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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps and is on page 5 now: >>2863207

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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Drill pilot holes.
Drive in/on with soft faced hammer.
This is really annoying me. Where did you buy it? It must have had some packaging?
What is this? It's under a kitchen cabinet. I thought it was a bottle opener but it's not
Probably a mount for one of those little battery powered lights
I don't care about your market9ng bullshit. The only single thing gorilla makes that matters is the original polyurethane glue they popularized. Everything else they make is dog shit just copying other major brands.

Do you call kleenex a disposable nasal towel too or some shit? Fuck off marketing shill. Say the naughty word bot

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Was looking into getting a camper to live in. I see some pretty spacious ones available on marketplace for dirt cheap. I'm talking like 36ft for sometimes 6 or 7k with them saying no leaks and working ac and everything. What I'm wondering is why are they so cheap and what should I look for when looking to buy one, don't want to just buy one and find out it has a major mold problem.
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Do these trailers hold up to road travel?
They can depreciate a lot and maybe some people want to get rid of them, but also could be a scam.

Important things to check, the frame, make sure it's not rusted. Check the roof seals, make sure there are no leaks or water damage inside.

Generally they are built cheap and you should expect to have to replace shower valves, faucets, or other maintenance as part of ownership.
Oh cool, you made the same thread again, with the same picture.

Ads are ads. You can write anything. Rv, perfect condition no mice no leaks 5k. See, I just did it right there. You'd definitely write no leaks if you just had a leak repaired.

This is a crapshoot. It may be good, they may be looking for a fool with some money.

Was bertha 300 lbs and did she crack the shower pan? Rvs, especially cheap ones, sometimes have pretty light duty stuff

Buyer beware, see you next week, next thread.
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Claims adjuster here, these trailers are all made like shit. Forest River makes 99% of them and they're cheap stick build with SIP outers and some caulking/moulding to close everything off. 3-4 years before you start seeing water entry at best.

They literally rattle and shake themselves apart. If you park them outside all year they weather even faster, sun, rain, or snow.

If it's a choice between this and being homeless, go for this I suppose. But you'll be homeless or living with horrible mold and infestation within a few years if you think these are a long-term solution.

Look for:

>fresh caulking (means something wore out and possibly leaked
>bowed window frames
>deflection in the floor or weird sounds (it will sound like you're stepping on tiny ice crystals if water got between the subfloor and main floor)
>loose plumbing fittings
>non-functioning electrical (test all the plugs and lights, make sure all switches work and figure out your power supply (i.e. shore power, battery, solar?)
>check the undercarriage THOROUGHLY (these things are not pest-proofed at all and it takes nothing for vermin to crawl inside and make nests)

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>Do these trailers hold up to road travel?
Hell yes, which is why there's still so many of them around. Most are just a pine frame with aluminum cladding bolted to a braked steel trailer. It might sound flimsy but wood can flex and take bumps better than newer ones. Mine is almost 50 years old and had all kinds of remnants from previous owners that took it around the country multiple times

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I can't get any planks cut/planed to size at reasonable cost (around $150 for transport alone) so the next best thing I can think of is joining glulam boards like pic related. I'm thinking of putting together two boards face to face each sized 18x200x2000mm (0.71" x 7.87" x 78.7") to make 36mm (1.42") thick plank. It should be able to handle at least 50kg (110 lb) load spread fairly evenly without splitting apart. Is this a retarded idea? I understand normal planks and chipboards, but glulam is new to me.

If it's not too stupid then what would be best way to join the boards? Gluing this size could be difficult so I'm thinking of using screws.
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110lbs isn't really much weight so that size of wood should have no issues with that... Is this for some shelving or something? Post up a picture of where the board needs to fit precisely and maybe someone can give you an idea on how to execute this more easily.
>a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot
Dude, OP wants to make a 78" board. One clamp per 8", staggered left and right, let's call it every 5" that's 15 clamps, not much of an investment for any carpenter. Even gym weights will work.
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Trying to create a frame under a bed frame. Bed has storage space and wall has power and data sockets which I'm unwilling to remove. I need to cut opening for sockets but sawing the bed would compromise it. So enter a DIY frame which I can saw and get extra space.

