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This wood been sitting outside for a year, if i mitresaw it into blocks will it burn in a fire pit?
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get a better firepit, shovel the ash into a bucket and dispose of it like you would of any hazardous chemical
>but what if copper dust starts flying
who cares? Companies do a lot worse shit right into the river you live near, why care?
You are gonna plug your chimney
ITT anons cant tell the difference between pressure treat and moss.

It wouldnt be obvious to anyone who never goes outside, but those get no sun, and all the water off the roof of the building dumped on them. Hence, moss.

The same moss is growing on the side of the building

Theyll burn just fine op, i also am flabberghasted you made a thread to ask if wood will burn.

Sage. Do better, everyone.
If it's pressure treated, at least in Canada, will make a very poisonous ash, something like a table spoon kills a person.
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Perhaps you don't care about the toxic smoke, but what about the ashes that will leak into your soil?
Everything around that burn pit will be poisoned.

I'm renovating my condo and one of the areas I'm looking at is a toilet from the bathroom. I want to be liberated from the tyranny of big toilet paper, but I'm wondering what to get. I looked at smart toilets, but those are either incredibly expensive or Chinese sticker factory toilets which I've heard a lot of issues leaking or plumbers saying they're a bitch to install and god help you if they break.

I've been looking at a Toto C5 toilet seat instead, which comes with almost everything smart toilets do and are a hell of a lot more reputable than Chinese crap, and easier to repair if something goes wrong from what I've heard.

Installing an electrical outlet isn't a problem, I know how to do that. I got about $1000-$1300 CAD to play with, so I'm wondering if any anons have experience with such a thing or what advice they could give. I'm going to be in this place for 10-15 years, so I want something that'd last and not break down in like a year.
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A man is most vulnerable when he's sitting on the toilet, do you really want Skynet / Hal9000 there with you?
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is this black thing for urine?
remote controls
didn't knew this thing can drive

Bros I saw a offer for a trade related job that I'm really interested in, how the fuck do I get hired? It's a pretty basic position but would allow me to get my feet in a industry that I very much see myself working long term, the only problem is me been a neet for a good chunk of the last decade and also be somewhat of an oldfag, any advice is highly appreciated, thanks.
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>even /diy/ falls for mediocre bait now
This thread is just shameful.
Not everything is a psyop, anon, and this thread is definitely not bait, I applied to a few jobs that I liked, one of which was very much /diy/ related but got no luck.
Somehow got emailed back to go interview for a wagie position but I'm somewhat embarrassed to take it, has anyone here worked as car washer? How much of a mexican tier is the job?
tradies don't want resumes, they want people with small amounts of experience
not a lot of experience though, the people with lots of experience + out of a job are clowns or liars
Yes, this is also a very serious reply. Go back.
Take your meds, dude.

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I'm going to be purchasing one of those small walmart a/c window units for some temporary a/c, but the unit comes with these cotton/fabric type side panels to make up the remaining width of the window. What other things can I use to cover the sides apart from the flimsy side panels? I have a bunch of that silver metalic duct tape for ducts. Do they make anything plastic/or more rigid for these kind of things?
1/2" foam board
easy to cut to size for a press-fit from outside
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Buy a Midea U-shaped unit instead. Then the "wings" will be tiny and can easily be made of foam if you want something better than the plastic channels included.

Or even 1 1/2, 2 inch. No reason to only go half inch.
But also the idea of buying one new is... i dunno.

Arent there a million on the side of the road, c list or wherever for free? Like the other anon says, get a better design if ur gonna purchase new
Cardboard wrapped in plastic film, painted.

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I might be inheriting a victorian house built in the 1880s. what gotchas should i expect?
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I dream of having a house like that. Some gotchas I can think of:

- There are no contractors skilled enough to reproduce anything architecturally decorative / ornamental except for historic restorationists, which command top dollar. You'll have to resort to salvage yards for doors, windows, trim, etc.

- If the original windows are remaining, absolutely do not remove them. Repair them and keep them, otherwise your ass will get ripped a new hole by window manufacturers on top of them defacing your house with the wrong style of window. Unless you never take care of them, those old windows lasted over a hundred years for a reason and can make it another round.

- If the exterior wall siding is the original lap wood, then don't blow insulation foam into the walls or you'll rot out the house from trapped moisture. Old houses need to breath unless you re-side it with a vapor barrier and build out proper ventilation. If you want some better energy efficiency, insulate the attic and basement.

