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i wanna make my own IEMs but im not a chinese kid raised to do a pc out of rocks

i would like to make a simple one
just one DD and see how it goes
where do i begin with this?
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>where do i begin with this?
Is this an african-american cultural thread?
Black History Month?

>a pallet of rocks costs $200
fucking absurd

I need some limestone rocks, they don't have to be anywhere near perfectly-shaped, they are going to be used as a facade for an interior wall. Whenever I drive down the highway I see massive limestone walls where the hillside was blasted away to get a road through there - why can't I just go to one of these sites and pick up some blocks that have fallen?
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a cargo plane costs thousands whether you load it with one pebble parcel or near-overload it.
are you on 4chan asking people if the rocks outside are free? they are ROCKS dude what do you think will happen to you if you are caught putting some in your vehicle? just take them
amerimutts need licenses to extract minerals from the land they "own" and that may include rocks
bro thats 200 for a pallet of that size thats fucking cheap are you high
Rule of thumb is that products carried on conveyor belts, chutes and pipes are cheap. Think of liquids, pastes, powders, rubble.
Like cement, plastic or extruded pasta.
While the expensive products are made from solid material. Carved rock, machined metal.
Batch production vs continuous production.

what are some other cool tricks you guys use at your facilities to keep things extra safe
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I still have a safety vest from Covid that tells people to stay 6ft away from me.
It’s my favorite vest.
why is water coming out of your fire alarm
Already covered...
>complicated ass dock locks to prevent trailers from pulling off with a forklift in them
>expect drivers to back perfectly straight for a whole 10ft to get the trailer wheels in the lock
>trailer wheels now look like picrel

supposed to be really neat that sunken windows with overhang lets in low angle winter sun but blocks high angle summer sun. Of course its pretty "set in cement" and can't really be changed once built.

Mirrors seem pretty cheap and they also got pretty durable stretch mirrors used in gyms that I've seen take beatings from rabid Jr High School brats.

How about a system of mirrors to reflect sun away or directly into house, and you'd maybe flip that once a year. Maybe more like adjust every 2 months for max benefit.

With mirrors you could do shit like blast a rectangle of near direct sun up into a ceiling from around a dark shaded corner.

Sure some birds will shit and dust collect but it should 98% hose off just fine. Probably scare off most birds, or will start entertaining "bird fighting itself".
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>indirect light through windows.
If it's just for light, mirrors would work but wouldn't be as useful as you think, as others have pointed out.

If you are looking to heat your house, you are in for disappointment. Mirrors only reflext a fraction of the energy, especially lower wavelengths.
If you're gonna move something either way, just have an adjustable overhang on a window. What angle would you even have a mirror reflect light into a window from anyways?
Do they sell glass cleaner by the barrel?
Used to be somewhat common, same as window awnings and breezeways.
That was interesting. Good post

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Stop being a fat fuck and work out and do yoga.

I have a herniated L4/l5, do this video 4-5x a week. It saved my life. Get Flexeril for yourself while symptoms are presenting, but keep stretching to get off it.

Also, do planks.

apparently i have/had multiple herniated discs, L3,4,5 or something idk and inflamed facets, degenerated tissue ect.
i didnt even notice any of that lmaooo
i found that all out last week via mrt; got a year of physio therapy approved yesterday, 2 times per week
this week ill make an appointment and look out for a good therapist.

my doc told me that if you wanna fix this, you do physio/gymnastics everyday for atleast 30mins, better 1hr. (he does it 1 hour in the morning)
strengthening exercises,stretching exrecises and maintaining excrescics.
swimming 2 times per week.
NOT lifting anything above 5 kilo
NOT sitting for more than 30 mins at a time (30mins sitting, 30 mins standing)
sitting IS P O I S ON
that were his words

theres no way to DIY unfortunately, at least without risks. a physiotherapy specialist is rather important, because he/she will EXACTLY show and "feel" you how to do the excrecises, so you LEARN to do them PROPERLY and not damage you FURTHER. also you can ask questions

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edit its L2-3-4-5
The name od the surgeon?
Albert Einstein
I think with a mirror, sharp knife, decent drill and steady hand you could come up with surgery.

