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For what purpose
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I kinda want one and call it my darkthrone for the meme factor but it seems entirely impractical.
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>Black Toilet

2001: a space potty
NTA. It's not lore, it's called history. Why are you proud of not knowing something?
My half-a-house built in the mid 70s in then Yugoslavia had these pathetically tiny light blue bathtubs. The size was more odd than anything. A grown man couldn't lay down in it for sure.

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If i wanted to make my own late roman Tunica, how would i go about adding the Clavi? Apparentally it was woven into the fabric itself but i wonder if there's another or alternative way to do it? It doesn't have to be the more complicated patterns, just the simple ones are alright.
>Apparentally it was woven into the fabric itself
Where did you get that idea? My first hit on Google is an article with 4 examples that are clearly appliques:
So, I guess if you wanted to go really simple like your pic, just use cloth strips cut & hemmed to an appropriate pattern; more complex than that and you're getting into embroidery techniques. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there were some hardcore reenactors on Etsy making time period appropriate patches & ribbon.

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Thread tombstoned: >>2883138

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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pretty much just max gain desu
Kill yourself, jakpsoter.
>non-rechargable AA
>rechargable AA
coulomb counter
>18650 NMC
coulomb counter
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I've been in the process of making my own 40 meter SSB rig from scratch. I made a Colpitts oscillator for the LO. I got one of those tuned capacitors that I salvaged from a broken antenna tuner. 20pF-320pF was optimal, can tune between 6-8 MHz. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Capacitor-Variable-Single-365-Rotation/dp/B00EQI9K9O/ref=pd_ybh_a_d_sccl_39/145-5344152-4211225?psc=1
You'll definitely spend a decent amount of time tuning the tank circuit on your LO. Also you can't use breadboard that shit has too much stray capacitance to reliably make RF circuits.
For the modulation, look up diode ring mixer.
For the power amp, I am using 2 IRF510 Fets in push-pull config. With a pre-driver I go from 200mV in to ~24V on the output and pulling 1 amp consistent.
For the filters, to save on space and components, make them symmetric so you can use them bi-directionally and use some good relays hooked up to your PTT to switch between RX and TX mode.
I am waiting on the relays, they will be in on Wednesday, but I bought some DPDT with good physical separation between plates to reduce the effects of stray capacitance.
The only actual electrical components I ordered is a little mic amp & compressor, and a special op-amp for the speaker amp which supposedly gives 36dB gain- we'll see about that.
Anyways I've gone on long enough, if you got more questions shoot. Pic rel is from last week or so. Since then I've made another few amps and the LPF. Should be done by end of Feb.

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How the fuck do they do it? 3 pliers, 2 screwdrivers, level and carpenter's pencil for less than $3, what's the markup name brands get on their tools?
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Cheap crap, when you buy stuff in the first world, what you are actually paying for most of the time is the shelf space that item occupies. Small tools like this made from pig iron cost nothing to make in china. My bet is that the first cut you take with those side cutters will dent their jaws.
Also should add that we have dollar stores here in canada where most things actually now cost $5 and they sort of resemble real items but not really. They used to sell overstock/unsold stock from name brands so the items were kind of good, but that ended during COVID. Now they sell purposefully poorly made shit from china that breaks immediately so it's like flushing money down the drain.
shit from lidl is surprisingly decent
it's radioactive and made by a slave

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Whats a good bday gift to give a 65 year old locksmith ?

He's been helping me out a bunch and I know he is a bit of a handy man. Think it's worthwhile giving him more tools at this age? Was think of giving him a knipex tool (not sure which is more versatile, pick related or the one with teeth).

What do you think is good for someone in that profession or a general handyman
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There’s even a 2pc set with the 10”/250mm of each. But those Knipex multi sets aren’t typically much of a savings so check individual pricing.

