Previous thread:>>2862495Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or>but that's too (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)>I need a part that does X and Y, with Z specifications. How can I find it?use DigiKey's or Octopart's parametric part search. Then purchase from one of the sellers listed above.>how do I get started with microcontrollers, where should I start?There is no defined starting point, grab a book and start reading or buy an arduino off ebay/amazon and start messing around. There are a plethora of examples online to get started.>resources:>RISC-V microcontroller list:
>>2880131love how they trimmed the value of the current shunt by mauling it with sidecutters
>>2880249Wait, why doesn't the device on the left need a shunt?
>>2880266that's the newer one (uses AAAs instead of a 9V), it probably uses a pcb trace of approximately known resistance instead
>>2880249> mauled shuntMarketing can call that a laser-trimmed resistor.The beand of sidecutters is called “laser” like thise knifes from wallmart.Sometimes you see the opposite, the put blobs of solder on it to bring the value down rather than up.
>>2880266>>2880301pair of smt resistors from the 10A terminal to the COM terminal, no attempt at trimming, no fucks given
>>2880335I guess it was kinda obvious.Do these weird wheel-like traces on the right one act as last resort fuse?
>>2880335They may have chosen the first resistor, measured it, then put the second resistor in. Or done parts binning. Or just corrected for it in firmware. Screw tempco.>>2880340No I think those are thermal reliefs, but with more spokes for lower resistance.
>>2880359>No I think those are thermal reliefs, but with more spokes for lower resistanceno, niggerit says hfe - and what has hfe?transistors - and how do they connect?female transistor socketsguys will ''bone' but girls will ''socket''
>>2880402He said star-shaped traces, looks like the traces surrounding the current shunt solder joint to me. The hFE plug doesn’t have star-shaped traces, but star-shaped holes.
I was wondering, is it worth to put a reclamed LiIon battery and the circuit in one of these, or will it be even worse than with batteries?>>2880340Not last resort fuse.It's thermal bridging.That way you don't have to heat your whole copper ground plane when you want to solder the "resistor".
>>2880510Depends on the unit and what power it can take. 2.5-4.2V is too low for one designed to run at 9V, but too high for one designed to run at 3V. If the 3V one can handle 4.2V, then no problem, otherwise you could do so using an ultra-low-dropout regulator. The 9V one probably already has a linear regulator circuit, but I doubt it would run down to 3.2V or lower.It’s definitely not worth doing though, these meters are worth less than $5.
>>2880530Yeah I know I bought the 3.3V one for less than $5.But I have Li cells that I don't use a some pcb with cell protection, cell charging and step up/down all in one. So, I can just tune it to ~3.3V and never have to buy batteries again.Also, are these circuits known to have a serial output? I know some older ones had...
>>2880539>So, I can just tune it to ~3.3V and never have to buy batteries again.Why not. The only problem might be noise from the switching converter's output, not that you'd notice. And you'd likely want a seperate power switch.>serial outputDo you have an example? That sounds cool.
>>2880539batteries need more voltage than rated to charge
>>2880678The charge/boost/protection boards just use USB for charging. Probably a TP4056.
>>2880661>NoiseWep, I will think about that. but nothing a capacitor and a coil couldn't filter indeed.And you are correct too, with the speed of reading of those multimeters, it won't be a proble either I think.>Serial portI had one with an IrDa port outputing serial data. I used it once or twice thith the good software to graph temperature (it had direct temperature reading from probe).Some other have a direct connector (so no isolation):>>2880678It's okay, the LiIon battery will be charging by USB. And I can tune the buck convertor to 3.3V or whatever I want to simulate new AA batteries.
>>2880868Actually my Hioki DMM has an infrared socket on the back, it’s intended for use with their clamp meter addon but my meter doesn’t have that capability so it’s got to be used by something else. I should 3D print a fitting to slot into the receptacle with an IR LED and phototransistor held in place.Funny how this thread is most active when it’s not talking about microcontrollers. I’ll be sure to pick a less stimulating OP pic next time.
>>2880872> not talking about microcontrollersI like to think of the chips used in DMMs as special-purpose microcontrollers.
>>2880881That is why I posted it, but most of the discussion about the surrounding circuitry (current sense resistor, thermal vias, battery conversion) would be better suited to /ohm/.
If you had resources to create anything (that is an electronic device with a MCU), what would you create?
