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Have you heard of essential oil pens? They look like vapes, but they exhale mist of essential oils and cbd. It seems cool and I want to try but it's expensive.

So is there a way to make reusable one?
>essential oils
Sounds kinda gay. bro.
Either own up to smoking weed like the fag that you are, or just don't do it.
boil some water, put it a bowl, add some essential oils, put your head over it with a towel to cover everything, then breathe in.

How to sand foam to make it look less icky?
Can a 220 grit sanding disc with an angle grinder do the job?
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what if I had a shroud and connection to a vacuum?
gotcha. what about using a sawzall
oscillating tool is easiest way to cut that stuff
use the cheapest blade you can find, doesn't need to be sharp
on it bruv
I get in situations like this sometimes. Use a box cutter to cut away the excess. Simple
Cheap piece of shit kitchen knife from the dollar store is better. Cut through it like butter. If it dulls sharpen it up on a belt sander and continue on. Throw it away when you're done if you want.

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Anybody here have a decked drawer in their truck? Or any other drawer in the bed?

What do you think of it and how does it work for you?
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digger derricks are peak utility. i wish id bought one (and a gradall lift) back around 09-10 when they were practically free
this poster shines their light racks are people behind them and road rages i bet

>t. has to drive around with high beams all the time because has 5% tint on his windshield
I paid 8700 for this one. F800 with a 5.9 Cummins and 5 speed manual. Front winch, crane, digger, and bucket. I need to make a new man basket with a pass through side so I don't have to climb into that fiberglass one because fuck that.
Seems like a waste of time and money and now you can’t load the bed with big items if you ever need to.

I’m a handyman and I have a trifold bed cover. All my tools are in containers with tops. If I need something I take out the container. I think this is the optimal setup

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Is it better to start your own business or buy an established one?

I want to go into the junk hauling industry, but there is so much competition that the market is just too saturated. Would it be more conducive to just buyout some established brand than to start from scratch?

I'm looking at these business buying sites and they have a lot of moving/junk removal companies listed on there for lowball numbers like 150k to 300k.
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beef strogennoff
>hauling junk
the entire trash stream is controlled by the actual mafia. waste management and republic services is literally the mafia. if you cross them, they will fuck you dry in the asshole. they have a gorillion slimy kike lawyer on the payroll that know every legal avenue to make your life hell. tread lightly
I never TREAD lightly
I wish /biz/ wasn't a bunch of scamming faggots talking about crypto all day so I could actually discuss small business/entrepreneurship
I’ve started 3 companies. Listen carefully. Go work for a junk hauling company. Pay don’t matter just get the job. For 6 months, work and study everything. How they advertise, how they charge, any special tools etc

Then quit and make your own

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>Doesn't sell tractors.
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>Rural King does
Yeah but they don't sell Kings...
you figure Dayle and Bobby Lee just drove theirs to the store?
A fleet is a type of small Mexican fighting chicken.
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The OG

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Threw together a crude door for my cabin I built. It's 5/8 ply nailed to 2x4 boards. I thought once I nailed the plywood it would stiffen everything up but the top and bottom are wobbly.

Suggestions on how to reinforce the door?

Note there's some mean gaps as well alat the door entrance but I'm going to put fat trim to fill. Door also doesn't completely open and contacts floor but it opens up enough to get in and out the house
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you gotta learn some basic wood working and do some lap joints and not lean on the angles

the diagonals would help with the eventual sag, but seeing as nothing is really joined together, not a reliable solution
even comparing a hollow core door to this is a joke. hollow core doors are just expanded cardboard and glue. they have no mass nor components to bend
maybe drill some holes through the rail at the end of every horizontal and insert some hefty dowels/rods and glue, at least two per end.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too.
The outside looks a lot better than your door, that's for sure.

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I have an old alarm clock on which I don't care for the old cord. I plan to replace it. The plug of the existing cord says "TAIHE TP18", which I'm interpreting as being an 18AWG cord. It's non-polarized.

I bought this from Amazon:


And plan to snip off the end and solder in the wire where the current one is.

Here's my dumb question: is there any risk in this? It's my first time doing this. I've done a lot of electrical on my house but this type of thing is new to me.
no risk. Just proceed. I have a lot more delicate repair to do on a 'device' of greater antiquity. Clock will be easy-peasy.

Polarization will not be important.

