I am making my own Mahjong tiles for playing Riichi Mahjong. I have a few Resin casting questions. Does anyone know how to prevent the tiny bubbles in corners, you can see on the bottom corners of the tile in the pic. Also any recommendations on making my own Riichi Sticks?
>>2899894Vibration, heat, and pour slower. When mixing the epoxies parts pour slowly, stir slowly, like a prelude to a crawl. Primus sucks.
>>2899894You could try a vacuum or pressure chamber. Get a stable container with a lid and add a fill valve for your pumps. You can get a cheap vacuum pump for under 10$ or dismantle some vacuum sealing set for food. You might also want to change your casting resin; others might suspect you of cheating if the sides have distinct patterns. I don't know your casting process, but if you add the purple bottom part after the white part is cured, you could add the pattern to the face side of the tiles in a separate step.
>>2899894>Does anyone know how to prevent the tiny bubbles in cornersBy pressure casting. It doesn't remove bubbles from the mixed resin, it just collapses them so aggressively that they're essentially invisible in the final product.Vacuuming the resin beforehand does work in specific situations, but I haven't had much success with it myself because the resin systems I was using for the most part weren't all that compatible with being treated by vacuum. They either had cure times that were too short, or would off-gas and excessively foam in the process.You will need a cheap compressor, a pressure vessel, and a pressure regulator for 0 to 30 psi.
>>2899894Neat project anon. I concur with the others that say vacuum is the way to eliminate bubbles. Fortunately they sell cheap vacuum pressure pots online now. And if that's too expensive, I'm sure there's probably some galaxybrain way to improvise one. As for the riichi sticks, they look like carved and painted popsicle sticks to me but I've never held one irl
>>2899894Not really a suggestion for the casting/bubbles, cause I don't have experience with it, but just a random thought: ya might wanna make em a tiny bit oversized, so you can grind/sand them all to exactly the same size after they're cured. Prob need to make a simple jig, but then they wouldn't have to come out absolutely perfect each time.Obv bubbles need to be fixed too, but this would help you with small size imperfections. Just a thought
Why are pneumatic tools so fucking expensive? They're as simple as it gets and don't even have their own propelling system. IR or ChP air hammers cost almost as much as a cordless SDS drill with batteries and a charger from a good brand. Fucking renting a pneumatic jackhammer for a few days costs as much as buying an almost new electric one.
>>2900797the collets are all different styles. you have to get the right one for your specific grinder in whichever size you need. most come with a 1/4 and 1/8 is separately available
>>2900938Die filer. To be fair, it is a stationary tool and basically no longer made.
>>2900938>electric chamfer toollots of optionshttps://heckind.net/product-category/bevel-mill-hand-operated/https://www.metabo.com/com/en/info/news/highlights/bevelling-tools/>electric filehttps://th.misumi-ec.com/en/vona2/detail/223013932791/?HissuCode=ESH-80A
>>2901185>Die filer. To be fair, it is a stationary tool and basically no longer made.I want one. Probably end up having to make one someday...
Quality tools are cheap as dirt if you know how to use eBay/flea markets/fbm/CL.
Inherited my grandparents house, it's in an amazing location, but it's infested with termites. I've already crawled under the house and found a few floor joists that have got to be replaced and a lot of the subfloor had damage after I tore out the carpets. It's bad enough I'm considering tearing off all the drywall on the walls to check for compromised wood. What am I in for here? I've never had to deal with termites before and I want to make sure I track all the damage down and deal with it. I'm getting a quote from an exterminator to spray the place tomorrow.
>>2899888Buy some pest killing nematodes and water them into your soil in the most infested places. If you see any ant hill then water those too. They will infect the termites and ants and they'll spread throughout the entire population, killing the queen too. If you don't kill the queen then nothing you do matters. It will take a couple weeks for the nematodes to finish working.After the termites are dead buy enough bait stations to install all the way around the perimeter of your house and check them every week or two. If you see termites again then the bait stations should be able to kill them. If you see a whole shitload at multiple bait stations at once then you might want to use the nematodes again.>>2900130>>2900145This shit doesn't work. Don't use anything that can't kill the queen.