Also if you buy from Amazon, make sure it’s shipped & sold by Amazon and from the actual Knipex store and not a 3rd party seller. I got some knockoff Twingrips once and paid like $38 for them. I think the Knipex store listing was like “2 left in stock” and sent me through a third party seller at the last minute who sent me crappy knockoffs in a plastic bag
No tools. Give him a necktie.
oropedic shoe inserts, reusable chemical hand warmers, slippers, stadium chairs, knee pads jewler's loop
60+ year old man here.
I spend most of my time looking for shit. I have 8 tape measures, and it would be faster to drive down to home depot and buy new than find one of them. My memory is fine though.
I can always use olfa knives, I have them in every room of the house, car, and truck. They make cool blades I like, like the HSWB-1 saw blade and NT Cutter’s BTL-3P tungsten carbide blade, if he’s a cheap bastard like me and sharpens hid snap-off blades.
A good single-cell AA LED cell flashlights and/or headlamps for looking into holes is also great.
I gave like a dozen olfa knives and flashlights—can’t go wrong… I always need more, and deream about getting new models when the come out but can’t justify.
A good flashlight is a great idea depending what he’s using. Picrel is super popular right now. Laser and UV light are the bonus. I want one but too cheap to buy a $100 flashlight for myself.

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So is it just fucking OVER or what?
No it requires a special cord. You are FUCKED bro that blanket is FUCKED it's fucking over right now bro it's over you're so FUCKED you don't even know how FUCKED you are god damn you are in for it now it's over bro it's over it's done it's cooked as the kids say these days. Just forget it
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No fucking ifs
or butts

Your blanket went to hell btw
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I am absolutely fixated on making a direct wind powered wood chipper.

I don't care if it is slow. The idea is to buy a mini industrial shredder (in pic, $350 USD), and hook it up through gear reductions or just a planetary gear box directly into a small wind turbine shaft system.

I've never done anything like this, need all the /diy/deas

>why? Because i need mulch
>why? Because i live off grid in a very windy and dry place

Ideally also this will be a modular system so I can attach other stuff to this high torque wind system, like an oil press, or clay turntable.
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>Just wondered but how much energy do we need to cut chips off a branch?
Film your self swinging an axe infront of a known sized thing count number of frames axe takes to cross known size (acceleration) weigh the axe (mass).
Bouncing is to be avoided.
Depth, cut size ect would take a back seat to rope tension donut magnet should retard steel rope keeping tension, Eddy breaks are cool. Blade design has been done for centuries 45 single edge. Guillotines are precision cutting tools you can hit the same spot. Eddy brakes at the end of travel can produce a little bit of energy for a signal so you can move the log forward.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
Caught; I am major LARPING. But my goal is to be off-grid. Right now my only off-grid is a solar panel pump to pump my rain water tanks.
>solar panel pump to pump my rain water tanks
start a thread, I am looking at mining dewater systems for debris management, mostly just the hydrocone. I am getting losts of pushback to install a closed pvc pipe fist flush, but a sock on the inlet of a five gallon bucket hydrocone is more variables more better.
What a good blade angle for a chipper?
90 would be tough but probably not the cleanest cut. 22.5 is sharp but too fragile for the abuse it would face.
Single bevel?

This trailer home is for sale for $70,000. Median trailer homes in my area are 150k+. What's the catch?
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Things to consider on mobile homes specifically:
A lot of hook ups for appliances and plumbing can be done poorly or be very specialized. particularly for dryers and showers. Find someone who specializes in repair of mobile homes to do an inspection, they will know more than a general contractor with little to no experiance with the "nuances" (read: cheapness of setting up 100s of trailers at once when opening a new park).
What appliances will be coming with the trailer and what condition are they in? (Get this in writing before close)
Check water flow/pressure in faucets and toilets
Does your state give a deed or a title for trailers? How are these taxed? You should be able to see the tax history based on the deed/title but this might vary by state. Are there any leins on the deed/title from previous owners? In particular a water lein owed to the city where you will have to pay when buying the trailer? This will also vary by state/city.
Go to the park office and ask for a copy of park rules to look at before deciding to move in. Walk around and ask current residents if they like living there. Keep an eye on how well maintained lawns are- the park owners may be nazis about grass length and how a yard is suppossed to look.
Ask about pets and pet fees, most parks limit how many animals are permit, even indoor only animals. (so they can charge you)
Ask about duties for exterior upkeep. That looks like a good sized plot for 300/month but do you need to fix the vinyl siding? Paint the deck? Tree trimming? Snow shoveling the sidewalk? Is there a deck at rear stairs or not? The park may require you to repair/obtain some depending on their rules.

A final note: if you do decide to move in somewhere with your girlfriend, and you are putting up the bulk of the money, do not put her name on any paperwork. Just..... don't.

