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If it says 30% on the machine is that 30% penetration or 30% cleaning?
Read the manual?

Got a miller dynasty dx 200 manual lying around?

What do people have against answering questions. I wouldn't have asked humans on 4chan if i knew such a straightforward thing. Obviously it's easier to read the manual than ask people who like to be dismissive. Please have compassion.
Nigger just try it. You can clearly see while welding if it's doing high cleaning low heat transfer or doing low cleaning high heat transfer. If it's not doing cleaning properly on either end of the setting range, you have oxygen in your gas or turbulent gas flow from the cup.
>Got a miller dynasty dx 200 manual lying around?
Took 5 whole seconds
>anon doesn’t realize the internet has more than one use
>Got a miller dynasty dx 200 manual lying around?

The manuals are a free download. Why didn't your search engine point ya thusly?

>I wouldn't have asked humans on 4chan if i knew such a straightforward thing.

Not knowing how to internet is tragic, but for vehicles and other equipment just search name or names + "factory service manual". Remember that because it works for many things notably vehicles and equipment.


Miller have training videos too. Study is free so don't try to avoid it which just takes longer and leaves more gaps. There is nothing new to be learnt about welding, just "new to you" so master the basics before fucking about and you'll be happier.

https://forum.millerwelds.com/ have some skilled welders and welder repair techs besides being a good place to post your welds (including filler used and machine settings for which a pic works well) for feedback.

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