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Anons, I gotta get a grip on my garage.
How do I get floor space back in an economical /diy/ fashion.
I have a circular saw and a miter saw and a budget of about $500 to make this happen.
Use those walls. I personally just install a bunch of plywood so you can put screws or hooks wherever. Basically every inch of your walls should be used for storage. Also the ceiling. Hangup whatever you can.
For a couple bucks more you can get fire rated plywood and the inspectors won't make you tear it down if you sell your house.

The plywood helps a lot because screws and anchors will hold a ton more weight on it compared to the drywall.
Good point i was thinking about that as I typed it. I just have scrap plywood up now but have been redoing garage and may use that. Seems like a good idea anyways
Looks like you have a lot of vertical space. Put heavy duty shelves up high for things that you hardly ever use. Keep all the stuff you use often down lower. You could even look into actual pallet racking that goes up 12-14' tall if you have that much height.
What I'm doing is getting more shelving and moving the first shelf on every one up about knee high but that's more so I can see whatever lizards decide to visit.
>What I'm doing is getting more shelving and moving the first shelf on every one up about knee high but that's more so I can see whatever lizards decide to visit.
If you have anything taller than knee high, make at least one section of shelving taller than that so the taller items on casters can roll under the bench for storage.
Get an outside shed and move of 3/4 of the stuff into it.
Also this. Lawn and garden stuff gets there shed. Fuck giving up garage space for that!
Sell the car and get a bicycle
>stuff gets there shed
God damn tablet and my uncoordinated fingers and lack of grammar!

Lawn and garden stuff gets its own shed...
Wood shelves, numb nuts.
>be me
>buy a new Miata
>decide to clean the garage for the first time in years to make space for it
>struggle to find a place for everything
>come to /diy/ to see if anons talk about organizing their tools n shit
>see this thread
nice car brother
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why are miatafags like this?
why wood shelves when you can get steel
why are window lintels higher than door
Based Miata enjoyer.
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buy a few 18"x6' boards and attach them with these.
make sure to go into wood.
i also alternate a few hanging them on the up side to help prevent sagging.
make a corner shelf with 45* cuts
you can also build a window level table and sack stuff in tubs below it.
also thats a nice blower, i have the same.
what are you doing with the miata? how much was that top?
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I wish man, no space for shed.
Good, bad? I dunno man, I'm not an engineer just an accountant
Thanks man, had it awhile now. Lovely car, drives like new.
This seems the most economical and straight forward. How do I find flat boards/lumber? All the lumber at lowes/HD was warped/bowed so bad.
Regarding the car just driving it around, I keep it stock to keep it reliable and nice.
Top was $400 but I had to get it painted.
absolute steal on that top, holy shit!
dont get lumber, buy composite boards.
my mendards had a stack of em for $18 each
If the saws are standing models, jack those fuckers up and install heavy-duty locking wheels on all four corners. Moving the saws out of the way becomes a breeze - you can even wheel it into the driveway, for really dusty jobs. Worked out great, for me.
Easy mode: Add a second one of those heavy-duty freestanding shelves
Medium mode: Mount a bunch of shelving and hangers on the wall
Hard mode: That garage looks tall enough to support a mezzanine, which you could build out of lumber a bit like a loft bed. Build it up just above the garage door and store all your totes of shit you rarely access up there.
Bump, OP here... can I raise my garage door opener and track? It's so low and limits shelf hanging.
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you will benefit most from one of these
You'll be able to reclaim space on top of the door, but you cant move the side tracks.
for that you'll need a different door system like a tilt up, or a roll up model.
i hate miatafags so much its unreal
>If the saws are standing models, jack those fuckers up and install heavy-duty locking wheels on all four corners.
Lots of equipment needs good infeed/outfeed clearance for big projects. Fixed locations don't work unless you have a huge dedicated shop space. Pull the car out and use the entire garage for work. Roll the equipment back against the walls for storage.
t. drives a lifted pickup to compensate his <6" dick
is this real?
is that a real car? or a powerwheels?
the scale of everything is completely throwing me here
nice miata bro
Clear bins, labeled is how I do everything