How do i make a midi keyboard from a dinky toy with arduino/raspberry pi pico that isn't too complicated
>>2881230I'd check out oskitone@github, I know he has some synth with a mcu, perhaps the one called Scout
>>2881195Probably more of an FPGA thing, but a tacticool ball full of sensors. Mainly visible and thermal cameras, microphones, and a wide-band SDR. You throw a bunch about the place, and they'd communicate back to a base station via laser comms or some shit. With them you can build up a 3D model of the environment, and create a dynamic map of heat, sound, and RF sources via triangulation. This information is processed by a centralised computer and fed from the navigator's nearby station to an overlay on the operator's AR headset. For airsoft, of course.
>>2881195I'd do air quality, noise, traffic flow/speed at intersections. The signal timings in my city are deliberately wasteful, and if I had data to back it up it would be easier to change.
>got my ch32v003 blinkingwelp, guess i'm using vscopium and platformio now
>>2881360What's next?
>>2881396Getting comfortable with the hardware enough to ditch AVRs. Then I'll get to using them for all sorts of shit, like CAN comms and motor driving, maybe a digital CC/CV benchtop PSU. The chips are cheap and in supply at LCSC, so I can order boards from JLC with them pre-soldered. Maybe pre-programmed too, if I try hard enough.Oh and getting a RISC-V t-shirt.
Hi /mcg/,Any ideas on how I should drill accurate holes for a pi pico in my self etched pcb?
>>2881406wait shit now i gotta learn pointersand dmaand connect to the hive mind in order to know what bitmasks i need for each register
>>2880131What's the difference between GND and DGND? I'm fidgering replacing a damaged front panel from a audio car head unit, but the pines are not exactly the same.I'm guessing is ground and digital ground, but after all digital ground isn't just a reference that can be whatever (not 0,5 V, just a reference for your system)?Is this related to CMOS/TTL/FET logic?Thanks
When there's AGND and DGND, that's to keep the different grounds separate so that noise doesn't cross between them. They only meet near the power supply. Usually it's to keep the analog ground clean so you don't hear a bunch of digital trash in your speakers.
>>2882113As the other anon said, the GND and DGND are almost certainly connected together at something like a star grounding point. Though there’s a small possibility they have an isolated voltage converter, which helps you not fry your phone when you plug it in to charge and plug in the aux cable at the same time. They may also have a choke or other noise filtration circuit between the rails.Also the DGND might not be in contrast to AGND, but PWRGND.
This is driving me crazy. So I am trying to get Serial.Monitor working for an attiny85. Unfortunately, I only have an Arduino Uno right now and I am using this to flash the ATtiny. The baud rate is set to 9600 in both Serial.Begin and Platformio.ini but holy fucking shit, all I get is garbled text and this is driving me nuts and I've been troubleshooting for like four fucking hours
>>2881460You don't need to drill holes. Either solder the dev board on directly or use a smd socket.
A box of DIP sockets is probably cheaper, but it's more work to cut the rows apart and bend the wires 90°.
>>2882114>>2882136Thanks I have learned a lot today, I really appreciate it anons!
>>2882175The problem with SMD headers is you need to align them before soldering. I bought an RGBduino before (pic related) and I beilve they needed to use SMD components everywhere because the colour silkscreen looks to have been applied after soldering. Despite it being in the Uno form-factor, shields don't fit on it because the socket headers are misaligned.
I'd like to learn how to make an LED blink. How do I do this without involving an operating system on the chip or a chip that interprets a simplified programming language? I'd be willing to flash chips with a SOIC clip just to never have to look at an IDE.
>>2882216Which pcb makers let me print nice designs?
>>2882747Oh, neat. So does stuff like this sell better? Like a marketing gimmick?
>>2882756It's really new (<6months), so i don't know yet.Well, when I mean it's new, I mean for "click and order" services.You could add UV printing to white selkscreen PCB since ages (and that's what >>2882216 RGBDuino did with the duck version and the chick version).
>>2882802Wow, I can see how out of alignment those headers are. Normally it doesn't matter because without that Ardunio retardation you would only be hooking up to one of them at a time. Getting four of those aligned with simple pick-n-place has to be nearly impossible.Also, obligatory hate for the asshole who decided that there should be a +0.5" spacing between those headers so you can't breadboard it.
