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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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You need to purge the inside of the pipe with a little bit of nitrogen. Try doing a full pipe weld.
Easy purge setup is two flowmeters on a tee (NOT a dual flowmeter because if one gets broken the whole thing gets sent in for repair unless you can do it yourself which is easy if you can get the parts).

We purged with the same argon we welded with but if you don't mind adding a nitrogen cylinder that works and of course they use the same nipples. You can also use the nitrogen to pressure test vehicle air conditioners (far more reliable than vacuum).
You're not fucking risking cancer. Burn a nice hot fire and anything that was in there goes away. That's why home heating oil tanks are so popular as are large LP tanks (Fecesbook Marketplace is a good source).
^This. 4chan is full of young morons who should be gutted for existing.
As I said here
Not all. I've worked with welders up in fort mac for 5 years and almost every single one was committing tax fraud in some way, or drinking and driving to work, or selling rock cocaine in the camps.

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due to circumstances, i have an old fridge that im trying to get rid of
so i thought hey it fits in my car ill just scrap it for some cash

>scrap yard wont take fridges with freon in them so there needs to be a hole drilled in the compressor before they take it
>it is illegal to drain the freon yourself and comes with a 6 gorrilion dollar fine if caught
>start calling hvac companies, appliance repair companies, recycling companies
>no one is willing to do it
>call the scrap yard to ask how to get the freon out
>the guy on the phone is genuinely confused why im asking because every scrapper just vents it to atmosphere
>finally get the name of a place that supposedly does it
>haul the fridge 10 miles to the refrigerator recycling place
>meth head roastie doesnt know if they do it
>shirtless tattoo guy on the forklift goes ah jeez dood the machines all the way in the back and ive got all this shit to do its gonna cost you like $15 probably isnt worth it lemme call the manager to see if its really $20
>ahh man he says its gonna be like $30 probably not worth it huh
>nope out and drive all the way back home

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are you retarded? freon is a brand name owned by Chemours and used for various refrigerants. and if you're referring to things like r22, you should really stop posting because all you do is prove you know fuck all about what you're talking about

>what the fuck is this shit
>why is this so hard
>why is there this retarded catch 22
>apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?
welcome to (((america)))
just put it FREE on craiglist and somebody will take it a way
yep anon that's how environmental stuff works. same deal for recycling automotive coolant. nobody in my city does it, nobody in my parents city does it. we had like 15 gallons of coolant and wound up having to wait like 8 months until there was some community recycling day where they took it. everyone I knows just dumps it in the river.
freon is at least just some type of greenhouse gas I think, so it's not going to pollute your water supply, just contribute some amount to global warming.
>all it takes is one uppity scrapyard wagie to decide to start reporting crimes
There is zero risk of this as long as the fridge is less than 28 years old (1996). Anything newer than that doesn't have CFC refrigerant. The EPA doesn't even require reporting of HFC refrigerant releases under 50 pounds (a residential fridge will be around 5-8 ounces).

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Has anyone seen one of these things before?
It looks like the kind of shit poor people buy because they need to stay poor.
I think it's ten years old, I got it for free.

Anyway, it was at 3v when I got it, I put it on a battery charger and it was pulling 200mah and then I went afk and forgot it for 5 hours. Now it's at 13.6v
Whats the best non destructive way to see what kind of batteries are in this shit? I only want to know how much I should care about it because if it's not lithium then I don't give a shit anymore obviously.
But I am not sure it would recover from 3v if it was. Can't find shit online, maybe I should just take it to the courthouse and see if I can get them to xray it
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Based on how shitty it looks, it's pretty much guaranteed to be from the NiCd era or earlier.

Why would you even attempt to charge something like this, shit can catch fire while you're asleep.
>Would a small lead acid get up to 13.6V?
it would if it is bad.
Ok so heres what it is….another proprietary battery you have buy every 3 years. If it was worth a shit it wouldn’t be rare. Voltage means bullshit withoutva load….said yer mom
These are hot garbage. And if its 10 years old the batteries inside have just been self-draining they are mostly likely fscked anyways. Even when new, these don't have enough juice to make a difference for most vehicles. And if you actually leave it connected to charge all the time, if you leave the car lights on it will drain it's batteries as well.
After siting for 24 hours it's at like 11.3v now rip.
I think it's nicd and probably fucked.

