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She hurt me, I over reacted, she blocked me

Has anyone ever successfully reconnected with an ex after getting blocked?

Should I mail her stuff back anyway?
By the time I cooled down enough to be able to try and speak to my ex again she was already in another relationship. They are married now :)
It's only been a few weeks :(
Going back to an ex is usually not worth it
I think it's just the nice thing to do to try and send her stuff back. But yes you should not expect any further contact. Returning her things is just out of courtesy.
I do want to speak to her, and i might leave a note in the box
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Don't contact her, just move on. Don't mail her stuff back either, throw it away or hide it until you feel ready to trash that shit. Nothing good ever happens when you contact an ex, and you need to be weary of the fact she WILL contact you in the future. Ignore her
that's called stalking anon
You're a nut
I'm not throwing it away

I wouldn't be going to see her
She blocked me anon...
not op but i held onto my exs box of shit for like a full 2 years until i just didnt care anymore and threw all the clothes and books away and used her rock collection to skip rocks at the local lake
would recommend made me feel like the protagonist
I wanna see her again
This is some good advice.

Source: made the mistake of contacting my ex and made a fool of myself
I've made a fool of myself already, but also I've reunited with friends before... im hoping this can be repaired
Just send her stuff back and leave it at that.

Dry your eyes mate. I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up. There's plenty more fish in the sea.
It can be fixed surely. Friends have ditched me and come back.
NTA but it's from a song https://youtu.be/PyHr-4SeILI?feature=shared
Oh, the guy who isn't trying to pull you
shut the fuck up
forget your ex and find a new chick there’s many out there looking for boyfriends
>she blocked me

why the fuck would you want to reconnect?

>Should I mail her stuff back anyway?

fuck no. just throw it in the trash
Because I still love her
Anon, you're being pathetic. It's over and she doesn't want to talk to you.

I'm aware of how blunt this sounds but it's for your own good
Hey if the ex is me please send my stuff back ok thank you
I got a restraining order once for knocking on my ex's door. Seriously that was all I did, just wanted to talk to her. She didn't answer the door, I went home. Next morning a cop comes to my door with a fucking restraining order. Had to go to court and get that bullshit fucking wiped, it was absolutely ridiculous.

Women can really fuck you over, man. Watch out.
Not OP, but I also got dumped by my Ex 3 months ago.
She said she still loved me and wanted to be friends, but I rejected that offer and haven't spoken or heard from her since. Been forcing myself to move on by focusing on my life and talking to other girls and hooked up with one, but I still think of her quite often.
The idea of contacting her keeps popping in my head lately, but I know if the result of that is anything but reunion it'll just cause me pain and be a waste of time and effort. So I'm trying to date new girls.
I'm thinking after I get a new GF, or have at least dated a few more girls and I still think about her then maybe I'll reach back out.
I'm not OP but am going through similar shit. Please say more. I feel like at some point we have to realize they simply do not want us back, and stop fantasizign that they're somehow thinking of us.

Also this. People always come back, it's just fucking stupid. Especially the ones that hurt you somehow. They always comeback. It's fucking retarded.
plenty of women in the world let it go
not only is very pathetic man but also there is a reason it got to the point it got before the blocking, you're just remembering the good times, try to remember how things were just before she blocked you.
I think you're better off growing up and trying something with someone new
the old person will never forget what you did
she might forgive but she'll never forget, and you'll always have a shorter leash on anything you do because she has bad experiences with you, even if you've grown and won't do such a thing ever again.
What's her stuff? If you have her clothes just bust a nut on them, mail it back, and forget her.
Sher already got railed by the orbiters around her. I you take her back, when you kiss her, you'll taste their dick.
One of the most successful couples I know broke up, they both dated other people, and they got back together and are married with three kids. These aren't degenerate losers either, they're Ivy-league educated engineers, devout church goers (converts from atheism no less), and the husband works at one of the biggest companies in the world making well over a quarter mil a year.

That said, look your situation objectively. Ignoring all the people obsessed with having power over women because they've been hurt over and over and all the fags that are thinking about what other men's dicks taste like, she just doesn't want you anymore. She would have left the door open in some way, not have been so final. Sometimes women aren't done. But when they are done, they're done for good, which is what it seems like here.

Mail back her stuff not to connect with her, but because it's the right thing to do. No notes, no mementos from the past, just her stuff and no return address. For your own sake, move on, not to hurt her or get her back but because living in the past is not living at all.
It’s been 12 months to the day since I left my ex. We haven’t spoken whatsoever and even if I wanted to contact her I wouldn’t know how. I think it’s ultimately best to move on and do anything that keeps your mind off of her

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