>>2882802You could probably de solder them all and stick them on some daughterboard you have then flip it back over and solder them back in place. The pads are probably within spec to make the lineup, they just moved while bumping down the line to be heated up
Can you guys help me pick out a MEGA2560 board from AliExpress? I have Java programming experience and want to get into hardware/low level stuff with C/C++, and eventually into ESP32 chips, but I want to get my start with a MEGA2560 and a sensor kits first. There's a bunch of MEGA2560 variants like the CH340, CH340G (just found out it's micro usb), ATmega16U2, ATmega8U2-AU. Can anyone tell me which type of board version I should be looking for because I read that some have restrictions or require some sort of different USB driver, is the one that requires a different driver better or worse? I'm not looking to do any wifi/bluetooth stuff, just mess around with sensors before moving up to ESP32. I've googled a lot, but the information seems to be scattered everywhere and it doesn't help that every time I google a variant, I find out that there's yet another variant of said variant on aliexpress. Can anyone help me make sense of all of these different variants, the MEGA2560 PRO, MEGA2560 CH340, etc?
>>2882802look at all that wasted spacedo people even use shields? i only ever see art school dropouts use an ugly mess dupont connectors to connect whatever 'single component on a pcb' sparkfun/adafruit modules they are told they need by the makezine article they are copying.
>>2882970Is this who I should market towards? Idiots?
>>2882729Chinese Uno clone, avr-gcc, and avrdude.>>2882946CH340 is usually cheapest and works fine on Linux and I imagine Windows too at this point. The pro variants are compact which you probably don't want if you're just experimenting.
>>2882970>art school dropoutsNot that Anon, but I'm an art school dropout, and I just solder every single component directly onto perfboards because I've had too many bad experiences with Arduino shields that either had burnt ICs or required the use of poorly documented libraries.
which 'duino has the hottest anime girl on it?
Does anyone know how to access gpio using C on pi3 running on debian? I'm not using gay shit like python or bloated distro like raspbian.
>>2880131I turn them into soulless hardware tokens:
>>2883259>Does anyone know how to access gpio using CFucking kids don't know how to google shit anymore?One way you can do it is using the fake files of the /sys directory to write 1s and 0s. I found this, which disturbs me, because I think the stuff at my work has been using the sysfs interface to do gpio. (not on a pi) But I just got our stuff running 6.12.4, so it's still not gone.It's not the fastest way to do gpio, you're not going to blink an LED real fast, but you can turn shit on and off. And you can symlink the gpio device to some temp directory during startup and not have to care where it goes in your code.
Arduino is so based
>>2883299You're a saint. Thanks.
>>2882160you've set the baud rate on the chip, but have you set the baud rate on your host COM port receiver?
>>2882114i thought split ground planes was an old wives tale? theres a guy on youtube called rick hartley saying that its all bullshit.
>>2883310ah nevermind he does make a case for split ground planes at 15:40
>>2883270> don't understand the use case for this. is it just to prove what's possible?
>>2883312What's to get?It's a diy poor man's yubikey.
out of interest, has anyone gotten a fully assembled PCB from jlcpcb? how was it?
>>2883449I’be done it before, it’s good. Unlike other providers, JLC take directly from the LCSC warehouse. Any part on there you can get assembled, but I’d strongly recommend SMD parts only. THT soldering is expensive. You just find the LCSC/JLCPCB part number and put that in its own column on your BOM. There’s “Basic” and “Preferred Extended” parts that don’t have an additional handling fee, so use those where you can (passives, diodes, signal transistors) but the handling fee isn’t much.I use the JLC Assembly addon for KiCAD, it does all the work for you besides making that column, though it’s technically easier with EasyEDA. Also the SOT-223 footprint from KiCAD is offset, so make sure to correct that in the JLC placement overview.If you’ve got a project that needs chips in awful LGA packages or similar, definitely consider getting the chinks to do it for you. While stencils seem cheap, they’re big and push your shipping costs up significantly, so it’s likely cheaper getting boards assembled for you instead of going for a stencil unless you’re doing large numbers or already have the expensive ICs.
I need advice. I was trying to get an TFT display talking with an arduino nano. I can flash the nano with no errors, I spent hours and couldn't figure out why nothing was displaying on the display. I then decided to use a backup nano with the same code and the display displays the content just fine. I have no idea wtf was wrong with the first one, but the Power LED is red compared to the second one which is green and at this point I'm not entirely sure if it is a sign of some sort of component damage or what. Does anyone have any idea wtf is wrong with the first arduino nano and if it is worth trying to salvage it by soldering in another component (I'm also starting to run low on these nanos as I've blown like two last week)
>>2883833Could be a fake nano with a different chip, I think I’ve also heard of them getting some pins flipped around (probably 10 and 11 because they’re retarded).Write some idiot-check programs, like one that turns all pins high so you can be sure they’re all working. You can also try using AVRdude with an Arduino as ISP to read back their ID and fuses to ensure they’re all good. There might be programs out there to determine whether it’s fake or not, like that STM32 blinky program.
