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how do I get over a girl I made out in a trip who I will likely never meet again because of distance? I have her social, but there's no sense keep contacting her if there's no opportunity to go physical.
she was so fucking attracted to me it was insane, but on the other hand I can't even ignore the fact she probably hooked up with more guys for the rest of her trip
it's been almost 1 month already and she's still living rent free on my mind
why not keep in contact in case you end up being in the same area again?
>girls act more uninhibited when away from home
yeah no shit - so go on more group travels
we both weren't from the country we were visiting and she lives an ocean away from me, so...
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By meeting other women
>I went on an overseas trip and had an amazing time, how do I cope?
Go do it again. Obviously. Or stay in your room and mope and buy me the tickets
sir I can only travel once a year
what would be a cope for the rest of the 11 months?

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