I've wasted the last year (and some) trying to "go pro" in Counter-Strike, I'm 20 years old. I spent over 2,000 hours in the game, and a fuck ton more watching content / esports. I'd get home from school, and just play. My grades weren't good, just barely enough to graduate highschool.I've just uninstalled the game, and it's like now what? I don't regret it or anything, it's just that the dream was always a pipe dream.Should I try to go university/college? Work at some oil rig? Right now I'm living at my dads unemployed. Maybe pick up a trade?I want a new dream, and I don't know what's next. I suppose I just want some ideas or advice. NEETdom is not very alluring for me.
>>32627164Do whatever makes you the most money, then save as much of that money as possible for like 10 years and then invest it or put it into a business with employees that can generate you passive income. retire at 30. Spend 30-50 starting a family or traveling.
>>32627164At your age?Trade first, college later. Or start a business with your trade. You'll be set for life.
Man counterstrike sucks cock because you have to know sooooo much on top of being satanically skilled.I gave up because i didnt know the perfect molotov shots or the exact places you have to plant bombs as a terrorist.It’s so annoying to throw molotovs wrong and shit. The terrorists AKs are so much better too.
Yeah I had a period like that too, different game. Now you do something with your life.Figure out what you want to do. That's not easy. Start with shit you like. What do you like? What do you like about it? Why do you like it? You know, work around it.
>>32627164i did too, but i never wanted to go pro.i just did elo boosting and account selling in LoL. it just gave me a full psychosis about videogames and electronic devices in general.im mid 20's and and if i were you i would go to uni or military. if you wanna be safe go uni and do a useful degree.
I'm going to become a firefighter, or join the military. Then assuming that goes well, maybe attend some form of post-secondary. Thanks bros.