, then it’s “Antisocial Personality Disorder”.

All of this was conjured up by psychiatry in their lukewarm attempt to define evil. Because it doesn’t want to believe in the concept. And all that it has lead to, so far, is the implicit idea that cluster B = evil. Which completely misses the point that anyone can be and do evil.

Tl;Dr quacks gonna quack.
You know literally nothing of what the fuck you're talking about. This reaks of "i watched a highly biased misinformed video once and parrot it forever: of worse yet "I just kinda make things up and because it makes sense to me I think it's true."
I just wish for a woman who will love me for who I am and I can snuggle with

That isn't BPD.


No one compared BPD to ADHD.
What is this absolute made up bullshit you pulled from your ass?
The different personality clusters (like cluster B) describe clusters of observable behaviors. Nothing more. It is one category among 3 clusters, A, B, C.
The B cluster disorders are distinguished from the A and C by their generally more antisocial behavior, and difficulty maintaining meaningful social relationships due to these behaviors and fractured sense of self.
Your tirade about"good and evil" has nothing to do with modern psycho therapy.
That's literally the definition of BPD, you corn sucking fucknugget.
>Your tirade about"good and evil" has nothing to do with modern psycho therapy.

Exactly my point.
>Psychiatry wanted to move itself away from the concept of ‘Good & Evil’.

Thank you for emboldening my point.
>This reaks of "i watched a highly biased misinformed video once and parrot it forever
Nah that would mean I watch pop-psychological nonsense on YouTube.
>worth dating
ONLY if you go in without feelings for her, and ONLY if you take precautions so she cant fuck you over later
And also, when she begs you to get back together, dont do it.
I 2nd this. Mentally ill people should stick to their own kind and not abuse us well adjustees
These idiots missed the point entirely
You kinda did too but you're nice about it.

ADHD is related to a specific neurotransmitter problem in area of the brain responsible for executive control of focus. There are medications that specifically help, which is why its more comparable to schizophrenia than it is bpd, but none of these illnesses are like the other, just one compares better than the other. Attentional problems do arise in depression and anxiety, but theyre not the same as adhd who may have no anxiety ot depressive symptoms and actually live very well-adjusted lives.

Can you link that thesis? Im skeptical about this thinking. Evil isn't real, it's too tempting to simplify it as such. Where I've succeeded in maintaining these crazy bitches (before realising it's not my fault) was in providing what seemed like a missing paternal trust figure. I'm no psychologist but i agree a lot of this comes from adverse experiences and attachment issues
>ADHD is related to a specific neurotransmitter problem in area of the brain responsible for executive control of focus.
Maybe. I simplify the explanation. Our prefrontal cortex is fucking shot. Our focus is fucked, and our executive function is fucked. So focus and willpower, the ability to turn thoughts into actions? Fucked. Our working memory too, that’s fucked. Long term memory is superb though.

How is this relatable to Schizophrenia though? Us ADHDs do not suffer from hallucinations or paranoid delusions as a rule. We may sometimes encounter psychosis, during traumatic responses, but it’s only 10% of ADHDs who do. (I am in that funky 10% category).

And even then, from what I understand, psychosis is nothing like schizophrenia. So again, I’m a bit confused where the connections between ADHD and Schizophrenia are.

>Evil isn’t real

Do you believe in good? And goodness? If you do, then evil is real. Because evil means simply a lack of good/goodness. Just as shadows are not real, they are simply a lack of light. Understand? So the darker it gets, the more empty and bereft of goodness, the more evil it gets.

Does this make sense?
im jerking off to jap porn
bumping because this suddenly became very relevant to me
forgot this tab was open and i just had to give an update
>gets a crazy girl that loves you and worships the ground you walk on and does everything to make you happy
>kills herself because of a bad day

what now bitchniggerfaggot?
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yes, imagine the rimjobs
>rule breaker chan
Is she the the femanon with big boobs?
don't write about us as if we're incapable of love
were just people with struggles like everyone else. bpd doesn't make you a bad person or a demon
nope I got over abandonment fears and act the same. keep pop psych drivel to yourself
midwit, brain scans give different results between menhera types
Rim jobs aren't that great, really.
retarded theses, sorry. read research with evidence>>32611347

>Also no... the name "borderline" was coined literally because the researcher who coined it thought "its like they have schizophrenia but it's not quite schizophrenia".. it is by its very namesake as close to schizophrenia as you can get...
it's borderline psychotic, not schizo
your explanation sucks.

>Evil isn't real, it's too tempting to simplify it as such
it's no less real than any other pattern or concept, but it's irrelevant to the topics at hand.
hell no. are women better off dating men with ASPD cause they are more fun and charming and exciting and fuck better? no on both fronts. but both genders will fall for it nonetheless

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