And additionally, draw up a serarate document stating this is intentionaly, as the purchase was intended to be yours solely, now amd forever, even if she is welcome to live there or something like that

Names and dates on that
Just do it
Trailer parks don't have HOAs, dipshit. They have landlords who own the land your house sits on. So it's the worst of both worlds, you own a house that's hard to move out of if your life changes, but you pay rent on the land it sits on and can be evicted.

And anybody who likes HOAs for single-family homes is a nosy busybody who wants every house in their neighborhood to have to follow petty, stupid rules. Especially if they run an HOA.
You can buy a lot and put a trailer on it, just not in bouzhe neighborhoods

Trailer parks have to rent the land so the place doesn't turn into a garbage dump
>Trailer parks have to rent the land so the place doesn't turn into a garbage dump
Originally it was because one small owner of a larger plot could subdivide it out to a couple hundred building owners and get rent from it. It was a highly affordable system until private equity started buying it all up.

It had nothing to do with whatever weird shit is going on in your head.

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How difficult or complex of a job is it to install a sink or even a toilet in a basically blank room/building. Either diy it paying a profesional

Essentially I am moving into a family members spare room in the backyard which is w seperate small building from the main house. Like a little cabin/flat.

Essentially it's a bare bones room, 3.6 X 4.6m in size with only a light bulb and 3 PowerPoints.

Now I want to at very least install a sink down the line (for basic kitchen stuff cleaning and freshening up) and a toilet (to make it feel like less of a dog kennel). For reference there is a garden tap around 2m away from the building and next to that the hot water tank thing. Cns something like that be done
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>running a water line to your abode and installing a sink/vanity with a 5gal like the other guy said is the more realistic diy project

Tbh I wouldn't really mind this and just tipping it out. It's going to mainly be for a water supply to maybe wash hands, fill up filter jugs for drinking, fill up kettle for coffee etc then I guess I can tip it on my plants. I just want it for basic stuff so I don't need to go into the main house as much. Would probably need to still do more extensive dish washing inside.

Also if I were to get the toilet build professional or even a sink. How costly would something like that be.

As for pipe access etc. just outside my cabin the house is on raised foundation which has a door. So ive been told a bunch of pipes etc can be access from there
Put a water jug with spout over a sink that drains into a gray water tank/bucket
Get a composting toilet

That's the easiest solution
Cost of toilet install depends on location, but probably $750 ideal conditions, most likely >$1k
FYI you can call a plumber and get a vague estimate from them as long as you have basic info

How about creating an extra door/toilet room for the toilet. The place is literally just one room and obviously I don't want to be shitting in an open area with the res rof the room lol

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>live in america
>live in area thats known for hurricanes
>build cardboard house
>hurricane strikes
>cardboard house is gone to Oz
>now homeless and forever poor
Explain this shit
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just put dried mud in there dumb nigga. it's free you know...
The latest cleetus mcfarland video shows you what building to code in florida involves, but you don't want proof, you're just an obsessed third world cumscraper seething and shitting about america.
Why do mutts, when confronted with irrefutable proof of their inadequacy, always default to "M-MUH GOMMUNISM!!!" out of nowhere?
Most places that get hit with hurricanes have actual building standards
New Florida is all concrete/block houses or super engineered wood framing
The evacuation orders are so people don't drown or starve/die of dehydration

The storm surge can be up to 10 feet and the water just comes and stays for like 12 hours

The grid can get compromised and water either shuts off or gets fouled

pond is losing water, I suspect it's because of tears in the liner (possibly caused by plants)

can I fix it by dumping a bunch of grainy sand into it?
I don't want to empty it and buy expensive Pond liner and imo it's to deep anyways
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As opposed to figuratively retarded?
mickey mouse
Salt the water
fuick....Im high and that made sense...
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Inspiration thread
My favorite parts of diy and out are when you can tell an anon actually fucks by the words they use, like the carnivore thread and chicken talk.

