While working on a DIY 3D printer, I started wondering if it is possible to connect higher-voltage stepper motors to an Arduino MEGA 2560 + RAMPS 1.4. If so, which method should I choose ?Currently I am using a standard 3D printing kit: 3D Printer Mega 2560 R3 + RAMPS 1.4 control panel + 5pcs A4988 + NEMA 17 Stepper Motors.As a possible solution, I found the MA860H Microstep driver. However, based on the videos I watched, this part is connecting directly to the Arduino MEGA 2560. Therefore, I am looking for a practioner who can definitively answer whether the MA860H Microster driver can be connected to the RAMPS 1.4 pins. If it cannot, then where should X, Y and Z-axis pins be connected ?Do you know of any other MOSFET H-Bridge solutions ? It would be perfect if these solutions are available on e-markets like eBay, Amazon, Aliexpress, and so on. Videos from Youtube are also welcomed.
>>2891618>can they be connectedAbsolutely yes, you just need STEP, EN, and DIR signal, plus common ground. You connect the stepper motor's 4 cables to the driver unit in such case, not to the RAMPS board.>should they be connectedNo, it's a fucking 3D printer, not a CNC, you don't need 10 gorillion amps. If you want to do something good for yourself, throw the RAMPS away and use something like a BTT SKR 1.4 with TMC2209 and such, that will not be a total waste of money. But the A4988 are fine too, you obviously don't know what you're doing so it's not a bad idea to stick to the basics. Just don't start a fire with your DC heated bed.
>>2891618Exactly in those green circles there are Dir/Step/Enable. You can keep the ramps and just put some breadboard wire in those IC sockets. It’s arguably more convenient than wiring straight to the arduino. I’d keep the ramps board opposed to >>2891621 because connecting shit directly to the mega sucks because of the pinout. Put a tb6600 or better dm542 if you don’t want all that exposed pcb stuff
>>2891641>connecting shit directly to the mega sucksThe SKR is a complete 32bit control board replacement, you wouldn't use the MEGA with it.
>>2891621My hardware and software are aligned and working properly, so I'm trying to avoid unnecessary moves. I am using A4988 stepper motor driver but these drivers have 1-2 ampheres limit(it depends on cooling). Everything is working well as it should, but the NEMA 17 motors lack power, so I'm looking solutions, how I can replace them with better without changing the prototype.
>>2891643The TMC2xxx drivers are your solution. They are drop-in much more powerful replacements for the A4988. If you want the budget more power option, it's DRV8825.
>>2891643Check Pololus stepper drive tcomparison. They have like 20 different ones with different ratings that all fit on this board >>2891642I know, it’s also huge, not programmable and requires crimping a load of JST-XH which is a pain if you don’t have the expensive tool
>posts about a decade and a half old 3dp hardware>jankiestbprinter I've ever seen alsonin line with how people hacked stuff togjeter 15 years ago>what is a cable management?>complains about a €20 tool being expensiveis this a troll thread?
>>2891643>>2891643I assume you bought the power supply.Ever considered using an old pc PSU? I hear they work fairly well with decent protection circuits
>>2891674It's more like an asylum for the deranged than a troll thread by now, may well be involving the humanoid """robot""" schizo.
>>2891676Sorry, I am not American so I don't understand what's wrong with Massachusetts. I live in Europe here another environment, culture and rules something like that https://youtu.be/sIRTrsabL_M?si=8y3A7Qn_omRCle42 . So you can speak directly, I'm not touchy.If you want to say that, you see a bunch of shit, I will agree with you. Better will be to use Xilinx hardware and MATLAB software.
>>2891702Wrong link here is correct, in english https://youtu.be/gPOZw3NrppM?si=u8bb9nb3HYDBCXH_
>>2891678Yes, old PSU power supply also can be used in that project, but I decide to use cheap and trustworthy parts. So I didn't skimp on power supply.What's about protection, here is no need. When the project is done, I will make it.
>>2891674Low effort but OP actually posted a project. It’s been months since we had a somewhat nice thread that isn’t a general
>>2891713It'd be a "google for me" thread, if only the answer wasn't so extremely simple that it doesn't even need to be googled.
>>2891711>>2891678how did you two figure out the power needs for your project? I'm working on a small cnc and I am paralysed with what the fuck to buy/make to supply the thing. 12-24v motor, arduino 3 with stepper board & 3 nema 17s. idk am I retarded?
>>2892027120W will run the steppers easily, the rest depends on the spindle, I assume you mean spindle by "motor". It has to have some rated wattage or amps, you add that to the ~100W you have for the steppers. Presumably 240W will run the whole thing if you are building with nema17s, they can't handle anything more than 50-100W cutting load anyway.
>>2892032cheers, you're a good fella. I'm a gearheads by nature so the electrical stuff is magic moon rune nonsense to me.
>>2891618Megatronics had boards for the very purpose, although I cannot recommend them (I have experience with Megatronics v1 and v3). I also encourage you to not cheap out on stepper drivers. The mentioned TMC2209 are quite OK. I do not have access to my current machine at the moment, but I think I use the same?>>2891643Could you tell me what the fuck this janky setup is, so I can avoid it? The way it is built just tells me that the Z axis will vibrate like crazy when driving the X/Y axis...this is not a way to build a machine with a good vibrational profile.Will it print? Probably. Will it be good/fast? Probably not.If we're going retro you should've gone with the "Spray-Paint MDF Mendel90" build. Much more stable. Or could've gone for a Voron Tridex. I really hope you only use that thing to build parts for a better printer, baka.
>>2892027The largest nema 17 motors use maybe 15W each. Make it 30 for inefficient Chinese drivers The arduino like 2W
>>2892027Very easily, Arduino pins voltage 5V so you should multiply 5V and sum of ampheres of your used parts. And then look for power source equal to your result in watts.
does shitduino even do trajectory planning?
>>2892044It is a rough Cartesian design. I don't want to spend money on that prototype because the model is intended for presentation. So I don't want to leak my engineering secrets. Now what's about Z axis. Yes, you are right, Z-axis is vibrating but it is a design flaw that can be solved using materials like aluminum and redesigning the construction similar to H-Bot.
>>2892368Shitduino does everything, but without quality
Comfy thread. I won't deny enjoying the 2018 vibe, but frankly, what's the point of this project? It's already obsolete and there's not much to gain from any retrofitted parts here.