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I want to build a greenhouse along the side of my house like such. Is this a good idea? Would I encounter problems by building it so close to the fence/house?
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just make some cold frames or min pollytunnel
Make sure you get permission (unlikely) from your landlord. Many don't allow new construction on their rental properties.
the grass that's growing there is the thickest on the lawn. I took the photo in the late evening when the sun is going down, so it's only partial shade. I also want to store tools there like a shed, but I don't want to block the light of the windows so i figured a greenhouse would be ideal. i think I may just go with an off the shelf polytunnel. I need 40 ft but I guess I'll just join 2 20 ft ones. It shouldn't be too hard
>shady ass greenhouse
sure, if you are going to grow mushrooms only, it would be perfect
4 months later: hey /diy/, need help building a soil elevator. Any tips?
>Please wait a while before making a post.

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tell me about how your body is fucked up. i'll go first
>knee pain from falling off ladders
>random back pain on my left side
>left hand is seriously fucked, i assume from swinging a hammer a billion times. hurts pretty much every second of every day

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If you got back issues try this.
Go as far as you can at first.

Thank me later.
>knees weak
>palms sweaty
>sciatica from tripping backwards over a log
>fucked up hands from boxing without gloves
my arms feel heavy
Fell out of a truck while furniture moving, missed the ramp had surgery a couple month ago but the bones haven't fused back yet :/ thankfully ill be able to get the nails and plates removed once it hopefully heals otherwise im fucked.
Also damaged my knee after an awkward landing while doing a handstand haven't been to the doctor or got it scanned yet but my left leg extension is far weaker now. Hasn't resolved itself yet so I am skeptical that it will

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What are the preferred methods to removing weeds and ensuring new ones aren't going to grow back? I have no issues with using a mixture of diesel, glyphosate, dish soap, liquid (or solid?) clothes detergent, or other shit. No, I do not plan on growing anything remotely close to my house, I have 5 acres in the back for that, I just need an area of 10 feet from all sides of my house cleared out for stones, and also to prevent more annoying cunt weeds from popping up on my gravel walkway. Suggestions? Mixture ratio recommendations? Alternate methods?
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How much area do you think a person would normally be interested in de-weeding?
This anon don't put down rocks maintenance hogs. Just use plastic.
Salt and industrial vinegar have always worked well for me. The 30% stuff, not the 5% cooking stuff at the grocery store.
I also layered a weedmat with some waxboard boxes (you can ask your local grocery store, lots of produce gets delivered in it and it all goes in the trash) and more weedmat on top. It blocks moisture and light, just make sure it's tilted away from the house a bit. Cover with small rocks (NOT sand or small pebbles) and anything that tries to get going will have nothing to grip to and you can pull it out real easy. Just stay on top of keeping leaves out of it so they don't decompose in the rocks.
Clover is very good if you still want something growing. Mix of Dutch, red, and subterranian makes a very stable weed free "wild" looking yard about a foot high.
As for cardboard get waxed board like they use for broccoli, regular cardboard decomposes in rain and actual feeds the soil, waxboard is much sturdier and totally blocks water and light.
Get the wooden one, way sturdier and half the price

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A leaky AC caused a patch of mold in my mom's bedroom carpet. Tearing it up will be a real pain since we have to move a lot of stuff. We've managed to get the carpet dry through a carpet blower and dehumidifier. I've tried using hydrogen peroxide and a spray on carpet cleaner (metal can type spray) to get rid of the mold. The hydrogen peroxide made parts of it foam up and the spray on carpet cleaner made it fluffy but the smell of mildew remains. My next plans are to try spraying it with vinegar, Odoban, and a baking soda solution administered through a common spray bottle.. My mom thinks that the mold has gotten underneath the carpet itself and it will need to be removed. I don't understand how water and mold can get underneath the carpet but mold killers can't.
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You will NEVER get rid of that smell. Clean it all you want, treat it with every chemical you can find. Every time it gets even a little humid in that room it will stink.