>>2900121powder post beetles take a long time to work and they need moisture. ventilate and/or dehumidify and you're good, once you take away termite access to your joists.
>>2900534I know. Those additions my grandpa did really fucked over the crawl space ventilation. I am going to be replacing the siding when the rainy season ends, and I am going to add a shitload of ventilation when I do that. The exterminator gave me a $3,000 quote to essentially spray down the entire foundation, pier posts and all, and saturate the soil in the crawl space and a couple feet out from the house.As for the repairs, I think I'm just going to sister in boards to the floor joists using some glue and metal brackets to the girders. As for the one failed girder I don't know what I'm gonna do yet.
>>2899888>What to do about these fuckerslorsban
>>2900800No fuk u. Ur a lorsbian.
Why is Milwaukee the only one to put something like this on their locking pliers? It's so much handier than having to dig for the right size Allen key, and if you made the boot of the thing thicker you could even have both, just put the Allen hole at the end.
>>2899618>The "Bremen" brand vice grips sold at harbor freight are actually pretty nice as well.Yeah they're good stuff. I bought quite a few pairs and use them for welding. Keep my Eagle grips behind glass for emergency use only.
because they're cringe
>>2899594these are actually really good in general, much better than Knipex ones
>>2899594>having to dig for the right size Allen keyWhat for? Every pair of locking pliers I've ever had just had a knurled knob for adjustment.
Replace the adjustment screw with an eye bolt.
How do you go about making nice cases/enclosures/housings for your projects while working on a fairly low budget?Particularly making metal cases from stock sheet metal, paint and coatings, how to put text and decals on stuff like gauges and buttons, and cutting smooth holes and grating.
>>2899395>Surface mount was not that unusual on better, not even high-end, compact equipment in the eighties. I first saw it on a camcorder CRT display assembly I bought at a flea market around '85. It looked amazingly high-tech to teenage me.
>>2899165Going a little off-topic, but if you are willing to purchase, rather than build, military surplus equipment shipping containers USED to be cheap AF. I do not know current prices, but you're talking about heavy-duty reinforced plastic cases that are waterproof, gasketed, with heavy hinges/locks and built to have the shit beat out of them. They usually have pressure-relief buttons built in and thick foam interiors, for shipping delicate instruments.
>>2899880I think he probably wants to make cases that don’t look like they’ve been through the war… or have actually been through a war.>>2899554> 1½" emt conduit punchesI’m sure you could find something that needs that size cutout (like if you’re making industrial power substation control panels) but they’re rare on home/diy/retail electronics.
>>2899922Many of those are like new since they held electronics used in climate-controlled areas. Not every part of "war" is kicking in doors. Many have internal rack mounts or mounting points for same, and you can buy individual Barry and other shock mounts.Nice and low budget only intersect with milsurp, production overruns or other ways to get deals. I've been a rugged cased-equipment user since 1982. You could also make your own spark plugs but part of DIY that gets shit done is knowing what NOT to DIY and no IDGAF how autspergic anyone is about denying that fact.One trick you can do for professional backlit face plates is edge and rear lighting used in many aircraft cockpit panels since before even I was born.Random example who do custome work in Euroland. I can' be arsed to look up others.https://hispapanels.com/tienda/en/20-f-16-fighting-falcon has examples of laser cut and laser engraved (through the outer black paint/coating). Your local trophy shop may be able to laser or mechanically engrave blank panel stock you make for the purpose. For personal stuff careful masking then removal might work but I am not that patient.
>>2899880At least in my experience those cases are always very specific to the item they were made for. Unless you're lucky you end up with enough leftover bulk you have to wonder if it was worth the money you saved to deal with it. And if you're really trying to make it look pro you've got to cover the inside of it too which is going to be the most precise and tedious part of yr the job anyway creating some sort of access to whatever you're putting in there.
