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Short of walling-in my windows completely shut, how can I block noise coming from the street?
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You likely live in apartment otherwise you would have moved somewhere away from ethnic activities. In that case you can do nothing if you don't want to be evicted.
Make sure that your windows are actually draught proof and pipe penetrations, skirting, flues etc. are all sealed appropriately. Double glazing wouldn't help if you have holes to the outdoors. Every person who I know that complains about street noise can't tell they basically have a window open through all the draught points.
I live in a duplex with my parents on the other side, but they aren't the noisy ones. My schizo uncle lives in the adjacent lot and is screaming at his wife in random hours around the clock. Could be 3 AM, could be 11 PM, could be noon. But multiple screams a day are guaranteed.
Would heavy curtains + book shelves in front of my bedroom window be enough? The walls are made of bricks and are already insulated. I'm thinking of filling my window with rockwool. I don't plan to ever open this window, and I don't want to invest in multipane windows since I plan to eventually move out.
1. Do you own this place?
2. Would you retain the money you invested in this property?
3. How much are you willing to spend?
4. How far are you willing to go?
buy a $30 white noise machine.

or alternatively, move away from the noise.

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So I tried cleaning it, but the problem is that now the paint or whatever tf it is, is peeling off in chunks in some places.

It seems that underneath there is some smooth white foundation, which doesn't appear to have mold on it, but I'm not sure because only two very small sections are showing.

How do I proceed to fix this? How do I remove this flaking paint? And what do I use to paint over it? Should the new paint layer be waterproof, or not?

How hard will this project be? I'm wondering if I should just move at this point
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>He won't
Scrape it off the ceiling and throw it in his bed, car, and laundry.
Because you didnt get it all, you missed some either there or missed the source and then continue to proivde optimal mould growing conditions. Do your vents have mould in them? Did you miss it under the painf?
Ive been debating whether or not to respond to this.

This kind of mold is indicative of moisture issues inside, not behind walls.
Bathroom fan running all the time makes your apartment breath out through the bathroom, not out the ceiling like it should. Then you heat it up and get it all humid several times a day when you shower and it never dries out and you have the 70% humidity and 70 degrees it takes mold to grow.

I saw this in houses with wet basements where roofers had covered the ridge vents. The attics didnt breath, and the furnace intake was sucking in humid air all the time. Suck all that into the bathroom and it grows.

I dont know how to exprapolate this to your individual apartment, but step one is not running the bathroom fan all the time, and get air going up through your ceiling and into your roof.

Dehumidifiers are your friend.
Ozone is a fucking retarded suggestion.

There also is a good chance the bathroom vent is clogged and or very filled with dust and not moving much air.
It should hold a piece of toilet paper up easily without falling

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

Also meant to say you are peeling off the most recent layer of paint, which peels like that because it didnt adhere well to the surface below it, because it was wet and moldy and just painted over. Looks like theres some spots underneath the layer you peel, thats mold from the previous go around.
cut electricity, ask a neighbour to use theirs and powerwash your cieling, did this many times when the paint was coming off
activate electricity after everything is dry

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How can you let anyone build your house in this day and age?
>Billionaire's Mansions look like this
"inspectors" have never built anything in their lives
>all bathrooms have to be demo'd because they aren't water proofed

typical inspector bullshit

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I have a scrapbook some 250 pages, but the spine is too thin to close neatly & looks like pic related. Only 10 pages unused to it's too late to rip some out for space. Is there somewhere I can go (Aus) for the column to be professionally extended? I'd try it myself but don't have the materials + all the YouTube video guides have awfully amateur results.
Rip page off and place on second binder
A bookbinder, no? I've heard of people taking comic books (floppies) and having them rebound into TPBs and hardcovers this way.

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If it says 30% on the machine is that 30% penetration or 30% cleaning?
Read the manual?

Got a miller dynasty dx 200 manual lying around?

