I’ve been collecting rainwater in 5 gallon buckets. Is there any market for this? No one has responded to my facebook marketplace for them. How much do people usually charge for 5 gallons of rainwater?Have I been wasting my time?
>>2883638>Have I been wasting my time?Yes.
>>2883638Yes, use the buckets to draw mosquitoes into laying their eggs then strain the larva out and let em die.
>>2883650I would like to sell the water for extra income, I am not interested in insects
>>2883638Yes, you and this post are a waste of time.
>>2883638>I’ve been collecting rainwater in 5 gallon buckets.>Is there any market for this?no
>>2883654there is nothing special about rain water.
>>2883638I will pay you $5 per bucket to see you pour them out on homeless individuals.
>>2883638Market it as MAGA FREEDOM WATER and get retards to buy it
>>2883671I heard it was healthier, like raw milk is
>>2883677rainwater can have contaminents from the air as well as from the roof or whatever you are collecting it from, also this is the stupidest fucking thing ive ever seen. nobody buys rainwater especially since they can get their own for free.. WHEN IT RAINS. you fucking retard.
>>2883677It is. But only if collected directly from the sky. If caught off of rooves and gutters then it's full of bird and squirrel feces.
>>2883685I place my buckets outside before it rains in the middle of my yard with window mesh over them to only allow in water.>>2883684I’m not sure I fully believe you
>>2883689>I’m not sure I fully believe youwell thats your problem. theres dirt in the air and other stuff. just cause you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there. also, go drown yourself in one of those buckets of water cause this is still a dumbfuck idea and nobody is going to pay for a 5 gallon bucket of free water. the people on marketplace are smarter than you are thats for sure
>>2883689>in the middle of my yard with window mesh over them to only allow in waterIs that clearly stated in your add?
>>2883699Yes. I also offer UV light sanitization if people want to request it, but I let them know that ruins the probiotics.It’s good water
>>2883702Don't be a jerk if some asks if the water is still available, it is FBM's stock reply.
>trying to sell rainwater
>>2883718If you have a water meter then you're probably buying a combination of well water and rain water.
>>2883638>he doesnt know that the water we use comes from the sky and you already pay for it from the water company
>>2883675Get back to rotting in your hole,demotranny. Imagine being so autistic, you're still seething this hard about getting btfo.
>>2883638your ip has been logged youve been reported to the epa and all additional local authoritieshow dare you steal that water and circumvent the permit process and excise taxation?we live in a society and its scofflaws like you that make it worse for the other hardworking citizens to achieve ownershipless utopia
>>2883736>your ip has been loggedyou need to try harder you stupid ass newfag
>>2883675kek your first customer, OP >>2883732
>>2883685>But only if collected directly from the sky.except that it is full of dirt and whatever contaminants are in the air. so no it is not better.
>>2883754this was already mentioned earlier. next time read the entire thread before replying newfag.
>>2883689>I’m not sure I fully believe youpeople often ignore the wisdom of others because they get an idea in their head and want it to be right.many people (including you) come here because they want us to say "good job anon, well done, great idea) but in this case your idea is dumb.
>>2883702>but I let them know that ruins the probiotics.if mold and mildew is a "probiotic" sure.
>>2883638this thread has to be a joke right....?
>>2883755no. fuck off.
Simply fill your buckets with regular water from the tap or toilet then market it as rain water
>>2883768>Simply fill your buckets with regular water from the tap or toiletuhm you are an idiot. most people have to pay for water so this defeats the purpose of retarded OP wanting to sell free water. you are just as dumb as OP
>>2883754Where do you think tap water comes from?
>>2883778The tap (???)
>>2883778>the water company sends untreated dirty water to customers>this idiot thinks thats how it worksget a load of this guy
>>2883671Not true; many plants (especially those in containers and exotic plants) don't tolerate municipally supplied water well and need real rainwater to thrive.>Rainwater is 100% soft water>Rainwater is slightly acidic—naturally! Green gardeners know that most organically grown plants prefer soil pH levels between 5.5 and 6.5. This is on the acidic side of the neutral pH 7, and by nature’s design, it is the exact pH range for rainwater.>Stored rainwater contains some organic matter... It’s like a light application of fertilizer every time you water.>Rain contains nitrates—an important macro-nutrient. Rainwater contains nitrate – the most bio-available form of nitrogen. Nitrogen is one of the three key macro-nutrients that plants need to thrivehttps://www.ecolandscaping.org/08/developing-healthy-landscapes/ecological-landscaping-101/rainwater-for-gardens-why-plants-love-rainwater-best/
>>2883732i mean he's right, yall motherfuckers buy up those "prepper buckets" like it's not just repackaged shit from grocery store shelves at a 400% premium.
>>2883813Yeah lol, I have 3 and 5 gallon buckets full of beans and rice I've gotten for free/cheap over the years.