I am absolutely fixated on making a direct wind powered wood chipper. I don't care if it is slow. The idea is to buy a mini industrial shredder (in pic, $350 USD), and hook it up through gear reductions or just a planetary gear box directly into a small wind turbine shaft system.I've never done anything like this, need all the /diy/deas>why? Because i need mulch>why? Because i live off grid in a very windy and dry placeIdeally also this will be a modular system so I can attach other stuff to this high torque wind system, like an oil press, or clay turntable.
>>2900456>mechanical linkagesVGHI've been a big fan of lowtechmag for a few months now, please post more cool websites
>>2901059nice, with this weapon OP can turn the entire world into woodchip, "sustainably"
>>2901186>please post more cool websiteshttps://fairbankoil.com/oil-technology-history/#technology-gallery
>>2901066>wind powered oil wellluffgan or lacy air balance, heck you can just pump water down oil floats. for bonus points use bentonite clay after you find the reserve to reduce water loss when you crank the pressures.
>>2901223hhnnggg oli company history museums, soo cool.
I don't think I've posted since the purge a few months back. Here to answer any stone related questions. >Been working with stone for a few decades, running my own company for most of that time>My company mainly does repair work, but I have been a stone slab installer, fabricator etc. I also consult and do some layout/design work>Here to answer questions about stone selection, repair, applications, maintenance etc.>Happy to answer any questions for our budding entrepreneurs, contractors etc. regarding running a small business working with luxury products/clientele. I won't bump this thread, I'm terribly busy at work but will do my best to check in daily
Is it actually realistic in today's world to build a home out of stone?
ahhhhhh I can't decide on what stone to get for countertops... why is it so complicated
>>2887157How do i source nice natural stone for cheap?
>>2888615>Testing off-floor mortars>No Mapie productsThat review suffered crib-death, UltraLite has insane grab time. The Italians have other purpose made mortars that could surprise you.>>2897536OP you are Aus, no? I've bumped into a couple of your threads before. If so how are you handling the silica management regulations? If not Aussie what country and what are the regulations there?
I'm tired of unclogging my bedroom sink a couple of times a month. Would it be a dumb idea to put a macerator pump for an RV inline with the sink. I figure it should be able to process semen and hair enough to keep it from clogging
Unrelated pump question: lower gpm aside, is there any reason to not use a 120v diaphragm pump as a transfer pump?I'm just learning about pumps and looking for something that could do the job of one of these, but do things like eat dirty water, or run dry or near dry (thinking of like, pumping water out of a bin collecting a leak slower than its flow rate while the leak is dealt with... I think the impeller pumps just wouldn't get enough water to cool like that?)
>>2901195yeah but it's way more convenient and works better with my habits
I might go to the local salon or an industrial kitchen. Hair is remarkable strong burns out vacuum motors from every decade. You can hang a full grown woman by her hair and the hair is not the part that fails the roots do. it also changes size on humidity it will constrict when it dries. working itself into most bearings it's a bitch.macerator for rv or boat might be the right track, but a unit with the right gearing to handle what amounts to rope is not cheap. the macerator will handle some and prolong time between cleanings.industrial kitchens use a grease trap basically disconnect the drain from the pipe and put in an air gap with a screen clean the screen regularly, hair naturally absorbs oils and sinks without oil it floats this shit is a bitch.this is diy so i would build a bell siphon that does not fully drain so unoily/clean hair will not sink into the drainUK is/was dealing with fat bergs hair clooged drains and found the culprit to be excess calcium leeched from concrete pipes mixed with lipids/poop, did not hear about a solution, but did watch a construction crew loose a jackhammer into a school bus sized beige hairy poop thing.
septic balding coomer...
