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does anyone make these with a long shank that adapts to a 1/4" hex shank? i'm so tired of having to grip these with a pair of fucking pliers.
>google it
wiha makes something close but the neck diameter is too fat to fit into recessed holes.
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thats why i use the cheapest piece of garbage "drill" from a hardware store as my electric driver.
with trigger adjustable speed i just drive in screws at lowest speed possible. it takes a lot of skill but its efficient and precise. hell i would say that drill has better trigger control than the makita i have at work
i want a lathe but i live in a cuckpartment.
electric, but they have bits in the JES sizes you want...and electric with torque control is extremely nice.
Drill a hole near the top and stick an Allen key through it to use as a T-handle. I have a set of Allen drivers from Amazonk that came that way.
>guys TRUST me 800 dollars is CHEAP! *rubs hands together fast enough to spark a bonfire*

Skeeter Pee Season

Previous Thread: >>2774824

Calculators and Tools:

Other Useful Resources:

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>as a domination move. Didn't turn out that good
gajin piggu instant karma !!!

i've decided to revive the rice.
Hope one anon will brew spit mashed old stale bread (kvass) fermented with body yeast.
>i've decided to revive the rice.
how did it taste?
>chewing moldy rice
No. Spit and swivel. And I've put it out in the sun, for heat.
The smell of puke is slowly being replaced by a sweet odor.
Fucking $60 for grain, hops, and yeast because Northern Brewer ran out all the shops in a 100 mile radius and then closed their brick and mortar last year

Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job in demolition, pay ain't bad, but the thing is I'm kind of a weak fuck who sits at home playing video games all day and I've never had a manual labor job in my life. I need a job kinda bad though. Is it a bad idea to take it or nah?
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Construction hurts for the first couple weeks, but after that you'll be tempered and won't even notice. Get yourself decent boots and lots of really cheap gloves. Demo is easy, you literally cannot fuck up.
>you literally cannot fuck up.
You could demo something that wasn't supposed to be demo'ed.
Everything will eventually be demo'ed. Worst that can happen is you're unexpectedly proactive.
Take care of your lungs. A lot of old homes aren't ideal to be ripping up and dragging all that down your pipe. I always throw on a vent when I'm spraying or tearing up nasty shit. I've turned down jobs of ripping up the little 9x9 tile.

Physically, you'll probably kick ass for two days then be whipped like a dog the last half of the week.

If there's something you're not supposed to demo, pay close attention. Keep your wits about you and mind what the other guys are doing because they can screw up and get you hurt just the same.

Demo is the easiest shit ever. If I could make $50 an hour to demo I would be so happy.

Also ALWAYS wear a mask during demo, like a full respirator, and test it using the hand holding over each filter technique. You don't want to breathe in dust from the demo

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i did the typical aimless white kid in north america thing where i went to university straight out of high school and got a useless liberal arts degree thinking i'd eventually ''figure it out''. now im 30 with no real skills and i want to learn and do something tangible and real. carpentry seems like a decent bet

>probably the single most useful trade you can learn, can literally build your own house with the right skillset and knowledge
>seems interesting
>can apply my already established physical strength
>my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ also held this profession
>potential for injuries
>every carpenter i know complains of back/knee/shoulder pain
>starting from the very bottom at 30 fooking years old
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Looks like he's eatin good!
>potential injury
>joint pain
yes, it's a trade, what did you expect
>starting from the very bottom at 30
well where else do you expect to start? you aren't getting any younger you know, best start while there's still a crumb of life left in you
>>starting from the very bottom at 30 fooking years old
I started an electrician apprenticeship at 32. Stop fretting about if it's too late to do something and just do it.
no, his parents couldn't afford formula so they just fed him horchata instead
when you say "carpentry" it's kind of a wide field, you have
>general framing
>timber framing
>finish carpentry
>furniture making

In general framing you won't make much money unless you advance to running a crew or start specializing. Finish carpentry (stuff like interior trim, cabinet installation, etc) is alright. Timber framing and furniture are decent money if you find a good company to work with
If you have decent math, geometry and common sense woodwork is a lot of fun. I would highly recommend having your own set of measuring tools (tape, speed square, metal ruler) and a good leather belt when applicable.

