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>first time trying to do model painting
>Fuck up and put too much primer
>wife points out nail polish remover sister left out on her bathroom sink
>leave it to soak in solo cup for a second on edge of kitchen sink
>turn around and see it fucking melted
>pic rel
We put olive oil + vinegar, is there anything else that we can do? Grandma's gonna be pissed.
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Here's what it did to the mech, the mech itself is mostly okay, I can feel where it's softened on the thinnest parts but the base is absolutely fucked
I took a whiff of the remover stuff right before I used it and my head still hurts
Unironically use the remover to remove the melted plastic off the cabinet.
Nail polish remover is generally slightly diluted acetone with some moisturizer so it doesn’t dry your nails out to powder, if it’s making your head hurt make sure your wife’s sister isn’t using car enamel to paint her nails.
acetone is biologically pretty harmless, in fact it’s a metabolic byproduct produced inside your body. It will however fuck plastic amazingly as you have discovered.
Tried this, even looked away for a minute while scrubbing to make sure it wasn't placebo... It was. I think it has soaked into the wood.

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