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My retarded boomer Dad cut down a bunch of tree branches (red circles in the picture below) and now you can see straight through into our backyard. These trees are 20 years old. I don't know why he did this. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.

Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son. What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
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Everyone if they live long enough will outlive their mind. All humans either die in time to beat madness, or die mad. There is no third way. Most people are stupid and that doesn't improve with age though the most counterproductive behaviors may be moderated by negative feedback.

^This, though there are many traditional ways to retire early with a vested pension like government and military careers individually or combined. It's easy to fully retire if you spend a mere 20 years in the US armed forces (even better if you hang for the pay bumps). Then depending on how you invested (DIY is key to affordable homes and affordable rental properties) and if you qualify for disability pay (common since even a non-combat career wears out and damages body parts just as civilian careers do) you may permanently job-optional.

DIY hyooooogely complements retirement since anyone can find side jobs, contract work (like instructing at local cumunity colleges) and more. The more are varied your useful DIY skills the more jobs you can slide into smoovely. If you're currently un or underemployed consider volunteering because that filters most idiots and nearly all the unmotivated. That's how I got a job with my local cumunity college and how my bro I referred replaced me when chronic pain ended my fun. CC employees get a state retirement in many states.

He should get checked for hypertension. Heart meds can have calming effects. So can non-intrusive pain meds and sleep aids.
Stay out of it. It's their house, not yours.

because its easier to destroy things than create. Had my own grandfather do that exact same thing. One day my grandmother made some off the hand remark about him not being as active/working as much as he use to so he decided to just trim all the fucking tree branches off all the trees in the yard to pretend he was doing work.

the boomer generation loves unnessecary bullshit busy work, because they made huge amounts of money doing it all throughout their spoiled lives. Their parents were hard workers who built the country, and they tried to pass on a strong work ethic, but at the same time after ww2, many silent generation people just checked out of reality and went on eternal retirement/vaction so the boomers were left unsupervised. So when they need something to keep them busy, they need to do something that is OBVIOUS so other people can see/think about. And therefore they especially love chopping down plants and trees because even if they fuck something up, their logic is "lol it will grow back". Problem is, it usually doesnt in their life time since theyve already stuck around for so long.

Never ever leave a boomer unattented with a chainsaw or hedge trimmer. They will fuck the entire area up and leave you to fix their mistakes while acting like they did you a huge favor

>a good reason

If it wasnt because he was bored/frustrated, then the other common explaination is he probably heard some propaganda on the tv that said 'trim ur trees lol its fire control' because blindly obeying authority is another thing they love to do. Theres been a big push to get people to cut down all their trees on the west coast. Even though forest fires are literally started due to corporate negligence (old powerlines starting brush fires in high winds in unmainted areas), the local government keeps trying to gaslight people into believing its the trees on their own property that are to blame.


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>roses on trellis
not a bad idea, but that assumes that area receives a good amount of sunlight
I would just make a hedge from eastern white cedar or maybe even a boxwood
Be a real man and build a wall with a tower to place a machine gun to mow down illegals and negroids.

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What are some good, preferably open-source security cameras to get?
I bought a wireless WiFi geeni Hawk 2 for like $80 CAD and I like the quality, however they encrypt the video so you cannot read the sd card yourself by plugging it into a computer, and restrict all usage to the mobile app.
Furthermore, I can only save remotely by using their paid cloud storage ($40/year)
And lastly, it's made by chinks.

So that being said, what does this board recommend? Ideally I'd like the camera to, via WiFi, record to a computer in my house on the local network. And of course retain decent quality. Bonus points for made in North America

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Recommendations for riding lawn mowers?
I'm sick and tired of mowing with my small push mower. I seriously just need more so I can finish faster and continue with my other /diy/, /fit/ , /v/, /n/ and /sex/ endeavors.

I'm currently looking at buying pic realted new. It has a kawasaki engine which is supposed to be good. I don't have a truck so buying used is not an option right now.
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>masturbation in public
Actually there’s a few rules against it.
zero turns need both hands, better get a regular lawn tractor for that.

