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File: screencleaner.jpg (190 KB, 1500x1500)
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How do I clean my monitor? Everywhere I look says to use distilled water with a microfiber cloth. I do not have distilled water. Surely tap water will be fine?
Tap water has estrogen in it. Estrogen will cause your monitor to be greasy like a mustard tiger. Will never get it clean.
No minerals in tap water will leave streaks on your screen/glass/car paint/fascia delete as applicable. Like you already learnt
>hey, /diy/ I've asked a bunch times in different places but will you give me another answer
>sure anon, try blasting a tap water enema at your screen
Gets rid of the estrogen by absorbing it into your own system
Thread died etc.
The viability of tap water depends on how hard it is. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a really low level of dissolved solids.
Just buy screen cleaner if you're concerned. it's not that expensive and they don't need to be cleaned that often.
tap water may not be enough to wipe cum-stains off.
I use window cleaner and paper towels.
just use isopropil alcohol.
This. Drink the alcohol before cleaning, and you'll feel much better about not having distilled water.
I literally use Pine-Sol.

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