If it’s a cordless jigsaw, all the jigsaw blades I own are in that box

If it’s a oscillating multi tool all blades in that box

Staple guns brad nailers etc

Then I use a label makes and 4x 6 prints

Main tool box is labeled every socket every tool has a spot

Not a hodgepodge of bullshit

If it’s a cheap tool I use only once, I have it in a steel ammo can on the floor where those are my disposable, loaner and shitth tools
omg yay miata
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there is a whole rear axel hanging from the ceiling of my shop and an engine block sitting in an office chair and shit scattered everywhere i started boxing shit up and moving it into shipping container but i just ran out of get-up and go, plus it's cold now.
never seen a miata?
his mind cant comprehend having a car that weighs under 3k lbs
Nissan Altima needs to be black hands.
>be average motorist
>scared of dying painfully in a car accident
>only buy SUVs and pickups for "safety"
>in turn causing more people to buy SUVs and pickups
>nobody wants to get in an accident with an SUV while driving a mini car after all

>be vehicle safety regulator (EU or US)
>have a painfully boring life and want everybody else to hate their lives too
>wield regulatory power to make car manufacturers include safety features
>features are difficult to implement in cars with a manual transmission, sports cars, and affordable cars in general
>affordable sports car models (BRZ, gr86) already getting discontinued in some markets due to cost of adhering to regulations
>now everybody will be as miserable as you, safety regulator

>be manufacturer
>market wants bigger cars
>regulators make fun cars more expensive to produce
>make more bigger cars
>fun cars become less affordable
I feel bad for gen alpha. they're growing up thinking that current vehicles are normal. once the few remaining affordable models like the Miata get regulated out of existence, only the richfags will know the joy of handling a small sports car.
Install an overhead rack with retractable ladder. Get practically everything off the floor and on wall mounted shelves and hooks.
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fridge under a window
shelves in open space up to top of winders
rake/shovel hooks opposite garage door (picrel)

you have so much room bro
holy shit kek i lost it at the dodge
>How do I get floor space back in an economical /diy/ fashion.

I buy sticks of 1-1/2" x 1/8" thick angle steel to make much stronger shelves than consumer shit for small money. You can drill and bolt them together (which makes mods easy in future like changing shelf height),

I make my shelves two feet wide x eight feet long so I can split a 4x8 and get two usefully wide strong shelves. I make each shelf as an upward facing "tray". Then I bolt the shelves my four angle uprights.
I use 3/8" bolts with toothed locking nuts (no washers required nor desired). I buy a stick of flat bar 1/4" thick then cut that into two-foot lengths (steel suppliers can cut your order to size for easy transportation and to save you work). I use one of my circular saws with 6" thin kerf cutting disks sometimes but I prefer an angle grinder.

Any corded drill will do for the bolt holes. Though I've plenty of cordless tools I also use corded in-shop since many drills means fewer bit swaps, same as welders do with multiple angle grinders.

Given the height of the space tall shelves would be wise to take advantage of all the useless wall space. If you design everything you build to be easy to alter that makes refining your shop easy and of course such shelves last a lifetime. One of my Harleys is hanging in midair from similar shelves in a shipping container but those are hung from ceiling hooks.
have you tried parking outside?
french cleat wall mounts and get everything off the floor
>meme cleat
you have to go back
get filtered nigger i was lurking before your mother even learned how to suck dick
add wheelbarrow hook between roof and freezer. get rid of that metal rack shelf, put tool rack for shovels and rakes and shit in corner by garage door, bicycle hanger/lift ceiling, build basic fixed 1x12 wooden shelves along the wall under and between windows organize and purge
damm how hard do temps fluctuate in this tin box
cover the back wall with shelving units that double as work benches

If you want more space put a few eyelets in the ceiling and make some of those elevator style storage racks that you can winch up and down with a power drill

>fellow Miat bro
also, trolling facebook marketplace for used shelving or workbenches is gunna be half the price of building your own
>Top was $400
how the fuck
you've seen how expensive those are now, right?
taller shelves and a ladder, duh
sell some stuff, if you haven't used it in 2-3 years then get rid of it
if you have a habitat for humanity ReStore near you they take tools and equipment
Name a single downside of memecleats.
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name a single downside of unistrut
I've actually never tried it. I got a bunch of free wood from work that happened to be perfect for some french cleats, that's the only reason I have a wall covered in the stuff.

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