I need to make a custom PCB, this is also my first board.>needs to be ON for 10ms and OFF for 10ms>needs to be a clean wave>needs to be adjustable 1V-5V DC, (Amp adjustment is made analoge for more clean wave).I just made a circuit in a simulator and it looks like this will work?Is this this right way forward or is there a better way?Any tips are greatly appreciated, thanks.
>>2884262What's the deal with tying out to trigger like that?
>>2884291I don't know I saw it like that on a picture on google and recreated it.Is it not correct? or is this sub-optimal and there's a better way?
>>2884262This is an /ohm/ questionIt looks like your duty cycle isn't really 50%, I think you should be able to get rid of that 2M resistor.Keep in mind that 555 timers in real life don't output 5V from a 5V supply, it's closer to 3V, so that will shift your timing somewhat. Best to test it on a breadboard.
>>2884329> this is an /ohm/ questionmaking a clock for a 8051
>>2884329Thanks, the voltage isn't really a problem since I will measure the output and raise the input until I get 5v.>shift your timing somewhatDoesn't matter as long it's 10ms ON and OFF.>>2884412not really but close
>>2884613>Doesn't matter as long it's 10ms ON and OFF.The point is your frequency will change as the output voltage changes with respect to the input voltage. This is why conventional 555 circuits use the discharge pin instead of the output pin, it ensures the output frequency is independant of supply voltage. So any resistor values you determine via simulation likely won't be correct when you actually put them on a breadboard. Might also change the duty-cycle but probably not by much. What are your duty-cycle and frequency tolerances? 1%?
UARTing for the first time on a piece of hardware. slammming my head against my desk because the device keeps rebooting.realized i had tx connected to tx and rx on rx=(
Am i using the wrong UART interface?I'm trying to UART into a banana pi r3 using minicom and the serial interface below.i am getting good communication with the board but it reboots after ~50 seconds of uptime whenever the UART is connected. if i boot it without the UART connection it stays on. log in this post, but can't make much sense of it. >>>/g/103704127
>>2884752nm, rolled it back to an older release and working fine.
Does anyone know of a table that compares microcontrollers from a whole bunch of different families? I can find them for PICs and AVRs, but not many manufacturers make these, and nobody seems to have made a table comparing multiple brands. Unless there's some github repo I'm missing somewhere.
i've spent the last several days trying to get this stupid fucking nucleo board enumerated as a stupid fucking usb HID and it hasn't worked once. all of the demo projects dont do shit. fuck usb
>>2885388oh the onboard usb connector goes to the stlink processor and not the main MCU's usb d+/-, that's probably why this isnt working
>>2885397yeah you have to use the right port lelno confusion with a blue pill, you have to provide your own stlink
Why does pi os have so many ways to run a python script after startup and yet most don't actually work
Are SK6812 RGBW LEDs suitable for a bedside reading light, light-quality wise? Am I in the wrong thread? What is the simplest arduino clone these days (ESP32)?
>>2885649The white might be, I don’t think CRI matters much for paper, maybe you can find CRI in the datasheet. But it’s a bit pointless to go for RGB and addressability in the first place.If you’re programming via the arduino IDE anyhow, there’s not much difference between using an old AVR-based board compared to anything else sufficiently supported, like ESP32 is.
>>2885560Running python on a rasberry pi basically turns it into an arduino-class compute node.
Is there a reasonably small micro controller I can use to process analog video? I've seen people do good stuff with esp32, but they alway use the ESP32Cam and the dedicated digital camera. I'd need it to process b&w analog video , and to control servos based on that. Really just a contrast tracker. I can already sort of do that on my pc with a bunch of stolen and GPT'D code, so the next step is making the setup portable.
Here's a question. Has anyone ever used an attiny85 to drive addressable LEDs like the WS2812B or the SK6812 without an external clock before? I tried this, but even with the internal fuses set to 8MHz I just can't get the attiny to drive the LEDs. I see something in the o-scope that kinda looks like a pulse train, but it is so distorted that it almost looks like noise if it weren't for the fact that the signal is high at 5V. The code should work (as I've tested it out with the nano and the LED does light up...and about the only thing I can think of is the library I am using (Adafruit Neopixel). Is there another library I should be using (because there seems to be quite a few for these addressable LEDs) or is there something else I am missing?
>>2886544Ok. I kinda figured it out. But I still don't get it. Everything works fine if I upload and flash the chip with the Arduino IDE, but the LEDs don't light up if I flash the Tiny with platformio. This is a build issue which is fucking stupid
Thought on tinygo for the Arduino Uno?
