What the fuck is that? I bought a pneumatic distribution valve and it was also in the package.
>>2895611>so what's your point?that you are a retard
>>2895620looks like you're the retard here, because pointing out it having 6.3bar pressure max, making it not very useful, has nothing to do with it being a pressure regulator or not, which I already acknowledged here >>2895565
>>2895426Toss it to someone. Looks like a frag grenade
>>2895426This appears to be a high-pressure air compressor attachment or adapter, likely used for inflating objects with compressed air. The label indicates a maximum pressure of 6.3 bar and is branded with "PARKSIDE." The threaded metal end suggests it connects to a standard air compressor fitting. If you need more specific information or have any other questions, feel free to ask!This appears to be a quick-connect coupling for an air compressor, likely used for pneumatic tools. The branding "PARKSIDE" suggests it's from Lidl's Parkside tool range. The label mentions "max. 6.3 bar," indicating the maximum working pressure. It is commonly used to connect air hoses and tools securely while allowing for easy disconnection.
>>2895663thanks, ChatGPT!
I have a finished half garage I'm turning into a shop, starting with my shop smith and miter saw. I want a dust collector, are there any to avoid on marketplace? What brand hoses and blast gates are the best value?
just buy whatever man who really gives a shit
>>2891791definitely put on plastic curtains to close off the area. trust me, there will be sawdust on fucking everything after 5 mins, and it'll drive you insane
>>2891791better put an air filtration system for the inlet side of your system on your shopping list. You dont wanna get fented or yellow caked by guys who pretend to be secret secret to inspect your work site without you noticing while also stealing your real shit>preset captcha
>>2891791Saw this video a couple years back when I wanted to make my own air filter. Should give you some ideas, GLhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kBWKFhOFOM
My oven broke and I don't know how to fix itThe light and burners both stopped working at the same timeWhat do I do?
>>2894268Bro go turn the fucking breaker back on you useless faggot.
>>2895454what makes you think I didn't try that already you worthless nigger god I fucking hate niggerswhy are you posting on the internet instead of chucking spears at your mud huts?
>>2895455>I can't figure out why the stove doesn't work, I refuse to learn anything to fix it, I refuse to get a job to replace it, and I'm an all around faggot loser, but you're a nigger for suggesting that I do anything to fix it!Your father would throw a party when he found your lifeless corpse hanging from the rafters.If you weren't too stupid to tie a noose, that is.
>>2895463except the part where my dad said he would fight me if I tried to do anything you spear chucking monkey
>>2895464Coward.>duurrrr ur is niger cos u tells me to do thing!!!!Go get a fucking job or kill yourself you waste of resources. I cannot imagine being such an effeminate and worthless failure that you're straight up proud of being.
i just want to work in other place than KFC
>>2892930Enlist and NOT the fucking Army which is for dumbass bubbas who dream /k/ dreams then find out peacetime Army is frequently like being jailed with retards. Not even kidding. It's an instant career and unless you're profoundly stupid hard to fuck up. Unless you are damn good at welding and willing to stay on the road to get money it's an often useful (in the context of other jobs like mechanic or millwright) skill but pay can suck. Slinging a wire welder sticking consumer trailers together is very different from repairing water wall boilers. The Navy has the best welding schools to which other services often send trainees. Shipyard welding is desirable because it pays and doesn't require constant travel so you can build a life. Welding is great fun (make sure you have a current eye exam and if needed a good near-vision prescription) but requires excellent near vision and hand/eye coordination. Eyes are weird and position affects them which is why many prospective welders find out overhead is hard for them. I used to stock "cheater" lenses for students to try which saved us a shitload of money on consumables. Walmart cheap "readers" work for many too.
>>2892986Either this is a dogshit regex because it produces a lot of false positives or I'm misunderstanding it in some way.
>>2892930>go to store>buy welder>buy consumables >buy PPE. Hood, gloves, whatever>buy a few hundred pounds of scrap steel>buy several hundred pounds of gas and makes dozens of trips for refills.
>>2895166I tried to teach myself tig welding for close to a year and was doing miserable. Until I found cheaters. Changed my entire game. my MIG got insanely better too.Biggest game changers for learning tig welding for me was>cheaters>CKworldwide flexible gas line>gas lenses
>>2892930If you live in anything approaching a city there's probably a community college there and they probably do welding classes.
