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Absolutely no idea what board to post this thread to but let's have a thread on cleaning and tidying, and what tips and techniques are great for being domestic.

Just bought a reachy grabber to use around the house, i.e. the thing folk use for litter picking. I get that a lot of folk use them while being disabled but they legit makes tidying so much quicker and less tedious with getting stuff off the floor if you're ADHD like me and leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere during busy schedules. Also way more fun because it lets me pretend my grabber is a hungry monster, biting all mess within my path.
KonMari Method™ ?

The KonMari Method is a simple but effective tidying method, ensuring you will never again relapse to clutter. It uses a unique selection criterion – choosing what sparks joy! You are not choosing what to discard but rather choosing to keep only the items that speak to your heart. Through tidying, you can reset your life and spend the rest of your life surrounded by the people and things that you love the most.
I use mine for getting stuff that falls behind or under furniture. Mine is the kind that unfolds when you squeeze it, so I make robot noises and pinch at my kids as daddy robot. I really recommend bins for everything. It can make cleaning up really fast and then you can just sort them later. Most of my cleaning revolves around children so it might not mean much if you don't just throw stuff on the ground all the time.
>choosing what sparks joy!

So throw everything out? Got it.

Nah I'm not that miserable. Have considered selling everything I own and living in a box under a bridge a time or two though...
lol. Go into your garage, KonMari the shit out of it, then try to build a fucking birdhouse with what's left see what happens.

OP. Getting this off the floor means installing shelving and cabinetry. A single wall, filled top to bottom with cabinets up top, some shelves in the middle and a workspace, and then cabinets on the bottom can easily hold the entire "clutter" of a room.

Just toss that shit in there haphazardly, and then whenever you grab something just move it more centrally one spot i.e. from the top cabinet to head level, or from bottom back to bottom front. After a couple of weeks, things will be automatically sorted by distance to your workspace by how often you use them.

Use the time and space gained by the organization to build more cabinetry and convert people to the cult of the Cabinetry and Shelving God.
> marie kondo
She had kids, and in an interview she said her house was a mess, and admitted it was all bullshit (paraphrasing) and she doesn’t really do it anymore.

Just like a lot of other fads: diets, methods of work, money-making ideas, child-rearing strategies, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
I have adhd too and the struggle is real
I bought a house a few years ago and not letting it fall into a disorganized meth tier hoarder shithole has been one of my main goals
I find most conventional cleaning wisdom doesnt really work for me its just too overwhelming to clean an entire room or whatever
I also grew up with an extreme clean freak mother so i had to really let go of her idea of perfection because i found i would try to achieve it and just get completely burnt out and unable to do anything
Now i simply make a real effort to do one single task every day
Sometimes its a really small thing like gathering drink cans or whatever bits of garbage off a side table and throwing them away and thats all i will do but i find more often than not it spirals into doing more
Like yesterday all i did was clean the vent hood on the stove, but today i swept the floor which turned into cleaning the garbage can and now im in the middle of cleaning the inside of the fridge.. maybe i will finish maybe i wont but something is better than nothing and im not overwhelmed and unmotivated like i wpuld be if i set a goal like "clean the whole kitchen"
Keeping a few staple cleaning products handy is also a must, i keep spray bottles of vinegar and enzyme cleaner and plenty of paper towels handy
My house is never super clean and perfect but its cleaner than anywhere else ive lived as an adult and its usually in a state id be comfortable letting my mom see which is saying something as some places ive lived in prior literally became an epiode of hoaders
nice job man, sounds like you're getting a handle on it. keep it going!
>i keep spray bottles of vinegar
That is for french fries. Do you use ketchup for shampoo as well or something?
her method of storing clothing in drawers (lay your stacks front-to-back so you can pull out an individual shirt without disrupting a whole stack) is based and my wife and i still do it. and she's completely right about learning to let go of old shit you're just keeping around for no reason other than sentimentality. note that i am not saying she is somehow the first person to ever think about either of these ideas, but i definitely wasn't doing my shirts like that beforehand.
White vinegar is excellent for mopping floors, have used it for years.
Marry a Latina. Even if you try to clean, she will tell you you’re doing it wrong and take over while you go dick around in the garage.

