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Looking for brand recommendations, primarily 2 classes of coveralls, one for hard use and one for everyday wear (warmth, comfort and simple)
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this is coveralls
>ripstop and water proof/resistant
Probably something military - look into a coverall for fueling technicians.
>t. wear my spec-ops fueller's jacket over my Key coveralls in wet weather
>Only downside I'm trying to work out is conceal carry while wearing one.
lmao even
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like this
if you farted
would I die?
or would it be extremely painful

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>incredibly strong, can survive every kind of natural disaster
>readily available
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Depends some areas concrete is expensive. Also depends on what type of concrete your using too some mixes like ECC will handle earthquakes better but the cost is rather high. But the government doesn't like concrete walls due to it blocking thermals.
we associate them with thirdies
makes europeans seethe because not everyone lives on a climate controlled continent like them.
Hey fagonauts, news flash:

If you want an incredibly strong, cheap and readily available home invest in a fucking quonset or nissen hut
it doesnt breathe, they smell moldy after a handful of decades

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I came across this instructional video of proper debate technique, but the parts I want are spliced in with the news interview. How can I edit out the interview part and end up with the just the instructional debate part in one vid?
Is this the correct how to board for this?
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take the video, remove the parts you don't want.
Not the most beginner friendly, or easiest option.
Just download some kind of free video editing software. OpenShot is one option. Or pirate a copy of Premiere Pro.
>Is this the correct board
No. A simple google search could have come up with the answer in less than a minute. I imagine you have similar intelligence and research skills to the gentleman in the picture you attached.
>OpenShot is one option
Are there any web based options where I do not have to install their software on my computer?

As far as the gentleman in the pic, he DIY his own head protection from what he had available to him in a poor country that was fighting against a US lead coup with government snipers shooting and armormed vehicles running over unarmed people
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this is now a diy riot helmet thread
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Hello chad mx anons. My suspension guy retired and he refused to tell me the ins and outs of suspension thinking it would hurt his business. I tried another suspension shop but the forks on my mx bike were like a jackhammer 3rd gear plus on breaking or acceleration bumps. There were fine 2nd gear or slower, so I know it was the higher speed compression that caused the harshness. I have the Racetech suspension book, but it does not explain well the relationship between float in the midvalve and the pressure spring at the top. I was so pissed at the harshness of the forks I just increased the float by removing the thick shim (there were three, two thin and one thick), which greatly increased the float. I also changed the pressure spring from 1.8 to 1.4. Overall its much much better, but I have to be a bit careful with hard front brake AND turning in as it drives a bit. I can deal with it by breaking harder earlier and letting off just before I turn in, but I wanted to know if I can keep the pleasent feeling of riding over the breaking bumps at speed and reduce somewhat the dive of the forks. I am still not clear on the value of the increased float vs a softer compression stack of the midvalve. Can I have zero float and a two stage midvalve where the first stage is really soft to handle the square edge bumps? I have 47mm upside down twin cartridge forks, and the correct fork and shock springs for my weight
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No, we were just using words different. I went back and looked at your pictures, your pressure spring is your rebound.

More i thought about it its probably the oil. The viscosity characteristics of different oils vary wildly. New guy used something different.

Sageing your worthless thread.
>your pressure spring is your rebound.
total retardation. The main spring pushes the fork back into position and is for setting riding ride hieght based on weight and desired sag, and the rebound clickers (needle controls fluid flow) and shims control rebound. Oil viscosity is one tuning option.

The pressure spring is part of the compression control, along with oil height and viscosity. If you studied the floating piston movement you would see how the change in oil height (say increased oil height) more quickly decelerates the piston's upward movement as the fork compresses - increasing the air pressure in the outer portion and there are two hols in the top of the inner cartridge that allows the compressed air in flow into and behind the floating piston to increase bottoming resistance. You are still retarded get out of my thread, but you can look at the girly picks if you want, but your are probably gaaaay.

Goodbye whiney mx anon.
I will miss your retardation and help keeping my thread alive another day.
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Who all went 72+ hours with one or more failed utilities in sub freezing weather? I mean like the entire city is out, not just the neighborhood or small section. Cause of failure is irrelevant; if it's out it's out.

