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What is dating a woman with BPD like?
Sex on the first date getting love bombed till you think shes the best thing that's happened to you, then comes meltdowns over minor things then she
abandons you and blocks you on everything.
Thats how my experience went.
I got hit with a text one morning saying that we're done for. She didn't even explain why
A guy I know just did a BPDemon speedrun in like two weeks. Kinda goes like this:
>love bombing phase
>dependency phase
>(at this point he was overwhelmed by the constant demands for attention and started ignoring her)
>drama phase
>isolation phase (she slandered him behind his back, approaching each and every single person in his social circle)
>it's over phase (no gf and no friends or even friendly acquaintances left)
To his credit, he is taking his social death pretty well, especially considering that he's severely depressive on the best of days.
Highest highs, lowest lows. Nothing inbetween.
Save yourself.

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I've been trying to quit using dildos and stop these gay thoughts from entering my head
I've tried going to therapists but they keep trying to psyop me into "accepting my sexuality". I don't want this. I want to be a leader and a father, not a homosexual loser
What can i do?
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just get your wife to peg you
What are you then? What straight behavior do you actually have besides being jealous of what straight people can have?
Straight people aren't straight just because they can stop thinking about gay sex, that's not what makes someone straight.
Throw away the dildo. If you watch porn, stop watching.
That wouldn't turn op straight...
Are you actually attracted to men or do you just enjoy buttstuff?

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I met this girl on bumble yesterday. We started talking through DMs and this was our last exchange last night.
It’s Saturday now, we’re meeting up on Monday for the first time.

Should I just not message anything today, and double check confirmation tomorrow? (Sunday)
Or should I write anything else?
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she even gave him a gold star for effort like a retard yeah its over
>Should I just not message anything today, and double check confirmation tomorrow? (Sunday)
Don't treat it like you're checking, just be like "looking forward to seeing you tomorrow blah blah some comment about your day"
Yeah, anon. A gold star is code for an arid desert. It's in the handbook.
Arrange a meeting irl
Yes that’s on monday

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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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Everyone can see why you suck.
>the problem is freedom.
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I live in a big city and this helicopter is the worst thing imaginable
It is 11PM at night and it is flying so low it is vibrating my furniture and it also activates my IBS so I shit uncontrollably when it comes to fuck me
It has been here for an hour, I literally cannot do any activities when it comes
pray for me
Point them to another direction. They need a warrant if they know that you know.
>tax people telling me I need to file my 2021 tax return
>their website they recommend I use is inaccessible to me, a neet (who has never filed a tax return because no requirement), because they require you to have filed previously in order to sign up!
>they "estimate" my income in the year 2021 was ~$28K (lol) because of Robinhood trading app
>was unemployed before, during that year, and still to this day
>decide to protest in mail
>just sending a bunch of my tax documents from Robinhood and telling them I was and am unemployed
I just don't get it, there's no point - I hate tax people and will remember to stay way from taxable sources of meme income. Never touching this gay shit again
I have the masculine urge of creating a femboy and twink harem and then inviting them all over so we can watch all the good seasons of the Simpsons together

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Currently in college but I'm doing everything online since its easier for me to do it from home and I can save money on gas.
But I do want to meet people, and even to find and date a girl my age too, as where I live, there isn't much besides walking around and hangout at the empty skate park.
But I really want to get out of my comfort zone and be able to go out and do shit. I'm just tired of being alone with work and homework.

Anyone has any idea where I can start?

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Qrd on my situation:
>been living with roommates for past 5 years
>in this time they've gotten married and worked on their careers
>I graduated college but haven't found work outside of my current employer (wagie, $20k/yr retail)
>unable to save money due to COL

>ffwd to now
>roommate finds out she's pregnant w husband's kid
>our lease is almost up
>we need $3k to move into the next place
>haven't found time to catch up, let alone get ahead

I'm desperate to get out of this situation. I have effectively no network save for a single friend and my (separate) parents who don't have much to offer. I've gauged the cost of getting out this far as follows:
>Catching up on bills, repairs on vehicle, savings, health expenses: $6k
>Saving up for fixing and furnishing own place: $12k (or more if the place is more shrekt than I estimated)

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Well it seems you're not concerned enough. Nobody will support you. The good thing is you're still young, so there's still time to avoid becoming a total failure.
1) most people don't love doing things. Everyone needs to put in effort, you're not special in feeling lazy.
2) think about your perspective in 5 and 10 years if you don't change anything. And then consider what you can realistically do about it.

It seems you'll have to face some uncomfortable truths, better sooner than later, so consider the possibility that this is it. There's no second chance. This is your life, and it'll suck if you don't do something about it.
>Well it seems you're not concerned enough.
Perhaps. I have little to no drive to do anything without some kind of pressure to reach a goal. I like to learn in my spare time, but that's about it.

