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Do you guys hide your DIY skill levels when talking with normies? Or avoid the subject all together because picrel happens a lot?
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Bikes can be rather complicated machines nowadays and for a lot of things you need some specialized tools that can only do that single thing you probably only need to do every few years.
Plus >>2827379 and >>2827390
However, I don’t understand how people can’t even do the 5 minute, piss easy job of changing a flat tire/tube on a bike. Or changing the brake pads (on a cantilever though. I can absolutely understand why one would not want to touch a hydro disc brake (I still do…)) where you only need an Allen key and two moderately functional hands.
I don’t go around offering my help to random strangers, but family, friends and good neighbors (in that order)? Absolutely.
But I generally don’t tend to associate with retards and leeches, so I can always ask them for help in return.
Hey why dont you like installing ceiling fans??
Who are we supposed to be mad at for giving women rights ?
What era was it that men started simping and giving women "freedom"?
>>I don’t know about X
>>well what have you tried
>>nothing, I don’t know
>>I’ve tried Y and Z, I think it’s a problem with A, but it could be B
>I had to institute this rule with my guys at work. I try my best to be a good boss and support my guys, but some of them have a bad habit of giving up in 10 seconds and calling me to give them advice. If they’re really stuck, of course, give me a call… but if you can think for 30 seconds and get the answer of what to try next.. that’s the only way to learn.
I feel you…
Same with my guys.
If I'm observing them from the office, and they try something new, or gotta figure out something new, I just can see how they maybe give it one or two low effort tries and then throw a fit or cry for help when it obviously doesn't work.
Every single time I gotta sprint to them before they cause any major damage and go through the whole scheme again:
>Look at the thing first, observe what it is and how it works.
>Think about what you are trying to accomplish and how.
>Try, but carefully and observe closely what happens.
>Does it seem to work?

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Either you attract low quality women or you just suck at managing them. I don’t even have that problem with immature women in a work environment, so it’s hard to know where exactly you’re going wrong.. but clearly it’s a deficiency on your point.
>has an emotional reaction while throwing around insults that you don’t even know are true or not
Pathetic. God boomers are the worst generation. All they can do is fuck things up.. wars, the economy, their own relationships with the women around them… and then emotionally cry that it wasn’t their fault and they deserve better.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2821841

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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ah I was 5 seconds too late to seeing this lol ty anon!
are there not spring kits or something? I got several doors that are like this and I'd rather buy a $20 spring kit if it exists instead of $20 a door
Measure the width and thickness of a broken spring.
Purchase spring steel that matches the dimensions.
Cut to correct length and bend to proper form.
Install in lock.
Sorry, I've never used epoxy on wood. Do you mean epoxy putty or that clear liquid stuff sold in double-barrel syringes? Does it matter what brand I use?
>Do you mean epoxy putty or that clear liquid stuff sold in double-barrel syringes?

>Does it matter what brand I use?
no - you can choose a color instead of clear if desired
ah just found the material on ebay and you already answered my questions. ty anon!

