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File: tired.jpg (32 KB, 263x401)
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Is Aderrall the best way to get energy?
Or is there anything better (and legal)?
I am a NEET with extremely low energy levels, every day I spend most of my time in bed as if I am a cancer patient.

I have always had very very low energy levels. I would fall asleep constantly during class in high school and in college (which led to me dropping out).
My parents said I would sleep constantly as a baby and toddler.
I need to know how to actually get high energy levels

Is Adderral the only way maybe? Or what is there for me? Please no meme answers about exercising. If I had the ENERGY to exercise, I'd exercise...
Is ovr
>does nothing
>complains they have low energy
>fell asleep in school and dropped out

I worked from 4-12 in HS and slept during my honor classes and made it with B's and A's. I had low energy as well. What did I do? Sucked it up and worked.

In UNI I still had those problems. Fixed that by WORKING OUT and MOVING. Literally I biked to class everyday and went to our state of the art Gym. Never felt better and I woke up 8am to workout everyday with friends.

Also I worked a job nigga
Exercise would probably lower your energy levels if anything.
First things first, what is your diet like?
I'd recommend cutting out processed foods, gluten and vegetables for starters.
>Fixed that by WORKING OUT and MOVING.

Both of those things lower your energy levels, don't be stupid...
you need energy to make energy.... one does not create energy out of nothing obviously. No wonder he doesn't want to exercise. This neet needs to eat food, literally anything with fats. 2 liters of water minimum to piss out his neet tumors
OP here.
>I'd recommend cutting out processed foods, gluten and vegetables for starters.
Thank you, but what is the reasoning to do this?

My diet is average. The last time I ate was 4 hours ago: ground turkey, rice, mixed vegetables. Water.
I took two long naps afterward and am typing this from bed, lol.
yeah how the fuck do you think I worked out? With 0 energy? It's called eating food. Calls me stupid but I actually got both my diplomas unlike OP
Yeah, that's why I talked about diet, he probably spends all day eating cheetos and drinking soda while rotting in bed...
Congrats thats 300 calories.
Don't listen to this, you are better off eating shit than not eating anything of that. You clearly need food anything will do at this point. Everything is processed, so don't worry about that until you can actually move around with energy.
You need nutrients and fat for your body to be able to produce energy in the first place, as the other guy said.
I'm not even gonna say why you should cut out processed foods, that should be obvious. Gluten is bad in general, some people have a more extreme reaction to it than others. Most vegetables are toxic.

>The last time I ate was 4 hours ago: ground turkey, rice, mixed vegetables. Water.

That's nothing. So you ate shit meat, grains and toxic green flowers or whatever. Barely any calories, barely any nutritional value.

>I took two long naps afterward and am typing this from bed, lol.

And you wonder why your body immediately wanted to do that afterwards?

You said working out helped you GAIN you energy. That's just wrong.
So you want OP to continue eating like shit but upping the dosage of shit his body is intaking, because THAT will make a difference. Got it.

Is this the level of retardation you usually find on this board?
OP here. I never drink soda but I do have sugary snacks (e.g. muffins, brownies, cookies) 1 to 2x a day.

The thing is, growing up I would have the same diet as my siblings (presumably eating as much as them) and IMO they were just naturally more energetic and naturally more able to get up in the mornings and things like that.
If I ate more I'd try to do healthy foods. Don't want to become fat on top of low energy. Right now I'm skinnyfat.
>tells op to cut out food that is most available
>expect OP to follow through despite him eating only 300 calories a day

yeah go fuck yourself
>only 300 calories a day
It's possible I'm undereating but not by that much just FYI.
Sounds like doing what you currently do causes lower energy levels, actually. Try doing 25 jumping jacks before bed and see if it’s easier or harder to sleep
I eat turkey, I eat rice, I eat vegies. 1/7th a pound of turkey is 100ish calories, rice might be 100-200 a cup, veggies-non existen calories

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