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We're back
For all discussion of industrial machinery, controls, etc
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I'm retarded and I like to program ladder logic directly into memory addresses with a 30 year old sysmac programmer console.
> main loop and freezes the outputs for the whole duration of the next cycle
Allen Bradley PLCs are a notable exception, probably others. The IO cycle runs separate from program so inputs and outputs may change at any point in the cycle

For me it’s the S7 313

> Does that exist? I mean, surely it does, but it doesn't seem like it's common. Is this just industry momentum or am I missing something?
There’s the finder opta, controllino and many like them, usually arduino based. Technically it’s very possible, but factories don’t generally trust those small nee manufacturers for their 24/7 operation Afaik the entire Siemens Logo line is exactly that (MCU with relays and ethernet), you see them sometimes in industrial applications. Also relays outputs are not as important as they once were, you just use bus modules these days. I’ve seen some tracking equipment suppliers that just run all their shit on a PC in NodeRED with Moxa instead of using a PLC. It works too but they need a redundant server configured on-premise for it to work, and after 5 years nobody remembers how it was supposed to be configured
>the entire Siemens Logo line is exactly that
the semens logo is very slow and limited although stm32 based. For example it has an ethernet jack but thats only good for the webserver, as plc slave or for fucking modbus tcp (who uses that shit).
Its entire purpose is its cheaper than 4 dedicated timer relays, but you'd have to be fucked in the head to use this on some production machinery, you dont even know in what order the compiler puts your instruction strings (and it doesn't even matter as the thing has to static memory)
*has no static memory
> but you'd have to be fucked in the head to use this on some production machinery
Didn’t mean to imply machinery. I’ve seen them mostly in sanitation equipment (hand washing stations, automated drain flushing etc) and access stuff (automatic barriers, speed doors) in factories, but also sometimes you see a lone conveyor with one

> who uses that shit
Cheap home/small business installations (garages, kitchens, smaller greenhouses). There are a lot of cheap remote IO/relays available for it and it can be used on the existing home network. Also some drives like the Danfoss VLT have an option for it for ‘motion control on a budget’

Is vertical farming a game changer or was it a scam all along?
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We already have it, it's called silviculture: grow shit under trees which also have shit you can harvest.
that's obviously not the same thing, retard
Why not?
Farming Corn is close to not even requiring any human labor.
Only if you have enough land to justify the cost of a harvester. You can hire people to work your field for you, but then why not just buy your food at the store?

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Save big money you'll save big money WHEN YOU SHOP MENARDS
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>i work for free
Cool story
>shops at menards
>life worth 100 mil
take off at least 3 zeros there
I heard the owner is an asshole but I am not sure.
I worked with managers that have met him. he has a reputation as being a massive douchenozzle.
Can't stand the radio playing at em so I go to Lowes instead.

I want to put together a kit for servicing my car ( low end Toyota corolla). What do I need and what is reasonable for a layman? By layman I mean someone with *zero* knowledge. I have no interest in cars. This is purely for saving money.

I can do do a basic service I'm sure, which would need the below-

- socket set to drain engine oil
- socket adaptor to take off oil filter
- oil pan
- jack
- jack stands
-v wheel chocks/ramps

I know a basic service is doable. What aspects of a a major service could I do? My car has nearly 200k km on it, belts next replacing and all sorts. I'd feel confident doing spark plugs and such, maybe not brakes though.
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^Wisdom of experience. You may even choose to modify sockets (like removing the inside chamfer to better engage shallow nuts.
I've got a headlamp already I'm 99% of the way there. Fortunately I now the exact hsotry of my car, there shouldn't be any dodgy custom mods on it. Always a dealer service.
Sorry to burst your bubble anon, but just because you went to the dealer doesn’t mean everything was done correctly. Juan and Pedro and a case of Tecate will definitely cause a mess, but I have seen the dealers pull a lot of bullshit. Remember that those dudes are normally paid book hours do they’re trying to race through as many jobs as they can in a day. Also shops aren’t always using the best OEM parts, they’re often getting the same stuff from AutoZone that Juan would’ve used, but with a 30% bump in price: Auto techs also generally aren’t the valedictorians of their high school.

Learn how to do the work yourself and you can do better than the dealer techs because you can take your time and do the job with care because you actually give a damn. Plus you can choose to use better qualty parts on many jobs and it will still save you money.
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Summing up the advice so far OP:

Get a Haynes manual, or a proper workshop manual if possible for your specific vehicle. You can legitimately not know anything and take your time reading and be able to just about completely rebuild most systems with the tools and a lot of patience.

