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File: I am AT MY LIMIT.gif (2.53 MB, 241x246)
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2.53 MB GIF
why the FUCK did my power usage spike 4-5x my normal daily usage the 2 days WE WEREN'T AT HOME. NOTHING WAS ON. WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK.
The demons living in your attic came down and had a rager.
The chinese botnet buttcoin miner inside your buttplugs has activated.
alarm system
I live in a trailer and we literally have nothing that stays on except my fridge and me and my wife's computers
Somebody done rigged an extension cord to your abode stranger
honestly suspecting as much I'm gonna go check I'll report back if I don't get shot
did they shoot you?
100% he ded
>local man dies by suicide from 2 shotgun shots to the chest
File: hesdead.gif (209 KB, 272x212)
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209 KB GIF
so, u dead?
>I live in a trailer and we literally have nothing that stays on except my fridge and me and my wife's computers
Heat pump couldn't keep up with the cold so it was using the heating strips and running defrost cycles.
He probably uses propane.

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