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>decades old obsolete beaten-up measuring instrument that has never once been tested whether it's still accurate but made by a reputable Western company
>brand new state-of-the-art instrument, guaranteed to be accurate enough for your purposes but generic chink shit
Which way gentlemen of unspecified color?
Neither, you can still buy well built new tools that aren't chinesium garbage.
Mitutoyo America 500-196-30
There are no reputable western companies, they've all been some form of monopoly or scam for over a century.

Buy japanese that's actually made in japan.
I have had the Absolute Digimatic for 10 or more years now they are fine. Unless you are a machinist and use them 100 times a day you will be fine. Or you are one of those types that will only use the best but never use it.
lame bait post. 1/10 because I replied.
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>piece of wood with a bubble and marks that's been in your family for 526 generations
How do you accurately measure diameters to a thousandth of an inch with that?
Sell it on eBay as a rare antique for $50 and buy yourself a proper one.
you don't, only retards use imperial measurements
With any damage to the meassuring faces, you can't trust this
No one not an utter retard would pay 200 for that scrap.

Machinists comfortably work in all systems because we are adults, unlike nour yiggerish self.

In retardland maybe, not in a proper country.
$10 amazon special, more accurate than the OP pic
Why is there a radius on the tip/nose/jaw inside diameter checking part?
Oh sorry, how would someone use a level to measure 0.0254mm. Was that easier for you to interpret you absolute mongoloid?
Feeler gauges
I've got an old some somewhere not entirely unlike OP pic. Handed down through the family from long ago.
I can't read it, the scale is too small. Even with powerful magnification I can't resolve the vernier scale to any useful value due to the staining and discoloration of the metal it's made from. It's entirely useless other than a display piece.
>No one not an utter retard would pay 200 for that scrap.
It's an exaggeration but prices on eBay are pretty retarded for old crap made by companies that get memed a lot, like Mitutoyo or Mahr.
I might pay some decent money for an actual, collector piece, like a first model caliper in good condition, but I never understood the idea that they're somehow "better" or "more accurate". A $20, HF special is probably more accurate than any 80 year old caliper. Hell, most micrometers didn't start including tenths scales until the 90's/00's?
There is a mind virus out there that makes it out like old shit is always better then new shit regardless of the relative quality of either. It's the type mindset that is sparked from watching a Youtube video where someone claims they unseized a 80 year old engine with nothing but pb blaster and it runs better than their year old Walmart string trimmer

Did not know this extended to measuring tools, but I'm not surprised.
>There is a mind virus out there that makes it out like old shit is always better then new shit regardless of the relative quality of either. It's the type mindset that is sparked from watching a Youtube video where someone claims they unseized a 80 year old engine with nothing but pb blaster and it runs better than their year old Walmart string trimmer
>Did not know this extended to measuring tools, but I'm not surprised.
It is true of a lot of things, but not everything. Some shit built back in the day was so heavily built it will never kill itself.
this is probably the final year you can buy starrett before the private equity fund that bought it ruins it. so just bite the bullet and buy proper starrett measurement tools while you still can. would have been better if you bought in 2023 or 2024 though.
starrett became trash shit already 20 years ago. its a disgrace to the pride it once was. i have a set of new digital calipers from 2005 that are marked starrett shengen hecho in china. ordered them new from msc then and was so mad i kept them as a reminder to getting bilked
The hallmark of precision mechanical tools, before muh meme japan/germany, belonged to Swiss Made.
>Some mitutoyo calipers for sale in a local online auction that ended tonight.
>Oh hell yeah!
>Add to watch list.
>Almost time for lot to close.
>Enlarge pictures to look at them more closely.
>Notice they're metric.
No thanks.

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