>job: Diesel Technician Trainee (but could be any other mechanical job I've applied to)>doesn't even start for over 6 months>you need 1 years experience in the thing the job is supposed to be training you to do before you get the job that trains you to do it>list experience working on stuff with vehicles, small engines non professionally>worked in manufacturing, job wasn't explicitly repairing equipment, but because everyone else was dumb or lazy I ended up being the go to guy for building jigs, repairing machines etc>still don't get even a response>repeat several times at several places>often these are up for months>even apply to be the lot sweeper>nothingWhy is it so hard to find work? I've been taking apart and repairing things for probably 17 years at this point, done just about anything you could work on in the realm of what the average person has access to. I've watched heavy equip, machining videos for fun for years, I have a shop. Do I need to change my name to Pajeet LarToiletsar, list my experience rebuilding engines on the side of the road in India and apply for an H1B to even get an email at this point?Seems like the only hope of making 50k a year is just trying to start a handyman business at this point.
>>2885428It’s fucking bullshit. It’s either shear luck or it’s “who you know and who you blow”. Cue the faggot brigade that met the above criteria telling you all you need is a firm handshake and looking them in the eye because it’s still 1948.
>>2885430>listing says it won't accept in person applicationsShould I just put a handshake emoji, or an AI generated image of me shaking their hand in my resume?
>>2885428Since you have a shop, you should find business for it.
>>2885585Not commercial building shop, I machine tools and garage full of shit strewn about.I would buy one if I could though.
>>2886181Sounds like a shop. Put an ad in the paper and see what happens
>>2885428A large number of job postings are bullshit to allow the employer to exploit government programs. Contradictory requirements exist to allow them to plausibly deny hiring normal citizens.The government doesn't care either since they've fallen for Goodhart's Law. It's like the Dead Internet theory but applied to the job market.
>>2885428Every job I've had I got by walking into the place and speaking with the owner. Usually (but not always) I suck his dick and then the job is mine.
>>2886848I don't suck dick but I've had good luck avoiding job postings and applying directly to places that do what I want to doOnline job postings get swamped by hundreds of retards, better to drop a resume on them unsolicited
>>list experience working on stuff with vehicles, small engines non professionally>>worked in manufacturing, job wasn't explicitly repairing equipment, but because everyone else was dumb or lazy I ended up being the go to guy for building jigs, repairing machines etcyou should just fudge the truth and say you are a professional machine repairman or whatever
>>2885428I'm currently in the exact same boat. I've been working on cars for the better part of a decade, have several projects where I've literally built the thing from the sheet metal up - some involving extensive fabrication and design work. I've worked as a CNC machinist for 1.5yr and had an automation engineering internship which lasted about 6 months. about to graduate with my bachelors in mechanical engineering from a pretty decent school with literally the best grades I know of in my class and I can't even get a fucking callback. double difficulty is I'm trying to move out of state, so anything I apply for has to be online. I'm also applying to a lot of defense industry positions, so it's not even like the jobs are being competed for by foreigners because it's all held under ITAR. The only people I know who are actually getting offers are the black people and the women (and my background is objectively stronger than any of them), so what the fuck.>>2886848this too. I don't recall ever having an interview and not being offered a position afterwards, but I can't even get to the interview stage at this rate. I've finally gotten one phone interview scheduled a few weeks from now after applying to probably 50 positions.
>>2886848Thank you for your service.
>won't accept in person applicationsWhat are they going to do call the cops?
>>2893974they'll throw the application into the garbage without even looking at it.
>>2893974This probably means they don't even have a hiring dept. They out source it for legal reasons so the people that decided they need a body don't evenhave any choice of who gets hired.
It’s like Karate Kid or Willow or Fight Club. Just ignore that shit and go sleep outside their office
>>2885428A lot of these places are just harvesting resumes, looking to bank up potential employees to replace ones they chase away.Check out the company's reviews on Indeed or Glassdoor or similar, and I bet you see poor to mediocre, especially from those in the position you're applying for. There is a lot of turnover of field service techs and similar, because a lot of the larger companies treat their techs like dogshit, and they are running out of people who have that magic combination of training and inexperience who'll fall for their recruiting pitch.
>>2893978They can't do that. If they do you can then sue them for illegal hiring practices.
>>2885428>apply to job as a service tech>get asked if i can come sometime today for an interview>"yes I can, what time should I be there">no responseIm 99% sure some manager was waving my response in front of a wagie saying he can replace him by the end of the day.
>>2889176I made a suggestion like this to a friend (who knew a tiny bit of German) that he should just list German as a known language on his resume and during the interview process the interviewer just asked some questions in German and he looked like a total fucking idiot lmao
>>2886848I never have to suck dick to get jobs but my personal no dick sucking policy has held me back from a lot of promotions. I show up and put in honest work and greet passed up every time, then some random faggot gets hired, dick rides the foreman every chance he gets and gets the promotion.
>>2894160>some random faggot gets hired, dick rides the foreman every chance he gets and gets the promotionso i recently found out that its suppose to be a metaphor. don't be autistic like me ang end up fired for being said faggot
>>2894929Sounds like you didn't ride it good enough if you got fired.