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So you are like 80?
Same. Wife really wants a pool but I grew up taking care of one at my grandparent's and it is a massive pain in the ass and money sinkhole. Something always wrong with the fucking thing, would take a small team of people to open/close it twice a year, constant cleaning... And I know I would be the doing it because women are fucking lazy.
81 now.
I've been looking for pics I have saved of the progress while we were doing the install.
I can't find them but I haven't given up. I've got numerous external drives and haven't looked through them yet.
I look forward to when i'm 80 and still on 4chan.
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Have had this pool for maybe around 20 years and I love it. If I ever move, if the new place doesn't have a pool I'm definitely putting one in. I guess the maintenance can get a bit tedious over time though, so a couple years ago I started paying a guy $50 to come by once a week to do it. Cleaning, chemicals, rinsing out the filters, etc. Most I ever have to do now is toss the hose in it if the water's looking like it might evaporate below the skimmer inlets before the pool guy comes.

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I literally CAN NOT get fucking LED lights to not burn my plants. The only way appears to be to set them so low they don't put out any fucking light. It makes zero sense that I can put a plant outfuckingdoors in 2000 par and it do fine, but put it indoors at 150 and it burns to a crisp. These fucking things must be putting out sky fucking high UV radiation or something. I've had enough. I'm switching back to fluorescents. I simply can not deal with this shit anymore.
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That's literally what I have. Again, I am FAR from the first person to notice "tip burn" from LEDs. Other lights DO NOT DO THIS.
Post your LED fixtures, after taking the diffusor off. I'm betting there's some LED chips without phosphors in there.
Because infrared passes through chlorophyll and is directly converted to heat in the plants moisture. Raises the leaf temp and dries it out
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>finally comes out its just a tard feeding too strong
Many such cases!

LEDs hardly have any infrared, unless you specifically add it.
Alot of the light output from HPS is infrared tho, kind why you have to keep it fridgied at 70f when plants under LEDs are happy with 80f

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An autismo person made a convincing case for me being autismo too.
Now, the coping is too much work. I'm I would have to pay about as much as a driver's license costs for a diagnosis, and then get onto a 3+ year waiting list for therapy. That's not worth it just to get a different kind of wellfare, some weird social clout and cope, and that much work and cash should be enough for an actual cure.
So what's the cure, or what cures have people been trying with a modest to large amount of success?
>inb4 420cureit
I'm getting CBD weed and growing my own so I have that possibility covered.
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I also suffer from vague feelings of unease btw
i have autism too i wouldn't encourage playing with CBD i still learning so i wouldn't be able to give answer yet but i will update you with anything i discover
i mean he's sort of got the right idea, he's just not all there on the specific psychological/technical details. you build up a checklist and deliberately teach/repeat specific behaviors and interactions in order to emulate normality. you'll never "cure" it, since it's a fundamental difference in how the brain and mind are set up, but you can definitely make it work.
t. autist who figured out how to blend in with normoids
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I went to a therapist a long time ago where I was told I wasn't treatable due to my extreme 'introversion'.
So after years of misery I finally did some acid with the goal of curing my hyper inflated ego.
It works as a kind of shock therapy, by drastically altering your perception of the world.
For some it will be an endless dive in a deep lake, for others it will be a life altering experience, for better or the worse. I can't talk about the more spiritual doses beyond the 100ug range, but from what I already saw, I think it is safe to say it already changed the way I think about myself and the world.

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some freak keeps flying a drone over our backyard when my daughter is playing outside. we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence. do i set up a drone jammer (outside of my skillset) or shoot it down?
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Oh please, of they have half a brain cell they can get serious range on not a lot of money. I'm talking several miles on flat terrain. Ask me how I know.
I'd love to see the method by which you plan on getting water up to several hundred feet.
Best suggestion. Get some cheap POS and crash it against that drone.

> Oops golly gee sorry, BTW why is that flying over my yard?
If you can't shot it then just buy a drone yourself and try to collide with the unknown drone like a FPV drone and a tank. If you got a expensive drone mount a flame thrower or small chainsaw like the drones in HWNDU later capture the flag seasons
You're overthinking this. A dangling piece of string is more than enough and you can actually fly with it.

