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Anyone here tried making their own non-sticky cleaning gel to remove dust and grime in places and environments where air blower won't work?

Commercial available gels are hit and miss with wildly varying grime-absorbing properties and stickyness, many are useless toy slimes marketed as cleaning gels.
I had great results using Xiaomi Clean-n-Fresh Gel but it has not been available anywhere for a while now.
Another consistent option is, I shit you not, Genshin Impact Hydro merch, but it's way overpriced for its expected usefulness (one can is barely enough to thoroughly clean one PC) and it tends to grow mold after a while.
Xiaomi lists ingredients: guar gum, water, ethanol and phycocyanin - no exact recipe but how hard can it possibly be to replicate?

Problem is, apparently making slime out of any random household ingredients is a thing now, and people do it with no purpose other than being amused and disgusted by it, so any info on actual useful cleaning gels is drowned in tons of useless articles and videos.
Would car detailing clay work? It's sticky and designed to pick up dirt without scratching
use a vacuum cleaner with the brush attachment faggot
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Sure I would do that if I ever need to sneakily destroy my components with static buildup and claim warranty.
Also I'd rather not blow the dust cloud all over my tiny apartment in the middle of winter, by using canned air or compressors.

Should probably work on case parts, but it does not seem soft enough to safely fill gaps and envelop pcb components, tiny internal fan blades etc.
But thanks for giving my retarded esl ass a new keyword, looking up "detailing gel" I dug up one that matches xiaomi ingredients, made by Dspiae - chinese manufacturer of plastic model tools.
Still not a permanent solution as it too might disappear without warning, guess I'll have to do some trial and error grade school tier chemistry experiments myself.
>i refuse to do this the easy way because i insist on doing the job in the wrong enviroment. i am way too much of a pussy to go outside, for 5 minutes and clean my shit. i must do this the hardest, most expensive and least effective way possible. i am a retard which is why im posting here.

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so what? heres my outside. the job takes 30 seconds. youre just a pussy manchild in need of a tampon.
>the job takes 30 seconds
Do you just blast PC case holes with compressed air and hope it blows all the dust out, without disassembling it, or what?
pretty much.

if the dust has evidence of grease or stickyness ok ill open the psu but nowadays most psus dont even have fans.
Get some of those sticky gecko/hand toys, it's like fake silicone.
i do crack the pc case btw.
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>nowadays most psus dont even have fans
Anyway you do you, I enjoy the process of disassembling and thoroughly cleaning my PCs every now and then.

>varying grime-absorbing properties and stickyness, many are useless toy slimes marketed as cleaning gels.
The non-sticky xiaomi were not only good for dust, I could leave one for a short while on top of some stains on a desk and after removing it desk surface would be as good as new.
Most sticky ones leave visible residue on wood and get absorbed into fabrics.
>be me, work in mining
>salt dust everywhere regardless if office or field
>i spec and order lots of pcs servers etc for production.
>most new dells are small form factor so the psu is a brick and no fans inside
>the last 20 desktops for drafters i ordered for ppl were fanless psus from factory
>last 750w psu i ordered was fanless
>corsair now offers 1100w fanless

>you do you
must be nice to have all that neet time
>Sure I would do that if I ever need to sneakily destroy my components with static buildup and claim warranty.
stop being a faggot, this shit is a myth.
>static buildup
Have we regressed to 90s-quality components?
Computer components are indeed susceptible to static, retard, that's why they are all shipped in static control bags and they recommend a grounding strap when handling them.
Fucking learn something instead of being openly stupid.
I bet you still use those wrist straps out of fear when assembling your PCs. Here's a fun experiment: pull out and old system you don't care about and try to kill it with static. Vacuum it while it's plugged in and operating. Build up some static on a rug and intentionally shock it. Rig up a 12v battery and start poking at live circuits. The worst you're going to see is a reboot. The components will survive.
>Fucking learn something instead of being openly stupid.
You're right, I never had to test on this specific scenario to get my degree or state licensure in EE.
>Sure I would do that if I ever need to sneakily destroy my components with static buildup and claim warranty.
>Also I'd rather not blow the dust cloud all over my tiny apartment in the middle of winter, by using canned air or compressors.

>stop being a faggot, this shit is a myth.

>Be me
>House fire. Insurance is being faggots and not going to cover shit that should be covered.
>Fuck it, I'll say my computer and a couple other electronics that honestly did get wet were destroyed from the water from fighting the fire.
>Hose computer down with water and turn it on. It shuts down immediately.
>That should do the trick
>Computer dries out after a while and I try it again just for the hell of it
>Fucker works perfectly...
Try my booger technique.
Use Grease/oil to ball up loose dust with the stickiness and soften old gunks then clean it off with your regular cleaner. Water based solution doesn't work.

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