What were some gadgets you found most useful?
What things did you buy in advance as an attempt to prep for an extended utility (especially power) outage, but proved to be a gimmick or otherwise failed/useless?
What things did you wish you had bought in advance, or bought more quantity and/or higher quality/capacity?

>recently moved to area that routinely gets -10F for weeks at a time (-20F is not unheard of)
>tornadoes in summer

so far my biggest concern is power being knocked out for a week straight or some shit, especially during our brutal winters. I am asking here for people who actually lived extended utility outages and not some sponsored influencer guessing at shit or trying to sell gimmick trash.
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Always wanted one of these but I live in Texas so I would never end up needing it.
My power stayed on the whole freeze, it was really comfy. I did end up buying one of those propane tank-top heaters later that spring though, just in case. Already have a propane grill and an extra tank so if the power did go down I'd be alright. Good idea to get some power banks and maybe a car jump box. A lot of people went out to try and start their car to warm up/charge their phones and the battery just didn't want to start because of the cold.
>big freeze
>there are also tub sized bags built for purpose.
this is good information thanks bruh
I should try getting something like that, thanks for the info anon.
lots of cans of beans so i can fart and capture my ass gas to produce fire and heat for my family, your sister and most importantly your mom

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I’m new to DIY and finally had my first injury today (smashed my thumb with a hammer, nothing bad, but it’s gonna be black for a couple months). What’s the worst you’ve ever experienced?
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didn't know there were /fit/ posters here
>at the age of 12
>watching some anime
of course he was
Working on an old cyclone gate, I put my hand on the top rail to move it to the side a little without looking. Ring finger popped between the pulley and top rail. Never would have thought there was THAT much flesh in one little finger tip.

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>>2830320 last thread

Sup homies, general rule of thumb with this thread:
1. we try not to be assholes.
2. Please use google first.
3. If you find something useful, post it.
4. ???
5. Profit
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I literally made the project from that pic, the wallet from sailrite. No, was absolutely not necessary even though I ordered 3 seem feet from china. They didnt fit so I folded the thing myself and it held in place nicely with double sided tape
Sailmakers palm and needle or the Speedy Stitcher.
arigato china menn!! this looks good
oh sweet, I like that idea, I might make myself a micro pattern
search on yandex, the ruskies never pay for anything

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What kind of substance could you spray on a tin roof to get snow to slide off more easily. Would be best if it could be bought in bulk and sprayed on with a backpack sprayer or pump up sprayer. Also obviously would be best if it dried cleanly and didn't attract dust.

Silicone spray? Some kind of hydrophobic coating? Rain-X? Pam cooking spray? Liquid Teflon of some sort? I did a quick google search and most everything I saw was talking about putting baffles on the roof to keep the snow from coming off, which is the exact opposite of what I want. Are there any commercial coatings made for this sort of thing?

We had a major snow storm here recently and the snow was super wet and heavy. It took down a bunch of local haysheds, a few shops, and quite a few of those little car-ports. Luckily I didn't lose any of my own buildings, but I would like to hedge my bets against future snow storms. I will definitely be pulling gutters off of the haysheds I do have mainly because I noticed they would catch the snow trying to come off the roof and then more snow would pile up behind that. Obviously it is less of an issue for steeper roofs as they naturally shed the snow more efficiently. Most of the sheds that collapsed had around a 1:12 or 2:12 pitch and were engineered for the usual snow load of our area.
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Not if it's insulated properly
>it should move and it doesn't
Clearly WD40. It's even in the name, Water Displacer, and you clearly want to displace frozen water.
Sheesh, use your neuron someday.

Will attract dirt. No go.


Not feasible for the location and no power at the sheds.


No way in hell I would use any kind of corrosive de-icer on a steel shed. That's just asking for problems.