Okay then. Here's hoping I don't burn down my house

any good sites out there for learning tools and basic common parts for true beginners and what they do?

the extent of my DIY knowledge is I took the flow restrictor out of the showerhead, and I put together this chair from the pic, which took an hour doing it in my small room trying to figure out how i'm supposed to keep the arms and the seat all together with 2 hands while a third hand screws them in before realizing I could just do it one at a time and slide the seat in. also kept trying to jam in a piece that apparently you just lightly put in and fold down.

Like, i watched a video of someone putting it together beforehand, but it was a different model, but he called the wheels "casters" and i would've just called em wheels. Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws? etc. These kinda basic things I have to know before attempting anything else.

Other than that I just make furniture out of boxes cuz im poor. My current desk is a keyboard stand with a plank of wood from my old ikea bed on top of it, extended out on each side by a mountain of boxes which double as a place where i can keep stuff. I'm pretty proud of this ingenuity ngl.
>Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws?

It's either a flatwasher or a lockwasher. One is to keep the screw from getting pulled through the hole and the other is to keep it from loosening itself from general use.

Here is as good a place as any to learn the basics. There are also several good youtube channels like Project Farm or DIY Basics
I think you may want more basis in basic science stuff like materials (hardness, elasticity, stress concentrations), statics, and basic ’machine’ parts (bearings, screws, bolts, hinges). The rest is just doing stuff. Disassemble something, question why parts are there, or why they are shaped like they are. Try to build something and question why it fails.

Most shit is designed just by someone with knowledge and experience wondering “how do I make this thing not fail, cheaply”. Also look into manufacturing (what’s “how it’s made”). A lot of stuff these days is designed the way it is just to make them easy to manufacture.

There’s a great book called ‘Structures’ by L.E. Gordon that explains a lot of basic considerations on how to build stuff. There’s also Industrial Production by Kals which is a uni textbook that goes over standard parts and methods of producing and attaching things
Rather than searching for sites, which can be ephemeral, and require a computer set up, go for books.

You can get many great basic diy books at thrift stores, with titles like The Home Digest Fix It Yourself Guide. You can also get some great educational books by finding the appropriate FM or TM military manual.
A lot of those are on sites like SCRIBED if you want pdf files rather than hardcopy.

A great book for the absolute beginner:

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I need a circuit to install on my front porch. Kids are hitting my fence everytime they go out, and its driving my mom to the point of tears. Their parents are assholes (the whole place is getting filled with asshats), and I need to take matters into my own hands.

An impact sensor plugged to a strong siren will do the trick for now. Either that or big ass dogs to chase away the kids, but Id rather make the alarm.
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My mom had a similar problem once. The neighbor's kids kept coming in her yard and climbing her tree. They yelled and bitched but the little sumbitches kept doing it. One day my mom cleaned all the dog shit out of the yard and smeared it all over the tree. They got caked in shit when they tried climbing the tree and took off. They never came back.

tl:dr smear shit or industrial grease on fence until they get the hint.
Pay a homeless dude to kick the shit out of them
Any kind of siren or other loud noise maker will just encourage the kids to do it more as being shitheads is their motivation. Depending on the age and light reflectivity of the "kids", a large dog might indeed help. Just be absolutely sure it can't make it past the fence.
Where is that muratic acid fag when it would actually be funny?
He's honeymooning in Bali with his new husband the vinenegar fag.

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How can I fix this?
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Turn it over and figure out where it broke
Point the camera at any splintery bits
Put a heavy side table up against it

stop being an 800 pound lump of shit in your moms basement and go to a gym and lose some weight lardass
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Make your own couches

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So, I have a bunch of antlers and I am trying to think of things I can do with them.
They're only rather small roe antlers, but something should be done with them.
HOWEVER, I don't want to do the usual stuff like clotheshooks, grips for things I don't actually need etc., and before I make toggles from them I wanted to ask if anyone has any other ideas.
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Carve some figurines.
give them back tyrone
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i made a pipe. just stopped up the bottom with a bit of scrap wood.
shouldn't you drill the hole before you cut it in half?
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Make weird hats and mic stands and instruments and other accessories for pagan neo-folk performance art bands and their fans and imitators