Yeah, Toro makes good stuff; it's a toss up though in many cases whether a cheaper mass produced unit with cheap and readily available replacement parts is worse or better than a more expensive unit that may kill you on parts...that may not be *that* much more reliable.

>mower decks over 42"

Unfortunately zero turns being superior in all ways to "old fashioned" lawn tractors is a big marketing meme these days and smaller lawn tractor deck sizes are becoming fewer and farther between, especially combined with motor options.

Anything under 46" or so is now almost guaranteed to be priced to make a larger tractor or zero turn seem like a no-brainer, and will have a weak one lurking ger motor designed to die within a year or two when used for any sized lawn where you really benefit from a rider.

The other factor besides time to mow and yard size is how aggressively things grow where you're at...we can get 60" of rain/yr and high heat and humidity in the summer so that our lawn *needs* mowing every 4 days, if only because waiting five might mean it gets rained on and then you're at 7 or maybe 10 days out by the time it dries long enough to cut again. A fast mower that cuts as wide a path as will fit makes sense here and having too big/powerful a mower is almost always better than the opposite.
my parents have one these first generation 42" Ryobi zero turns, while it has had quite a few electrical issues over the years (batteries, multiple control boards and both blade motors were replaced under warranty) the overall design makes for a much more compact and maneuverable machine that is great for working in tight areas and hillsides. the electric motors have loads of torque, no louder than a hairdryer when cutting and is stupid fast when cruising around.

traditional zero turns still have their transmissions linked to the same engine but the electric drive motors are completely independent of each other and can fully spin you around in a single spot, making it way more precise than a gas model. its a good idea that just needs to get the kinks worked out. last time i was at Home Depot they had rows of them getting rusty out front, which is definitely bad for the sensitive electronics throughout the mower.
go to home depot and buy the cheapest rideon they have...
why the fuck would u buy a zero turn for home use

or buy one of those automated mowers, i hear they work ok

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So this flowerbed is fucked. Not only is a ton of grass growing in it moss is as well. I understand everything must go my question is what tools should I use to clear/clean it out as efficiently as possible?
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Good fast cheap. Pick two.
>Good, Cheap
Tarp, as >>2797254 said. Leave it on for a year.
>Fast, Good
>Fast, Cheap
Hand weeding
Cover everything you want dead with pine straw. That way you don't have to wait to get it started again
>Step 1: Find the children who threw that shit in there.
>Step 2: Beat them.
>Step 3: Force them to clear it all out for you.
>Step 4: If they refuse Step 3 proceed to repeat Step 2.
buy some cardboard
put dirt on top
add another layer of wood on the wall

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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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take a rusty spade and use it, you will notice the rust one one side is ground up by the dirt much faster than on the inside.
if the spade is hot roled conicaly like >>2793463 here it will stay sharp. if its just a piece cut from sheet steel with a welded handle it will dull
Had a japanese coworker. Her name was Yuho.
people like you are a threat to the herd
Morgan County Seed and Feed.
Iron ruins the soil. Use copper
Read viktor shauberger if you want to learn more
Remember that the earth is electro magnetic or whatever... the iron ruins the charge. That charge helps shit grow strong like bull

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there was heavy rain yesterday and i was cleaning drains. we have a manhole/access cover to the drains on our driveway which i opened to have a look in.
it was rusted iron and when i lifted it, part of the frame broke and frame came away from the ground. it seems it was not attached to anything and just sort of buried in place with dirt and some loose pebbles holding it in place. the house is over 100 years old, idk when the drains were added, maybe the 50s or 60s. perhaps this is the original manhole?

i wonder if anyone had experience in fitting a new manhole cover and whether it is just the most sensible thing to get a professional to do it? i don't want it to turn into a bigger job than it needs to be. alternatively i though in the short term about getting some sheet steel to cover it with lots of excess area.

any suggestions?

