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>Doesn't sell tractors.
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>Rural King does
Yeah but they don't sell Kings...
you figure Dayle and Bobby Lee just drove theirs to the store?
A fleet is a type of small Mexican fighting chicken.
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The OG

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I have an old alarm clock on which I don't care for the old cord. I plan to replace it. The plug of the existing cord says "TAIHE TP18", which I'm interpreting as being an 18AWG cord. It's non-polarized.

I bought this from Amazon:


And plan to snip off the end and solder in the wire where the current one is.

Here's my dumb question: is there any risk in this? It's my first time doing this. I've done a lot of electrical on my house but this type of thing is new to me.
no risk. Just proceed. I have a lot more delicate repair to do on a 'device' of greater antiquity. Clock will be easy-peasy.

Polarization will not be important.

Okay then. Here's hoping I don't burn down my house

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How can I fix this?
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Turn it over and figure out where it broke
Point the camera at any splintery bits
Put a heavy side table up against it

stop being an 800 pound lump of shit in your moms basement and go to a gym and lose some weight lardass
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Make your own couches

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So, I have a bunch of antlers and I am trying to think of things I can do with them.
They're only rather small roe antlers, but something should be done with them.
HOWEVER, I don't want to do the usual stuff like clotheshooks, grips for things I don't actually need etc., and before I make toggles from them I wanted to ask if anyone has any other ideas.
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Carve some figurines.
give them back tyrone
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i made a pipe. just stopped up the bottom with a bit of scrap wood.
shouldn't you drill the hole before you cut it in half?
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Make weird hats and mic stands and instruments and other accessories for pagan neo-folk performance art bands and their fans and imitators

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I want to build a custom midi keyboard enclosure with a metal base plate and build my enclosure on top of that out of hardwood. The side panels would attach to the base plate with brackets while the front and back panel would sit directly on the metal base plate
I want to find out how to achieve the necessary stiffness of the base plate so that it will support the 5kg heavy key mechanism+ the 3kg hardwood and not flex under the pressure of playing. Would a 1.5 mm stainless steel plate do the job if i would have it bent into an L shape so it forms the backside also or would i need to bend it into a U shape. If so, would the front and back side at 1cm and 3cm be high enough to yield the desired stiffness? Could a 1mm stainless steel U shape bent be enough already? Ideally i would want to have only an L shape bend so theres only wood visible in the front side..
Picrel is the design im going for but only the keyboard part without the panel above with all the buttons. The dimensions of the base plate are 100cm x 24cm.

If anyone has any other approaches they could recommend to achieve such a design it would be greatly appreciated.
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i never understood why moog went so nuts with this synth. i think something simple like the voyager is better. anyway, ignore me, just bumping the thread
I'd go as thick as possible. It's about 2kg for every mm of thickness at that size, so figure out how heavy you can tolerate it and go from there.

You'd need a heavy duty bead roller for anything above 1mm, but you'd also need a metal brake to get a clean bend on the long side. Either you're spending a lot on tools to make this one thing, you're paying a shop to make the plate, or you're doing a different design entirely. I'd probably just make the base out of plywood. If you need metal for grounding or shielding, use copper tape on the inside.
3mm steel plate would be fine.
I would love to make things out of sheet metal but hate how you need to spend a million on specialized tools to make anything, especially anything curved
Personally I think you need to approach the whole idea differently and not treat the wooden part as if it has no bearing on strength and stiffness and is just cosmetic.

A shallow tray like you describe will work as a chassis but aluminum makes more sense...and rather than fabricating something from scratch there's all kinds of extrusions that can be combined to make very light but strong electronics chassis...some made just for that purpose (pic related) and others L and T shapes that can be adapted and screwed/epoxied to a flat sheet. There's Eurorack rail extrusions and enclosure systems that may also be worth looking at for ideas.

Regardless of how you make the sides of a U shaped chassis tray there's no reason you can't apply the wood outside that vertical part and hide it, or bury the metal in a kerf cut in the wood.

Integrated this way the wood can be a major source of structural stiffness, and not just decorating a chassis that does all the work.

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What's a decently expensive way to insulate exterior walls against heavy traffic acceleration noise and redneck retardmobiles? I want to actually end the issue, not move or cope and seethe about it.

Everyone on the internet says it's "impossible" or "too expensive" and refuses to elaborate.
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Be glad you dont live next to a school full of retarded screaming kids.

