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I want to make something like this and have helped my family with basic carpentry and operated a circular saw, but my biggest roadblock is just finding the materials, as in the planks.
The sofa is 7’9” wide and 2’4.75” high at the back

I do think walnut looks nice, but real walnut is hundreds of dollars, and I have no idea if chipboard based panels are a good idea, considering I need to saw through them.
I was actually considering buying an IKEA Pax door(7’6.2” x 1’7.7”) and cut it in half along the broad side using the other half for the legs, but aren’t these actually mostly hollow on the inside?
Any suggestions on this?
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nice work anon, you should be proud
Bro, your countersink?
>I want to do x but I don't know how to get y
>Doesn't share any information on location
>Refuses to google "Lumber" and find a local sawmill
I actually drilled a small hole first to make the screw go down easier without cracking the wood. It’s fairly flush.

Buy a shelf board at the hardware store. They have both pine (cheap) and oak (hardy).
You can put in on stacks of cans or hang it with some straps fastened in the wall. The jew will try to sell you shelf consoles but it's a scam.

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Flat roof, I have $300; how do I fix this?
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It tilts open with a chain and then there's an outer glass cover
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Looks like this outside, is the flashing the metal base?
One thing you can do is open up that section of your ceiling so you can see what's going on inside since you need to fix it anyway. I'd spray water in specific spots on the roof and window to narrow down exactly where the leak is coming from before investing money in repairs. If you want, a cheap temporary solution would be to get a heavy duty tarp and put sandbags down. Or you can put mastic down like I said, but if it's the window assembly itself, you may need to replace it depending on what failed.
And if you can, post pics of your roof and skylight.
buy a bucket of asphalt sealant and do a couple layers

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I've been holding onto my incandescent string lights because the 60hz flicker of LEDs are annoying. Is the tech better now? My bulb strings are slowly burning out and without knowing which bulb is dead, it would take me all day to go through each one
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Consider this: a 100 count string of Christmas lights takes about 40 watts, if it's LED, it only takes around 5 watts. So the incandescent ones are an order of magnitude more energy hungry than LED. Assuming you aren't a retard and only have them out for the socially acceptable period of the weekend after thanksgiving until the weekend after new years day, you probably have them up for about 45 days. I'm also assuming you have them on a cheap dusk sensor that turns them on for about 8 hours, since it gets dark around 5, they'll run from 5pm until 1am before turning off. So 8 hours a day for 45 days.

For that 100 count string of incandescent lights run as above, it will cost you a total of $1.35, if your electricity cost is the same as mine (10 cents/kwh). Multiply this number by the number of 100 light sections you have.

For LED, it will only be about 15 cents. That's way less, of course, but we're talking about saving pennies.

The only reason, IMO, to go to LED lights that look worse on every account is if you're the kind of person who has thousands upon thousands of lights, like the people who are in the news because it takes them an entire week to set up all their lights. Excessive amounts of lights. IF you only have a few strings around your eves and maybe one around a tree out front, plus the ones on your tree itself, you'll probably spend a total of 10-15 dollars in electricity to run them for the entire season.

These are lights that are going to be up for a holiday- Obviously you want LED for your every day lights that you use all the time, that's a no-brainier, but I never understand the whole "I must save a dollar even if it means my decorations look like shit." attitude.
Where on a commercial string of Christmas lights is the driver? In the plug? I I haven’t seen them with large power bricks. Is the voltage on the string DC? It must be, so put a capacitor in where a led should go and you’ll be good.
excellent post thanks anon.

I'm only planning on 2-3 strings max across my balcony rail (live in a condo right now) and they are only on from dusk till 12am. So I will eat the extra few $ for the next two months to have incandescent
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It's usually a power brick with outlets on it, see picrel.
the strands I have there is a 2" thin cylinder along the wire near the back end of the string, it gets hot when the LEDs are plugged in so im assuming its there

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In memory of the destruction of the Huns by the Longoboardians or the Longoboardians by the Huns, I made this today.
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I hope you only need to move it in a straight line
What are you doing with it?

What else is in the cart?

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What are some must have DIY books that are a must have if you are to have no Internet, access to the web, etc. basically DIY bibles. What books are a must have to learn, perfect, or master a new craft for those who are good with our hands? For example, I don't know anything about electronics, but I am getting my start by having and reading "Getting Started in Electronics". What other books are good for DIY?
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I’ve been a PLC guy for 15 years, been with some of the of the top firms in Europe but I’ve never met anyone who had actually read the standard, myself included.
Reader's digest Back to Basics was a go-to for me as a kid. Read it front to back many times... Metalworking Sink or Swim is another good one. And the Best of Farm show magazines has some good stuff in them too.
>What are some must have DIY books that are a must have
house wiring, is the only type of book you need. because proper wiring matters. I don't have any other diy books.
How do I begin a career in PLCs?
This is a question I have as well.

What is the worst tape and why is it electrical tape? It doesn't hold, it doesn't last, it leaves sticky schmoo, what's the use case?
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you have to be a psychopath to use that messy shit
>you have to be a psychopath to use that messy shit

It has its uses. mainly in areas where you cannot physically put tape or heat shrink, but still need some insulation material.
>doesn't work as a permanent solution to any problem because it deteriorates
>doesn't work as a temporary solution to any problem because it leaves residue
again, how do you use it correctly in non-throwaway context?
I got 2 rolls of pic related over the past few years. One clear and one black. I thought it was something new and innovative and awesome like a pro-grade Alien Tape x Flex Seal, especially considering the price at $10 for a little roll. I used it once for a temporary fix on a water leak like the pics imply and it was totally useless and a pain to use.

Does anybody use this shit with any success?

