I have hard well water, even with a 5 micron whole house filter and an iron filter, the water still doesn't taste good, and clogs my fridge filter quickly.im looking for a decent reverse osmosis filtration system such as pic related.recommend me something. im not paying for water delivery.
>>2891101What's your budget? You can get small, industrial/commercial grade ones for like $2000 or so that are good for like 10,000 gallons. Just a heads up if you don't know, if you're using it for drinking water, you'll have to buy micromineral something something packs to put certain things back into the water or you can end up with weird malnutrition symptoms. You're not really supposed to drink distilled/RO water longterm.
>>2891116nta, an easy natural way to get healthy water is from fruits and vegetables. That's how some animals get most of their water in (e.g. all desert animals). This water is filtered by the plant root system and ground, and it's pre-mineralized.I tend to eat a cucumber about 1/5th of the times I'm thirsty. (The fibers help to make the water easier to absorb too, because they "bind" the water and make it go through the digestive tract more slowly.)I also put a pinch of salt (himalaya or whatever other nice salt I have at hand, Nordic sea salt can be nice) in my water or in my coffee sometimes.E.g. I wouldn't sweat solving it by making all your tap water salty, there's multiple ways to go about this.Also if you can fill your own cartridges, big pellets of active carbon cost about €4 / kilo, so you can expect to find a price in that order of magnitude also for specific grain pellets mixed with sand / silica to improve throughput consistency (e.g. anti-clog / anti-tunneling).Probably worth getting a system where it looks doable to fill your own carbon filter is what I mean.
>>2891117>I also put a pinch of salt (himalaya or whatever other nice salt I have at hand, Nordic sea salt can be nice) in my water or in my coffee sometimes.>E.g. I wouldn't sweat solving it by making all your tap water salty, there's multiple ways to go about this.Salt isn't the issue, and those meme salts have tons of heavy metals in them.
>>2891101Have your water analysed so you know exactly what your dealing with. It seems like you stringed together some filters from the hardware store that didn't work and now you want the mother of all filters that come with it's own set of problems. There is a methodical way of doing this.
>>2891101Have done multiple R/O systems. Have always used Apec. Now We have clean well water and use the big blue 3 filter setup.
>>2891101post tds>>2891117why is hymacuck salt pink you dumb faggot
They make just-in-time tankless systems now, honestly pretty good
>>2891167apec looks the same as ops picwhos; the real manufacturer?
>>2891389Everything from them is Apec branded.
>>2891392How much do all the filters cost to replace?How long is the membrane good for?I want to have it feed my fridge, it'll have its own charcoal filter. Will it have enough pressure to supply it? Can I split the line?
>>2891117>I tend to eat a cucumber about 1/5th of the times I'm thirsty.Ahh yes someone who is "thirsty" looking to phallus shaped objects to quench their "thirst"Many such cases.
>>2892008Filters are not cheap. Membrane life depends on conditions the last place we had ro we had a TDS of near 400 and would change the membrane yearly. Keep an eye on tds when it gets to a number you dont like, change the filter. Tons of people run R/O to their fridge.
I got the APEC RO-90 for like $150 on sale, it's currently 208$ on amazonI'm happy with it, it doesn't include remineralization but that's probably dumb and gayi take salt supplements and also salt my water/food generally>>2892037the filter set replacement is a LOT cheaper than buying spring water...the estimated yearly replacement of big three stage filters is anuual for $30-50the two post filters are estimated 3-5 years and cost the sameBuying gallons of spring water was costing me about $20 a week, just for drinking/cookingplus the annoyance of moving around 16 gallons weeklything has paid for itself in a couple months easily
>>2892067i should point out I also have a seperate water softener on the house which does an amazing job so these filters aren't working hard at allI was mostly concerned about pharmacheticals and chemical contaminents that softeners generally miss>>2891101you should consider getting a water softener to protect all your plumbing fixtures and improve general water they're fairly easy to install, super low maintanence, and can be found cheaply
>>2892068and since you have a well, you don't need to care about the chemicals as much as those on city wateryou can get a water softener, see how you like the water from therethen try a standard gravity carbon water filter, I've heard from people that they like them and they do decent volume to cover on demand useor get a gay brita bitcher thing and spend absurd money on those filtersthe harder your water is the more money you're gonna spend on filters for RO/pitchers/gravityit'll pay for itself on that metric alonethink that's it. i'll stop responding to myself now
>>2892067No argument from me on that. R/O is much cheaper than buying water. Membrane is not cheap $100+ depending on manufacturer and grade. Glad to have a well now and not need R/O. We use the big blue 3 filter setup from Apec, change filters every 6 months and call it good.
without knowing tds this thread is all bullshit and copiumkys op
>>2891101i run the robuddy with an additional kdf charcoal and two di resin canisters into 2-4 5 gallon buckets depending on the season. tds before is usually close to 400 (mn water) and after is zero tds and chloramine. the 50gpd is easily upgraded to 100gpd with better efficiency by getting an automated waste/booster pump. don't waste money on a uv filter unless you can't easily put a uvb/uvc led in your holding tank(s). also go with resin canisters than can be refilled. people putting salts back into their processed water are retarded unless it's to prevent corrosion to stainless steel. good luck
>>2892071i used a berkey for a little while when i lived in the bay area, these end up smelling like shit if the water is in there for longer than a few days. also takes forever to filter and doesn't take the soapy taste out of cali's poisonwater
used milli-q, just don't get a discontinued model with no cartridges available