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How all yall keep projects organized and structured?
>keep projects organized and structured
lmao even
I gots the ADHD so I don't do any of that shit. On the plus side, I just remember all of my unfinished projects. All the time. Its great when you're getting ready to sleep. The crochet project from 2012? Yup, still up in the old dome. I even remember where I put the hooks and yarn. The vegetable garden I haven't planted in 6 years? Its on the list. The Commodore 64 I'm rebuilding? Still on the bench, under a pile of paperwork. The tile job the kitchen needs? Well, I bought all the stuff for it back in 2022. Any day now...
excel. I make checklists and shit with conditional formatting that turns cells green when I mark em complete. I have sheets for everything from generic to-do lists to specific large projects. If I'm feeling more informal I'll use notepad and list out what I need to do. Computers are more than porn and shitposting machines
I stick to one and don't deviate until I get what I want.
loooool grampa using the pc for productivity!
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I just keep it all in my head and have periodic ego-death moments.
I use a spiral bound notebook, I even sketch out little drawings
>How all yall keep projects organized and structured?
That's the neat thing... I don't!
>doctor I have a medical cert that says I can be a dipshit
lol where do you think you are?
Do tasks in their proper order and don't start the next one until the current one is fully complete.
If thats ADHD I must be one of them. Where do I get my prescription meth?
I have a spreadsheet of shit I need to do. sometimes I look at it to remind me.

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