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If you eat at least six goats a year since we are assuming you slaughter and eat one goat every two months at the very least which means half a kilogram of meat a day and getting your other calories from milk and eggs, how many goats would you have to start with to make that happen? Probably at least thirty since you would get twelve a year if you let only three goats give birth every three months to not disrupt the milk production. But then you have to add the fact that it takes four months for the first birthing cycle to beging so you will half a year without ready for slaughter and breeding goats. So you technically will need around ten goats ready for slaughter every other month before being able to have self-sufficient process beging working as in four months pregnancy and nine months rising. Is that sound math or I'm missing something?
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>I literally free range about 200 chickens
Where do you live? Where I live in south QC, the coyotes, foxes, skunks etc would eat them all in the first month.
We also free range chickens. During the day they do what ever. At night they come back to inside the livestock fencing to sleep with the livestock dogs. Lost several over the years but we are to the point stuff needs to be refreshed because these bitches are getting old and lazy with the egg laying. Refresh next year with 50-70 new chicks.
Why is it that people with this “cite your source” bitchy attitude bring up dunning kruger like its checkmate. You know the other side of it is that the expert (you) is more unsure about their knowledge, maybe you’re still on the left side of the curve.

I just ate a sleeve of keebler cookies and feel irritable, but my theory is that humans will adapt and overcome these dietary challenges

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The County has placed a garbage can down at the end of our hollow, in front of my home. It is attracting partiers who stay for hours, laughing and hollering at each other. I called the County and asked them to remove the can, but they said it helps their crews keep the area free of trash. I explained that the garbage can is making the problem worse, but they won't listen. Now that I have identified myself to County officials, how do I get rid of this garbage can?
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You should have just done this in the first place and not called the county. Now you're going to die in a shootout with the cops over the world's most hype garbage can.
I realized the power of feces many years ago.
>sent to computer camp
>hated it
>became filled with rage
>pooped in sink
>camp shutdown for giant meeting
>Who pooped in sink
>Rage in guys face running camp
>delight and more poop strikes on my mind.
>Ended up making all state base ball and got pulled from camp for that.
Lesson? Poop works and its lucky
>there's a garbage can here
>that means there are partiers
>help me dispose of the garbage can
What mental illness causes this leap of logic to manifest? It's like claiming you're being gangstalked because someone with a red car drove past your house once.
As if OP's house wasn't a big enough sign.
The partiers are loud and obnoxious, otherwise I wouldn't care. I saw a county grunt looking for the garbage can yesterday, but they did not knock on my door.

Is it feasible to build one of these to live in? Just slap some fiberglass and a wood burning stove in there and call it good?
On /pol/ they were telling me to build cobson adobe but I want to build 4 of these connected to an outdoor area covered by a roof
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Those shipping containeroids only last like 20 years whilst cobson is forever
I agree, 20 years if you're lucky. However, shipping containers are about 2-3k a pop, are easily modifiable, movable, and hassle free. Cobson is literally a stonemason's job. Your house won't avalanche onto your dumb skull because you didn't pick the right grout or some shit in a shipping container.
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/pol/ made it sound easy
"Just slap some cobbie adobe on the pallets and put a metal roof on."
They said
Just use pallet wood as the removable frame/mould for the cob. If you're cash poor, labour rich, cob is the best building material, so long as you're not in an overly wet climate.
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How would it be removable? How do I build the frame?