Hey all, just bought a house. Old 1920's house, and I'm looking to finish up the attic. The only problem is I don't know anything about load bearing weights, or if my attic can handle the weight, or if thats even something I have to worry about? I originally wanted to put up dry wall, but could I do panelling since its lighter if weight is an issue?
pic unrelated, can provide pictures of said attic if someone is kind enough to help.
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Anon from before here...
The thing with the insulation is that its kind of bulging out...if you go with light duty paneling it might make the paneling bulge as well...for that they make "rods" which are pre-cut pieces of steel rod that go in between the rafters and hold the insulation back so it's not going to lean on the back of the paneling.
I think you can go with that insulation, tho...probably more of a mess and pain in the ass to rip it all out. Opening a can of worms, and all that.
So, if the attic floor joists are likely 2x6, that begs the question of the density of partition walls under the attic that are going to have to support those 2x6's. Do you think there are enough walls below the attic floor to support it?
Does it feel spongy when you walk on it? Is there any cracking in the drywall of the floor below, up near the ceiling? Any displaced crown moldings or anything that might lead you to believe that there's structural flexing? If not, you might be able to run with your plan.
Are you thinking of putting any kneewalls up there, or just going with the paneling over what's there now?
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Sounds like I'm going with that insulation to save myself trouble. I'm not very construction savvy, but I googled knee walls and I think those are already in too? There's like half walls on each side of the attic space, and behind a torn part of insulation I can see more sloping roof leading all the way to the floor behind them.
I'm assuming if I did these steel rods I'd have to get one for each spot of insulation that's bulging. Do you think that extra weight would ruin the purpose of the panelling?
No cracks or flexing that I can see anywhere though on the floor below
I wouldn't worry about the weight of the rods, it's not much. Mainly, it comes down to 40 lbs per board of sheetrock versus maybe 8 or 10 for paneling. The rods are similar to wire coat hangers, not very heavy. Yeah, you could just put one wherever the insulation sticks out. Conversely, you could always try to staple the insulation back with a staple gun too, but the paper backing tends to get brittle with age so the staples might just pull through the paper. Can't hurt to try...
No cracks is good, if you're not seeing anything odd then cross your fingers and go for it, I think.
The kneewalls being in are good. Have you given any thought to the electric, or are you good with what's there?
Gonna crash, I'll check back in the a.m.
Post foundations.
Don't really care about your crumbling attic just want to see the foundations.

Sorry for making a new thread but I didn't know where to discuss this on 4chan. I've used this site almost 20 years

I want to make a teddy bear like this, how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select? He has a music box and plays teddy bears picnic, I would like to add music boxes too. I want to make durable but soft ones for kids to use.
>how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select?
I'd start by copying paste the same exact image you showed us and feeding it to GPT-4o, you be surprised how much you can learn by asking Ai first
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You're basically going to get fuzzy fabric from the craft store and sew it inside out. Machine sew all but the back and then turn rightside out and stuff with fluff also from the craft store and hand stitch to hide the seam.

You can work up the pattern with paper or fabric. You can also deconstruct an existing stuffy to copy the pattern. You also might be able to find a pattern online.

You can practice the pattern and/or create out of any type of fabric (e.g. cut up old jeans) but your final fur fabric might be tougher to get a needle through.

Music box (or airtracker) goes in before you sew up the back. Please don't be some sickfuck pedo.

tl;dr: learn to sew
I am over 40, I'm never going to do that. That stuff is going to contaminate the thought process of humanity.

I mean...was looking for specific advice on needles etc as mentioned. Thanks though
I haven't bought needles in 30 years so I don't know what kind of horrid chinese pseudo steel they are making them out of these days.

Otherwise they're just needles, some are a little larger and some smaller but they all work provided they fit the thread. Quality thread is bought on the spool not in sewing kits. More important than the needle is a thimble for fabrics like the fur, but that depends on which fur fabric you buy.

Which stitch you use matters even for hand sewing, probably more for hand sewing, and you haven't been clear if you have a machine or are getting one. It's really hard to guess what your level of sewing experience is, start with some easier fabric and an easier project. Cut up old t-shirts and make little bags or something, idk you could have a Vevor at home or not understand the difference between needles and pins. You left it pretty wide open. Regardless good luck.
Thank you. I would probably want to hand sew them as the idea is to make something nice

I feel like my whole life has been pointless. My idea is to get just one bear even into the arms of a kid who has nothing. To just try to make the world better in some way.

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I would like a stethoscope that I can plug into my computer to use with audacity. Unfortunately, I can only find digital stethoscopes that cost hundreds of dollars (pic related is $500 for some reason)
Cheap stethoscopes go for as little as $6 so I would like to splice my own AUX cable or usb cable in myself.

Any ideas for how to do it?
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5 secs...
There's only two companies on the planet that make stethoscopes and with that duopoly they charge whatever they want for them. Digital ones are still relatively new and expensive. A very good regular stethoscope that will last a whole career is $~500. Digital ones won't last 40 years and are a lot more than that.
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I did this to plot how effective different sprays were on the hornet nest on the other side of my wall back in the day, can confirm just stuff a microphone into a cheap chink stethoscope and it'll work
Just literally showed you two that cost mere dozens; it's not rocket science, you know, you can literally just hack one yourself with literally any mic. Like, literally literally lol

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I'm replacing the capacitor and compressor fan motor on my AC.