>>2901224I almost forgot throw clean hair into the ocean; hair not curly pubes, hair like from engLAND or spainYARDS not communist buttholes that shit is closer to fur/pubes it is not hair.should help offset all those buttholes dumping oily poop into the sea, also damages boat props >activating my trap card the broken window fallacy.matteroftrust.org
My grandpa passed away about a year ago, so my relatives have started throwing pretty much everything in the basement away. It was filled with an assortment of tools and "reclaimed" materials that he gathered from the scrapyard. I'm sad that I didn't take photos before they started throwing stuff away, there were shelves filled with old pipes, rods, wires, and wood scraps. A lot of the tools ended up in my shed because I felt they were worth more to me than their cost, as he had helped renovate all of the family members' houses. I'm going to post some pictures of what's left and interesting stuff I've found. Feel free to join in and post /diy/ caves, the more cluttered the better.
>>2898064>I'm still trying to get the bench vice and the dogs, though the screws are stuck.If the bench top is fucked, just cut around whatever you want to remove
>>2897608wtf with this aussie cave
>>2900803i do like that, and i thank younot sure if i will use it that way, already got many magnet strip thingies but its a good idea
My dad is in his 80s and has been collecting tools since his early teens. His garage and basement are packed full of tool chests and other types of storage for the collection. He was a automotive mechanic and hydraulic engineer, so lots of the tools are specialized. I don't look forward to sorting through it all when he passes away but it doesn't feel right to have a yard sale either. Maybe by then there will be some image AI that can identify the more obscure tools.
>>2901040>Maybe by then there will be some image AI that can identify the more obscure tools.Google Image is fairly reliable when it comes to finding pictures of the same sort of tool. I've figured out what a couple of tools that I found in my grandpa's basement are used for, for example pic related.
Washer ate my sock.Old washer:>Stick a knife or putty thing under the top lip, release the brackets, pull off front panel, grab socks>Don't need to move it or nothin'New washer>Everything is on the back, have to drag washer out of closet>Remove instrument panel nuts and housing>Remove nuts holding electrical boards to top>Unhook, discharge, and remove capacitor because it's installd directly above the last nut you need to remove>Putty knife to pry top offI don't understand why we're not stringing up the engineers and execs who okay this shit by their entrails.
>>2901136quit overfilling it and you won't have to dig your panties out of it every other week you dumbass
>>2901147>You're using it wrong!You designed it wrong.
How much do you recon one would need in solar panels, batteries and wiring to make this off the grid building livable? And by that I mean running a fridge, lighting, power outlets, heating. This region has 2500+ hours of sunlight/year.For context it's a 4 acre property that sits on a hilltop and is for sale for $20k.
>>2900998sorry for retard sideways photo boys… my bad
>>2900998I guess it depends on where you live, but a 8kW Deye hybrid inverter is about $1.8k in Europe, 10kW battery would be well under $1k if you /diy/, about 1.5k from Aliexpress if you chain together 12V ones, and 4x450W solar panels is like $200. Add in some $500 for misc parts and wiring, that's still very far from $6.5k.>alibaba is where your stuff comes from when it says «made in china»Yeah but there are many layers of fuckery present.
>>2897896get a job
>>2901010yeah of course you kan make everything cheaper, but since I opted for a high voltage system (200-400VDC) with limited space to work with, the prices on everything became ridiculous, as stringing together car batteries makes me uncomfortable due to the care you need to take in installing and storing correctly. So i decided to order from alibaba as a compromise between between safety, space, cost and efficiency… I got everytning I needed in factory condition for around 1/3 of the price something similar but with half the energy storage would cost me locally if bought new and the same conciderations accounted for
>>2900045Bruh, I can get 550w Canadian solar cells (chink as fuck) for ~$100 each in south fucking america.
i was wiring some shit lately and saw ground symbol. this shit is so funny, do i really need to put some wires to a dirt?