Problem is I want to match the thicknesses of the frames as closely as possible or it will bother me until I die. With glulam boards I can get all the right dimensions with least amount of work I think. Using 2x8 to the sides? I'd need to thickness them and then shave of about 2mm height from front and back boards. I do have a way of fixing the bed securely but I'm not sure the the joined glulam side boards would hold.
That way on the side it holds 50kg very easily. I would screw and glue, but there’s relatively little force, so you might even get away with just screwing it to the corner posts

not sure what kind of wood you put in but glued laminate is a LOT stiffer than wood boards because the grain goes in different directions and the glue acts as a stiff layer

at 640 square inch hed need 50-100 clamps to get 150 psi (from the titebond spec)
well i'll say this: you certainly are autistic.
i picked the first ply i could see

good luck with your project op, i think if you oversized the wood you could get a cheap palm trimmer router to cut a groove to keep the original bed frame from wandering around. at least extend your corner posts a little into the upper frame. unless you have some other plan to keep it in place? looking forward to see how this progresses please keep us updated.

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what's your favorite thing ya did yourself?
literally any project
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Only seen in bike mode
Removed that stupid abomination they call a full bolster with an angle grinder and some sandpaper
Indubitably based.
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I built a free standing, adjustable angle climbing wall during covid lock down. The construction was pretty amateur but the end result worked pretty well.
I noticed this when shopping for new outdoor lights a couple months ago. The thing you don’t realize is most lights are like an L-shape with the mount and either goes up or down. So my guess is that the original light was an L going up, and then anon or his wife or mom found that upside down L light at Lowe’s that they absolutely loved, brought it home and installed it without thinking about the fact that it’s 18” lower than the previous light, and now is trying to justify it as some colonial style bullshit instead or returning it and ordering a similar style that would sit at the proper height.

A place for anything to do with Welding.
Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.
IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.
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>wire feeding system at work in one particular bay I often end up at is an old janky-ass setup coming from a barrel separate from the feeder that makes the wire act up and sometimes fuck up welds
>keep leaving messages to the day shift millwrights to fucking fix that shit
>they keep changing the whip liner and ignoring everything else
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fuck i need to rant about fucking miller pricing
trying to get a funky spoolmatic 30a tuned up and need all the consumable wear parts. i knew miller was proud of their shit, but ho lee fuk i wasnt ready for how insane it was
picel is the plastic guide between the spool holder and the drive roll. its just a shitty little injection molded piece about 1.5" long. $65 fucking dollarinos for one!
other parts are just as bad. the jump liner in the neck is $55 for a 3 pk. its just essentially a 6" piece of 3/16 od teflon tube
the spool holder is cracked and beat. $225 for the assembly
i get that welding is an expensive proposition and businesses buying miller shit should be making money with the equipment, but its fucking ridiculous. why should anybody buy their shit? i cant see where it demands anywhere near the premium markup. its no surprise chinkshit outsells domestic goods 1000 to 1
thanks for attending my ted talk
That's online pricing or at your LWS? I know miller shit was expensive from the local airgas. I ended up switching over to a Tweco gun on my miller welder and haven't regretted it once. I like the screw on gas shield nozzle and everything about it much more than I liked the miller gun anyhow.
lws is typically 20-100% higher than online and ive even had a charge account there for 15 years. worse without an account. for example a single 14-35 contact tip would be like $4.62 or something wacky if you just walked in. i have to haggle with them every time i buy wire because theyre so much more than online. last roll of dual shield i got scanned in at over $400, "discounted" to $345, and he dropped it to $260 when i bitched it was $230 online
their gas is reasonable and where they make all their money anyways servicing large industrial accounts
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got a new tank of a 6" grinder. fuck paddle switch and rat tail bullshit models you cant run one handed. i laughed at the eurocucks sending not one, but two guards and a 400 pg safety manual. threw the retarded quick nut away too. i am a little disappoint at how heavy it is. hopefully it lasts since it was pretty fucking expensive for an angle grinder
captcha:ASS HX

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Who gives a shit about Makita vs Milwaukee? I wanna hear about Bosch vs Miele or some shit.
>sneed queen

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>LG laundry
>no speed queen
>recommending a $2500+ meme instead of a real dishwasher

yeah you have no fucking clue what you're talking about
>I do houses
I hope not if you can't figure out a simple fridge light
>is there a makita washing machine? I'm in. same for stand mixer.
they make a battery-powered drip coffe machine, so a 2x18V or a 40V makita washing machine wouldn't surprise me
anon I was just referencing the fact that we argue about power tool brands all the time but not home appliance brands. although I would definitely consider buying home appliances by either makita or milwaukee.
How do we feel about HE sideloading washers? Shit or just as good? I've only ever used toploaders.