- If the exterior wall is all brick, for the love of God DON'T PAINT IT! The paint will destroy it and it'll crumble apart from retaining moisture. Don't paint old bricks.

- Heating and cooling systems can be expensive if it's anything like picrel. Like very expensive, on a small industrial level. (Might should check out the unico system.)

Good luck
>96.3% White
Where do I sign?
An unmodernizable kitchen. Not fun plumbing and electrical issues. 50k+ in furniture. t. Been there done that
some diversity hire fed might now be interested in that house to, surf accordingly
Drafts aren't necessarily bad, houses were built to breathe then. Take care of the trim and if you're ok with 3d modeling, scan the more ornate pieces so you could potentially reproduce them via CNC or 3d printer.

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Are used compressors worth buying, or it'll probably be a ticking timebomb? I have an option to but an operable 50 liter/13 gallon 2 piston 3HP compressor for the equivalent of 80$ plus shipping. Alternatively I could buy a new 24L 1HP one on amazon for a bit cheaper, but the air supply capacity is only 55L per minute at 7bars, so I won't be able to use air tools. I don't want to spend more, because it's not gonna be used that often and I already have a 6L cordless 36V 8.5bar compressor for the airgun or the nailer
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The big ones with (easy to check if one doesn't already know) are the best deals. I use Fecesbook Marketplace and business liquidation auctions where I can drive to retrieve the item.

Don't fear three phase either for the big ones because ya can run a VFD or swap (used for cheapness preferred) motors. Most buyers don't know that. For example I scored two industrial US-made (the pumps still are) Saylor-Beal 5HP (real HP, not the bullshit consumer ratings) comps for 250 bucks with the switchgear on the wall and some wiring from a closing business.

I already snagged a large receiver tank for 150 (because most people don't know what those are) then spent about twice that for hose and SOOW cable etc. I plumbed the shop with red flex air hose hung on flat bar hooks (because solid piping sucks by comparison especially for easy reconfig) and can now blast to my hearts content while able to run hose outside for big jobs so I don't have to clean up afterward.

I still use my various used small compressors (they're easy to work on but if the air tank has rust holes, scrap the tank because they can explode) and have a new small Makita for indoor use (dusting with air and a pneumatic vacuum). You can never have too many comps large or small.

I don't have anything large or heavy shipped.
>The model you have comes in BOTH power ratings.
So in the picture on Amazon it said 90A on the side of the compressor. My actual compressor says 45A on it, and when I ran it and checked the amperage with a clamp meter, I got it to go as high as 75 amps.
>So in the picture on Amazon it said 90A on the side of the compressor.
>My actual compressor says 45A on it
Compressor [B]

You got scammed.

>Giantz 12V 540W 320L/min Portable Air Compressor
On a separate note... For about half that price.
I ordered this, to be kept on the bottom shelf of my Kitchen pantry as a sacrificial family tool; so I'll never again be pissed every time its borrowed and not promptly returned... should arrive tomorrow.
>>So in the picture on Amazon it said 90A on the side of the compressor.
>>My actual compressor says 45A on it
>Compressor [B]
>You got scammed.

Unlikely. It's more likely to me that all those compressors are pumped out in the same factory and they slap different stickers on them and the wattage or amperage "ratings" on them mean absolutely nothing.

My "45 AMP" unit that actually draws 75 amps, had two 90amp relays soldered into the control board in parallel to control the compressor.
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No, that model comes available in a few different Power Ratings.. and Voltage Requirements..
It an extremely common design types..

You got scammed.

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bro the whole house smells like burnt plastic
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Can't both of these be true?
> did i fuck this up[?
no you did a good job
Yes but if he put enough water to cook it then the noodles would look like mush instead of hard.
He could have put a single drop of water in it and still be truthful.
First and the latest time you tried to /diy/? After that you decided you'll start collecting tools?
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>air frying Ramin

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Since when are portions of perfectly good family homes marked for section 8 housing? Would it be a safe bet that the remaining units are used to gouge college kids looking for a cheaper alternative to on-campus housing?
That's one of the ways they force blacks and browns into places they don't belong. So you will pay full market rent while your shit colored neighbor paid half of that and introduces roaches and bed bugs into the building while they smoke crack and ignore their 15 screaming children.
3rd unit probably doesnt meet minimum specs. like doesnt have a full bath or bedroom closets
imagine the smell inside
I've been doing my research on why japs are so poor and sleep on the floor but then found out that american mattress warranty is voided if you use it for sleeping on the floor and your post is the only explanation for it.
I was briefly a maintenance worker for a property management company and the Section 8 houses we worked were absolutely NOT well-maintained. The things we looked for in inspections were like the bare minimum of what's livable.