The old capacitor is a 20/4 440. Is it safe to replace it with a 20/5 440?

Pic related is the old capacitor.
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Pic rel is the box for the new motor, I already replaced it. it says CAP 5 so I think I'm okay?

the old capacitor was bulging out at top
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forgot pic
>The general rule of thumb is you can go plus or minus 10% of the rating.
Op is going solely off the old cap, what if that one was already %10 higher?
Seem pretty unlikely, like 99% of hvac systems use like, one of two cap sizes.
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OP here -

thanks your all your help, I installed the new capacitor and the unit seems to be working just fine (knock on wood)

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Toilet flush is very weak. Plumber says Toilet has mineral deposit build up and bad hardware in the tank. Anyone know a Good Chemical for breaking up or dissolving these deposits?
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Is that bad? I started doing it recently on one of my bathrooms. I almost always flush at least once a day tho.
Replace the toilet. Along with the list anon provided, get some plastic shimes and a level. Mske sure toilet is level front to back. Out of level shitter will mske a weak flush.

Shitty ass tiny keyboard phone poster
why would you leave piss in a toilet ever? are you some poor who cant afford a gallon of water to not have you home smell like piss?
I pee like 10-12 times a day. Mostly clear piss. It seemed like a waste to flush 12 gallons a day vs one. It only ever smells funny if I forget to flush it overnight. I flush my shit bathroom like 3 times per shit so I think they get cancelled out. Once again, is it bad? Will I clog the pipes in my piss bathroom?

Why the fuck are these fuckers so expensive?
>water filter
>Is plastic for more pfas
>difficult to replace
>lowers pressure
>needs 7 different kinds to work right
$9000.99 plus tip
>car oil filter
>made of metal
>easy to replace
>never leaks
>never explodes

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The fuck?

Is this an inline system? Mine costs $30 every four months to maintain

I can build this using parts at menards for $300
Where the fuck are you buying them from that it costs so much? I just bought 2 generic ones of amazon for £20 each plus about another £30 for a finer filter and some brass hardware. Less than £80 all in.
are you telling me you didn't design and build your own R.O. plant?
I eventually want to make something like this, but maybe less automated just for filling up a tank of potable water. Something I can take with me after I sardine my apartment.
based retard
>he fell for the berkey maymay
sorry you spent $400 on charcoal filters, hey maybe do the red food coloring test to make yourself feel like it's doing more than it actually is!

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I was severely abused at home over my childhood so as an adult, I can't live in a home anymore. A decade of therapy and medications hasnt helped. I'm going to go voluntary homeless instead. I don't want to be attacked by people who attack homeless people, so I'm thinking of building a wooden box for myself. I'll put the coffin on wheels so it is portable. Might attach that camper to a bicycle. I'll sell my car. Tried sleeping in that and other cars I inspected but still felt that domestic violence complex PTSD

I'll strong hinges and secure locks to prevent unauthorized entry. The door will be essentially one panel of the coffin mobile. I'll nail the coffin on a dolly trolly so I can push it arouns.

I'll use a light wood so it is light. Just needs to be sturdy enough that someone can't use a baseball bat to bash it in. I live in Australia so no one uses guns on homeless people.

I'll add a window with flyscreen so I can minimise condensation. Will counterbalance by adding a tonne of insulation because Australia gets mighty cold in the winter.

I'm thinking something like:
Width: 80-90 cm
Length 200-250 cm
Height 120-150 cm

Grateful for any advice and thanks in advance
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aluminum frame for floor, axle and neck
build the floor and body out of 2" foam insulation board and hot glue
make it v neck on the front and slope the roof
tall enough you can sit up in "bed"
cover with 1mm plastic sheet. 1mm is flexible like a credit card, 2mm is solid like a glass pane
the foam + 1mm plastic will take as much time as a much heavier 1/4" wood panel build to get through with a baseball bat.
door is a whole other post, it shouldn't cause the trailer to tip if not connected, should let you sit down partially outside and shouldn't let water in.

