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MFers dress like this and say they want a big tittied goth gf. Why the fuck would they want you? No unspoken rizz, just unspoken.
They are raging covert narcissists, the most obvious tell is their shyness, quiet people aren’t quiet because they have nothing to say, they are quiet because they think they are so much better than others its exhausting to have to come down to other people’s level and socialize.
that's more common than not these days
Take your meds
All me
This is not the place to mock people.

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31 year old aspie NEET here. I realized the game was rigged against me pretty early on. Communication is everything in this world, and I can't communicate for shit. I have a severe speech impediment and can only talk to a handful of people. No degree, never worked, no skills that I can monetize. I've spent most of the past two decades in the woods, or reading in my room. If I could keep doing that I'd be pretty happy. Do you anons have any ideas? I'm quite frugal. Even if I could make $700 a month that would be enough.

Sell drugs, or get a Uber eats bicycle job gig
>Uber eats bicycle job gig
Interesting. I didn't know they had bicycle jobs too

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I have the most embarrassing fetish. How do I get rid of it? This is a serious inquiry, please help
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It’s diapers. Probably the most socially unacceptable it can get before being illegal. Will electroshock therapy work
I’ve “had” it since I was a very young child, before I even knew what pornography was. When I went through puberty, it became sexual, if that makes any sense.
Same for me (not the same fetishes tho). Weird how that works
Could be worse. Dont beat yourself up and if you really want to quail it, you can but it would take alot of retraining your thinking.
So find someone into that... you don't have to share this with the world, and if no one knows it isn't embarrassing..
I'd be embarrassed if my shit was out there and my interests aren't even that weird.. this isn't public business. So it shouldnt be embarrassing..

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Go to a bar and talk to people, you can get plenty of job offers when socializing
Sir please I have no home I haven't ate in a couple of days. Sir I can't do this physical labor my body is lacking the nutrients. I need a peaceful job sir please. I can't improve myself anymore it has killed me. Sir please just something simple enough that can pay the bills sir.
In America a man doesn't deserve healthcare! You have to earn it by serving us! If you won't serve us then just DIE! But would we ever kill you ourselves? I think not! Does that make us strong or weak?
Gotta say I'm feelin' a little bit uwu right now...
Big fellas, what the fuck is up with the little fuckers today? Is it Thanksgiving or Halloween?

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how do i deal with being italo american from jew york and stop being ashamed? staten island is a shithole and i hate it

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>25 yo spaniard
>want to study cinema
>check cinema schools in my country
>degree +9k €
What I have to do do?
Where are reasonable prices to study cinema?
How I enter in the industry?
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I hope to god that AI is a fad that dies but I can't see it happening anytime soon. The problem is that unlike NFTs, AI actually does offer utility and can be used to cut corners. Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
I like the technical stuff, so thanks for the advice, but how I get in those projects? What I have to do or show to get hire?
>Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
Hollywood since the late 70s.
The thing is it’s not making any money. And no one yet has managed to make it make money. Social networks are circling the drain because of a similar problem.
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I don't do them, since I naturally do what they artificially do: make one introspect - in my case by internal conversation. What I do do is keep a pen and pad ready by my bed to write down any insights when I wake up.
It's more for making my head less of a chaotic, batshit insane storm of neuroticism and anxiety. I don't do it for insights. So I'd be writing down unhinged shot probably, but I want to know how to do that in a way that actually helps me, and how I make sure nobody reads ot or how to stop worrying about that.

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See photo attached.

Do I make up a reason to not see her? Don’t want her to get the ick by thinking I have bad hygiene.
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>> Person I met on the internet wants to meet
>> Feel insecure, so am making up excuses
>> Really I don't look anything like what I told her

New episode of MTVs Catfish incoming.
I don't get the what you're saying. I'M catfishing a woman?

This is a woman I know IRL
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you what?
That’s not bad skin anon. Get over yourself

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I'm 21 and my current gf is 19. We fell madly in love with each other and we talk all the time. Our relationship is more or less perfect, we've never had an argument in a year of dating each other. She's was a virgin when we started dating, and I took her virginity. Now she's completely head over heels, saying I'm the most attractive man she's ever seen and etc. She's going to a good college and has an ROTC scholarship to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force. Everything is perfect, we live together, and she's unbelievable attractive. She's a perfect 10 in my opinion, with curves for days and yet perfectly skinny as well as a lot of muscle from working out. She wants to marry me come october.