Since the holidays are coming up… cleaning stuff for the wife as a gift, yay or nay? She loves them ScrubDaddy things and I got her one of those Dremel scrubber things with the ScrubDaddy accessory pack and she wasn’t as excited as jewelry
Nay, a gift card for her favorite place to eat would be much better.
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>Now i simply make a real effort to do one single task every day
this is the ticket, because once you start being productive and are in the face of the problems you're more inclined to deal with them; especially when you've already accomplished the set expectation
want to read books or write?
completely attainable goal and will turn into longer and longer times every day
want to become a more proactive/compentant/healthy cook?
2 days turns into, oh well I may as well do a little more next time...
want to exercise more?
well shit may as well keep going, i'm not even bored yet
just set small and attainable goals you can't refuse and your natural human response will be to keep going
I had to google this to see what your cultist lingo was referring to.
Oh, so if you’re a chick,
And you have lots of time on your hands,
And you have lots of drawers and no shelves or hangers,
You can screw your clothing into little rolls or balls
And then iron it to get all the wrinkles out when you want to wear it.

Fucking brilliant. (that was sarcasm btw)
Can’t wait to do this with my power tools.
We did this in the military. It doesn't wrinkle if you roll them up right. Its great for traveling too.
brochachos how do you all clean your showers? I'm sick and tired of scrubbing the damn tiles on my knees with a sponge
Scrubbing bubbles, the foaming stuff in the can, that’s been the best shower cleaner I have found. Still have to scrub, but much less than other cleaners
Spray double strength vinegar
Wait a bit
Wipe it down
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>Can’t wait to do this with my power tools.
> double strength vinegar
Lol, just use toilet bowl cleaner then. It’s hcl, just beware of fumes.
What are you talking about?
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Which is it bros?
I don't know how much double is, but I use 35% vinegar. You have to be careful because the fumes will fuck you up, but it's by far the best thing I've found.
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>double vinegar
Good deal. Keep it up man. I too believe if a person just does anything at all towards their goals on a daily basis then it will really add up over time!
Sounds like the latter is a legal thing if it was processed/bottled on equipment that doesn’t 100% follow all of the food safety rules.
Set up a "NOPE" box. It is for things to donate to a charity thrift store. If there is a whole lot, have a yard sale and then take the leftovers to the charity.
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Please fucking help me bros, I'm ADD as fuck and don't even know where to start with this room.
Currently building a bookshelf to go where the big TV currently is.
Wondering what to do with my closet. Removed the doors because I couldn't open them when I put that workbench in there, but I hate seeing all the clutter. Maybe I should get rid of the workbench or get a smaller one?
Please anons I need tips.
Use a springrod and buy some fabric with a design you like to make curtains.

And your cat said they want a scratching post.
> wat?
Someone suggested vinegar because it’s an acid and a lot of the residues are caused by hard water which collects dirt and can grow mold and mildew.
Toilet bowl cleaner is also an acid, but it’s hydrochloric acid (HCl) of a higher concentration, and it’s also usually a gel which makes it a bit easier to apply. HCl will also work better against any built-up hard water deposits.
Outward opening doors will fuck you, maybe two doors that slide into each other will suit better.
I'd consolidate the computer desk and workbench into one, corner section where the computer desk is. Computer on the floor and monitor on the wall to save space.
My /diy/ relevant advice is to make sure your shop trailer has double doors outdoors and just leafblow that shit out once a day idk. That's what I do, fuck sweeping.

Otherwise, idk. Get shit off the floor, then get shit off surfaces they shouldn't be into drawers/onto shelves/pegs, then clean - vacuum, mop, whatever. Organise drawers whenever. Aim for reasonable, not perfect, because spaces are made to be used and if you put in 400% of the effort for a 99% perfect result over a 95% perfect result it's just going to feel like a gutpunch when it gets dirty 10 seconds later and you have to do it all again.
Also Marie Kondo detailing is generally a gay waste of time you could spend drinking, shitposting and yelling at your wife.
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fixing things "sparks joy" (I gagged while typing that).