High levels of brake dust and exhaust in the air from all the cars constantly braking and accelerating
Thats be by the way. I don't know why I do it, it's primate.
>it's basic physics
>you need 5ft thick walls made of stone
Post formulas. If it's basic physics then show your work.
STFU you insolent goy
Getting my crawl space spray foamed helped a lot. Wonder if spray foaming the roof rafters or foam boards in the attic will help. Have considered taking the vynle siding off to double insult too. Planting a wall between the house and the road will work neighbors that have a vegetation wall on a berm get the best results.

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So old thread died, just received the extension and Look at this beauty, Worked like a charm, had to use a broom handle to stop the blades from turning. took out the screws one by one and added blue locktite.
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>>living in squalor
>seems to me you've got bigger fish to fry there, anon.
My autism room looks like that too anon. I see no issues here.
see >>2821472

nice work wheelchair anon, you got er done
Good job anon.

I went with the stubby handle version
Jeh its pretty wobly, ill say about 10cm at the bit. but not realy a huge problem, the weight works in its favor.
Not fake, see pic
Dont know what a squalor is but i assume you are talking about my other stuff laying arround. not enough time in the day my friend.

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I've replaced a broken ribbon on my blinds and now I have to cut the loose end down a bit and fix it in place, so it doesn't slip out. The original ribbons have a fixed loop that this one doesn't have. I thought about stapling it together, but that will weaken the ribbon. Any better ideas?
tape bro
Any adhesive will fail during the morning heat on this side of the house.

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Post /diy/ related tips and tricks
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Combine the two (Foam board frame with stretch wrap/vinyl on either side) for a triple frame window effect. Can add some felt if crooked and have air gaps.
vinegar is acid, if it's 30% that's strong enough to kill plants and dishwashing liquid makes it stick to the leaves. so why would this be a troll?
>so my wife
This is reddit talk
Also the reason we don't use this simple low cost mix for weedkilling is because new weeds grow out before the current ones are done dying.
You're describing roundup
thats mustard gas isnt it

How much does it cost to have temperature control my room?
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You're not giving anywhere near enough info for literally anyone, online or offline, to answer that question, OP.
Less than $200.

Why don't you ask temperature that question, doofus
Assuming you have a central HVAC system controlled by a thermostat:
Buy some thermostat wire.
Remove the existing thermostat.
Splice on to the ends of the existing thermostat wires.
Extend thermostat wires to the room in question.
Reinstall thermostat in that room.
Now you have temperature control of your HVAC system based on the temperature of that room.
All for the cost of like $10-$20 worth of low voltage wire.

Assuming you don't have central HVAC:
Install a dedicated HVAC system for that room. Like a window heat pump. Or a window mounted A/C plus a space heater.
Probably a few hundred bucks?
€9.99 at Lidl

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hydrochloric acid to clear a clog?
they sell 17% here, it reads on the bottle i should dilute it so i diluted it with even more water and it didn't work i feel stupid
is 17% going to fuck up my plastic or pvc pipes? it's been sitting in there for like half a day now unable to unclog whatever it is that is clogging my pipes
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>hydrochloric acid to clear a clog?
People normally use that for cleaning. Sulphuric acid is used to unclog drains.


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Use hydrofluoric acid instead
it will dissolve the clog, among other things.


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Are air tools any good?
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ah yeah needle scalers are love. Especially for chipping 6011 slag! Also have a couple chipping hammers and a jack hammer that get pulled out once in a while. And a long reach floor scraper and long handled air tamper too.

Also air impacts seem to hit harder and faster than electric impacts which is exactly what the Dr ordered sometimes in order to get a particularly stubborn fastener loose.

Another couple favorite air tools of mine i just thought of are a handheld air vacuum. I adapt it to hydraulic reservoirs and pull a vac on them so i can pull the drain plug and replace it with a ball valve for no mess reservoir drains. I have even pulled hoses and parts off while the system is full of oil and quick-swapped them out without draining anything.

And the air over hydraulic porta-power pumps that convert your shop air to 10,000 psi of hydraulic power. So cheap and so many uses!
Yeah, you're going to be very hard pressed to get someone who is an A&P tinknocker to give up their
prized pneumatic rivet guns, and like you said, air hammers when you need them are the berries.
As to impacts, I had a chance to play with a hydraulic impact wrench. Yeah, blows any air (and all electrics) out of the water but it needs a jackleg unless you want to be wearing a cast.

