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How would you go about painting/refreshing this screen door? Would painting just clog the holes?
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That's not normal/typical woven screen, looks like thin metal sheet with holes punched in it. yes? If so, use a pressure washer (or maybe even a sand/media blaster if you have access) to clean it up and remove any old loose paint. Then use spray paint, using multiple quick pass coats so as not to have any large amount of paint that can accumulate in the screen holes.
Buy a quart/gallon of isopropyl alcohol. Use that to scrub it down good with a Brillo pad or steel wool.

Lay paper under the door, extra few feet each side.

Paint it with a roller, GO SLOW. Keep it controlled and you’ll have less mess than spray painting.

If you use the roller tray correctly you can make sure you’re only laying down thin layers (and let them dry! Wrap the roller in a grocery bag to keep it moist). This will prevent drips & clogging any mesh.

On closer look that has a bunch of rust. Spend the extra on a rustolium style of paint. It’ll look & last longer.
Go over it with a wire wheel or brush to knock off all the loose stuff, hit it with some rust converter primer, then give it a couple topcoats in whatever color you want. Make sure all the paints are the same kind, though. Oil and latex or whatever don't mix.
Prssure washer

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Hey lads...

I'm in a bit of shit. So recently my washing machine broke and it turned out to be the belt that had fallen off... the belt fell off because the bracket that holds the motor broke. Got a guy in to fix it because I had to work and he basically nigger-rigged a fix by drilling a hole in the bracket and putting a bolt through it to connect it back to the casing. Question is, this isn't fucking lasting and the belt has come off again. I can't afford the laundromat or a new washing machine and doing it by hand fucking sucks and I don't have the bath to wash it in. Pic related is kind of what it looked like before drilling the hole. WTF guys, is there anything I can do to fix this? What a crappy fucking design. Plastic shit! Planned obsolence is fucking screwing us out of pocket.
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Disregard this, turns out I'm retarded and didn't notice that a whole piece was missing
Is there another half of the motor pulley that broke off?
Yea. Not sure how that happened. Not the half that is still attached is stuck. Gonna need to figure out how to take it off. Any ideas?
if its a press fit youll probably need an extractor, make sure there is no locking pins in place
A little heat on the pulley around the shaft never hurt eithe.

If there’s a set screw and it’s not press fit, also gonna rec the heat because loctite on those little hex set screws is a bad time.

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What are some good adages for the trades? Looking to make a list. Thinking of classics like "measure twice, cut once" but also new ones.

>the best part is no part
>it's way easier to remove material than adding it
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Your grandmother was a lazy stupid whore.
That one pisses me off because Ol Ray was a master pianist.
"good enough for the girls I go out with"
>always time to do things right the second time

>if they wanted it today they would order it tomorrow

i dont think ive met a roofer who wasnt a meth/crackhead
your work is a reflection of yourself.

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A few days ago I posted on /g/ about how my Edifier r1700bt speakers shit the bed. A /g/ent suggested posting here in hopes someone could save me from having to toss the whole thing away when it might be an easy fix.

I can trace the audio running through my setup all the way to the composite cables that run into the speaker - all of that works fine and I can hear the audio if the cables are plugged into a separate speaker setup, which tells me the problem must be in the Edifier speakers themselves. When I take it apart, I don't see anything that immediately jumps out to me as wrong (though, to be fair, I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at).

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Yup, it should inform how people shop, these edifier speakers are a prime example. A decent older reciever and some passive speakers would be a lot easier to fix/divide cost of replacement.
You just need a different skillset. This stuff is easy to fix if you know what you are doing. My first real electronics project was rebuilding a Commodore 64. If my dumbass can master a soldering iron anyone can.
C64 is from the early IC period. I think he means BGA soldered SoC chips that do basically everyhing except for maybe the power supply circuitry
Replacing caps will fix a lot of stuff. I replaced every single SMD cap on a tek tds420 oscilloscope. Fired right up passed self tests. Junk caps are super common in older stuff.
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The part I've circled here looks suspect. Could a part be missing / wires disconnected there? Anything rattling around in the speaker?

