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what are our thoughts

imho had a bit of a cringe era post covid to 2023 but they seemed to have wised up and the past year they've actually put out good coupons that don't have exclusions on all the good shit
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Anyone who's ever worked on an actual jobsite doesn't do this console war shit with tools. You need what you need to get the job done. It's not uncommon that $20 HF corded oscillating tool that you used once and haven't look at since comes in handy when a guys cordless takes a shit and we're almost done for the day. I don't know how many times I saved the day because I had the cheap HF chisel set in my box.

Besides, HF is pretty much no questions asked and hassle free returns on broken shit.
Spend the extra money when it's something you need good mileage out of.
Bullshit. Rich people who are astute about tool selection know when to minmax. HF is where you go when you need a cheap tarp, or a post hole digger, or some sawblades that you know you're going to wreck doing a certain project.
Mine has a few diesel dykes but they're always pretty chill and friendly.
Have you tried not being poor?
i've had two 1/2" hf air drills - both were complete shit after one hot supper. the drive would just slip on one and the other grenaded the internals. the die grinder i had the case cracked and was about to explode. these tools are good for one day and that is it.

their air tools are shit - i'll spend my money on used chicago pneumatic stuff or whatever. i don't have time to run to hf every day for a replacement

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If my water meter is inside my house, does that mean I can rule out a water main leak if I turned off the water supply and the meter is still running? A lot of stuff I read online are houses that have their meter away from their house and a water leak means it's between the meter and the house underground.
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Assuming the meter is turning without you using water, prompting you to investigate for a leak:

Scenario 1
>water meter is before shutoff valve
>water meter stops with valve closed
Water leak is after valve

Scenario 2
>water meter is before shutoff valve
>water meter keeps going with valve closed
Water leak is between meter and valve

Scenario 3
>shutoff valve is before water meter
>water meter stops with valve closed

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If the meter is running, that means water is exiting the system somewhere after the meter and new water is coming in to replace it. So if you have the main water shutoff valve closed, and the meter is inside your house and you can see that there are no leaks between the meter and that valve, and the meter is still going, that's kind of impossible. In that scenario there must be an offshoot pipe somewhere between the meter and valve that you're not seeing which is using water.

As for a leak before the meter, that would not be detectable by looking at the meter since a leak before the meter wouldn't cause flow though the meter, it would just lower your water pressure.
>does that mean I can rule out a water main leak if I turned off the water supply and the meter is still running?
it means you didn't actually turn off the water
I was hoping that the meter was broken bu I turned it off and while it did move slightly after it was off, it didn't move at all for the hours after it was off so it tells me there is a leak somewhere in my house. Once I turned it back on, I could hear water moving slightly which tells me that there is indeed a leak somewhere since new water is coming in to replenish the pipes.
You failed to define "slightly"
It's probably your hot water tank or that retard chamber with an air pouch that maintains pressure.

In my water lines, there's a little unscrewable cap, maybe a bleeder valve or something, it looks like a tire valve cap.
Inside there was a dry rotted gasket and after servicing my water lines elsewhere, upon turning the water back on, this dry rotted gasket began to leak. I just took an oring if a similar size, stuck it in there, screwed it back on, and it's been holding.

You could have anything from a running toilet to a bad sink knob that's just slowly fills up and evaporated off before dripping

Or the inside of your walls could be completely saturated and full of mold

A thermal camera and moisture detector can help you find this leak

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has anyone here built a Corseti-Rosenthal box before?
I'm considering building one before winter comes, given that I'll be indoors all day when that happens.
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why face it upwards, I don't understand. that's not how a box fan is supposed to work.
god that cut is so clean. 10/10

turbulent fast flowing air is more likely to deposit dust onto surfaces. This means pointing the fan up and having the fastest air be directed up towards the ceiling and the most turbulent air at the highest point in the room is good. The intake is also closer to the floor, which is where the dust travels as it settles.
I get that, but most box fans aren't designed to be used in this orientation. I feel like a proper blower fan would fit this application a lot better.
What do you cut the circle with? Jigsaw?

>entire point of store is cheap chinkshit
>here are some chink copies of better tools at 75% of the price
What went wrong?
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just get an account at home depot and order everything online, that's how i use my tax exemption. i'm not sure why you keep trying to use it at the checkout, i realized after the first time it wouldn't work.
pittsburg tools are based as fuck, go get a dirt cheap set of wrenches and if they ever break you walk in and get new ones for free
Testimony to how much net profit they make.
I'm sold but I don't have a wholesale company. Where can I purchase them?
I do harbor freight on the off chance something breaks and I just tell the wagie at the cashier to get me a new one.
Nothing has ever broken on me yet though.
But one day it will.
And I shall call the wagie.

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I wouldnt wish fixing these fuckin things on my worse enemies
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>New 3DS or New 3DS XL are amazing all in one units and idk why anyone would use an OG DS or lite outside of nostalgia.
Playing physical copies? but then just get a gameboy advance so then you can also play regular gameboy games.
No, not physical copies but it can run the ROMs natively which are trivial to get.