And agreed, nothing beats a pressure/vac pot for general hydraulics fuckery. Especially if you're doing brake jobs all day, every day.
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theyre lame. definitely dont look for used industrial grade tools on ebay for dimes on the dollar
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>Are air tools any good
They fuckin' blow
damn, I knew it

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I'm having a hard time understanding the math behind DIY air purifiers. I bought a 592mm x 592mm F7 filter (pic related, similar to MERV 13) and put it over an 80cm long box with an axial fan pulling the air through it. Producer states it does
>5200m3/h + max. 125Pa
while the filter itself has an "initial pressure drop" of
In general, the thing sort-of works. I can't keep it running indefinitely because it generates 62dB and the fan gets quite hot after an hour. It pulls dust particles of any size like 30cm away from the filter but barely attracts the visible shit beyond this range.

What can I do to improve it? I was thinking F7 might generate too much resistance and should probably not use anything beyond coarse G4 filters with an axial fan but I'm still not sure how to max out the range. Is it high static pressure or large volume of air per hour that I should be looking for?
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>the max. operating temperature listed by the manufacturer is 60°C (or 40°C with RPM regulation)

That's maximum *air temperature* the fan it specced to work in.

>blows air in a very wide cone for some reason.
Axial fans with restricted intakes tend to do that. The lower airflow results in the exhaust stream picking up significantly more sideways momentum than forward.

Anyway, if you don't actually have specs for that filter, I'd go back to my initial suspicion of an axial fan not being enough. The low maximum pressure capability of axial fans inherently limits them to fairly coarse filters with low pressure drops. Anything else is going to be paired with a centrifugal blower. That's just suspicion, though, and it might be fine as-is. No real way to know unless you measure. An anemometer and manometer is cheap enough/diy-able.
>That's maximum *air temperature* the fan it specced to work in
Oh shit, I'm a retard then. In that case it should be fine.
I posted the filter specs earlier, it's supposed to be 110Pa when clean and it *does* work, somewhat. I see quite a bit of dust on the bottom of each pocket and the whole thing looks dirty. I guess I was just disappointed by the fact that it's infinitely better at kicking shit up with the exhaust air than pulling dust towards the filter. Still, having a fan blowing directly at the floor is probably a bad idea as it does a great job distributing floor dust all over my desk and shelves :|
If the fan is getting too hot with the size (size as in density) filter you want, you may be able to slow it down as well. If we’re just talking about an indoor area like a room or even an apartment, it probably doesn’t need many air changes per hour to keep things clear, since you’re probably not going to be creating a ton of dust nonstop, or tracking in a ton of pollen all the time.

I got a decent air purifier a few months ago, and it’ll run hard sometimes when I have the doors and windows open for an extended period, but after an hour or two it slows way down since it’s already got most everything cleared. Maintenance loads for indoor areas isn’t all that high, you many not need a very large air capacity since it’ll be running nonstop at a single speed.
>it's supposed to be 110Pa when clean
Again, that doesn't MEAN anything on its own. Pressure drop is velocity dependent.There won't be as much drop with lower air flows, and there will be more with higher flow.

>it's infinitely better at kicking shit up with the exhaust air than pulling dust towards the filter.
That's what you want. That's how it gets things into the filter. It will stabilize after a while. If it doesn't, you have some serious vacuuming/sweeping to do.

Really, though, you're getting way too autismal about this without going all-in. Either call it good and let it do its thing, or get some measuring equipment, make some charts, and drag out your iteration process into a 15-minute YouTube video like normal.

>you may be able to slow it down as well
That's liable to actually make it hotter. That's why the maximum working temperature spec is noted to be less "with RPM regulation".
Use more filters so the air can flow relatively freely. Use the fan to push air through the filters, not pull. And vacuum your shit before you try and clean your room with an air filter.

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Hey I locked my keys in a 2010 Skoda Yeti. Anyone know how to get it open? A window would do, I can easily reach the keys.
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Ask a real man to do it for you.
i just leave my car unlocked all the time, never had any problems
Canadian here, what's it like living around white people?
some whites are degenerate too, but overall it's pretty nice

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After the second time it's no longer an accident, quit kidding yourself
How do u think magnets r made?
If the pic was real EDP isn't circumcised either.
We all did, well the lucky ones did.

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