I'm a street musician and one of the most annoying parts about it is how many people take pictures or videos but don't tip. It's just my opinion that if you're going to Take something, you should leave something, especially the guys who have fancy cameras and annoyingly take 40 pictures from all kinds of angles, which is doubly awful cause then other people feel like they're intruding if they have to get in his frame to tip.I don't like how they get to benefit from my presence and not support it in kind, to put it in perspective I play violin and dress up like km from the Baroque era, I understand why they want pictures, j don't understand why they don't support my efforts.Calling them out works sometimes but it's annoying and I have to stop playing to tell a guy he's too close and should have some decency and support the arts.So I want to figure out a way to ruin their pictures until they tip.I was thinking something like infrared lights on a bracelet, unseen to the human eye but would appear as a artifact to a digital one.That or maybe something with mirrors.Any ideas are welcome, thanks in advance.
>>2895185Prosperous towns have the most busking because money.
>>2876127LIDAR is the solution. Just saw that the lidar on a new Volvo can kill the sensor of cameras.
>>2876578>there is no constitutional right to emit noiseTrue, but to remove the busker, police need to allege a nuisance. One complaining witness would be enough.
>>2876127>i play music in public that no one asked for>why don't people pay meeeee????!??!?!lol
>>2895317>One complaining witness would be enough.Looks like I have a summer project.
How can you let anyone build your house in this day and age?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBwNM23yUTE>Billionaire's Mansions look like this
>>2892799Because we don't have skilled workers any more. We have border jumpers that can use a hammer and don't get butt hurt by being screamed at by the foreman because they don't even speak English.
>>2892968It's basically the same in the US; inspectors are not mandatory.Those instagram guys you see are usually inspecting new build homes for issues so the owners can get the builders to fix them before the warranty period expires. They're quite picky, which is understandable when you're inspecting a brand new home - everything should be perfect.
I have a long running internal debate on if I should have an inspector check out my house after living in it for ~5 years. There's nothing actively wrong with it that I can see (besides some minor shit) but I'm ultra paranoid that theres some hidden issue I'm not seeing that's going to fuck me down the line.If I find an actual good inspector, would it be worth it?
>>2894137I suggest you study home inspectors like Cy on Youtube then take your time (which you have more of than an inspector) and go over your home yourself so you know it was done right AND have much greater personal familiarity with your property. USB borescopes are cheap (many use Teslong cameras which Cheese supports on Linux so I can use a spare Thinkpad for a much better view than smol handhelds) and very nice for exploring walls and plumbing. I also picked up a Klein ET18 (handier around engines and other vehicle parts). That means I can drill a small discreet hole anywhere, see inside and if termites or critters are an issue gas them through the inspection hole.Since my labor is free buying tools is painless and they pay off for life. I can choose exactly how to work around problems and take my time doing it. The more you inspect the more you know vs. taking someone else's word.
>>2892994It goes beyond this, though unskilled immigrants being portrayed as innately good at carpentry and finish work is definitely a problem.First, we have to recognize that not everyone can be good at carpentry (or any other skilled trade). High levels of physical and mechanical cognition aren’t present in everyone, and it’s not a learned behavior. These traits are something you’re born with. They’re also tied to IQ; even fake online IQ tests mimic questions that test these aspects of intelligence. Stupid people will not be good at skilled trades. 100 years ago, if someone didn’t posses these traits, and was slightly below average intelligence, they’d make a decent living working on a farm (digging ditches and planting crops) or in a factory (taking items from a conveyor belt and putting those items into boxes). Those farm and factory jobs vanished decades ago. They were shipped to other countries, automated, or replaced with scabs (aka “immigrant farm labor”). Those stupid people who would have been perfect fit as farmhands and factory workers still exist, but the farm and factory jobs do not. And a ton of these people end up in trades because they literally have no other choice. This influx of insufficiently-skilled labor (combined with the unskilled immigrants) has led to a drastic drop in labor costs. I suspect that many people who would be great at some trades simply avoid them because the money isn’t there. Beaus of the cheap cost, the average homeowner can afford to hire a “professional” for a project rather than tackle it themselves simply because the homeowner doesn’t want to do it (rather than out of necessity). This leads to the fact that, often times, you’ll get better results doing something yourself, with little to no experience, than you would paying someone who does it every day. tl;dr incapable, stupid people work in trades because there are no other jobs
I got a post exposition air hammer recently, that was supposed to be working and unused. It is unused, but it just blows air instead of working and doesn't have this typical bubbly rattle when shaken air hammers have. I tried pumping it full of oil, WD 40 and similar products, in case there's some dried oil or hitting it with a rubber hammer to get things loose, but it didn't help. I finally managed to get it rattling and working for a few seconds by hitting the chisel repeatedly, but it got stuck again after a few seconds of running. Should I return it?