It can play 3DS, obviously, DS, and GBA natively then emulate anything 2D including Gameboy which it does plenty fast to be imperceptible from running natively.

Why bother with carts when you can load literally hundreds of games onto an SD card and carry your entire library in your pocket all at once?
I have a working UK 3DS and pokemon omega sapphire and ocarina of time carts. How much can I sell this shit for?
nta but that is probably a good few hundred bucks on ebay
They're not too bad to fix, I got a whole stack of em.

The main problem I find is the shell being shitty. Replacement shells are all cheap garbage.

can a diaphram pump handle 100M/350ft of elevation gain?
I am trying to pump wader. i have access to a wader pipeline that is around 30psi, but it is at the base of a hill, and there is existing pipe work to go up the hill to a tank
it look like they used a very big pump powered by fuel in the past but i want to use a small electric pump

I found this pump that does 13 bar which would be enough to push the water up the hill but how do I know if it will work.
is a diaphragm pump good enough for this task? what to real installers use for such a task? I'd very much rather do it in one pump instead of multiple stages, I only need like 3-4L/m also this pump it is for a car wash
Looks good senpai.
Thanks fampai
Consider adding a check valve.
I'm considering one every so often in the pipe since there's a few points where it's exposed
i buyed the pump, it comes in this week i think

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Please rate our DIY meeting.

are you finger?
looks wild, you guys need some calcium carbide for next year
This looks really cool actually. I’m not sure what the guy with the turbo is doing. It looks loaded with the German geek humor I kinda appreciate. Reminds me a bit of those early computer days hacker conferences in DE/NL

10/10 would ask supermarket for their tube system
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No, I'm just a normal member of that group.
Calcium carbide, we had something similar last year. Some guy made mylar bags with some spicy gas in there, and set them off yround the compound. This year, we decided to do explosive stuff in a more organized way...

The turbo guy is one of the most active members. He does weird stuff with propane every year. The tube he attached to the turbo created an intense whistling sound for a short while, trying to reproduce that was not successful unfortunatelly.

But it is great fun for everyone, lots of insider jokes, a real holiday for the soul.

Here are the images from last year:


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my faucet is like picrel except its shorter and wider mouth, the flow practically touching the back of the sink top.

pic below is the under of my sink, do I just twist the knob and remove whatever's connected to the faucet and replace it?
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Well, depending on how old those angle valves are, now may be a good time to replace them. That IS for a plumber to do. If <10 years old, OP can just replace the faucet without need for a plumber.

OP: make sure those valves on the pipes coming out from the wall are securely rotated until you can't turn them anymore. Check the fauce to see if there is any leakage/water flow. If not, proceed as above and replacee the faucet. If leakage, stop and call a plumber or somebody who knows what to do.
>That IS for a plumber to do
You sound like a faggot.
>calling a plumber to change a valve
bet you also call a "specialist" to fuck your wife too, faggot
>plumber's teflon tape. It's inexpensive but necessary
it isn't. most faucets nowadays have o-rings. And even if they don't, teflon thread is better, as the tap will bunch up if you use too much, while the thread will just compress into the screw's threads.
>First, we loosen the brass screw that's on the moveable drain rod that raises and lowers the plug
That's not always necessary. Depends on whether the rod is connected to the faucet, or separate from it.
This pretty much. It’s easy, make sure the new one is supposed to fit the same size hole as the one you took out. Household stuff like that is all mostly pretty standardized as long as it’s not funky custom expensive crap or hacked together by boomers.

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I just passed the building inspection on my ADU.

Took forever.

Now I have rental income for the rest of of my life.
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I hope they fuck it up expensively
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>coin op laundry
>cheapest everything
It's like 600sq.ft as well, isn't it?
Imagine being so retarded you fall for obvious troll posts
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better version
>I'm good for the rest of my life
Dwelling units need updated every 10 years or so
Sorry you had to hear it from me

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Hi DIY, not sure where else I would post this. Happened across an important discovery that I really can't find corroborated anywhere else on the internet.

I was doing a schizo deworm regimen earlier this year with veterinary ivermectin paste as the primary agent. I also happened to be dealing with a long-term bedbug infestation that I couldn't fully eradicate.

Once I began the deworm regimen it took about 2 weeks to notice I wasn't getting bitten anymore, which had definitely been happening every night until then. I put two and two together and figured the ivermectin was disrupting the endocrine system or whatever of the bedbugs. There was flareups where I started dosing again, but I haven't been bitten for a month now and I think they might finally be gone.

Did not spread any diatomaceous earth or execute any chemical/heat treatment after I started the ivermectin dosing. Pretty certain of the correlation, which would make dealing with bedbugs a LOT easier.

Where else should I promulgate this discovery?
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No I didn't have any worms, I think it was actually the viral protocol. Cannot say whether it did anything to increase my health.


