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How do I speak with guys who are not very talkative? That tend to give you simple, short answers or "I don't know"s.
I'm going on a date with this really hot guy and I'm afraid I'll mess it up.
pic isn't him but matches his aura
Why the hell would you try to get involved with depressed people? kek
If he's giving you short answers, it means you aren't on a topic that he cares about or is knowledgeable about - "I don't know" (without any follow up) is literal. It means skip the subject and go for something else.
because the guys is handsome. some women are intensely attracted to depressed, edgy men. it triggers their nurturing side
It's called fashion?
Also true
If we're going on a date then he's obviously somewhat interested, it's just hard to make him talk in depth. What should I ask him that isn't too shallow?
I'd probably suggest, in this order:

>What do you for work/school?
Don't spend too much time here unless you instantly find some common ground. Really it's just laying the foundation to your actual goal.
>What about your hobbies?
This is a tricky one because people that are not talkative usually keep their mouth shut about these sorts of things unless the other person (you) actually knows the subject. They typically don't want to embarrass themselves by flexing their vast knowledge of a very specific subject to someone who doesn't know or care about it. The worst part is that even if you were to research ahead of time about the subject, all you'd find is surface level info, which most of the time, is basically no info at all. If he said "Yeah I play a lot of vidya" and you said "Oh me too, I play League and Overwatch!" that is basically a death sentence. Unless he actually likes those games, in which case you should get outta there.
Get him to talk about what actually interests him.
Often guys are not going to talk about it because we'll assume you think it's boring.
>How do I speak with guys who are not very talkative?
Why would a guy ever speak on a first date. Your job is to make his life easier, talk his ear off so he doesnt have to worry about asking you some dumb question to keep conversation going. know your fucking job lady
are you retarded? ask him about his interests or maybe interests you both share together. he probably uses short responses to the stupid shit that comes out of your mouth that he doesn't give a flying fuck about. guys will listen to you talk about makeup and celeb gossip but they dont actually give a fuck
i wouldnt worry too much, its like you said, if he goes on a date he probably is interested in you lol
and dont mind if he makes short answers, could vey likely be hes just a bit retarded desu, many guys are simply nervous themselves so saying less makes less room for them to say something retarded lol
and guys are also just not that talkative or good communicators as girls its mostly this way
he probably gonna open up more once hes more comfortable with you
Some men too
I need a hot depressed edgy bf to love and cuddle until he feels better

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