Decorative concrete expert here. Will be posting some of my work from last season.
Wishing all the tradies a good year this year, except electricians, yall are nerds.
This is a wood stamp I did, came out absolutely stunning.
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How much of this isn't really just good ol effort? Not saying a bit of routine doesn't make everything easier, but seeing >>2887379 >>2888438 i don't really get what's holding me back from great results in "at home, where i do care" scenario.
Things like enforced mold line >>2887404 and misalignment >>2888691 >>2888692 at least seem to me like obvious mistakes one should be able to avoid with a bit of planning or straight up doing a deeper try out pour.
How much could be done with a 3d printed tpu press, or would that be generally considered too soft?
That said and asked, >>2887263 looks great. If you got more of that, please post it. I really like the idea.

I don't get the fucking spam filter.
is this loss?
beautiful job from what I see and fuck sparkies too
T. Carpenter
This is the kind of stuff they use at theme parks isn't it? for High footfall areas where they want a wood effect but it would have to constantly be replaced through wear and rot.

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>the HOA final boss
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my gut instinct is to say jews but why would a jew be upset at a goyim working?
>New Hampshire
"Live Free or Die" my ass
There's also the fact that 80%+ of new housing developments are HOAs, so it's hard to avoid if you're wanting to live on the outskirt suburbs.

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How hard is from 1 to 10 to make your own liquor?
Is it dangerous or potentially toxic because of methanol?
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>As for methanol, that's part of the heads and tails you're supposed to discard.
Iirc this is myth, the methanol comes into play of you fucked up the fermentation and will be present through the entire run.
This could also be wrong since real info is all bundled into myths from when companies would put poison into their products to prevent people from distilling or drinking it along with propaganda from the government at the time.
Methanol is really a byproduct of all yeast fermentation, stop spreading misinformation or youll get someone killed. The amounts depend on the type of yeast, sugar and the nutrients in the rank. It is however not a dangerous amount if you were to just drink the rank for example. The problem arises from large quantities being distilled, and the heads not being discarded OR mixed with the rest of the distillate which serves to bring the amount of methanol per serving to acceptable quantities. I would throw the heads out regardless, because they taste like acetone and probably have some extra carsinogenic low volatile byproducts in them. Why fuck around to find out if that first serving was poison, when you can use it to clean kitchen surfaces, or light a fire.
NTA but you are fearmongering here

If you mix the heads in you will never get higher quantities of methanol than you had before distilling.

If you do anything other than mixing or discarding the heads, then you’re intentionally collecting them for drinking. Then you could potentially create something harmful but as demonstrated many times, you need to intentionally do that with big quantities (Say 60L of poorly fermented grape wine, collect ~1-2L of heads and drink in one setting)

If you ferment with low pectin (ie a sugar wash) there is no way you’ll get anywhere near harmful methanol levels. You’d need hundreds of litres, probably more

99% of methanol poisonings are from merchants adulterating spirits with what they think is clean industrial alcohol but turns out to be denaturated
Literally what I said, but ok I'm a fearmongerer. At least I'm not a fucking cockmongerer like you.
> youll get someone killed
Nobody is going to get someone killed. Because nobody is going to ferment a thousand pounds of tree bark, distill all of it and drink the foreshots because someone on 4chan said it wasn’t a big deal

I live in a commieblock and I'm looking to improve my front door's sound isolation.
The door is rated for 36 dB, but I still hear loud footsteps and people talking from the stairwell.
What should I use to fill the space between the door frame and the doorway? Everyone just fills it with foam (pic related), but it's not soundproof.
Some sources say concrete should be used.
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i would assume there is nothing behind the molding so foam that shit. sound is air pressure think wind.
crown molding, chair railling, floor molding down the entire hallway cork message board intumescent paint can help with bass it has suspended carbon good for insurance too. bounce the sound, prevent the wind from going straight to your ear. plants transpire increasing humidity/air mass slowing sound.
rouge beautification.
I hang ALL of my jackets on my door. Use on of those clamp hangers that are meant to go on the top of a door and hang all your jackets there.
That will cover the top half of your door.
I made an extension so I could hang even more jackets on the lower half of my door. So now the top and bottom have about 9 to 14 inches of thick jackets, thick shirts, etc covering it.
Don't forget to cover the joints of the door too. I used some sort of rubber material that is in a roll and put it on the back side of my door and it overlays with the door jam. So when my door is shut the outline of the door is completely covered by the robber that sits on the door.