What do people have against answering questions. I wouldn't have asked humans on 4chan if i knew such a straightforward thing. Obviously it's easier to read the manual than ask people who like to be dismissive. Please have compassion.
Nigger just try it. You can clearly see while welding if it's doing high cleaning low heat transfer or doing low cleaning high heat transfer. If it's not doing cleaning properly on either end of the setting range, you have oxygen in your gas or turbulent gas flow from the cup.
>Got a miller dynasty dx 200 manual lying around?
Took 5 whole seconds
>anon doesn’t realize the internet has more than one use

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hello /diy/
planning to host game servers from my home network
my current obstacle as i conceptualize this is deciding how I want external connections to be passed to my game server while minimizing the risk of suffering a ddos attack on my home network
should i:
>rent a cheap vps that is capable enough to serve as the game server's front end which passes external connections received by the VPS through a wireguard tunnel to my Home Server
>research optimal practices for mitigating effects from ddos attacks (experience from other /diy/ home server anons would help greatly)
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The new threat is LLM crawlers looking for any tiny morsel of data they haven't already hoovered up. When they find an unexplored niche, they spin up thousands of threads to hammer the ip looking for any type of connection it can make that might contain data for it to absorb.
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Can confirm.
Amazonbot and meta-externalagent were well-behaved on my sites and I didn't block them. The others can go fuck themselves.
They LOVE Gitea commit and diff history.
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> planning to host game servers from my home network
Terrible mistake.
t. gage dev released my shit and got 4000 concurrent players
Stop playing minecraft, go pick up a miter box and a couple of 2x4’s, become a man and build a shoe rack for the girl who might one day become your wife once you wash the dick cheese from your belly button.

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I’m getting a Quick Step wood laminate put in to an apartment (floor plan in picture). I had wanted the floor to flow throughout (minus the bathroom), and my plan had to be to make the planks run lengthways, parallel to the right-side of the hallway, and extend on from there (such that they’d also run horizontal in the kitchen/living room/bedroom 2).

As you can see, the left-side of the hallway is orientated differently to the right-side. This means, in this area, the planks won’t be parallel to the walls and will instead run diagonally. I’m okay with this.

However, I’m not sure what to do with bedroom 1. Am I better off continuing the floor in the same way and having the planks flow at an angle throughout the room, or am I better off putting a transition at the door and having the planks in this room run in a different direction to the rest of the apartment (that is, parallel to the walls in the bedroom)?

Having never fitted a floor before, I’m not sure what would be the conventional/typical way to do this, and if one way would look much better than the other.

Essentially, the trade-off is: floor going at a slightly odd angle, or having a transition (a single transition in the whole apartment, other than in the bathroom where the floor changes to tiles anyway).

For what it’s worth, I intend on putting a double bed in there with the headboard against the left side wall, so a good amount of the floor will likely be hidden under that and a rug, but I’d still rather not create an eye-sore if possible.

Any advice (or even just personal preferences for what you’d do in my situation) would be much appreciated.
Make the transition in the hallway exactly between bedroom 1 and 2. In the hallway you always want it parallel (or perpendicular) to the walls or it will look weird. This lets you do bedroom 1 as you should and there’s only a diagonal edge in bedroom 2 which is mostly hidden by the storage anyway. The transition is easily hidden by a floor mat or something, or you can put a rail across to hide the cut ends
Thanks for this. I had thought about this, and I think it would have been the best solution in a regular wood floor case.

However, with the quick step laminate, each piece has a male and female connecting edge, which click into place with the pieces on either side and or on either end. So, if I had the transition in the hallway, I wouldn’t be able to connect the differently oriented sections. They’d need the transition profile piece between them (which is similar to what would go under the door between hallway and bedroom 1, if I chose to have the transition).

This piece causes a raised bump in the floor, which is fine for under a doorway I guess (not ideal), but would be quite annoying in the middle of a hallway (probably a trip hazard, not look great, get in the way vacuuming etc.)
You don’t really need the piece if you put a floor mat or something. But even if you do you’ll never notice it again after a week. If there is no height difference you can use a really flat one, all it does is hide the cut edges
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I wouldn't be overly concerned with the flooring not being perpendicular in that little section at the end of the hallway.
always towards the window
transition between bedroom1 and the hallway

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Anyone here tried making their own non-sticky cleaning gel to remove dust and grime in places and environments where air blower won't work?

