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Last Thread: >>2860808

To begin: the project goal: I am working to make a series of humanoid robots. I am using a Biblical theme of naming the first 3 robots I make Adam, Eve, and Abel. The goal is for these robots to have human body inspired musculoskeletal systems, advanced AI, and that they look human and pass for human to a casual observer at least at a distance. They must be able to walk, talk, run, dance, do sports, do chores, manufacture products, and make more robots just like themselves if not even better. My aim is to build a single robot arm and head and then add sufficiently advanced AI to that arm and head to enable it to build the rest of its own body for me. This way I am delegating the work of building the majority of my first humanoid robot to that robot rather than doing that work myself - and this is to save me time.

In a like manner, my goal with the AI is to code just enough AI that the AI can begin coding itself and this way I don't have to code most of the AI myself because it will self create itself. I liken this to building a seed and that seed growing into a tree because for me to code that tree would take too long for me and just creating the seed would then save me time.
An anon in my last thread posted this image and I found it amusing and see he spent some effort so it deserved to be reposted here.

I wanted to discuss it a bit tho. It's not really fair to compare completed robots to ones in early development. And in any case, all of those are mech robots. A realistic robot (looks human literally when done) is not really a fair comparison they are basically different categories of robots and apples and oranges. Show me my actual competition since they aren't. I hate ugly mech robots. It either looks real or its a ugly mech trash robot. Those are the two options. I pick option #1.
What type of artifical muscles? For me it is VPS. Uses much less power than EAP.
>>2880361 bldc motor is the driving force and pulleys to downgear
I made this meme and I've included 4 robotics principles in the image here are the first letters for all of them:


if you can't find them before next week you'll be cursed by the Asimov principle and your robot will strangle you to death. using reverse search will also activate the curse
Stop wasting your time OP. You will never make AI that programs itself and you will never make a robot capable of fixing your car. You have been watching way too many sci fi movies.
youve been talking about the archimedes pulleys for a year or two thats why everyone lost interest. When you talked about the pulleys you should have focused on the pulleys not go on tangents such as ai and now kicad. You might get your views back once you build it i doubt you will until then.
If im wrong about the diameter affecting the torque of the pulley then do tell what will be the necessary torque to curl a finger and how many pulleys and length of string do you think will be required to achieve that torque with the motor you plan to use.
>>2880478 cute post I smiled you have a good sense of humor

>>2880496 yes I know that's a common view but I can't help to follow pipe dreams and be delusional I guess. And if I succeed then it all flips and I wasn't after all was I?

>>2880610 yeah its a slow grind and I do alot of other stuff too so it is even slower. It has been alot harder than I thought. Everything I try fails somehow when I thought it would be more straight forward. It surprises me every time when some attempt fails. But that is why I keep making backup plans so I don't get stuck if something fails I immediately go to another backup until I can eventually push through.

As far as my youtube on tangents, part of that is because there is like a 1-3 year lag on there at times. So I record a video and release it up to 3 years after I made it. So it seems irrelevant when it comes out but it was relevant when I filmed it. I do this so that there is no pressure to keep up with consisten weekly youtube videos. My backlog ensures if I forget about youtube for a month or two my channel still seems very active. It's like a hack.

So the torque needs to go from 0.5lb of torque from the 2430 bldc motor which is its natural torque and I need to multiply this by 32 so taht I have 16lb of torque going to the finger joint. The plan has been to use one pulley on the motor that doubles the torque and then use 4 more pulleys in the archimedes pulley setup that bring the torque up to that 32x goal. Every pulley besides idler pulleys multiples the torque by 2x what it was. The length of string is 32 inches and after 32x torque the final movement after pulleys eat up that 32 inches of string ends up being 1 inch of draw on the final output movement of string at the end by the joint.
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it's been 2 weeks and you still don't understand how a pulley system works ?
chatgpt is decent at coding but its not ready for prime time as far as STEM. its okay i made a mistake wasting my time doing that magnetic gearbox thing we all make mistakes. yeah sorry for being a little harsh i guess.
Lets hope they fix it ny gpt5
oh forgot to post source
you know what. im not too convinced myself and like always intertia and friction are neglected along with the diameter of a rope.
Luckily i got a dynometer and a 3d printer so im going to get to the bottom of this tomorrow i think.
Its kind of bs theres so many conflicting answers on google.
oh just change the length of the string as long the ratios are right. sure whatever.
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think about why this would work even if the pulleys were just a point retard
you know what thats fine i was wrong i guess. I didnt make a video about it so its okay.
Theres like one pulley for the gun and tackle on thingiverse but itd also need the screw and a platform to attach it and i dont feel like doing that rn.
honestly respectable reaction anon
the clock is tickin' and my riddle ain't solvin' bootmoot
here is a sneak peak of diy silicone rubber