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This is not a female hate thread. Women are soft and smell good.

However, how the heck does anyone do diy with them?
Are there any tips as every decision seems to be a clusterbomb of disaster.

Is it their female nature or has tiktok renovating IKEA furniture into a bead covered bookcase rotted their brains?

How the hell do these YouTuber couples not kill each other?
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Grooves are just extra surface area
She cornshits every day, nothing sexy about it.
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imagine the smell
DOne many german trannys-- that's got 15k on it, just replace, please.
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did some research into stock clutch thicknesses. still can't find anyone that's actually measured one, but here's a sample photo of a brand new clutch from the same manufacturer. to be honest, mine looks almost new to me. this is maybe reaffirmed by the fact that my input shaft was basically untouched, and there was what seemed like fresh grease on the needle bearing (which apparently always wear out and are broken on most trucks). I think between all that I'll just put it back together and see how long it takes to fail

How do you manage to half bake this idea so badly? The King weeps.

>context: some youtuber buys Elvis's dilapidated private jet and builds this thing larping as an RV
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There's a QR code on the wing. Or what's left of the wing. The nub.
it means if you go over a bump you're fucked.
It would have a cost a fuckload that nobody was willing to spend, but couldn't it have theoretically been restored to FAA certification if money was no object?
Should have restored it to static display, in my opinion. The CV-880 is on static. (Look up Elvis CV-880).
Of course but that could involve removing the aircraft from its data plate and building an effectively new machine.

How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
I'm tired of mold, bad siding, drafty windows, uneven floors, slanted walls, paint chipping, gutter cleaning, yard watering, shingles failing, smelly hvac, cracked driveway.... I could go on.
I have a degenerative spine condition that will only get worse. I just want to chill and live without anxiety or worry.
My plan is likely to just live in a metal box with good ventilation. I have to convince my partner first.
So does /diy/ have tips and tricks?
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>diy telling you to make other people do it for you
Like pottery
>uses "partner" because afraid of muh reddit sjw fee fees
>calling anyone else out on not acting like adults
lmao fag

>question was literally "how do i NOT do anything myself"
>hurr hurr /do it someoneelse/ pootery
lmao fag
>Mods, send them to the principal's office and have their posts expelled
That was literally my first thought when reading this post, kek.
>How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
rent an apartment
This, and specifically a bougie one w/ management company and amenities -- not only will you not have to do maintenance, you'll basically be forbidden. And they should have a web portal for submitting tickets. Alternatively if you want to own, you hire the labor. Nothing at the scale of a structure protecting you from the elements is ever going to be appreciably low-maintenance, best you can do without intervention is "not actively crumbling for now". In other words, somebody's going to be maintaining it, or you'll be living in a derelict hovel in a few years. Retarded question TBQH

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My neighbors installed a security camera above their back door, that is a 7 foot fence separating our houses. The camera looks directly into my garden and is just far enough over that it is in direct view of my front door.

So how would you handle the situation?
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I think these are the best approaches. Either pointer a laser or something directly into the camera to blind it, or put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.
It's the Do It Yourself board nigger what do you think
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>put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.

Operates on a fan.
Constant motion.
If you lock their doors and set the trailer on fire you will probably go to jail as murder and arson are illegal. So don't do that.

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What safety toe boots do you wear and do you recommend them?
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Danner Vicious. Yes, most comfortable safety toe boot’s I’ve worn. 45 years of exp.
NTA but mine just wore out in less than a year, minimal mud, and I oiled them like 4-5 times in that time period. I think quality control has gone down hill at redwing and I'm only in this thread so I can figure out another brand to buy.

I have weird feet, shaped like a piece of pizza, so kingtoes fit well. I need to find a replacement, I work as an electrician, indoors and out doors, rain, snow, or shine.

Suggestions please for someone with a narrow heel and wide toes
Poly toe is best if you need toe protection. Anything heavy enough to destroy poly will probably also flatten steel.
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I almost bought the Pumas but went with these NB’s. I like them ok. I only do light manufacturing crap so the comp toe and sneaker style work well for me.
Timberland Pros
They last like 2+ years and they're comfy af.