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I would run PTC heat cables set to 5 degrees centigrade near the apex, external or internal.
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Ask them for Skid-More

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Has anyone diy'd their own sauna? HomeDepot wants $2k for a kit, barrel sauna wants $8k, the markup on these little cuck sheds is insane. It can't be too hard to build your own can it? What kind of wood do you have to use that can withstand the heat and steam?
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>how to build a sauna for free
>step one find a free building
It's not a complicated structure. Just a box with a stove in it.
Use cedar.
um looks like a cylinder not a box
I'm not looking for a cylinder, just a type of wood that can hold up to the moisture and heat.

I hate these fucking things so much. I'm generally pretty animal friendly but holy shit do I not feel any sort of remorse when I have to kill a live one caught by its feet in a trap. I hate them. I fucking hate them.
Are glue traps /diy/able? We have some animal protection laws preventing them to be sold here but I figure they would be pretty effective. I've been seriously contemplating on some kind of a solenoid contraption with a ir sensor or something that would slap the shit out of them when they run under it.
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I'm not some mouse-trapping pro but I've seen that the walk-the-plank style traps work the best according to some faggot on youtube.

I also had the little wind-up box ones that rotate and allegedly catch multiple mice, they don't usually, they only catch 1 at a time any time I've used them, only once have one of them caught two in my house, somehow the mice tip the other mice off (maybe they were eating all the peanut butter that normally attracts them). What they do is catch them nearly 100% of the time, and they have good attraction rates in general since the mouse crawls into the little hole. You just have to kill the mouse after and put the trap back, but as far as just catching them efficiently those wind-up box traps work well.
>Secure the area from entry
This isn't possible in many older houses, at least not without a ton of work. Trapping and killing the mice is probably the best way to do it short-term, and long-term maybe you can shore up your house against them or maybe you have more important projects to work on.
what do you mean? like sealing off doors?
People who choose glue traps are some kind of evil.
this is the anon you replied to. my house's mice very coming through the gap between the concrete and the dryer vent and traveling around the outside of the vent pipe, then dug at the basement concrete wall near the foundation and spread from there. They slowly found other pathways once they were inside, like behind the washroom near the main entrance, along the outside hose pipe, behind the kitchen cabinets, etc. I first started setting a fuckton of traps to kill the ones that were inside, that resulted in 27 dead mice within 3 weeks, then I started going room by room, starting with the laundry room, empty, disinfecting the hell out of everything, moving and separating mounted stuff, and then using a combination of stainless steel wool/copper wool, hardware cloth/chicken wire no larger than 1/4" square sized, and PL glue and Durabond 90 to seal off anything they had opened and anything that looked like it was wide enough for them to pass through to other rooms. And so on. I ended up ripping off my whole kitchen, which was due for replacement anyway, and found a mouse highway near the plumbing through the subfloor, had to get that re-done so they can't come through there again, and there wouldn't need to be so much routed out of the cabinets. It's really a nightmare, but it is doable, and once all their pathways inside are blocked and you've disinfected and cleaned everything, then it's time to do the same for the exterior, between the foundation and siding on both front and back yards/garage/etc. hardware cloth and wafer screws are your friends here, as well as spray foam after.
Just found one of these fuckers dead in my garage an hour ago. The bastard gnawed his own body to get out of the glue trap. What's crazy is there was no activity yesterday. Damn thing even got into my garage sink. I had a bag of grass seed in the garage that apparently attracted him. I have bait boxes all around the house as a preventative measure; it's a literal mousewitz, but I still have to put out traps.

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>Is there a way to electronically jam an electronic lock? As in essentially overpower its circuit and fry the electrical component?
The landlord of my small apartment complex has an airbnb in here and has the main entrance lock electric and it fucking sucks dick and they refuse to make it mechanical because the airbnb fags would complain.
Not really. You should check your city ordanance to see if the Air BnB is permitted or even registered like they have to in my region. Air BnB's are a scourge. Such low class people use them. :-(
no jamal, try not breaking laws for at least 1 day.
I just want the lock to go down so that he's forced to give us a physical key.

It is permitted, he's converted over half of his apartments to Airbnb.
just pour superglue all over the buttons, kid.

no matter what you do, he'll replace it and charge your mom more rent.