don't burn all your bridges when you go voluntary homeless, you might find the suffering is better inside than out. enjoy the project, the toughest part is going to be the aluminum bottom frame.
Kill yourself.
If I ever came across a homeless loser living in something like your op picture i would promptly wheel it off the nearest cliff or steep hill with the moron still inside.
all you’d have to do is wrap a single tie strap around it covering the exit hatch
have fun in your permanent coffin gayboy
your plan is so retarded id walk 1000 miles to kick your homeless ass, ive done it before and ill do it again


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My hands and feet sweat like you wouldnt believe. I am not doing the surgery thing.
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No I am not a fucking retard. I threatened to quit my job, if it was forced, even though I was quietly pissing myself. Luckily, 25 other people said the same thing and would have shut down the entire office.
>I threatened to quit my job
>I was quietly pissing myself
>25 other people said the same thing and would have shut down the entire office
I read half of it and now I sweat twice as much.
Marijuana errday ironically..

Drink more water / coconut juice
Less fappage
Don't consume too much media / social media
Don't get involved in or create drama or stress.
Less carbs pizzas candy and junk
I hear there's actually medication you can get

Otherwise 420 blaze it Yolo
Acclimate your body to a sauna so it takes more heat than usual to make you sweat.

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I didn’t know where else to ask, I made a shitty like accent wall of these 3d panels to cover up ugly old panel board, but they have gaps that I can’t seem to remedy between the panels. I know some people use like caulk for it, but I’m trying to find a way not to damage the paneling below. I’ve used double sided tape to hold the actual panels up.

Any ideas
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*thought those were 3D printed.
Add buy 3D printer before previous instruction
>a way not to damage the paneling below
>double sided tape
Pick one
A quick cocktail napkin calculation appears to show that 3D printing them would cost about 50% more than purchasing the ready made panels from HDX. But you would be able to make them interlocking, so it might be worth it.
What I use is alien tape and I’ve tested it. It works well and doesn’t trod up the wood so far.
All tape adhesive will eventually dry up, bond to the surface and ruin something. Might take 5 years, 10 years or more, but it will happen. The only way to prevent it is periodically replacing the tape with fresh stuff.

Post your projects and questions!

Some resources
> YouTube
Sellers, Krueger, Stumpy Nubs, MatthiasWandel. Hookedonwood if you’re rich enough.

> Reading / other media
Vic Tesolin, Tage Frid, Joshua Klein, woodgears.ca

> House building / Framing
Craig Jacobs, Larry Haun

> Old but good plans for a lot of homestead related structures
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Freehanding table saw cuts is common practice in finish carpentry. It's one of the fastest ways to rip a bunch of scribes out. Nobody is gonna take you seriously if you can't freehand a scribe to the line on a table saw at a reasonable angle. One of the reasons it's not very dangerous is because the board can't get stuck between the saw blade and the rip fence and turn into a javelin. You can easily pull your hands back and cut power. If you're running loose knots or short pieces through, then you aren't practicing good judgement.
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I cobbled trash together to grind my coffee. Now that it works >>2829024 I want to replace the top 3d printed plate and the bottom plywood frame with some better wood. I also want to build a simple square box for it. I assume I'll need 1/4" to 1/2" panels to do this. I only have hand tools, so that means sawing out shapes and hand-filing them to fit.

What is the right wood to use here? Is there any "retard's first box" guide? The google examples sucked.
Try to find some cherry. Looks good, it is easily workable, food-safe and it's usually a cheaper option amongst many of the nicer woods. Walnut is an arguably better option all around, but it is more expensive.

Hard to give you any advice on building a box for it. Need to know more information. Do you mean an actual housing for the thing? Or do you mean a box to put it in for storage? Are you trying to build it with old school joints and glue? Or are you just going to plug it with fasteners like nails or screws? Does it need a lid? Are you trying to install hinges or something? The only sure thing I can say is that when you build a box, build it so the sides are sitting on top of the bottom and underneath the top. This ensures the wood itself is weight-bearing, as opposed to some fasteners or glue. If you can mortise out some slots for the wood to grab when you join a piece together, then you should do that. Lap/half-lap, dado, rabbet and mortise & tenon joints are what I am talking about here. I don't really know exactly what you're doing, but 1/4" thick wood might be a little more difficult to get enough material to grab a hold of. Thinner boards are easier to cut and work, but more difficult to join. I would stick with 1/2" to 3/4" just so it's easier to build it sturdy.
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Oil walnut or leave it natural? Plan on adding a matte clear coat either way
Right is pretty.

