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Remodeling a bedroom, not sure how to make this seem look better. The room is lath and plaster, on the left it looks like they mounted drywall on top of the plaster, i'd imagine the plaster was cracked to hell and they decided to just cover it up.

I don't have a lot of drywall skills, what is the best way to make this look better? Was thinking of running the casing up to the ceiling but i'm not if that would look good. Right now it has quarter round but looks like hell.
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Agreed, a half assed repair on top of a half assed repair is best in this situation, otherwise you're ripping all this stuff out.

I like the type 3 for floating, it has a thicker viscosity and dries about as quick as the all purpose. All purpose runs like me after a trip to white castle.

Anon, buy a 5 gallon bucket at home depot or lowes I'm sure this is not the only place in the house you could use it. Buy a 4 inch taping knife and a 12 inch knife, you can use them with each other to clean the knifes off and you can't fit a 12 in the bucket easily, and don't cheap out, get stainless, or they will just rust.

The pink shit takes forever to dry when laid on thick and is way more expensive, so I don't recommend that.

>pic related, 6 2x2 cut outs transported in the trunk of my lexus to cover up a 4x8 hole in my wall from ripping out built in shelves
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after, notice pink shit in the corner, don't do it.
Maybe try crown molding?
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>ripping out built in shelves
but why, those are increadibly space efficient

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So we got a bot wave. Probably more posts than these but these were in my pinned threads so I noticed these in particular. Is someone trying to get the mods to add that email/15min/whatever wait, or whatever, on this board too? Why? More importantly, what are the mods' plans about dealing with bots regardless? Interested to hear from the mods too, if y'all are reading this. Even if you can't give a concrete "this is what's going to happen".
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Dry cake mix isnt dehydrated, you turd
looks like thread bumps to me. or (being out of context) ironic shitposting
really cool thread!
I do not think it is malice I think it increases engagement and perceived value of the board, unfortunately not always engaging content. There is no fomo for a specific sub category board, might be misguided, this is not my expertise.
really cool reply!

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Hi 4ch, i made a lil heart from can of monster energy. And gave it to my mom. Its honestly was easy, just cutting a square sheet of metal and folding it like origami. Its cool cuz you can also make flowers from monster energy cans, ¨Edginess Absolutos¨.

Your boyfriend give you those tinsnips?
Awesome, nice DIY gift anon
I like your stuff
It looks good buddy.
you literally took trash and gave to ur mom, why are you so cheap, did you ever think of what she would think?

How can I make textile from my own skin?
I'm in a long distance relationship and want to cut parts of my skin to give something to my girlfriend to hold onto.
I heard Ed Gein used to make textile from human skin so it should be possible.
I was to cleanly cut a part of my skin that isn't that important for my aesthetics, like the the tight, and make a small textile thing with it for my girl.
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The nipple belt…ole Ed had a box with 9 vaginas hed carved off dead women, most of which he dug up after burial.
You should ask your local law enforcement. I hear they are experts on this kinda thing. Be sure to send an email to the FBI as well, they will speed the process along. Good luck anon!
van gogh up in this bitch
Tanning hide can be done in a pinch with urine might want to get the tannins from acorns to make a more hygienic process I think wine can do it, but making alcohol without government oversight is criminal
>making alcohol without government oversight is criminal
Isn't it illegal ONLY if you are selling it?

hello /diy/

frequent lurker. infrequent poster.

i'll get straight to it. the driver side window on my car rolls up and down considerably faster than my passenger side. winter is coming and I have no doubt that if I try to roll my passenger side window up or down it will certainly die and i will be fucked. the window is slow to roll up and down regardless of whether i press the button on my driver side panel or the passenger side panel. is there anything else I need to diagnose before shelling out for a new motor for my passenger side window? ill leave that fucker up the whole winter idc
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i was on pol earlier and there was a thread about some woman with a big ass nose. anyways it came down to italians having big noses and basically italians are jews. its like i see your post and its like what? no this is pro italian reporting
>ill leave that fucker up the whole winter idc
Glue it up with epoxy.
Pull the door panel off.
Remove the film behind the panel.
Apply grease to the regulator track and rollers.
Test the operation of the window.
If it's still slow, replace the regulator/motor assembly.
Before that, get a can with silicon spray and a straw. Roll down window, and spray the notches at both sides in which the glas panel slides. This helped a lot in my car and made the mechanism sound a lot less strained.