No idea this was a thing. Practically impossible to find corroborating sources
Theres a small n-size study that showed ivm vs placebo works concurrently with your experience. From what i remember it was something like:

>>ivm dosage killed ~80% biting adults and the subsequent nymphs were not able to make it to adult stage

Just search ncbi ivermectin bed bugs im sure itll turn up. Mechanism of action is the ivm disables chloride-regulating channels for invertebrates and paralyzed them.

I also tried this once whenni escaped the bugs. Can't say for sure if it worked since I left the infested place behind and maintained extreme precautionary measure in the new place.
so does this work on all arthropods? I've been thinking about using ivermectin infused peanut butter to lower tick population, but the evidence I've read seems to imply it doesn't work.

Works for any bugs that bite. They use ivermectin for dogs and Revolution (selamectin) for cats, so anytime I flea treat my pets and still get bit, I just dose myself as well and all the fleas in the house are gone. Also handy if you go innawoods, kills any ticks or chiggers that bite you for about 2 days. For anyone who doesn’t want to Taste the Paste, it does work as a topical treatment for chiggers, too.

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Why do boomers refuse to use PPE? Do they enjoy having their toes crushed and their skulls cracked?
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>How about you wear the gloves, in addition to using push sticks
yeah i love operating dangerous tools with a two-stage indirect sense of touch via non-gripping utensils, this is definitely helpful to me and will not get me injured at all when i can't feel shit and the stick slips off. thank you PPEman
Some people, especially boomers are just determined to die in some stupid "accident".

I have watched them get so angry about the existence of seatbelts that they run into stationary objects.
While I agree with you, I wear PPE any time I'm in the factory I work at, just to continue having it be the norm. Monkey see monkey do, and some coworkers should really wear all PPE all of the time, even outside work.
Tradies are retards
I deliver PPE so I get around to a lot of job sites. Part of it is companies buy the cheapest shit possible. No one with medium sized hands wants to wear XL leather gloves. Cheap stuff is uncomfortable especially cheap hardhats. That said guys are retards and lose their gear all the time or steal it so their wives can have garden gloves. And they need to provide PPE by law so I can't blame them for not wanting to spend loads of money on stuff people won't take care of. The places that buy nicer stuff generally have a high caliber of worker and they wear their gear because its more comfortable and functional.

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I have a Mp200 installed inside a table, inside a box, including the monitor of my dining table I built for arcade entertainment.

I'm having trouble keeping it cool right now. I'd like to drill holes to install fans. I've got some spare PC fans that are 12V. But I don't know how to run the fans. Ideally, I'd like them to spin as long as the PC is on, but I'm not sure how to hook them into the MP200.

USB fan supply/controller
what the fuck is an mp200
micro PC
>Use your brain.
>Learn English.
In that order.

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Built and hung up a bird feeder and filled it with sunflower feeds, peanuts, oats, wheat, millet, and barley to help birbfrens make it through the winter yesterday. I call it Sneed's Feed and Seed. God, it feels good to be white.
Your feeder needs a small sign on it reading, "Sneed's Feed & Seed". Someone's gonna ask...
wypipo don't season they birdseed baka desu senpai

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are all modern day garage door clickers clonable? can I buy several of the boards and house them myself to make copies?
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hackrf + gnuradio
Kys first
Give them back tyrone (before you copy them)
this specific one you posted is garbage. it charges a capacitor to send the signal, so, if youre garage door motor doesn't receive the signal on the first attempt, the remote control's range is fucked for a few minutes. get the one with 4 symmetrical rectangles stacked on top of each other from top to bottom. that one is a bitch to pair, but, way way better/more reliable for sending the open/close signal.

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Anyone fuck with mini shitter bikes with the tiny pads and single disc brakes? Came with the brakes fucked up, had to order new lever and cables, because the new cables didn't have the cable end, so I had to buy a new caliper too.
Crank down hard on the lever, it'd either slip, or the cable would stretch and get mushy, repeat half a dozen times.
Got it to the point where it actually "works" but it really doesn't brake that well, not sure what I expected you can lock tires up on a bicycle, but on this the brakes are more of a suggestion.
Do they all preform like shit, or am I missing something?
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Foot operated mechanical drum rear brakes work fine in much more demanding applications like full-size motorcycles but there's no way to get those on minibikes.

For disc brake minishits if you want to stop just pillage suitable caliper/master cylinder/pedal from any bike with a rear disc and leave picrel disc in place. Cable rear brakes a shit because cables for brakes inherently suck.

Those tires have a small contact patch because of the stupid tread design but still fair sized even in motorcycle terms. Hydraulic brakes would sort most of that then after wearing out that tire something grippier would be wise.
fr fr
No idea anon, that's a chinesium bicycle brake, never had an issue with them, they just work.
the cable takes a while to stretch in..then has to be tightened even more as the pads wear in
and yes...probably every single ride they would need to be tightened to have max braking power

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