Rip the fuckin' carpet out and replace it.
Not if its old moldy shit under a hoarder's pile of stuff. OP likely doesn't even know whats under the carpet and pad either. Could be wood, could be concrete. He'd be a fool for trying to douse the area in chemicals instead of getting rid of mold and porous materials.
remove carpet, throw away, clean up, new carpet.
Cut the carpet up and then glue it back down if you're going to be stupid about this (you are). In the real world you remove the carpet, treat the issue, replace the carpet with new carpet or soak the old one in chlorine or peroxide.


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I just passed an electrical inspection in the backyard apartment I am building.

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whats it like living in an unincorporated area where no inspections are required?
I just ordered Wera screwdrivers and a leather strop. Should I get the bottom surgery right away or try hormones and a name change for a year or two before I chop it off?
I don't understand saving porn at all. It's all on the internet. Just leave it there where it can't come back to bite you.
>have a seperate work laptop
>use your first work laptop exclusively for work
>you your 2nd work laptop wmfor doing work while watching porn
>when using your 2nd laptop make sure not to accidentally send porn
did you do the electric yourself and if so how much did it cost/did you have prior experience and what would you say to someone who wants to wire their own shed or cargo trailer?

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How do I get rid of the fungus that grew after applying the cockroach cream?
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Then how do I get rid of the mold that grew after applying the fungus cream?
I usually just wipe off the mold with some white vinegar and clean that up with a wet wipe.


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Based HClanon

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With Christmas just around the corner I'd like to make each family a bird house. Cardinal houses are pretty easy, but I'm also looking at making some Martin houses. Any good designs or gotchas? I'll be using wood
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I live in an area that gets purple martins but really I'm open to anything. Couldn't I just sink a fence post in the ground, mount the box on a pipe that goes around the post and add some set screws to prevent swaying?

I don't mind house wrens I find their singing peaceful.

I like Cardinals and they are our state bird. Their houses aren't very elaborate to decorate though (picrel).

As far as material goes is white pine ok or should I try and get cedar? Also is it worth finishing with something like tung oil and spraying with biocide or is that going to affect the birds?
Those open nest box for cardinals, I've never seen them use one but robins or doves might too.

> I live in an area that gets purple martins but really I'm open to anything. Couldn't I just sink a fence post in the ground, mount the box on a pipe that goes around the post and add some set screws to prevent swaying?
If you look up Martin houses, they're very specific... very high up and they design the holes in certain ways to deter house sparrows and starlings. Martin landlords are hardcore and will kill sparrows or starlings that get in. Bluebird houses are probably the easiest, look up the conduit rebar mounting system it's very simple and cheap to get parts for. https://bbne.org/ has lots of info.

> As far as material goes is white pine ok or should I try and get cedar? Also is it worth finishing with something like tung oil and spraying with biocide or is that going to affect the birds?
Pine is fine, cedar is preferred because of rot resistance but I can't find cedar locally so I don't bother and just use untreated lumber. You should specifically not sand or coat inside bird houses. If you must paint for decoration, only paint the outside. They need a rough surface inside to climb on. After each nest you can clean it out, I just scrape with a hard bristle brush and then hose it out and let it dry in the sun.
If you want Martin housing I think Erva makes some good stuff for that

Nice, I can take some inspiration from these. It seems overall the things to take into account are water shedding/drainage, cleaning, and ease of use (e.g. places for birds to grip). Anything I'm missing?
Protection from predators as well. snakes, raccoons, etc.

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I moved this latch while the open was on and now it won't come back. The oven beeped and showed REMOVE LOC on the display or something similar, but it won't let me.

What the fuck do I do? I tried starting a self cleaning and stopping it, hoping it will unlock the lever/latch, but no luck. Should I kill power for a while?