They would last longer but the soles wear out.

How long should my rigging straps be fore 4x8 sheathing?

Got a well wheel and I'll be working alone. Any tips?
whats a rigging strap and whats a 4x8 sheathing? is that the siding? also whats a well wheel, and why is it important for you to mention that youre working alone?
anyway i think they should be long enough to accomplish what youre trying to accomplish, but not so long that they hinder your method of accomplishment
16' is the standard rigging strappage. A well tapped well is as good as a second set of hands.

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Can I place my mattress directly on this, and then on my carpet floor, and be safe from mould and condensation? If not, what if I make deep cuts into it every inch or so, which would allow for ventilation
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No, that won't work, however making a ghetto bedframe that will provide plenty of ventilation is cheap and easy if you have any diy chops. Build a platform like you would if you were building a floor and drill some 1/4 in holes spaced at least 2" apart all over the plywood. Then give it some legs that lift it at least 1/2" off the ground. I used this with my custom mattress and I've never had mold issues.
You are an idiot, shutup tard
What is condensing?
not that anon but theres moisture all over my fucking house because i live on the coast. have to put my perishables in the fridge or freezier so they dont get mushy. I run adehumidifier in my room all the time and dump fat buckets of water outside on a regular basis.

How would one go about air conditioning (and ideally heat pumping) an entire house if that house has no ducting? Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit? Would you just need multiple mini splits? Is a single mini split capable of cooling multiple rooms on its own?
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It helps a lot that temperatures are not so extreme here.
I live in the coldest state of monkeyland and it's national news when it snows a few centimeters once a year.
You can have as many indoor coils as you want connected to an outdoor unit. Efficiency is an issue yadda yadda but..

Just keep in mind you need airflow to make heating/cooling function. Hence ducts. So either put a coil in every room, add ducting, or keep every door open always and be uncomfortable in a few rooms.
i would do multiple splits.
the advantage against a multisplit is that when 1 breaks you can still heat/cool your house with the remaining
>also can you even buy refrigerant?
propane is a refrigerant
do you live in sweden?

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>cigar tobacco is air-cured and alkaline - it can't be inhaled
>cigarette tobacco is oven-cured and acidic - it can be inhaled
... is this true?
Bonus Q: what causes cancer (allegedly) and how to minimize it?
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IIRC they can only grow Nicotiana rustica
(wild tobacco) for ceremonial purposes which has incredibly high nicotine content and tastes like shit. It's the same variety that you have to consume to vomit & diharrea purge your body before doing ayahuasca. All commercial tobacco varieties are descended from rustica but have been selectively bred for lesser nicotine content and smoother, less vomit inducing taste.
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While thatd true, Italien rolling the dice each time you smoke vs once in a while
>what causes cancer
Then why fucking ask faggot
>and how to minimize it?
Not smoking
>but i want to suck warm fluids out of a firm cylinder held in my lips
goto >>>/soc/
210 Polonium

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Is a giant speaker (to play fan noises) + IEMs a more cost effective way to block out noise compared to tearing down your wall and adding a ton of mass to it?
Great way to impair your hearing over time, leading to early onset dementia.
Mass is the only way to actually block sound, unless you have some sort of active noise cancelling running.

What does the giant speaker playing fan noise do in your scenario?
What's fan noise?

Plus if you want to block noise, wear actual earplugs, not IEMs.
What are you actually trying to do?
Study and sleep without disturbance.
>What does the giant speaker playing fan noise do in your scenario?
>What's fan noise?

It's white noise.

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Abominations Thread XLVIII

Previous thread 'gon die soon enough >>2817530

"Things that will eventually kill the clumsy and/or retarded edition"

Also, maybe mods/jannies or whoever is in charge should get the bump limit on /diy/ raised to 500 posts like other boards. 300 post bump limit seems a bit young.
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As an alternate idea, it could be there so if you're having an outdoor party people have access to a bathroom without going through the house.
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>carpet in the kitchen and the bathroom

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