Commercial available gels are hit and miss with wildly varying grime-absorbing properties and stickyness, many are useless toy slimes marketed as cleaning gels.
I had great results using Xiaomi Clean-n-Fresh Gel but it has not been available anywhere for a while now.
Another consistent option is, I shit you not, Genshin Impact Hydro merch, but it's way overpriced for its expected usefulness (one can is barely enough to thoroughly clean one PC) and it tends to grow mold after a while.
Xiaomi lists ingredients: guar gum, water, ethanol and phycocyanin - no exact recipe but how hard can it possibly be to replicate?

Problem is, apparently making slime out of any random household ingredients is a thing now, and people do it with no purpose other than being amused and disgusted by it, so any info on actual useful cleaning gels is drowned in tons of useless articles and videos.
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>static buildup
Have we regressed to 90s-quality components?
Computer components are indeed susceptible to static, retard, that's why they are all shipped in static control bags and they recommend a grounding strap when handling them.
Fucking learn something instead of being openly stupid.
I bet you still use those wrist straps out of fear when assembling your PCs. Here's a fun experiment: pull out and old system you don't care about and try to kill it with static. Vacuum it while it's plugged in and operating. Build up some static on a rug and intentionally shock it. Rig up a 12v battery and start poking at live circuits. The worst you're going to see is a reboot. The components will survive.
>Fucking learn something instead of being openly stupid.
You're right, I never had to test on this specific scenario to get my degree or state licensure in EE.
>Sure I would do that if I ever need to sneakily destroy my components with static buildup and claim warranty.
>Also I'd rather not blow the dust cloud all over my tiny apartment in the middle of winter, by using canned air or compressors.

>stop being a faggot, this shit is a myth.

>Be me
>House fire. Insurance is being faggots and not going to cover shit that should be covered.
>Fuck it, I'll say my computer and a couple other electronics that honestly did get wet were destroyed from the water from fighting the fire.
>Hose computer down with water and turn it on. It shuts down immediately.
>That should do the trick
>Computer dries out after a while and I try it again just for the hell of it
>Fucker works perfectly...
Try my booger technique.
Use Grease/oil to ball up loose dust with the stickiness and soften old gunks then clean it off with your regular cleaner. Water based solution doesn't work.

I'm a street musician and one of the most annoying parts about it is how many people take pictures or videos but don't tip. It's just my opinion that if you're going to Take something, you should leave something, especially the guys who have fancy cameras and annoyingly take 40 pictures from all kinds of angles, which is doubly awful cause then other people feel like they're intruding if they have to get in his frame to tip.
I don't like how they get to benefit from my presence and not support it in kind, to put it in perspective I play violin and dress up like km from the Baroque era, I understand why they want pictures, j don't understand why they don't support my efforts.
Calling them out works sometimes but it's annoying and I have to stop playing to tell a guy he's too close and should have some decency and support the arts.

So I want to figure out a way to ruin their pictures until they tip.
I was thinking something like infrared lights on a bracelet, unseen to the human eye but would appear as a artifact to a digital one.
That or maybe something with mirrors.
Any ideas are welcome, thanks in advance.
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>I'm a street musician
no you aren't.
I knew that musicfags are generally insufferable, entitled retards and OP has not disappointed. Excellent thread.
I think microwaves disrupt electronics
you are just an idiot.
>I'm a street musician
I wish the police would just kick the shit out of you guys. Annoying assholes.

Everybody has at least one tool they thought would be a lifesaver, yet it sits on the shelf mocking you year after year...
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$90 scythe, It was too cheap, the blade was made from 3mm mild steel so it was easily bent
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Forgot pic, the snath was okay but I put a better bolt and a scythette blade on it and now it's alright.
oof here comes the ptsd
I heard that the 1/4" angled rotary tool can use a 1/8-1/4 adapter and run Dremel type stuff way easier than the 1/8" rotary tool in your pic and was the ideal choice.
The 1/2 impact is the best if you're a carfag. It has taken off bolts that a nice air impact wrench failed to. I can't imagine it having much use outside of that, I think I used it once to run some anchors into concrete though.

