While mostly keeping it how it is, that is.I'm kinda intrigued by the idea of keeping the run-down look but trying to make it technically sound (fixing water damage, removing mold).But I guess it's almost impossible because of mold.
>>2889670Those doors are each worth hundreds.I don’t see any mold.Mold is literally everywhere, especially outside. … imagine lying on the grass…
>>2889670Wash all the surfaces. Change cleaning supplies like clothes frequently as you don't want to spread it.Concrobium Mold control in a vapor machine, seal all openings with tape and vapor barrier, then let run for a few hours and leave it still for days. Wash surfaces like floors but to keep the rundown look, you could just apply clear coat to walls over the concrobium, leaving it there to prevent mold from coming back.
>>2889670>moldmost old houses are ballon framed and dont have much insulation or places to hold moisture. theyre freezing ass cold in the winter and fire traps but are still standing because the guys built them so they wouldnt rott. grew up in a 1880 previously abandoned farmhouse
>>2889670I did this anon. Moved into an old, abandoned house. Started a soap company. The built an army of faggots to go to war under the project mayhem banner. I could tell you more but we have rules and the first two are that I’m not supposed to talk about it.
>>2889758That pic is really interesting to me. Looking at it I feel a kind of nostalgia but neither did I live in such a house nor do I even live on that continent. Love pics that make me feel something.