>1) most people don't love doing things. Everyone needs to put in effort, you're not special in feeling lazy.
I understand. I'm trying not to become the husband here (31, still working the same job I am, making barely more save stock). My other roommate is doing something she wants to do, career wise, and I don't know how she found something she likes.

I don't mind effort whatsoever. That's why I came here to ask about other perspectives on the issue. I'm waiting on emails from delivery services / shopping middleman work to get the $3k, since job hunting won't return that quickly on investment. That's immediately after.

>2) think about your perspective in 5 and 10 years if you don't change anything.
That's part of why I've been looking to change things. I'm not inclined to be a deadbeat. I'd rather be homeless again at that point. It's why I learned about fitness and nutrition, and why I bothered looking for accelerated programs and certifications to diversify my skill set, so that I might attract potential employers. This was before the pregnancy and housing debacle unfurled before us.

>And then consider what you can realistically do about it.
It's the (realistically) part that makes this difficult to process. Because, realistically, there's nothing I can do to meet these targets in the given time frame, short of selling my dog, joining the military, and dying for nothing I care about. The job market is shit, my experience is nil, my network is non-existent, and my options are limited. If I force myself into a tight position, I should be able to work my way out of it - and there is a positive element to gruntwork: I'll have a set routine.

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>It seems you'll have to face some uncomfortable truths, better sooner than later, so consider the possibility that this is it. There's no second chance. This is your life, and it'll suck if you don't do something about it.

I already accepted that this is what it is. It is finding what to do about it that is the issue. As outlined above, I don't see many options. I have been checking job sites, talking with potential employers, and so far no options have revealed themselves based on these efforts. I did some career assessments while trashed (to avoid lying to myself) and the best results I got were "lol learn to code nigger". Which is something I should do, but don't know where to start on - so I've screen capped certs different orgs want to work towards in the meantime.
Unironically I don't know how easy it is for you to do so, but if you can't go back to being a NEET then move somewhere else in the world where COL is lower.
I finally found some worthwhile positions. Here's to hoping I'm able to lock one down

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Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?

Is it?
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Just be the best of what you can be.
You have no control or influence outside of your periphery, so why dread?
This is such a vague question and the answer is completely dependent on individual opinion.
What do you need advice with? How to worry less about the world? Can you be more specific?
>Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?
Doubt you'd be able to do anything about it, so probably shouldn't worry, no.
>Is it?
For most people in the West and in East Asia, yes, I would say so.
>Should I be worrying if the world is getting worse?
You're picture just shows how everything is becoming more catered to women, and yes, you should worry about it because it is worse

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So i just got this horse (some dude was giving it away for very litle price). Wtf should i do with it? Any ideas?
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Might actually use it for transportation as i live in rural area. The owner gave me no certs for it tho
Horses are herd animals. Find a local place that has horses and give it to them.
I second this idea.
be nice to horse or sell him for a moderate price
That sounds hilarious and just dumb enough to take off. Might want to try TikTok as well if there's a streaming option. Horse POV.

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I'm lacking in motivation, however.

I have 2 hours left to get busy.
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Also, Deodricus for some reason feels like it would be Joshu's spirit animal.
Maybe i should doodle something in that direction
i will check it out and see what i think of that, thx
btw, do you too have this feeling that youre "going crazy" when reading?
Like sometimes the feeling that what you read feels real?
why of course i know it isnt. but the feeling is. you know what i mean?

post it when youre done. Im feeling to weak to doodle, i would just do it too
The one thing you have to understand is when you make something after being inspired, it will never be 1 to 1 but a version you made. I totally get trying to making something amazing after seeing a piece of art thats cool. But you shouldn't get discouraged by not being able to make something just like it.
You also say its fun, but make lots of excuses as to why you can't enjoy the fun parts of drawing, conceptualizing isn't that hard. You even explained how interesting it is when it comes to characters. Why not also read some books on story telling, concept art, and character design? Or watch a short series of classes about the topic on YouTube? If you enjoy it, justbdo basic exercises and don't give up trying to form your style of expression so you can make cool things.
You will never be happy with how a piece turns out completely, there's always a skill you can lack or technique. If you have fun, just do what you're already doing and enjoy it.
Can you find some way to make it fun or low commitment? Like, say, practice drawing a subject you particularly find attractive or honing in on a particular weakness for a length of time you can manage like 15 minutes. Always try to make it fun.
put one line on the page

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Obviously I won't kill him, but a good beating, scar up his nose, knock out some teeth. Would I at-least not get a felony?
First offense? You'd do a few months in jail, give or take depending on the severity. If you're unemployed with no responsibilities you should definitely do it.
btw i dont live with him. i suppose that'd make it worse, but still not like a felony with prison time i assume?
I love my dad. He's a kind, thoughtful man. He has weird ideas about some things and has said some toxic, fucked up things to me, but I know they're just projections of his own self-loathing, which stems from the way he was unfairly devalued by my extended family (his parents and siblings). He's too good for their treatment tbqh. I'm concerned he's making a mess of his life, but I care a lot about him.