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Previous thread couldn't cope >>2803398
>RTTY Edition

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.

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Yes, it sounds like you've got your hands full. Watch how the other guys operate and the equipment they use. There might be some tips there. And I get it if you have budget constraints. I was using an Icom W2A (my first radio, bought new in April 1993, still have it) and a Radio Shack discone. It's full duplex. With headphones I can tx on UHF while rx on VHF simultaneously and vice-versa. And having the optional hand mic it freed up a hand to manipulate the radio (adjust the tuning to compensate for doppler shift etc). Very easy to use.

Can you use the internal voice recorder on your phone? Just activate it early on and let it run in the background then edit the good parts later. I wish I recorded the signals I heard. All the craft they were on are now long gone and part of history. I just have a couple of dot matrix printouts.

Why aren't you using the Alinco? I would think that would be the superior radio in both ease of use (one radio does the job) and performance.

Irc one has to be careful with the tx power levels. Many of the hamsats in the 90s would shut down temporarily if too high of power was used.
Keps were published in radio magazines for the month ahead. There were fewer birds then.
Is POTA cancer? 20m is full of it
uvk5 + quanshengdock
>Watch how the other guys operate and the equipment they use
That's great advice for life. I've seen some folks gravitate to something like pic related. Not only does it help balance the tripod, but it offers near hands free operation. On the other hand, I really admire the simplicity of others' setups - pull out a small yagi and HT, wave it around, and make contacts
>I get it if you have budget constraints
I'm blessed in that I don't - however I want to grow my knowledge to make an educated purchase.
>having the optional hand mic
I added a hand mic to my TX HT and put the radio in my pocket. Small win, but still something to juggle
>Can you use the internal voice recorder on your phone?
I'll try a different app - when I close out of the recorder it turns off.
>Why aren't you using the Alinco?
That was my intent but without the duplexer arriving it's much more bulk to juggle.
I thought of turning a .50 cal can into a storage box with the Alinco and a battery and external speaker, but I see I'm running into more baggage.
Ideally, I'd prefer minimal setup. Right now I'm running in the backyard and setting things up. A perfect scenario would be a base station, but if a omni-directional antenna is out of the question, I need to learn to walk before thinking about an automated rotor

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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I've thought about either using other pair of bolts to avoid plugging the holes or just welding on the sides and avoiding the bolt holes altogether, just for reinforcement
What about keeping the axle in to avoid distortion?
>Every welder is a former convict. That's what every person thinks about you.

Most serious contractors don't hire felons and haven't for years due to TWIC etc requirements or working on military bases. Most normals are retarded trash so no esteem lost that mattered.
Unless it's exotic best to use it for scrap as TIG practice then get a slider to use off Ebay. Never practice on your workpiece.

Year, make and model?
Been welding professionally for 8 years and I only ever met one single guy who did time and no one wanted to hire him after his internship but you can believe whatever retarded shit you want, retard
Spare parts are unobtainable since I'm in bumfuck of nowhere and it would cost too much even if I found a fork
'04 Yamaha xt660x

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I'm about a year into a 2 year HVAC trade school program and this image just fucked me up
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windings on the motor are starting to go bad, if the capacitor needs to be replaced more and more often.
Same problem here, but not as frequent as you. I ruled it down to my local grid glitching all the time. Try putting a dedicated surge protection on the whole circuit.
Spicy fleshlight
My father made 6 figures doing hvac in the 90s. It's actually required to live here though unlike warmer places.
It is mechanical. HVAC does some of everything. Have to wire the electrical panel, motors, thermostats, plumb water heaters and oil/gas lines, do all the ductwork with minor carpentry, chimneys and other ventilation. It's a nice variety but a fuckload of tools.

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