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I live in a commieblock and I'm looking to improve my front door's sound isolation.
The door is rated for 36 dB, but I still hear loud footsteps and people talking from the stairwell.
What should I use to fill the space between the door frame and the doorway? Everyone just fills it with foam (pic related), but it's not soundproof.
Some sources say concrete should be used.
Lol same problem but I live on the bottom floor so I hear literally everyone. Added a 4mm cork layer on top of the door and also a wood skirt, it helped but maybe only a couple dB
thank you for proving that you dont understand what 36db means.
He obviously means some listed noise reduction rating, an STC value or something that was provided in decibels. Understanding db isn't relevant to the question really.
ahh yes more internet idiots
you knock out 30db (which is rated as nrr) its the difference between a whisper and an electric toothbrush. even if his setup is perfect hed still hear footsteps.
>db isnt relavant to the question
db with respect to frequencies is, you inconsiderate cum guzzling bastard.

yes op you want to have the most nrr for low frequencies if you want to eliminate footprints. concrete works if you own the structure. there are other materials. youre in a commie block so, the best option is move the fuck out.
>concrete works if you own the structure.
That's bitch talk, pour some quikrete in the cracks and job done. Your landlord isn't going to inspect behind your doorframe
It's my apartment, so I can do anything with the door.
I want to take the whole thing out and reinstall it properly, so I'm accepting all best case scenario setup suggestions.
I would do expanding foam around the frame, and then focus my energy on sealing the actual door.
The door seals are fine. When I open the door they make a sound like I'm opening an airtight container.
>im a complete dolt but my landlord is willing to risk his property value due to my misguided discomfort and renter entitlement and embark upon a dyi larp reccomended by 4chan

never considered earplugs?
It's my own apartment, I'm not renting it.
Did some more research and many are suggesting packing the gap with mineral wool and then sealing it with soundproof caulk on both ends.
What do you think about this?
add a second door, foam padding on both
I would very much like to avoid putting in a second door.
nothing you can do will deaden the sound.
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That sounds reasonable.

If you are having difficulty buying small quantities of mineral wool from building materials distributors, you can buy seed starting cubes made of rock/mineral wool.

If the wall directly adjacent to the door is solid concrete, better performance could be achieved by grouting the frame solid since density attenuates airborne noise (but not impact noise).
Also, wanted to add that the best solution would be to add a new framed wall slightly offset from the existing wall on the inside as in pic related, which overlaps the door frame (gap with acoustic caulking at joint).
We're running into diminishing returns though, since probably there's no acoustical isolation between the outside and inside floors.
I'm not looking to soundproof the walls. Just the door.
Do you know what kind of gasket I need to put between the door frame and the concrete base?
Or do I fill the bottom gap with wool and caulk like the sides and top?
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You would inject the sealant/caulk with a long nozzle to the far side frame perimeter, then pack in the mineral wool, then apply the caulking bead to the near side perimeter.

The product in pic related is a firestop sealant, which is suitable for this application.
Thanks, will look into it.

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