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>Extremely controlling childhood
>Constant guilt trips to stop video games and do what they want me to do
>Build inauthentic personality in line with my parents want
>Lose my mind, finally find myself backpacking and keep going on and off for 10 years
>Life becomes infinitely better when their voices aren't in my head
>Return to home country, tried to get closer to them, they still have problems with how I spend my time, try me to get to see a psychologist and start trying to control my life again
>Lolwat, just keep them at a distance again
>They are obviously heart broken, still can't help but feel bad for them but still pissed at them

I'm 34 now btw. Sure I'm a part time a degenerate who is quite introverted, drinks a a bit, smokes a lot of weed and plays lots of video games. They know this and desperately want me to 'grow up', even though I am now one of the country's top earning wage slaves (about 150k dollerydoos a year) and even got a mortgage.

I literally cannot talk to them about this, we are a very nonconfrontational family and this has remained unspoken our whole life. They made this way, I have learnt to like me but fuck they still see something that needs to be 'fixed'.

What do?
Don't forgive parents.
But also
Don't continue being asshurt and retarded with how you feel. Improve your mental.
The fact they are trying to constantly trying to be involved my life inevitably brings up the asshurt.

I plan to move on with my life, I want to have a family and I don't plan to be a bitter old man holding onto the grievances.

I don't want them directly in my life, one of the reasons I bought land where I did is that it's on an island and it's a hassle to get to. Funny thing my sister has also bought even further away from home than I did, we aren't close but I can't help to feel there are similar reasons why.

Do I just need to start owning it?
>guilt trips to stop video games
Sounds like they had a point. Video games are children.
My parents were shit. I forgive them in the sense that I don't think on them ever anymore. There's still that tiny sliver of hatred.. but I temper it knowing I raised my kids better.
Let them go. It's tough, but worth it.
You don’t need to forgive them, but if you can create enough physical and emotional distance between yourselves eventually you may be able to calm down enough to forgive them, if you want to. Despite everything, they did help you become the person you are today. Even if it was by motivating you in an incredibly toxic way (like the reason you bought the house on the island).
You have your own house, own income, own life. They shouldn’t have any leverage over you. The next time they try and be controlling, simply tell them no. If they continue, leave at the first socially acceptable moment and dont come back for a while. If you’ve already been doing this for years then they are a lost cause. You don’t need to be in contact with them for any extended period, or at all.
You think and communicate like a children
Just cut contact if they are that insufferable. That's what I did to one of my parents (they were divorced). There's no law saying you're required to forgive your parents if they are faggots.
You don't have to make it a big deal out of it either. When I said it, I was very calm and factual about it.
>I appreciate everything you've done for me, but you two are nearly sabotaging my mental health. Please do not contact me again. I love you, good bye
And then move on. You'll still think about them every once in a while, but as you said, Life becomes infinitely better when their voices aren't in your head.
>video games are children
>you communicate like a children
can you niggers fuck off back to whatever non-english speaking country you're from until you learn how grammar before trying to give people advice, fucking faggots.
You nigger-like, monkey. Neanderthal man.

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