I'm a piece of shit. I have three side chicks I'm talking to at any point in time and I can't help but think about fucking other girls. I've held off so far and my gf is none the wiser. I really, really want to. I don't know how much longer my self control can hold. I don't know why this is, either. I always struggled with girls before my current gf but being with her has made me know what to do and now I can't help but want to fuck other chicks. I already have one that wants to meet up in a week. My gf trusts me implicitly so it would be easy to do it without her ever knowing, and this other girl is four states away. I want to stop, but I don't know how. I can't tell her, obviously, as she told me that she feels a visceral disgust at the thought of me fucking any other chick but her.

fuck me I have everything and I'm gonna throw it away by being a hedonistic bastard. How do I control myself so that I don't give in? I'm not an impulsive person and I've managed to hold it in but I'm unsure if I can forever.
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I see you in every cheating thread always telling people to cheat and hide it, it's crazy
Ive been cheated on and hate the idea. I just know this man has an opportunity to save his relationship and forgive himself at the same time, so I admonish him to take it.
Here's what's going to happen
>You're going to try to get something running with one of these "side chicks"
>You might even be successful
>She's going to find out
>She's going to dump you
>You're going to find out that you're not as attractive as you think, that this "harem" you've got on your phone is either using you for attention or they consider you just friends
>Either way women's attraction for you will drop because women are more attracted to men in relationships then single women, it's been proven in studies and with many anecdotal cases
>She's going to get into a rebound relationship very quickly
>You're going to be crushed because you found out how replaceable you really are
>She'll be fucking and sucking a new guy while you're lonely and single for months and months
That age gap is problematic

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I have a question for fellow Christians here.

I'm a male and I'm attracted to only other men. I've tried dating women, but to no consequence, I feel absolutely nothing.

I'm conflicted because I'm a devout Christian and I don't know what to do with my feelings. If I married a woman it would be unfair to us both. I've tried to "fix" myself, to no avail.

So, I'm either to live a life a celibacy or follow my own passions and instinct. I know their are arguments about Biblical scripture, but I first and foremost want to devote my life to the Lord our God.

Any advice on how I should go about my life? I don't think I can change my orientation, but I don't know what to do with my life. I started drinking heavily about 15 years ago, when I failed in my straight relationship.

Please, any advice you can give would be most appreciated.
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prove that it's not
How could Jesus quote a book that was written after he died???

LOL. Get out of here, there is a reason why you "people" want the translation to be "man" and not "kid" fucking pedos.
I'm not a good Christian by any means. Actually hardly one, though I'd like to be. I consider homosexuality to be on the same level as sexual immorality and therefore sinful. I'm not one to judge though as we're all essentially doomed to hell through our actions. I think we ought to struggle against our natures. There's a Glory to it. OP the reason you're asking this question is because you have doubts whether it's right or wrong. Don't delude yourself. There is a singular truth... You just gotta find out what it is. Ask yourself whether your actions would glorify God. Chances are most of what we do doesn't these days.
It’s more insane to NOT believe than it is to believe lol. You think this is all an accident?
NTA, but definitely not. I just wish I knew what the point of it all was. Sure, bring glory to God and all, but why/how?

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how do I stop being bitter? the bitterness is consuming me

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What do you call it when you're instantly attracted to guys in real life, even feeling perhaps shy or intimidated, but never instantly attracted to women in real life - maybe over time after getting to know one think that they're cute... I've had maybe one real life girl crush in the last decade. Every great once in a while I find a girl in person actually attractive hot and want to fuck her without knowing her.

Yet, when it comes to porn, I am almost solely attracted to women. I masturbate pretty much only to female masturbation videos or lesbian, unless speaking to a sex-bot. When looking at naked men, even if they'd be my type in person, I feel almost nothing unless I am REALLY in the mood for dick (like once every year or three?)

I'm just curious, what the hell kind of fucking sexuality is that? Here are some tl;dr facts

>I'm a grill
>I do have a boyfriend, so I do feel satisfied in the cock department
>I'm asking a porn-addled question, but I'm not actually addled (well maybe right now with the bots, but over all watch porn maybe once a month)
>Have had sex with women, I know a lot of women in real life I may have no instant attraction to I would be soaking wet for if eating them out
>I am extremely attracted to both 2-d and 3-d women in porn

Anyway, I am just curious because it's so bizarre. I'm conservative, but I do understand sexuality is sliding scale, but mine just seems so fucked up.
You're just bi but aside from that idk what to call it, not sure if that matters though. I'm bi as well (male), but in like a weird specific way too. Like I'm attracted to every woman but barely any men, there's those faggy feminine guys that I'd fuck the shit out of and the 1% of normal men that I'm attracted to. When I watch porn I love looking at cocks, even if I don't appreciate the guy attached to it.