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Why is modern interior design such dogshit nowadays?
>Faux arches
>Kitchen/living room/dining room all open floorplan
>Recessed ceiling
Seems impossible to avoid buying or building a house like this built in the last 5 years.
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i wouldn't sacrifice a living room for this but it seems like the perfect place to have drunk and barely coherent debates with the boys in
This looks like a co-op cafeteria.
i'm sure at least some of that white percentage is accounted for by fleet vehicles
also i hadn't really thought about it, but brown/beige/gold/champagne has really fallen from grace since 98-05
always hated that color car, red or green for me please
Green is objectively terrible for a car because it blends in with/ visually "reads" as foliage to other drivers, especially in motion and in the quick glance type of vision employed to prevent collisions.
It can also show up as black under sodium vapor street lighting, but not like actually black paint would...darker greens can absorb nearly all of the monochromatic yellow of those lamps and cause the paint to take on the properties of a shadow ie a complete abscence of reflected light that "reads" as an empty void where no car exists.
In a test group equally weighted for all colors, green cars, trucks and motorcycles will always prove to be the most likely to be involved in a collision with other vehicles.

Bongs BTFO once again.
The green they have for next year's Maverick looks pretty good.

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Do you absolutely have to drill into your roof and shingles into your rafters or cut off a square and mount to rafters to install solar panel mounts or is there a no-drill solution for sloped roofs? I have a massive roof, built like a pyramid and I want to install some mounts to get it solar panel ready, what kind of mounts should I be looking into? Most of the videos I've seen on social media are the type that cut a small rectangle to expose the rafter to mount to it and patch. Anyone here have solar mounted on their shingle roof or have mounted racks before?
In principle anything works as long as it holds the panels in place, you could make something out of steel that hooks over the top and is weighed down, but this relies on your roof being strong enough to handle the load. The picture you posted is specifically from one such system so you should probably know about it.

The best solar panel mount is always ground, if you have space on the ground then maybe consider spamming them there.
I/we used Unirac. didn't choose it. it's just was the guy who sold us our original setup carried. I have no complaints. it does what it is built for. it has been installed on two different roofs. two years on our old house, 5 months on our solar shed at new house. it has withstood 120kmh winds, sustained.

it is the opposite of what you are looking for, but it may be the answer, regardless. it has 4 mounting brackets anchored to rafters, through composition shingles & tar underlayment for our entire array. have never had a leak.

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This is DIY related because it involves the building of humane animal enclosures:

I want a pet that I can love and play with. I don’t want a dog because I can’t give it the love it requires. I don’t a cat because of brain parasites.

What are my options frens? And how do I build the finest habitat the human mind can conceive of for my new freiend? No smelly pets and no toxic dust from poop/pee please
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you will live in the pod own nothing, and be happy
There is not a single living multicellular organism that doesn't poop in some way.
Get some of those sick as hell stickbugs
Get a "girlfriend"
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move your bed into the den and use the bedroom as a whole-room bird cage.

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He's gotten so clickbaity in the last few months :(
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Tool guys are wild to me,

They talk shit on anyone with nice tools

They brag about how much cheaper harbor freight is and “snap on sucks”

“Enjoy your debt with snap-on, enjoy being in debt because you went to college”

When you have zero debt

Turns out these dumbfucks have debt with harbor fucking freight credit cards and debt on their fire f150 they paid $150k for
What’s the point of having an unorganized jumbled mess of low end ratchets with a bunch of loose sockets all from low tier brands in your tool box?

Why not just have one really good nice set in a clean organized and well kept box?
Torque Test Channel put out a video recently showing the Wal-Mart brand $50 1/2" impact doing basically the same thing as the $300 DeWalt
>low tier brands
>Gearwrench with top tier performance at mid tier pricing
What’s your point?

Also “one really nice set”… so what should I pick, 3/8” shallow 6pt CAT sockets in Metric to replace all of the 1/4”, 3/8”, and 1/2” SAE + MM 6pt and 12pt shallow and deep Craftsman USA sockets and the Gearwrench + Craftsman impact sockets?
Quads of truth

im going to make magnetic gears. i can fit 8 2 mm magnets in a cm diameter gear(cylinder). ill just do it via trial and error until it works and you cant stop me.
been done https://youtu.be/Dg8oVR4k5Dk?si=Q_9KspqfwOjAkoQk
I would be worried about heat if the gear slips, now you got an induction heater.