I was thinking if it worked properly it would be cool as a UPS for the cigar lighter port since on my car it is switched. When the car shuts off, it would stay powering my phone charger and stuff.
It has a female port and would just go in between.

Maybe I'll just build one instead,

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Are these a meme? I already have a regular gas powered saw but it would be nice to be able to do some light trimming without lugging it around
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Speaking of meme tools... would I be stupid if I bought into the old Ridgid JobMax stuff?
anons trolling for bepis, but kvd seems to be on vacation this week instead of shitposting here
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I went camping once and had this great idea to bring my sawzall to cut firewood
6ah battery ran out on a 6" branch
What kind of chinkshit brand were you using? I've cut an entire pickup load of railroad ties into blocks using a single 8.0ah milwaukee battery and Diablo pruning blade...

I want to put zinc strips on my roof to prevent moss. I trimmed the trees as best I could but even with a ladder and pole saw I couldn't reach everything so there's gonna be more moss. I spray moss out, but that just kills it for a season then it'll come back.

I need your tips and encouragement for working on a roof for the absolute beginner, and any tips for a good installation that won't require going back up there.
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Moss is good
Looks like a railroad for retards
You would know
I would you posted it
Before you go buy supplies, need to get up on the roof and try CAREFULLY rolling/lifting up some of the shingles. The strip should probably only be unlaid about an inch, but check the manufacturers recommendations. Depending on the type of shingles and age, you may not be able to get them to move much without cracking. If they fold up well enough to give you the room to swing a hammer, would recommend nailed installation. If they don't, use construction adhesive (tiny bit). GAF (major roofing manufacturer) supports both and either is covered by their warranty. Advantage of nailing over adhesive is that they can be removed. With adhesive, if you need to replace them in 20 years you're gonna have to rip up and replace the ridge.

It works. Copper was used for a long time, but with the price of copper has gone apeshit over the last few decades it is pretty rare now. Last time I looked at it a few years ago doing it with copper strip would have been something like 6x the price. Both are usually good for 20+ years.

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Been working on a small shed design (3.75m x 5m) and was planning on building a loft for sleeping about half the size of the ground floor, but have been struggling with figuring out how to support it. None of the walls are symmetrical making things a bit awkward. What's the right way to do this?
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> Run 2x6s across the width and screw them to the sides of the bases of the trusses and lay OSB on top of them
Ehhhh WRONG…the ceing joists shouldvset ON the wall top plate.
If you actually opened the pic I posted, the boards are on top of the wall frame. They can sit there, and be screwed to the bottom of the trusses
boomer faggot, it's a fucking shed fuck off
Awww poor baby got its feelers hurt..fooleefoo pooky pooky
Mommy made hotpockets my widdle cuddle bear
Tickle tickle….whos my baby boyeeeee
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Previous thread:>>2802510