>>2900950electricity finds a way
ya, potential: kinetic or electric has more ompha with a clear path. lots of bullshit electrical signals in dirt kinda fucks up the point, but duct tape is better than no duct tape.pushing a rock off a cliff makes a bigger splash if pushed off a cliff than a hill, rolling resistance is a theif. The electric companies ground is many bits of wire away with resistance at every junction and through all that wire, making a little cliff in/near your electrical device provides a better reference to zero for cleaner signals, what the splash could be.
>>2901055Hey I made that in mspaint. Makes me happy someone saved it and reposted it!
I'm pretty comfortable working with metal as in previous career I did destructive weld testing. When working with metals our designers and engineers would select metals based on properties and then work down to a minimum material cost with a safety factor and then run some FEA simulations to make sure the safety and warranty wasn't going to be a problem. I'm trying to understand what this process looks like for wood? How do architects and carpenters select the type of wood and type of joint vs the the load and expected environment. I feel like there's some secret book of wood engineering that I'm missing out on that isn't just sore thumb and YOLO.
>>2901096thank you. sorry a thread had to die for this. maybe next time I'll /SQTDDTOT/
>>2901099find the newest copy you can. i bought an early 80s edition for a few bucks for bathroom reading and theres a lot of dated info. like specs for 3x/4x t&g roof decking that hasnt been done in years. plus a bunch of info on lag bolting that has been superseded by structural steel platingbasically after northridge everything in commercial construction changed
>>2901102All hail the nailplate
>>2901102thanks - this is more for curiosity than anything else. it just really bothered me that I have literally no idea how much weight a wood joint can hold
>>2901094I finished most classes and requirements for a wood engineering degree (Holzingenieurwesen) but burned out on life, so I didn't actually finish the degree. But I can tell you from my apprenticeship and classes that if you're a carpenter making single or limited series pieces, any good pieces of wood jointed and handled correctly will do the job (for small things like furniture); we never had to calculate anything. For mass-produced goods, like countertops, kitchens, doors, etc, you'll usually be working with production lines and heavily altered wood that undos or modifies many of its natural tendencies (e.g. warping) through recombination and addition of synthetic elements (glue, plastic coatings, etc) – this means the materials manufacturers can test and give their products ratings and tolerances for any aspect, all of which can then be accounted for in the production software (e.g. imos) or on order. For large wood projects, like walls and buildings and structural elements, wood can be calculated like most other materials. Materials manufacturers and makers generally have to test and rate what they offer (like those large glued beams of wood that can span two dozen meters easily). In those cases, ask the manufacturers directly or find a generic values book as someone else stated (here it's the "Bautabellen" books). If you can do metal, wood shouldn't be too foreign.
you will never build a castle
>>2899214If that YouTube retard made one from shipping containers, so most guys on this board can do it too
>>2899636>so most guys on this board can do it tookarens on the city council would disagree
>>2899636impeccable logic, fuckwit
I drew one though
>>2899214yes i will fuck you OP
I have to take a Ramsay Test in a few days for an industrial maintenance position I applied for. What am I in for? Do y'all have any study guide recommendations?
be sober
>>2899541if you applyed for it then you should already know what you need to know, right anon?
>>2899541Smart play is check out all the free online material and actually study since even if you are good at industrial maintenance a test measures your ability to take that particular test. Forget whatever you believed previously then study by max repetition and rote memorization. Test taking skills should be studied as such.I've variously been a tester, a testee (civilian and military) and test co-writer (crew chief SKT at Randolph AFB, great short CONUS TDY if any USAF NCOs read this). Testing psychologists exist to refine many tests so never assume anything. Multiple guess tests tend (if it's four questions for example) have one retard question, two close but wrong questions, and one correct question. >>2901006>be soberAnd rested. You'll look like a fucking genius.
>>2901018>And rested. You'll look like a fucking genius.and take 100mg modafinil + 30mg adderall + 200mg caffeine + 4mg nicotine and you'll be beyond amped.