A basic tool set will be affordable and have most of what you'll need. You will get a ton of little things you don't need most of the time, but you'll thank yourself every time you need just the extension or an odd size socket etc. I would however stress unless you have older American junk stick to metric.

Jack Vs. ramps to me is no brainer, jacks can be used regardless of location and offer the ability to lift a single point. With the MANDATORY JACK STANDS you can use simple wooden blocks to get the whole car up high enough to comfortably work under.

A light is going to be pretty much necessary for someone who doesn't have experience under there, but nothing crazy, a simple headlamp or camping lamp does wonders.

Oil tray, filter wrench, etc. are job specific. Refer to the manual in item one for the tools necessary for any job prior to starting the task. Breaker bars are universally nice to have.

Little things to consider:
Some kind of padding. Kneepads, a foam matt, anything to keep your knees from the cold, hard concrete.

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>Haynes manual
It’s (current year), as long as you don’t have an oddball car, you can find nearly everything on Youtube these days. Especially OP and his base model Corolla.

This pic >>2851245 was swapping a coworker’s alternator on his Corolla after work one Saturday. It was about 15min of actual work including diagnosis and a battery change with no Hayne’s manual.

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Getting more into metalworking and looking at upgrading my PPE. When and why would I want to use a welding apron with sleeves, and/or a sleeveless welding apron, versus a simple welding jacket?
Temperature hot

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got this Wilcox I arm, the screw in the inclination adjuster has broken, half inside half out, it's a strange type of screw that has a rod passing through it to keep it in place, the screw has snapped but idk how to put a new one in, the rod doesn't appear to be removable.
I could drill it clean, thread it and put a new screw inside, or not thread it and put a stop nut after the hole.
or I could try to glue it but idk if it'll work
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I love masks and I'd like to make some myself, but I have no idea where to start, I don't know what material to use (I prefer masks that are not very flexible, so no latex) but it shouldn't cost me too much either, especially as I'm going to make a lot of mistakes at the beginning.

I can't find many resources on the internet in this area, there are a few videos but they often use different techniques and materials, so I'm even more confused.

To start with, I'd go for a very basic shape like pic related and cut out or decorate.

Do you have any advice or resources on mask-making?
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I just bought some glue and balloons I will start tomorrow and will post the result
But I don't know how to make a great finishing look, what to put on the last layer?
>>>/po/ has 4 threads on paper maché masks and the sticky there might have info on paper masks
this fetish will either lead to sadistic paranoid control issues or to using human skin
Use several layers of heavy aluminum foil and contour it to your face. Carefully apply paper mache strips to the inside and outside in layers, letting each layer dry . Cut eye holes and etc after it is solid enough.
Waterproof glue and lots of layers make them pretty strong.
Once you learn to work with paper mache well you can upgrade to polyester matting and make it as strong as you want. Same principle but the matting is a bit stiffer. If you need it even stronger carbon fiber+epoxy.

I'm remodeling a building on my property to turn it into living quarters for myself. The only hitch is the toilet. I'm not sure if I have enough fall to connect it to the existing septic system, and even if I did, it would be illegal/risky and take a lot of work. What other options are there for me to have an indoor toilet?
Shit bucket.

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Can someone explain the different thickness and weight per square meter? I'm trying to figure out what's the right one for a flat roof on an apartment building so I can make an estimation on how much money it will cost me in materials alone.
Also feel free to mention any other material expenses besides the felt itself.
What city, what is the build up of the roof, what is going on at the edges
What do you mean edges? The roof is concrete slab and has like 70cm sidewalls.

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Navien Tankless Water and Error Code E782 - Abnormal operation: main panel communication

Anyone ever have any experience with this?
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DIsconnect and re-connect all connectors. Corrosion can occur and removal/replacement wipes the contacts.
I got so confused
>1/2" gas pipe capable up to 24'
>"who the fuck would have a 24 foot diameter gas line for a domestic water heater?"
>"oh they mean 1/2" with a 24' run..."

good luck with your error codes, I probably shouldn't be the guy to help you after that statement.
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You telling me a water heater has a error code now?
>up to 24'
how can it tell how long the hose is?
does it only work if the pipe is 24' long?
how do you measure the pipe? from the gas refinery to your house?
replace it with a tank
if you are in a house and you put this you are a moron of the highest order for not doing tank+recirculation

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Probably been a million of these threads, but here I go:

>Dropped out of uni (music) to do a CNC program
>Did CNC operation, some fixture building/manual machining/ and some fab work
>Get laid off bc no work and figure I'd try to get more into additive stuff
>Run a 6 axis robot to do additive stuff, even get to do some r&d into new territory.
>I loved the job, but I get laid off for the second time this year due to a lack of work
>White collar Boomer dad always talking about HVAC, but it seems like a redditor trade, and I like things that are intellectualy stimulating.
>Get this ominous fortune cookie

I've sent out a shitload of applications, and I live in the Detroit area, where a sizable amount of machining jobs are. What tf is going on? I used to find jobs like boomers could find any job in the 80's, now it's fucked.
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Market is definitely weird right now. I've found that less people are willing to put in the effort to train someone with zero experience than they used to. Probably because the new generation of kids are so completely useless that it's just too difficult to break them in.
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I found fixture building rather stimulating. Might not even be the intellectual part, I just like learning different things and finding my niche in that mess.
One very comfy place to machine, weld and print is the Air Force (including Guard and Reserve where many folks with civilian jobs join for the medical and retirement package). Guard and Reserve are great local human networks too since everyone has a civilian gig.
people love to shit with walls and electric in-between overwatch matches.
youre right.
Do they lay off robot guys for no work where you are? Robot programmers are in huge demand where I am, know a bit of robot and a bit of plc and you can do automation in a lot of different fields

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What could I put inside 3D printed props to make them heavier? Soldering wire?
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Find some old ankle or wrist weights (for fitness). They contain pellets of something heavy, IDK what. I'd rather not mess with lead though.
tell the actors to act better
Do you finish or polish your negative at all before you make your mold?
If I have any leftover strings I clean those off, but I don't polish to get rid of the layers. You can see the layer lines in the castings if you look close enough, but good enough for me. Maybe something I'll look into the future.
You're all trolling.
The cooling fan will blow sand every fucking where and most importantly the fucking gears and threaded rods and it will grind the absolute shit out of the metal why the fuck are you here get the fuck out jesus christ am I on /adv/?

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sandblasting without sand, is it possible? my shitbox is rusting so i was thinking about how to fix it but the neighbours would kill me for clouding them with dust
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Laser rust removal.
>sand blasting with photons
maybe high pressure water jetting, I think you can rent units strong enough to take off rust, not sure on cost though
No one has mentioned soda blasting? Did it have a secret cost I haven't heard of?
why not electrolysis? you dont need to dunk your rusted car into a container. you just wrap the sacrificial metal with a cloth and wet the cloth with the electrolyle and rub on the rusted metal. you can even hardcore cheap it out using steel wool as sacrificial. doneit and works the best, because it turns out the very close surface contact heats up both metals so much you end up blacking the metal, protecting it against future rusts. no other derusting method does this.

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I'm doing a refurbish on an old guitar. Trying to polish up the chrome hardware, and took a look into electroplating. Seems pretty simple, and I might actually invest in a proper benchtop power supply to do it.
Anyone have experience with electroplating? Tips & tricks?
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> nevr-dull
This shit is based as fuck and ancient
this stuff, cleaning the family silver Would get everybody in the room stoned.
how? was there a gas leak? was the family crack heads? Were they drinking spiked cocktails because there is no way they got high off of fumes from neverdull
Fpbp. Why the fuck are so many of you retards incapable of a simple Google search?
ive done it with an 19v dc laptop battery. its pretty easy. you dont even need to have a liquid container to dip it on. just get one terminal on your dry bare piece you wish to coat and the other one on the metal you wish to coat with. wrap it with a cloth or something that can absorb liquid. dip the cloth on the electrolyle and scrub the piece you wish to coat with. ive done alot of derusting with this technique, its really good for large surfaces you cant simply dunk on electrolyte.

Do I diy it or buy one pre-made?
Either way I'll do the hole and weld it in the box meself
Can get a door with frame for like £800
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you can see the frame flange welded to the tube in this pic
Yeah I've seen a lot of those and I'm not very interested in going that route, if I had to diy it all I'd do the 1x3 tube yeah and then some 1/2x3/4 box around it to make it a door frame and just hang a door in that, but it appeals to me just driving up to the port and buying a whole door from an outfitter and putting it in
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>how do i /diy/
>i dont want to /diy/
well then why did you bother asking?
It's still diy if I buy an assembled frame and weld it into a container vs buying one with a door already
Not all frames suit container corrugations (for side doors) or blank ends or end doors but an angle frame is a breeze to weld.

I support the door horizontally and level, then use welding stands to support the frame. I shim the door clearance between the door and frame so zero risk of fucking that up.

Use quality sealant. The HV version doesn't sag and of course it's UV resistant. I just sealed some door trim and end vertical gaps between my side-by-side welded container shop with it.



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