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>can't be sharpened
imagine being stupid
Here's your sharpener bro
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I am stupid
but there's a sharpened one right there in your image
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Any carpenter worth his salt always has a utility knife on him.
>can't roll off your work surface
>dumbass without a knife
>can't be sharpened
why? are you retarded?
Just use a regular pencil and put a binder clip on it to keep it from rolling

People overthink stuff, I swear
You're over thinking it, building supplies and lumber yards don't sell no. 2 pencils and binder clips, they have carpenter pencils though.
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I can steal both from work tho
Wouldn't use a cutoff saw, but a stationary belt sander or grinder is absolutely awesome if you want to pre-sharpen a bunch of them.
but anon I can't grab a regular pencil in my leg pocket as easily, they're just too small
Why would I do that when I get a free one of these every time I go to the lumber yard?
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>>can't be sharpened
Working as a carpenter? Are you installing some cabinets in the kitchen for an office space?
OPs retarded, hes not allowed to handle blades
Chicago Electric
I work in an office and woodwork as a hobby.
regular pencil
>makes a fine point
>eraser works on paper

carpenter's pencil
>can be carved to a fine point with a utility knife
>wider lead is useful for coarse surfaces, shading, and it holds a point longer
>the pencil itself is useful for 1/4" and 1/2" measurement

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