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tiling noob here
I just borrowed my uncle's wet saw and I put a new diamond blade on it and this is the results I got.
Is this normal or should it look like a factory cut?
If this is too shitty, what else can I use to cut the tiles?
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If you are trying for a perfect cut every time try using a scoring tool to make the crisp edge line, then cut exactly next to that.
If it's glazed it still has a slightly rounded off edge from the glaze becoming molten during the firing process and being influenced by surface tension.
All vitreous materials do this when heated to the point of melting/fusing; they don't flow out like ice or butter, instead a particle of vitreous glaze will try to shrink up into a rounded shape like a water drop.
Make the particles fine enough and distribute them evenly as in a liquid glaze mixture and they will all fuse and leave a very fine finish, use larger glass particles and they will all fuse but won't flow out and the glaze will be bumpy.
Either way, if the field getting glazed ends with a sharp edge, the glaze will retain a rounded shape at that edge after firing.

PS- even unglazed ceramic materials will usually do something similar when fired and lose any sharp edge definition in the process compared to their pre- firing state.
>Those only use a 4.5" angle grinder wheel spinning at ridiculous angle grinder speeds. They are far from the best way of cutting tile and the provided wheel is typically very crappy.
okay well I thought so
I can get a decent result by using tape and cutting it upside down, then sanding the cut

>Where's the fence?
I have it, it's just not in the pic.
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The point is that they cut it before shipping. They are called rectified. Trends are stupid and the current trend is to have giant fucking tiles like 40"x40" and the thinnest, flushest grout lines. Thin grout lines look ugly as fuck on tiles that have a tapered glazed edge so they cut it out and the average customer is happy.
I think being level is more important than a good cut, do you have spacers/levelers? Have you dry fit it?

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Has anyone here ever bought a shipping container and DIY'd it into living quarters or a mini workshop with electrical/ac/plmbing? Or bought a pre-made one and done modifications? I know I've seen a couple of people in here who have their own shipping container shops, but what about a studio living quarters? Are they worth it if you're handy enough to do the work yourself with welding and a acetalyne torch and know electrical? Or is it better to buy pre-fabbed? How do they work in regards to code/inspection? Is it a hassle to get it passed for inspection if you diy as a home in certain states? Is it less strict if it's just a workshop?
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(4chan ate my previous message....)
I'm the anon you replied to.
Can you show me an insulated 40x8 timber shoebox that sells for $4k installed, with floor and all? Sure, it might have some holes in it (from the missing doors and refrigerator motor) but both shoeboxes need work anyway.
Also, for 2x that price you can get a much bigger building (40x16)
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>how this is a problem? can you elaborate please?
Some people just assume someone wants to bury the damn things every time someone mentions containers.
But real Chads know how to live (mostly) unnaground.
>shipping containers are abundant and cheap, but that is not true.
But it is true.
There are plenty of the damn things.
And compared to anything that can be immediately (or very quickly) used as shelter (for people or things) with the same useable area they are plenty cheap.
Even shit metal sheds with no floor have trouble competing on price.
shipping containers can only bear significant load on their corner posts. The corrugated walls and roof will at most bear half a metric ton before buckling inwards.

Do not bury them trying to build a bunker or other such nonsense.
one of the things that attracts me more about a shipping container thank a timber house/frame is that the container won't burn in a fucking fire.

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Ask machining questions, post machining failures.
CAD CAM talk
Speeds and feeds guessing
G-Code, M-Code, Bro-Code
Fanuc vs Haas
Bitch about pay
Ignore Sieg
Whine about spline shafts
Button pushers who think they're machinists

Previous: >>2849288
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Why do you just constantly make shit up?
Costs money to download it dumbfuck

Next you’re going to say cnc parts are cheap when it says “call us for price quote” on a switch

It’s literally my job to call these places and pay them for books when machines go down and we dk t have them for whatever reason
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It's a free account, retard.
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This is in the OP, you will save yourself a lot of frustration by following it.
Download it then

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How do I turn the top lights on?

Please help it looks retarded without the top lights on.
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did you plug them in?
presumably the tree came out of the box in two parts, you need to plug the lights on the top into the lights on the bottom.
how dumb are you? I knew how to fix this when I was 8.
Fuck off
They are in pararell and your cable got cut midway through probably.
Examine the point between last light shining and first not shining.
Turn them off, mend the cut, plug back in and see if it works.
>plastic tree

You NEED to kill yourself

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