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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No. Use a MOSFET and a diode, or a dedicated motor driver.
Cross-board replying to
.. because it's a dead thread.
>I'll ask you what I have started to ask myself. Do you really think you can out engineer, out program, out build, essentially outperform dedicated teams working full time on this issue? Not even commercial tractors are using MV+NNs yet.
I used to be like you once upon a time. But SLB changed my attitude completely.
Dreams are only dreams until realized. And realizing this dream only requires dedication (and an in-depth understanding of electronics, engineering, programming and machine learning).
If you want to be like me, get shit done and learn how to easily out-compete these big firms, I'd recommend watching this.
>No offense, but even thinking about using an ESP32 for this kinda shows you are out of your depth. At minimum the device that will run the mower should also be used to capture any training data.
For data collection, I don't think it'll really matter. Tilt/Height/Angle of the camera will matter, but I want to experiment to see if I can train the network to either a) be relatively flexible about this or b) have these as an input parameter.
NN's have far more impressive feats under their belt than driving a mower. I suspect the corporate sector is worried about safety/risk/reliability - which is less of a concern for me. If I end up with a mower that goes rogue and draws dicks on the neighbor's pasture, so be it. With the increasing leaps in AI/ML, this is just something that we, as humans, have to learn to live with. We will not be able to compete with our lawn mower overlords.
PWM yes, but not straight from the pin. Very easily overloaded. The frequency must also be high enough for maximum stability.
Even if you're using an absolutely tiny motor that won't overload the pin, you at least want a flyback diode unless you want to fry it. Inductive loads like motors create voltage spikes.
Not him, but wouldn't that only be a control signal used to control a circuit in the motor itself?
Flyback diode not needed, a PWM output pin on an MCU will pull and push current, so it will eat up any inductive spike just fine without blocking current. Same reason you don’t need one when using a half bridge or H bridge.

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What safety toe boots do you wear and do you recommend them?
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NTA but mine just wore out in less than a year, minimal mud, and I oiled them like 4-5 times in that time period. I think quality control has gone down hill at redwing and I'm only in this thread so I can figure out another brand to buy.

I have weird feet, shaped like a piece of pizza, so kingtoes fit well. I need to find a replacement, I work as an electrician, indoors and out doors, rain, snow, or shine.

Suggestions please for someone with a narrow heel and wide toes
Poly toe is best if you need toe protection. Anything heavy enough to destroy poly will probably also flatten steel.
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I almost bought the Pumas but went with these NB’s. I like them ok. I only do light manufacturing crap so the comp toe and sneaker style work well for me.
Timberland Pros
They last like 2+ years and they're comfy af.

They would last longer but the soles wear out.
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>white's boots
>yes, but if I bought them again I'd buy an EE toe size and not an E. I have extremely wide feet, so I'll get it enlarged when I eventually have the lowers rebuilt

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Haven’t been here in a while DIY, how’s everyone doing. Thinking about making a big life change and selling my house then building a “barndomium” on land I would buy next to one of my siblings. Start a family compound.

Has anyone here ever built one? Anyone know good resources I could read to research it? Good companies for sourcing the steel structure? Thx, saunanon

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I need a circuit to install on my front porch. Kids are hitting my fence everytime they go out, and its driving my mom to the point of tears. Their parents are assholes (the whole place is getting filled with asshats), and I need to take matters into my own hands.

An impact sensor plugged to a strong siren will do the trick for now. Either that or big ass dogs to chase away the kids, but Id rather make the alarm.
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Any kind of siren or other loud noise maker will just encourage the kids to do it more as being shitheads is their motivation. Depending on the age and light reflectivity of the "kids", a large dog might indeed help. Just be absolutely sure it can't make it past the fence.
Where is that muratic acid fag when it would actually be funny?
He's honeymooning in Bali with his new husband the vinenegar fag.
Get a mercury switch from an old thermostat or a tilt switch, affix it to the fence as a sensor.

Have you considered electrifying the fence? In many communities it's legal if you hang the placards.
>Sensor that releases mustard gas
wiley coyote has entered the chat.

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Ive just bought 40ish acres wooded lot recently. Plan is to farm/homestead. I'm wondering if it might be worth it to buy a used excavator or bobcat. I'm gonna dig a septic anyways and enviably I'm going to what to dig some ponds and either bermed or pit greenhouses.
Question is, what should I keep an eye out for as a novice guy on a budget.
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if you plan on buying an excavator make sure you have a place to make maintenance and repair on it first. otherwise you'll be stranded with a fucked up excavator and the guy who will repair it for you will ask for a price as high as the excavator itself. buying an excavator is actually a good idea but you need to know what the fuck are you doing. mini excavators are more expensive than a large used one for some reason and i can bet your acres wooded lot it will be more expensive to fix and mantain aswell.
if you dont have a garage with metalworking tools and experience with metalworking, hydraulics and mechanical knowledge dont fucking bother. you will be fixing that machine more often than you will be using it aswell so make sure you will be using it often, otherwise you will be looking at a money pit you get no use out of.
Can you fix my excavator?
did you get the mule too?
Would be a funnier comic if the rooster had a subtle but huge dick.
If you're planning on staying there, I strongly recommend nut trees as soon as you can afford to get some. They will pay off in free food in a few years if you make appropriate choices for your zone. Check out Grimo Nut Nursery for example.