>>2886537If I recall, CNLohr did a video on analog video timing via the ESP32's audio PLL. Keep in mind that he's a bit of a firmware wizard, so adapting his code to suit your project may be impossible without indepth knowledge (i.e. not being a gpt babby).Is this a /rcg/ related question? I wonder if there might be existing solutions that read data out of the analog video stream to an fpv headset. Be it for datalogging of the standard voltage and other visible readouts, or some sort of compressed data.>>2887166I'm not a /g/tard so I'm not familiar with all these meme programming languages. I was of the impression that C compiled pretty efficiently down to assembly language, which is important for embedded applications where efficiency matters.Also it's HAL based so ew. Writing registers via bitmasks is the way to go, according to my /mcg/tard meme practices.
Any anons know of a book or series that would get me from basic electronics to fairly complicated robotics? Shit like being able to build my own Roomba or do other home automation would be really fun.
>>2887216You're correct, but Go is like C on easy mode, maybe explicitly intended as such. One of its creators was Ken Thompson. It would be easier to write something complex in it, at least for me, if it actually works in embedded applications to begin with
>>2887242Go has a heavy run-time with garbage collection, so it's much worse for embedded than C.
>>2887242> K.T.Ken had more to do with it before the Plan 9 C compiler was hacked into the ‘go’ compiler it is today, and acknowledged because they didn’t want to be accused of intellectual theft, and, later on, benefited from the name dropping.Go (now called golang because… well, go was an unfathomably stupid name, even 2000 years ago, especially in china) and other similar languages are best used with microcontrollers by extracting the compiled assembly and pasting it into your microcontroller assembly source code, avoiding any heap or garbage collection, and python remain completely unsuitable for any purpose whatsoever.
>>2887280Java embedded edition literally runs on small devices like smart cards. Micropython is popular, though I don't know what anyone is using it for.
>>2887592> literally runs on small devices32 MB of ram, or even 8MB isn’t really small.I’d consider 128 bytes ‘small’ and 4K ‘midrange’ for a MCU, but I’m guessing we’re living in ‘all the world is a gaming PC’ times
>>2887677I suppose they're really bloated now. I don't know what the first java embedded versions needed.
so i got a sensor hooked up to the spi pins on a pico 2 whow do i uhhh, read from it?
>>2887812>Option A:Include a library designed for that sensor on that MCU and just call its functions.>Option B:Include a simple SPI function library (e.g. wire.h or whatever), then read the sensor IC's datasheet to figure out how to talk to it and what addresses to request data from.>Option C:Read the datasheet of the MCU to figure out what registers to set to what values in order to configure and use the built-in SPI hardware, then read the sensor IC's datasheet like you would for option B. This may not be an option for python.This is assuming you have power and ground hooked up to the sensor too, and satisfy any other conditions for the sensor board, and know how to write code to the MCU.
>>2887812Find an example for the sensor, port it to your environment, once it works rewrite the without doubt extremely awful sample code so it's a 10th of the size and 3 times faster.
>>2880131What's the easiest way to have a Jetson Nano talk to an Arduino. It has to be fast. Like <20Hz.It can be wired.
>>2887920Easiest way is UART. Just make sure your voltage levels are compatible, and that you’ve tied RX to TX and TX to RX. Should be able to do 2Mbaud. Faster than that and you’ll need to use SPI (not sure if an AVR arduino board can do SPI slave), for faster still you could try bit-banging 8 parallel GPIOs via full port-reads and port-writes.What do you mean by <20Hz? 20Hz is really slow, and the < sign means something slower than 20Hz.
>>2888023> <20HzTrain a hamster to listen to kazoo blown by the jetson’s fan when it ramps up, and it pushes a button with its nose attached to the arduino which also gives it a food pellet. Use morse code.And ECC.Bonus: it’s wireless and eco-friendly.
Just saw this, apparently the RP2350 security has been defeated. part of the die that reads the initial fuses is partially susceptible to glitching, which through multiple levels of sheer dumb luck, unfortunately lets it start in a configuration that has debugging active.
>>2888134I don't think this is impactful, since I doubt anyone uses these chips for anything serious, and storing valuable credentials in hardware is a stupid idea even if you assume the hardware isn't hackable. It's only a vulnerability for hardware hackers, i.e. people who have possession of the thing they're hacking, i.e. people not committing a crime. If you could remotely backdoor someone's wifi network via an RP2350 it would be worth caring about.