UL listed tape is legit

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Spelled correctly this time

You guys know the drill, as long as it's terrible, post it
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Its called crown molding, you muppet.
Those are clearly baseboards, and if they were crown moulding, they would still be installed with the broader face on the wall, not the ceiling you candle sniffing fuck fence.
there is no rule as to which broad section of the profile is for the crown molding. And of course I sniff candles, I want to be sure I buy one that smells pleasant. And theres no such thing as a fuck fence. Nobody fucks fences.
>Nobody fucks fences
Rule 34

Everybody has at least one tool they thought would be a lifesaver, yet it sits on the shelf mocking you year after year...
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the cheap home appliance kind ones are really shit

The one i got was similar to pic rel. but about 8-10 years ago. I wanted a cheap one that i wouldnt mind killing with concrete dust because standard walls are RCB so to put up even a picture frame its usually a hammer drill and concrete screws or wall plugs and screws
Yeah, that's one's a proper HEPA wet/dry that also works great with my Bosch random orbit sander. Don't even need a different adapter for it.
how much the battery last?
Haven't had it drop more than a bar even with multi-stage sanding of a decent sized 30" walnut slab. The kit comes with a 4AH XR battery.

Board got wiped, burnt crucible edition
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Just for fun, from the first thread I think.
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Everything's terrible. Several castings lined up for this coming week, hold your breath if you're feeling lucky.
I watch concrete casting and they use a vibrator to remove air bubbles, the foam makes air bubbles I wonder if the air is being compressed while expanding with heat.
I think molten metal flows better than concrete,
t. worked in precast for six months

What is the best way to make money from working out of my house? All the online job postings in my areas are insanely fake and only are seeking to gather data of out people. Likewise, I am not sure what side hustle, such as Etsy or whatever bullshit, is best to pursue since I am a normalfag with no real skills besides some graphic design and video editing skills.
>inb4 use ai to do hecking everythingino!!! that shit is a headache and nuisance to deal with
Solar panels payed people right?
Connect a motorcycle to an electrical socket and rev it all night.
The universe of possibilities are infinite, which one you choose depends on your situation. Someone from /mcg/, /ohm/ could make auto garage doors for people. /3dpg/ can make toys. Woodworking, electronic etc it all depends on your skillset. My wife (a sewist) runs a clothing shop, I (a programmer) supported us when she started. The skillet you're going to learn+use best is the one you enjoy the most. If you're into graphic design, make your own blog and start getting ad revenue. There literally isn't a answer to your question, only options.

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How do I get rid of these fuckers from my apartment?

My landlord is paying an exterminator but all they do is put poison traps and come back to check on them, but I've been having this issue for months. The exterminator doesn't look for holes or fill any with wool. All they do is monitor the bait stations.

If I want to tackle this myself, what's the best way to do it? Should I buy a blacklight and try to find where they're coming from?

I have a electric stove top and I've seen these fuckers scurry inside the burners, but I don't know how to get them out.
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Why they look at me like that
steel wool and the firestop sprayfoam in a can, also tomcat bait blocks everywhere
Tech designed to piss off rats, the literal analog for human testing. I assume the harm these cause their consumers is less than the harm a rat will do in a year.
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You've already battled them i assume
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Kind of embarrassing how comparatively piss-week humans are..
The list of animals we are better than isn't exactly impressive.

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I made this fridge magnet :)
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Fuck yeah bro. Proud of you.
King shit
Impressive. Very nice.
how did you make it exactly?
let's see paul allens fridge magnet

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Are double glazed windows a game changer for sound reduction compared to single pane or will I be disappointed for spending 5 grand and barely noticing any improvement?
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I don't know.
where did you manage to find single pane windows? have you been in a coma for 150 years?
But if you indeed have been in said coma:
Yes, they’re way better than single pane (also: thermal insulation!), but in this day and age, I wouldn’t buy double pane anymore, I’d go for triple pane.
Double pane windows are a massive improvement over single pane on a lot of things even thermal loss. But double pane to triple pane is diminished returns.

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What do you guys use for shop vacs in your diy projects? Is there any brand that is very powerful when using a longer tube, like powering it on the 1st floor and running it up the attic? Is it better to go big and cry once (price)? What does wet dry mean?

Are there any that don't blow massive air from the other end of the hole creating even more dust particulates where ever the vac is placed?

What about cordless vacs to go with your corded one. Are the Makita vacumns any good? Anything powerful enough to pick up screws? Or any of those chinese vacs that can use dewalt, makita, or milwakee batteries?

What are you guys running? Or what do you wish you had bought instead had price not been an issue?
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Makes sense, I put it on a dolly but it still sucks to vacuum small spots with a 200mm hose
If you come across any used craftsman shop vacs, I pick one of them up. They'll be cheap and they last forever. Well, I can't say forever, but I bought mine, for my dad, in 1991. I clean the filter out and have changed it maybe three times. The damn thing just keeps going, with no issues at all. Very good motor and high quality cord and accessories. I have really beaten the balls off it, too.
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I need to make some sort of tip holder caddy to go on the handle and hold the floor attachment and my home made crevice tool I built out of some exhaust pipe. Also need to re-do the cord a bit where it goes into the motor housing and tighten up the on/off switch.
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5hp and yeah a shit load of air

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There's this hole in my wall near eye hit sitting in the toilet next to it. Given asbestos period, is this dangerous re loose fill and my safety?
No anon. Thats drywall. Its gypsum.
You need to get a better eye for the world.
what's with all the nut case posts on /ck/ and /diy/ today?
/gif/ got decimated so I guess people are enjoy hobbies now.
That's pretty bad anon, it's probably too late to go back now. You might want to get your affairs in order...
Is that were the cops ripped out the spycam you installed?

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