Is there such a thing as a completely silent A/C?
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If you do passive cooling design on the heatsinks right you can use them to cool spaces in a meaningful way totally silently, but it will still take a lot of power. They do have practical applications, but they are generally very niche like spacecraft, extremely precise temperature control in scientific instruments, etc, etc. Not for cooling a living room.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_refrigerator explains them pretty well; I don't think I've ever seen a room-scale absorption refrigerator; seems like it'd still work though, and would definitely be less noise than a compressor even if not silent.
Locate the condenser far away, build a shroud (not too close), then have the fan be as large as possible.
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How do you deal with the condensation water from the outdoor unit?
see that blue drain line in the op pic? That's how. Or if it's mounted on a pad on the ground, it just drips out the side of the unit like a conventional heatpump

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>Whenever you grow a tolerance, just take more.
>get brain damage
>need to take more amphetamines to make up for being retarted
rinse, repeat, i'm not into self destructive behavior so i don't take too much and when i stop taking this shit i make sure to have plenty of sleep, take vitamins and try to re-adjust my sleep cycles. i have a friend who does way too much of this shit, he barely sleeps (like 1 or 2 hours every two days) and has no energy to do anything active like sports or even walking places unless he really has to. that's just giving yourself a disadvantage if you ask me.
The usual dose is a pencil eraser sized amount daily, of the usual 1.87% used in horses. Not sure how long the protocol runs for, that's what i remember. No harm in finishing up the tube; it's like $6 on amazon, state-side.
This was interesting. Saved that protocol.

Very interesting replies, anons. A few trolls, can be discarded. This is powerful stuff. Overall 90%+ good advice for brainfog man.
Kafkaesque post. BRAVO ANON!
for me it's that my brain is firing too much. anything that slows it down like alcohol or benzos helps the fog go away. the fog is so extreme at times that it becomes a neurologic pain, though not like a headache, if you know what i mean
Alcohol kills brain cells by starving the blood supply, stripping off the fatty layer that allows red blood cells to single-file through fine brain capillaries. That's the 'buzz' people feel, if they drink even a small amount.

TMS and hyperbaric, specifically 2 hrs a day, 1 hr each at 1.5atm, spaced 2 hrs apart, for a month. TMS is electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. Just enough power so the fields coalesce into a peak around the area they are attempting to re-time.

The brain is supposed to have a nice, synchronous wave pattern. What happens in injury, whether you are struck on the head, or have some other type of event, like hypoxia, lack of oxygen, could be from asthma etc, or drug interaction, or stroke, or.. drinking alcohol starving brain cells, is that clusters of cells, if they do not die, can and do shut-down.

They stop participating in the wave-like pattern. Alternatively, some can get certain areas that will oscillate (fire) too fast. Neither is good, because a brain with clusters at different frequencies, cannot communicate well or at all with itself. It will be a struggle to come up with any coherent thought. Or not be emotionally-triggered by internal or external stimuli.

I've also been looking into cerebrolysin, and a cattle-based version. Both peptides for neurological recovery. Nootropic injections.

I've also tried A. Patherina and found it can be therapeutic. There are a lot of brain-positive therapies. It's important as a guy to know about them and look into them, because guys get most of the brain injuries.

What kind of power usage and costs am I looking at if I want to install a commercial-grade cooling system in my house? I have some extra cash, and one thing I have always wanted to do is to turn my house into a winter paradise even when it is 50C/122F outside.

I would need a commercial freezer apparatus capable of cooling a space of around 2,300 square feet/214 meters to (hopefully) below the freezing point, if I desire.
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$0.26/watt delivered

Yeah, not unless you're getting used panels.
Hell shipping to a residence without a forklift is going to be $1,200 itself for just a couple pallets of panels.

For new monocrystalline, budget at least $0.40/watt
Recently needed to get a 50 amp 3 phase breaker, was $1,300 from siemens. No idea why it was so much. It hurt my soul but found an equivalent that worked with my panel from Eaton on ebay for $300, so now I got two brands in my cabnet.
So my commercial is $0.03/kwh, but they rape you on demand charges. My residential is $0.11/kwh

I setup an alarm with home assistant at the shop to sound an alarm when it nears the highest 15 minute interval for the month. Saves me loads. I want to get a battery system installed to shift demand around or start butt coin mining when I'm not near the demand threshold.
>some crackpot retard who wants a big ol air conditioner does not justify the infrastructure required to make that happen, even if youre willing to pay a ton of money.
The person you’re responding to isn’t op dipshit. I would be careful about calling other people retards when basic reading comprehension is a struggle for you.
> $0.40 a watt

Where are you planning on doing this? The alaska area?

There's wholesalers / liquidators with new panels. Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee.. Look up Santan Solar, for instance.

> muh ship to a residence
You're rural and don't have a truck?
And don't have a feed store that has a forklift?