>>2888134Rp2350 is a pretty good chip despite the profoundly stupid risc-v architecture. Maybe the’re loosing money on it like the ESP32.Anyone that stores unencrypted stuff in secure enclaves/otp areas is just asking for trouble.I’m not a conspiracy theorist that is going to postulate government mandated back-doors, but just note that it’s almost impossible to buy a retail lock that the “lock picking lawyer” can’t get into in 30 seconds.
>>2888450>profoundly stupid risc-v architectureI'll prefer it over the mind numbingly retarded ARM architecture or whatever shit ESP32 is based on.
>>2888450>Rp2350 is a pretty good chip despite the profoundly stupid risc-v architecture.Good thing that it's actually got an ARM architecture then.
is it possible to move secure handshakes of nfc stuff or secure keys like iLoq further away from the reader with another radio layer in between? what are the likely issues I will encounter trying to encapsulate some sort of cryptographic handshake through another layer? in a nutshell I'm wondering if I can make a dumb radio layer that'll just forward the messages between the nfc tag/key and the reader.
Need 4k 30FPS in, through OpenCV motion detection, out to a big screen. Preferrably on Pi, what do?Looked into Coral USB "accelerator", don't really understand. Looks like GPUs dont work with Pi. Looked at things like PixyCam which run some pre-built models. Looks like they can just work in their default image detection mode, without the ability to draw on the output.
>>2888450name a better FOS instruction set CPU>inb4 just used a closed nonfree proprietary botnet isa
>>2889931I might be misremembering, but I think Hitachi’s Super-H is open now? Not that there’s more than one company making chips for them though.
>>2889962Yes, most super-h patents expired.But, ARM stole the thumb instruction set from SH, because the original ARM instruction set was this wasteful sparse dogishit.A couple of people have toyed with SH, I think to the point of throwing it on a lattice, but not going anywhere fast like RISC-V.RISC-V had better have a code density grater than SH, or its adoption will suffer.
>>2889962patents expiring != being designed as FOS
>>2890207Call it J-Core then. Super H is still being made by Renesas I think, but J-core is a compatible open implementation of the same ISA. Available only on FPGAs, lmao. I’m surprised not even the chinks have made these chips.
Is it possible to replicate the display in a Google Glass or other visual overlay headset as /diy/? How is it done? I just want to replicate the display and not all the other software. Should I just use a transparent LCD or is a prism projector feasible?
>>2880131Every time i open the serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux) with an arduino (uno) with the IDE or with a terminal emulator the arduino resets. Can i prevent this from happening?
>>2890259Not easily. The thing about a wearable display is it needs to allow your eye to focus on it. Usually this means a curved semi-reflective mirror, or a prism with a reflective curved surface within it. I think you may be able to directly use a laser projector, trading custom curved (nonspherical?) optics for a miniature high-speed galvo.All the DIY solutions I’ve seen (mainly Zach Friedman) utilise the optics and display from existing headsets. There’s probably people on hackaday and YouTube messing about with custom optical setups, maybe by silvering a resin 3D print.>>2890263That’s because the reset pin on the arduino is capacitively coupled to one of the flow control pins from the serial connection, in order to reset it for serial programming. RTS or CTS or DTR or whatever. They shoulda just put a USBasp on the board, it already has another microcontroller on the UNO along with a socket for the chip, requiring a bootloader and programming through UART is stupid.You have a few options. I’d start off trying to disable these flow-control pins when you call Screen or whatever, I suspect this is what the IDE is meant to do, since it worked fine on my old macbook. If that fails, you can tie a big cap (10uF should do) from reset to GND or Vcc, to eat the edge of the flow control line.
>>2890293>The thing about a wearable display is it needs to allow your eye to focus on it.Blurriness might be OK. I need to overlay highlighting rather than text or images, so a red splotch might do the trick. Or would it be too blurry and spread out too much because of how close the display is from the eye compared to the surface being too extreme of a difference do you think? (about 2m away. I would say I need the user to be able to distinguish an area 2 or 3 inches high and wide.)I had a look at Zach Friedman's headset, and how he gutted another projector, and I might try that. It would be best if I can use my own components though so I'll look in to your other suggestions too. Thank you for your help.
>>2890293>That’s because the reset pin on the arduinoIt's DTR indeed. If i toggle it from the terminal program it resets. Will investigate further. Thanks.
>>2890295It might be fine if you just want a blur, maybe? I’d write on a piece of transparent plastic with a marker and hold it an inch from your eye. Then try it with an OLED, see Sean Hodgins’ volumetric display for how OLEDs can be used as transparent displays.
