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Real answers only.
Literally all of this is good advice. And you'd know that if you got out of your own way and could see it from the other side.
My old college friend literally looks just like that first guy in the blue shirt, like could be twins. He's a 5'4" hairy hobbit manlet too, and he's married to a woman "way out of his league."
Unironically you can bypass everything if you're just really really funny. Chicks go nuts for a guy who can consistently make her laugh.
And to do that you have to be a bit aloof (confident) and not insecure.
You can't make a woman piss her pants laughing if you are constantly in your own head trying to monitor everyone else's faces for micro-expressions of approval/validation like some sort of abused puppy.

It's literally that simple. Of course money, talent, fitness, and good genetics will help, but that's all a bonus. You have to actually be a likeable and funny person first.
And if you're REALLY funny, you can bypass all the other shit.
Both of these posts are true.
The peak women will be snatched up quickly.
But it's also still very easy to get women if you're funny.
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That's like asking "How do I win a fight". There's no answer to it, but if we took Alex Pereira and asked if he'd win against most people the answer would be yes. In other words, it's all about skill, but you're gonna go up against another person who's also skilled. The best you can hope for is that the skills you've amassed are good enough. Keep working on them and you will become stronger. You will never accomplish anything if you don't expose yourself to the elements you seek to master
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
make friends with a girl through shared interests, see if something happens, fail, try again
Start by diagnosing what's wrong. Your picture is really weird because all you're doing is preempting potential answers. Even if they aren't what's stopping you, you need to identify what is so you can fix it.
OP's picture is pure cope to try to give people like him excuses to not try.
>The peak women will be snatched up quickly.
It's so fucking over for me bros, I'm 32 and still single. I've dated before but nothing ever took, and now I'm a leftover chasing leftovers
I literally almost made a girl piss herself laughing recently. Like she straight up excused herself to the bathroom cause she was laughing so much. She also called me "really funny". And yet I'm still an incel.
>be good looking
>be masculine

there DONE
>Be good looking also depending on your standards and taste
>Don't be an outcast
>really weird
not even gonna bother to explain to you dembot
Basically, you have to be someone's fantasy. For me, some girl's liked the way I looked. Tall, tan, handsome, fit.
Why does this image cause so much seethe?
Is it because you didn’t ask her out?
Why would you assume that?
I have girls howling with laughter at uni daily but when i ask them out i always get "umm youre really nice and a great guy but i just dont ever see us that way". It's happened like ten times already. A girl would be sending out what i receive as signals (approachijg me by herself, going to the cafeteria with me, crying from laughing at my shitty jokes) and then when i pop the question she goes "erm no we are just friends"
Have you tried being tall and good looking?
im tall and good looking, but slightly autist, broke, and conservative. it never started
I am very tall (193cm), i don't know about good looking. I'm definitely, not ugly and guys often call me handsome/jacked. Today a guy at uni grabbed my arm as a joke but then said "holy shit dude youre jacked". Idk what else i need to do to get women. I tick literally every single "normie advice" checkbox yet i am a khhv incel.
>im tall and good looking
no you're not
>but i am
guys who are tall and good looking can get away with being autistic
I just said i don't know if i'm good looking. The first guy isnt me. Ive never gotten a compliment from a girl my age, but got tons from guys and older women. I often get the "how do you not have a girlfriend, what?" question from guys.
well for one, i cant recognize faces that well. makes it hard to keep track of friends and potential gfs.
>someone sees me at the store or some event "Hey anon!"
>oh hey...you....we've met before right?
though i usually drag it out longer than that trying to piece it together before giving up
also there's just a wall between me and any random new girl i talk to that i just cant bridge. i was only interested in one specific girl i grew up with and when we finally got together after she had all her cock carousel, she cheated anyway

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