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Post neat stuff from your local craigslist free section.
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How would you even get that onto a trailer?
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skill issue
Tilt trailer with rollers + winch
This nigga doesn't have their HGV licence.

couldn’t you just convert into into a cuckshed and make a monetized youtube video about how you turned an old boat into a “tiny home”? That’s what I’d do.

I get a ton of building supplies and construction materials from demolition, remodel, repair & replacement at my job. domestic violence and drug use has provided us with up to 20% of the construction supplies for projects on our farm. we're talking literal 10's of 1000's of £/$/€

this steel entry door is exactly what we were needing for the livestock barn/shed expansion we are working on now. $500 knocked off the project buget! I was even able to make the needed repairs while on the jobsite, so essentially got paid for repairing & loading to take home.

what are your best acquisitions? what are the resulting projects & estimated savings?
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I took apart a stick frame garage/barn and part of a house that was slated to be demolished.
Years later, Ive turned it into a 500ish sq foot house. Worked in solar shit a few years for access to machines, ended up off grid totally on impulse too but it was basically as easy as actually hooking in; my panels are bi facials with cracked rear glass from next to the suppliers dumpster
By now Ive developed a small reputation as someone you can give things to that have value. The more you say yes, sometimes the more ridiculous it gets what you get offered.
My whole life at this point is built off things others have set down to some degree
But when I started, I had a negative net worth, now I have no debt and a six figure positive net worth according to the tax man.
Even though i still feel very poor.

I posted this pic in a thread i made during the super bowl about 'making it' but thats going nowhwere
Absolutely based, great job anon!
I work in estate sales and frequently there are things with plenty of value that don't sell, the local donations wont take, and would ultimately go to the dump in the bins we rent but I save them and here in my garage they sit. A 2yr side job got me a lincoln 220v welder that needed a new power cord, a beat up little giant that works fine once I beat the dented rungs back to shape, about 500 dollars worth of veg tanned leather, stereo recievers, they wont take painted furniture so I have a bunch of antique heavy furniture, etc. etc. I cant say I've come out nearly as great as having your own place and land but some day I'll have a place to put all this stuff and get away from it all.

Preciate the kind words.
It was a pivotal moment, standing on the roof of a 3 story building, having just walked thru it all, faced with the fact that... it was getting fucking landfilled. Unsure what "go for it" meant. Unsure if others knew I was a savage actually, unsure.... if I was actually a savage or just a dreamer. Just knew that man, that wind you could fuckin feel that wind. It put you right there. Does it make sense to work hard as hell to save someone else on dumpster fees? Like, doesnt make sense to take it apart it you cant put it back up. Mom was not a fan of the idea.

Ill never forget the feel of the wind on my face up there. I was between jobs, had like 2k ish I think. I decided if I didnt, I'd always wonder.

Welding is big. I pick up every bed frame I see on the side of the road

Ive always kinda wanted to start a junk cleanout side gig cuz I cant keep my hand off things, but this is also basically an addiction I need to manage well enough my neighbors and town dont hate me. The universe does provide
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>things with plenty of value but have no home
In this picture there are 36kw of Li Ion batts that needed to go away- i run my house on 5kw of lifePo4 batts.

Like obviously you say yes, I want those but what do I do with these lol

(Yes, build a small climate controlled shed uphill of my house and get a new inverter but damnn) ((in the world of also damnnnnn i think i could get my hands on double these and be helping ppl out still, corporate excess is crazy))
I had a dream where I was on board a space ship and the furniture looked like this. I think it was italiyyylmaos. Just wanted you to know

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>buy tv wall mount
>no studs where I want to mount it
>“oh well I’ll just buy some toggle bolts to anchor it into the drywall”
>1.5 years later tv is still mounted with toggle bolts and no issues
>stumble across multiple reddit threads today where every comment says to NEVER EVER mount a tv without anchoring it into studs
>some comments go so far as to advise people to put up plywood behind the drywall rather than just mount the tv using toggles
Did i get lucky or is reddit just full of retards who don’t know what they’re talking about?
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Those things are terrible. I’ve used them on a toilet paper holder and that’s about as far as it goes. The main appeal to them is not having to drill, but they leave a fuckheug hole and seem to hold less weight than pluge because they crumble the drywall while going in. Also they never sit totally flush, best you can do is like 1/16” off the wall, which hurts the strength more when you want to hang something that should butt up to the wall for support.
That’s because they take the power supply out and just give you a brick on the cord
studs are under compression stress. replacing a section of the stud with a contiguous piece of metal would not impair its ability to withstand stress.
Nope, pretty much every TV I've seen still uses a direct to AC plug into the TV.
+1 on this. It’s always one of those PC style plugs. A couple recent ones have been a 90deg angle AC plug to make it easier to keep flush with the wall.