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Threw together a crude door for my cabin I built. It's 5/8 ply nailed to 2x4 boards. I thought once I nailed the plywood it would stiffen everything up but the top and bottom are wobbly.

Suggestions on how to reinforce the door?

Note there's some mean gaps as well alat the door entrance but I'm going to put fat trim to fill. Door also doesn't completely open and contacts floor but it opens up enough to get in and out the house
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even comparing a hollow core door to this is a joke. hollow core doors are just expanded cardboard and glue. they have no mass nor components to bend
maybe drill some holes through the rail at the end of every horizontal and insert some hefty dowels/rods and glue, at least two per end.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too.
The outside looks a lot better than your door, that's for sure.
>5/8" plywood bad
>suggests 6/8" (3/4") plywood instead.

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I hate that shit headed people like you exit in this world just taking up oxygen. You think you know everything but are clearly beyond retarded cause you talk with your ass brain. Anyways to OP if you replace the tube it will fix your problem. I would definitely suggest taking it to a professional, cause some of components in TVs can be deadly.
Is replacing the tube even an option? That's basically the whole TV.
Sure if you can find one that is the same or similar enough. Probably not worth doing unless this display is really valuable to you.
>I would definitely suggest taking it to a professional
in what universe do CRT repair professionals still exist?
There's a lot of things that can go wrong in a CRT that can be fixed. This is not one of them. It looks like both the shadow mask and phosphor layers are burned, you'd basically have to manufacture a new tube in order to "fix" it.

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I'll second this, I got put on rinvoq by my doctor & its night and day difference, im in australia so gotta go to the specialist every 6 months for a repeat but good for the last 2 years
The only people I know IRL with persistent skin conditions are Asians.
As of now there is no cure to eczema. All you can do is keep it under control with medication and lifestyle habits.
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Ivw been eating nothing but this allergy diet for weeks and my eczema has never been worse. Joints feel better
Did lose 20lbs, hard to make 2500cql/250g protien a day.

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I just had this coretec flooring installed by a company yesterday. They ordered it from their supplier and installed it for me. I cleaned it today since it was coated in a good bit of drywall dust from the subfloor. Just water, a mop, and bucket. I got it pretty wet, but it wasn't like I let the water sit for a day or anything. Had a shop fan running to air dry it out, and went over it multiple times with the mop and water. I did see the guys yesterday with a standard vacuum cleaner, but I don't know if that would cause this. The extra planks that are left don't appear to have these lines. I already called the company and they're going to come out to take a look in a day or two. Is this just defective LVP, or did someone fuck it up somewhere along the line?
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Not that anon but,

>Fuck off with your fearmongering, loser, you're just jealous of my high quality indoor plumbing. The Romans used lead pipes that how reliable they are!

There, fixed that for you. That's how retarded you sound.
It's supposed to be waterproof. A lot of plank flooring products would swell the fuck up after a mopping. Use a swiffer instead.

The lines you see are a factory image issue. Any spots that don't come off with soap and water are probably some etching in the stamped image, and that will not come off. During construction sometimes guys spill something or track something that causes etching on a surface.

In general LVP is only worth it if you buy the high end product, stuff that's $5 or $6 per square ft. All that $4 and under stuff is cheap, and will never be perfect.
>what the fuck are those white lines between the planks? did they fill in the gaps with grout?
They aren't white lines, that's light reflecting off the small curves/bevels on the edges of the planks.
Looks like shitty fake milling marks to make it look like shitty ass rustic pine

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