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I’ve been collecting rainwater in 5 gallon buckets.
Is there any market for this? No one has responded to my facebook marketplace for them. How much do people usually charge for 5 gallons of rainwater?
Have I been wasting my time?
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This shit tastes amazing with half boiled eggs. Always used regular salt but I was visiting my sister when she opened my eyes
poached eggs, or just soft-boiled?
Anything with runny yolk should be fine. I never poach it myself
OP, here's your first customer.
Don't knock it till you try it

How do I get rid of this stain off this wardrobe?
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Thank you

I think it's vinyl. The stain is either a heat stain or a steam stain. My wife was using one of those vertical steamers near it
sandpaper , and clearcoat. if it was from steam it would have dried out in a few hours
How would sandpaper help?
>How would sandpaper help?

should be obvious
sandpaper removes old smoky varnish
clearcoat replaces said varnish with new transparent varnish
personally, i'd use steel wool coz it's a lot less scratchy
and, from experience, it's not necessary to remove all the smoky stuff
the new varnish seems to erase a lot of the smokiness
Just paint over it. The finish is ugly as shit anyway.

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So I'm using a fluke 1777 at work. I'm collecting data on a big 480 motor at 46 amps. For the life of me know can not reproduce the power reading on this meter

It is saying that motor uses 2.3 kw on each phase at .17 of. I'm getting closer to 32kws! Even if I use that stupid low of m, I don't get 2.3 kws

What am I missing here? I'm starting to wonder if the other guy hooked it up right. I've never heard of a power fsct of .16!

I've tried the star calculation in my uglies, online calculators, simple power equation for 3 phase.

Shame there is not more documentation online of how to actually set this thing up or how the output calculates anything.
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>This is one of the phases. How the fuck are they getting about 2 kw?
12.73 kVA * 0.17 pf = 2.16 kW

Looks like this is kVA and power for one phase (L12). For a balanced three phase supply and load, you should be seeing about 38.6 kVA
>pf of .17 is horrendous
Yeah. Either an unloaded motor. Or check the phasing of your current probes (CTs).
Kind of circular logic though, given that pf is defined by the ratio of kw/kva. How are they getting that kva and kw with that current and p to p voltage?
pf is the cosine of the angular diff between e and i.

jfc op use a cap ffs or a vfd
what does says the specs plate of the motor?
>phase motors
>that motor
which one? provide a schematic about the circuit you are working and how many motor, hor are connected and all that bullshit usually needed.
These power factor is wrong. If that would be real, these unit should have gone off line a long time ago.

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how to stop ice build up? older natural gas furnace
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Probably due to very cold temperatures no doubt caused by global warming resulting from his gas furnace, the water vapor in the furnace exhaust is likely condensing shortly after leaving the flue, causing a buildup on the chimney.
it was on there when I got the place a few years ago, but this year seems like the ice build up is worse

and then when it melts, I get water in my basement around the chimney. end goal is to get a new furnace hopefully this year summer and vent it out the side, and then demo the chimney. just wondering if there was a quick fix (like different cap)
>it was on there when I got the place a few years ago, but this year seems like the ice build up is worse
>and then when it melts, I get water in my basement around the chimney. end goal is to get a new furnace hopefully this year summer and vent it out the side, and then demo the chimney. just wondering if there was a quick fix (like different cap)

It looks to me like it has a leak and is coming out the side, or else you would have a more uniform ice buildup all around the chimney instead of just in that one particular spot. Get up there when the furnace is running and find out exactly where the majority of the exhaust is coming out. Then fix that hole so it comes out above where it is supposed to, and maybe take the top cap off so it is unrestricted and the water vapor can leave before freezing.
The mortar is in pretty rough shape too.
Natural gas produces water vapor as a byproduct when burned. Extrapolate the rest yourself.
>and then when it melts, I get water in my basement around the chimney.
You need to get up there and seal the chimney as soon as it melts, water intrusion means it is damaged, and every time it freezes it gets worse.
It builds up on one side because the cap is angled in that direction and that's where the condensation drips. The cap has far too much surface area for the application, it lets too much condensation develop before the exhaust escapes.

>I need this expensive gucci knife to open amazon packages and cut miles of cardboard at my off-ACK
Why do dorks larp as if anyone serious would actually use some le epic $150 super steel knife to do tasks that we just use razor blades for?
Cutting tool thread I guess.
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But what if it’s deep dish pizza?
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expensive? they're free from work
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Surprised no one has posted one of these. They're pretty handy and they have a staple puller
I didn't know there was this many ways to cut things
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