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Working Dog, does not sleep in our bed. we do let him come inside and sit with us for coffee after his night shift is over. he is able to see his flock & back pasture out the window, while "on break" so it works to everyone's advantage. he is tipping 76kg and sized to match, so it was crowded.

we wanted some additional trunk-style storage for blankets and such. figured we could make it dual-purpose and not have the awkward lid to deal with. we will make and install one full-size drawer. I'll get that sorted next weekend.

all materials: Lumber, Fasteners, glue, pad & blanket were recycled from previous use or demolition at work. zero cost. 5.5hrs invested.
Nice. Very cute
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it took me a week to get back around to it, but I got the drawer built today.

still using 100% scrap and reclaimed materials. found a piece of zip board from house our construction that was a perfect fit for the bottom of the drawer. made the front by splitting then ripping one 2×6. I then cut a 5cm lip in the back of to allow the black formica board to inset for a shaker panel. used two hammered iron cup pulls that were also surplus from our cabinetry install during the build. cup pulls are screwed into a horizontal cross brace on the back/inside of the black shaker panel drawer face.

it all fits very well & looks prett6 good for being cobbled together from rubbish. I will shave a few mm off the top edge of the drawer in the back, to allow a smoother final seat when pushing closed. 124×38×76 cm total drawer volume = 0.035 cubic meters.

I will paint the entire thing white. It may take me a few weeks to get around to it. final aesthetics aside, it's sufficient for now. we have to pivot focus to build a livestock and feed barn.
That’s a great looking doggo anon. Give him/her a good scratch behind the ears from me.
If dog follows those rules on his own, that's a damn good dog. I hope you give pupper a nice easy retirement as an inside pet after he hits 8 or 9 years of age.
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>>2887803 #

it has been a week now. he seemed to understand the concept of "his bed" vs our bed within about 4 days.

I just now let him in from work. he put two paws on our bed, I told him "YOUR BED" a few times, and he dropped paws & got up on his portion.

coffee water is heating on the woodstove. currently -7° outside, 23° inside. sheep are good. new logs on fire. the day begins.
ok retard
i think you made a mistake putting it at your beds height
also do you and your wife still have sex?
are you gonna kick the dog out when that happens?
>books and piles of junk stored in fire area
what could go wrong?

dog is rarely in house, as stated in OP. He works for a living. bed/seat height makes sense as much as something this large and awkward possibly can. our bedroom is large enough to accommodate.

it's a perch for Dog during morning watch. it's a "trunk" for storage. it's a seat for putting on socks or shoes. it lets humans have foot space & clean bed, while allowing The Help to have a bit of interaction with humans in a non-working condition. Sadakat İki Yönlü Sokak.


perspective. minimum clearance req: 35cm. closest anything to it: 65cm. it's an "airtight" stove, I don't spill coals or operate it like a careless dumbass. both I, and the Housewife can read. books and heat sources are often located in the same room.
bravo hocam
to correct a misplaced decimal above: It is 0.35 cubic meters.

final adjustments to fit & slide made this morning. it is an incredible amount of storage space. it will hold all of our primary seasonal & heirloom blankets with some extra space for a few extra pillows.
and nothing of value was lost
You're a weird dude...
That's plenty of clearance for a stove as long as you keep the door closed.
>working dog
>dog isn't with herd

You realize the purpose of the working dog is to have him bond with the animals right?
>You realize the purpose of the working dog is to have him bond with the animals right?
What if his wife is the animal he wants the dog to bond with...

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hehe doggo

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