its around 450mm square. in the UK.
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Lol I'm retarded aren't i
>some pebbles from the drive fell into the chamber
i wouldnt worry too much mate happens to me ocassionally just blast the hose down for a good few minutes and its someone else problem hopefully
I've got a man hole for you to DIY
just make sure you put a padlock on it so no burglars break in through it
>fist bump

Did a yard clean up and one of these was being thrown away. It's a great wheelbarrow. Problem is it had been left outside in the elements so the handles are fucked. I'm thinking of replacing them with pressure treated pine as the price is right. However for 55 bucks I can get some red oak ones. Do you think the pressure treated pine will be okay for hauling rocks and firewood?
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I'd weld in some scrap metal pipes instead
yes, driving a 7l gas guzzling truck only to get groceries is compensation about inferiority complexes
and yes - in your case, it's the size of your peepee
Which costs accordingly. The cheap ones are easy to get 20 years out of. A hot dip galvanized welded frame and tub is much more money.

In OPs situation I'd buy whatever handles are cheap then do what I do and dump or spray leftover oil based paint on every part except the tire. Barrows make a decent support for much outdoor painting so it's all win. If you leave it outdoors and don't hang it, drilling a couple of ~3/8" holes in the tub works nicely especially for rocks and wood hauling.
fully galvanized one >>2796780 costs 199€ at a german hardware store which is 213$
ops one wood and painted steel cost >>2796144 costs 149$ at lowes

the former one will survive you and can be used by your grand children. the later see op's post or >>2796237
feel free to decide which one you get

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I must be retarded. I cannot find a good guide on how to make a wall like picrel without the wood part. Specifically, a 2foot cobblestone retaining wall, utilizing mortar or cement. It won't be very load-bearing, 80% decoration 20% to create a clean terraced area.
I've looked up fieldstone, cobblestone, riverstone, and they all do psuedo-walls with fake thin rocks mortared onto wood.
Any advice, or should I just go with brick/timber/combination? Good stones are too expensive for me
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Get river rocks, use concrete. I've built one before but planning on doing a better one this time and for it to be a retaining wall. Remember to clean the concrete from the face while the concrete is wet, and to use a board on the back to keep the concrete in place
If you're retaining soil you'd want a gabion wall or something. Any wall retaining soil over about a foot high needs reinforcement if it's a masonry wall since masonry has no tensile strength.

You could put in a gabion wall or geotextile retaining system and then stack rocks in front of it I guess.

t. engineer
damn nice wall anon, that's exactly what I want to make. where'd you get the stones from? there's no claim you can get them from easily here
I get mine from creeks, it's hard work carrying them uphill.
find a concrete plant nearby that's along a river. they use river rock for aggregate but only up to 2" or so. everything else they mine goes in the overburden pile at the screen plant. you might be able to get loads of bigger round rock for basically the price of trucking

1. Can I put up drywall on this box or does the bottom need more support than the 4 corners?

79in long (6.6ft), 24in wide (2 ft)

2. Do I need support for the drywall all the way to the edge to the wall where the railing is coming out of

(14.5in long gap)
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You are the dumbest monkey on this board. Cut the rails off and stop fucking around. Jesus Christ.
It's less job to reattach them later than making this full blown schizo setup of stupidity
Where's the fuckin door anon? You said there would be a door
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>The thing about removing the rails completely is that we want the garage door to stay there for exterior Aesthetics.
captcha WAJJJ
They're making an illegal AirBnB, aren't they. Some poor bastard is going to pay $200 to spend a night in that cold moldy garage
This board is always good for keks and lols and a few lmaos

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Is Hitachi/Metabo HTP/Hikoki truly the thinking man's tool brand? The answer is yes but why did they fuck up their branding so bad? Why not just keep using the name Hitachi instead of making everyone think that it's now Metabo?
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They make an absolute fuckton of medical equipment that isn't as good as other biomedical companies (bbraun, etc)
> financial systems
They had a bipolar only license to make IBM clone mainframes, but shut that down around 5 years ago.
HDS used to sell storage units and servers they somewhat made themselves (back when they made hard drives) but now they’re just re-branded supermicro.
Their electronic fabrication spun off into renesas and elpida.
> magic wand
They were embarrassed about that reputation and got out of that business years ago. It was corded and 65 Watts.
> medical equipment
Maybe, must be big profit margins on that.