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i have a question regarding a 240v space heater we are using in a shop setting. it’s a bit of a mess, but there is no other alternative we have so it’s getting this fucker working or nothing.
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What's the issue?
is an electric heater more economical than natural gas for you? its the opposite for me
You have phase, neutral and ground. FIgiure out which is which and wire it the same way you would wire any other circuit. The ground can be tied directly to the board with a screw - that is presuming it is installed properly and is grounded. At the top of the box you have two cable going into your master fuse - one is phase(live) the other is neutral. Not familiar with american el boxes, but i'm guessing the neutral is on a shared bus-bar, so your phase goes to the fuse, and your neutral is connected to said bar.
If this is going to be a permanent install I would ditch the strand wire and get something more robust like 10g awg solid wire on a 30amp or 8 on a 40, then run that through conduit.
shitty connection to those wires creates high resistance. high resistance creates heat on those shitty wires. you get a positive feedback loop of more heat ==> more resistance ==> more heat ==> more resistance... until it catches on fire.

cut the ends of the wires off and strip a new section. if it looks burnt and shitty you need new wires.

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Man I love cutting, cleaning and burning brush. It's just so satisfying to see your immediate progress.
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You can put it through a wood chipper and use it as a bulking agent for your compost, but it would take a long time for it to break down. I recommend making charcoal out of it and adding that to your compost.

wood is too low in nitrogen to compost properly
It's still useful as a bulking agent if your pile is too dense and you're willing to soft the end result. If you make it into charcoal then it makes an even better bulking agent and you don't have to sift it unless you don't want large chunks in your finished compost.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps and is on page 7 now: >>2848293

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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>56 uF 550V
lay an insulated handle screwdriver across the terminals
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I only need 10 of these screws. Wtf do I do? Steal them from home depot? I can't find anywhere that sells them individually

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what is the correct way to roll up your ratchet strap?
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just keep them in a small bag so they can't move around and anything works
Start from the hook end.
Every strap gets 6" of double-sided Velcro. Fold up the strap, wrap it to hold during storage. And when it use, it can hold the extra strap to the tensioned one so it isn't flapping around in the wind. Can also be wedged under the ratchet to keep it scraping on things if it is going to be in contact with something.
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Used scrap from a deck I built to build an organizer
Daisey chain like I said, undo one loop and instant strap. No knots, snarls or bullshit
Thank me later
killer video, ty anon

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I need a mechanism that works off a gear/wheel, but has a certain feature.

At the beginning of it starting to turn it will have a little arm or cam that pushes something into a different position on the first about 180degs of turn, but then the arm/cam sort of "is no longer in the picture" and either retreats into the wheel/gear or "free-wheels" where it has no force.

Any ideas or maybe link to nice big list of this sort of thing?
you can just attach another gear that only has say half of the teeth. on the face of the gear you can have your arm or whatnot.

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Concrete anons.
The soil below the blocks that my well water system sits on is eroding and the stuff is starting to tip. Part of this is because I don't have a gutter on this side of the house, which I do intend to install. Anyways, not to make this a blog post but I want to DIY my own concrete pad that encompasses all the water system and also goes up to the power meter. This is approximately 20 feet. I want the pad at least 3-4 feet in depth to accommodate that water storage tank and a future generator.

