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>be me a few years ago
>naive, stupid aimless 18 year old
>drank the "study what you love, not what makes money" koolaid
>decide to major in political science because I've always loved politics

>tfw realize during my degree that it was a terrible decision and I should've done an actual useful degree like business, economics, or finance

I know a lot of people with useless degrees go to grad school to become a teacher/professor or a lawyer, but I'm not really interested in either of those. First of all, I probably don't have the GPA for law school, second of all, I don't feel like spending another 3-4 years in school. I'd only consider going back to school as a completely last ditch effort.

My out of touch boomer relatives always say "don't worry anon! as long as you have a degree that's all that matters!", that might've been true a few decades ago, but nowadays I feel like the job market is way more competitive, since BAs are almost a dime a dozen. desu even though my degree might be useless, my friends who have "useful" degrees in fields like computer science are having trouble finding jobs too.

Am I really doomed to a life of minimum wage/unemployment hell because of a stupid decision I made when I was a teenager? do I need to go to grad school or get a new degree if I ever want to make decent money?

>inb4 go to trade school
fuck that. I don't care how good the pay is, I'm not developing chronic pain and destroying my body by 30
>"study what you love, not what makes money"
It really is wise advice though OP. That’s why I never bothered to go to college/university to study what I loved, for that exact reason. I study the shit that I love alone, in my free time. Don’t need a teacher if I can teach myself.

Go to trade school btw. You’re being an idiot if you think those men destroy their bodies by 30. They build their bodies. HARD work = calloused hands and muscles.
What is your job then, anon? If you never got a degree?
I’m a super successful manager for a large-scale development firm, spanning over thousands of projects across the cities the nationwide. I am sitting my executive chair right now, in my top floor office of a skyscraper, cigar in my mouth.

Then i woke up. I’m unemployed as fuck anon
So maybe you should go to college in a first place? Not even a basic job? Every retard can get it.
Nah ive worked plenty of jobs before, all minimum wage office shit. I am gonna go to college soon though to pursue what I really enjoy though, which I developed in my downtime.
I'm in Europe so I can't speak for the American situation but from what I understand you have to network like a motherfucker if you majored in the social sciences and didn't do stuff to qualify you for quantitative research. Since American civil society to a large extent is formed around churches, you should start going to as many congregations as possible that fit your denomination and if you don't have a denomination, go to the Catholic church. Talk to everyone and while you mention that you're looking for a job, don't act desperate even if you are. If you haven't had a shit job in your life, get one immediately just to show that you can work, and/or start volunteering. Accept that you are probably going to have to do a year or two of stuff you're overqualified for and/or take an unpaid internship. I'm in academia now but I did an embassy internship in my upper 20's because I had a really slow start in life and even though it started bad it did present some opportunities that unfortunately I was too immature to grab + that simply didn't fit my personality (academia is the only thing I can do without going insane). You might be better off. Also, look for politics-related jobs in other sectors. Banks need political analysis done, manufacturing companies and supermarket chains as well. You didn't tell us what you specialised in but if you wrote your papers on anything with real-world relevance, use that and start building an argument for why someone should hire you (also, keep that argument humble. The balance is tricky).
Commission in the Air Force
I'm in a similar situation. I'll graduate in two years and I wasn't naive, I knew exactly what I was getting into, that finding a job would be difficult
my plan right now is to either go to med school or do a recent MA but I'm not sure
Get into politics (plenty of low level positions like aide wagie) or this >>32627028
I did the same and became a lawyer. Maybe get a job in a government department first to improve your resume.
still here?
Nothing wrong with having poli sci degree. Your mistake was not networking properly. ESPECIALLY for a degree like this. You have many options but I think the two obvious options. Either work your way up your minimum wage corp ladder OR go back to grad school to network and have a reason to get back into the job market (from your employers perspective)

Frankly, if you didnt have that degree it would probably be a lot harder to get your current min wage job. The market is fucked right now.

90% plus of all jobs that exist in the world, do not require a university degree of any level. None. Zero.

This idea that it's either a degree or poverty is as retarded as the "do something you love" shit.

Pull up the skill shortage list for your country. Compare it to job listings for your area. Tada, now you know what high demand jobs are around and what they pay. Pick the highest paying one you think you could competently do. You may need to do some internal or industry specific training which may take anywhere from a weekend to a year.

This is completely and utterly false
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Getting promoted at your current job or going back to school are not options? That’s a false statement? OP should kill himself then, it’s over.

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