A pallet of new panels, 11,500 watts, was $2,700. At muh $0.40/w, that means you plan on spending $4,600, which leaves a $1,900 shipping cost.

It probably is at least $1,900, to get a pallet to the aleutian islands.

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Are there any other quality hammer brands or is estwing indeed the best?
I would prefer buying European but surprisingly, unlike wrenches, pliers or screwdrivers, there are not that many german made hammers that I know of.
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how do you know faggot? because im not a goy nigger who uses made in china SHIT? suck my dick you fucking faggot
I’ve seen too many boomer carpenters who can’t even make a fist anymore. Swinging a hammer for decades fucks up your hands. Dropping $200 every 5-10 years on a Ti hammer isn’t a huge price if it means you can still finger that lady you met on Tinder in your 50s. The tools you use all day are the ones where that extra 10% of performance makes a big difference at the end of the day, same reason dudes by Redwing boots that they’re standing around in >40hrs a week.

Everybody also says the Ti hammers drive nails better. I’m wondering if it’s an MV^2 thing, you’re swinging a 14oz hammer a little bit faster than the 20oz head, and that extra speed makes for an exponentially harder blow to the nail.
Wrong, dumbass. USA made custom hammer made of titanium. Check your attitude, idiot.

mv^2/2 thing for sure, plus superior ergonomics. They do feel nicer to use, yet I can not really justify $150.00 price difference for a hobbyist user.
>I can not really justify $150.00 price difference for a hobbyist user.
I agree, which is why my original post on it was a drawer of cheap hammers, the nicest being a Milwaukee that was a holiday special for $25 with a flat bar. I said “If I was a framer…”

I’ll grab a couple more pneumatic nailers before dropping $200+ on a basic hammer.

I kinda want a full set of them blue Estwing deadblows tho.
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The weird thing is sometimes random brands like Crescent/Plumb can make an amazing hammer. I've got this one, and I'm pretty sure it was made in China or Taiwan, but I find myself preferring to use it over my Estwing or Vaughan claw hammers since it has a hatchet-style handle which is incredibly comfortable when driving and pulling nails. The USA-made Estwing and Vaughan claw hammers don't usually include a magnetic nail starter either, unless it's the Estwing Ultra series hammers. I think I've got something like 10 or 12 claw hammers now, different sizes, etc.

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does anyone make these with a long shank that adapts to a 1/4" hex shank? i'm so tired of having to grip these with a pair of fucking pliers.
>google it
wiha makes something close but the neck diameter is too fat to fit into recessed holes.
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thats why i use the cheapest piece of garbage "drill" from a hardware store as my electric driver.
with trigger adjustable speed i just drive in screws at lowest speed possible. it takes a lot of skill but its efficient and precise. hell i would say that drill has better trigger control than the makita i have at work
i want a lathe but i live in a cuckpartment.
electric, but they have bits in the JES sizes you want...and electric with torque control is extremely nice.
Drill a hole near the top and stick an Allen key through it to use as a T-handle. I have a set of Allen drivers from Amazonk that came that way.
>guys TRUST me 800 dollars is CHEAP! *rubs hands together fast enough to spark a bonfire*

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>as a domination move. Didn't turn out that good
gajin piggu instant karma !!!

i've decided to revive the rice.
Hope one anon will brew spit mashed old stale bread (kvass) fermented with body yeast.
>i've decided to revive the rice.
how did it taste?
>chewing moldy rice
No. Spit and swivel. And I've put it out in the sun, for heat.
The smell of puke is slowly being replaced by a sweet odor.
Fucking $60 for grain, hops, and yeast because Northern Brewer ran out all the shops in a 100 mile radius and then closed their brick and mortar last year

Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job in demolition, pay ain't bad, but the thing is I'm kind of a weak fuck who sits at home playing video games all day and I've never had a manual labor job in my life. I need a job kinda bad though. Is it a bad idea to take it or nah?
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Construction hurts for the first couple weeks, but after that you'll be tempered and won't even notice. Get yourself decent boots and lots of really cheap gloves. Demo is easy, you literally cannot fuck up.
>you literally cannot fuck up.
You could demo something that wasn't supposed to be demo'ed.
Everything will eventually be demo'ed. Worst that can happen is you're unexpectedly proactive.
Take care of your lungs. A lot of old homes aren't ideal to be ripping up and dragging all that down your pipe. I always throw on a vent when I'm spraying or tearing up nasty shit. I've turned down jobs of ripping up the little 9x9 tile.

Physically, you'll probably kick ass for two days then be whipped like a dog the last half of the week.