>>2894708You're just ignorant so consider curing that ignorance with study then apply what you learn. That's how the good GET good. Understand theory of operation for all your tools and your life will go much easier.
>>2895132^This is a common error. OP should post its compressor specs or a pic. Noobs note ya can add all the compressors you can power and connect so if you have some cheapies (I collect broken consumer comps free or cheap to scatter them at point of use so I can reserve my industrial comps for blasting and not wait to fill my receiver tank) that's one way to get more air.For compressors in intermittent use an air tank near the tool can be added easily. I typically use a 1/4" NPT tee with one male air nipple and two chucks. Compressor feeds that and as desired I connect an air tank to the tee using a common air hose (nipple on one end, chuck on the other) joined by two nipples screwed into each other (usually one nipple with female thread and one with a male, but whatever is handy will do.) The more combinations one can make with pneumatic fittings the better. I plumbed my shop with rubber air hose and fittings hung off self-fabbed simple flat bar hooks so I can rearrange and modify everything easy. If I still rented that would let me move leaving nothing behind.
>>2895132yeah, I have another air hammer and it works fine. this hammer is even smaller. I have a 50L 2 piston 10 bar compressor, but I can use air hammers for short bursts even with my other battery powered 6l 8.3 bar compressor. they all usually require 6 bars/90PSI anyway
>>2895154>OP should post its compressor specs or a pic.I have this one: https://www.einhell.fr/en/p/4010495-tc-ac-420-50-10-v/10 bars max. the suction power is 420 l/min and the air supply is 150L/min at 7 bars or 200 at 4 bars
>>2894708pneumatic tool repairs are much easier to do yourself than repairing electric tools
The sheer amount of people who dismiss earplugs just because they tried it a few times without actually knowing how to put them in is staggering. They are just doing it wrong (just like the pic).I just love the feeling when they slowly expand inside your ear and just like that - all the sound is completely quiet!
ear muffs vs plugs what do you prefer?
>>2886035Foamies work great and saved most of my hearing from flightline and test cell jet engine noise. They keep weld spatter out of my ears when overhead welding (that distinctive sizzle of ear canal hair burning gets ones attention).They cut wind noise when motorcycling, shooting, grinding, riveting, scaling and more.>>2894124Plugs first because muffs can shift, but for sufficiently loud noise I wear both. Of course for welding and grinding muffs interfere but that noise rarely requires more than ear plugs such that I've not encountered it.
The 3M earplugs are a godsend when flying, especially long routes.But I have tinnitus and no earplug can mute my suffering.
>>2886035I hate insertion earpro. After years of Army plugs and Shure earbuds putting plugs in just feels bad to me. I used Peltors every chance I had while in, and use a pair of Isotunes cans now.
What would it cost me to get this re-roofed with architectural asphalt shingles in kentucky?
>>2890157Why would anyone who doesn't hate their own wallet use asphalt instead of quality standing seam roofing likely to outlive them?
>>2892454I lived in a house with a metal roof for a few years and I'll never do that again. The noise it makes when it rains is nuts. There were nights that I literally couldn't sleep just because it was raining.
>>2890312I can do it for 30 but I'm in Chattanooga discord me
>>2891102Came here to see if this was posted.
>>2892468That sound puts many to sleep. Was there anything under the roof by way of insulation?
I have 2 small tears in my down jacketIs this fixable at all?What would be the best way to do it?I'm grateful for any tips
>>2889875Duct tape. The best people wear it.
>>2889875tenacious tape is specifically made to fix this
>>2889875It's small enough that you can just sew the two edges together without a patch. Get a needle and some thread that won't look too ugly on there.