can't fix things without parts, and tools.
>And then iron it to get all the wrinkles out when you want to wear it.
who irons clothes?
This make some brackets and put up a 3/4" black pipe curtain rod. Then get some curtains with those huge grommets to slide on it. Did the same in my house because i absolutely loathed the stupid bi-fold closet doors and slider doors were awkward as fuck too.
I do 95% of my work outside my shop on a bench to avoid having to make a mess and clean up inside...
People suggest vinegar because its dirt cheap, effective and incredibly safe
It's 50/50 living/cleaning ratio or it's nothing. Clean your mess as you live your life, thats it.
i just throw everything away once its gets to a certain point. ive done this like 4 times over the 13 years ive lived alone and i hardly have anything anymore. i did get an addition to weed. i sometime i dont buy groceries or cant afford to buy things that could make trash. i just cant afford a pile of cigarette butts funnily enough. getting to vaccuum is still something i have to get better about. id would say get an addiction that keeps you home, makes you paranoid to buy things or have things delivered and just live in a mess free bubble.
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You like men's butts
This. Seriously. Helps everything.
I'm currently overwhelmed with clutter too. It's one thing if it was just pure trash, you could just grab a giant bag and start dumping everything inside, the problem is that it's a mix of trash, things I have no current need for but might in the future, things I use everyday, things I could sell. I'm just frozen with anxiety over something so ridiculous. I feel like absolute shit
On the other hand, most of those rules are important so there's a non-zero chance it isn't safe. Although it probably just means some batches have trace amounts of unlabeled carcinogens.
>might in the future, things I use everyday, things I could sell.
throw it away
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> double strength vinegar
hmmhm i can only find "regular" vinegar cleaner. apparently my "first world" country tries to gatekeep chemical weapon grade cleaners from us
Look at Home Depot, or at least not in the food section at Walmart. Home Depot normally has 30% vinegar.

Nah man it’s vinegar. I’m sure there’s a million rules with food related stuff and one time a guy ate a peanut butter sandwich in the cleaning vinegar plant and they don’t want to put an allergen label on the bottle to conform with that bullshit so they say not to cook with it. I don’t think that’s the type of product they’re going to add non-safe chemicals to

Also retards would probably screw up all of their recipes with it.
>a thread died for this
This should have been posted on /adv/
this board has hit rock bottom
who made you king of /diy/, faggot
Don't you have to put some kind baking soda on it to neutralize the vinegar though?
do you think a thread about how to wipe your ass is on subject too? Tard
of course you want to talk about my ass, faggot
Why would you want to neutralize it?
I bet you like having your ass licked clean by other men.
of course you want to talk about licking men's asses clean, faggot
you brought it up first
tri sodium phosphate retards, aka TSP.
That shit is industrial degreaser and soap.

I’m still curious what was in that handmade soap I bought from a crafts convention though, it left a clean trail from where it was dripping in the soap holder to the drain.
Used to be in almost all detergents and a lot of soaps. It worked well, so they banned it.
that was the Phosphate that is missing in “Phosphate Free” products…
Not sure what’s in picrel, but it smells like concentrated bleach and I sprayed the stuff around my shower and it rapes everything else for moldy silicone in the corners.

A fair warming, I have no idea how dangerous it is on metals and such. I was cleaning my patio and sprayed it around the copper lines going to the AC unit, and that same area got a pinhole refridgerant leak right in the area I sprayed. Could be a coincidence though.

I boght a bottle of the same looking outdoor cleaner concentrate from Lowe’s or Walmart, but a different brand, and it definitely wasn’t the same chemical. It was missing the super-bleach smell of the Home Depot bottle and doesn’t work nearly as well.
MSDS says it’s sodium hypochlorite. Bleach.
Big whoop.
ok, gaslighting faggot in denial
EVROpoor here, none of the vinegar cleaners have a rating here.
I'll just get one and see if they do the trick tho
Yea that’s what I assumed, but it’s definitely stronger than Clorox and way stronger than any bleach-based mold & mildew cleaners and rapes those dirty grout and silicone corners
Step 1: Get rid of the piss bottles.
Messes will generate until you make it absolutely unacceptable to you. If it's OK for random junk to be on the kitchen counter then random junk there will be. Run your household as if you are some military dictator whose just seized power. I say that unironically.
I tend to go in waves now that I'm on my own.