If there's something you're not supposed to demo, pay close attention. Keep your wits about you and mind what the other guys are doing because they can screw up and get you hurt just the same.

Demo is the easiest shit ever. If I could make $50 an hour to demo I would be so happy.

Also ALWAYS wear a mask during demo, like a full respirator, and test it using the hand holding over each filter technique. You don't want to breathe in dust from the demo

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i did the typical aimless white kid in north america thing where i went to university straight out of high school and got a useless liberal arts degree thinking i'd eventually ''figure it out''. now im 30 with no real skills and i want to learn and do something tangible and real. carpentry seems like a decent bet

>probably the single most useful trade you can learn, can literally build your own house with the right skillset and knowledge
>seems interesting
>can apply my already established physical strength
>my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ also held this profession
>potential for injuries
>every carpenter i know complains of back/knee/shoulder pain
>starting from the very bottom at 30 fooking years old
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Looks like he's eatin good!
>potential injury
>joint pain
yes, it's a trade, what did you expect
>starting from the very bottom at 30
well where else do you expect to start? you aren't getting any younger you know, best start while there's still a crumb of life left in you
>>starting from the very bottom at 30 fooking years old
I started an electrician apprenticeship at 32. Stop fretting about if it's too late to do something and just do it.
no, his parents couldn't afford formula so they just fed him horchata instead
when you say "carpentry" it's kind of a wide field, you have
>general framing
>timber framing
>finish carpentry
>furniture making

In general framing you won't make much money unless you advance to running a crew or start specializing. Finish carpentry (stuff like interior trim, cabinet installation, etc) is alright. Timber framing and furniture are decent money if you find a good company to work with
If you have decent math, geometry and common sense woodwork is a lot of fun. I would highly recommend having your own set of measuring tools (tape, speed square, metal ruler) and a good leather belt when applicable.

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This is not a female hate thread. Women are soft and smell good.

However, how the heck does anyone do diy with them?
Are there any tips as every decision seems to be a clusterbomb of disaster.

Is it their female nature or has tiktok renovating IKEA furniture into a bead covered bookcase rotted their brains?

How the hell do these YouTuber couples not kill each other?
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Grooves are just extra surface area
She cornshits every day, nothing sexy about it.
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imagine the smell
DOne many german trannys-- that's got 15k on it, just replace, please.
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did some research into stock clutch thicknesses. still can't find anyone that's actually measured one, but here's a sample photo of a brand new clutch from the same manufacturer. to be honest, mine looks almost new to me. this is maybe reaffirmed by the fact that my input shaft was basically untouched, and there was what seemed like fresh grease on the needle bearing (which apparently always wear out and are broken on most trucks). I think between all that I'll just put it back together and see how long it takes to fail

How do you manage to half bake this idea so badly? The King weeps.

>context: some youtuber buys Elvis's dilapidated private jet and builds this thing larping as an RV
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There's a QR code on the wing. Or what's left of the wing. The nub.
it means if you go over a bump you're fucked.
It would have a cost a fuckload that nobody was willing to spend, but couldn't it have theoretically been restored to FAA certification if money was no object?
Should have restored it to static display, in my opinion. The CV-880 is on static. (Look up Elvis CV-880).
Of course but that could involve removing the aircraft from its data plate and building an effectively new machine.

How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
I'm tired of mold, bad siding, drafty windows, uneven floors, slanted walls, paint chipping, gutter cleaning, yard watering, shingles failing, smelly hvac, cracked driveway.... I could go on.
I have a degenerative spine condition that will only get worse. I just want to chill and live without anxiety or worry.
My plan is likely to just live in a metal box with good ventilation. I have to convince my partner first.
So does /diy/ have tips and tricks?
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>diy telling you to make other people do it for you
Like pottery
>uses "partner" because afraid of muh reddit sjw fee fees
>calling anyone else out on not acting like adults
lmao fag

>question was literally "how do i NOT do anything myself"
>hurr hurr /do it someoneelse/ pootery
lmao fag
>Mods, send them to the principal's office and have their posts expelled
That was literally my first thought when reading this post, kek.
>How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
rent an apartment
This, and specifically a bougie one w/ management company and amenities -- not only will you not have to do maintenance, you'll basically be forbidden. And they should have a web portal for submitting tickets. Alternatively if you want to own, you hire the labor. Nothing at the scale of a structure protecting you from the elements is ever going to be appreciably low-maintenance, best you can do without intervention is "not actively crumbling for now". In other words, somebody's going to be maintaining it, or you'll be living in a derelict hovel in a few years. Retarded question TBQH

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