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What are some places in the US where the government will fuck off and let me live in a container home like picrel
the nevada desert.
>until they find you
just go live in the Appalachians with all the meth dealers and poor people
West Texas and northern Idaho both have counties with no building codes or zoning. In both places, there is a state requirement that you have some way of treating your sewage, so you will need to have a septic system. Beyond that, do whatever the fuck you want, including living in a shipping container.
Here's one example.
if you think youre gmi by hiding youre not.
If you feel threatened then you should be accumulating like minded prepper friends not guns. your gun is not going to save you.
North Idaho
If you’re white, then you’re going to be expected to comply with the law, wherever you go. If brown, they will leave you alone unless you are committing crimes against your neighbors.
There is not a single place in the US where your local government will not force you to pay property taxes
My grandfather owned a house which was unsuitable for life or even storage, and so he said he didn't want to pay taxes on it. They told him he had to. He asked if he could burn it down, they said no. He burned it down. Buckfutt no where missouri
You have to build it underground so they can't see it and tax it. The problem with building underground is that the weight of the earth on top will be too heavy when you cover it up. A modern hard steel shipping container will cave in even if you bury it 2-3ft deep. A triangular/a-frame steel or dome like structure might help with weight redistribution building underground. You will need pumps and a bunch of other stuff for sewage or an outhouse on top. If they can't see it, they can't tax it.
Look into the code for wheeled homes. If the domicile is on wheels, I don't think you have to pay tax in certain states. It's when you put it on a foundation that it becomes a taxable home.
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A few years back a guy in Montana snapped one day when his wife kept nagging him. He killed her and their children. The local government wasn't just surprised by the murders, they were surprised about the existence of the house. They had no idea that his property had ever been built on. An entire house, above ground, and the government had no clue it was there.
google has ruined that dream. counties can now easily use a program that compares the latest google earth satellite view to a past one to check for new structure roofs, then they drive out and take pictures and bust your ass
build round or ovaloid roofed structures and use green roofs like grass, sedum, or moss
make your building look like plant life
they should make an episode of Trailer Park Boys where they build a shed foundation for bubbles and put a fuckton of caster wheels on it so he can skirt past the laws
why live in a pod waiting for the government to come bother you when you can live under a rock and they won't ever bother you again?
start digging some tunnels, just make sure to use arches and be safe
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hide in some logs, they'll never think to look in some logs bro
How are you supposed to fit a box in some logs?
Just become a landlord grifter like everyone else.
yea but what if you don't build it fast enough before the next satellite capture?
Holy shit I just looked at the pic again and realized there's a fucking guy in there wtf?
The state of Massachusetts just passed the Affordable Housing Act last August and is going into full effect in February where the state is basically cockblocking NIMBY Karens from abusing local zoning ordinances to keep people from putting these things on their properties. The technical term is ADU, Accessory Dwelling Unit. You just need to find someone willing to let you put one on your property and connect to electricity and plumbing.
Cities and insurance companies are using drones now to surveil properties for sheds/additions/other things to tax.
My insurance tried to drop me this last year because of "severe fire risk" caused by all of the "abandoned" vehicles on the property. I'm a mechanic, this property is mixed zoning, and I legally operate my business out of it. All the "abandoned" cars are customer vehicles, and not a one had been there more than a week when they showed me the aerial photos of the "abandoned vehicles". Faggots.
Southern Illinois.
ruby ridge
Buy some commercial property, run a business in the front, live in the back. Just make sure you've got an offsite p.o. box and buy everything under an llc or have it all in your mom's name.
>doesnt know about business personal property tax
businesses get fucked harder in every hole on taxes and regulations. every pencil and coffee cup is taxable property in a business and is "required" to be reported yearly
utilize the mexicans before they get deported
I have an idea I'd like to share. As you may know, none of us really know what it'd be like to live in a container/trailer/etc until you actually do it and that shock might be too much for you, but I thought of a way to experience it before diving in. In your bedroom, arrange your stuff imagining you only have a fraction of that space available. Take the floor dimensions of whatever container you'd want to live in and force yourself to only use that amount of space wherever you are now. See if you're satisfied living with that little space or if it'll drive you crazy.
Why would you want to live inside a container?
fuck off to Florida, Appalachia is full
based. I get why some anons might hate the building codes....but the requirement for who ever lives on the land to have modern plumbing and septic under stable.