My fucking dinner is in there.
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Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
So? Do you need a loiscence to stay up late in England?
>My fucking dinner is in there.
Would have thought pointing this out wouldn't be necessary but here we are.
1. No idea how long the food was locked in there.
2. No idea what his schedule is. He might wake up at noon and go to work for 12 hours.
Try to flash a new BIOS.

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Thanks for the advice last thread.

Pic related is what I came up with.
>Gray rectangles are windows.
>Both red rectangles will be 3300CFM exhaust vents, along the top of the walls.

How should I size the intake vents? Where should I install them? I was thinking of doing it along the eastern wall so that they're completely shaded. There's usually some pretty good wind down that alley, should I get vents that will make use of the wind? Or just have them flat in the wall?
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What happened to measure twice, cut once?
Its a fan. the only thing you measure is the hole you need to saw.
Determining where the air intake and exhaust is located is pretty important for properly ventilating a space.
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cut it twoce and its still too short

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How do I extract clay from soil efficiently. Every tutorial says to get dirt, wet it, then do some other things to have clay but I do it and small pebbles stay inside along with the clay being really soft almost liquid. And I’m not going to buy something I literally can get from the ground. Wasn’t really going for any particular shape or for it to be good just to gauge it and it took like 4 hours to mold it into that shitty mug shape
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What are you, some sort of infant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2RKtUh6m3Q
andrew ward has multiple videos on to process clay dry.
use a sieve to get pebbles out wtf.
No sieve in romania
every soil contains clay
very tragic case

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I poured a thick line of salt along my fence.
It killed large bushes and vines but the grass is growing back after only a month.
How is this possible? How much salt would it take to make the fence line uninhabitable for 70 years?

It's Kansas so it rains good, but there is still visible salt after even a large thunderstorm.
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itt fat lardasses salt their property, because the weedwhacker is too much of a time consuming exercise, they can invest in eating instead
Unironically use ammonia. I dumped a mop bucket full in the lawn once and that patch of grass remained dead for years
Apart from Reddit
ponder the aroma
Just plant a bunch of wildflower seed and get the state to give you an environmental tax credit for neglecting your lawn

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Can running AC all week long at like 68 degrees with the doors open cause a coolant or capacitor issue?

I had people redoing stuff in my house and now my AC barely works. It runs all day and cant even get it to 78. it was fine before they were there all week.
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Fuck off. I'm dumb, AND racist AND a scam artist. And I work on refrigeration systems with compressors the size of a Ford ranger.
You can get good info all over
This probably isn't it, but could some worker have possibly tripped and slammed something into the compressor, working around the house and cracked a line? That DID happen to someone I know.
Clean your filters
Running an AC hard all week AT ALL can reveal issues. It’s pretty common to have a problem starting to form, but you don’t notice bc it’s during the colder months… then there’s a heat wave and the AC is run really hard, and the problem that has been forming for a long time finally knocks it out of service. It’s like having an old beater car you take for groceries twice a month, then deciding to drive it on a road trip across country. It’s just statistically likely the breakdown happens during periods of high use. People often misdiagnose what caused an issue for this very reason, so really we’re at square one “my AC isn’t working” and that’s impossible to diagnose with any kind of accuracy without much more info.

That being said, it’s also common when working around a unit for awhile someone can accidentally kick the lineset and you lose you charge, or the dust from working causes a clogged filter that breaks something. Could be anything really
>I'll bring it up on Saturday to the guy coming out.
Yeah, do that. The techs love being guided on how to fix your system.

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So I bought a HP OMEN 16-b0509la gayming laptop, installed linux on it and set a BIOS password (so in case it got stolen it would become useless) and left the laptop collect dust for a week (I use my job laptop to do most things, I hated how noisy this one was and life happened), and, guess what, I forgot the BIOS password. None of the methods available have helped me recover it. I even flashed a couple of newer BIOS (with the win+b+power combo) just in case I could make it glitch or something or something but that was unsuccessful.

