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hello /diy/
planning to host game servers from my home network
my current obstacle as i conceptualize this is deciding how I want external connections to be passed to my game server while minimizing the risk of suffering a ddos attack on my home network
should i:
>rent a cheap vps that is capable enough to serve as the game server's front end which passes external connections received by the VPS through a wireguard tunnel to my Home Server
>research optimal practices for mitigating effects from ddos attacks (experience from other /diy/ home server anons would help greatly)
>what is cloudflare

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>tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about
let's say i want to run a garry's mod instance on debian and i don't want to pay enterprise prices because consumer grade cloudflare protection doesn't provide udp protocol support, especially for things like game servers.
maybe if i was a full scale vps/game server provider this would be up my avenue but i'm simply a retard on a forum asking for advice on how to do it myself on a do it yourself board whereas your masterclass /diy/ solution is to have someone else do it
Do people still DDoS? I thought that was just a thing like 10 years ago
minecraft anarchy community is plagued with 10 year olds on a 10 year old server
not even funny how many youngings will go through the trouble of learning how to set up a botnet just to ddos mineyman rivals
but thats just one example of ddosing and not really relevant concerning my home server .
1) zero trust udp is free for up to 50 users, but youre right it doesn't directly deliver common game servers without exposure. this is diy and i assumed a diy game.
2) youve provided no specs, requirements, how big of a ddos, if the servers are meant to be by invite, or anything generally useful
3) no single/small handful of servers can ever stop a ddos.
4)if u wanna diy something like this setup as many reverse proxies as you can to your home network. nginx works.
5)if you dont make yourself a target you most likely wont be ddosed.
>but i'm simply a retard on a forum
yes, yes you are
>2) youve provided no specs, requirements, how big of a ddos, if the servers are meant to be by invite, or anything generally useful

i dont need to have specifications mixed into a context which only talks about wireguard tunnels, you don't need my specifications either to communicate a common standard one might consider for ddos mitigation either, redundant point and points like this one are redundant
>i wanna resist a ddos a la diy
>i dont wanna tell you how much ddos traffic i wanna resist
>i dont wanna talk geofencing
>i dont want to provide useful information that can help create strategies other than a reverse proxy while keeping costs low and bandwidth high
welp then enjoy the irrational fear of ddos you vague faggot
>i'm simply a retard
Yeah, and probably illiterate because you posted this on the wrong fucking board.
Install pfsense and Suricata and some good rule list

If you don’t have the skills to do that, rent a cheap VPS and run the game server on that
I moved from pfsense to opnsense a few years ago. give it a look.
>Do people still DDoS?
No. Only that nigger Matthew Prince so he can extort self hosters.
you should get a reverse proxy
Whatever you do, don't host it on your home network. Gaming server drama is vicious.
Cloudflare only does HTTP DDOS mitigation and they recently added Minecraft too.
I really suggest getting a VPS from a specialized gaming server provider.
People keep mentioning reverse proxies here but that doesn't apply to gaming servers. Sure, you could set up a reverse proxy to tunnel traffic through a VPS which would solve the problem of exposing your home IP but this would introduce a lot of extra latency.

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