I'm ADHD as fuck but I grew up in a house that was extremely cluttered always. Borderline hoarder house. I think it's not quite as bad as the show hoarders but it was still very bad and the only places I was able to push back the mess was my own room and part of the garage. Dad got his workshop and the master bedroom. Rest of the house was chockers.

Now on my own I range from average to near actually OCD about messes. I often take out big areas in a messy way during projects I'm working on but always end up cleaning up in the end and putting shit away. My gf is a massive dribbler though and it drives me nuts. Little shit but fucking always. Coffee cups. Used tissues. Clothes.

House is disorganized in some ways, mostly the closets that gf has access to are the most egregious. Garage and basement are highly orderly chaos as those are my strict domain.

My one piece of advice to anons reading is: Bins and lots of them.
Buy double what you think you need and just have them on hand. Never don't have empty bins. Put everything of a certain type that isn't in use elsewhere in the same bin and those bins in the same area.
I like split flip top style cargo bins or ones designed like them, then just regular sterilite shoebox sized containers for smaller stuff. The flip top containers are nice because you will never lose the lid and they are strong and stackable. I wish I could afford the truly industrial grade ones at a large scale. I have a handful of them and they're so nice and extremely durable.

Bins bins bins anons.
How do I clean the dust out of my computer without blowing dust everywhere? I need to clean it indoors and so I'm looking for an elegant solution, but would prefer not to disassemble and hand clean every component.
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>I need to clean it indoors
put a sliding door or curtain up over that closet
if you keep the TV, replace the TV with something that doesn't have a bunch of overhang
paint your drawers the same color
curtains should hang PAST the window, not just enough to technically cover up the hole. Even better, use two curtains that are that size as dressing for some blinds
that blue cable on the wall could be a lot longer, snake it in the corner of the room and around the closet entrance.
clean up the fucking desk, that's where a lot of the visible clutter is coming from
you need a dresser
consider consolidating the two desks into one bigger desk that will look more uniform. or something with an L shape if you need separate spaces for ADD
put some shit on the walls, posters or paintings or a feature wallpaper for one side. frame the posters if you think tape is too casual looking
hold a vacuum nozzle up to where you're blowing things out
Very clever. Thanks.
How the FUCK do I clean dust besides just putting it in the air to fall down again? I use a microfiber cloth with some cleaning solution and wipe, but there's always a bit of dust that doesn't get into the towel and I just end up pushing it around

