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My dog can jump my chain link now. Is there something I can maybe clip onto the top railings to extend it higher a bit until I redo the whole thing? Even if its not something strong, it'll discourage him.
train your dog
shock collar perimeter
barb wire coils
install larger fence
install duplicate fence atop current fence reinforced for appropriately tall 4x4
Chicken wire and cable ties. Overlap the chicken wire to the chain link fence then secure with cable ties. Not very sophisticated, but it'll work short-term. Or some wooden poles inside the fence and hang fabric netting off it and attach the bottom of the net to the top of the chain link fence.
Neighbor had a lab that would jump a full height 6' fence. At se point it's training
Not a bad idea but would chicken wire be able to stand up on its own just zipped to the top like that? Its usually pretty flimsy.
You gotta raise the fence height all at once. If you just gradually raise the height the dog will just slowly get better and better at jumping until not even Trump's border fence will be able to stop him. It's like antibiotic resistant bacteria.
If you don't stop him now you never will. I had a boxer that'd jump fucking 8' fences, all I could do was put a big 75' anchor chain out and make sure he couldn't even get to the fence to stop him.
At that point you should dig a trench or put barbed wire at the top. After he fucks himself up good he'll stop.

Dogs are nuts. I saw a very large retriever jump an 8 foot wood fence once. Big fucker catapulted himself to the top, grabbed on & pulled himself over. It was something to see.
AR15 would fix your problem
coyote rollers
put trump signs up all the way around your yard - that will discourage him but the folks who live around you will hate you and they will piss on your fence daily
His corpse.
one trick is to curve the fence inwards so there's an overhang, should give you an effective height of another foot if done right
barb wire
Himalayan Blackberry
time to make your dog a pirate
see how little faggot can jump with a peg leg
String treble hooks on 200 lb test
Keep it on a leash so when it jumps it hangs itself over the other side. People and their goddamn stupid fucking dogs
Run electric fence tape along the inside of the fence on standoffs. Folks I know with car-chasing dogs inside keep Fido at home with this.
my cow had a calf
I lift the calf every day
three years later, I now lift cows


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