You guys ever build anything that helps other people? I've been trying to get into building accessible controllers for people with disabilities, and it's actually been fun. I have made zero dollars at it, and that's not fuckin sustainable, but I'm having fun. What about you guys?
do you really have to use proprietary software and guis for all these industry-level boards?how did we get to this point in 2025?
>>2890348I've built a switch that you have to push every day for old people who live alone that e-mails to relatives if they didn't push it.
Is there such thing as "The Guide to Microcontroller Programming for Retarded Jungleniggers Straight Outta Congo"? I fucked around with Arduino crippleware back in college for a bit of a while, but I never did any binary pin setting/resetting or anything of that sort, and I've noticed people on the Website-That-Must-Not-Be-Named recommend people to just learn off datasheets, but then again, I've noticed many people have mentioned that they started off with something like PICs, ARMs, or Intel 8048s in college, in addition to having to take courses on digital logic, computer architecture, and that sort of shit.I've got none of that background, so I have no idea what assingments like A |= B, or A |= 0xffffffff do.
>>2890433>industry-level boards?Such as? Do you mean actual industry?
>>2890479I meant the most common ones like the STM32
>>2890482That's baby level shit, just find a jtag adapter supported by openocd, and you should be able to do everything with a text editor and 100% open source software.The vendors always want to market their tools to make it "easier" (vendor-locking in more potential customers) or try to make thing proprietary out of pure evilness.
i have a solar-powered system with a power-hungry sensor whose ground-return is thru gpio (so it doesn't prevent the mcu from booting in low-power conditions)what happens if i set gpio low before there is enough power for both? does the sensor simply fail to init, or does the mcu also crash? if crash, does the gpio reset, disconnecting the sensor and resulting in a boot loop? if no reset, will the mcu and sensor boot once there is enough power for both, rendering pointless this whole scheme of disconnecting the sensor via gpio, or are they just bricked? the mcu and sensor in question are a RP2040 and ATGM336H GPS, if that matters
>>2890489on a related note, i have seen others use a voltage divider connected to the RUN pin to prevent the RP2040 from even attempting to boot until the solar panels achieve nominal voltage because otherwise it can freeze and frydo these concerns apply to low currents as well as low voltages?
>>2890493apparently a zener diode is an alternative to the voltage divider approach, idk which is better
>>2890447If you really need a book, consider the classic meme of "Learning the Art of Electronics" by Thomas C Hayes. It's a meme for a reason, though it isn't really focused on microcontrollers specifically.If you want a more to-the-point guide, consider open courseware. Look up the curriculum for CS and EE, read about individual modules and read up on the ones you think will matter. I'd say you should at the very least have some basic programming course, a basic course on binary, data representation and digital logic (often called stuff like "digital technology" or "logical design" or similar shit) and then a course on microcontrollers and electronics components. Once you have those under your belt you should know enough to look up the gaps by yourself. Maybe add an assembly/low level programming course if you want to get into low level shit.If that sounds like too much effort, you can get by with just the digital tech/logic design course (make sure it covers data types, binary representation, binary logic at the very least). Sounds like you have basic programming knowledge already from the Arduino experience. From there you can basically google everything.
>>2890511>logical designWell, I guess this is what I needed. I found something on Coursera that seems to more or less cover the topics I had doubts on.
>>2890721Glad to hear it anon. Keep in mind that a lot of low level stuff is pattern recognition and learning neat tricks. That can be obvious stuff, like realizing that the assignment A%2==0 (so if something is even) is logically identical to ~A[0], because you can just look at the least significant bit of a number to determine if something is even (depending on the binary representation obv), to more complex stuff (in assembly recursion is a favorite that is unintuitive until you've "got it" and then becomes rather easy), so don't stress too much if you still don't have all the answers after the course, you'll collect that knowledge over time naturally.
I have an old Pi B+ with wifi.What kind of software is out there that I can plug in 2 webcams, remotely monitor them, then record at will (preferably both cams in one video file)Im a beginner bullseye shooter>point camera at self to see shooting form>point camera at target like a spotting scope, and to record>just monitor target cam remotely on phone browser or laptop as I warm up>record both simultaneously when i shoot training rounds to watch later.I set this up as an octoprint server years ago, I also ran a motion sensing surveillance camera for a short time, but I havent touched it since like 2018. I can use someone elses software I just cant write my own.