>>2889875>Is this fixable at all?Yes. It does require a lot of work and partience.https://ourhands.co.uk/blogs/journal/how-to-repair-clothes-with-japanese-sashiko-mending?srsltid=AfmBOoqXz-OwUHMvQYd3m09hcSfH46rmf4ykq2iOqs-5ZRoCuOrErOE0
ripstop nylon tape.sold variously for repairing kites, spinnaker sails, tents etc.cut the patch as an oval or a circle. square corners on patches always seems to come unstuck.
there is a mouse in my kitchen. possibly more than one. think he is living behind the fridge. i left a box of oats ontop of the fridge and he has been feasting on them.if it was summer i'd ask for a humane trap and release it far away but it's deep winter here and it will die if released so probably best with a lethal trap.any tips on baits and trap placement appreciated.
Best mouse trap? Electric. Best kill rate, easy clean up, easy to place anywhere, no danger to kids or dogs. Bait with peanutbutter, put along wall in dark place along his route. Only downside is cost and trap capacity, but for small numbers of mice it's perfect.
How about stop killing innocent animals who only benefit the envirerment.
>>2892464Rolling log or walk the plank over a bucket of water. Or an underfed cat.
Checked trap this morning...
>>2895100You can see the nut meat still in the cup.Just reset bail and put back in place.
Chinkshit is so fucking awsome sometimes. I randomly came across a 75mm chink grinder from amazon returns in an auction and decided to buy it, because it looked ok, used Makita batteries and I'd never had an angle grinder this small. Paid 16$. When it arrived I was surprised to see a guide with a dust extractor inside and a shitload of cutting discs, including one for wood, but what really struck me was that the machine itself turned out to have everything I'd always wanted in a grinder: a variable speed trigger instead of some unwieldy RPM knob and a left-right switch, it's basically a Makita drill with a side disc, it's great. cuts really well and is brushless too. why isn't this type of tool more popular (not necesarily this particular disc size) and it's always just a grinder with a slide switch?
>>2895037It looks handy
i have an atlas cj 14 n can i ply music out of it or is it a siren what other parts do i need any help is appreciated thank you anons!
>>2894824did you try posting this on leddit?
You have the manufacturer, the model number, and access to the internet. Look up the specs.
This wood been sitting outside for a year, if i mitresaw it into blocks will it burn in a fire pit?
>>2894016get a better firepit, shovel the ash into a bucket and dispose of it like you would of any hazardous chemical>but what if copper dust starts flyingwho cares? Companies do a lot worse shit right into the river you live near, why care?
>>2893922You are gonna plug your chimney
ITT anons cant tell the difference between pressure treat and moss.It wouldnt be obvious to anyone who never goes outside, but those get no sun, and all the water off the roof of the building dumped on them. Hence, moss. The same moss is growing on the side of the buildingTheyll burn just fine op, i also am flabberghasted you made a thread to ask if wood will burn. Sage. Do better, everyone.
>>2893922If it's pressure treated, at least in Canada, will make a very poisonous ash, something like a table spoon kills a person.
>>2893922Perhaps you don't care about the toxic smoke, but what about the ashes that will leak into your soil? Everything around that burn pit will be poisoned.
I'm renovating my condo and one of the areas I'm looking at is a toilet from the bathroom. I want to be liberated from the tyranny of big toilet paper, but I'm wondering what to get. I looked at smart toilets, but those are either incredibly expensive or Chinese sticker factory toilets which I've heard a lot of issues leaking or plumbers saying they're a bitch to install and god help you if they break.I've been looking at a Toto C5 toilet seat instead, which comes with almost everything smart toilets do and are a hell of a lot more reputable than Chinese crap, and easier to repair if something goes wrong from what I've heard.Installing an electrical outlet isn't a problem, I know how to do that. I got about $1000-$1300 CAD to play with, so I'm wondering if any anons have experience with such a thing or what advice they could give. I'm going to be in this place for 10-15 years, so I want something that'd last and not break down in like a year.
>>2892661A man is most vulnerable when he's sitting on the toilet, do you really want Skynet / Hal9000 there with you?
>>2892661is this black thing for urine?
>>2894669remote controls...because
>>2894935didn't knew this thing can drive