>>2883815Concession accepted.
>>2883638>How much do people usually charge for 5 gallons of rainwater?'bout tree-fiddy
>>2883827>>2883805It’s the Chlorine.
>>2883677its water. moron. yknow the thing thats most fucking common on our planet.
>>2883841Ok but that doesn't explain why people aren't buying it. If they can collect it themselves is there a way for me to sabotage that so they have to buy mine?
>>2883638>I’ve been collecting rainwater in 5 gallon buckets.>Is there any market for this? No one has responded to my facebook marketplace for them. How much do people usually charge for 5 gallons of rainwater?>Have I been wasting my time?I've been bottling and selling mine as drinkable water. I add a little Chlorox to kill any microbes and then explain it as alkaline pH adjustment. I get about $3 per liter for it. I found cheap 1L bottles on Amazon and I print the labels myself at home.
>>2883671>there is nothing special about rain water.My post-WWII Polish immigrant mom collected rain water (and melted snow on the winter) and after straining it thru a couple of paper towels in a colander, used it for a rinse after washing her hair.I can confirm a rainwater rinse leaves your hair super soft and at least for my mom, she still had a full head of (white) hair when she passed at 86.
>>2883852you gotta sink, nigga. everyone got sinks, nigga, we bath in water, nigga, we wash dishes with it, nigga, we jerk off with waterbased lube nigga, we DRINK it nigga.
>>2883894But I'm collecting rainwater it is better than drug contaminated water pumped in by the government to pacify and control us
>>2883895this man drank tap water once (1) and got this. any questions?
>>2883638You need to dogfood it, drink your own rainwater for a year, shower in it, do dishes with it... if you can't apply it like this you have nothing to trade, no one is interested in buying an amateur's untested experiment unless it's easy scrap e.g. the amateur bought expensive materials for it with money, and rainwater isn't that.
>>2883638Use magnets to filter out the tiny metallic meteorite pebbles that the rain washed down.Then do something cool and artistic with it. Like forging an alien looking knife or whatever, get creative
>>2883702>probioticsAH HAHAHAHAHA
>>2883894sir this is a 4chan you can say nigger here
>>2883736whatever happened to dumpster squad?
>>2883863Rip your mom man. Hope all is well
>>2884476racism outside of /b/ is a bannable offense. lurk moar newfag
>>2884938Pools clozed
>>2883638Bucket included?
>>2884994Yes, but it’s a container redemption program. The buckets are 5 dollars, but that is a one time fee if they bring them back when buying more rain water.
>>2885128Aren't you concerned that the customer will just keep the bucket and collect their own rain water?
>>2885251delet post before monsanto uses your idea
>>2883677>like raw milk israw milk isnt healthier than heat treated milk, it is full of cow hormones and other stuff specifically aimed at letting baby cows grow optimally, not humans. Nobody knows what that stuff realyl does in the human body, it can even penetrate the blood brain barrier. Drink heat treated milk only.
I do use a lot of rainwater for my orchids which do not like chlorinated flourinated hard tapwater at all. But I would never BUY it, not even for just a dollar a bucket.
>>2883756^This may be the most useful function of /diy/>>2883759Of course. Nobody with enough brain cells to type a poast would ask that shit unironically.
>>2883863It's demineralized by the water cycle which acts as a global solar still. Of course whatever shit provided the tiny particles upon which rain drops form is also collected. Idiots askwhat they should have learnt early in grade school. OP is clearly trolling or breathtakingly stupid.>>2883895You can purify any water but you're stupid so you fixate on rain. If I could kill you and everyone like you the world would be a better place with much higher collective intelligence. You deserve to die for existing. I've never even met a porch primate that ignorant.
>>2884994Of course plastic leaches and outgasses so the container must be labware or glass canning jars to prevent contamination.
>>2883704Why not? It shows they put zero effort into replying. It's as lazy as just putting a (you)
i heard about how in the west it's illegal to collect rainwater from you guys so i believe this thread
>>2883671Even if it gave you immortal life, it would be made moot by the fact that, you know, it falls from the fucking sky
>>2883852Is this the same retard that thought he could make a hydroelectric generator from his tap cause it's free he paid nothing for it a couple years ago?>1 minuteYeah yeah I know
>>2883675Black Rifle Agua. Liquid Suffering 24oz cans. We collect our 100% pure rain water in 5 gallon batches allowing natural entomologic probiotics to infuse your drink. Our current flavors of Storm Drain and Tangy Tangerine are a must for your family in a time of grid power out or critical event. God, air, and water are your first needs for your family's survival. We offer 5 gallon monthly subscriptions of $9.11. Patriots, don't let you or your loved ones go thirsty
>>2883638People like you are the reason California burned, you took all the water