Does anyone know something like a cheap modbus remote I/O module with transistors instead of relays?I have a raspberry pi and want to control 2-5 stepper drivers (2x 5V input each). The GPIO on the Pi is 3.3V and the drivers need 5V. I could use a level shifter but I’d much rather use either ethernet or RS485/USB so that I can change either the Pi (to a pc or plc) or the gpio module later on. Everything I see uses relays but I don’t think they’re the right option for ~200 pulses per second
>>2891027Tinkering with multiple video feeds sucks ass - without having any experience with your specific use case I'd default to OBS (the program). Issue is that two camera feeds, especially if they are decent resolution (which I assume you want because otherwise you'll see absolute jack shit on the scope) might be too much for a pi, especially one that's so old. Maybe some other anon has some good advice, but if I were you I'd just use obs on a laptop or something.
Anyone know of a brand of servos that are somewhat quiet?The one I'm using now is so loud that I've gimped the pid loop just so it moves slow enough that it is inaudible. The moment the dog hears that fast moving servo gear noise she freaks out and hides under the desk in another room.I've considered switching to a stepper and an encoder but that seems like a lot of work.
>>2892066Servos with integrated driver? If not, what sort of driver are you using? FOC with a high PWM frequency is going to be the quietest, sinusoidal driving at high frequency is probably fine too. Low frequency PWM or trapezoidal driving is going to be noisy, in the same way that driving a stepper with insufficient microstepping is going to be noisy.
>>2880131What would be a good, very cheap microcontroller I could buy in bulk that would be good for a MIDI controller/synth guitar project?
>>2892227> good, fast, cheap, plentifulDoesn’t exist.> buy in bulkAlmost any component can be purchased in bulk from the usual sources. I suggest you enter into a contract with ST, NxP, or TI to buy 10 million of them to get the price down, and let us know what kind of price you got.> projectIt sounds like you only need one.So MIDI is at about 32 kilobaud, so almost any microcontroller would suffice, even the some of the 8051 cores from si labs run at 48 MHz. You’ll need to have external components for the line drivers. Because of the low speed, MIDI was barely fit-for-purpose right out of the gate.So, I’m guessing you picked up an old guitar hero at goodwill (from the several dozen that they have there) and got this idea.
>>2892227Would you want MIDI over USB? Or conventional DIN plug MIDI? For the former, you'd want something with native USB capability. For the latter, MIDI looks to just be a layer atop UART, and all but a few of the cheapest shittiest MCUs have UART capability. Specs-wise, I suspect that even with a 16MHz 8-bit PIC or AVR would be perfectly adequate for sending midi signals from a controller, so long as you have enough pins to cover your button matrix, and enough analogue inputs to measure potentiometers and such. But receiving them as a synth that turns the MIDI signals into audio is a bit more involved, you'd likely want a 32-bit MCU with DMA that can feed audio into a DAC (probably external via I2S). Mitxela on YouTube and on his website has some neat minimal MIDI projects that I recommend checking out.If you're cheapmaxxing, then the CH32V003 for simple stuff and CH32V203 or V307 for complex stuff would be my tentative recommendation.
>>2884262Don't forget your trimpots to tune your circuit, you'll rarely get 555 timings that match your calculations.Here's a servo controller I made from a 556 after trimming>>2892227google "seeedstudio xiao"
Don't know if this is the right place or /ohm/ but I got a BME688 sensor from adafruit, since it was the latest version or whatever, but there's no example that works. The current example and libraries are for BME680. I'm connecting it with the STEMMA cable, but nope. Wire.h doesn't recognize it, because it's using the BME680 library. Am I missing something?That bsec2 library never works either. My devboard is the adafruit feather v2
>>2892295Seems like either the cables I got off Amazon were janky. I tried all of them, they worked once and stopped. But then I held the reset button for a couple of seconds and the last cable did not fail.
dang... what even is ublox without its cellular division, hobbyist lighting RGB LEDs in their breadboards?
>>2892235Thanks for your answer.>So, I’m guessing you picked up an old guitar hero at goodwill (from the several dozen that they have there) and got this idea.No,Actually, I lied. I just said guitar because it's more familiar to people and would have similar requirements.I want to make a lamellophone synth/midi instrument. I said guitar because the same requirements that would require polyphonic pickup to evaluate the vibration in the strings would translate to a lamellophone with vibrating metal tines.I said project/bulk because I want to scale it later on though it's also for me to learn.>>2892236Yes over USB.Thanks anon.>>2892271Interesting, I will consider this one and what the two other anons suggested. Thanks.
>>2880131I know I'd spam the 4chinks panic button if I had one you?