I want to get a shed in my yard to use as an office since my house is pretty small but I have a ton of land.

Now I am wondering if buying materials and building it myself would actually be cheaper than prefabs.

Obviously there is no upper limit to how expensive and intricate either can be but I'd like to keep it under 8k. The only thing I really care about is having enough room for a desk and for it to be waterproof. Windows would be nice too.

I am a construction worker and have worked on pretty much every part of house building but I'd be doing most of it alone.

I just feel like by the time I buy all the material for a small shed I'll be in the range of 10k anyways since I don't have the ability to bulk buy from cheap sellers like prefab makers.

>pic rel a shed from home depot for 4k that I quite like
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>Also a great built. How weather resistant have you found it to be?

I built it to be well ventilated since my old shed sank into the mud and rotted. It has soffit and ridge vents and i probably over ventilated it for the hot months.

I have been in it quit a bit this winter with a kerosene heater but i plugged off the ridge and soffit vents to try to retain heat better. If it;s in the 40's the kerosene heater can get it about 60*. But if it's a very sunny day with sun coming though the windows it can get it up to 60* without the heater on. If it's colder than 40 i usually don't bother trying to work in it.
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I used 7 foot wall studs. It also has a loft on both ends to store things. If you were to put a drop ceiling in it for an attic and insulate it, i think i could live in it.
>Did you get the plan from somewhere or was it a kit?
Nope, had a basic idea of what I wanted and made it up as I went. Don't do what I did.
>How much time did you spend on it approximately?
Started mid-July and stopped end of October. Zero prior construction experience and mostly solo except for the roof. Probably would have saved a lot of time if I at least had drawn up some plans.
Infinite money glitch in the 80s if you can get permitted insurance is grandfather, couple big senators over the years brag about their beach properties not being fit for living in. Couple weeks of plywood work and a dehumidifier bring in a mold abatement team and get it appraised. Next storm that floods it you get like 70% of the home in rebuild funds rinse and repeat state tries to buy it off you to demolish it, but if you can keep it standing not livable just standing the state gives you its value in like three years. Major scam, I think the laws were written to stop utilities from undoing/breaking contracts on the edges of their territories, but the insurance companies get screwed and pass the buck to the state safety net who pays and pays.

Did you buy these plans?

Im the anon that undercut all local prefab places for my neighbors 8x8

You should be proud of this, its good

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How to fix this car scratch?
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brush it with a paint pen and call it a day
This, it will just scratch again.
t. scratched my car booze cruzeing again last month but had paint left over from scratching my car booze cruzeing the month before that.
>paint pen
it will look shit
why care? the car still werks
Jeesus this board is mid these days

The white is paint from whatever you scraped it against.

It will literally buff out, this is a question for /o/ tho.
Solvents, cleaners, wwhtever
Dont fuck the paint uo under.

You shouldnt have rubbed it like that, you already fucked the black paint near it

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Hey /diy/,

My current job involves a lot of designing and building control systems for machines, something I came into the job knowing nothing about. I've done a pretty good job of getting up to speed, but I'm constantly finding out about better solutions and hardware and best practices that I wasn't aware of.

Given that I have no formal education in automation, does anybody know of any good resources for learning more about the hardware side of things? I'd like to step my game up.