>Make sure the smoke/CO detectors work
>Make sure every bedroom has a smoke/CO detector near its door
>Look for broken windows
>Railings have to be secure
>All bedroom windows need blinds
>Light switches have to operate at least one functioning light bulb
>Receptacles have to be functional and hold the plug tight
>Toilets have to flush

In nearly every home I inspected, I would have to put new 9v batteries in the kitchen smoke detector. Whoever was living there ALWAYS took them out (or even threw out the detector) because of course they'd go off every time they cooked something on the stove. And just about every time, there'd be roaches hanging out in the detector. Section 8 homes are disgusting and we didn't even slap lipstick on the pig, we just made sure it had a mouth and an asshole.
When I did pizza delivery in West Seattle a long time ago I would see shit like that every day at this one housing complex near the shop. You could always tell who paid and who was section. The tiny shitty cramped houses all looked the same on the outside. But on the inside of the paid ones there it actually looked nice. The section 8 ones had all pastel white walls, little to no furniture, and at least 5 more hellspawn running around and screaming like banshees.

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My air handler is in an upstairs closet. The back side of the drywall in the closet isn't finished very good which causes heat to bleed in from the attic and makes the room its in much warmer. I did have rolled up towels plugging the gaps around the air handler but I'm looking for a more permanent solution. I was thinking of plugging the gap with expanding foam but I'm not sure it would pass a home inspection if I ever sell. Anyone know if this is the way or any other solutions? Picrel is part of the gap.
Go into the attic an block it from there.

A possible way is to cut a drywall piece to fit the opening and screw it to a piece of wood longer than the opening then just drop it in place.
If the gap isn't that large, just lay a piece of drywall lager than the opening over the gap.
you have a piece of drywall there which was cut more or less correctly. if you know how to cut drywall, just nail a lil piece of wood at the top and bottom for drywall to sit against, and drywall the hole. you can cut around the pipe if you're careful. otherwise, look on youtroon or call the person who cut that drywall piece
Puda wood. Trace calk edges for kenatow. Got to go to... pinataw pinataw.

I'm trying to cast something with clay and I'm having an issue I haven't had before where little patches of the very surface keep sticking to the silicone mold and breaking off.

I don't understand how this keeps happening- I've used every kind of release agent (even though I've never had to before with this clay), having the clay extra hot, cool as possible, pouring all at once, pouring layer by layer and slush casting, etc.

I don't mind smoothing over small issues but I'm casting this shit in clay to save me time, not spend even more cleaning it up
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>magatard too retarded to make molds
I would look at chia pet patents videos and ripoff seem like something that a quality assessment team would obsesses over.
dirty jobs did a bell manufacture it was sand casting I recall similar defects were soldered or ground before the buffing process.

massive pressure from vacuum forming over hours with a breather sheet like felt between the bag and material.
thats fucking awesome bro post the finished piece when you get it perfected
it looks like shit you massive faggot
don't worry, hrt will start working for you one of these days bud, then you'll finally be a woman

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I want to get Tinto carving my own spoons. What are some of the essential tools to get me started with this?

I already have a saw and hatchet which I guess can be used to start getting the general shape of the spoon. But what's the best sort of knife and other tool to get the bowl shape? What other things do I need that to might be overlooking
you'll want a curved knife or a gouge
>every asshole who wants to get into woodworking wants to start off with spoons
>asks 4chins instead of buying one of the 9001 spoon building kits
>get a nife
>start whittlin
>get spoon nife

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Reaching New Heights Edition
Last Thread: >>2889626

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's an officially supported board.
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I never saw someone dressing them up but you can scale up the accessories too

Fleshlight adapter crotchoiece when?
God I love USB-B. Got these pigtails for free, now with nuts they’re actually useful. It’s an oddball thread, found it as “28-UN-13/16-int” in an OpenSCAD library.
I don't know, but I suddenly want to try printing those ugly iridescent toys from my childhood, complete with cheap speakers blasting out static.