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I want to build a custom midi keyboard enclosure with a metal base plate and build my enclosure on top of that out of hardwood. The side panels would attach to the base plate with brackets while the front and back panel would sit directly on the metal base plate
I want to find out how to achieve the necessary stiffness of the base plate so that it will support the 5kg heavy key mechanism+ the 3kg hardwood and not flex under the pressure of playing. Would a 1.5 mm stainless steel plate do the job if i would have it bent into an L shape so it forms the backside also or would i need to bend it into a U shape. If so, would the front and back side at 1cm and 3cm be high enough to yield the desired stiffness? Could a 1mm stainless steel U shape bent be enough already? Ideally i would want to have only an L shape bend so theres only wood visible in the front side..
Picrel is the design im going for but only the keyboard part without the panel above with all the buttons. The dimensions of the base plate are 100cm x 24cm.

If anyone has any other approaches they could recommend to achieve such a design it would be greatly appreciated.
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i never understood why moog went so nuts with this synth. i think something simple like the voyager is better. anyway, ignore me, just bumping the thread
I'd go as thick as possible. It's about 2kg for every mm of thickness at that size, so figure out how heavy you can tolerate it and go from there.

You'd need a heavy duty bead roller for anything above 1mm, but you'd also need a metal brake to get a clean bend on the long side. Either you're spending a lot on tools to make this one thing, you're paying a shop to make the plate, or you're doing a different design entirely. I'd probably just make the base out of plywood. If you need metal for grounding or shielding, use copper tape on the inside.
3mm steel plate would be fine.
I would love to make things out of sheet metal but hate how you need to spend a million on specialized tools to make anything, especially anything curved
Personally I think you need to approach the whole idea differently and not treat the wooden part as if it has no bearing on strength and stiffness and is just cosmetic.

A shallow tray like you describe will work as a chassis but aluminum makes more sense...and rather than fabricating something from scratch there's all kinds of extrusions that can be combined to make very light but strong electronics chassis...some made just for that purpose (pic related) and others L and T shapes that can be adapted and screwed/epoxied to a flat sheet. There's Eurorack rail extrusions and enclosure systems that may also be worth looking at for ideas.

Regardless of how you make the sides of a U shaped chassis tray there's no reason you can't apply the wood outside that vertical part and hide it, or bury the metal in a kerf cut in the wood.

Integrated this way the wood can be a major source of structural stiffness, and not just decorating a chassis that does all the work.

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What's a decently expensive way to insulate exterior walls against heavy traffic acceleration noise and redneck retardmobiles? I want to actually end the issue, not move or cope and seethe about it.

Everyone on the internet says it's "impossible" or "too expensive" and refuses to elaborate.
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Be glad you dont live next to a school full of retarded screaming kids.

High levels of brake dust and exhaust in the air from all the cars constantly braking and accelerating
Thats be by the way. I don't know why I do it, it's primate.
>it's basic physics
>you need 5ft thick walls made of stone
Post formulas. If it's basic physics then show your work.
STFU you insolent goy
Getting my crawl space spray foamed helped a lot. Wonder if spray foaming the roof rafters or foam boards in the attic will help. Have considered taking the vynle siding off to double insult too. Planting a wall between the house and the road will work neighbors that have a vegetation wall on a berm get the best results.

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So old thread died, just received the extension and Look at this beauty, Worked like a charm, had to use a broom handle to stop the blades from turning. took out the screws one by one and added blue locktite.
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>>living in squalor
>seems to me you've got bigger fish to fry there, anon.
My autism room looks like that too anon. I see no issues here.
see >>2821472

nice work wheelchair anon, you got er done
Good job anon.

I went with the stubby handle version
Jeh its pretty wobly, ill say about 10cm at the bit. but not realy a huge problem, the weight works in its favor.
Not fake, see pic
Dont know what a squalor is but i assume you are talking about my other stuff laying arround. not enough time in the day my friend.

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What would I need to do to make this house able to be lived in? It doesn't have to be perfect
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i-i-i-i'll just have my standard-issue /k/ firearm with me, anon. t-t-t-they can't hurt me if there's a bullet in them!
There arent enough bullets in the world to solve N
Give this non profit a call
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I do not think this is a good idea.
>Tiny libraries good.
>>Educated, well read, extra income
As nigger repellent?
one of them will casually throw all the books out onto the lawn just to laugh like chimps and then on the return trip riding a bike it stole will wonder who did dat because it already forgot

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