None of this shit is ever quite as straightforward as they make it seem and that's fine. It is what it is

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I have no ambition
19 neet
All I feel like doing is making game mods on my pc and never leaving my home
how do I have ambition in life.
Read my comment here: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31681566/#q31682547
Me again. Rest assured that if you have a spark of ambition then you can achieve more than 99% of people think is possible*. So don't worry in the beginning about the "how" of your ambition, just find the "what."

*This is another story that I'll write up before long. Sorry to seem vague right now.
I don't think there's a secret. You just have to keep trying new things and maybe one of those things will light a spark in you. The trick though is to give any activity enough time. When you first start out and you suck at the activity, it will always seem boring and "not for you".
To get ambition, focus on things you want and what's required to obtain them.

For example, you sound like you live at home with your parents, don't you want a house of your own? It would be your own space, where you can do what you want and have privacy.

To get a house, you need enough money for a down payment (generally 20%) and a consistent income so you can pay off the mortgage.

This means you need to save money and get a job that can afford to pay your mortgage.

This means you need to need to get a job with decent pay (being a wagie won't cut it).

This means that you need to go to college/trade school in order to meet the requirements for a well paying job, or find a line of work that doesn't require any education and pays well.

Now, by focusing on the goal of one day owning a house, you have an ambition that can motivate you to work towards a better life.
Another thought on ambition:

This is one situation where comparing oneself to someone else is actually useful: Think of a celebrity or star performer who is not all that different from you in their basic background and resources and ask yourself: "if he can do it then why couldn't I do it?" If the person's skill is a performative thing, say a sport, you might collect videos of them and watch them repeatedly, maybe slowing them down to watch every nuance.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)

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gf called me a minute ago. we were on the phone for awhile just BSing
but she wanted to run some plans by me for tomorrow as her mom is taking her out for her bday and I'm supposed to be there
while we were on the phone she got a text and she was talking under her breath and she said something like "hold on let me check this.. ty..." and cut out
and then she's like "ok sorry I just got a notification from work, wasn't sure what part of the bar I was working but they just confirmed,"
she had already mentioned a couple times that she'd be working a certain part of the bar and there wasn't any uncertainty before

i am anxious because she has a co worker named tyler that has a thing for her and im wondering if he texted her and she just made some shit up on the spot and caught herself saying his name or something
does this sound stupid?

i've brought this kind of up to my friends and they all seem to think I'm just being delusional and paranoid as I have a past of being cheated on
I mean that does sound sus to me man. Normally I'd say that it's in your head but that would weird me out too, if things happened exactly as you described them

It can mean anything. She could've been sucking him off right there, or she could just be having a harmless conversation but still hiding it because she knows you're jealous. But in the end, she's hiding something, whatever it may be
Wait I misread, she just got a text from the guy. My point is still the same tho. It sounds like she lied. Trust your instincts
Idk what to think.
She was very open and honest about the fact that he had made a move on her. She didn't try to hide it or anything. She brought it up the first night we were together after we had sex basically saying "Yeah he was getting a little friendly with me and I was weird about it because I know he has a gf,"
and then she mentioned it again when we were joking around about that night.

I could be over thinking, I could not be. I don't know if my insticts are reasonable or not because I got shit on really bad in my last relationship and I think my judgement is kinda clouded.
But at the end of the day, I imagine this guy was putting in a lot of time in the long game before we started talking and when I came into the picture I bypassed him in a matter of hours. She approached me at the bar to make a move and sat next to me after, not him. And we went home together, not the two of them.
We drove him back to his car and he made a joke like "wait aren't you bringing anon back to his car?" and neither of us said anything.
So he clearly knows. and she says shes told him we're dating. Its fairly obvious at work as well.
She's given me loads of reasons to trust her and there are tons of green flags. All things considered how its going between she and I, I don't think she'd cheat. But that insecure part of me always wonders.
You guys got any advice on dating in your thirties? I'm actually not sure where to meet people now. Inb4 hiking club suggestion.

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Short and simple Adv

Absolutely love my girlfriend and everything about her she is perfect to me with 100% certainty and I love our relationship dynamic and including her autism.

HOWEVER, there is a discrepancy regarding my love of her possessiveness.

She has a tendency to go into a jealous rage to a point of going into full on melt downs if a woman is ever mentioned in conversation or ever interacted with positively by me. I again love her possessiveness.

But As much as I love it I have to acknowledge this level of envy is really bad for her mental health. I want to know if there is something I can do. I want her to feel security in me and peace. I don’t want her to panic. I can see how much it distresses her and It’s not that I don’t like her possessiveness, it’s that I don’t like how it detriments her and makes her feel. It’s also accommodated by her terrible self image issues (which she is stunningly beautiful and well endowed beyond regular women so it hurts that she sees such terrible perceptions put on her by her abusive exes)

Will this level of jealousy get better over time together? It’s correlated to trauma of being cheated on by exes. Will it get worse? Is there anything I can do to help her feel the security and the love I have for her be so absolute? I have two long term female friends, and I’m afraid this might eventually bleed into them eventually forcing me to remove them.

