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File: IMG_0985.jpg (47 KB, 640x640)
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How do I get a girlfriend like this?
You don't. Girls like this have no need for commitment. What would she stand to gain by cutting you a piece of the action? Nothing. By taking on a relationship, she jeopardizes what is likely a stable and lucrative career in 'content creation'. Even if you could somehow date her, let's face it, you'd be looking over your shoulder the entire time, too paranoid of the real or imagined competition to ever enjoy yourself. Who is she texting? Why did she add that dude on her insta? Is she really feeling sick today, or was that a lie? You'd implode.

A girl like this might fuck you - probably not - but you could never 'have' her the way you want.
You have so much to say about a girl you dont even know the face of

Be charming and hot/rich
Or be REALLY charming or REALLY hot or REALLY rich

Don't need to see her face to know how she makes her living. Nearly 4 million subs. Guaranteed her DMs are crawling with hot, rich dudes. No doubt they use each other to mutual benefit - everything is content - but at the end of the day, for people in that racket, there's no profitability to be had in committed relationships. Welcome to late stage capitalism.
Looks like OP will need to learn how to speak Japanese as well
The only way a guy as shallow as you are is going to attract a girl like that is to pay her.
the world is full of poor women with bodies just as good as this
So your saying he has a chance?

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