Previous thread:>>2862495Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or>but that's too (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)>I need a part that does X and Y, with Z specifications. How can I find it?use DigiKey's or Octopart's parametric part search. Then purchase from one of the sellers listed above.>how do I get started with microcontrollers, where should I start?There is no defined starting point, grab a book and start reading or buy an arduino off ebay/amazon and start messing around. There are a plethora of examples online to get started.>resources:>RISC-V microcontroller list:
>>2880131love how they trimmed the value of the current shunt by mauling it with sidecutters
>>2880249Wait, why doesn't the device on the left need a shunt?
>>2880266that's the newer one (uses AAAs instead of a 9V), it probably uses a pcb trace of approximately known resistance instead
>>2880249> mauled shuntMarketing can call that a laser-trimmed resistor.The beand of sidecutters is called “laser” like thise knifes from wallmart.Sometimes you see the opposite, the put blobs of solder on it to bring the value down rather than up.
>>2880266>>2880301pair of smt resistors from the 10A terminal to the COM terminal, no attempt at trimming, no fucks given
>>2880335I guess it was kinda obvious.Do these weird wheel-like traces on the right one act as last resort fuse?
>>2880335They may have chosen the first resistor, measured it, then put the second resistor in. Or done parts binning. Or just corrected for it in firmware. Screw tempco.>>2880340No I think those are thermal reliefs, but with more spokes for lower resistance.
>>2880359>No I think those are thermal reliefs, but with more spokes for lower resistanceno, niggerit says hfe - and what has hfe?transistors - and how do they connect?female transistor socketsguys will ''bone' but girls will ''socket''
>>2880402He said star-shaped traces, looks like the traces surrounding the current shunt solder joint to me. The hFE plug doesn’t have star-shaped traces, but star-shaped holes.
I was wondering, is it worth to put a reclamed LiIon battery and the circuit in one of these, or will it be even worse than with batteries?>>2880340Not last resort fuse.It's thermal bridging.That way you don't have to heat your whole copper ground plane when you want to solder the "resistor".
>>2880510Depends on the unit and what power it can take. 2.5-4.2V is too low for one designed to run at 9V, but too high for one designed to run at 3V. If the 3V one can handle 4.2V, then no problem, otherwise you could do so using an ultra-low-dropout regulator. The 9V one probably already has a linear regulator circuit, but I doubt it would run down to 3.2V or lower.It’s definitely not worth doing though, these meters are worth less than $5.
>>2880530Yeah I know I bought the 3.3V one for less than $5.But I have Li cells that I don't use a some pcb with cell protection, cell charging and step up/down all in one. So, I can just tune it to ~3.3V and never have to buy batteries again.Also, are these circuits known to have a serial output? I know some older ones had...
>>2880539>So, I can just tune it to ~3.3V and never have to buy batteries again.Why not. The only problem might be noise from the switching converter's output, not that you'd notice. And you'd likely want a seperate power switch.>serial outputDo you have an example? That sounds cool.
>>2880539batteries need more voltage than rated to charge
>>2880678The charge/boost/protection boards just use USB for charging. Probably a TP4056.
>>2880661>NoiseWep, I will think about that. but nothing a capacitor and a coil couldn't filter indeed.And you are correct too, with the speed of reading of those multimeters, it won't be a proble either I think.>Serial portI had one with an IrDa port outputing serial data. I used it once or twice thith the good software to graph temperature (it had direct temperature reading from probe).Some other have a direct connector (so no isolation):>>2880678It's okay, the LiIon battery will be charging by USB. And I can tune the buck convertor to 3.3V or whatever I want to simulate new AA batteries.
>>2880868Actually my Hioki DMM has an infrared socket on the back, it’s intended for use with their clamp meter addon but my meter doesn’t have that capability so it’s got to be used by something else. I should 3D print a fitting to slot into the receptacle with an IR LED and phototransistor held in place.Funny how this thread is most active when it’s not talking about microcontrollers. I’ll be sure to pick a less stimulating OP pic next time.
>>2880872> not talking about microcontrollersI like to think of the chips used in DMMs as special-purpose microcontrollers.
>>2880881That is why I posted it, but most of the discussion about the surrounding circuitry (current sense resistor, thermal vias, battery conversion) would be better suited to /ohm/.
If you had resources to create anything (that is an electronic device with a MCU), what would you create?
How do i make a midi keyboard from a dinky toy with arduino/raspberry pi pico that isn't too complicated
>>2881230I'd check out oskitone@github, I know he has some synth with a mcu, perhaps the one called Scout
>>2881195Probably more of an FPGA thing, but a tacticool ball full of sensors. Mainly visible and thermal cameras, microphones, and a wide-band SDR. You throw a bunch about the place, and they'd communicate back to a base station via laser comms or some shit. With them you can build up a 3D model of the environment, and create a dynamic map of heat, sound, and RF sources via triangulation. This information is processed by a centralised computer and fed from the navigator's nearby station to an overlay on the operator's AR headset. For airsoft, of course.
>>2881195I'd do air quality, noise, traffic flow/speed at intersections. The signal timings in my city are deliberately wasteful, and if I had data to back it up it would be easier to change.
>got my ch32v003 blinkingwelp, guess i'm using vscopium and platformio now
>>2881360What's next?
>>2881396Getting comfortable with the hardware enough to ditch AVRs. Then I'll get to using them for all sorts of shit, like CAN comms and motor driving, maybe a digital CC/CV benchtop PSU. The chips are cheap and in supply at LCSC, so I can order boards from JLC with them pre-soldered. Maybe pre-programmed too, if I try hard enough.Oh and getting a RISC-V t-shirt.
Hi /mcg/,Any ideas on how I should drill accurate holes for a pi pico in my self etched pcb?
>>2881406wait shit now i gotta learn pointersand dmaand connect to the hive mind in order to know what bitmasks i need for each register
>>2880131What's the difference between GND and DGND? I'm fidgering replacing a damaged front panel from a audio car head unit, but the pines are not exactly the same.I'm guessing is ground and digital ground, but after all digital ground isn't just a reference that can be whatever (not 0,5 V, just a reference for your system)?Is this related to CMOS/TTL/FET logic?Thanks
When there's AGND and DGND, that's to keep the different grounds separate so that noise doesn't cross between them. They only meet near the power supply. Usually it's to keep the analog ground clean so you don't hear a bunch of digital trash in your speakers.
>>2882113As the other anon said, the GND and DGND are almost certainly connected together at something like a star grounding point. Though there’s a small possibility they have an isolated voltage converter, which helps you not fry your phone when you plug it in to charge and plug in the aux cable at the same time. They may also have a choke or other noise filtration circuit between the rails.Also the DGND might not be in contrast to AGND, but PWRGND.
This is driving me crazy. So I am trying to get Serial.Monitor working for an attiny85. Unfortunately, I only have an Arduino Uno right now and I am using this to flash the ATtiny. The baud rate is set to 9600 in both Serial.Begin and Platformio.ini but holy fucking shit, all I get is garbled text and this is driving me nuts and I've been troubleshooting for like four fucking hours
>>2881460You don't need to drill holes. Either solder the dev board on directly or use a smd socket.
A box of DIP sockets is probably cheaper, but it's more work to cut the rows apart and bend the wires 90°.
>>2882114>>2882136Thanks I have learned a lot today, I really appreciate it anons!
>>2882175The problem with SMD headers is you need to align them before soldering. I bought an RGBduino before (pic related) and I beilve they needed to use SMD components everywhere because the colour silkscreen looks to have been applied after soldering. Despite it being in the Uno form-factor, shields don't fit on it because the socket headers are misaligned.