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Redpill me on pneumatic vaccum cleaners? How do they compare to electric in terms of power, convenience, efficiency with a 50L 4HP compressor etc? I have 2 corded vaccum cleaners - Henry and Karcher WD2 and a small cordless Makita, but lugging, positioning and maneuvering even something as small as Henry is a chore sometimes (and an 18V Makita is way too weak for any kind of bigger cleaning), wheras a rubber air hose is super convenient and I already have a self-retracting box with a long one installed for dusting stuff around the house
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seems like a related enough thread to ask: any idea why one of those cleaning guns for cars and doesn't spin, even though the head moves freely without any resistance and it doesn't spray liquid properly. I bought a used one, but it stopped sucking up liquid after a while, so I disassembled and cleaned it (it had a lot of dried up detergent clogging stuff), losing a small mesh above the detergent hose and having one of the o'rings coming apart in the process, so I can't return it, but it didn't help much and now it sucks in liquid to an extent, but it stil doesn't spin and now stops blowing after a second and I have to wait a moment for it to blow again
yes. so cool.
I just bought one. the suction is indeed very weak, but the low weight and handiness make up for it and the included attachment with a really small nozzle (I've never seen something like that included with any other vaccum cleaner) is great for for cleaning things like a keyboard
ohh, was hoping to muck out hand dug wells with it.
i do not want to stand in knee high water and pump drilling fluid into a hydrocyclone like I'm sinking a shaft in the 1950s.
That sounds like you might want a engine powered vacuum pump and tank on a trailer type of territory. Make sure the tank is stout enough to pull a vacuum on.

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hi yall,

i wanna excavate near the slab foundation and was wondering the risk of wash out or reducing the shear strength of the surrounding soil.

i plan on building a grade level deck in picrel and international building codes call for 12in of height from soil to deck and joists 8in away from foundation. this is for ventilation and foundation inspection.

the resources that cover foundation excavation talk about excavating 5-20ft in depth, which obviously i’m not doing. so i’m just confused if what i’m doing is dangerous or negligible seeing as to how little i’m removing.

anyway, can someone give their opinion on certain aspects such as the bench slope for building soil in southwest florida? any experience doing something similar that required installing a retention wall/ piling? anyone familiar with Boussinesq theory?

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You live in a place it doesn't rain, ventilation is irrelevant, it'll last longer than you will live there regardless of how you do it

Leaving the ground lower under the deck is retarded
Since nothing freezes where you are, you don't need a foundation, bury a cinderblock and built on top of that
in what reality does it not rain in florida
Why not just do a cement patio?
that’s ugly and i will learn no technical skills in the process
check out lily pad design and stamping was a cool learning experience, plus you can use phase change material to time some of the exothermic reactions; some universities estimate a 3 year lifespan of self heating concrete. The lily pad is great for drainage, there is also putting steel and iron waste into it to create resistant heating concrete currently being tested as airplane runway material in the usa east, electrically conductive concrete might be a lighting hazard but heated concrete is awesome and because it is heavy it can hold heat long after a solar system losses power for nighttime entertainment.

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Newfag here but I need help with finding a micro usb replacement port for the G502 Lightspeed mouse. I haven't been able to find one anywhere as everyone is either selling the housing shells are the switch board but no micro usb piece. I'm probably being stupid but what is something I can buy to replace it with? (I have the tools for soldering as well)
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Some aspects of any job or hobby are so commonplace that they often go unspoken. Sourcing the parts and materials at the foundation of your project is one of those things.
Imagine a welder asking how to find steel, a carpenter asking where to find wood, or a chef asking where fish come from.
Not only is there a cadre of big, well-known suppliers, but also an ecosystem of lesser-known specialty shops. Often, you can find something you need inside of or as a constituent part of something you already have. If worse comes to worst, you can always go out into the woods with a fucking axe, or down to the lake with a god-damned fishing pole.
To put it another way:
You're a retard. This is a retarded thread, and possibly one of the most retarded questions anywhere on the board right now, which is actually quite an incredible feat. It is, and you are, so unbelievably retarded that one is forced to wonder if you're not purposely trying to be retarded, since this level of retardation rarely occurs naturally. In the rare cases where it does, the victims of such affliction are often unable to do the simplest things, such as brushing their own teeth or wiping their own asses, much less making posts on a Rapa Nui head carving forum asking how to find something that is in practically every single piece of electronic technology from ~2010 onward.
In either case, you should do you family the honor, and humanity the favor, of killing yourself as soon as possible.
if you don't care about wireless you could solder the cable directly to the board

>Brown hands typed this
he's right that op is retarded
>only le browns don't like stupid questions
Found the second retard.

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