I believe they might still be involved in making their pneumatic tools (or at least the same factories) … those were legendary.
Also, electric trains and nuclear reactors but thise things are harder to quantify.
They pulled out of the U.S. stock market like 10 years ago.
>must be big profit margins on that.
tremendous. It's basically a closed environment. the government standards and certs needed for these devices (think immense MRI machines, etc) are so huge that it effectively locks all but the most massive companies out of building them, which in turn means that they can charge a super-premium for actually selling these devices. A major hospital looking to buy a full modern MRI is paying close to 600-700k for the machine alone, sans construction/installation, magnet quench system, Safety controls, piping, control room equipment/construction, etc. They're multi-million dollar machines and most good-sized hospitals will have 3-4 of them.
some more information
I learned about Mitsubishi in the 90s when I went over to a friend’s house and he had a Mitsubishi big screen TV and he said his dad worked for Mitsubishi Lasers.

Consumer products are nothing for these companies that are involved in heavy industry. A single mining job or some oil rig is probably like the numbers of thousands or tens of thousands of passenger vehicles sold.

Mitsubishi has been selling tons of their mid size trucks like the Fuso for decades too.

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>went to job yesterday my boss got
>supposed to re wire and pipe just the kitchen
>city says no there's permit for entire house remodel
>also city caught the owner trying to do work with no permit and shut it all down
>we're apparently the only contractors working on this job
>pulled up to vacant house and house looked abandoned
>kiddie pools full of sand
>little kid power wheels in yard
>eviction notice on door from December
>notice of unfit for human occupancy posted on door
>place is a mess
>old kitchen cabinets half destroyed
>open salami packet in draw with bite taken out of it
>bathrooms torn apart missing floor with furniture and miscellaneous household items in them still
>shoes by the door

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I only do that in charity cases.I.E. the business provides a community service, and, for example, they need internet connectivity.

In one case, they were close to a public building equipped w wifi. I had a couple of AC grade routers, with DD-WRT. They are broadcomm chipsets, and broadcomm is mega-gay, not opensourcing their drivers. OpenWrt won't touch them, the wireless portion, because of that. I arrayed one near the second story to act as a client-router, and the rest as AP's on the main floor, running ethernet.

Now, it has good coverage and no longer has to pay a monthly bill, for what was pretty shitty service. Fiber runs through that town, and unless they want to help businesses in fundamental ways, that could be one ancillary aspect. But they don't; they actively shoo businesses away, and anyone operating one downtown is just a Mark, for their fees. Consequently the area suffers from a lack of ... anything.

Ignorant retardism at maximum. Of course the local civil water supply is poisoned, lending towards infertility, ill-health and stupidity. The only people who are somewhat intelligent, are on their own well-water. Thank god some based homesteaders are moving in, knowing about permaculture, swales, and want to and equipped to live off-grid, not feeding the utility monsters, their poor service and high prices.

TLDR If you keep it at a limited charity level, it avoids overexposure and disappointment.
tl,dr GOES AT THE TOP IDIOT. it serves no purpose at the end.

fucking boomers. do they get EVERYTHING backwards?
>I know several tradies that took pay cuts to go work for lower paying govt positions just because of the benefits alone.
Yeah I took a $20,000 pay cut because of the benefits.
I've been on this and many sites. tldr has always been at the end. cope seethe.

also lay off the coffee and maybe you will have the attention span to read something.
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haha. This rebuttal wasn't from me, but I agree. I wrote tldr at the end because that's when i had the info to summarize.