itll take a while to cure(maybe 1-2 days). Well see if it works.
>>2881083 this experiment is useful. I definitely want to use this method if it works
thank you.
I put in the oven at 100 degrees celsius for 10 minutes to try to speed up the curing a little bit.
Maybe itll cure in a few hours.
i dont think ill get below A shore hardness i should have left that part out.
i did the math and say the robot is 2*5*1=10 feet ^3 volume. id divide that by 5 to get the skin volume so 2 feet sq. Thatd be 15 gallons.
A gallon of ecoflex is ~$300 so $4500
silicon caulk is 270 ml with the rest of the cost of materials might be $4
a gallon is 3785.41 ml so 14 silicon caulks and materials*$4=$56 per gallon*15 gallons=$814
So that is still not cheap but its a rough estinate and maybe the materials could be bought in bulk for more discounts.
ideally it shpuld be 1/10th the price so itd still be $450 but that comes last and hopefully after a lot of the work is done people might become a little more charitable and chip in a little bit with the costs...
so im looking at amazon this is one of the niche items thats a better deal in the us. In the us is $200 per gallon. thats still $3000...
might be less than 15 gallons to get an exact amount youd divide the surface area by the volume. Even if you dont plan to use fusion 360 its useful because it gives the exact surface area if a model by default.
If the quality of the silicone caulk is way inferior to ecoflex this experiment might not be that worthwhile.
Baking it won't do a thing; silicone cures through chemical reaction. Also, I think you might be jumping the gun a bit; doesn't it make sense to get your android up and running before worrying about skinning it? I'd imagine something like a wetsuit would suffice to protect everything if you needed a cover.
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its still kind of sticky but my mask is kind of sticky to this day. ill wait until tomorrow to be sure. I dont think this is better than ecoflex but its beter than than this shitty silicone rubber i got from alibaba.
>doesn't it make sense to get your android up and running before worrying about skinning it?
ill make the small scale robot on january.
i dont really need to buy anything already have all the materials.
the servos, the 3d printer filament and the electronic gyroscope. The focus will be on balancing and coordination. Itll be for the most part a placeholder robot.
Doing this test is simpler. I also got polyester and iron powder to make the iron cores for the electromagnets since i already started.
>>2881163 that many gallons is for a solid infill rubber doll, not for a hollow skinned robot who only has a thin layer of skin and robotics on inside which has no silicone there because it has motors and electronics there instead. I'd say no more than like 4-5 gallons tops?
>>2881188 a wetsuit does not pass for human looking skin and so is a bad idea.
Sounds about right but maybe youre better off just going with ecoflex because acrylic is no good and i just checked ali express and they dont sell silicone caulk.
My cure is still a bit sticky so ill give it another day.
>>2881381 sticky doesn't matter though. you are supposed to put powder on it to remove sticky and I am pretty sure it doesn't come back after that. or you could put lotion on it right? the latter I just came up with but the former is more typical I heard of it before
I don't see a "robotics general thread", maybe anons here can help? I want to make a cute non-walking robot girl (like Herta dummies in Star Rail) but I don't like creepy doll joints. What other options for hands I can use which don't take too many motors? Tentacles etc? She must be able to hold things and push buttons. I suppose to control her from her copy but with position gauges instead of motors, like those old-days atomic station robots.
just give up robotics is for real engineers not DIY retards
Good idea. i put some talcum powder on it and its no longer sticky.
There is an advantage to doing it this way and that the mixture is less liquid and more like a paste so its easier to work with.
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okay so some hints :
DH (lost. this one was the Denavit–Hartenberg convention, highlighted in red)
you are now playing for 3 points instead of 4
as a hint everything else is 3 letters and just like the DH parameters they are used as acronyms for longer names
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okay done. Here is a video on how to make diy silicone rubber.
My test robot will have ai as far as recognizing the naked male body(nudenet) it will have passive movements to position itself so it can get screwed. It'll also be able to talk. It will not strangle me because it'll be a dumb bot. Like a big dumb robot toy. Dumb miku.
>but I want moar
Then learn the prerequisites for tensorflow and diy or contribute. I'm here to raise the bar and make a proper sex bot. Not do everything.
I doubt that'll happen because most ai fags think they'll reinvent ai in C++.
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The gremlin still can't into proper hygiene ( normal kids will learn that at around 12yo).
>I doubt that'll happen because most ai fags think they'll reinvent ai in C++.
Yeah it's written from the beginning in c++ chud. And anyway you can export models from python to c++ very easily. You would know if you weren't clueless. You would also solve my riddle in 10 minutes. But you guys are clueless. I'll say it again but you 2 should just get mental help (you more than Artby for sure). You guys are completely delusional and circle jerking here is just making you think you are normal.
tensorflow is written in C++
Most researchers arent trying to make a new tensorflow. Theyre trying to use tensorflow the tool to improve AI.
nudenet was made in tensorflow, mobile aloha was made in tensorflow.
Those were coded in python not c++
you can not improve upon something you have no idea about.
Whatever your goal is (a blank slate robot), (a house cleaning robot), (a robot that learns to pick up a cup via trial and error) can be done via tensorflow and PYTHON.
Maybe a code monkey could rewrite it in C++ after a researcher did the wotk but they rarely do.
>tensorflow is written in C++. Most researchers arent trying to make a new tensorflow.
>I doubt that'll happen because most ai fags think they'll reinvent ai in C++.
Are you completely retarded contradicting yourself like that ? I know that everyone uses python to train. My point was that your little python library is already c++ from the beginning and your python code just runs c++ in the background so it's easy to train a model on python and use it in c++ anyway.
Lora's are trained however to effectively use tensorflow you need much more than just loras.
Youd need to know a whole lot of math.
You can install oogabooga feed it some pictures and train it to make a lora for whatever(porn)
That is not the same as what the researchers did with mobile aloha or nudenet.
you can not just make a naughty lora and say hey ai if you see those the detect them.

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