My stepfather's a total piece of shit, but hurting him wouldn't prove anything. The only way to beat him is to succeed and live a better life than he ever did.

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Are there any jobs that pay well and don't suck?
Yes, of course there are, but for those you need to be very well qualified/skilled/experienced.
Not really

How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
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Real women take care of themselves and that means under 150 if she's average height lmao
Great bait
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Talk to younger females. Take what you want. Steal someone's gf. Grab their hands and tell them you want them and talk sexual things. Talk sexual stories. That's the main thing. Talk sexual stories and then after you've fucked they get addicted to your dick. Tell them necropedophile stories/jokes if you dare.
We all know what these guys really need but every one here is too much of a pussy retard to say it. Without proper therapy and/or counseling these people won’t land partners let alone friends. They NEED a professional who will brainwash them into normie culture. Women are normies by nature, ie they don’t think along the same lines as your average autist here. If you aren’t of that mindset, completely and utterly programmed into the matrix, then your odds of mating here are slim to none. It is what it is but you retards would rather sit here and ponder trivial shit rather than learn to play the game. It’s either that or become part of the LGBTQBLAblabla

As for me? The life of a happy chad-lite voluntary celibate who will be pumping and dumping well into his 80s while you tards are still on here whining about trivial bs. Thanks!
but how do you know a 25 year old will be the same when she's 30? get a wholesome introverted submissive 18 year old and she'll stay the same

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By the moment, I have a lot of things to do, yet I keep wasting time coming here, talking to online friends, watching porn, installing Gentoo, and watching YouTube. It's an addiction already. I've tried to stop doing all of them, but I still keep making the same mistakes. I'm wasting so much time, and life is getting worse and worse, even though I know I can stop it if I stop getting distracted. It feels like a disease; I simply can't focus on the stuff I need to do.
I'm not a NEET, but I'll become one soon if I don't stop myself.
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Well, there's a lot of ways depending on how committed you are. I'm much the same way and here's what worked for me:
1) Come up with a plan. Consider the below, evaluate what is/isn't feasible for you, then decide what you're doing and to what degree.
2) Tell friends/family your plan, and how they can reach you. Generally, they'll be understanding/suppotive if they know you aren't ditching them. If they aren't...reevaluate if they're worth keeping in your orbit.
Uninstal problem programs (ex discord/steam) from you computer. Put website you don't want to got to (like here) on your browser's block list. Get a trusted friend to set up parental controls for your devices to ensure you have hard limits.
Downgrade from a smart phone to a flip phone.
If you keep a smartphone, uninstal time vampire apps, set the color to grayscale, turn off app notifications or pay for an app that converts all GUIs into lines of white test on a black background.
Nuke your social media accounts.
If you do go on these programs/website, allot yourself a set amount of time on a set day WITH an alarm.

I've done all of the above over the years as best my life situation allows and they've all worked well. Just deleating Discord, my socials, and putting a 1h a week cap on this place nearly doubled the time I had to do other stuff.

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Is it bad to have a mommy girlfriend?
My girlfriend's very motherly, caring, always cooks for me, taking care of me etc. Like pic related really. I love it, but it does kinda feel like a mom son relationship. I sometimes worry it's not healthy for me to give in to this so much.
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>mommy girlfriend
I thought that was just called a girlfriend.
yes but the definition of a gf has changed so much that people call real girlfriends "mommybait for mommy's boys"
It sounds wonderful. You are truly fortunate, OP. You should be thinking of keeping her long-term.
It really isn't. As long as you're not legitimately fantasizing about her being your mother or some shit and this is just a genuinely caring relationship, who gives a shit? You're happy, she's happy, that's all that matters. I'd maybe step back a little bit if you think you're relying on her too much if you're worried about your own independence (even within the context of a relationship, for example, what if she leaves town for a bit and you have to fend for yourself without her? stuff like that).
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OP you are my living dream, How can I achive this?

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How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
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Realize that nothing ever happens
If it happens, it happens. Why fear it?
Rest assured that it isn't going to happen until mid 2024 at the earliest.
We all die sometime, if it’s everyone all at once then it’s everyone all at once. More likely though you’ll probably get sick, get old, or die in a freak accident.
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>How do I stop fearing nuclear war?

How? Accept death as an inevitable consequence of living.

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