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My neighbors installed a security camera above their back door, that is a 7 foot fence separating our houses. The camera looks directly into my garden and is just far enough over that it is in direct view of my front door.

So how would you handle the situation?
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I think these are the best approaches. Either pointer a laser or something directly into the camera to blind it, or put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.
It's the Do It Yourself board nigger what do you think
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>put up something that generates so much motion it becomes a njuisance to whomever is watching the thing.

Operates on a fan.
Constant motion.
If you lock their doors and set the trailer on fire you will probably go to jail as murder and arson are illegal. So don't do that.

How long should my rigging straps be fore 4x8 sheathing?

Got a well wheel and I'll be working alone. Any tips?
whats a rigging strap and whats a 4x8 sheathing? is that the siding? also whats a well wheel, and why is it important for you to mention that youre working alone?
anyway i think they should be long enough to accomplish what youre trying to accomplish, but not so long that they hinder your method of accomplishment
16' is the standard rigging strappage. A well tapped well is as good as a second set of hands.

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Can I place my mattress directly on this, and then on my carpet floor, and be safe from mould and condensation? If not, what if I make deep cuts into it every inch or so, which would allow for ventilation
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No, that won't work, however making a ghetto bedframe that will provide plenty of ventilation is cheap and easy if you have any diy chops. Build a platform like you would if you were building a floor and drill some 1/4 in holes spaced at least 2" apart all over the plywood. Then give it some legs that lift it at least 1/2" off the ground. I used this with my custom mattress and I've never had mold issues.
You are an idiot, shutup tard
What is condensing?
not that anon but theres moisture all over my fucking house because i live on the coast. have to put my perishables in the fridge or freezier so they dont get mushy. I run adehumidifier in my room all the time and dump fat buckets of water outside on a regular basis.

How would one go about air conditioning (and ideally heat pumping) an entire house if that house has no ducting? Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit? Would you just need multiple mini splits? Is a single mini split capable of cooling multiple rooms on its own?
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It helps a lot that temperatures are not so extreme here.
I live in the coldest state of monkeyland and it's national news when it snows a few centimeters once a year.
You can have as many indoor coils as you want connected to an outdoor unit. Efficiency is an issue yadda yadda but..

Just keep in mind you need airflow to make heating/cooling function. Hence ducts. So either put a coil in every room, add ducting, or keep every door open always and be uncomfortable in a few rooms.
i would do multiple splits.
the advantage against a multisplit is that when 1 breaks you can still heat/cool your house with the remaining
>also can you even buy refrigerant?
propane is a refrigerant
do you live in sweden?

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>cigar tobacco is air-cured and alkaline - it can't be inhaled
>cigarette tobacco is oven-cured and acidic - it can be inhaled
... is this true?
Bonus Q: what causes cancer (allegedly) and how to minimize it?
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IIRC they can only grow Nicotiana rustica
(wild tobacco) for ceremonial purposes which has incredibly high nicotine content and tastes like shit. It's the same variety that you have to consume to vomit & diharrea purge your body before doing ayahuasca. All commercial tobacco varieties are descended from rustica but have been selectively bred for lesser nicotine content and smoother, less vomit inducing taste.
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While thatd true, Italien rolling the dice each time you smoke vs once in a while
>what causes cancer
Then why fucking ask faggot
>and how to minimize it?
Not smoking
>but i want to suck warm fluids out of a firm cylinder held in my lips
goto >>>/soc/
210 Polonium

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Is a giant speaker (to play fan noises) + IEMs a more cost effective way to block out noise compared to tearing down your wall and adding a ton of mass to it?
Great way to impair your hearing over time, leading to early onset dementia.
Mass is the only way to actually block sound, unless you have some sort of active noise cancelling running.

What does the giant speaker playing fan noise do in your scenario?
What's fan noise?

Plus if you want to block noise, wear actual earplugs, not IEMs.
What are you actually trying to do?
Study and sleep without disturbance.
>What does the giant speaker playing fan noise do in your scenario?
>What's fan noise?

It's white noise.

