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Should I pay a prostitute if I'm 31 years old and a virgin?
We don't know anything about you, your history, your financial situation, what you've tried, anything. You're allowed to spend more than five seconds on a post. Generic posts get generic replies.
Sure, go for it.
no, that will just make you an even bigger loser
this guy is a fed ignore him >>32621929
Yeah at that point you might as well just get that off your bucket list
you should have done so 10 years ago, you're late but better late than never
it helped me because I don't crave it anymore since I find it overrated (at least without emotions involved). If you're the kind of guy to feel guilty afterwards it might harm you instead
no, that'd be gross.
>Should I pay a prostitute if I'm 31 years old and a virgin?
If you want to, sure. Banging hookers is great fun. It's also expensive and doesn't last very long. But it's important to understand that, two days later, you will feel 100% identical to the way you feel now. If you're expecting it to be some kind of transformative experience, it won't be. It's just short-lived, expensive fun, and absolutely nothing else.
Do you just want to have sex? If so, a prostitute is a fine solution to that problem.
You could but it's not going to solve any of your problems.
Depends on why you're considering having sex with a prostitute. If you just wanna know what sex on it's own feels like this sure go nuts. Prostitutes are at least okay to know what it feels like to be inside a pussy.

Just bear in mind it's not gonna compare to having sex with someone who actually likes you and the prostitute is most likely just gonna focus on finishing you off fast and kicking you to the curb, you have to be mentally prepared for that reality.

If you think it's gonna be a life changing experience than DON'T DO IT because you're gonna hate yourseslf and feel mad at yourself that you wasted money on just a emotionless experience and it's gonna make you apathetic about sex overall because of a crappy paid experience with it.

Again just understand the prostitutes are not having sex with YOU they're having sex with you because you're paying them, they don't care about you, you're just another loser who had to resort to directly paying for it because you don't have a woman who likes you enough to want to have sex with YOU.

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