Picrel, a cabinet I designed for one of our machines.
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I've seen worse
Do you know
>how to use a multimeter
>how to splice wires
>what relays and fuses are
>what Boolean logic is and how to use truth tables/Karnaugh maps
If so, you know practically everything you need to get a job as a PLC programmer. There's some other stuff you should learn, like how to use power control modules to control motors and solenoid valves, or how to connect a PLC to a network, but you can easily learn that on-site (either with the aid of a helpful mentor or watching YouTube video tutorials made by Pakistanis), so you really don't need a lot of math or knowledge of electromagnetic theory. If you don't know the bare mininum, I'd suggest at least taking a course or two on Basic Electricity and Electrical Machines at your local community college. I got my practical lessons on electricity when I had my first job, all taught to me by an extremely patient mentor, and eventually decided to learn other topics on my own, mostly from books and online courses.
hey I use the same brand contactors for lighting control
Karnaugh maps have no place in modern PLC programming. It gives you pretty much zero extra performance and just obscures shit.

t. the guy that has to fix the shitty code when the plant goes down
ngl I had to look up what a Karnaugh map was
Idk if I've ever ran into one
(not the other guy obviously)

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I fucked up, I didn't cut this clean out down before pouring concrete. I tried removing concrete around the PVC with various methods but nothing is working well.

Several plumbing supply places say there is no flush clean out cover for this type of PVC, which is 4" DWV. They only make them for the belled end, which seems ridiculous.

Any good ideas on how to unfuck this?
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Maybe not but it will seal. If you're not going to put a threaded fitting on it or glue a cap on it, you're going to have a hard time keeping the shit smell out of your house
bone saw?
You consider this a permanent solution?
We run across this all the time.
Chisel out around it, cut it off, and glue a threaded flange on it, then back fill it with concrete.

Although, I might back fill it with something else. Concrete shrinks a bit, you don’t want it to crack. You could pack it with caulking mixed with sand or something, as long as your excavation doesn’t look like a dog trying to exscape out of the backyard under the fence.
cut it at concrete level and shove some wire mesh into it

i live around a defunct 80's/90's airbase with tons of small abandoned bunkers and lookouts. i found a particularly intact looking one in the forest. if i scraped off all the paint and pressure whashed it would it be safe to sleep in? or am i just retarded?
image semi related
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bunkers tend to have rather good doors to prevent this, its lost its door yes?
Scrappers cleaned out all metals after the end of the Cold War.
What kind of mental illness is this?
>no door
So how will you defend your private bits against migrants while asleep?
nobody wants to emigrate to OP's country

It's for a project that involves making precise adjustments by hand. And yes, the input shaft will have a knob to turn it. It will be similar in operation to a dual-speed telescope focuser where one speed is for getting the telescope roughly on target with the second speed for precise alignment.
Technically possible, since a planetary can be driven from either side. However it really depends on how much force is required by whatever is connected to the output.
Might have to make the knob a substantial diameter for additional leverage.
Also, since high speed sounds like it's not an issue in this system, may be a good idea to open it up and replace the thick grease with a low viscosity oil to reduce the effort of operation.
I have possibly that exact gearbox, or a very similar one, and it's easy to turn it just by holding the shaft, on either side. The only question is how much force you want coming out on the other side, since that's obviously transferred over.
It's less about force and more about speed. I want to be able turn the knob 5° to make the apparatus turn 20 arc-seconds or, at most, 5 arc-minutes. I already have a 1:13 reduction using a 1.57-inch wheel to turn a 20.5-inch wheel by friction (or pulley and belt if friction between the wheel contact isn't enough). The added gearing will reduce that down even further.
What does that have to do with speed? It's purely a question of gear ratio. The 64 ratio level 3 gearbox would get you right about there, with a total reduction of 1:832.
Ther's also some consideration for backlash, what they spec as backhaul gap, only that they don't say what unit the backlash is in. Possibly arc-minutes.
>What does that have to do with speed?

A large gear reduction slows it down so you don't overshoot your targeted setting.

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Any one know where to get this in size e12?
Oh i love these.. i chained several E27 ones together so i could get 4 high power LED bulbs from one socket. Poor man's chandelier.

Can I just do /diy/ plumbing in that "outdoor area" to avoid the (((permits)))?
Or should I just listen to queer geologist?
Generally you can do anything you want as long as you don't get caught. Don't go around bragging about your redneck engineering skills.
Anything you do that is sketchy will make you liable in case someone gets hurt. You should also remove anything jank you do if you plan to sell whatever on.

Do whatever you want - but there are reasons that planning permission and permits exist.
Go for it. Worst case scenario a neighbor reports you for doing work, and the local permit authority comes out and slaps a stop work order on your project and tells you to go get a permit. Fines typically only come into play if you continue the work after they've told you to stop.

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