I didn't know how long the rubber adhesive would last, but it's been on there for over two months now since I applied it. It's gotten much quieter by the way largely thanks to the jackets (I've done tests).

If its your own, I would again just say foam it. Keep it simple and removeable. Concreting anything related to doors or walls makes no sense to me, why fuck your future self like that if for whatever reason your door gets boned up some day and you want to replace it?
I'm not going to use concrete or silicone.
The builder who's going to do the job this Friday told me that concrete can crack because of the door frame moving, and silicone + rock wool doesn't give the frame enough stability, so I settled on using some kind of fancy "soundproofing" (at least the way it's advertized) foam specifically designed for doors and windows.
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So, they reinstalled the door, everything went well, and I don't think anything changed in terms of sound insulation.
The issue is the building itself and how it's constructed (by barely qualified military construction conscripts in the 60s). Turns out the load-bearing walls even had wooden blocks mixed in with bricks.
The only proper solution would be to move out to a new concrete monolith-style build.
Well, at the very least I gained some knowledge.

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Glorious Liechtensteinese Master Race
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At least he bought used tools so it looks like he's a /diy/ Pro constantly using them, instead of bepis posing with brand new shiny chink tools he uses once in ten years.
>doesn’t even have a Lifetime Service Agreement
That stuff looks like it was dragged through gravel behind a pickup truck for a couple miles, not covered in concrete dust like used Hilti stuff tends to be.
dunno 'bout battery stuff but hilti can't make gas concrete saw worth shit
I've tried out a Hilti wormdrive saw and it was really uderwhelming compared to my 36V Makita for a multiple of the price. why does it cost so much? I get it for a specialized mining dril no one else makes, but for regular competently-made battery tools with nothing special about them and cheap-looking plastics?

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How to make your own toothpaste?
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I hope you were joking. You shouldn't even brusk your teeth immediately after having drunk ordinary juice, due to the acidity.
What everyone in this thread, most dentists and a good number of old time DIY tooth cleaning formulas get completely wrong is that most cooked foods have some oily/greasy component but most toothpaste and other dental cleaning formulations like mouthwash are water based and only contain tiny amounts of things like essential oils for scent/flavor.

If you've never tried it, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste until they feel clean...then take a tsp. of coconut or olive oil and swish it around in your mouth for 10-15 minutes and rinse with hot water.

You will be amazed at how much *more* clean your previously clean teeth are.

>inb4 oh that's all bullshit

Yes there are kooks who claim that "oil pulling" is magic and can cure cancer and reverse aging, etc. and that IS bullshit, but oil based dental cleaners absolutely work better than water based formulations alone when used in conjunction with normal practices like flossing and brushing.
hmm oil is more expensive than water and if i wanted to cut cost that would be a good way. will the fluoride still fall out? i want to exchange ions for tooth health.
Toothpaste is just about killing the bacteria in your mouth.
I started brushing with a shot of high-grade alcohol every evening and I sleep way better since then.

It's been a good while since we've had a good tractor thread.
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>You pic doesnt have hooks on the bucket
>Explain that please
Maybe the hooks are inside the bucket?
Pic isn't mine specifically. Didn't take a pic yet of it but that one is almost one to one with what I got.
And with how cramp the garage is, its about as "real" as I got space for. And cash. Its basically a scut without the pto off the back and I got it at a fifth of the price.
Trust me, if I thought I could stuff a 9n in the garage I would.
Both Finnish, both made by Valmet.
The rifles are but the tractors are Brazilian Valmets.
No thats a Finnish Valmet, although built in Brazil. In the 60s Valmet was chosen by Brazil to build a domestic tractor factory, and quickly became the most used tractor in the country.

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