Are you off-grid?
Debt free?
Growing your own food?
Re claiming shit?
Van life? I dunno

Is that MFer living in a metal shed in the SW still alive? That was savage as hell
Im quietly making it. Took apart a building, making like a 500 sq foot house in the appalachians out of it, all legal, not grid tied, dont think I will.
AMA if you want; hope others chime in.
Post anything not associated with landlords, banks and tied to the bottom line of global corporations. No shame, no judgement, lets have a psychopath thread. Ill try and not be a jerk, post interesting stuff
>Are you off-grid?
>Debt free?
>Growing your own food?
>Re claiming shit?
>Is that MFer living in a metal shed in the SW still alive?
are you talking about Fester/wayne? I think he got kicked out of his property for not living in a building that is up to code. he rambles on youtube.
>That was savage as hell
no it was pathetic.
I have several acres in the woods and the means to self sustain and defend it but am not currently off grid.
>Are you off-grid?
No, but I do have solar, and need to get some generator switches set up so I can run off generators if need be. Have two welder generators that will do 50 amps of 240v if I remember right, and a 200 amp PTO generator.
>Debt free?
>Growing your own food?
Some of it, but not all.
>Re claiming shit?
All the time
>Van life? I dunno
Nah, farm life.

Brutal. You gotta play the game right.
Cool i guess


Also cool. How long have you had it?


Sounds rad, what part of the country?
I did solar contracting for a bit, got sick of the company and living outta hotels tho

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>polished concrete floors in living space

Good idea or bad idea? I have a small apartment on the ground floor that is on a slab, this seems like the best route for me however how would tenants like it?
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And if you get regular rugs you can buy thick felt mats for rugs online which will give the rugs more cushion. I use them for the rugs I have on my woods floors and couldn't live without them. Its crazy how many people just use slipmats for their rugs which provide little to no cushion.
It cracks and looks like shit. Hey, you can even see the fucking cracks on the OP picture, kek.
I used to work for a company that fixed these cracks (among many other things) and they just keep cracking over and over in different places.
Do not use concrete for anything that needs to look good.
How big is your apartment if it's a small job a good contractor won't bother and you'll be stuck with someone who doesn't know what they are doing
Because they didn't cut the concrete. If you cut in key locations, for example where the staircase meets the main floor, on your main beam etc. Cracks should follow those cuts instead of down the middle of the floor.
>cheapest option seems like the best for me
Find a real job, parasite
Get Mao'd.

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I work at a steel plant and they are going to put me on the saws. Is there a mask or anything you recommend I should wear do I don't get that nonsense in me as much as I can
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As the other anon said, as long as you're not working with nbasty fluids it should be fine. If you're really worried do a Mexican scarf mask or get a simple 3M mask yourself.
Don't be a faggot and spit in the coolant. I fucking hated those guys.
hopefully anons company tests the coolant and replaces it when necessary.

Coolant can become incredible carcinogenic if the bacteria breaks down proteins and the water contains nitrite.
or even worse nitrite corrosion inhibitors are in the coolant.
Don't listen to faggots who never worked a day in their life - if you can smell it, it is fine, potentially dissolves in water, and is already in your lung.

I have a laser CNC and tig/mig/laser welding experience, what are some good books on aluminum welding?

I already got a 1:10 scale prototype jon boat built from actual plans and scrap aluminum (3003 allow probably) and planning on building the real scale one in a few weeks with 5052 alloy, but I would like to read some good books on the matter. Currently have pic related on my shopping cart but found no actual reviews of the book anywhere
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i mixed shit up in my head and said the wrong forum. this one has the best technical info on building hulls.
There's a lot of general technique and procedure that's the same for most fabrication involving sheet goods or at least overlaps and anything that specializes on one material is more likely to assume that you are familiar with those general concepts and just need the specific techniques for that one material...for that reason I'd recommend looking at a broader range of hard chine boatbuilding info to get the basic principles down and then you can focus on the specific material and its needs/ quirks.
Thomas Colvin did hard chine designs for steel and AL and wrote books on building both


If you look into places that sell plans for hard chine boats you can also find info compiled by people who have done them in AL...this page alone addresses much of the same stuff you are talking about and has some good tips

Oh that's even better, thanks

That's a good recommendation too. I don't have a lot of experience with boats either, which is why I'll start with a small simple Jon boat. Learning the general basic principles seems like a good idea
>good books on aluminum welding
Finish the hull with a mercury wash.
Helps to cure the aluminum.
pleetad 771. Lobomitite 776. Stay with the 77 series.. 77 will stand up to the uteral pounding it will take right up in that cervix. Im trying to find the sourdough bread starter that is made with cultures from Amy Winehouse vaginal yeast. If you eat scabs off a dog you wont get worms. Found that out when my friend got roundworms from face to sphincter contact with a cat. Hit me up and we can chat about whatever and maybe even meet.

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