But I will do whatever it takes to keep my girlfriend happy. I love her so much. Any advice besides “leave them lol” is appreciated especially by other autistic people regarding a similar issue they’ve also conquered.

If I must disconnect from every woman and abhor any and all interaction with them then so be it. But I don’t think it’s good for her to always worry this way.
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>I would be annoyed if I were you. Is she controlling regarding her order of things?
No not controlling. The thing about it is, someone can only be controlling if the other allows themselves to be controlled. We don’t do emotional tug-of-war, we instead just talk it out. We do have moments when we step on each other’s toes, we do have our negative moments. But neither of us expect any less, that’s kinda how relationships are for everyone. Good and the bad, especially in marriage. It’s why the vow mentions ‘for better or worse’. It’s cuz every relationship has its bad days.

So yeah I can get annoyed, and she can get annoyed with me. I can be a short-sighted stubborn man myself lol. We’re okay with that and as a result there’s been no big giant arguments at all, just disagreements.

> How does she manage when she hears your “no”.
She gets frowny and then accepts it. I also used to suck at hearing people’s no’s, i got a completely diff set of problems too. What I did was act all nice and undissappointed but then I’d seethe on the inside. So these days I learned her way, letting out crumbs of negative feeling as they happen moderately instead of bottling. And she’s been taking a page out of my book, learning not to sweat the small stuff.

>good at masking
Yea so am I. Most people are actually. If you were at a job interview, you’d mask as would most people. Or any important social function, humans have a habit of concealing their negative qualities and only showing the positives.

>Do you know her past?
Yeah, and she knows mine.

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When I read this, I have only one thought in my head: „It’s too good to be true”. What is the dirtiest secret you keep from her that would turn the tables for you? Do you think she would accept that if you would tell her about it? I know for a fact that autists are very vengeful and don’t forget what you did to them.
>What is the dirtiest secret you keep from her that would turn the tables for you?
I had to think real hard about this one because I’ve told her everything about me, and all of the worst parts of me were in my past. My secrets aren’t ‘dirty’ more like ‘horrific’, the abuse I’d take growing up and the abuse I’d give back. I’d always make it a point to never let it spill into my relationship though, no matter who I was with before her and especially not with her. So I told her my background and she was not only accepting but very understanding.

>I know for a fact that autists are very vengeful and don’t forget what you did to them.
I’ve known them to be unforgiving at times from other autists I’ve known mostly male friends. But vengeful? Nah. Maybe vengeful thoughts or emotions I’ve seen, but actions? That’s gonna take a disorder of a different caliber than autism I think.

>it’s too good to be true
There comes a time where both people realise they can make that true. They just need to be reciprocal in their respect for each other + both want it, and it is so.

No relationship is perfect. Find me a perfect relationship and I’ll find you two liars. But you can always get one that’s healthy. One where no one needs to abuse the other verbally or mentally or emotionally. Just takes patience, talking it out, coming to a resolution and fixing issues together as a team, and ofc having fun and making time for fun. Romantic, sexual or otherwise.
> That’s gonna take a disorder of a different caliber than autism I think.
Alright, I guess I was thinking about different disorder. My bad, sorry.

> Romantic, sexual or otherwise.
Speaking of sex. Is it satisfying? You said she’s a pleaser, so I assume she pleases you sexually? I don’t know about autists, but BPDs are demons in bed.

No matter what I must say that you probably found a real treasure. Don’t screw it up. Good luck!
>Alright, I guess I was thinking about different disorder. My bad, sorry.
Ay no problem. But I was about to suggest something you already brought up. Also yea the sex is really satisfying for us both.
>BPDs are demons in bed.
Yeah that might be why you mixed them up. Fascinating disorder that one, it’s very identical to autism. Has the same fear or abandonment, hypersensitivity to emotional stimuli, the masking, etc etc. But that’s all it shares in common. Vengefulness, lovebombing, blowing up because you simply said ‘no’, yeah that’ll be the moment when you’ve got a BPD on your hands lol. They’re like autism’s dark triad twin or something. It’s funny how that mistaken identity happens with disorders in general lol. I’m an adhd. Our wicked counterpart that behaves a lot like us is NPD. It’s fascinating shit.

>No matter what I must say that you probably found a real treasure. Don’t screw it up. Good luck!
Thanks man, I appreciate that. Good luck in your search for peace too. You deserve it and it’ll find you soon I hope!

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