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Abominations Thread XLVIII

Previous thread 'gon die soon enough >>2817530

"Things that will eventually kill the clumsy and/or retarded edition"

Also, maybe mods/jannies or whoever is in charge should get the bump limit on /diy/ raised to 500 posts like other boards. 300 post bump limit seems a bit young.
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As an alternate idea, it could be there so if you're having an outdoor party people have access to a bathroom without going through the house.
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>carpet in the kitchen and the bathroom
Where's the dryer?

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A place to talk about general security questions. How do you plan your home security/home defense?

Suppose you not only have a need to know of an intrusion, but to prove an intrusion occurred for legal purposes. Can you DIY (e.g. door/window sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi logging events) or do you need to pay a security company like ADT to run a certified system that can be used as evidence to corroborate that a break-in happened?
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You can diy a system, but don't use a raspberry pi. There's all kinds of dedicated hardware you can use for saving video or logging events from sensors.
tripwire guillotines at all entrances and exits to collect DNA evidence
lines of salt at every door/window.
lambs blood on the door frame.
crucifixes, everywhere.
Werehobo doesn't care, he yearns for your spare money.
Just get cameras if you're worried about a dispute with insurer. It's harder to dispute a video showing the break-in than some arbitrary .csv sheet with timestamps of sensor events. They might as well say you made that shit up yourself.
I recently bought a 50$ dahua wifi camera to play with and it's great. API allows it to be connected to your own stuff and you can set it to record to SD card, upload footage live to your FTP or whatever the fuck you want.

Hello! This is my backyard. It's boring and full of grass. I would like to grow vegitables and herbs while still making it aesthetic for my wife. Are there any tools to assist with design or do i have to be creative?

(grey is house, wood is our deck, the lines are powerlines that cant be dug)
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holy shit. I never thought of this. This is actually a great idea

really gives use to the term "in minecraft"
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i've now built a 1:1 replica of my house in minecraft lmao. It's so small
LMFAO glad to see it, could go bigger on the scale in MC to add all the little details
Maybe there's a mod that lets you be bigger than two blocks
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Here ya go.
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details are nice, but I can sort that out in reality. I only needed something general. This was super fucking helpful and I really appreciated your tips. I think I'll go with this

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I want to slide a bolt along a slot and fix it like in a t bevel but somehow I can't find a strip of metal with a slot all the way along it.
What are these called and where would I find one?
Do I have to cut up a t bevel?
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>flat slotted metal strip
gibs many hits for mending plates and leads me to an amazon search of
>slotted flat bar
which has loads of exactly what you're wanting
when you don't know the exact name for shit keep your search terms dead simple and just describe its physical properties
I’ll put a a slot in your metal for $100

Give me the thickness, length and width you want, location of the slot and length and width of the slot and PayPal me
>mending plates
Thank you. That doesn't sound remotely like what I want but it's exactly the term I needed.
>keep your search terms dead simple
Good advice generally but you've got the search engine too. ebay search for 'slotted flat bar' gave crowbars and mini screwdrivers.
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Would a lid stay work?
Bevel square….

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>do something
>spend too much money and blow weekly budget
>do nothing
>depression and no will to continue

how do i do cheaper?
if not then how do I break my dependency on doing random stuff to quiet the bad head voices?

i have a lot of freedom at work and can take on projects at will there if it can go under the monthly budget and benefit the company. But lately they have been denying proposals for projects because the company is going under a bit.
I have a few personal projects but they are at a stopping point that is solved by spending a lot of fucking money i donthave.

how do you feel good about cheap /diy/ projects, how do you feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose from something with no physical result? Hardmode: you have crippling autism and cannot comprehend the benefit of others from your work
Sounds like you caught a nasty case of consooomerism. I’d try to work on that
Somewhat similar but
>get into hobby
>buy hobby stuff
>few months go by
>not into hobby anymore
end up hoarding random shit and still unsatisfied
just get into a hobby that costs nothing? you surely have a knife so just go out and grab some materials for woodcarving, weaving, make instruments with reed/bamboo, that kind of stuff
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I go on Craigslist free sections I go to junkyards I go to tag sales every flea market I can possibly find and Goodwill I'm incredibly cheap and on principal will buy materials and paints hardware, tools anything fasteners for less than a dollar no matter where or how old or whatever

noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
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How many different kinds of sewing machine even are there?
Haven't sewn in over a decade, but I'm just thinking if theres different classes of sewing machine for different jobs and if I should just fuck around on the mid 90s one I have sitting around and explore from there
Hello /sg/. I have not sewn anything since high school. I need some sort of stretchy material that is soft like underwear but still stretches to accomodate a bad measuring job on my part. What material would this be?
A knit, with some spandex or lycra content.
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any nipfriends here want to tell me why my kimono silk has 4 thin layers? its a fresh tanmono roll.
What size needle should I use for embroidering a hat? It's a 5 panel, unstructured, canvas-y type. I don't have any experience in this hobby (yet) and I want to save myself some money by not buying those crappy assorted packs that come with less than stellar needles. I'm not really going for any sort of complex intricate design or anything so I imagine I'd want a thicker needle.

Also are thimbles a meme or will they really save my precious fingers?

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>Do you even melt, bro?

I did my first casting today, I'm totally a foundryman now. My first two melts earlier in the week I made some ingots, just melting soda cans. >>2783890
Yesterday I made my first flask from a spare fencepost, and some greensand from sifted playsand and a mix of sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite. Yard marking calcium carbonate as parting powder, worked great. Designed a little ashtray in Fusion360 and turned it into a pattern. I did a pretty bad job but I was impatient and really wanted everything ready to do this casting today. Rammed up fine, might've been a little dry, but just barely. Worked out okay though, very happy with the result after a brief cleanup.

Do you scrap? Stack? Do you sell signs on Etsy? Do you sand cast? Investment casting? Do you like huffing zinc fumes and snorting silica powder? Show me your furnace, show me your castings.

Sand and jpeg compression don't get along.
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There is a big downside, being acrolein, a chemical so pleasant it's been used as an irritant in chemical weapons to burn eyes and blister skin. Tiny amounts are fine, you get tiny amounts from the majority of cooked foods. This isn't a tiny amount, this is clouds, you can feel it on your skin from several feet away. After pouring I have to let things cool down a LOT before demolding otherwise the fumes are just too much, even with the respirator on that visible cloud of nastiness is incredibly acrid, biting, suffocating, just incredibly unpleasant.
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A little gift for a friend, just for fun.
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could you do another comparison of >>2797673 with the new sand?
it's very cool seeing the progress overtime

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Poorfag here, my kitchen is made with laminated particle board. Can I breathe new life into it by painting all the panels? If so, how do I get is smooth with no streaking?
>it by painting all the panels?
Yes, you can varnish them.
>get is smooth with no streaking?
Hmm, I was initially thinking of painting them in some colour, but that is an interesting option too. I guess I would have to sand with fine grit?
Look into kitchen wrapping foil, it’s basically big roll of vinyl, it’s tricky but if you do it right it will be a lot nicer then painting it
Interesting, thanks.
Yes, degrease, sand, remove dust and apply need a primer. It’s not a very paint friendly surface so you need all the steps

Supposing, hypothetically, there was this safe that had long ago lost its key, what method would you use to open it?

Violence is acceptable, but no explosives.
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Just filler so the contents of the box won't rattle.

Contains Pokémon related stuff.
Chain drill with cobalt bits.
with a shitty sub 200 dollar safe:
1st step, angle grinder off the sheet metal on the exterior side wall
2nd step, chisel off filler material or just break it into pieces with a hammer
3rd step, dremel off the final sheet metal layer, alternatively it can be chiseled through like a tin can or sawed through if you are worried about stuff inside catching on fire
with an very expensive safe vault filled with lead or thick steel i would start with oxyacetylene torch then try using either a chisel on fireproof material or an diamond angle grinder wheel. with the final layer of steel i would drill in with a tungsten drill bit then use a tungsten fox tail saw (HSS will do fine unless the vault is made out of hard tool steel)
this is all in case where the safe doesn't have obvious security flaws like a shitty lock, parts that can be moved with a magnet or just be moved with a dead blow hammer. honestly just hit it with a hammer in a bunch of places while jiggling the key or move the magnet around it and you might get lucky
Get your lockpick out and rake it open Jamal.

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