>inb4 Swiffer shit that costs $20 for a 5 pack
wet cloths, moppping, and a filter on air exchange
regular cleaning and not letting it accumulate
>Wipe it down
you mean dry it off or use a wet cloth to get rid of the vinegar?
here's how i do it:
>wet the shower tiles
>spray cleaning vinegar
>wait a bit
>rinse tiles with showerhead
>dry off tiles with squeegee
NTA but I learned about the rolling thing from an ex-gf and I still do it when packing suitcases, not sure how but shit wrinkles less that way than when packed flat and it's way more space-efficient.
Bought a bag of citric acid, eyeballed 10% solution, sprayed it all over everything that's caked up with soap scum and limescale, almost gassed myself with amount of CO2 coming out, had to put more effort into wiping off soap scum which citric acid doesn't affect than actual limescale which easily dissolved/flaked off after being weakened after several sprays.
I bought citric acid, because previous, expensive descaler I used, destroyed paint in my shower cabin. No idea what garbage they add to those cleaners, but I will never use one again, if it destroys paint, I don't know what to think about what it does to human body.
get a wife
Any recommendations for a good bagless vacuum? My house has wood floors. I am good about throwing things away and not being a hoarder like my parents, but I am terrible about detail cleaning and dusting.
This is so funny. I think she asked herself, looking at her constantly crying/shitting kid: "does it spark joy?" and came to the conclusion that she was bullshitting herself and many others.
For lost cases like the one picrel the only solution is to make very small changes.
Drill a hole through the wall and put a hose through it, instead of pissing in a bottle, piss in the hose so it goes out.
rebuild your work bench with Simpson strong tie system and simply extend a second deck for book shelf, screw in plywood in the back and hang your tv, use the spare space on the plywood to further organize(I.e French cleats to hang stuff
Cleaning Bible:
Can you give me some solid advice about how to get rid of all this dust in my spaces? Specifically in my room? I don't understand how it keeps piling up like it does. I keep my door shut 95% of the time, sweep and mop every weekend, I have some cats but I never let them into my room unless its only for a few minutes at most and I hold them most of the time so there's no way its just those instances. I bought a cheap plug-in Levoit air filter that is supposedly designed for the strength to clear up 2 rooms but it doesn't seem to be doing anything despite having it on for a few months straight now (I have already cleaned the filter in it, and it was barely dirty at all so it's clearly not catching the dust and debris). I never use my ceiling fan because it gets so caked up with dust that I never feel like its worth it as it only speeds up the issues by flinging it everywhere.
My desk, PC tower and bookshelf are all black so it is very obvious when things are caked up with dust, which takes less than a week to be noticeable and I'm just so sick of it bros please help me
do i need this
do I want this
will i be able to use this in the future?
What is the simpson string tie system?
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like this but simply extend the four leg for another level or two and use it as your book shelf or storage
unless this is a biz you really are overdoing it
when does he show the 'whole different level of cleaning' stuff because that's the only one worth watching
Pretty much anyone with some amazing technique doesnt have kids.
My brother acts like he has some smart ideas. Cunt has no job as Dad gives him money.
Yeah if I was single with no job Id also have a cleaner home... Mum pays for his cleaner as well.
Meanwhile I have a job and 3 kids and a wife. Then my parents and brother make comments my house isnt tidy.
Fuck off.
what can I do to make the room I sleep in and use my computer in not stink? I wash my blankets, pillow cases and sheets weekly, I don't leave food out and I shower, yet this room still has a slight odor to it and I can't figure out why
Check your pillows and mattress. Strip the bedding and see if the foam is degrading and causing the smell.
Move things, clean under them.
Last resort?
Ozone generator.
Rent one, put it in the room and let it run for a day while you're at work. You want one of the no bullshit industrial destinkers, not the stupid Temu/chinamart junk that just plugs in an outlet like a wall wart.
I do not like this image.
>get rid of 1 screen
>craftsman goes in the garage
>whey in the corner goes into the kitchen
>shoes go in the hallway
>hang the clothes lower so you can add another shelf in the closet
>add sliding doors to the closet
>make it one long (but not too deep) desk that follows the entire wall with 3 identical sets of drawers underneath (left, center, right)
>get a bed without a foot end (so room looks bigger) or remove the foot end
>get a smaller bed side table
>do real cable management so none are visible
>put books on a shelf (above bed or desk)
>store stuff (neatly!) underneath your bed if you absolutely have to
>paint one wall white
that's what I'd do, at first glance
let your cat out before it gets squashed

tip: you need to be able to get out of bed on both sides, so either your bed is too big or its in the wrong spot. good luck
>tip: you need to be able to get out of bed on both sides, so either your bed is too big or its in the wrong spot. good luck
why? i find it the easiest way of getting more space in the room. of course only if you are single
i dont know the science behind it but, if your asleep and an intruder comes into your room, you have more options; go left, go right, do nothing or attack. maybr your kitty will guard you. but it is looking abit down in the picture.
hope this helps
you just need to burn this hoe to the ground and start anew
i am not that guy or care if anyone enters my room, but i guess it may make sense
this is a gay and stupid narcissistic method for women. I have depression, nothing sparks joy for me but the enslavement of inferior people.
You need so many things in life to live in this world that do not spark joy, like potato peelers or buckets, or plungers, or bags of cement or silicone sealant or stupid fucking drywall screws that never work properly but you have no other option.
>i simply make a real effort to do one single task every day
sounds good. will try this.
1. spray everything with cleaner (make sure it is actual cleaner so many bottles of spray shit are some other garbage like "dirt barrier" ????????)
2. leave it for a few minutes
3. scrub all with large scrubbing brush (the kind with a handle on the back)
4. wash down everything with shower
cool i can now store about 25% as much stuff in my tool drawer and need 4x as much space for the same shit.
ummm based?
nice fucking meter with the dials!
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You know what i hate? tidying is just moving stuff around, but i have no space for things, and i don't want to get rid of my parts because then i can't build things, but i can't build things because i have no space aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Based, this is the shed setup I strive for once I fix the century old concrete floor and fix all the gaps letting dust in.

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