The closest thing I've found (I assume) was this thread:
They basically mod the EEPROM(?) or the BIOS program itself, I suppose.
Another thing I found previously was this script in the "HP BIOS unlock tool" thread of the same forum:
I already bought a CH341A programmer, and the test clip is coming from china (I live in a small town so electronics chink shit is faster and cheaper for me than buying local).

Is this what I need? How do I find the correct chip to dump and modify the password, and how do I use the CH341A programmer? Do you guys know other newer/more advanced methods to clear the BIOS password I can try before disassembling the laptop?

>inb4 jamal
Please, help me /diy/, at least give me some pointers. I feel like I'm pretty advanced in my research so far (it's been months. This is only a summary of what I've found) but I don't want to fry the chip/mobo. I tried contacting HP but they were completely useless. They told me to take it to the authorized local tech service, and they wanted me to pay $100 to diagnose it lmao.

Pic related is the menu I get when it boots (not my pic)
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Install gentoo
>just go to >>>/g/
>the retards here are telling you to
>>just send it back bro
you think /g/ is any better? there is a reason I asked here... lmao

I installed Kubuntu on it.
also, thanks for making me feel like I'm in old /g/. nu-/g/ won't even say that anymore.
this board is just boomers what did you expect
actually, there are a few people who have given useful though barely surface level advice
/g/ is full of useless college kids, bots and NEETs. none of them would have helped me.
believe me, I've asked before
its full of indians and trannies if thats what you mean

moved out into the sticks more and i'm seeing at least 1 cockroach/week in the kitchen. there's no holes or anything, it's just how it is in texas. can i sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere, leave it for a week and the safely vacuum it up? i've read conflicting things on whether or not it can damage vacuum motors. i have a bagless one.
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Not the ones that infest houses
This is the first step, and also make sure to eliminate sources of water (dog bowls, dirty dishes in the sink, etc) every night. Then, get some of the basic ass cockroach bait stations from Walmart and sprinkle them around liberally. The little compressed boric acid bait pills work good too if you want to get creative and sprinkle them behind appliances and inside of receptacle boxes. What you're describing are probably palmetto bugs, and I came back from a business trip to my house in central Florida once to find the damn things had moved in. One would, no joke, sit atop my paper towels every night munching and shitting on them.
its a woodsroach homie. theyre attracted to light at night. they find ways in to it pretty efficiently then get stuck inside. vents, window sashes, window ac units, exhaust hoods for stoves or dryers ... etc etc.
DE works for infestations, not great as a barrier. you have to treat them in the yard. you can do some ortho barrier on your exterior too. but imo, bugs need to all fuck off and die. i suggest some exciter, igr and bifenthrin in a backpack insectiside blower like picrel. can get all on amazon for like 300 total if you cheap out, but that setup has lasted 4 years for the chems on a 1 acre plot.
no mosquitos, no fleas, no wood roaches, no spiders ... in the woods. been an invaluable buy for me. buy once cry once
i would also suggest a tyvec suit and respirator.
forgot picrel
a lot of vaccums don't even have good enough filter and will just blow some of the DE all over the air.

hey guys, I'm looking at getting a reel mower but I don't have an outdoor spigot or anything, so I was going to get a 2 or 3 gallon sprayer and fill it with something to rinse off the mower after each use, like how some people clean their bicycles. the problem is, water + steel is a recipe for rust. what sort of ungodly chemical concoction can I put into the sprayer to clean off the mower while preventing rust?
ideally I would like to be able to use a leaf blower to dry the mower off and either put it in a vehicle for transporting or put it inside my house for storage, so I would prefer something that won't discolor the mower (less important) or the vehicle's carpet or my house flooring (more important)

if anyone owns a reel mower and actually maintains it properly feel free to chime in with advice
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If you were very careful about it, phosphoric acid.

But a more practical solution is just to use regular-ass water and then blow-dry it with your leafblower immediately after washing.
they're like 100 dollars , even if you only use it for 2 years, it still paid for itself like 16 times over
Fucking rekt.

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