Your brain and eyes scan the body text. Your heart, and mind, forms an opinion. The tldr is the best way to summarize the jist of the text you scanned. If they don't correlate, you probably scanned something wrong. Think of it as a checksum. True, I could put it at the front, but I like text to develop organically.

It's tough. I know we have a lot of fluoridated brainlets from reddit.

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I decided to under cut my fireplace to install laminate flooring. It turned out okay all things considered.
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OP here. Can you find even 1 picture of someone who did this? I couldn't, not on brick or stone at least.
>Can you find even 1 picture of someone who did this?
None of those show base board on stone.
because that would look like shit. when he said "subtle" I assumed that was his way of saying shoe or quarter round. go ahead and USE THE EXACT SAME METHOD to slap bigassed base around your bricks.

and have your eyes checked.
That's very clearly brick cut to allow the baseboard to slide under, which is no different than what I did

I am tired, I don't want to deal with hunting shit anymore. I just want to input money and receive stuff without it being a knife fight over some old junk worn out machine that'd been out of production for 70 years and I have to get raped to get replacement part on ebay by some other boomer.
Are chink mini lathes viable to get running well without needing another lathe or a mill to fix the brand new machine you just bought? I just want to make small steel items, maybe up to an inch in diameter but realistically 5/16 or smaller diameter machine screws.
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Where can I buy a cheap 4" scroll plate. I could buy an entire chuck for less than some of these sites want for just the scroll plate. Fucking retarded.
some retard always has to bring up irrelevant shit
another vote for the leblond regal, these are a perfect midpoint between south bend / rockwell / etc. tiny bench lathes and industrial lathes of monarch/axelson/lodge & shipley quality. they weigh much less than proper industrial lathes but can have large swing/bed length and take heavier cuts than a SB. you can also get them in small sizes, mine is 13" swing and 20" between centers, but still a beefy 1100 lbs. geared headstocks, qc gearboxes, powerfeeds in all directions. the ways aren't hardened though (till the 60s models), and they overall weigh less for a good reason. the headstock gears are tiny compared to a monarch or axelson, and the beds have much less iron in them

leblond regal is a true starter lathe, if the end goal is a proper industrial lathe
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>talking about 100 pound lathes you can buy for $500
>what you REALLY want to start with is a 4000 pound one that costs $5000
Large used lathes are often cheap because everyone wants little toolroom sized lathes and is terrified of moving heavy objects.

Everything about machining is known. Learn the choices thoroughly then pick one.

It would have to match your chuck so the best answer is replace chuck with a good used chuck rather than buying a new scroll plate. Not everything which appears worth fixing is worth fixing.

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should I just keep buying red wings? might try some georgia boots or some thorogoods for the first time.

press f to show respect
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I bought second hand red wings 10 years ago and wear them all the time, some light cracking but otherwise the leather looks better than it ever has with occasional mink oil conditioning. Resoled twice, once re welted with genuine sole because I had worn through them too much and waited too long, and recently with a very similar sole as the genuine ones were too hard to source in my country. Incredibly comfortable and the patina would take a long time to replicate if I got a new pair, perhaps the quality has gone down in recent years though. I'd be happy owning these shoes forever and paying for resoles instead of new boots.
Correct answer. If you want real durability go to one of the PNW bootmakers (Franks, Nicks, Whites, etc). They're expensive but they'll last forever.
isnt Ariat just chinaslop
this but I prefer nicks boots (nicksboots.com) or whites boots (whitesboots.com)

over time these are a better deal than buying $300 throwaway boots every few years. You buy them once and then pay ~100 for a resole when you need to, so you're "replacing" your boots for the price of some crap timberlands or whatever
they're also more durable in general because they make them better, and if you weld you can get them with fireproof stitching
on top of that they're far more comfortable because they're made exactly to your foot dimensions

I want to replace two old baseboard heaters in my apt with a convection heater. I can get a heater for 60 bucks or 260. What is the difference between the two?


>What is the difference between the two?
How often you'll probably have to replace them.

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