no one wants shit everywhere if it floods, and you need to wash your hands when cooking.
Literally any trailer park
Im not trying to court you but I have a stupid old falling apart building in the middle of nowhere and would take hundred buck a month layaway payments to sell that hunk of dirt and you could hide the container inside. Who would know? There are probably plenty of places like that, if you could find a guy.
That's the neat part, they won't!
Like the monolith thread, the vast majority of you are simple and misinformed.
The answer to your question is literally everywhere.
Complying with local wastewater (the beast no one actually wants to put in its cage ) and building permitting rules (town, straightforward) is all you need to do in many many parts of rural America.

If you get your hands on the land, the town government will help you comply with many things if you literally just try. You are allowed to have a half sized septic field if you do a composting toilet for example, but like, you gotta not just dig a hole.

So literally everywhere thats not developed as fuck. They all want you to buy land and improve it, and you are totally legally allowed to do the minimum possible.
My house is quite small. I will forever be among the lowest paying taxpayers among this town in my socialist hellhole of a state. Smart, I think, if you dont need the space in your "finished living space"
Small house, big garage. But like, everywhere will leave you alone if you pay your taxes and dont commit crimes or violate laws.
Including wastewater disposal ones
Usually anything even remotely close to traditional buildings (is it rectangular and above ground? yes, that's the problem) will get goobermint on your ass pretty quick. It's not that alternative building styles or whatever won't, but it'll be slower, takes them a bit to figure out what is going on.

Go on youtube and search for channels that talk about alternative building styles; look into earthships; go read "The $50 and Up Underground House" book and watch the videos, think about it; look into tiny houses. Do all that stuff and try to piece out something that might work for your particular situation.

Also, money It helps if you have money.
It would be crazy expensive to do today, but I started fantasizing about an electric camper van. An EV, so it has an electric engine. I thought maybe it would have an oversized array of batteries so you could drive it and power things inside of it. Ideally, you'd load up every inch of the roof with solar panels and you'd effectively have a vehicle with unlimited range. You'd probably have to stop and recharge every 50 miles, but you could slowly live a nomad lifestyle just wandering from city to city at a snail's pace. Of course, you could also recharge your batteries at EV charge stations as well.

No doubt such EV van would cost well over 100k(I could see it being over 200k). Today, such van would only be for rich hipsters, but as years go by I think it'll become more and more attainable for the average person. I have no interest in doing any sort of nomad vanlife in a gasoline-powered van. You'll get fucking raped in fuel costs, but an EV van as I described (once paid off) is basically free transportation for the life of the vehicle.
anywhere just put it on wheels
>If you’re white, then you’re going to be expected to comply with the law, wherever you go. If brown, they will leave you alone unless you are committing crimes against your neighbors.
Fuck off to west Texas, Appalachia is full
How did he get in those logs?!!
>none of us really know what it'd be like to live in a container/trailer/etc until you actually do it and that shock might be too much for you,

I know what it's like as I own four High Cubes I modded and use for machine/welding shops and to safely protect my motorcycle collection. I've also worked in custom military containerized shops and quite like those. I use mine daily and if my house burnt down I'd hang a hammock in my container shop.

The whole container matters so disregard your layout idea because that won't give the right feedback. Ceiling tiedowns are key to getting best functional use from one as they make hanging shelves, bunks and whatever else you want off the floor which makes cleaning much easier. I even hang motorcycles between my shelves when I want full access to my project bikes.

Only buy "one trip" grade containers. Do not buy those little 20-footers because they're also standard height. Use a 40ft High Cube or longer if you can find one.

Build out your first container as a workshop which you'll need for independent living anyway. My most recent one-trip HC with doors on both ends was over six grand delivered which is cheap for what it does. Ignore the temptation to buy a "WWT" junk grade box which are cheap because they're condemned for further maritime service. The extra work and coating costs isn't worth it.

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