What's the best way to do this if I don't want to hire a cement truck? Time is not a problem. Should I do it in 8 foot sections? How do I prep the ground under the concrete? Slope? How thick should the concrete be? What's best practice for laying concrete around the grounding rod below my meter (should I put a 4-inch half cut of PVC around it to give a buffer?)
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What does the concrete foundation sit on is the point!
You said the soil underneath is being washed away.
There needs to be gravel until you reach frost depth, i.e. the depth that the soil freezes to every winter, there also needs to be gravel around the building to avoid this washout.
What you need to do now is called Unterfangung, idk what the name is in english im a german master bricklayer
I've seen old videos of houses being built where they basically just stuck forms ontop of graded soil, poured concrete in them and woolah there's your foundation, no footings deeper than the dirt
Sounds like a project!
Is there any problem with this? seems based
Concrete was different then, no flyash, more portland cement, fewer fines

there are a lot of you who are arrogant. even if you try cooking a sunny side up, it will burn.
take a non-stick pan ffs and do not use food that is not yours.

ive worked in big kitchens and i can tell you the stress, the burning eyes and fire hazard and choking of anything you cook, no matter your intentions.
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>do not use food that is not yours
what the fuck does this mean.

JK I don't care.
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>take a non-stick pan ffs
If you meant a seasoned cast iron pan, I'm with you.
An alternate though not non-stick is stainless steel.
I legitimately don't understand what you are talking about.
>Do not use food that is not yours
What is this in reference to?
Firstly, you missed a turn to >>>/ck/ this is /diy/. Secondly non stick pans are full of canced inducing PFAS. Just use cast iron.
Lol! That's great. :-)

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hello /diy/
picrel is the glasses frame, a new one costs ~220$ from my local optometrist
I can either get a cheaper frame for 99$ and hope my 53mm lenses fit it, or I can fix my broken frame in picrel.

It is exactly broken in half on the nose, where the wire connects to the supporting nub n the frame.
I've already tried epoxy, plastic glue, and duct tape. (It's held together with duct tape right now but is very floppy)
The supporting nylon cord for one of the lenses is also snapped, and is held with duct tape right now.

I heard soldering it with lead based solder is a good way to keep it fixed together and rigid. Should I go through with this or just get a new frame and not waste my time?
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>And then wearing -5.00 all the time my eyes will adapt to focus there?
no, you use the weaker prescription for close up work, the stronger prescription for distance vision.
visit the site, signup for the email guide.
>buh-buh changing glasses during the day is too much effort
go blind then.
cotton and super glue, hold it in there for some time. it might not be comfortable but it's solid enough to last you until a new pair of glasses
order a $8 from aliexpress, there I solved your issue and saved you from looking like a cheap bastard, they even include prescription you just have to send them the numbers diopters and all that shit
jb weld
gorilla glue and heat-shrink tubing. the other methods like epoxy should have worked he's probably just retarded or a nigger.

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also basically invented batteries, telegraphs, and computers from scratch here


and yes I do mean from scratch. dude collected literal ores from caves, smelted them in makeshift furnaces

well /diy/, how much of modern tech could you teach to a medieval society?
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>He makes a strong point of NOT looking into how to do things right, getting only the bare amount of information necessary and running with it.
Here's the thing though, that's stupid. It drastically increases your likelihood of failure for no good reason.
>Here's the thing though, that's stupid. It drastically increases your likelihood of failure for no good reason.
Yes, that was my point, it's why some episodes are way more cringe than they are interesting or educational.
>spent every dime he made
is that a bad thing
>Guy invents machining from scratch
Primitive technology did it first, he actually does shit from scratch. not larping like your channel.
not primitive technology but this guy is building a machine shop from scratch

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Hello friends. I assume that the bottom of a guitar coming off is something of an issue but having never played I can't really say for sure whether it's a death sentence for the thing or just something a bit of glue will fix. Advice required.
Not that big of a deal just glue it.
Use hide glue so a luthier can easily undo anything you botch. If he has to start sanding you're gonna go up a pay grade.
it is easily glued in place. most guitar repair is done with glue that can be removed later down the line for more extensive repairs, so something like hide glue or similar. watch some videos. if it's a valuable guitar, stop touching it and take it to a shop to be repaired, this is a pretty minor repair.
Just wood glue and clamp it.
Unless it's an old vintage instrument, it's probably not worth paying to have it repaired. Cheaper to buy a new one. Properly made acoustics don't do this randomly.
t. novice luthier/guitar nerd.
nail it down, you'll get extra metal sound

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