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how to prevent this from happening
dont fuck insecure girls?
>how to prevent this from happening
The first time you have sex with a woman, ask her if she is actually comfortable with having sex with you, and if she says no, don't have sex with her. It's not rocket science. This guy's problem was that he just *assumed* she was okay with having sex without actually checking.

Also note that, according to the coroner this was NOT the reason he killed himself.

>"I did not find on the balance of probabilities that this culture specifically caused or contributed to Alexander’s death, but it did give rise to a concern that circumstances creating a risk of future deaths could occur."
Wear a mask.
Don’t fuck outside of committed relationships. Also don’t start a relationship with, or casually fuck, an easy girl (A slut who lets you fuck her on the first night). Do not establish romantic connections with, or try to have sex with, any woman who is just recently out of a relationship and/or has had a string of exes/short lived relationships.

The guy in OP was a clueless autist who got his chance to fuck a succubi, a girl who used him as a sexual rebound to soothe her ego after she recently broke up with an ex boyfriend. The girl decided to pretend she was uncomfortable with her sex with the autist, and told a bunch of male classmates, presumably so it makes her seem like a victim and not a slut (she most likely didnt want her ex finding out, she wanted back with the ex).

So, a bunch of guys and her ex beat on him. The. after his humiliation he an hero’d, entirely believing he was an icky rapist and believed he was an monster, succumbing to the pressure of the false allegations. So basically

tl;dr: NEVER stick your dick in crazy. It can be fatal.
each time you have sex, gag her mouth then kill her.

Never Again,
Remember 6 Gorillion Male Suicides
Hurt The Feelings Of Men
2025 Alexander Rogers
more of a reason to hate and avoid women

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