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Roomate moved out, dude had long hair and exclusively peed in the sink instead of using the toilet. Water goes down but not quickly and I don't want to take it apart to pull the stopper out to deep clean it. Is there anything that can be poured down there that can clean out hard water+piss and probably hair?
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Nothing wrong with being a sink-pisser, but that Mf should be punished for not cleaning the precious sink after finishing. Anyways, to clean piss residue you can use any acid such as Vinegar (25%) or Sodium Bisulfate (sold as toilet cleaner). To get rid of organic waste such as hair use Sodium Hydroxide (sold as drain cleaner but only the powdered / granular variant is good, liquid sucks.) Don't mix these chems all at once obviously. First piss removal, use gloves, scrub it with an old sponge, then rinse with plenty of water and as last step use the sodium hydroxide (drain cleaner). The longer it can react in the drain the more it can dissolve organic residue, so I would only rinse hours later.
> kermit frog poster
Hey little boy, you need to be 18 to be on this site.
you can brush ur teeth and pee at the same time
It's kind of a fetish thing, like shitting with the door open.
disney made kermit adult shit now.

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Why do these tards never learn and always use a full sized tired immediately? These pop up on my feed and like every third one either the chain breaks or the culvert gets pulled out of the ground entirely. Just use an ATV tire or a wheel barrow tire or something. Anything to get the water flowing.
How do they initially get the chain through? In my experience culverts usually only clog up on the intake side.
Hook one end into a piece of pipe and push it through. Just have to keep positive pressure on it or you have to start over

It's been a good while since we've had a good tractor thread.
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Smooth your field out
I was in PA last year just driving around. I was relatively deep in the mountains and saw a fuck ton of cars parked in this massive field. Stopped, bought a ticket, it was a farming expo. These farmers all brought their antique tractors, steam tractors, these massive grain cultivators from 200 years ago. Amish, white mountain dwellers, it was a wild place. If I had pics on this phone I'd upload them for you guys, you would get a kick out of what I saw. You farmers LOVE your machines.
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I've been looking to buy a used tractor for tilling a garden and moving logs out of my woods for a little while and I'm torn between getting a Wheel Horse D200 and a Magnatrac Jr. with a loader bucket. The D200 doesn't come with a tiller but has a Cat 0 hitch and the Magnatrac doesn't have a rear pto at all but I figure I could plumb one in. Any thoughts or better options I should look into? I will say I'm not looking to get anything much bigger than these. Wouldn't have a place to store it.
If you want to keep that small then get both other wise would something the size of a grey Ferguson be too big?

Small tractors are surprisingly capable but I absolutely wouldn't buy one without a loader already installed. It will change how you approach everything. Ironically the same could be said about having a proper, hydraulic 3 point hitch. Rear PTO is super handy too, I fabbed up a wood chipper that is so much fucking better than a standalone unit.

Another thing, try to buy a tractor as a package, ie get one that already has all the shit you need. Finding specific attachments for a tractor that is already 30 years old is a fucking hassle. Also, Cat 0 is a pain in the ass to work with. If I was buying again, I'd be looking for something hydrostatic, 4wd, and cat 1. Look on CL/FB for grandpa died kind of deals where the kids don't want anything to do with any of it.

That Magnatrac will rip the shit out of the ground with those tracks. Even my rubber tracked chinese mini ex does.

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should I build a desk or buy one?
situation: I am traveling to a remote jobsite and staying in employee housing. the houses are set up for miners so just bed nightstand dresser, that's it. I want to bring my workstation, so I will need a desk to put it on.
hard mode: I already left and didnt think about bringing any tools.

I have two options:
buy a desk for $50 from walmart
build a desk for $50 from wood from the wood store
I have: + and -, adjustable wrench, hammer.
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this one? how is it? i want to get something but not spend >$80
although i would prefer something with more structural rigidity
That is uncalled for and projection
its fine, it naturally wobbles a bit since its just legs into a weak top, but it feels fine.
If you are a heavyset person and lean your elbows into the desk all day long, putting alot fo upper body weight into the desk, probably get something else though.
also if you eat at your desk, you will need a mat because I already stained it a bit with some rice somehow.
disgusting fuck
>can't even take a nap at the desk
how do trust shit like this to carry thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment

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